The Clinton New Era, 1900-03-09, Page 4MR1'011 14(1900 have at we Advertise 44-411104414414114414114ii44i4ii4it444 444 41148144140404444ii4ii444 when we advertise „certain goods you can' rely upon us having thexn. i the store -and when you, ask for them' you can depend upon getting them at the • prices advertised. We don't advertise ler a bait. The actual goods arethere, and inorethan we canitell you of in advertisement. This weeiklwe tell you of some spe- dal values in Wash Goods. AIR 44iiii48i4it441441441411444 Alai IP 411441 *ill Mill 4444t 444 4:104 New Ginghams Zde,inct very neat checks and stripes.colors of blue, pink. red and white, warranted fast colors, just the thing for rbildren's wear, special I 2 ic value at jrom ust received Silk Lawns in a fine assort- fNew York ment of the newest shades of • inue,ceriseanauve, etc„ in 'stripes • and fancy designs, for dresses and Jenuees, very moderately priced at per yard 25e Looks like silk,feels like _ silk, and will wear better than silk. Persian Stripes a very new and stylish wash goods with the corded stripe, full 29 in- ches wide, in colors of navy, eky, pink, mauve and white. warran- ted fast color% per Yard .. 25c Chambray in colors olufli% • ine es wide, war- ranted teegive Al wear, fastcra- m, extra, value at 1 50. in colors American Percale ef navl,' pink,sky and white, in stripes only,,full 38 • inches wide, fast • colors, 1 ne • special at , 1 4/1 , Blouse Prints 84 inches wide:- E_.nglish prints stripes only, coloei•of pink, blue, mauve, etc., tine soft &debjust the thing for 2%e blouses, special at per yard White Muslins Itecksfaanneci Istrips,27 to 30 inches wide, fine soft finish, for ladies' and " children's • wear, I Prices.. 21A I fic 86 20° IltittlItilltit!IIMIrlInViillt? rmIttitrittimttirt EXTRA -41"TRACTI.ON Sa.tUPdAY OS) Monday _ 600 Men's Under _ wear at 38c Men's fleeced union and all woc.1 underwear, assorted sizes, re- gular prices 50c and 60c each, to clear on Saturday Q 8 e„ and Monday, at •v • 380 Men's Neck Scarfsfor 19e • Men's neck scarfs in light' and dark colors, some with silk stripes, regular prices 80c and 38c, choice Saturday or 1 9e Monday for • icc Flannelette for 6e 1 piece only, about 60 yards, of Flannelette, light blue, lull 35 inches wide, very heavy qua- • ty, regular value llec, 60 to clear Saturday at • opip • 20b English Shaker for 150 1 piece only English Shaker In . brown and white check, suit- able for men's line shirt% regu- • lar 20c quality, Saar- I rte • day or Monday, per yord I ir 50Q Boys' Astra-, _chan Caps for 250 • 12 Bove' Grey and Black Caps, Made of good qtrality Astra - char', regular price 50c, age .,t9; 0.1Val'..10a„eanb si • Children's Wool Caps and -Hoods for 19c Children's wool caps and hoods, • ell sizes and colors, ranging In price from 25c to 50c, choice Saturday or Monde* 'fr 1 9e • Children's Over stockings for 12%0 Children's wool overstockings in coleys of red, white, bluearink, also black, regular 25e, phoice . •2 Saturday or Mendel' 1 2Y0- $1 Corsets for 74e Ladies' Corsets, made of good - quality sateen, steel filled, long waist, guaranteed to give good wear, Saturcley or Mons day per. ..... 74 0 Children's 74e Grey Astrachan Gauntlets for 49c - Tone *hey Back If YOu Want , . -4-- ' .fdditlonal Local News itextta Ottgeala MATCH. -The re- turn cheeker match, betWeed the clubs of Brucefield and Clinton, came off at Clinton, on Tuesday evening of test week, and resulted in a second victory for the Orucelleld boys, the score being. I 11 to 10. For anything requiring good. hard work, Brucefield can generally hold its own. The following is the sore t- satrowers). col:Tow. inows. e,sc rh................ 4 Cooke..l.....• 8 ••••••0ri' 4 hannaum2 8 Mimi 0 ?8 .Tohnton.•.. f t..••V•gO1. .ktge ede,etg""'i()0011 Mt 1 Novo...., 2 0 if ' B istmer..rif the preeession of the eel. .braitlon hot Thursday W.11, Lough, Overhery, 1. Bearnertd0 and .1* Dopy were prominent With their ren- tals rtdd medals. San. Hearne made an afirealletit• "double" of Gen; Beller, and loaf:Me:tete:ft at the head of the pro. soseiori,. Sit if tottunending it body In Us. The bfg bon fire at night Was a CLINTON grand finale to thedayfirdevaonstration. Many' hav.a kept the programs for the day which were printed at the NEW „Erta office, as mementos otthe event. A Loszat SON OE Bil1irarg.-0e: re- ceipt of the good news we were receiv- ing of the great succees of the British arms in South Africa, Bert. Kerr thought It would please hit old friend, 'Harry Reid, Calumet, Mich., to futons him of the relief of Ladysmith by Gen - evil Buller, and tnerefore Rent hiin • telegram. The Salm day Bert. receiv- "ed. the following irt reply r.-"Congratus league. God save the Queen. Signed SWUM" Barry will he remember:A here by neatly every person, as he Was IrOffilelly eteployed With Allen As Wil. son, druggist, (now S. jackson.) Re in it. Itlyar And patriotic son of old Britain, and has it big heart for the land of his hirth, (anada, the land of • the maple.• We learn that he is. prole, pering In Calumet, 46 well ail many °theta who have crossed the line. May they all defile* but never forget . Can- s ads, fide Omuta*, their country, -) 0 TEE CLINTON NEW ERA *************************IM ita ebortbObaingli; but thete le --lme Tar; Pomo= CoNerarr.-Tile ereville.-Mise T. Akam-is rigor a member * „ .... thing Its opponens cannot riper, and Fa fitt,1:.,:tweitkeen gjefAilvifaiturieottin,figain rlichoiwcp: hnzl ii,;,,,,ii tilitry/i:lire..-evn,ikentt 14%11141 7: liwentof: ae nr.y(!pecnxei that le, that there Is cc:eruption or been .ewurInFcaelle°h5aleTtetrhiezeidetttinee agretn°"etrmOcot:l. ess than that which broke over the cellentaendil ion by '1'. if. fluraphreyv of impropriety bite been Proven against vicinity, on Thursday ' last. Every- ernment. UP to date, not one charge Clinton citizens, and amay from the -.Mier Bennett dealt with the subject, "True riche." at the Le9gue PO Mon" . it in 4 tins connection. The Liberals porterolaiesbuirbabnlect zarmiwasinath. loyalty, daTyheevepnaimi ie social, *given by ehe, don't raid the Treartury forithebepetit Junior League of Ontario St. riletho. wits not a discordant voice anywhere of their friende. Some papers do publish the laigges-t- stursumnyarAtbrielec:remishoaugievehogf4 tile ccaseleeb, roe; don of the succeesesof the British In dist church, twat Friday, 'evening, wite a grand euccess. The basensent was kind of rot linagineble, as instance a decorated with flags and flower% A paragraph going the rounds to the et• good pro earn was rendered. vilinb the tiara wave that moves regnittrill feet that "J'. G. Sneteinger, the Liberal wise as fol owe ; -The opening hymn, over the wandering foam, and Is not repreeentative of Stormont, had be. ; come so disgusted with his party,•that The Maple Leaf address by the chairmen, Rev B. Clement ; solo, "To he Intended to resign his treat before the end of the session.". Now, there the tront,',T. R. Latornel ; address, 1)r isn't a. particle of truth in the item, Shaw; solo,"Soldiers of the Queen,"W4 ' Mr Snetsinger and the member for j. Rose; piano: solo Mrs W. New- ' ************kkkirit*******Oric West atir°0 aro desk"knatest and the combe ; solo, 'The) absent minded i ' contradiction cameo from himself. Mr• • •beggar,"- .T.-- -H;•-- Bunn:nitre-a- •--rn71 -.141,,,,. , notion toot,-,• -,„ Adi• Suetsinger hair 11.00)30Y to burn," and ReJackson " them , etrurnente.I duett, Missee Lily' and i ea- I k ",-Y/7 IF he would rather enjoy We than bother na ; solo. Tell -,-,1 s about anything Owe, but it is absolute- 1 have gone," Master Taunton Wood- i iRIDAY, MARCH 0 1900. " ly untrue to say that he has any differ- roan, ; soliiime _Fannie Shipley. ence whateverwith his party. • The able accompanist was Miss A. • Gibbing% After the prom -turn refresh- gjeW AtitiertifititlentS relents were served by members of the Town Council. We don't -we do -S Jackson Patel Leagne, and a very pleasant evening _. . Was brunght to a dose by the National .itinotche.rerdnioe, 400inianod:So.gaiVealttenttodheoev20,:nlegaln..0"0. _The Manitoba Excursions EVERY TUESDAY during Meroli and april Excureiona will be no to Manitoba owl Weirton point. For rates and all informetion apply to V* POD011in Railway &Stormont) agent, Oilmen felt at all parts of the creet iiimultane• ously, the agitation for a patriotic con- cert did not take definite form until the very day, yet the enthusiasm which marked the demonstration was not one whit shaft of others. All honor to the citizens who contributed for tine -noble purpose by giving' tri the National Patriotic Fund. The concert was an unqualified enema in every pa:UMW. The large and commodious town hall was selected as the auditor- ium, end it was packed to the utroost- standing room was not to be had, and the hall way was crowded also. The concert started about 8.30 p. n3. after all outside celebrating had ended, and Mayor•Jackson presided as chairman. The program was giyen principally by localtalent, and was one of the best ever presented to ()linter' people, The young boy, and girl too, were there, and added enthusiastically to every cheer and applause ' by the ever een- spicuous tin or fog horn, which did service all day long. The program, as rendered, was as follows Address ' Mayor Jackson, chairman Scone .Maple Leaf.. .J• MurraCepew, British Lion Toronte. Songs • . ...... Britannia....Doherty rttete. Medley - Speech W. R. Lough Song.Soldiere of the Queenafr Savage,Toronte Speech... Dr. Shaw Song The Land of the Maple .. W. Ross Instrumental. „ • , Miss Mania Houston Song. The rstnervitch of Red..W.P.Spauldhur Bpoech- J. Houston Song....Scotland Forever. Air Barr, Stahomas The Queen of Merry England yiolin Selo. .......Miss Rena Jackson Song..Absent-minded Beggar . Humphrys Recitation.....Canada.. Miss Clara Mounteastle Accompanyists. -Misses D. Fair, A.:Gibbings and 14. Shannon. Messrs Depew, Savage and Barr were visitors in town, and very_ kindly helped with their talents in this worthy object. The numbers rendered by thern.certainly delighted the largo,. audience. The speeches of Dr Shaw, J. Houston and W. R. Lough were words of loyalty and patriotism ; their emarks were greeted with mudis ap- plause. The instrumentals by Miss Menie Houston and Miss Rena Jack- son were well executed on the piano and • violin respectively, and pleased theaudienerimmensely. The Doherty Quartette never appeared to better ad- vantage, while Messrs Spaulding. Ross and Humphrey& sang with stirring eftect ; the solos were appreciated and applauded. Miss. Mountcastle recited Lr a.splendid voice, bee productions are alwayrappreciated by every one who have the pleasure of hearing her. The accompanists filled their places well for which many thanks are due to each. When "The absent minded beggar," was being rendered by Mr Humjhreya. the•hat was passed arounu, and $21,50 were collected to be sent to -the Nation - 'al Petri/Arc Fund, to which will be -added $80, the proceeds of a jabs Patriotic ball, which makes over 'one hundred dollars contributed by Olin - Wonderful eye -Cooper's Book Store.... 0Wo can't -J? Melville . , 0 4 The regular monthly meeting was We have whet waadvertise-Xewcorabes Renewal saie-o cooper Oo 6 held on -Monday evening, with the To start -R Adams 6 wester in the chair, and all preset ex - Tion. the story- W L Ouhnette.. 5 cept Councillor Ford. Thie is the time -W L Oulmette.,... a Three communications were read by Binder twine -J M Platt We want butter -et E Xing,•5 (Merl/ Coats :-From Horace Foster, Wanted -Mrs E IA McLean s resigning as Collegiate Institute One - Beardless barley -Goo Middleten For Sale -J isdale 5 tee; from 4. B. Hoover and 23 others, a 6 5 asking for the erection of an eledriC Loat-Davis & Dvis Wanted -J Q Miller.,., -•- 6 light at the corner of North and Rea - Famous establishmert-Jackson Bros8 aenbury streets, which was referred to Tcon° cloWasist,i1resrianodgeos IhiiPinperty committee to report on; from A. T. Cooper and 69 others, ask. ing to allow bicycle riding onAlle side- • walks on certain conditios le, was left over foe further consideration peti- tion for granolithic sidewalk from Isaac to Orange streets, onnorth side of Soseph street. . • ' The mayor addressed the ceuncil. reviewing at length the work under- taken by the minimal 'association ab its meeting recently held in Hamilton, which he attended as a delegate from Clinton. -- • • - John Scruton, chief,:anel Chas. Hel- yar, captain, of, the Ore cegtorany; ad- dreseed the council. asking them to re- consider its aetion•in the appointment of a stoker'and to choose one from the ranks of the firereen. W. Beacom was appointed a. fire- man,'rellarty Giesler, resigned, on recommendation of the Fire • and Water committee, and M. D. • McTag- gart was appointed as Collegiate In- stitute -trustee, in place of Horace Foster, 'resigned. • • . . H. it Combs, chairman, reported for the. Finance committee :-Stavely memorial account -W. Coats, tce pair Evegs teaming,. $6.20 ; Street -W. accoutre, $167,68 ; Charity -Frank -When ley and W. Steep, snow plow- ing, $14.05; Property -W. B. Forster, wood, .$4,75 ; Electric Light -Lights ' for errewont's, less 5 nights, $56• • ; In- surance -J. Ridout,421. ; Cemetery. - R. Reynolds, salary, $18 ; Park -Jas. Fair, hiraber. $4.10; Postage and .Stas tionery-W; Coop& es 'Co., sundries, -40 cents; Incidental -W. Coate, sund- ries, $39.07,• total payments;. $341.25. Receipts -Jos. Wheatley, scales, am, . $34.90: R. Reynolds, sale of lots and work; $24; total, 3581)0. - After the adoption of it motion thanking the livery men for the free use of teams on Thursday last, during the eelebration, which. added very materially to such a succeeeful the council adjourned. • • Ottawa Letter. • AN • =FEU INSTITUTION It is announced that "tho Senate has resumed ite sitiingsl" and so little In- terest is taken n this institution, that had it not been for the announcement, very few people mould haveknown whether it Was sitting or not. I have dropped We the, Chamber occasion- ally, when id session; and never yet save more than 25 or, 30 Senators in • their placer, although there are 80 who draw sessional allowance. The infus- ion of new blood into it•xnay prolong its life, but It is it moribund concern, and must be wiped out sooner or later. It possesses no power to legielete for the general good, but, by a singular anomaly, has power to. destroy any legislation it likes. The public allure ions to it as "the Red Onamber" are due to the fact that the carpet, desk trimmings, and upholstering of the room generally, are it deep red color. The effect is decidedly ssmbre, and. sitting amid these surroundings, one, almost irresistibly feels disposed to in- dulge itt sleep. I believe there is a day coming when the sober sense of the people, regardless of party,' will abolish an ,expensive institution that has no responsibility to the . people whc, pay them, and that Serves no good end .overrif it had; Notwithstanding the presence of it large !lumber of my own party friends within he membership, I Mc•ve to abolish the Senate. • Who will second the motion. A TAXING POSIT;ON. The Speaker of the House, Hon. Thomas Bain, tills his position better. in our opinion, than did his predecess- nr. He reads the opening prayer with a deliberation anddevoutness that is seggestive of personal goodness, and he endeavors to be absolutely Impar- tial and fair, but his patience has been very,sorely taxed on several occasions this session.. Members of the Opposi- tion use oblectidnable ternss quite fre- quently concerning their opponents, taut let one of the Liberals bay any- bing about the other ride that they, revard as offensive, and there is a row straight off. To sae three or four members on their feet at once, each trying to speak, the rest of the House shouting "Order," and the Speaker hopelesslyarying to maintain it, in cer- tainly undignified in a parliamentary. body, but it has beenalmost a daily oc- currence this seesion, and seems to be growing worse instead of better. The Liberals in the BOUM take a verbal "pounding" , better than their oppon- ents. lf allusion is made to alleged in- consistencies or shortcomings of Lib - orale, they allow the 'man making the charges to proceed until be is through; then they go for him. But if it hap- pens that a Liberal is showing up a Conservative, the latter becomes un- easy as the debate proceeds, and soon rises to's pnitit of order, simply to di - Vert attention from the speech, and, between crest) firing and debate, the ROUESis in a tumult that would die - grace it lot often -year-old school boys. .And amid it all the ' Speaker, in Adis- trescr, is doing his best to get the Howie back to a normal state of temper. ROW "FACTO ARE MANPEACTUREE. During the discussion in the House &beet the franking priyilege it was alleged that Sir Richard lewtwright had sent out 80,000 parriphlete free of postage, and the statement that fol- lowed. this was that be had thus de- frauded the postal department mit of 68000. Every one saw at a glance the blunder, but once the figures got Into print no one stops for a Mcment to consider that it would not rkuire any- thing like a8000 to pay postage on the nilinber ot pamphlets given, for it rep- resents postage at the rate of 10e for each one mailed. But look in any Op- position paper you like, and there are the figures. as misleading as they are untrue, and yarn). more so than much of the material that passes for "fact." And, as it Matter of fact, he was with- in` his rieht in using the frank when he did. late iNSINcrogirir It/rOsED. Sir Charles Tupper, as leader of the Conservative party, has been peeing as an ultra -loyalist of the first water, since the commencement Of the South African campaign, hut his eonsietency and sincerity received a severe shoat on Thursday, when Dr. Russell, one of the Halifax representatives, rohowed that up to as late it date as three yeari3 , ago, Sir Charles had openly and bitter- ly opposed Oftliedit doing anything to. wards aiding England in its foreign Were, Mr 11118001i quoted copiously from former speeches of Sir Charles, and conyinced the Rome that the lat. ter had undertone it sudden change of heart for polifteal putposee only. The speech was an admirable one, enIcared as much by the Liberals as it WAS dis. liked by the Consertrativee, who did uotrelish, any more than Sir Charles himself, the ecathing and maeterly ex. pose he WAS subject too. NOTES, Vestal .Returns. - The following figured are taken from. the Auditor -General's report for 189899, and apply only to what are knotinas Accounting Offices, the returns for smaller officer in the county not being available: • Post Office Gross Revenue Belau & Com- • missions Auburn $ 392.76 $ '231,21 Beydeld 570 73 318.95 Belgrave 663.58 309.76 Bennailler 161.10 51 28 Bluevale 375.90 179.52 'Blyth • 1342 92 62442 Brucefield 856.58 205.92 Brussels 2029.45 • 1016.61 Oentralia 285 53 • '129.05 Clinton 4578.70 • 1777.67 Dashwood 373.09 211,39 Dungannon • 613.84 324.14 Ethel 43623 237.96 Exeter. 2293.07 968.41 Fordwich717.09 • 364. Goderich 0153.44 2250.56 Gor rie 906.24 478.48 Bengali 1208.04 580.96 Kippers 368;03 181.06 Seaford; 4217.63 • 1858 37 Verne 418.96 176.80 W411.011 •••••• 394.26 167.14 Wingham 4165.50 1547.87 Wroxeter 70412 446.12 • Zurich • 724,28 392.17 ' From the foregoing it will 130 clean that there is a material difference in the eateries pf some of the offices. For instance the revenue in Clinton is larger than that of Seaforth office but the salary of the latter is higher. 'The same thing holds good cmicerning Ex- eterand Brussels, Auburn and Walton, and others, due doubtless to the nature of the Work' at the respeotive offices, and not to the surn POSTAGE 1114101 TO SOLDIERS IN An:VA.-The Dominion authorities a few days ago cabled the Calm Colony Government, asking if IS could not see its Way to remit the 'postage on soldiers' lettere. A message was re- ceived, which le 'a boon to countlees Canadians. It announces that lettere to and from soldier% Canadians and English, now itt SouthAfrica, will he postage free. • DEATH OF BERT. Witgamit.-This young tri9.11 was at one time an ern. ployee of the Doherty Organ Factory, haying boarded at the Clarendon Hotel, when living here. He was a favorite with the boys here, and was it skilful handier with the banjo. Many will regret to learn of the sad newse the following reference of which IS taken from the Oshawa Reformer of March 2nd :-"After it long and tedi- ous illness, Mr Bert. Wheeler, eldest son of Mr Joseph Wheeler. died at the fainily residence, on Sander last, in the afternoon. Although of a retiring and unobtrusive disposition, Bert. Was well and favorably known to a, large circle of friends, and this was shown by the large number who attended the obsequies, on Tueiaday afternoon, at St. Gregoree church, wheie Rev ,•••••••••••• • Miss A.toheson is visiting in Woodfitock, jas.--Twiteliellwas ill Toronto last week. •• Mise Irving went toToronto onSaturday. • 'Madame Wall was in Godericir on Friday last, • John Griffin, =atoll, Was in town on Friday, Frank Bestman, of Goderich, was in town Monday. • Misses M. Turnbull and S. Powell are visiting at Nile. • . Miss M. Twitchell was visiting 'in Hensel1 last week; Miss Minnie Rumball is visiting her sister in Strethroy„ • • Jas. Snell was a Goderich ViEdtor on Monday of last Week.'• Mayor Rumba% of London,, was in town 91 Tharelday• last. • • John Stevenson was in London on Friday on a bueiness trip. .• li'red Stevenson. of Wingham, spent Sunday at hie home here. . " Miss Danno, Of liilvertiin, is :this: . week the guest of Mrs Amor. • • Miss Moore, of Reniali, Was visiting Mrs - Chambers lapt week. . . • • W. D. Ross, Exetermas spending a feiv•daYe here with his brother. • .• : Ambrose Smith, of the Mason's --Bank, Hen- iiall, spent last SundaYintown. ' H.E.HarbenS, of the Palacio' Dry (heeds Hou.se, Is in Torontoone business trip., • • • • Miss Edith Jennison, of the London road, re- tUrned-to London on TueSdaylast. • lfiee.MabelErratt, of Auburn, has. been. the guest at W. R,Lough's the past week. • • Mize Jardine, of Pine River, is visiting her nunt, Mrs A.. Twitchell, ,Huron St. • . 11.0. Rail and R. Beattie, of Wingham, Were registered -at the Rattenbury last Friday, • . • • Iti and Mrs Thos.- Holloway are spending a. Couple. of weeks 'with their daughter m Exeter.; • A. T. Cooper was in 'Fergus and • 'Guelph on Thursday attending to Epworth League mat! ter& . • • . Miss Wade; of Port Granby, Ont., sister of Rev. W. Wade, is the guest of,E. Courtice,Rag- IanSt... . , • . . • Miss I. Cottle has been visiting in Kippen the pmasoitet.Wo week, the guest of the Misses Cud- . . • , • Miss Azie Gibbings goes to London On. Satur- day.to take further studies in music, at the Con- servatory. • . J. day of last vreek. difiglg.otri4cwia.edrkaasindicii' rso•iiMinedittabttuertdcend wtheonweet • .,_Stin• etaruPusardatliscial: cgro:nrec:tiOnt wliatgaixtry mthaere°11. •ton. Many thanks are due to ',those •Miss Nevicoinbe Went to London on Saturday who Were so kind in :lending aid to where she.will takes, 'three months' course at this noble cense. the Conservatory of Music. .• • . • Solna Ritchie, of Winghtina, was in town 021 Monday, adjusting insurance raatters in cert., nection with. the Olarendon•fire. • • ". Clinton has six milliners at the .openings in. Toronto -Misses Ross, McDonald, Doyle, Mc- Keown, M. Andrews and L: Gardner. . . Miss Maggie Keane, of Clinton Ont., arrived, . • in 'Norden on Saturday, on a visit to her brother, Chris. Ifeane.11arden Chronicle.: . • E. Davis left on Monday for Napinka, after a lengthy visit to his home here. He went by way of Woodstock,. Toronto and Chicago. Mr Barr, of St. Thoines, is visiting his :laugh- ter, Mrs S. W. Irwin. He very kindly sang it insogIoiaasttthe Patriotic concert on, Thursday even - Mrs Mills, who had been visiting her daugh- ters, Mrs Watt and Mrs Snell, returnedto her home in Mullett, near Clinton, last Week. -Sea - forth Expositor. • • • • . Nor. Fair and Jas. Mchfurchie went (loam to Toronto, on Wednesday, and sew "The Mer- chant of Venice" produced by Sir Henry Irving and his company. • • . . Thos. Jackson, Jr.,. Is on a busineSertrip in the western part of OntriRo,•reiireeenting the well- known and reliable clothing house of Jackson Pres.; of Clinton. Collector of Customs Davis, of Wingham,was intown on Saturday last: He reports that large quantities. Of implements have passed through customs there bstyear, . • • Mrs H. M. Ward. who his been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs B. r..gibley. left for Jer- a8exid clifritYlk,W°na;Wd wiednIlegarikel futelnutgrok, where. Mr Miss Willie Moore, who has been keeping house for her brother :Adjutant Moore in St. Catharines, has returned for a month'i . visit, and is accompanied by Mr Moore's little daugh- ter. • John Maher renamed from Sherbrooke, Que., on Saturday, where he had been attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters. It took him .three days to reach here on account of the snow blocada.q. • • "Boney" Campbell, who at one time Ilan the tonsorial shop now owned by J. T. Emmerton, is novr employed as a Pullman car porter run', ning between Montreal and Ottawa ;hie family, however, are in Michigan, and he hopes to 111103/0. 'MOM to Canada ere long. Miss L. Pearrion, who has been the guest of Mrs W.Harland for some time Past, left for her miahorasepeiniarsoLnihonadrepoenat Wa vednerierree weoyaarbteierntimoono. *While here endive made many friends in Clirt, ton who were sorry her visit was not of longer Lra, air,130 who has been relieving Dr. W. JR. I?owlcr, has left to take a Govern. anent appointment as Veterimity.Surgeon itt Yorktown, to the Northwest -.Mounted Police Vetere leaving a number of Mr Mantyre'S friends met him at the 'Commercial and gave .111;ealurag°°dthaeeniscil-elefeur. of a call from Sea. and Jas. 'Webster, who were in renewing their trub. stription to the Nair Era. Theywere on a visit to their home on the 18th eon., Hallett, during parts of this and, last ive,fik. Jesepla is from Sanborn,•N, Dakota, where he has been for •-threeryears, and bis brother, A. W., hair been. living there for it greater number. They both like Dakota and intend to stay. Jas. is fronx Toronto and is doing well intim Queen city, 001in 4. Cooper, Sohoftshshdear ealetehWate e owauadirtmao who foraseveraltyearsin .Paibliehed at Tort.int°1,P6trhe-re' celved the, best evidence that his work ia ap- preciatedd by it substantial increase of salerS yearly, no year being exeeptional to the rale. Thls must be Very gratifying to him and "his friends, and tho shareholders of the magazine - have the satisfaction of knowing that largely through his efforts and ability, th, e businesaitt on it better financial basis Quin it twee WM be, fore. It is a magazine of vrhich Canadians may well feel proud, and deserves even it more gen- erous mapport than it receives from the reading Pubhiledin. Tany friends of Mr anhil Rolston were rauckeleasate (fee his rude return from his two months' trip tomerry Old England. . He 'Caine beckon the same steamship as he eroesed over Nvet%/4.6ifiveiwp000 dalorna...outthrer!iltlme_Nanoiaw, ya otriunarki trelliwt,inerro. Isigzahx2 by an outbound liner "thattironle- hae trarrender, Ladystiith relieted and the MU& Were Emeenesful itt Pouth Africa." On learning this a thormsla "bloorAin' " Englishman was so rejoiced that ho treated the passengers to chant - memo which cost hint route a sem. ler Mute* ford says there isveat eleiternent in the Old Lapd Over the war. Sterybody is after the War news itinDettg.erly watching the war bul- letins, During his OA he visited in many Church Chimes. The Presbytery of Huron will nseet in Willis church laere,on Tuesday next, at 10.30 a. m. 'rhe Seaforth Methodists have in- vited their pastor, Rev Mr Russel), to remain in his present charge for the third year. • At an informal meeting of the mem- bers of the Seafortb Presbyterian church, last week, it was ' decided that the congregation were prepared to pr 0- ceed tacill a. minister. . BAPTIST OSTIROIL-The Wornens' Mission Circle will hold a public meet- ing. on Tuesday evening. next, in the church. when there will be a musical and literary program, and refresh- , ments rah, 'reeved. A good time may be expected. Rev R. iiinfibs has been requested to publish his paper; reed before the London Ministerial Association, on "The relation of the chrireh to amuse- ments." One thousand In pamphlet form are being %sled, and we nadar- stand are intended for gratuitous dis- tribution. At the meeting of the O. E. -of Willis church, on Monday last,the lesson was read and • commented upon by the president. Miss Monteith, while the topic, "How God parr men," was taken by Miss Gordon, and Miss Me- Tavieh dealt with the question in the catechism. In all the meeting was one of exceptional interest: RATTEmetimst 81‘.. --Rev Mr Hows011 may he expected to speak nex,t Sun- day upon the following subjects :-At II a. m., "Reeding between the lines": at 7 ps ne, "The greatest surprise of My life." Services height and helpful. The ushers- wilt be pleased to show strangers to seats. -On Monday the Epworth League had a consecration mAeetbiniggtfirn; i°s. anticipatedY er8leading inth e . Sal - 'Cation Army barracks; Clinton, on Saturday night,. and all day Sanday. On Saturday night there will be it presentation of new colors by Ilse dice trict officer, Adjutant Orchard, of Stratford. On Sunday. afternoon the Band will receive their commiselone for 1900, and at night there wilt be a commisisioning of lorlal officers. Adjut- ant Orchard is jolly good fellow, and treates it stir wherever he goete Hia visit is looked forward to by the Olin - ton corps with plea:erre. The first :unman deliYered fir Bruce county appears' to have been in Kin. cardine, as the following indicates A statement made by James Nesbitt, in the Walkerton Telescope, that the first Presbyterian minieter to preach in the county of Bruce waft the late Rev Dr Berrie, of Bratritelfk, in the fall of 1851, has been challenged by J. M. McNabb in the Port Eight Times, Who Claes the honor to Rey J. B. Duncan, now of Galt, who preached()) the sum- mer of 1851in Southampton. Both are wrong, Capt. Rowan states• that the Rev Mr Kidd. of Goderieh, a student at the time,preaelr d in be beir4turin of Patriek Downie a hotel, Hincardine, itt the spring of 1860. Father jeffoott conducted a short, but ONTARIO STAMM-The PPridon by Standing on Parlianient Hill any in:pro:five service for the dead. A ?actor tnoment,on sund4s, ft venitt,t. Sunday during the wmter, and look. greet menyfforal offerings were given was Very instructive diecouree, eepeef. see them cutting ice On the Quebee woke shut down for the r Ing down on the river below, one can b friends and fellow entployees,0 ti men et,lacoofttRenngtotilanniotiniftocirti potethitheve!art.goof asest. intended !emotes to be derive:1 side, the SAMS AS on Aft ordirugy work- afternoon) te Allow all tho hande to at. from it v'fore boughb .ont, ott Bititain alonelnot having thopleasureof Abell der, tend tha funeral. Tho far°1170 esPe°1" Sunday ever:ink nixt the sermon will ZrAirAtitall: ftglgetriel 1041 'iVrc11441 t I Bev B. B. Keefer, well known to be "Amusements," and. will be dealt uonrditymordobalytttratzvooduzgousundayreechoehore ally the parents, have the eincere eym. tfuronlane,. is now editor -In of pathy Of hirtete of Nends in the sad lose with by the pastor hi an unoffenelve the Ottawa. Citizen, and the feet that of their eldest son. manner. Many times he boo bon-- Linerost." es donot now prevent him The lee of March came 111 like &lion Merge, therefore the subjeet of his when he was in Huron he posed ac a eared about this question of eanitee. WE WANT AurrElt. writing artielet of the moat ultra -Con. to Feld Kroger and the rot °ewe wt. gerreen will be the above. In the No trade ate cash 09.000 stook of dry good eto itervative etripe. it is likely it will be a stem, month Morning an exchange of pulpit:: will to setbot from, The Liberal uoyernment May have foehh:41 tat through, be made by Rey Mrtereene, of Mimeo. ti G. it. Met, Veireneem . • ..„ The -----. _ Wonderful , _ .. Eye • . ,. re* • The hem of three, six ank fifteencent stamps has„been discontinue:3s . •• They Dye For The 'World., • The rood intricate nemt of le the -eye. 'The mutt- , °lee of the •eye are used • more than any other: mos- ' moment, you wake in the oles cd the body, From.the • ulorning till you go to sleep • your eyes are at work, and toionniedilitiotThearere winillVeberfe.cti a coutinuel strain en them. (Names properly fitted. will •overcome beaavielibmies.da. t h o r - ough study of the eye under the best optical inetructors, • ai nnadt igot e BOti eonliterg% e"ra' Spectacles As low as 451.00 . OptIonl Oepartutent gotipeitionoolcgt011e moan'', Ont. , • 01*Ntelktif OYES - Are Imitated But Never Equalledt. • • For over a quarter of a. 'century Diatnond. Dyes have stood the severest testa in mil. lions of hornet:, and hare wen a fame and popularity that Maenad° them the standard l3onie dyes. • Speculators, for the sake Of large profits), have endeavored to irairate the Dianiahd. Dyes, hat their productions have alwara. proved miserable failures and deceptions. There is as much difference' between the - genuine Diamond Dyes and -the imitate:ins. as there is between`a genuine bank note and a counterfeit. If you wish to dye enacessfully, Profit- ably and well, avoid all imitation mirage* dyes. Ask for the • "Diamond" and see, that you get' them. Students 1111:1113!e4 Time STRATFORD* ONT _ A. selrool that offers advantages notejannut elsewhere In Canada. Large staff o , expert bistro:eters; increased attendanee; -to-data business training; scores of student Placed. llgood paying eosit!enest nd tgin:e n aneewoemofromplago,inhjoh cateihrbaineiaeollona.eywat hest. It payola the end. New term now opera Enter as soon as possible. Write to -day for - our handsoine prospectus.; W. J. Elliott, Principal. 736P88• 'After' Wood's Phoeptogne• The Great. English Remedy. Sold and recommended by SS druggists in Canada. Only yell. able medicine discovered. Eft, packages guaranteed to dun au. forms o Sexual. Weakness, all effeeta of abuse, or =ease, Mental WerrY: Excesstre use of To. batteo.• °pint* or Stiraulants. .Mailed.on reeelpt of price, one *iaOkage ST, eix.15. One tintl.Picante fix will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood :Oosnpany, Windsor, Oa* • • • . Wood's Phofthodine sold in Clinton by Byte' ney Jackson, Drustilst. e ean't Save you a House and Lk • on box of snap, but you Wtii Wont he in your own borne if you will • buy your Grooeries from us. We. core -to do all the grocery businees,bet ea want to get it good. shire of 11. We firmly believe • that a colleen] that gives as cue - touters good values 11 bound to go ahead, anddeserves 10, hai idea. • prevails throughout our entire.* • business. •Every dollar's worth, purcharied here giver good satis- faction, A few prides for Satnrdayz only 3 Lbs Lard for Lbs eleanedeurnnts 20m- , nLbs Italslus for,25c rdell*il Successor. to tilearairSwalloW• • • OIROCIElr, rW4444"46AAAAA4d6"4""A We Lead By Keeping a •`4 Fresh and SeasonableStock • We have Balbih Calabratod eystarie artivingfreshdeily. Also it Fred: orange ina Lemons, masa' dollop and Mow BAKERS' AND HOME-MADE MEAD /Andy dikee ' Natty And v4441140441' our Sp:Wedges Ant kind of Ilaareyeake notes • baud made when ordered. Jas. MoOlacherty, Nimair maker). A.nd ReittnUriknt• %robot. No. 1. wwwwwwwwwVVVVYYVVVVW1St