The Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-30, Page 3• • "
. '
L 'MERE BE NO 'ESCAPE ? 113n:0114.9z 07 win sar er
Mature Washington in the isot earth
• ***10/#3.0004.
r ke will not
e Friends
lietctle, She Mitt breaktitat with/afar THE BEAT 'HITE PLAGUE tr•ttitecoomtdebi suipr vsfor wog
She put On a heavy *ape abaut her 0 waiter. I In
em so glad th,e dement bam ()owe. vats as well la Vityblia how% ear-
eliouldere end went back to the Wins onanibuses hotels, theaters,
weithing wit a cloth wet th solne THE PRESENT Vaii,
tantioePtie soletion.
'' 1 r
1 ti
The Rev Dr Talmage Discours '-on This Life and bawr my body ont the duet.
God vinaice • X hey. gotten
wedding ,hour of body end emei eb; tenant's facto ea he good before her
eht eelas looked up into the lieu- olov.o Y t' he th eiatt1/03 E' SET or issTavonons etc. awoelguf eagle to be rroed USED lig Tng Dimon SHWA IN
dow. aud b o heard aorae one v 1,,
nex rite). Tzarwt7rlittelsZleircootalitel; AGAINsr coNTMUON.
• • resurreetion day! Let heaven pour Ito aed aoked;
tile Life to Come.
richeat vintage into the chalices, and
ten thousane thin* ten thousand ' . ;1'
" Sti all We (tepee or Olt it out," Every one" fsneled aseeep, 1/41 IllewitrIt!rytvil'e"rla 4-17estriZet Ill''lle3=4:etiolla":101144 Valet hpemil°turinyl rt:
the redeerned. together keep jubilee:or Stanley 'mid: doubt, ereetatrre Thwe Weerediltralli°41144:147:417111117egt4er le:
pare." etahr Pleaeure Is Mine,' Rao nue"' door tsoftlr and tiptoed into the room.
Hy and bye her &Ojai/ opeued ber iseeeerees, ewe er peeve 'latter sbould be, boiled, or. better 'still, Sflotallei Ned rty Ole eselllerr 010 SOW*
tetel'eautuitietion nee be vitriol. eternized. Milk 14 eternized by place '4#1°44
ttle.t tried to fall softls upon the otaire. "The parasite of this diseese ;nee
. • But there are+ °there in this house, Mg what her Pleaeure was, hts added: " home eat tep to take brealtfeet Tee fielowing is a. tranolation ot the lug "the veered coeteining It in a tin To enlighten theee who ere eager -
r4,11, It IS Appointed Mao Mu Once to tole* But After This the
have uot (Moon Ch t d 1
Judgment "..-.Death Will Be Eliding of All Our 0 immortal man? Ong that dey, if all She roge, and they went intt into' ahe told hina
to -night, who are riot readY. TheY "Shall we go ou the *stove or star with you," she hastened to explaba. roper' the French League for tbe pail full of water stun letang It boll iy followieg the desteriptive reporta
to eternity as" they are, wh chance
rie , an ntfo ng n- home. " In a ball dregs?" he satd.
"After or before mix it la cerrect," Wevention of tuberculoses fee eve; ea mistatee. The hebit of drielcing
blood at alaughter hotline; le dan ero of the battles iA South Africa some
"Fott-Overt NU Persona in thie came, and without any salutary einig briet ec•c°unt Of' the varietic° °g ar-
r e.
Your Unforgiven eine are against you; the warm eeripe night. ,
. arthly Msociations—The Dr. Preaches a Powerful
it Nick -room voicee are against You; la .
if death -bee warnings are against you; "I knew yeu did not want to dello," " For breakfast 4"
"Yea, It le halt-Pttat finir• We will • ' be esPeciallY seitable to the employMent of
"Staniee wi I be here," he Nat& otrtythaet sizootwondesatdhsieetobfate:oeturukaptevieorn; 0.);Someereeptipeenretrd haszueida tendeney to tiliery fire aud Pe'eulier coAdit -
careful; for inseams@ these whoee re-
ir the elighted miuletering angels of " Mm"cdlier'' be ready in ten minutee. year in Preece over 1.0,00o are canoed lativee have died fr ' cOnolnUttlattor may not come amise tt met he state
A Aeopateh from weehtogtoh save wa (what Tie too immortal, roe woundeel and. driveu back. le. agginst Stanley was le no
yoa; if tile Holy Ghost la against y
God are against:1"mi ; if Oesugr Ohrist, For reaeons beat known to himself
gettoioue snood. agein into the. darkness, whiee. grew and this number instead of tieereasing abuse of aleholio Ile
thesker before the dawn. Mere goeo on augmenting every year. Hard,
He went out and the girl looked bY plumonary tuberous/tale or phthisio, iwn:oanatrorsufnedeberie:royareofilve.gpetiorefisti;.ulawarabi! ed at mice that with One esetitary
favorable to consumption over 0000 caption -the spherical 'star alien mede
--Rev. Dr. Talmage Preached from the Die irosmeetal; and if the formerepart ea_i e_ _ on, na answered 14=1,14 enough: ego..
Alit it frienda I" Well, she would meet him a$ / Mr the 68,8-iniii howitzer -all modern
itke the antnute W440 W4414"V nni gaVe ;surveil tr the
you, ate coming ea you arep inta that
• judgineolt,"-Hebf ix, 27
'tot men ono( to die, but after thie the fele
:uirr7tht:xiteeeteupamt14,4e1 it is like the °gfencled
Unlimbered earth, and eky mingling daY/ Val must Perish. You do not. my of her• croft voice, "I AM X00r0 intereets, filtere. It might be beat to begin at
boantbaeciment, all the batteriee
dear brether, went to pray now* it ad in per welfare than you areyeur- • once. .
" Thee," with the softest intleetioni haves it to do aft•sn enough in the dull bute. No disease, eo scourge, eaa
a• mere, friend. She would, perhaps. 1Y. tamilY but PaYe to it tt sad tri- ilus,nilusaelatisole °issue ouxobmionaatubiniteilentiootnnegrt:inrito!stehtri,?! coarntiolloisi.royattntoerjec,tialue,ed a,tr4totforeilcoeuttgoatoetedl
Compared to tuberoulosie, HQ far as the vanoed tee far, for thefts who are vvill- hurl ettperteded cast itsm in their 00n4
followlog text:-" It le appointed un- Lord God Almighty is agaiust Par."aPa X "'"'
In thie eudienee, how many throb- in the uproar, "'It is appointed unto
bipg hearts, hew manY gleaming eyes, reTeneggli.ten."di
len and after this the
that one vvord a EVEN TILE GRANITE CLIFF'S
will be .too late to pray then.
Oolft Vola are to start at reveille,' eeTril. of a silver bell camesto eametimes years of treatment and, re- ° I. a
weirdly through fte Ail eledennes and canto. ' dia • I
number of the vietints le concerned.
that th t
struetion for the verv e acm
you should refit a0W. ehoulci really •
hQW Many hopett plans expectations! • ht
gum - pose in special san tariu;me e ormer material glow§ a
Wherever I look aroind me to -night ehains, palacee and durieeons, ballelu- rill fall the Other waY as you pray not have come to -night." ntglit, and otet ef that night emerged eases combined --typhoid, varioloid,
another figure, It ran up the ateps scarlatina, measles, diphtheria °hole .
Xanger Projectile With thinner Wahl,
k tee otters, are piled uP harps and •
o tbent "Rooks MA mountains fall he
atte evIdencee ot human life and f awl waninge of etereity. oThe
tit, and hide us front the face Of keser why he lia,d come. She i and the front door opened and closed. 6
Se, he drew her cage about her shouldere ra, eto.,-do not mute half tie many
WA§ THIS ANDREWS PARTY ? itcriothhilarcgee7nticrlaup,atiforamelarrgeedreljorruseat.:
114k,almeet defiantly what peWer ecin L°rn °bell descend witls a shout, and
Him that eitteth unon the throne, and 6 au" ' groped Iser sva Qat of her romp death%
the voice of the arethangel, atid the knew that it waa becau e DX 'chi
trion the wrack of the Lamb ; for the Meredith /tad told him that if he were / through. the corridor, dawn the dein", uwe wood tuna be "ow like med. 4 motet le wow* Emeeheemx holed inatiYmee fat:torsi catt .hbe 0i/tented with the -
blot (Mt all thin? And yet other etedi- ',sun* of God, and the dead 001 else
Men, if knowing the, nit t dbnins Speenlation on the fate of Andree
etineS have vanished,' not only from Behold, He cometh with chnols anti
who shall be eble ta stand '?" Will would release him and go with Mr. i
great eity ot Hie wrath is come, and going to be too bus, to take her she A candle was burrenon the halo Ohe
went on into the dininioroom. • mea o
Yo s from the 'pet'"rtiluIllaidret°:": letter nub- a wellg-t.
o he ilestruction Of muter'
:a :I yra n raanp:bi 60 I, I in ad vea t ed ;de le
. the one hundred thousand Men and conetruction. In museums where
women who waved and ahouted in the the MuMmies lay, the swathes will be advancing Jellevsli? Will you be calm • Stanley nfha, contrasted her Indif-• .
wbile the birds of the air, toughed ferenoe with Misa Colliee's gentle, so -
ayes prostrate themselves before tho comPu a olt• 70enr•ioaolareamdayr:tennitleid.agTaihne,,,Ilheanteen:t. boladrtte.t17kt: the. m known to the publicx; iiaishivterd.hithi:7 Time.. w;iter Ovally t r t
• . s n who ha b ' tar and tor range rindEnseepurPosest
ain , nowing that tuberculosis ma
Roman amphitheatre.? Ail ,geee torfott, and the bodies will coroe t
builetnms where they have assembled, every eye shall see Him.'
lett va ish d f g earth Where use yeninrk, in regard eit that second ,Your witheut •Teaus Christ, he able to
t d f• n Al d 1 Kendall, which waa tantamount r • s we 0 . an n racemes fresh scope
d his halloo •
net the ravagee of this most terrible " locom.otive mince," says the London •
e crisis tbat it w'll e our physical re- gt sa Inn tv• e e .Ps an. *ma ; • to ' aliert mthother WaS Pooling the coffee,
er a er and his fir,st l'enienant co 011 en anis , ast n t cis ph
eerfully. He was too much lined
Where ere the tltree million igen whom
ROUNDED A -ND 'PERFECT. rordeet,hatadebuftelo, in wild evident/he,
e 'eke: and the cattle and • ' • ' • • • Ifish •
Pno e ashes; licitows tones Ot a suddert 'he won- with, the excitement of the occasion
Cherehill, the meet northern post of
front•entanabt to man, We knew means
4.662 man t° man and charge 'for the lent five yeara of For(
Xerxes x•eviewed in one army ? All tiered if 'thee Ileeredith stele se now to remember. his Injuries. " You by Melt h • •
mi8 be the nucleon -1s Bay Company. In theiet- me It eie 4m/suable, thar coramen
plunge ever a precipice to die and. w.luch was What Mae Collier mettnt ,reproaeh our garments with the seise- prevented or hcasited, we would be te h• •
• gone! Where are the multitudes that The bodies a David, and ,Teeenuah, and
'heard, Oreorge Whitefield preach on the ,i,'osirtia;.ilthousands /Ant y a
p oleaardiainnt atnhd the mountains cry to tbe atm, and the
e the valleys cry to the motinlAins, and him to wander. A still, 'smooth voice dor of your attire, but our m4101031 is --es 0 - • . r• ie a reaps 1 u ,
to march on atstive aervice, and not 8•""ais if we failed "to make
menus, in this respect tuts beep 'nutea
Rear -Admiral Campion; and
dd d to' h•
s ncle ne ano id pciatait as powereul a
eorninons, while some laughed, and etleertkialfi onnontnot d1.1 The rair will be SeaS crY to the air, end all the eoices afie3t A. flows over • un"tin°teedd sdhethgsaz.-
uo, tofi ctouretth/ will exrctrisee 71.
to be beautiful.' We can only hopeyou knosiqvst:Er ceAVelintii3ve mcsealtiam ed Auguet 1, 1889, Mrs Alton aaysi,
" You Will, is slat. wasting uharge as possible artiO•effos
some blasphemed, and some prayed? populous wit -h• spirits coming to claim above, and all the voices beneath, ,
I goee 1 While St* Paul's yet stands
where are the 010.00118 that built it ?
Al ' ' t r ' P 1 ill went t e ja gment
marmot ort a mo ning, w
get back bis body without the thorn Oh 1 I implore you, with a heart al- to 'bring' seauricie.,/
the iong lost body -body end soul re. elamourh• aedd clamour: "The judg- .f
bursting with' anxiety for your e flung ttio °meditate "you had
e sky' and ma"7 prow: a :»enadaaIninwg11.1. tele() eynaubre ;fa:
gracious ati to Wish that the contrast .
img. the rayages orterbeareeloamsts.inxitehis, tgrbeeaAtlyndsrueerpreixsheve._°dWaition
tet.veLarnno tdhoeubiosts, 60? ntialenavtilinTy j:rta:az'
up North. In rarely twee Isy • field batteries, and ,
knowledge of the
' °mese ie to -clay possessed of a La lieu or pewee)... kbcaept for range,
I While the pyraraids of ,OgYln, look in the flesh.. Payson, his, without the most
immense ma ordy of •tlie 1
ear y per o spring en squ -
t f th' .g puipoees commit t3 6 ate
across the desert, where are the quer- ping.. Robert Hall, hisswithout the
rymen that excavated 'the stone, and' life-long excruciation. Nero eis ; burden I cannet bear. All these souls
rederaptIon. God has, put upon me a Stanle7 was et, iti arms. •
" ba d It was my wiah grat and he th ew back •the cape
g your per on. e, a r • igatix named Old Don 1dg S d They are pre-eininently the projec-
There was a roaring fire in the known that in the • j •
tOongh they ere soinetunee wee et "s-
Ooth short aim lung rangeo agatnist
troops. in mess, or against trobpS 01 •
s. •
Robespierre Ins Na o on his • neu,st I meet them at •
where are' the eculPlors who chiselled ... 8.. . , , . P, le I 9 t the bar of God? to do ,so: Miss Meredith' offered to ex- from her shouldere. Her neck and arms s a constemptive does not poSsesa aones morn Esquiraaux were tritding
. tn sot, his ; the libertine, his. Some Mutat I give an account for every word Bilge me l' shone white, and the lights glittered the.gerkus of that disease/ at birth. It in the sho
p. After they had faush.,
the features? All gone! of the, bodies built up into unending X have' uttered in their presenee, or - - - on her ha:r 17*.em the crown of her 18 known theink t ' ' t ed they all ent
Val 1
• 0 . 0 0.131 11, that he son , w out but Old Donald's
The three or fogr eailors at sired- rapture, scene of them• into unending for any failure I have made in plain_ -" Did ahe f But, of ceurse, she did! head, with its faded flower, to the torn greater number of. the 140,000 cons i , Who wanted to . know if' 'the bat -
night on a steamer's deck 'ere more in pang, and the angel with one foot on nesa of speeph ? 1 implore you to She is alwaYs 'considerate, 'fear I my- ruffle of her skirt she was in sad dis- suseptives who die ga '
vl In r oon had started, as two white men
the sea, an*d the other on the land make quick preparation fo t
proportion to the hu*ndreds of passen- will svvear by Him thet.liv th f ' fott which alt other d r het, Say self ithould. not have been so gener- erray..f But Si:tart/iv thought her very hay . y Y F ance had been killed tip North last aura-
• iesa et no onger _ no a e is message as ro ".niuss ' aok o tires.
e caught the disease either In mer a '
rver beesint ul.. n n menuroy rente auddenly
leeping 4own in the cabins than and ever tbatst•nt h 11 b Do t t k th• ens wefe Tade; outs. • I ant net of a generous nature.
b '
, n4 it was supposed thee' had
the, present. population of the earth and then Ele will utter a voitse It •B' t ' "
ared with those who are sleep- will °amid afraid all the nations of the
DA comp before whom you and I must soon ap., to occur to hers:" suppose Mr, Ken- were quite unhappy. Then Moriarty ens„.s, ps_s s•
ey 'gayly for all that they gerrazeatti. onettitttisrot:Iiiprsts.cmpoaaigieea:osoiowdittetnelin,tatibhiy; come from the Rbaolwlososun.. T .4R
, , dead: "Come torus ! Dome forth le and pear. Men 0,11 round us are being dull stood ready to bring her. I think reported that the eergeantenajor Was "".".e "'"'"3"
ing down 'in the cavet•ne of the earth' th • b cl• h 11 • •
u , then, -the thought seemed just Th
that comes rrom the throne of that God
Contain those germs. It is known "" I did not pay much. heed. to the
, ies s a rise from under the hurled xnto eternIty without an item he ie In
their lent sleep. And all now liying sod, and tinder the wave in ghastliness of preparation ; starting on a jeurney love with her. Don't your at the door end would like to see
the captain. The captain went out and that these gerans.of tuberculosi b - eterY, but, as a matter of duty, re -
She turned. her head and looked into
mud die, Will there he Ais eseape? or in glory, All that are in their ragged and wretched.. for ever. Last - his wife followed him.. . et a ported V: to Dr. Milne, at Port York.
a w 1 ta lea de KOMI, are spread by consuanp- Later on howeve t Esq •
gravekA shall coons forth. month was time enough for them -or his. eyes, with a vague /sort of sPecu- "lVfaerici ke care of , yeti," , r, wo re ue
Not One! Miust the colour go out of Lives around them, each patient becom- maux, Stookby, and his brother, oame
, . I reanerk, again, It regard- to:that Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday- lotion. They mIgni have been discuss- she said to StanleyS She had many
• Muen the spring go"out of a
all these healthy eheeke? Muet the WS- 81300nd •011010, that it will be the time woe time -enough for them, aye,, yea- i • t • g but' • gori things to attend to. '
• easy ? Why theit the Ohestian mother made tbe last leap • They are one its • "It Would ot • M. "
tre 'fade fiom all theee bright eyes? of explanation, WIty is it that the torday would tave been time enough es a• -e er4aItin • laaPal a
e those good have jt hard and the bad have it for them, but not tceday. They. have " • •
A surprsse e. . be broken came upon the twosStanley •
racked his brains for a sentence. IVIau- •
And then a silence that would not emiasion of the ' ente
it is possible t see
wn y certain precautions "Stookby's brother, while Minting effective". Common shell are pain
t pechtion hats come to grief up North. burst at or -close to the object to
dinegfetcroteyd, the igorlitosa.t•lext • •
leaves very little doubt that the • ex,
in, and they brought news which
ling, by his expectoration, a oenter of
eis !for este! bowuzers, and ut the
gew e -inch variety of this weapon,
wig* is to supersede all others, theY
weigh, whee rulls Stay pound.s, and
centain a lyddite burating charge of
star, consisting of a brown paPer cY- •
friweepor uaribadsatonte ou:icae. Anl iniendaatary_
nd wo A hes ong P r t •
tined and idled with' incenctiar
position, and primed at eech e
a cteice match, is inserted tro
hole when the object is t
buildings or stockades., . se
Common Shell are explecied'
or perms/31mi fusee, which ignite
striking the object or ground..
timit of erroe permissible in the
of couunon ahell is yarn small; it
aunding fleet? Aye I Aye! "It is an'e •
et deprived te-day of ihe'r only child, remediebly ; no rape. utanise lot; them, . ' ricie 'sought vainly for, Worda Stan-
'. . • ley looked across the. table. at the part of these germs that are scatters' niujsk oxen last summer, came attross
There ion. very cheerful eraphasison undisturbed? I appeal to the day of Lost I Lost I Loet I Lost I Scans of you
pointed unto men once to die." • , and 'the household of. the, godless left no Inertly for them, no hope fer them. •
" I hope se, because phe deserves to pretty. head, Miss Meredith
studied the light effeiste on his bee, esedouther:11 gh
tthe atmosphere and, 'con a party of four white men shootin
deer, A Party of Esquimaux 'who peinee
g variety,. are distinguished by a
black. Double shell, a xnore power
ele was tore obviousl Cool. .
judgunemt. Tell me, 0 thou of the • my dear brothers and sisterssare mov- be happy'. and I think shs caress more ,y, o prevent .the •gx•eater see the deer, eta thought that the .eh I, t . .•
' - were approaching at the time did not
' ' that word " once." I know people who
• have so raueh grace that death seems ,
trumpet tongues, why arts these ingon toward tee same doom, withoutt
--- wrongs and outrages? Exptain the Otriet, quick as, your heart can tea , than 0, little for 'him." . tons. Then sheglfeeten to yawn. And -
number of oases of consumption.
to be attractive to them, and they peuralgles, and rheumatism, and in- and the moments ean t a l 1 12' e
. , .,.. . r ve , s iv r " What • makes, yoe. think that 1" consecutive thought were oot. "It is kieiwit that contact with th '
., ,. ,
no sense aangerous; e• •
e •••• s , ,_ ,
white •nsen were shootieg at them.' ,,
0 rapnet le need. ago. AS loops in
still no words weeld come. Speech a.nd
really talk as though they wouid be tiOssicions; The world is dumb. and a.t the ides. of yottr undoing. r stretch Sta,nley. asked vvith exceeding care- And still Ina itencenant vvatched the. coeseinetive is in • arrQw0 man enel. rWe of the whites, • •
sweet, tired face until the shadowed • • They thereupen drew their bows and ?." 1°Tnlati-
in in the .44 'h I t - ' - "
org charge place,d 'either in the base sees
ens. sft contents a. burec-ek,
-1, e a
wklling to die half a dozen timess It eau Make no answer. I areal to the oult my hand to save you, but it is too leasitees
day of judgment. Strhy, ere on. the wela:k ; wadi I lift my voioe, but it is ,r • '•• •e d lc tvontllinmge.ntheraranonnwtheanspipolttn.u'Lheb
e that neither his person noi his breath eat pattern-OTtooStfrr e'en ,
yes urne an oo e ou . or tn
is not sil.with ine, The ideals exceed- , the throne and Paul in the Peniten-
tee. shell., and e nuniber ot outlets,
tee feebleSspd I cry ; • g ea many.. it e ngs ve le wind
. repalsIve. I would like to -get Wiry r Why Nebuchadnezzar, in the . maa wOuld never take into account IV( dith
ovv. A shutter was o zi and ' Poison° s • fth
ad1Plen,cktlenadMwins: mon int. hunu, • --et one can t,alk with Faiquintaux, and it is ,not- known whe-
but which- a girl know,s from her own onenrneng,
I tgoar ris, together, inhale, his ther they eacaped or feet, • which are thtits liberated in their flight .
into Heaven,' without . dying et. all. I ehatloi. and Daniel in the den ? Why • "MEN 'A.ND. ANGELS, HELP!" •
y e ause 8,Ve the: defrauder building his villa on Ah th "
, oubinit-to tlie idea' onl b 6 h
• We take seventeen thousand' brea.ths hard. nillow in the back elley f Oh 1 - drowning souls aught clutch it artd o her ous. risk of certain precautions are man shortebx:oadileldne nn
fellows lying .dead : with arrowti al •
through th ra 0 w g an tliose by the bench. field howitzer I
„ ant thie
the' Hudson .rSeer whle C • '
hrustian omniPotence or nOthing. • Oh I that the
eY eannot help. We must have ese,erionooe_tho isapersonaueeeeree, wore near.
. Sudden's.' ;he' lieutenant pu
sh:d baawnek hreet14 live with hint' ivith
give flint the. Most '
constant care and
m' St kb ' b h
oc y s rot er SAW the two poor ear y Prtmopenerremnoregnitn,nruaninTdnoew:norvaep.r
e el shell toted by the 12 -pounder horse '
sewing-welnesa put 'their I he e e., t is night, thruat very *personal. for .one short instant, . .
"to. But, thank God, We die but once. tillery gun contains 16, Ilets
then dropped in confusion-" or free, his chair and rose_ end • went to a d attention wet
ads. on a. Almighty arm w r •h• ' •
in a day but there will he I k ° ed . • - bu ,
- he'r• Miss Stereditia s t W r W tit running. any, seri-
ee an no e agains Pteeeg
us. n e. felt, to -day a.s it I could. her owe bs '
eeve toe, Have yea seen a?
only one d f' ' d 'p • '
• that day God will Pe vindicated, and die ta save. you, and yet' my poor !life stout • the other
in • you. will if you watch. It is But•
Lanett, tte mincipal one. being. to clean
Stanley had nosnind -to let heir, rest was a young man, Tha elder had. 013
, • DAM will ery out: "Hit is rig:Hit-ever- could not purchase your redemPtien. either that tor et desperate flirtation. a knickerbocker euit, with striped
ing. Nor Aid he melt that phe should las 'destroying it -until it has beconie
up his expectoration and not to de- otockings; the "lounger had on, a cloth
, one Passage ot sthe•Dead Sea. "It , is lastingly right." "Thank God for those But ,I believe DIateriela to be above . against anything so hard mid unfeel•-•
appointed unto Men once to die," galling chains," will ery out the ee- slrin Otte hinging, on a tree, flirting. I have never thought that
last breath. For us there Will be oat '
In agony and, blood." emit, and they both had on theesecut-
dry and been. taken up in the atmos -
keep her eyesupon the floor. He turn -
livered captives. "Thank God for all shr deliberately went about breaking
B tt 1 ust rt, 'the te t int
. ed her face up to bis and by the tight ter or badge baps. The Esquimau]:
pheris. It is known that by war e
from 313 to 350 bullets. ,
The striking eftect of the bullets is
dependent upon the remaining velo- ,
city of the shell at burst ancl upon °
the exact tinting of, the explosion, so
as to inflict, the most destructive con -
sa ° an that was quickly coming he Saw all cleanliness we not only prevent the • nte tockby rot er to.go bao sequences on objects aimed at: A
withitnhg tu.hpeniN'o tlizenprtanab aifenbni,goircsothueandi tively with percession fuses on
patient from becoming dangerous to though shrapitel may be used eft
those paegs," will cry out the recovered Ah, singer, tha.t is the sacrifice that eeoires, Any man would naturally -fall that he had been ao long horriog to
halves, e.nd talk of the two great invalid. "Thank God fer all those is goin,g to save you -His sweat,' His'
°tillers, but that we do him a great
°rises menitioned in it. "It is eppoint- faggots," will exclaim the delivered blood, His. tears, His exisruciation• 0. man. I 'wonder tbet•you can sesso
in love with her, I should if I were
minding him, as .she tried faintle' feeting himself end •from destroying —'•
He hovee,ver, brOught in two wolfaltin ranges over. hard groun
sions when it cao 'be fired
ses. Yet Mani -We could not resist re:
ed unto men once to die, but aftei this y
proanised, at all, I think a the na-
mart r. Ohl if there were no suoh day took Ott teethes He trod the Shari" uch of her and •remainssimplv her
e enefietal effects of treatment ' • •
_ammunition, etc , but he did not go.
service, for he is 'prevented froan rein- --
•• the judgment." ' Otitis of earth would join' in a peti- endured a death. through which went state • : Y .3 •
ii. • b Hat free herself, 'But ive,stre mere friends,'
sPikes, He suffered, the torn row, e friend. •Your heart must be of stern ou kno v" 1114
Walhaehb W0.131d often be successful if f N th/ timidly always depends. er-
are those on 'welch its ex
The light,broke in, too, upon Sian- • by the Esqutmaux t ,e, ar or
bartpets and a, part of the dress. worn
that he had been aso far.
remark; in 'regard to the . . tion to tigh heaven. r such a day of • all the serrows of this world, and the She checked a. sighsand reenined her these precautions..were rigerotisly en; juts to prove . .ea n cety, therefore,
oriels. that it will be the eeding of gloriotits expfisnationt Ocutukes of eternity driven in one gaze at the stars. Then, ait if &new- eF:tOtntha • • • "
ind. • • •
force • as he said, I 'hese reported. this to observed in the eleeatihrt•
•• a • '
, Tile last crisos. I remark, will. lab thunderbolt of angeish through 1.1113 ing 'put. a train of thought, she 'reefs "Therefore,. the • eongress fer the. ancIrlotring of the, time fusee
all. our earthly -plans.. If Napoleoh
one also of scrutiny I dd not know holy heart.; and yet yen will not have meaced • . Ina. explanation 'a the .luckle,ss word<
t is it, la it171 wee -all the 4tuoyd•pt
4 ..• . than he ever pave or that was ever ' 'tuberculosis, soh. ere' aj.I1 th.e the. .entale18-81•aneer.....A, D. ,iiStsTGN,
's . Wants' to tight Austerlitz, he must do
• iebefore that, or never fight it at all. I. am' 'Very' certain that • all the pest the best friend tint was ever offered not a flirt. She has•never flirted with
how log the last ti.eal "will take, 'but hint. • You turn your back upon this, " Thai in • itself 43 proef that she is ask d "Well, supposing you make. us
mo:e Shan that "•hosuggested, . senibled has issued a set. of instrue- . ' ' ' '
, - aeoertained- tilers issein the open
iinecialists. of that disease were as- ' ' _ the projectile thoroughly effee
• 'but -once the correct kange has. be
If Sohn Howard Wants to burp oet the will rush, through our recollection. to a mate This Jesus, of 'whom lipoke you. Of coursesthough, it may be that . .. , . .. . . . time to teach .the pruiblics how to ' least -no More deadly or slemoraliz'Ing
Our sins wel come up• -sins ot boy- to yeu this moreing, is attogether she hap been. engrosited with Mr. Ken- • , 30 'es • ' , • ..._ • . vent the tweed of the disease. MEXICAN _130....LITENESS. •
fire in existence. To ebtain the range . .
. dampness from the dungeon, he muat
• do R befere that, or never do it 4t
• hood and girlie:led; sins of manhood precious -precious while we live, preo- dall." A girl who is watching her father shOts of comment shell are s '
• an. - The 'lea momenta will 'snap , off and the soilage; sins of the. day; seas Ohl that God/ wou/d bring you. Ur a -
.. and, womanhood; sins of the school ious when we die, precious for ever. Neither. view . wan so'inforting , to 'and two. troops ride Off at reveille to 1,UtahMCIILOSIS INSTROIsCeaTs,leOsN,thS:at, 1-16I'v " 1'4 Bigl'i"Ised E717 ""'" ADYtii. - farigerueinniktly fired, fer this uxejectue '
Stanley'. The little things which Mies "Tubeicialoals is, of all di .
• take part in a campaign ought not to
look radiant. Neither should a ' Or! whici• has Met •vietirass In large 1 gives forth a fine. puff ,of smolie ort '-
'. swhieetit would take rue five hundren of the night; .sins of hand,. and foot,' better- mind. I want .to leave you,' le- Collier had insineated 'began to-vet/lir . ''' e, Three DtIlleexillcsane,°'':=111tsly. of .' the graze, and it is a. Much simpler mat- . .. ..
' ' -all our - earthly 'schemes. I have plane and eye, and brain -••• alt the sine , of /tightest thie feet of, this Jesus. . ..ue to him •They were. very small things weiottorandestyarmilnlizn: Virzi; ciao:5'6,0y make iii0 from one fourth to middieglass; enter' a railwaY ear in the ' ter 4) jUdge of an error in -range. by '
aim seventh of the imoktality. - 'r o
• • .ourf lives, pease; awn" s •Seeitt noS tuft sou ius, Indeed; go he enlarged them. since love ,n
plain this high figune it must aou-nx:
years .to execute, end.' yet I knovv that
. • otter mir finaleearthly. moment HOST• AFTER HOST, • ,
. 11:4t, and I xnew Him.. He is "ehief wheel it may not be as happy
ten thousand and the One al- would lik as it!, of• /sunrise before the 'astonished view
of several scores .of troopers. ' deretbod that puha hth" •
onary p • ons Is •
in. tarter; twe to •, ke a journey and a
Deteatheee-commonehell are not forths
a shell bursting on Abe ground .than .
.. .-
' the opening earth cannot sweillow f ..,s- . er awe y.". • He lute. been my im it may. chat of .a ;few 'moments, thinking the coming shrapnel mwit besfire •
friend te ,etee them oft After envesiy, ItX exPlnded in the 'air bY a iimA3 fa"'
• . The falling rocks 'cannot, .crush them; 'tl'onissiff -s - 1 , et Preferb to miserable
• . , . Mre;Meredith cheeked• her own in- not ehe only manifestation of aileron- . .
Death will he to us not a minuet, - them; the stalling firee shall not con-, briend in times of prosperity -He' pas Miss Collier% gase was not 'so MO elinaticie to weep, and bethought her-
• Oen ray joysin the days. of adversity, ed upon the star that 'she could got
on one o e to . armee . - of-pilule/I,
fact man cases•of 'bronehi
losis, as is erroneously believed. In oar- about to start, they hug And tat. peroession 'fuses tin the reng
' '
• riot a semi-Oolon, net se (last; but a . consume Diens. It .may basil figura-
te to be a ,book of ace ,Speeking out of my desert heart's"' ex- see. into the. hall:She watched it,, and f th * Id nioninningitin, niapnl.trritonunbilteisf3, each Other on the back, say theie fare: a
self of her daughter. She laid her hand
At very long reuses the at
ertai , . , .
. •
' rated it win stay. roueded. It it be from Cliid's unfailleg memory .all Hi I) • •
souls toeught• Oh! time, and ageePt medlatelY fthe Wag res'varded, She saw Prudert," she looked at the teamieg cold abscesses ' etc., ,are of the sane; door, keeping .up a lively chat on the, ing timed to take place,right
hut St can bis eaught by a healthy .per-
_ing What the building- was meant to fore him or ler there shall. be ten, -
Din, Edinbnigh-a four Of pillare show- woman, will teel, when displayed be- to Jesus now, never will come. They She turned end faced the latter and and it sou from a patient only under special' returns and greets the two prospective tinimpaired, the shell -"ahead I
be, bet is not. How maw, there are twenty, thirty, or forty yeare• of
- tiater in the frivolities and eissipa- toward him. The soft voiee had nev- . . A . . hereditary transmission, the tuberous though they luid just returned froni a'
conditions,. which we will state. Resides_ traveler/141th as much pleasure as from fifty to one hundred par,"
e urinal organ- • front. It 'should be noted that eget t
ally nil the velocity of the jean
will be out. in the world, andbe ewept ' thught lilts hands in hers And leaned Waa so Oark,"' she explained.
:drawing oUt it,diagram or their life, misimproved oppoktunities.
d , . . , might ,be saved. Oh li will they coind low.
MI alY Mate. %hie is the time when they er been -more sympathetic more
• , FASCINATING • AGE FOR 'WOMEN. isatt by' the 'air in breathing, through
journey instead .of being about to Make
. periof, If GUI% WOrk at that time be etive that °a.m. . pi/dunce I commend, Him to your she watched Stanley, and almost ira- “igauricia. hoW alto You he so lin- enteritis, a osseous and joint lesions'
°nets, but et is very certain that ' • descent nocessitites the:exploit.
Wells, and the feterids rushes for :the-
limo plate, it. will stay Incomplete, our past life will come to us. *ad tor leneviere There are men in this coming down the corridor, and she saW " hew can you. be so happy?" nature. Tebe'reekeeis is an infentious, way out. *In 'about half a minute, object aimed at; at very shirt
inatiricia's' answer was not wiser etrasitic• dinette -caused by microbes, •
132'. 0 it now. This is your chance Mies Meredith and Lieutenant Kendall
like the national montnitent on Calton- just imagine it, how that man, that where.the angle of descent is
house, to -night, that in3lees theY coMe that Stanley did not see. thr,t.ittfiiiiiitfilittbh:vitabutscttrietistreciltrIsId. seeing that the car does not, start, ihe
h •t u The emea C d ' 1 an enemy under temporary ear ov-
er er crouching behiitel bowidera of
rock 'the . distantly discernible, effect •
of shrapnel fire is often. deceptive -
that is to gay, the hostile artillery
may be pile/Iced and the ground 'ap-
parently swept bare of its defenders,
yet little real damage has Prebably •
been inflicted.
staid; " He had at his death forty no apology to make? There will be
us of Coleridge, ot whom Charles Lamb refege for our souls - lf we have I wish that there might go up a thou- "But, Perhaps," it murmured, "1 Thirty three yeans, the ereireman the digestive organs in eating, through
sand -voiced shriek: °What must I de have only just thought of it when you says, is the fascinating' age for womazi, one. Suddenly he appears to think
thousand untinisheO. manuscripts:* At no tears. The grief will be too deep to be saved 11"' Oh I come back to, thy were so silent, Perhaps I am hurting wounds, ulcers,- ete. •
the skin by stings, acme:thee, sores, that some loose change might be me-
ths door of the future world, the arch- for, testa , There mar be 110 eries for ful to them on their journey; ea
too Father's house thou prodigal -come up you. Are you a mere friend, or do you and nearly all mankind under '80 and "The most frequent and the most • • b•
Rea puts down his plane, and the help. The soul ten feel it io from the wil4rnessi living on husks, love her, too?" thrusts his hand down in is pocket
past 25 agree with the Frenchman, dreadful source of isoatagion lies in the
carpeeter his adze, end the mason his Inie.
• and clothed t e a of th sin Woman cann t a at
h r gs Y . 0 pl y . these theY Byron found the/ voune girl charm- expeetoration of consueaptive patients.
book, and the minister hie sermon. crisis, that ft will be one of irrevocable
trowel, And the merehant his bank- reinark, again, in regard to that Come, come, the banquet is all ready,t aa.y, because ithe cannot plan her moves ing, but coropiain.s-that-site ie Almost harmless while in a liquid cent- whinh
and secures several silver dollars,
he offers to thens and which
Not one bargain after that, though a decision,. If we lose our ease in the' or determine those of her opponent dition, it becomes dangerous when re- they loudly protest against receiving.
NOVILLTIES IN DUE& mite when men are her pawns. She
sermon atter • that, though nations te the "Circuit," or, failing there, we half yout form often Nvi.hen spat upon the ground, into their hands, retreate for the
zrdllion voices were bidding. Not one Court of "Common Pleas," we take it
far enou'gh in advance, It is not the "All giggle, blush, half pertness and &iced to povvder. It assumes that He, however. insists. and, forcing it
were dying. Dorte I Done, for ever I take it to e0haricery," Or "Supreme
vvorts on the eupposition that fate will And glancing a't mamma for fear there the flobe, or upon a wall ; when it fans . door for fear they, will thrust itiback
• not platy into her hande but if '
la harm in what you, she, it, or
Agein, Iremark, that the first crisis Court." If We are tried before a Simla l'e"hlor " Ehans' moi .4311h Vtri chOosea sof to do it is elf the better on clothing, hedolothee or sheets, car- upon. him, all the while keeising up the
they -may be about." ,
sical ruin, However attractive the us through some technicality of the In no direction beset farttastic strain- Miss Meredith's approach couldnot And he as well, ,as the fin-de-steele b •ths d st loth th b h d d i I
spoken of en my text will bet otir phy- petit jury, end the case goes against queer We0POnt.. and. fate notoriously favors the fair. When dried and in powder it is stirred ute, seeing the car does nott yet start,
taints handkerchiefs, napkins, etc, lively chat. In about another min -
body znay have beenk it must come to law, We get it new trial. But, Whee
ing after originality been carried y • o c , e room, brush or e opens t e oor art comes n,/ ta k -
defacement And matiTation. Beautiful decision oe the lase day shell be given, to have been better timed. sterility teas obteaux, diii. pot find the conversation carpet beater. Thiel dust, suspended ing as lively as ever. and/ hie comPan-
itorked to the requieite pifelf of annoy- ,t Young girls PartictliarlY edifying, ixt the air, enters the respiratory or- ions are very glad to see him; WeleOnt-
Marie "AntiOnette a.s well as her sow- there vent bet no appeal. If we are ac_ greater lengths thau in deals to the ' le
ance wt her and himself. Fre watt also Or he says:
ing maid; men of magnificent proper- quitted, thetIgh earth and hen should death. gans, falls 11POII portione of the body, ing hinie very effusively, and again
irritated it et" t M' C 11' f
Indeed, tut opposed to the Boer in
his favorite style of defensive tactics, •
the efficaey of shrapnel fire is much
discounted. High angle fire -that is,
fire directed from guns at a greater,
elevation than fifteen degrees -with
any charges, and with ccenizion shen
as the projectile, would doubtlees
much toward lessening the terrible Hat
of casualties suffered bY Our storming
parties. Shrapnel shell are distin-
bons like Isaac Ferris, or ThoMas delnand that we be tried over again, Onci of the strangest contests ever ing .eits suspicion's, even sthongh they "The nurser still nape out in all the • '
upon objects used el cooking plates shaking hands and saying gebd-by as pushed hy a red point.
utt r, Y Y
Guthrie or 'Richard Coeur de Lion, as God will say: "NO; that raen is ao- and diehes, and thus beComes et per- he departs far the .outside, On the CASE SHOT IN FIELD SERVICE.
recorded took eke° on the Big CIAY- might be juet, So he ansevered as she
Besides they alway's tiMell of bread ma.nent. danger to persons aojourning friend's fourth entrance and doper -
well ite the cripple who lay down at quitted, and he is acquitted for ever." _ e, _ . . „„ _ , e .. had planned, „
Case shot vvill Ise found with all guns
their gate. The golden howl of 'life Bet IL We are eonclemned, no new trial, emu° alay'r la n'Yetnallait. wwo e r on) not so fortunate as to have and butter." in ths contaminated atmosphere. The ture the two trevelets folloW to tile on field service. it consiste ef a thin
m ra. co
'germs of contagion also exist in the glatform and stand chattint laugh- metal cylinder, ticked with bails, The
/shivered against a marble slale's No ne writ of certiorari taking it up to here of a coWsPunching Outfit, one an anr right. to love here' Ilia voice rats- ei. woxiten to be especially cliarraing evacuatioris of the patients, produced. ing and saying more farewe lit until . case breaking tly the discharge, the
mirrorthere• in whiell to Part the hair a higher jurisdietion. At the decis- American called Dick McCall, the oth- ed iteelf in exasperation at having to , , , . , ith
or eteretinize. the broadcloth. No new icol of the higheat judge ot the high- either by ardent, swallowed, or by in- -the train. starts, and they are compel- ballet are all libera.ted b the time they '‘
er Gonsalves, a Mexican, were bOth admit' it Minn Idntinditil and I testirtal lesions so common in such die- led to generate, to their great mutual reach the muzzle ,andyspread over a
66_ W at a now% in the N est as „bad ; ait tbe little fotbles et human nature;
are cl1enc nare a clpse acquaintance w
regret, and witli expressions of hope -
fa/Atkins in shrouds. Diesolution is the est beneh, proclamation will goforth h i k . e , ,, mars friends*"
Again, I remark, in regard to the quitted tor ever. Conderaned once men." ,. ..% 4 The lieutenant looked up
Mies Collier drew away bee; dhatnhdettri,
thefearereneahtekcertwateshetimeenerh:ine!btehleorwe°artilde Bacaltal° indispertgable, therefore, te take that they will soon meet again. front elf the enemy is hard or stony;
word. Dissolution! through the ages; "Acquiltece once, coneiderable space. If the grourid ha
first moats of which I speak, It will condemned for ever."' * They cmarrelled at dinner, and int- he knew that Miss Meredith was stand- aa.P, P . •• , .
be di lomatie e mos care u .ttrecautions regard- - the belle vnil ricochet and the
imp the expectoration of consumptive°.
be the (wait* of all our earthly at- . 0111 wbut a day thee will be - riot - taediately afterwards the twotode out Inn' on the stelat above* • be more effective, Cagle a
The soft veil? somethin unworth '' sh *if aw t and
Tee young giri scorns diplomacy as It should always be ejected into ports- HE SAVED THE BABY.
sociatione. The nicely folded letter of twentysfour hours long, nor twelve on their best horsets,eseh man being . lain. or glass spittoons, containing a only up to five hundred
piekels" trdlimegi ti • bg t dr df Ile iii e'et h
gen e, ti WS ea u y onea ; er
levitation will. not reach' toe and our houra long, hut split into two parts; armed with, a 45 -foot rope. At a dia-
tance of 109 yeteds they turned and wen. on ve it, u antey es Is
t •th ' b t St 1 t It' likes and dislikes are so 'strong, • certain quantitY of IhIllide Audi not iik lite nostarnable latelligence Of a Sew. common and shrapnel sh
foot wilt not sound in the ruzablirtg the last pert of it going 'put 'in tiery head. • sucb, metter as sawdust, bran, sand e
of the dance, Of all the thousand storm I do not know but that the retie towards one another, circling Extre youth is raeroileset; it itmeilamit Dog. heade of one's own troo
He said that he had something to paints in dark hues what it dislikes shell, loaded Ole reverse
or ashes. The handkerchief upon , ,
vices; on the money market, our will sun may rise as on -other mornings, slowly round and round. Then both which the Patient should vvitte his tins An old resident of a Nova Scotia
non be heard. The ferry gates will but there will be no evening hour. rc'Pes abet nut. attend to at the berracka, and would and ereads, and the dark hues are just --I - hke, - -
open 00 more for uls to go through. Misa Collier excutse him? as esaggerated as the rainbow light •
on y and union w he ahouId never town its the proud owner of a New -
The clock of time, itself, wiii burin- The combatants dodged them, 'and
. "Mete friends!" Maurice), said to with which it decka what it loves. spit) s Oa e refiewe every ay.
' h Id b d d
A.mid the great popuIationa that fouridland dog for which' he has been
surge up and down the Street we will hands, and weights, and. tongue. The
time -piece in the tower of Antwerp, The Mexican's touched Dick's head, but
again the ropes coiled tkirotigh the air. herself over end over. We are mere Te the young girl the world,. se a DISPOSING OP SALIVA. offered large sums. The dog's intelli-
not be jostled. Amid those with whom and Trinity Church, pulled apart by he threw it off, It w.tis out afrcbh be- e mere erieeee el
friendel" paradise devoutly believed in, and life "The contents of the spittoons should cremes has always been rated high, but
we weep, and lau,gh, and cuing, there ithe used as the is a pictures with all its bright lights be znixed with sawdust or some other -
the red fingers of the conflagration. fore the American could recover his,
will not be one with whom we tatty watchward to pees the gates of fife, on. She le half a child, half an angel, combuttible and burned. If emptied two years ago he added ta his /repute -
I know not whether the internal fires and this time it tightened. over his
shake hands, not one, not one. Amid tatien, and for the rest of the evening dwelling in the clouds and full of int- into asyard they may tnberculize foWls tion by an act which seemed toripcle,
all thcee who eonte, to the worship of ot the earth will burst their imprison- neck. Like a flash Dick's pistol spoke, she made Kendall hapPy, and henself possible ideald and sentiments. And or/ allow microbes. to spread through cate a power of rapid reasoning equal.
ment, or that fires will descend front and•tbe Mexioan fell dead. But his _
God, We Will not bow the head, we will welt abet wen intoxicated with the Poor, erring, earthy Man finds it an the -air. No knowrt disinfectant is to that possessed by many human be-
heavea, or both heeds of flame front hones galloped on, and McCall, was
'not lift the psalm. Front all our com- wine of retaliation. and was regent: awful strain to try to liVci up to this poweeful enough. to rapidly destrey WWI- ° .
pulled from his saddle and dragged in- Err _
,„,. o , , min $1, 61 W Me .
, ben ath *o" * g* h lad ith fla
merciat all Otrr soeitti, all our pounces s
.trOin above, aellalbla Oirar the rough ground Bill go home vvith Mr. Kendall atendard, to ail the God -like qualities the tuberculous rmierobes contained en Hie mutter lilted on the side oft a hill, utilized in °mime& warfare, especially
the 'street sloping rather abruptlY against cavalry, convoy trains etc. To -
/nary convene on in e tri e an must never, of course, b
18 ilsed
sitrer t
ease. ehrape
PlOg rtiaa May also be eV.°
0.1r, wire
Star shells are made for t e &tern
howitzer -a *weapon almost bbsoust
end for the 2.5-ineh and 7-pounde
guns. They are simply illuminatirrg
agente and are used for lighting tip
an 'enemy's position in tight opera-
tions. They Must not be confounded
with incendiary stars. At one period
rockets, fir,ell from tubes, were largely
all oitr religious, all our earthly as- Even this encounter yields in horror you want to peek your bag or to with which -her imaginatioti has en- •salivaf therefore, the mutants °hot -
glaciations, • I • IN WILD EMBRACE OF •itti/N. to one between two Indian jugglers.
get a little Eileen,' ehe toid Stan- dowed him, Is it any wonder, then, tams aliould be decitroyed by boiling.
ey- dovvn to the water% edge. One day et
I. •har 6 of heir bab nes- •
day, however, the 'great tange of or -
that, with it sigh of relief, he seeks or thrOwn into /Meseta. At the same little &Lief- g dinary artillery nullifies their use, for
WE Witt BE SNAPPED SHORT OPP You know what an exeitenaent there °In' was called Anent Ram, and the t d •
Other "Lord o'f the.Devils." Both cIalm- S anley. eterntined not to desert hie the so:deity of the more filature woman tirae there should be poueed Into the ter aleePing in its malt carriage, rockets can inflict, little damage bo-
la when, one buildin burns what with -
'' Agate, I remark, in regard to that ,,,„ h of h
fleet eels's, it will be the endigg of vaa'''
tl Ineh to: engineleg t k
e o t 6 ho an a er ;tic s. . . . ...... err. .. ?meal', and I can't mesa She does not posses the secret:',31
It' ' d the rat- so a test was
ed power over anakesand,their lemon.
arranged. Each brought --me so le e e.
noelt• He Would do his duty to the Who allows him to be himself abso- clesete a solution of chsoride of limes turned aWaY to talkwith a schoolmate,
end. "t have. the donee before tlielciett- lutely? / baby for a moment,
gust of yond a rartge of one thoneand yards;
Ltitntitvdrdbueet eltificrbnt:nnliit.x. %et gtooll: italll teri-rtZthnlsent 0- midden 1:v7,1reett!!'?h(getw:n:eitegitiollIt.f/gr
the day of giace. Ohl mark that, One art when the worm hurts ohr whet two pupils, who carried a basket coke- ivt
. excitement; and Roston.
, ' e ,, eted with a cloth, "Lord of the e subtle and, delleate flatteries, as vveli should be • wise, not only in hospitals wind took the little carriage, and bore
thettsandeth part of an instant after
Stanley assured her that it was im- 'as of the most creel ironies and tn- and private houtem, but also in denote, it rapidly along down the hill toward I
on which they meinlierely, is graWing ...e
that and it la WO late. Before that, ss_ . - - . . - tr. elw Devils" bad firsit turn. seas, Consequently-, Teckets arts neve . , n - e-
x° Xi anal nrookylii arta „eh tademn a, - f . materiel to Wm if she chose to remain sinuetions. These meets tbe women barracks and all places for publie the Veater. The tWO childien ran
Plenty of bright Sabbaths, and gold- I•
ana L nd d ' ' he net te He shook rom his basket nine feet IA% ..1 it 1‘,.
eh earentunien daya and prayers, and ' 15 ihr* of green futy in the Shape of a huge at her grervite.
unto eateight ; that he waa entirely of 83 hes learned to a nicety, and tthe meetinga. These precentiens -should shrieking after it, but the Wind, was Utilees epecially ordered.
never included itt artillery equipment
grammes and grange; bad at that an y ast twee 6* the wa ere o e
d b ° I °n gP I" in e t king cobra, a .sitake, which can poison assist of both lays in the fao that be taken in reference to all distittees teo fleet for them. Other distinguishing marks on pro -
Point, a =W31141101' frotia Gild Will shall b Act XI
• aea become combasiible,tioottlfsertettra or strangle at will, and Wheat berces
, . Bun Mime Meredith did net ref:mile they always contain a visible( truth, that occasion rebels expectoration, be- Tee big Newfoundland, lying at the jectilee may here be added, A vrhitts
stand with uplifted lane, bidding all' ft, pea:" a ; fl ett.ent eit °A.t1;iniic of nem and eourage ire•only matched by until daylight. A.t two o'clock ahe They are, never the offepring of Mere. Celine plieUttiOnia, inflammation of the toot of his mesterei walk,
weht home and ,stit in her room at the invention, far the hope of being orig- Cheap pongestion of the luagoostertales, tabled lils head , when' he heard the steel, a red bahd that thethell lit fills
as nattal, bend signifies that the material is
opportuniti en of advation. "Stand r - ir 1, .r„?, to „ n er , . lie brilliancy and swiftness. It flew
back P' ire, an 4 ELCUI0 Ox Lire. raOnntaitia hissing at Areartt Ilam. window looking taut info the night. init.' iS 0216 of the many illuaiona which whooping coughe mearrie eettalla erica And saw the carriage shimming ed. The monogram of atation and date
buratto, Is/Colds hurnihg Euro e, ' • There was not a sound in all the she haa left 'behind her with time, She forme of bronchitis, laryngitis etc., by him. 'Unlike the obildren, he made of filling are marked oft all filled Pro-
Towarda that oriels we are all mov- Ast e* l• so" P 'tit fangs riwel his am, mul then, worbd. The eters twinkled and glit- hits 'mimed to correctly value all the may be communleeted by ectilva'dried no attemPt to overtake it bar a ' direct jectIles. Laatly, it should be pointed ,
leg inf great proem/lion, It is a vast i ' ' .
irt er ea burning; while ihe innabstants
a Afr ca North and tali Am-
. . , etruck deep bwoa the man 5 ear. The
two rolled on the around. Suddenly tered above the silent town. She could situations in life. gIse knows that and eonverted Into duet. chase, but dashing aerosol' three or four out that the efficacy of artillerr fife
. companies, in regiments, le battallocia,
armS metal -11g' on; marching an' of heaven look front the bettlemento, f tree euite plainly the barracks aoross "all is not gold that glitters," end "Clothes settled be te consumptive pa- lawns, he 0a1110 out at a curve of the reeds almost, if not quite as much,
' in Alexandrian heats of the dying- artfd -.other . Words gaze through space his tUrn Anti bitten the rcionster'a spine , si t
the <toils telexed, he mart had had re
tese parade -ground, and there was flot that even Ris Satanie Majesty re not tient should be /eft some time in hoe- road ahead of the little vehicle, end on moral as 011 phyeical effeet; for, -
tramp!' tramp! trent') 1 Is it ail lin- „,a tj..1.8 WEIA, ?fat° gi
kite crumbling,
_ _ clean through. teeresethj itiarintrroteritierStitN froem the as black art he is Plated, Fieving had ing Water before beteg washed. Avoid, planting (dwelt firrelY in itS track compared with that of email arms,
ran ing eon° t CM, Ohl the guog- no Vete bieeding end ghestly stage °'"Ila°1" h y had sorrows of her owo, she is able to un4, eleeping in a room with a consramptine etopped it, and held it safely tin.
egination f Have I only thought out ;heal k remit' In the mnaie's eirdne, therbitter derstane and sympathize with the petieni and remain in it as Hattie ao tit aome of the ne1ghbore, who had which en* be rattly eccitrate tsr at
Ole* idea. myself? /Ohl no. teat gered tothe cloth that ,Itit the tens 6
spring, while at Arlington Heights, There are knanY in this house, to- and bared bethe eve'. of his antagonist , " e riends. and tit 11 be- trou. ers o ot er peop e. peatible, unless the ahove.mentioned been roamed by the ories, hurried to
fore her eyes rate the Notate- of those She Mews that no one is wholly bad; prectiutionteare taken in regard to at- the apot,
We, Were etreveing floWere over the night, teady for it, They have put and pepilise-a, little,"trooked, greyish
gravea Of the dead, I tementher well kheir ease Id the best of hands. They Mick I They eared at it, tried to twO AO ahe bad been them when she that there Mill he 00 eituatieft so ter- Ilea. Roome In hotel's, watering plias, Then ha walked up the hill again,
tbeiw the ottitnEtte gun at the foot of the heve gone into a ettoug ark, and toed" it and waken it to malignant
derfui solemnity te the ceremony. It grave -door, win open as gently at a 1310Wly dread overeame them, dreid
hill shook the earth, an& tatted won. the 'Actin eatuaot,hurt them, Their life. Dut they could' not, sdhtliaddhogorntbseoandtzon theetepe, She bow. tibia that there are net tome triennia- ego eta., waisted by coneamptives Apparently unmoved by the praletand
it out, and for a long, long while ethe still, eshe makes allowmaceo for the that distrtfeetion can be readily ace reaumed hie n with the air °Cadet
her bare arms to abut bag CireilinstanCe4 and, what is better should be oo futeished and carpeted 'setting whieh Were mangy hie due, end
teal only embolden the enemy, theac-
tual results of shell fire as a Men kill-
ing agency, dinette& as it ireneralie
ho, against trOope under cover, arsitee4e-a•
It epeake volumee for the eourage
o the Seers that they should have
seems to Int3 t0.41,ight, that the form- 'nether opens the door of a nureery Of• the mytiterious power of this num s otter= nes 0 er r en 0, he bas complethed after the departuee of a that had done h duty at beat; he knew etood their ground in the way they
er pert of nll, text saande like a Olin. where the children are elder:ping, The who cteuld withstand the deadly ve- When ahe looked up egain the bar- also teethed that the word. "businteag" Petieht. , , how„ and Was oontent.g- have done hitherto after the tremen.
We gun booming for all the genera- trunspet that avrekes the dead will be tom 0! the bathed ad The t reed rac
r'Y . Y u was the das.kness whieh comets before ationa and shedes of incoming w Joh the place inlaelsited 13, 'him ahould be
ka were gone. Over elf the land when utteted by her husband has ri. "After the deeth of a cOnauallPtive dous preparatory artillety fife they
eratioris that are to comee "It le ale. Mindere that roll through the skies Anent RAM said that be mired him -
done of the Peet, and for all the gen, to' theM a beret of infinite musk, The and. flea. dawn, and in her heart vnis a hope- ahis can never hope to grasp, 11 thompughly eired, 'New tenants ` have been atibjetted lo. The beat titters
1 th Id h '
pointed unto men once ;to die." will be the open dicipaeon of an organ, self be dienking the blood of the dead Iteashe nnesigehtshbIank. How dark, how leky this the young girl of 111 will
'grown! It retest be very but --thtg knowledge hen
Mat I have given yon on1y half the the pipes at Whirittind and teemed smoke. AtlyboW, he still lives itt Re. late, -elle 5 04514, bet ohe was aot bor, ' will fled herself no Ian
teet, Ift there ithYthing after nthat4 nennding the ora,terio of the redeem,. nitrate, end enjoys a good reputation tired. She ald t now until morn- yeetztt al, hake faminating
When our physital life is extitic , ars 60, it they stitud id the toot of es ft tatirtiole*Worker. Inge In it 11 le the Imam would be lit
rn, ehteald flee that ,these preeentiona ere Seigle
to taken After the death 'Of a conetionle eetria-1
tire all Me elothing and bed Rhein exhales
absald he well washed before being aid to
Jilted 'Mt Os Nem thoroughly Lena Mato
iota art reconintending the el• Infirilteenntat preportIon of Inteee, h ve
1st bath, It is free from the in Moiler orcumetanees often bre
g teffetto of Turkish bathe, down under the ntoral Needs
thieg to sore merielea and the terrifying influences a ikon