The Clinton New Era, 1900-03-02, Page 9THE CLINTON NEW ERA,
Rug, Mat and Carpet
severe. cases that
completely cued
Great Mood
rifler and Healer,
UrNIOC 1K1111111111111/1•
For over eleven years I
Veda% a sd with Dyspepsia
!Atli ev*ryt 1 POulci.,tbink of; but
tumbleto get reliefuntil I took,Bur-
Blood Bitters. I had only taken one
th when Commenced to feel better,
mer taking five or six bottles was
tinily well, and a remained so' ever
'ee and d f eel as though B.B.B, had saved
Wm -Mrs, T. G. Joyce, Stanhope, P.Q.
!09vered My little boy, aged
th Sores, years, was a complete
teem of sores, caused, the doctor said, by
I'ad blood. His head and body were
entirely covered .with spres, and we could
lied no cure. Finally I got a bottle of
Burdock Blood Bitters, and before one
Ulf the battle wag gone he began to
Improve and by the time it was finished
there was not a sore on him. °
I used the B.B,B. as a wash as well as
Inteellally, and it seemed to give great
relief as soon as it was put on. -Mrs.
Philip Mitchell, St. Mary's, Ont.
The south sea Islanders rattle eacb
other's whale teeth necklace.
The "alta wiedersehen" of the Austrians
la the most feeling expression of farewell.
' The Cuban would Consider his goodby
;,Anything but a cordial one unless he was
given a good cigar.
In the Philippines the parting benedic-
tion is bestowed in the form of rubbing
Sine's friend's face with one's hand.
The Turk will solemnly cross his hands
upon his breast and make a profound
'obeisance when: he, bids you farewell.
The Russian form of parting salutation.
is brief, consisting of the single word
'*prashal," said to sound Tike a sneeze.
The Otaheite islander will twist the
4►d of the departing guest's robe and..
'then solemnly shake his own hands three
times. "
The Fiji islanders cross two red feath-
ers. The natives of New Guinea ex-
change chocolate. The Burmese bend
low and say, "Rib, hib!"
The genial Jap will take his slipper off
as you depart and say, with a smile: "Yon
are going to leave my despicable house in
ypnr honorable journeying. 1 regard
The Sioux and. Blaekfeet will at part-
ing dig their spears in the earth as a sign
of confidence and mutual esteem. This is
the origin of the term•-':}iurying the tom.
The German "lebe wg !" Is not particu-
lar,y y P s- m atheti in-'1Cb sound but it is
Jessembarrassing4o those it speeds than
the Hindoo's performance. who, when
yea go from him. falls in the dust at your
Pale pink coral ornaments set with dia-
monds are among the novelties in expen-
sive jewelry set forth for the winter
The rough diagonal and cheviots for
Serviceable tailor g wns look heavy, but
-they are woven so delicately and made of
Inch fine, pure wool as to weigh but little
More than a firm drap d'ete.
Pointed, deeply scalloped, and graduat-
ed silk fringes are among the imported
novelties in dress, trimmings. They are
In various widths and colors, from the
Tom Thumb variety to styles half a yard
deep lend finished with very wide netted
Smart looking are the street costumes
of green or bine ladies' cloth made with a
princess effect in front to which are add-
ed short boleros of the cloth which reach
bat a few Inches tielow the .bust and are
finished with notched revers that turn
back se far that they cover the shoulders
and on the fronts give the effect of one
bolero put on above the other.
There is a new point to be chronicled -
the postilion backs on some of the new
*alats and Etons of cloth, silk or velvet.
Ws is a style that is more becoming to
litany women than any sort of round
"mist, however smartly made, and if the
ends are not exaggerated in length Is'par-
tiealarly good for plain tailor costumes of
cloth, tweed or cheviot. -New York. Post.
Did you hear lee when 1 called you. .
Love? You )ay -so fast
Bid u twhispered
>d v 114. en who 1
Through your plumber calm and deep?
Banner rotes lay benide you,
Blender lilies white and tall,
And you looked so still and saintlyt
Rid you feel my tt,ardrops,tall?
Oh, my darling, but i murmured
Words w wildly true and fond!
Were you dreaming there serenely
Of the strange and vu,t lt,.ycnd?
Whea 1'whispercd how 1 loved yeu,
Not token crossed your face,
But you la all 1 and lucid
Y pasp,
In that solitary place.
Aid you hear me when 1 called you, ..
Love? You lay so fast asleep,
Ands , d
t the cent so holy r
That 1 scarcely dared to weep --
Scarcely dared to take a rosebud,
Crushed and trembled to toy breast,
When 1 left you calmly sleeping
In your everlasting rest.
-London pun.
Warnings of Patently'. In °reamn
That Proved to Be True, -
Speaking of dreams that come true, a
few days ago the newspapers published a
strangt' but trustworthy story of a wo-
man who. `fu a ,dream, saw her son caught
under the wheels of a railway trate. The
vision was so vivid, it so wrought upon
her, shat she rushed out into the night to
:he railroad and there, crushed to death
on inti track, found the body of her son:
When I read this incident, it recalled
our of a similar tenor. but more remark-
able, .,which
emark-able,iwltich was related to' me by a prom -
teens lady of ,this city, who spends much
of her time abroad, "A few years ago,"
she said, "lamas tarrying a few weeks. in
Paris, accompanied by IffY maid, who
had. been in my service for many years.
One morning she came to me with her
eyes red with weeping, and. I. asked .her
what the trouble was. She replied• that
her.mether had'died the night previous in
" ',low can you know that!' said I.
'"During the night' she explained, 'my
mother appeared to me in a dream and!
fold'iue that she had just died. 1 saw her
as plainly as 1 see ;you, and I know she's
dead.' ,
"1 was attached to the girl, who had
.faithfully served me, so, having assured
her that It was silly to believe in dreams,
I promised that in order to convince' her
that her mother was alive 1 Would send
a cable of Inquiry to Philadelphia. 1 did
so, and the reply came that her mother
'was alive and well. A few months later
we returned , to America; and, leaving.
me, in New York, my maid •went over to,
Philadelphia to see her people. '
"And what think you she .discovered? -
Why, she discovered that her mother had,
died on the identical night of her dream
and that when she telt that her end
was approaching she made her family
promise that they would not !et ; her
daughter • in Paris :knew of .her death.
'I'll., tell 'her mygeif,' 'said the mother.
nt if you cable or write her she may
leave'•her employer and come home, and
t wish to spare her that useless. journey'
'Therefore' -the family x lained to my
maid -'when, your emplo► sent the ca -
Pie message we felt that justice to your.
i, mother's. request sreauired us to tell a -
fib.' "a.. •
This story as I have related It is ab-
solutely true in every particular. I won-
der If the Psychical society has anything
in itts. records which eclipses it? -New
York Mail and Express.
When a boy turns his bulging pocket in-
side, out we marvel at the quantity and
variety of articles he has stowed away,
Odd lengths of string, marbles, , a horse -
chestnut, a top, braes, nails, hiokorynuts,
an apple, and many more artiolett are gar-
nered by this "snapper up of unconsidered
trifles." We think the collection must be
hard on a boy's pocket. Ard it is. Belt
do we ever -thirds of the variety and miscl-
!any of the substance WO put into the pook-
et of our stomach? There's the applesand
tip nets, and things besides quite as lndl-
gestable as brass nails and with no more food
value than so many marbles. And yet we
wonder . that the stomach "gives out."
When the stomach breaks down ander the
strain of careless. eating and irregular meals
it can be perfectly and permanently rester -
to health and strength by the use of, Dr.
Pierce's Medical Discovery,. The action of
this medicine on the stomanh and other
organs of digestion and nutrition is so
marked, that relief from disease is at once
experienoed, and the headaohes,liver"tronb-
les," kidney disorders, skin eruptions and
other symptoms of a diseased stomach are
indioatad, nee Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
They sot in harmony withthe "Discovery"
and asaisti its action by purging the bowels
of foul accumulations.
Fositl el i iYlila •
!pey also r'elieve'DLstT8Sd ri•omigegDy'pepsblr
estion andToa Hearty 1atbig. It per.
litli:renedl for Dizziness,: Nausea, Drows1.
$pa' Vad•TaStele the Mouth, Coated Tongue
j tbsSide, TORPIDLWER. They
illagebeefiat Il0W , Airily
Smolt Dare,
PICM small Prioea
st1tutlon °
Oa gaud of the deo-
gee u get 1Gartt.X'a,
Ask Carter's, -
d demand
Cold' s Little
1 " "Winston Churchill thinks he had a hard
time escaping, wbieh is good evidence
that he never tried running away from
his record. --Zanesville Courier.
It there was any doubt before as to
whether Air. Churchill would write a
book about his South African experi-
ences, it has vanished by this time.-Chi-
ime.-Ch%cago Tribune, u
Now the war in South Africa can gc -
on. Winston Churchill has escaped from
the Boers. All the world insisted on the
armed bands delaying further combat un-
til Winston broke away. -Pittsburg Cone
mereial Gazette.
rhe heroism of Mr, Winston Churchill
fit becoming g trifle tiresome. Whet the
Boers had hire in captivity, he claimed he
wag a newspaper correspondent and not
a combatant. Now that he has his liber
t7 Ile exploits hihfself as a blooming ad.
Bier, -Washington Post.
Will happen in the best regulated homes
Beside, Barns and Oats are of frequent
oconrrenoe. There is nothing for these
cases equal to Etagyard's Yellow Oil. It
takes out pain and promates rapid healing.
Mr Albert Downs' five-year.old Baugh.
ter was turned to death neer Milton, by
her clothing catching fire.
"I suffered with 1)ysentry for four weeks
and could get nothing to mire me. I then
tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry,whioh cured me when eyerytb celse
failed. Jens L. CAa1Ea, Bridgetown. Si
Mr. Whaled Devitt, who resigned his
seat in the ,douse of Commons as a pro-
test against Great Britain's policy to-
wards the Transvaal, will start for South
Africa next week.
If yon are troubled with Catarrh and
want to be oared, ase Cdtarrhozone, which
is a guaranteed mire for this' distressing
dlgoasea. There is' no mystery shoat
- Catarrhozene,though its off at is magical.
Ointments and senuffm cannot reach the
diseased parts am have thee' proved tree.
lead% but Catarrhnzone' is carried by the
air you breath directly to the diseased
parts; where it violatilizes, killing the
germ life and, healing the Pore spots, It
mires by inhalation. No danger, ne risk,
sold by all druggists or by mail, price #1.00
For tried outfit send 10o in s1%nspe to N. C.
Potreolt & CO.,Box 530, Kingston, ()pt.
The sultan of Sulu equips his flghtine
cock witb gold spurs.
Du Ing his visit to. England Emperor
William en numerous ceremonial 'occa-
alone kissed the hand of the queen, an act
of. courtesy often seen In Germany, but
seldom 1n England.
The Emperor Francls Joseph has t
strong partiality for the pretty mountala
flower the edelweiss. When he goes
chamois stalking, he usually gathers, a
email bunch and atieks .it in the ribbon o$
Is 8tyg1u ht.
Per Many years the sultan Of Turkey
bas been growing more and MOM distrust"
'tui of hie subjects; but,, placing almost
implicit confidence In Albanians, be has ,
formed his bodyguard entirely y of MUM*
suiman Albanians.
In one of the great railroacl stations
in Budapest artists have been engaged to
decorate •tbe-walis.with_viewa 4t..the ,prig,
cipal. Hungarian bathing resorts.
The total mileage of the Transvaal rail-
ways, is •given as 1.101 miles, but In the
Transvaal, as well Its In the Orange Fre.
State, many lilies were under way of cow
struetion before the whr broke out.'
An Ohio man has patented a"street!cat
floor which will prevent people treading
oa sitting passengers' toes, the edges of
the floor bring ,r1t'.1-le. with the upper
th.cktiess supported or intervals on brack-
et. to lift it high ennugh to allow the pas -
seaters' tot's to slip under.
I gays Dr. Low'a Worm Syrup'to my
little girl two and a'lalf years old ; the re,
suit was that she passed ft round worms
in five days.
Mee B, ROT, I1.1LMANAGH, Ont
Owing to'tronble, hetween .the principal
and direotore of the Hamilton Art. Sobool
the whole teaching staff has been dis-
The fame of Baoklens Ar nioa Salve, as
the beet in the world, extends round the
earth. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts;
Corns, Burns, Bruises, Pores Scalds, Boils,
Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all, Skin
Eruptions.- Only infallible Pile onto. 25e
a box at H. B, Combo's ,drug .etoro, Clin-
Some Special Observaneen Tbat
Americans' Might Do Well to Adopt.
."The New Year's festival of the Chi-
nese, said tobe the most' complete boli -
day season: kept by any nation of the
earth, -is celebrated wherever, a single
Chinaman .is found, whether in Peking
or New York," .writes Belle M. •Brainin
Woman's Home Companion. "It isa
movable festival, falling on any, date
between Jan. 21 and Feb. 10. Prepara-
tions for . the great holiday "begin weeks
beforehand. The accumulated dirt of
many months disappears as if by magic.
Even the, Chinaman • himself passes
through the cleaning- process, washing
hie clothes and bathing his, person, the
latter being a great event in the lives of
a few, since it occurs but ones a year!
"Buildings of every description are
elaborately decorated. Flowers are in
great demands the . favorite being the
Chinese narcissus. The prospect of hap-
piness forthe year is believed to be in
proportion to the number of flower stalks•
produced from a single bulb.
"During the closingdays of the old
year Chinese streets present a busy and
animated scene. Shops aro thronged
with customers eagerly laying in 'anrge
quantities of food, clothing and New
Year's gifts, Debtors andd creditors girl
seen hurrying to and fro endeavoring to
settle their accounts, for, according to a
most commendable custom, all debts must
be paid or settled in some satisfactory
manner before the New Year dawns. To
meet 'these ' liabilities shopkeepers offer
their goods at unheard of prices, and
families frequently part with odd bits of
bric-a-brac,, curious relics and valuable
ornaments for a sum pitifully small. No
disgrace is equal to being found on New
'°Year's morning with an unpaid debt. On
the other hand, the creditor who fails to
collect Isis debts at this time may not
press -them again for many months. He
therefore pursues his debtor far into the
night cntinuin his search i to the New
Year's day if necessary. This lie may do
if he carries a lighted lantern to indicate
that he is still 'engaged in last night's
business and has not discovered that the.
day has dmened!"
• . How Strauss Played the Chant.
The teacher who influenced Strauss
most was one Joseph Dreshler, the choir-
master of St. Stephen's church, in'Vien-
na, who tried to get the waltzes out,`of
• the boy's head and put in their place an-
thems and chorale. In this undertaking
he met with indifferent success, for the
worshipers in one of the Vienna churches
were .startled on a Sunday morning when
there poured forth from the organ,a5l1ing
the gloomy building by its enchanting
notes, a waltz instead of -the solemn
Gregorian chant to which they were ac-
customed. It was Johann Strauss, Jr.
Who had taken the organist's plate and
sustituted his own favorite selection for
th usual sacred music, much to the dis-
h loos folk and the amuse-
ment of the younger people in the con-
gregation. --Edward A. Steiner In Wo-
man's /Come Companion.
Preventive llieasnres.
A French prefect wrote to a mayor re-
questing him to take precautions against.
the cholera, which had broken out in his
department. The mayor was rather Pa*
Sled at these instructions, which appear-
ed vague to him, but after deep thought
he answered that he and his electors
were prepared for the plague.
On Ingedring into the measures taken
by the wbrthy mayor in order to after,
tails their etilcieney, it appeared that he
had canoed as many graves to be dug aft
there were inhabitants.
A Good Plan.
Brown -Do you still employ Dr. Pelle•
Jones -Why ihonidn't we? Up to the
present time he hasn't killed any of us.
Brown -And when you are all killed off
you'll' get a sew physician? Well, I
dont know hitt that is as good a Dian as
any. -Boston Transcript.
The Indians of the interior of Bolivia
wear shirts and hats made of the bark of
a tree, which ie soaked in water to soften
the fiber and then beaten to Wake it plie
hie. ..
According to ale eminent scientist, the
alkali' In asparagus dindops torte in the
human brain.
Children Cary fen;
• t �.
Always' Use the Diamond
They Give the Richest. Most l r11 -
Slant and Most Lasting eolorae
Nines, •five per cent of the rags and other
materiae geed in thenlanufacture of home-
made mate, .ruga and carpeta are colored by
the Diamond Dyes,.
Why? $eoa se the Dia and Dyes es al-
ways give to cotton, wool and union mister -
Mk the fullest, brightest, richest and most
lasting colors ; sun, soap or waebing cannot
fade Diamond Dye colors.
Mrs D. Davidson, Covey Hill, I'. Q.,
wring tbue
"I bays been tieing your Diamond Dyes•
for menyyears, and theyhavealways given
entire 'satietaction•• Today we emptied
two packets of your dyes' and I am obliged'
to buy more, es wears making 60 yards of
rag oarpet I bays used your cotton coliote
and I ,think theyarebeautifui. The stripes
in my carpet -blade, green, red and yelow
-are rioh.° I cannot snffioiently praise
Diamond Dyes ; all my neighbors speak
well of them."
He Was Remembered.
A young man whose rich uncle recently
died tells -the following story on himself:
"My uncle was a crusty .old fellowta.nd
aotnethiag of a skinflint. I bad perfo-i'm-
ed a number of kind offices for hint while
visiting him on several • occasions, and I
had an idea I,would come In for a good
stake after he passed in his cheeks. 1
was present when his will was read, and
you can imagine how I felt when I saw
these words at the bottom of . one of the
pages: 'To my nephew, B. J'., in consid•
eration of his many :thoughtful kindness-
es, I bequeath 10,000'- The sentence
was finished on the other page, but the
word that completed it•Wnu 'thanks' and
t of 'dollars.' "-Memphis el,•i:uitnr,
His Work ih,nntirtfnetory.
"Did you ever got. tin.. money D'Auber
owed :yon?" •
'Nn. He -wanted . to square accounts
by ;minting 'my hoasc' insideand out."
"'Well. that would have evened things
up. '''hy didn't••yo u let him?" -
"I was going. to until I. saw one of bid•
Mete res." -Philadelphia Press. 'r
Barring fhe Egyptians, the ancient
Mayas •of Yucatan seers to have been
the greatest pyramid builders the world
' ever saw. ,
Coleridge, the 'dreaming ' philoso her,
composed -one of his
oe _ F
Po•Dpma rSubl •
*baa." while feet, aeleetl; '
• 3. no. Lyons, a•man of 66 years,was found
dead in. his .cottage at Sandwich, the body
being frozen stiff.
`)\'C' \5'')\
0 oar's
In these days of imitations it is well for
everyone to be careful what he buys.
Especially is this necessary when -a matter
of health is involved.
There are so many imitations of Doan's
Kidney Pills on the market -some of them
absolutely worthlesessthat we ask you to
be particular to sae that the full name and
the trade mark of the Maple Leaf are on
every box you buy. Without this you are
not getting the original Kidney Pill, which
has cured so many severe cases' of kidney
..ompiaint in the United States, Australia
and England, aswell as here in Canada..
The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto.
w SI
• Ji �O1 TLE
e is • rd"IA�i'9 F e�"r
o ti�llrw.7i�+� Tde ThIa
orf Mull re- seersh:arilee"»t
n 01' t''d'a•1i 1,105 0 20 1%ott •.I
- Fier al, Parra Co., N. n., March 10, 150.1.
a 1,-, nr''' •-•-t twos nur
n .l y leendall'.Spovin Cure and
1e th ski 9, e l l.Uniroyal.I have a cured a FLA e1
in on my beat •
3 mare a,:d. [:ecu.dtaticl.e 5111 for In r,whlelt'odered for $75 •
s before. T will be p'esved5,, h.lto 'your took and receipts fat s
.9 fhb Ineloud stamp, tie 1 read on the cartoon, •
e Tptuly yams, FUNK 81411TH. g
'+ ltartlnatan, P. 0., Ontario, Si... 0,'*5. •
to Dr. t, S. Kendall Co r
is [ear 71.,1:-Encloe:d please (cod a In •+.cent stampp far Tani` sl
u valuable Baso Beek, 1 bed ono but ,c is lost, There need
.! your Kendall's$pavna Cure without cue failure le years, ems,
' e nellerItthehestLinbeen5fernenorbeast1.themarket.
i I lca:o eeod ma the hookas yea advertise Bonbottle. for horses.
1: it la an absolutely rellable remedy for gpavla. •
a fpllnts,Corbn, Ittngeones,cit. Removatire bunch and .
"- leaves no scar. Price, $1,' s1: tar •6. As sa linimont ll
ll for family use ft has no equal. Ask your druggist •
j.for irNIIAINFI SPAVIN Celia, also +i5 Treatise en the
s, horse," tbo book tree, or address'
i •
c -
T.he D. -&r L.
• 18 this best and most aleiiable preparation of
CbdLivcn0lf,agreeinglwMk.1he mostdelicate
Is s ptesetilied lir the leading *tideland of
The D. ds, 1.. EMULSION
a ntarieilous flesh prodeber anti wilt give
you in appetite. a0e. Y giver Bettie.
the genuine CO., Limited, Montreal
we give this teemed " heavy. cold o* Salver
Plated Chain Bracelet for 15,,1,75 oillf One dorm
flue Lluen Doyllee, attar Beate OWL Latest andtfeM-
dcefgns t no two anka Write, end we Nm send the Tbyile
postpaid i tttbem,retttta tbemonne andwsater,nsrowst
year nrehelet, sn attractpttd 10.1 teat Pala! (o.
so*ene Toronto. Yetis'
Coffee ,la J;Sr1Hrsea.
You see ail those bushes with red ber-
ries strepg among their branches? ,,That
is coffee, and the taller trees among which
it is growing are phnentos, from which
the world gete iis allspice. It looks like
jangle, does it .not'?' Yet many hundreds
of pounds Would not buy that one hill
' elope. Among the lovely flowers hum•
ming birds sparkle as they fly and hover; .
butteries as large as the birds dispute
the honey with them, As you tura round !
the corner you surprise patties of tiuy !
ground doves, and every now and again
the larger pea 'doves tilt across the road.
Up from the velle :belowthe sounds of
voices and laughter. Stop your carriage
and look down. Those are the works on
a coffee estate, and those fiat terraces
partitionedioff into
sqtrares are the
"Lew.beeues" upon which the berries aredried.
You can see that some of the squares are
a different color to the rest. Tile dark
ones are those that are covered with cof-
fee: the others are those which have not
yet been filled, -Good Words.
A South Sea Inland Bride.
The bridal procession Wffe nl?p►roachibig:.
In front, walkiug abreast, carne the wed-
' ded pail -tau, handsome' and of an ex-
cellent tawny nue. The bride, a beauti-
ful young girl, exhibited a ludicrously ab-
surd appearance. l•Ier shapely legs and
feet were naked. She wore a low bodice
of scarlet satin bedecked with shoulder
knots,of brilliant blue. ,hound her body
so many robes, some of the paperiike
barkcloth, others woven of the native
grass, were enwrapped, that her aspect,
instead of impreasing us, as It doubtless
did the natives, • with respect for her
i'vealth; merely made comic suggestion
that the poor child was parading inside a
barrel! Her pretty head, running over
with close rings of tan tipped hair, was
uncovered, and her neck and limbs glis-
tened with oil. -Blackwood.
IR' ;.
Iterwn gelation) to every cub rib.r. eeautllfu.1-ool.
gradgtthoeraphed plates end I�l°uetratlone.
wan, artistic, exquisite. ant iWrlatly up•to•date d
preeemiklna .couomles fancy work household hi
that eternal, current twork,
opic , oto. bubaori o,to•t
Aalylioo.yearly. adyapa$uwwt.d.- lend fort.,
tan stylish "chiot oeeotanot attained byVtge sae of any
9ber patterns. •'Haven equal loretyleana perfect at.
15 q
1 r put old Ent nearly ellen oitqY and nd1 t cents
or by each-none
for them. Absolutely Ary latest-up•to-dats KWIC'
155.145 Wilt 1455 NOW; . . . . Sew Teak city,. La,
Is OURFL • and FEETi
and our greatest seller the White Swan
Flour. This is, we belisve, the most pope•
lar brand on the market. If y on try it
once you will be so pieesor1 with it that you
will prefer it to the other brands. 1Ve are
now selling the White Swan at $1.75 per
cwt; Several of our customers have asked
for Rye Flour, of which, we now have a
stook on hand.
are always fresh and well assorted,and
the prioes,yoa will find,are meet reasonable
0. OLSON. -
Goal Batterand Eggs waned.
Foreseeable money -making position; no
books, insurance, or fake scheme • every house
a customer. Particulars free. Write today
THE F. E. EARN CO., 132 Victoria street, To-
ronto, Canada. Feb 23-13
WANTED -Menest man or woman to travel
far large ammo ; salary 865 monthly 'and ex-
ppensee, With increase ; . position permanent ;
inclose self•addrdssedstamped envelope. MAN-
AGER 330 Caxton bldg., Chicano. Dec 29-16
"The best life of Per Majesty I have seen,
writes Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria."
Agents make flee dollars daily.
"KIondike Gold Fields," al ere, cheap, vain -
able book, selling like a whirlwind. Beautiful
prospectus twenty-five 'ante. Books on time,
Honestman or Woman o travel forr large
house ; salary 565 monthly and expenses; with
increase' position permanent inclose self-
addressed stamped envelope. MANAGER, 330
Carlton bldg., Chicago, Deo, 29-16
Subscriber is prepared to promptly ell all or -
ars for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at
lowest rates. Office on Ieaao Street at LAWS
No experionee necessary. Permanent posi
tion. Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stock
completo with fast selling specialties, including
hood Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &a. OUTFIT
FREE. Secure territory now. Write
Nursery men, Brown's Nurseries P.O., Ont.
For "Story of Swath Africa," by John Clark
Bidpsth, L. L. D,, Edward S. Elias, M. A. J.
A. Cooper,Managing Editor of the "Canadian
Magazine' Toronto, and J. 11. Aiken, of
London, Ont., whe had returned this week
from 12 years travelling in South Africa for
rut. We are the only, Canadian Publisher,
who have had a branch in South Africa foil
nineteen years. givingpt ns an immense advant-
age in procuring photographs and material.
Our authorship, letterpress and engravings
are superior, and Canadian Contingents bet'
ter illustrated than in any rival work, 8o
sure are we of this, that we Will mail free for
oomparison our prospectus to anyone omess-
ingarival prospectus. Circulars and terms
free. Apply World Publishing Company,
Guelph. Ontario.
i For Twenty-seven Years
ryg ;om �s„sEsyr,,,,nrom
You can't be healthy If your
bowels are constipated and
1. t
your'�=layafseill c a tjd w! h
poisonous materia . There
shquld be a natural move-
ment every day, and the best
ecure s t to e
wa tos t o k�i,'Laxa er Pi11s. h oat
Ltv TR ilii obstinate cases yield to their
action, They neither gripe,
sicken nor weaken, are easy
a os,4 take nd pr inpt to act,
' - Heals and
`�Ni'Ir WOod S
soothes the
Nolrway, Pino Lungs and
�,u cures Coughs
Y P , and Colds of
the worst kind after other remedies
fail. Pleasant to take. Price 25c.
ueedwe ililialti:14il,ls..,tt.,d..
A Rledicine Chest in Itaelf. -
Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for
•28 and B0 cent -Bottles.
60 ' YEARS' '
Anyone eottding a sketch and deecrlptton may
intckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
nvention 1s probably patentable. !Communise -
Ilona strictly conedenttal. Handbook on Patents
.tent fres. Oldest Agency for securing patents.
"ppatente taken through Munn & Co. receive
ccfa! notice, without charge, in that,
$clentific. American:
Aliandeontel'y illustrated weekly. Largest ole.
' potation. of any scientificournal. Terms:53a
year four anths,;L Soid•byall newsdealer'.
MUN & Co.361Broadway, New York
Branch Once. 625 5' 8•... Washington. D. q.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
he patentability of same. "How to Obtain' a
Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special
notice, without charge, in Tan PATENT Recoup,
an illustrated and widely circulated Journal,
byManufacturers and Investors. •
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
Evans Building. , WABHINGTONe a R
with worms and Musts eomplo
ncatl .printed and bound in ono volumo. A
etla co Vection otMueltreasum., the toms,, path•
etid, comic ; a veritable treasury of the wbrid's ppoopu-
San and beautiful songs.. Price, 10 cants, tn. -.
The 111oi ons Boas
Nlnoorporated by Aot of Parliament 18E5
CAPITAL »- ;2,000,000
REST FUND 51,500,000
/1L1AD OFFICI!1 MON 1RtiAi.,
Ws. MOWN MAePHxtasos,Prssidsfat
F. WozvsnaTAN Treaus, Gen. Manager
Notes. discounted, Colleotrnna made, Drafts':
toned, Sterling
and Ameriean
bought and sold. Interest allowed ander
posits. SAyz sos Boor- Interest allowed on
IVDps of 111 and up. Money advanced to
fsrmere on their own note,. with . one cr
more en
d x ors,No
dx tiger required
11. 0, BREW'Ell."Manage,;', Clinton
Ga D, ' 1NI`cI AGGART.
A general' .Banking ]Busiueea
'transacted. -
Drafts sened..Interest allowed on .
devosite.. •
Advances made to farmers on their owe
. notes at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
• Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
Weak and Impure Blood,
Liver l Kidney Diseases, -
Female Cemxplaints, Etc.
&L lily Sal se, orwrite direot to:.
3. M. MoLEOD, .
Goderroh, Ont. -
110 for 10 Cents •
Thht took oontatw one hundred gat
ten of the best humorous ,reeitattoma,i,, '
embracing the Neem Yankee, Irleh as!
Dutch dialects, both In. prase and rent
as well u humorone compositions or •
every kind and diameter: Sent, posh
lEstd. with our Illustrated catalogue e8
books and novelties for only ten coda...
Johnston &McFarlane •
711roase8$. Toronto,Can.
IN DINNER AND TOILET SETS. We buy -aired from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, and thus buy.
at first cost. We secure goods of finest quality, and therefore know that in prices and
value our goons are unsurpassed, Buyers must save] money on these goods, compared
with articles not so favorably purchased. -
Exquisite Dinner,' Tea and Toilet Sets
DINNER AND TEA SETS, '97 Pieces, from $s up.
TOILET SETS, complete, $2 and upwards.
You oan examine these goods without being compelled to bay, but you will want
to buy ofter you:examine.
We have the best' 25e Tea. in town ; we have' tea at other prices, bnt no matter
what priced -tea you want, we can give you extra value. Agent for Ram La1's, Appleton
Monsoon and Blue Ribbon paoket Teas. ,
- - Clinton
TO EVERY ONE who can find 1a the Dewey Peale S races-e,ark
then and return 5. n. -we .airs an .e phit. Tiffany style simulative
Opal or Ruby Stick rill Free. and send 12 Ten•wnt packagea of ho•
perishable Perfume to sell for us If you Can. When rn1d. return money
and we give you Free ebblce of a heavily plated- Chain Bra.elet with
Lock and Key, or Solid Gold Shell Belabor Birthday Bing. Simply
y y t r int ut4
without oche or rice, Write to -day, You risk ,thin an 'we the
_.dnterpretparxte t. Ire send prise th uE ,•p y n t, pay 7
=Tb as rerhM senE ri ennadn. ora 1ta Actively absolutely free, and utuggoads are fall, hla
ide" lapawr I4ATIl4A AL NUIPI"i.Y CO.. 48•f:e Wens Larned Bra, 11t+5rwit.•
Jost arrived -7A lot of new style Bedroom Sots, Sideboards end Tables, whi4
we offer at very low prices. '- • ° ,r
People say that we show the finest patterns in Tapestry Curtains and Ta11Y3
Covers. - Our $2.08 and $3. 07 Tapestry Curtains are beauties. (fall and see them, •
Pictures Framed on Short Notice.
.T. H. O.1-1ISL. W, iythr
If You Want
To get the best value for your money, come to the' Emporium, Londeebors.
We have a few ladies coats et a Bargain, men's oyerooats and putts very cheap, boys,
euits Some great valves, horse blankets and .robes, just the thing needed for this cold
weather. We have a large steels of Tweeds' which we are willing to /Jell cheap to cleat;;
SEE American W W coal oil 28 Dente
TRIS Canadian coal oil 22 cents-
Onr groceries are always the Beet to be got, a full deck of patent , Medicinea
Our term are gash or prodace, We will take biter, eggs, lard, tallow, wood, dried
apples, oats, also a few bags of extra good green a plea. ,We will take any quantic oil
nice yellow butter et 20e per Ib, trade. We wonld refer having it in rolls of from 2 to
4 pounds as it is eeaier packed to ship. We would like to receipt all accounts this week,
Think Ne have waited long enongh.
Emporium, LondesboroA ADAMS
,Januar 31st 1899 - .r' .. s- Dom, - M