The Clinton News-Record, 1899-11-09, Page 8'VARIETY BEAUTY BRIGHTNESS NOVELTY VALUE TEM ()LINTON NEWERIECOR Mee P. B. Crewe icetaiting her mate TM** 411.1,ddiedMit's Carat**, hoe in Godertelt. be of Lb itteumbent DISTBI T end leif and 40 on. Thee wittle yeo , TSAI:1_311MS' IttssTItet. draw r3t13' leaf ca the bcssrd fret the paella to draw the corresponding parte The Mrs. R, Reid went to kleaforth 'rues. The new Preebyterlaneburch,Vartwe ,„ doy, to via friends there. wgi be opened for divine service on 1171.14414/ 014rirtt:04 Stjainess , The teachers of Verne, Diatriet, Met ct their' leavee eu their 00000 tbna 1 - in Varna Publie Schoot Slitufda ceetre vein. eirte veltio, outline, Onto. W, .and Elliett titeiffel aUnd1W, ISTcwstab1R grotrirecitutz mrilm airou000. i dersou of Herman will preach at 11a, 13 13' k'''' t DOR a zr Ta the 4th hate as Set' aunoilisoemen 113 nur 'Wins, ehading. See that eachfi Mrs. MAI Bell le Itervillfr .111e017, 17g pl, and Rev. ,7„ w, Andrews of (sermon and rende the eervice ti a , Or readInfe and confirm ut the minute* el tear 0* corner of the leaf end Are 41 Applicithie toour Crepe Pa, Mre. Bobineon of Kirkfield lute arrived ing 'an sateen', =neat will be given. re o i church work end elms. • a li II ad I did the idea bf how to etert th y ge MOOS a {peat deal to t elm wbo have Rev, 0, ft, and Mrs. nngth spent non. Anent In tbe church ti s i thing taken us ite left, eight, up, down, No exehleatiell Or drawing le neceee. were in Cliuton yesterday. xn„Itev. E. g. Sowers a Bructdield et partied by hie wl ENcil it 11° Ate. J. Harlot. in ?it Afte &tell draws his owa leaf. Theo have draw thdretnaining pert, Then b k her niauy triende wil be pleased to 44A ati p, n3. On the following ph:teeing end acceptable manner. The of the srevioue meeting he prograin Mond& *Yeah) the grand tea meet- yours/ gentlemen hes had considerable. et the liras taken op. the etern etc. W en once the "a t re for Making larnp ehadee, CUB to epewl poem thrie witla her fatheel Tea will be eereed. in the Temperance epee dia teaching Geo reNh t oe himself as beinitexceedingly p eats, get Mon themse to co moue at 7 lab. c. e Season . bran from rn 8 o'clock. Entertain- ed With 43113 Howie leg Per.- rcr choses, position shgni ittge3ourns; •to bringgelna leavglsc:r taer next AMERY- Waanever %eater wad tbat Ntr, Robert Coats. nrevioes Y been ecquainted with our day and Mond% In Go•derichs the frouti et e awl then hold, eeies, ay/ I. they know how to start and can sossolls000" o'clock. Addreeties will e delivered stoog We pave never before had _ gnesio of prren aere, aleson-, . by severs,iretierendgentlemen. - heundartea, bualea,,rivero, prodnote, _,,get alonf thetuisel:oeose. your rupoo rdyereeirertifeeeteowlohnseli mesaravas.and A ,E.Nattel otooderieto tewrillenbecsbeorivre, mintrithile alSveliateiset.bsEbraeewbol'i ' 10=ggiemees,,N--Anses dleenadta* ably1 owfirib loletteoroieelsdaohneets. unetivtuilinecent; dueett:vie ngexothans. sist-e444.0..44.0444,4.0ersiessiesseaersesee-e,....fiers.0' • many deigne in all wrote). They ore on ornament more gave Tua NEIWR-RIseeell a nail' The7 will ire clioice selections. geography in the order of farm, school be maple, as rove, ete„ Fi township, wed, side, were in Clinton Egmondville, Miss . Mat, Verna, How 25 Mantles of time should thou follow end (law,. drawing' foe two or more wee s. When Made upon & live or eix point wire tione. Tble le to ne fellowed by local /ou select a leer tbat is different from trataelwhteb we can aupply for 40 on replay and as a matter of course, Mow Vitillianife. elocutionist, of Zurich, flainty,a,nd refined foe any nosue than are ameng the first aubricribere of Rev vna solaces are still going. on in At Bargain Prices at an equal Tins Peoplea Paper, naming had their tbe Methodist Church with good. sue.. a° 144u stand in regarti t° saenscittt)onosiitu°17:11shalgPe'neesrititinktYllovArestivglirosf IttlOIl 011 how to birt wdsrsaiwtimnitrerl 0.444.414. perhope can be obtained our subscri tion to Tule NEWO- the world is galoed. Then saboala fol, ()weever lee7 are not copying gores " n es en oiled before it added Tem eess ellrenee. A shade in color is harnsoni ,nn b h Th t' Meat. few if any articles at a, smell its stain:wit hien to•day. REC(311•13 and the eu• a 11 a We are sorry to hear that Xr.Frank NESS and Meta gomreet foul content,. geed Years eig3 ell e7 ere Keys. le seriously 111 au ope or IX Ewan P out label will tell you and N in arrears. we should be pleased to receive the ambunt, k it will be smell vvitich is all tbe - more reason why its sbould be ,, paid ; and then, we might as • well mention it, improvements on toot to. further populOrize Tnie Nuws RgOOOD require funds. If thns dear reader, con - corns you1 wools you let us beer , from yon t away. The ' •• sooner you respond the better we ehalt be pleamd, low direction, locetion, and the contin- audl • el'ercreheeolnes a pleasure not ' A t b Mowing, Senior, classes,was the next Atter leaves Objects might be taken ' e anee • wl h the remit gives itria BRIGH d• d h f cats, including &nap drawing, • it toil, inany - CRS Mtn Supply, a.sheir IsTua/Eray is NOW' faint y came to e b Quarterly riervIce.-T e regolar Quer- sulijeels introduced by 1Viamtles tb.ls seaspli's style wiiiiatm up in the following order :-in ever -speedy recovery. '1 f ni th isle of and ashionab e The program was then prepared, as in 44 Bonner meaner ea the leaf. Where yetis have the jet in front of uernsay and, a few years ago ut terly service was beldinthe Methoduit Bawd of S. S. No.10,Stanley, or Bruce- pupi e field school, whisker paper Is eubjoined, and help vvith first. and second ob ect •• equal to fill respectoto any other feat. Oa lw been as the are ave a eye * 7 church last Suudity awl there wee a 3 orothey possess, they have A newness to av British to the core. good representation from the three appointments. In. the ev.etung c/aurch was packeel to the door while the Rev, Mr: Andrews deltvered Very able address. The Teachers' Convention WS a. grand success and many topless were fully discussed and. a good program ar., ranged for next meeting, January 20 th. ond effect in a room peculiar to them- follows aud the Association adiourned ohjeots tan not be easily taken to . eelves best known to those who have the most of thero. .A.bove our VAL- , vas you cannot tie -below ner Prices • Additional Localin We not wise to go, We have PO mon- opoly 6 . , . *poly is in the big assortment of de- Concession, Goderich toweship, is. we Mr. Charles Edmonds of the 15th et ell in Crepe Paper, Our mon- signs and colors and the se reasonable believe, .going to wilt forming for it pricesat which we sell. • time and so teaming. °battle is a boid working and industrious fellow. Often as adsePeef, .4iuseys rho Best. Mr, Donnie Reynolds of Hullett township has bwrishr from the Flynn a . a Bros,. the. fifty acres lying east of his The if 11 Fair Co farna The price paid was $2,000 vslaich o * ovnsprom is considered a reasonable • price for quoit it goad place. A, general agent of the Massey. . Harris Company has made Clinton his Aloes Parker's Dye Works. headquarters, This is owing to its . . • central position which:makes the Hub the rendezvous for agents. New Advertisements. . • . • Tea-meeting.,dnestoterian Church, Vania.„5 • , Mere NeW•staokets-Newcortinest,•.., o • .. . 4. Belgraye, A Neglected -cough -ea. Jackson-- .... . . ..5 Our Shoe Department--Jaokson Bros 4 Mr. O. McClelland made a sale of bre 'Variety and'Value”-W. D. Fair 8 surplus stockers to D. Scott and Sons Clothing 'Values -Jackson Rros 8 last week. Good Weering Shoes -R. .T. Glaff 1 Bev. Mr.Malcotia of Teessvister preach. afance Opportunity -Reagens Bros " ed in-Knex church last sabbath Unequalled Bargains -Miss Ross, , ....... E. Sackrider and Kiss Bells. Black of . • this place were married on Nov. Istat the parsonage in Wingham and left on Friday for theienew home at North BEin where Mt. Sackrider gets a position un the C. P. R. ' • ' Many horses will go 'barefoot now owing to the recent rise in the price, of - shoein by the blacksmiths' combine. AbOnt 0 9 o WHERE THEY ARE . People AND WHA, 0 THEY ARE:DONG t A 7 17 • Car3 t is be the result of Laurier'S "Growi» Time." " vost.,s**.seps° -t'w e ittiow The new Presbyterian church is nearing completion and will be opened Miss D. D. Neil is visiting friends in Nov. 19th, l• followed by a grand tea - Auburn. • , , meeting on Monday evening. Miss Ida Harlem:1'a Goderich, is e rangemen had a box social in visit.. • Th 0 ang in town. • , . ite-h,e Fores,ters' hall on Motiday even, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Miller were in Bay- kiss Millie Agnew visited friends in field on Sunday. . Clinton last•week. , Miss Dunsmor,e of Seaforth lathe guest ' • (Intended for last issue.) • ,, . , of Mrs. a Andrews. • . Apples are going forward at present Miss Reid is spending a few days with very fast. Messrs. Petep and John Seaforth friends. • Budge arrived on Wednesday from Mr. and Mrs. George S -warts are visit- Burlington and intend spending the ing their son in Wingham. winter here. ; The ladieS of Hnolt church Intend Miss Oliver of Goderich was the guest • of Miss Hattie Leslie thie week. givirig a• fowl supper on Monday even - a Nov, 20th, in connection with the Miss Vance of Blyth was the guest a ' Tel,' clivoh.gper,ing. Mise Birdie Hey wand last week.- D. Meikleiolan arrived borne from Mrs. Tuffts of Belgrave was the guest Manitoba Monday. e of Mrs.' D. B. Kennedy this week. nearly twoonmonth R was 4WaY Miss Minnie Heyward returned. Mon- Mrs.. Sackrider has -moved and will day from a visit to Brussels friencl live with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Scott of Bast Wawanosh. Mrs. Dr. Taylor of- Goderich was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Kerr,' this Garner Nicholson has gone on a hunting trip to Trout Creek: week. • • ' ' . Mrs, Patterson of Detroit is visiting - • ' • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Me- ' ' • Hayfield Line. Donald. • - • — . Mr. Lester Whitely has returned to. The Promotion Examinations' of B. Toronto to resume his studies at the. S. No. 10, Goderich township, held on University. • . October 261h and 27111 resulted • as fol. Miss Alice Duff returned Saturday. lows :- , from her home in Bluevale to attend Promoted from Sr, Pt. lst tale, an: the Collegiate • 2nd -Charlie Switzer, George Hanley. • Mrs. McKenizie of Rattenhury street' Cora Rathwell. west bas retorned from a visit among ' J Pt. 2nd to Sr: Pt. 2nd -Gabriel Seaferth friends. - ' ' EllrOtt, Frank Perdue Ross Tich- bourne. ' , _ Mrs. Sutherland, and Miss Sutherland Sr., Pt. • 2nd to Jr. 2nd -Robert of Hensall were .guests at Mrs. Thompson, Warwick Cole, Agnes Mid- Murray's last week. dIeton, Polly Ellwood, Mei EL B. Ker and Mrs. Peter Ker .311.2nd to Sr. 2nd -Minnie Colchiugb, visited friends on the Goshen Line,: Willie Stewart, Fred Sterling, Willie Stanley, this week ' • Wise Willie Parson, Ernest Thornp. '- • • - son Prank Ellwood Allis Williamson, Mr. Sohn McMurray is expected home , le* Mamie Hanley, pert Wise, Roy from Manitoba in a few dap, to spend - ' the winter months. - Iltarni d ---,, • Mr. Walter Manning was. called to or. r to Sr .• 3rd -Bert Middleton, . 1,... Almonte last Friday Bertie Colcloughs Ruby Hathwell, Oln by the serious ver Welsh, George Ellwood, Homer "- \ illness of his Mother. • Johnston • ' • Mrs. SchusSelt of Stratford ma the Sr. 8rd to Sr. 4t13,-Floesie . CronVin guest of her son-in-law, Mr. W. C. Flossie Perdue, Nellie Middleton, Joe Myers, over Sunday. Ellwood, Kate Williamson. The above are all given in order .of ••• Miss Lyons • of Dundee arrived last week to spend the winter with her merit. The following are not given in sister, Mrs. H. Foster. order of merit :- Mrs. George Levis and Lammas spent jr. 4th to Sr. 4th-Lizzle Burnett, : Sunday in Stratford and visited Effie RathwelleAnnie Rathwell, Emma laltchell friends en route. Switzee, Etta • Thompson, Fred Mid- dleton, • Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell of Bay- . field were guests of Mrs. Campbell, Ontario street, this week. McKillop. Mr. .Arthur Cantelon is having kw provements made on his house now occupied by Mr. P. B. Crews, „ Miss Kate McNatighton,who has been visiting in Goderich and in Goderich Tp.auturned borne last Saturday. Rev. Rural Dean Hodgiris and Mrs. Bodging of Seaforth were guests at the Rectoey Thursday and Friday ' Apple packing is over and done for Mrs. 8iblily returned on Saturday from this season. The buyers took about Minneapolis where she had been half the winter fruit and left the res, spending a couple •of months with °minder as culls, her daughter, Mrs. Weed. Mr. John Govenlock has 'bought twenty•five acres of land near Win- throp and intends te begin making tile • The -widow of till late Donald next summer. Me - Gregor has, sold her farm to her brotiter•indaw, the price agreed upon being *5,000. The farm contains one hundred, acres and is situated on the Oth concession. • Colborne Township. Miss Read Droger of London is Vis- ithig Meads in this eection. Mr. A. Forbes has resigned his posi- tion as teacher of S. 8, No, 9, McKin lop. The infent child of Mr. Edward Dra- ger died and wag buried one day last week. The parents have our sympa- thy in their sorrow. Mrs. Hilton arrived in town on Friday last. Mr. and Mre. Haab will take up their residence' on Albert street north in Mrs.-Riter's house. I Miss Marguerite McGertan of Poplar Hill arrived last 'week to spend the , Winter with her sister, Mrs, J. P. Doherty, and will attend the Collegi- ate. Mr, W. L. tless of Stratford is now in charge of Mr. Rumball's jewelry store in place of Mr. Harry kiewitt who left Saturday to take a situ- ation St. Thomas4 • Mrs. Roderick McLeod left yesterday for Georgia, Florida, having received word that her husband, who went there a few monthe ego in search of health, lied taken a turn for „the WOrae. Mr, A. Cantelon of Hensel' was in town. Monday and Tuesday. He has * been busily engaged in the apple . industry for several weeke..bot will now tura his energies to produce again. Atr, . and Mts. D. Cook, jr., and Mrs. Cook, er.,elrove to Dungannon yes. terde,y to attetid the tenetsl of the laterHenry Kerr, a Wese WaWari- Oiih plotted, who had reached the ad• vanced age of eighty-nine years. Me had been a resident of that pert for about half a tentury. Mr. Nelson Bell of Cheboygan, Mich., has been the guest of his uncle, Mr. Thos. Bell of the Queen's 'hotel, this _Week. Mr. Bell has had Klondike 'experience but for the Oast year or so has been engaged in the drug baelness at Cheboygan to witch. place he retinal's' this week. Mr. Wood, wila has been the eon ploy of T. Jackson Eir. for the peat she or teVerk moe.left on WerIlleedil7 to take it poilition in Chapniaree Lon- don. Mt, Wood has found horde of friends' stnee eorning to Olintott and he will be made welcome to the Huh When he can arrange to tattier). Nit. John Maguire tine been offered nruirmeepted a poeition in What le known as "W" office in the G. T. R. offieed at Lowden. Thiele promotion and over the hessis of his ermines in the derelee and is it recognition of Mr. Maguire' s ability. It bringshite • in elooe flUebeitaiOn tO a despatcher. thin. theito4 of railway man's am* hilton,Mie Maple° has been in the Company* ertiploy here for over four yeers and ispopularalike /With the 'attune and the traltellintpuh. Mr. Charles Treble has put a new floor ht his house. • We think °hello intends taking to himself a fair young lady for a life partner. Mr. Thos. Johtle Was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Anita on Sab- bath • evening, Thomas looks well after hie trip to 1llanitobe and we think he memo business in tbie near future. '' Messrs. Wm. Sowerby and Wm. Kerr wet•e visiting friends in Colborne oo Sabbath blot. Mr. Blotch Gilder Wears a einiling face the petit week as it is a young Son. • A•pleasant evening Was /moot at the home of Mr. Jae, Trash On Tuesday last as their eon Frederick returned from the North-West. About two' 'tidied of snow fell in this neighborhood on Friday night last. Some of the farmers had it grim face as they hadn't all their roots up. Mr. Harry Mew has moved to his new home on the 4th concession where he has purchased it. 25 -acre farm. W,e wish Mr, Mew good Tuck and prosper- ity as bets an industrious, hard•work. ing young man; easily teat theee statements. Mr. Seth Fisher purchased a fine Boys' Knee Pants, 500,, 60o and 750— • • Port Albert, School Report, Igo. 14 Hay, Thos, Richardson,Sr., is .at Present taking a trip through Muskoka. Being an old time sport, no doubt he will return with some big game. Mr, —Irwin, Ripley, spent Sunday with his uncle, James Scott, ,of this .neighborhood, Mrs. McNally, Dringantion, Sunday - ed with her parents, Mr. and. Mre. T. The following is the school report of S.S. No. -.14. Hay, for the mouth of October, based on etteenance,demean• or and general proficiency; • • Sr. etla,-Islorence Petty, materia eaeline-j. S. Delgety ; Vete° in Gram- 001eete when they can be easily ob- prices a good deal les pupils to draw them a,tat Analysis, 6th claor-G-. Howard; Been- home, If leave0 are started after sure- 4. tO Ineetngidu Sannnry 20t , 803°01 get the ties in Gritannar-S, E. Hartwell, tees at right angles.,Sketch the curves working till outline is eatia, tb.eir value. log, Part Magilire ; Chloe Dis. ' Pier holidays you will be at the other 11. Tha4n Mar -Geo. Baird • Practiced Problems tained• astifor.11WoWs43:-alrd's gaPeP on °awing. is fbe7cloinreys: Erase unneceesary linee e Reason Olt all We can sum it up itt a few words, in 4th class -G. Fir: klohnan /Meal. (a)Sphere--draw two equal, diem - Drawing. - Senior classes, - The show shade, shadow cast by it. Ob! teaching of chewing in Public • jects-basebail, football, croquet hall, Schools trot subject that in meet (sberry, etc. (h) Prolate spheroid - cases has been sadly neglected. vertical diameter longest. Objects - As soon as a child is able to hold a lead plum; lemon, watermeloe, etc, te) ()b- eano.), he is given a drawing book and late spheroid - horizontal diameter requested to (haw representations that longest. Objects -onions, tomato, gas are them set before bim without ex. globe, etc. (d) ovoid-revembling an they aro manufacturera' sample gar- ments, We got them at a. liberal dist count ofe regular prices and are going to turn them over to you the same way. h are perfect n this season, uy now„ eVen a thought of putting off want e buy.), g until next There axe no two alike,a,ful about 25 n3., the lot Here ip ton of the goods, and the prices we a e • going to goods, some of the choicest styles we have s o and the rices are low eneugh totempt ou.to Jr. nth -Ella Phillips. pieuenon. or exemple. With the aid egg.-Obiects-egg, pear, incandescent 403.- Violet McArthur, Martha, a rulers, innumerable paper markers, ligbt, (e) Groups of the foregoinge.as TO11 ba • strings, inkbottles, tissue Paint, eoln- pears, etc. Notice: the following palate Jackson, 3no. Petty. Sr. 3rd, -Oracle McArthur, Beatty passes, rubbers, et9., he manages to fill -I, emir objects usually found toga- season. . Petty. •s_ • - s.. Mrs. Robt. Ditenin,Weet Wawanosh, - jr. Ord. -JAMS Pett.' °liver Fee, Scott, and dnut aref.esTwattuyrsawwirtohrdh.er parents, Me, Agnes Thomson. .2nta Mulholland, Percy Clark, Mrs. James Nevin, 2nd cam West Enaily Fee. . • ., ' • Witwanosh, , returned borne after . Pt. 2114 .Sr. -Gracie Andersen, Jen - spending a week iu this village. ' nie Jacksen, Geo, Petty. Jos. Wilson movee bis stables lest Pt. 2nd Jr.-Elize, Mulholland. week, which iraprove8 his property Pt. lst.-Sara 'Petty and Laura Fee considerably. . • (even); Eliza. Thomson, Nellie Mc. Mrs. Win. Richardson is at present Arthur. • • • improving her residence in tuttuy ways. Pt, ist Jr.-Olarerice McConnell, Sohn Feitzley, our. noted bunter, is Victoria, Deters. • gettiog a considerable. quantity of A 1 A,verage attendance 22. . fur this fall. John being a crack shot, Fromotion.-jr. to Sr. 3rd. -Agnes they ought to have him in 8, Africa Thomson, Elsie Petty, Singes Petty, as it sharpshooter, who would no doubt Oliver Fee. . make the Boer furfly. . Se. 2nd to Sr. 2nd.-Ette. Mulhol- inGheeciaitThhaugraloiwe.ie somewhat Improve& land, Percy Clark, Benny 'Pee, Jessie McArthur. -T. H. Brownlee, Teacher. Threshing finished on Saturday at • James Crawford's for this season in this neighborhood. Randal Gorden parted with big pony which has been in his .possession for nearly thirty years, having shot it last 'week. Mrs, Jacob McGee is visiting in Sea - forth and vicinity at preseat. • ' Mr. Roberton; who has been on • the sick Hit for some time, and daughter, Brawn's Sale Register. Oa Saturday, Nov. llth, at 12,30 p. in., at the Commercial, Hotel,Seaforth, 80 steers, years old, stockers and feeders.—Robert A. Boulton, Proprie- tor ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. On Thursday, Nov. 23rel,%, at 1. p. m; sharp, un Lot 11, con. 8, yfullett, clear- ing Sale of-thorcibred ard high .gra,de cattle, general farm stock and mete. ments,--Albert McGregor, Proprietor ; Miss Bella Robertson, are Veiling Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. . • friends near Londesbore. . • • • Quite a number . of our pee* drove Rage Knell was killed at' Doerr & to Clinton last Monday. evening to the Company's biscuit factory, Berlin, Guy Brothers' .entertainment. Ont., by the elevator falling. Miss'Aneis of Tuckersmith Was the • guest of Mrs.'Hugill on .Sundaa, last, Misses Emma and Effie Carter spent , • • Win. Dale Dale this seasori•won 8120 in prizes at the several shows and Most of it for horses. Mraiddo Crich of Tuckersmith spent ah:roeuple of days last week at her home •A Moderate quantitynt Sample Hats Two of our teems axe changing:ten- bought at Half Price and in some cases ants this week. Mr. Henry Little less enables Us to present te the Ladies moved his effects to Forest aoroo onof Clinton sod vicinity an opportunity the farm lm recerttly surchesed from for price advanta_ge seleorn to he had. • • Unequalled Bargains Sundey'vvith frierid iN Ladies' Hats. • his brother-in‘lavv, an Mr. Cooper -Attractive ,Prices for moVing to the farm recently occupied • an Attractive Het. •13/ Mr. Little. We are sorry to lose tintriumuea rime and Mrs. Little for they were very from $1.25 to $I,75 $. u are offered for . u kind and obliging ;relish bore and always a t" *ber without aun or interest. Hir. Varietr in shape of objects, sell tb.eni up the copy. books, number after num- titer ; 2. eve them up roportion ; a, eser al and last disgusted and weary he ved face below eye, object -half aPPle, Those who are wise will.come. y. at. They'll be on sale Saturday, Nov 'ober nth. res are oul caricatures of tb origin. 2 i 13 uem sp ere- (a) Resting on our. tlarows down his pencil exclaiming"Its bowl, etc. (b) Resting on flat face, be - no use; I will never make it drawer.' low the eye, oblect-helf apple, oil can, • Is it any wonder the drewer •becomes. cutter bell. (c) Move the eye, curved tired, and downcast ?No rnore'than the face down and. up, object -lamp shade, man pounding the end of a log with a *gas shade, . mall, throws down his sledge and 8. Cylinders -(a) on end bellow the regular$11, Fawn beaver, don131c 124,11, price Carl pearl buttons, Ave rows stitching breasted, 6 t a 6 strikes for more selectea. labor. eye, object -tea, pot cans of all kiwis • around edge,Isilk lined, open front, 6.90 All persons, children not excepted, (b) on end, top obove. bottom below, Black beaver, be such as shall inculcate a taste for p.arallel to picture plane, left, centre, immak Ilia b ad, double breasted,. bleak ivory.biattoas, turn dowa 04 have a tendency to practise such things objects -tall posts, beoken trees, etc.(c). The time is happily past when puoils • te) on curved surface,' receding to left. .1. 1 _ .a_bra i_dlietr: mte ra6 erda,nbelavehkastitloknigi,nre:dg.,.. e . ,s, & as they like best. It then a child is te on end above the eye, objects -tanks were punished for ' dram -log during etc,, objects -similar to d. -(f) addi. regular 88, sale price 0 I 0 atm $4.66, sale Prl . • ! • . i • • • • ''":'', closedt reit t .06.. .. . . sa /sib , be,taught tO:draW the first lessons must on railroad, etc. (d) on curved surface drawing. ' right, objects- .rollers; rolling pins,ete, school hours, and it is speedily coming tional cylinders, objects - barrels, Black beaver, good quality, fly front,' drawing instead of standing in it Cor- 4, cones-(ai on base, fillers, (b) on rbergagialartgginia0s,as'alresspsrYicesn.k:.1!nSd..' 111•60" when smart pupils are kept busy by pumps, cisterns, etc. ' tier because they ,hart nothing to do point, cornicopia candy bags. lc) on and consequently were spending their side, fillers, ole. '((1) Trustum of cones, Blaok freize, double breasted, closed tinae in conversation. * object -pans, pails, tubs, etc. throat, braid trimmed. devra front • Drawing is a pleasure as well as an 5. . Oubes(a) perspective view of and around bottom, silklired, reg- K.tyK essential of ahnost all daily life. How cube in all positrons. (b) quads, sim- ular $G, rade Price .. • . • .. • !v.' . • often might persone delight tbernselves ilar to (0) objects -boxes, books, bask - sketch what he sees beautiful in nature. books, oil barrel, gallon,' filler, bread in .Prl 0 0 31d!,9cwknfritieoz:n, cdoogirle, 6bir,euatetotencli4t:nuari; . .' with their pencils and give the tired ets, trunks, cars, etc. • • brain a rest.,,What a pleasure it would 6. Groups - Notice points as in or in how many other hundred ways loaf, in slices and knife silk lined, regular Si 50 Bale , afford the traveller were he able to spheres 2, objects -boxes, ink bottles, ent systent•of drawing there are many pre to have knovvIedge of same. Black frieze, doable breaded, open , throat, "britid trimmed; .• regular ' ' 4.75 crowdedaiith work and it many sees 8. Landscape drawing-beidges,fen. ' - Black niggerhead,olosed throat braid trin3med, double breasted, regular , might it not be brought to use. 7. Sundry ohjects-tables, chairs, In ungraded schools .the teacher is flowers, sofa, animals, birds, men. . must leave • the pupils to their own ,ces, houses, barns. trees, etc. Navy glillieeanvreir°,eolosed -throat, front 41.-4°' resources, and as a consequence draw- 0. Dictation drawing. -As this is fancy braid trimmed, doable .. ..k ing is one of the subjects that receives: sometimes on the drawing papers at breasted, regular, $8.50, sale price 0.011 but slight attention. 'With the . rires- • eteiunioatiotis sit will be necessary for things in which.the pupils mild get y following the seine or a some - along better themselves. A few nun- what similar outline pupils will be able tales spent per day in the teaching of to draw better in one year than in it drawing in a systematic way will vast, half irdozen years from the books. In ly aid the pupils, and getting them in after life they will be better able to terested in the work, they will take to draw what they see without a . model object drawing thenaselves. The teach- set to copy from. . er's duty therefore, 18 10 lead the pup- Another scheme that might bee. help ils to see and then to represent whet to the busy teacher themati not equal they see. ' • ' • to the foregoing; might be used as fol - Por senior. classeh many different lows :-Followitur the above outline .methods might be siiggested as en im• draw the objects on sheets of paper, provement on the present system. say by 2, and have them sufficiently Though the following is not original large that they. can be seen from all by:any means, it may be of benefit to parts of the room. Have them tacked some z As a first lesson in object draw-. on a roller so that they can be ;oiled ing nothing would besimplee and more up when not in use and hung up' in easily attained than a leaf; say a maple front of school when desired. By such it leaf. Each pupil being supplied with inethodpupils cannot use markers,etc., 50 a leaf, have them set it in front of they must only .dre.w free hand what Fa yr° th re and Wings, 075 interested in the commUnit We tire 'IT fealty Se2 50 for . 6 tO them: By all means preventieg pup ' they see Halsor them once drawn lio g . , .... ...... • g find them the same. ' tben be dravving the same objects at up' s would ' " Id d wi to Quarterl services There was no -service it our church in every particular. We feet confident Them goods are, new and up -to -style. on copy, • Rs examine the ones theyttilla)vilej; 'tebaeli33.i:nettiinet,ibwhetrewith the copy Take a leaf yourself and ge being hel atTurner's appointment. a. 7, f a d $ though they may be slightly different ma sa e an invite your kind 111131feet:on tbey are essentially the same. NOtine MISS ROSS; line, five lobes, edge, length . of stem , nikves-Recortn, . 1 $4.75, sale price 3.50 .Blitok frieze, double breasted, Closed throat, 12 medium black 'buttons, „„ / regular $4.50, aele priee „ ........ 6.*V. NatItyrobaet7c7eart•labilleri;:srtj:3133:itCtg: -silk lined, regular $10, sale price... 4 .XE4 n1.) 1' deuble breasted, 010fie4 g throat. regular$5; for.... .45 . • . ..A chance to buy: high -Class 'fashionable 'mantles •at Fine black heaver, 6y fr t, open throat, braitrinsmed, fa ay eilk lining, a very Ane coma, regular I., $12, sale price 7.00 Navy beaver, open' threat, a pearl buttons fine quality, silk lineci, regular .211, sale price. ... 5 Fenn beaver, double breasted, silk*, lined, regular $10, eale price.. „ f a Children's Reefers Nayy niggerbead, braid trimmed, a yerynobby garment, regular $47440 piano tweed, silk cord trimming en slier, cuffs and edge, regular „,„ ea..75, sale price X.00 Light -ted, silk cord trimming, „, regular g4,50, sale price' • • ie O. AO Navy frieze, plaid tweed lining, a very good mist, regular $4.75 tor.. %OP Fine red beaver, velvet collar,6 whits • pearl buttons, regular $5.75, sal • price .. . . .... .760 ehihirens' cisters - Fano tweed, double breasted, sale 6, price 5 Navy beaver, fano cape with braid trimming, a very nobby 'garmerit; regular 86,50, mile price bevy blue beaver, double breasted, shoulder cape braid and astrechan trimmed, large size, regular 08. )tie sale *price ..... .. • Heavy frieze, navy blue, double -4- „ • breasted, shoulder ,Cape, regular A ow . $6,sa1e ... , • .. 7, . ... 9h7Qta. Fanoy taseee, largestie, ranee shout. , „,„„ der cape, regular $6 • - %p740 • Navy blue beaimr; fancy cape, double:. breasted, braid 'trimmed; a very stylish coat, regular 87.60; !ale price ...... .. .... VAR? prices so far below their value comes your way but seldora.. It's one that' not likely to come 'again for some time, and it will pay. you well to take advantage of it It was a bargain, for us, now at is one -for you.- Ready Saturday morning.. sure the people of Pored come will qua -HALF PRIGE - ils from tracing outline by placing leaf they would last years. P 'I on un as o ng • Y 0: :hbeigooddv:nta e.fo.r you in this c a au jec 011118 own. veining; radiating from one point, out- For Huron Vanity News. read Tun THE NEWs• It pays to advertise na RECORD. gmmtr Ittittlif WWII! *MIR WWII? MIMI! WPM ▪ ' Moo., .411▪ .4 • • Ob•oo tRao. Twit! ittiffit? 11M1M11? Twit? iffitm ttriffru 000100000OOOOO....048001000114.0000110 I Departmetttal SON BROTHER 11TEBESTING NEWS for 'shrewd and keen Ctothing • buyers. Being manufacturere of Clothing You.save the middleman's profit- and our prices are lower than ' 'other people can afford to sell at Doing the largest Clothing business in Western Ontario must be good eVip dence ,that our prices are right, SUIT.—This suit is having ,abig sale; the goods are a ciliality that will give the greatest satisfaetion. The coat is double breasted, and the make and trimmings of the suit throughout are remarkable for the price. Hun- dreds of people do with a suit of this kidd for knock- about purposes. $R SUITS,—Our assortment of Tweed Suits at the price is very large and we have them, in all styles. These suits are made from dependable goods --something that 'we know will give satisfaction. Then again the cut and make are different from what, you will see elsewhere. We are live, up to -date clothing people and we do not car- ry old stock. If you wiint reliable goods come awl deal here. It ivill pay well to drive miles to see our goods. $1O SUITS.—Por sometbxte past we have been talking a great deal about Men's Suits at this price arid vtre have good reasons for it. We show a character of goods at this price that surprise keen buyers. Especially in Blue and Black Serges are the great values noticeable, These ✓ suits are single and amble breasted, extension facings, ✓ trimmed and made in the best manner, and for solid wear ✓ cannot be equalled undo $14. These statementa will bear investigation and it will pay people to drive miles to ✓ see these goods. Act PVEBOOATS.-An all wove fringe Overcoat, deep storm collar, inches long, well made and well trimmed and worth $6.60 of any • 4. • lan'a money. No Overcoat in this section to equal it. YOU tan two-year old colt froth Mr,Sohn Mottle for the BUM Of 860. Mr. and Mrs. Wileon Brownlee were the guests of Mr, and Mtn. John Brownlee eti Sabbath. the 'Aortas Hornhy heti 1110Ved into Illt. Alex. Glen s house 011 the Gravel Made by ourselves and eaelly the cheapest goods in . Canada. We eeli themhy the hundred. , 164 esa FOE COATS. -Loot week tee advertised 0125 Fur Ooate itt 512. Mre, Etoreey of Saltford intends haft- w' .There are 8 or 41eft &miff there is it reader of this advertisement ing 'thole of her fermi stock and Maple- requiring onehe might be in time foie one. We could *ell 106 of Monte on Nov, 14th. e,,,... there ae timely as rolling Oft it log. • 13u1 ab the present time . they wet Quarterly service, will be held at tp $14.00 wholesale, If We had been sheep 'last Match our order would have Bennuller church on Sunday at 10.80 V boon 1°1'1°1 it. M. alasifiliawasile- 411 ' LADIES' AteltAOHAN run COATS -Last Meath We Contracb. a for it largo lot of Ladies' Fur Coate. They are here and We think we have gotthe best goods for the money weer !Moen). h are made from perfect ekinir One light color and splendidly lined. In e1 ding purchaser* cotincit afford to galas seeing tti3 ta. • s.... /tie underatoed that timbal:0 of the Drummond County Ratlefay TfaS COM- leted yeatsrdsy, by the pernent 10 eters. J. N. Greatishields W Mitohell and W Farwell of 81,406,000, los $186',the amount of the leases; and $25, au remount of oar toin Mies* • • • • '.4*---StOre—•4* • • • • - s••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • owe° ..000kow oral, OUR 25e and 50e range of Neekwear are the finest goods to be seen in this section—the a styles, shapes and colorsare strict- ly up -to -date --you will find ex - elusive goods with us. Men's 50e Knit Shirts— For years we have been selling the best Knit Shirt on the mar- ket for the money, and this year in spite of the big advance in goods our price still remains the same, the quality itestill up to the standard-, and no better shirt can be had for everyday wear. •4 itomlnataalomemiama ' ' 50c IVIOUNTAIN MULE MITTS, sold either in the mitt or with fingers, solid heavy goods'well-lined, without exception the best mitt on the market, worth $1 41 of any man's money,sells on tight, just the article for wear • at this tinie of the year. Our $1 Fleeced -lined rn.derwear.—Never • in the history of our establishment have we sold so much a 'Underwear and there must be some good reason for it.. a Our $3, per suit goods has haa a wonderful sale, . They 4 weigh 5 ounces heavier per garment than than any other line on the market, the fleecing is very 'heavy and if we 4 ask $1.50 per suit it would still be giving good. value. Big 4 buying for Spot Cash tells the same old story. good mow people§ 1011US that vve have Boys' liosierste--a cheapest Boys' Hosiery in this section and we have no reaeort to doubt IL We buy 'medal lime) in big quantities and our prices ate marked to close that few people • could do with tbe small advance which we are satisfied to charge. Our 86 and Me. goods have been large sellers, ittatatoitolwo•O Our Boys' Sehool Caps at 15 end 25c, have eold by the lumeitted this season and this le pretty geed evidence that our goods are just a little cheaper than other people, We have a big selection of all kiedo of winter taps and the prices are very loves Capoesi-'We Wive just opened up our case of the latest AM. erlean Claps direct from the leading mitnitfactute ere of Ohicago. The stadee are entire)? new, goods perfectly made, and they are without exeeption the newest goode ever shown hi tble section. We have all sizes, mews • Blankets Underwear ' . How 'about You'll find here the iyno :biggeststock trot rwrin d. e r wiw eaanr ly ' kinds to choose , from not a poor .. 1,1„ elle in the, let, There is a good deal of ' and less to pay than in most lottery -in. blanketbuyinl. It stores. • ' Men'e heavy, fleece lieed Shirts and Drawers, extra. good weight, •well made, each 50c MOU'it ribbed Underweer, heavy weight, shirts or drawers, each 25c Aden's fine yahoo, underwear, soft ehirta double breasted 500 Men's fine finish, all wool shirts or drawers, plain or fancy stripes, ebirts double breasted 40e Mao'very firie quality fleeced lined Underwear, heavy fleecing, an extra 750 WE1 MOAne all wool Shirts and eazothgood line, each 1. Drm ewero, adefrom” pure wools fine and soft, fancy stripe or plain, " .00 Th Hosiery Bargain For the boys ISOMething good in winter hosiery f o r boys' wear, a quality better than. we ha,ve ever sold before for the money Ribbed wool hone, very heavy weight and strong, good for boys'. , every day wear, sure good velue, at per pair . . 74OIU is hard to tell the poor b ank- ets from the good when they ' are new We are selling blankets niade by, the best blanket mill in Canada. They are not the cheap natty kind but are GOOD, and. the best blanket value we have ever offered. you. They are the kind that • you will like when you buy: them, and like :just as well. after you have had them for two or three years. Heavy Canadian union Blankets, nearly all wool, it little cotton carded in the filling, preferred by , many to the all wool kinde, per...- pair $2.50, $3 and *3.50 Very fine finality pure wool Cane (lien Blankets, the bed goods we can buy in Canada, ail MI size and weight, new fancy borders, a) ,s $3, $3,50, $4 and eutvow Heavy Fife:snit Bianhets, good Giza ,zot hi grey or white Very beavy weight large..s.ize Ellia• ker Flanne1131ankete, grey and 90 cream., 11 a 4. Dress Goods No sueh collection ol Colored Dress Goods as we show can be found in the County. The department is fairly running over with bright, stylish, attractive Dress Materials.. Every popular and fashionable dress material is here in abundance. Many of them are our own direct importations from Britain ; stypsh costumes, no two alike, exclusive in style anddifferent to'what may be found in most stores. From the lowest to the highest grades there is downright good value and style in our Dress Goods. 60inch Hewett Plain Cloth, makes very flabby coats and iskitts, good weight and nice finial), in eliadest of green, blue and red.' We have been told that other stores charge 00o for this,. oue price M 450 41 inch fill wool Worsted Serge,bright, hard finieh, Will not catch or hold tbe duet, beyond quedtion the best value We Myer, had at anywhere near the price, and worth esielly 40c, navy, green, cardinal, otir price ..... 82o 41 Well double fold Deese Gonda, good Weight, etrong serviceable mater• ... ...... ....... so." 1101r.r.olgie Union and All Wool Plitid, sa 10 inches wide, a splendid amortmetill of coloring's suitable for Walks. This fart special line, 001110 of the geode sold air high as 50e, epecial All wool, milk finished Henrietta, telde Width, heavy weight, made from choicest flee wools, In ell the popular light and dark oblides, epeeist o•leolvir.soir, ..... oVatie Win, 4300 47 inch very fine all Wool "Pitney Veld*, bright ittylish pattetne, suitable for Wald& regular 760 quality, Our spe. -0141 price •,,COO Vo AI* woo,* • 41343 .. ,