The Blyth Standard, 1908-03-26, Page 6WITH POETS The Mad Chauffeur. illy Rend io full u! 11 lu :..in;f ,aueeos \ idiVound ,vilh Sl n tri '.t I ;toneot walk lh=,e,iuse my lee, tit= h r ayitli 1111 .m 1. .. panel illy 011„ i, 111 , i th , , .li=.03010n I,t •:lv And of tit as cl dna it bet 's '.,:.v "cel ail! no! ii t ny,t 6 min; 4 i, n l.e,11 .\ud l ' ,n a I `run -a not era.al, than 1111 101 Ili 11, boldle "hero will be. A 010"or horn in either ear 1,, es, tip It 00ustaut loot, I a : if ,o k:0(p it going an ii;'i public ,c 1rf, •cv the clap of Lex C rin=e the teasel clean; 3011.34111; 10 1^1o11, my 01113.' drink 1 93311'f f Yt1 0:l'ne, t, t t(1' say I cltnut!tyi to inset tt) mt 111001'.)' star!) blit,,'4 bat, who changed t,i ,ti}{{(r. tar. 'l he 1 -ay `of ;:,the Lazy Man. breathes there a titan with soul so dean, \Vrho never to hiuh ell hath said: lo -marrow gowning i will rise Jl foto (ha 331111 Gaits 1111 1110 -1,00' 1'!! .'.et Wti i311/Ck it will ring Tol,oi the birds begin to sing; 1 s $1nle lt (tell will 1110 010a' e, Au 0;trly n,urulna walk 1'!! una' Anti 'whoa at an ungodl'. Linn Next "non:. the cloer with all its p0wcr Made noise enough to stir the dead And woke the man upon the [sed - e Breathes there a roan, I now repeat, 10( fm ,wouldn't (hock it in the sir"et-, uta hued into the bed then leap, 1 o with ft sigh go off to sleep? Prom the 11arrch Bohemian, Looking Backward. (Kansas City Star.) ;u1't lou imagine in the dcyo, 111o'u Shakespeare wooed rad v,ed, 11"1 t1,0rtes of btra11or1 r: het they mel, 7ht10 market boslrots dotcn they set, And etc they 0001(1 their caporal,- l,' ways, "11(13things as follow said: we'y0h1 hoard?" II -hat 1" "Anne lift thawav I'd 0003. 1.0011 to i lural•!" 11'1t(, no, fosoothl 10lio is he, pray?" hr's going to throw herself away Ila rog•ig 11 11 '11(00kd ,p Rrcl 1[0 0(111' ' na'r, 1101(14miscarry."' 4 mat, that pour, fool h rhymester hid! octet eau support her." "Yes; s; doesn't it scout almost sad? Became se know she might lua'e had One of true worth. It seems too bad }1' loon betters cane to court her," ft YEAR OLD f iOL 'TSTAND! Limbi; Weakened by La Grippe Math Strong by daI's'a-Bilk. ELI AAloe. T. Brixton, of 5 Woodworth Are., St Thoman Ort„ says: 'a I had bad sons es:lteriC1CC tato the efficacy of Zorn -lank to healing cul (AC., and Mid hard good reports fret it ±e. rvh o n 1.o rt ! tl tbolod, se xher, a ye=r g,;+) toy tic lo' 1• or years of ,,;,,, Oafs :cit 11,3f3if ,n lin watt of a severe attack of inilimins, I began rchhie tit the Z.sm-13ut. Ills legs trete so weak he 11' aid lranh1, ,,.-d shake and woo unable 10 -tend for any length sof time, Frequent applications of this ointment well rubbed in, reemrd to strengthen hi taily,un d 111a vary Ysh"lent time the shaking and tremblingin his limbsba had been banished and he soon got strong and able to nal about, thanks to lam-Buk," ?an lluk is a splendid embrocation for rheumatism, sciatica, etc„ and in wiehett e4001 as a healing balm. W EL.A.T Z.A;b4C-73U-10 ar.T11 118.. """'"'""""`"'"""""''''"n.pv rash, blood poison, bad leg, salt rheum, abrasions, abscesses and all R REE 1 Zam-fluk cures cuts, bums, scalds, ulre,s, unesvoun, itchy bnrb.t•s skin injuries and tis- is ,a Send coupon and UASee Of al!l storm 1a� ,ya m. tamp for Gas and or frontasts Zam•Iluk Cos rot �' i t 4 T ',, mist, to Toronto. au1 Toronto poet -paid for Co., Tnronto. rKa price. limes Corlt.a5, •1hcy`say some years tbo elder she," And lie's not worth his salt. As any one with eyes can see, "Well, if Young folks will 1oelieh be At least they can't blame you and 1110— i13°t surely not our fault." es, don't you suppose such things were Rid When young Will Shakespeare wooed and wed, When Anything Goes Wrong, y01111 flue. Ile help 111 hurrying And scurrying An4l wot•rylag, +'11 1611 uo tett 10 flurrying When anything goes wrong, J1114 Sade 1t like it little man And (.1,0' the very best you can, kaflf find this tar rho bettor plan, If you would got nioug, 11 find no help In sighing so .And crying ea, And pining w, II'IInd an help in whining so J When anything goes wrong. not meet the trouble with a laugh Arad swim its 43110 0,111 bo but ball, iou'll find this none a helpful Miff, If you would get along. re Rowe, to the Children',, Star Maga- n c. The Motber, 'rho [mother by the gallows tree, 'flip .gallows trek, the gallows tree, lWhile the twitching body mocked the Lifted to heaven her broken heart d called for sympathy, hen Mother Mary bent to her, Bela =[rpan her plane by Godo left side, An; Whispered: "Pestes—do I not know2— • [fon Was crucified! , Mary," aunt erect the, nn cannot cannot enter la ay: soula.v.ee- oil cannot know, war your Son wrou_p, no ,In!" Then Lord aria bent to .0(r a.:d said: '(Io pomtorlol, c0 eon forted. I !plow your grief: the 1rhola: nrortd's wroo 1 bcrii 11f0on. my :head," "Rut, 'yl.tmrd Olrlst you catmot know, know the tit"one-- While o e"— '�o on can r d no n c illi stun trot > e ��• •c t C v Thi ttic 9 g ie edea} d u n Rvfl Irouh Ohs st no Otte gsuuadera.and Sfinu ntver bed a hon! --Don Marquis, is Putman's. The fetcaher and the Maid.' 'A Let tutd Lyric.) le -the garden u maid lie C's. She had such deep blue I's, ltd .,peaks to her --she's at tett ll'e I''r' to his game she's Y's SOPORIFIC SERMONS. Scientific Explanation of a Failing of Church -Going Humanity. The well-known explanation that the stuffiness of the atmosphere in a church is the cause of sleepiness in members of the congregation es, according to the Revue Sclentifique (Paris) "insufficient." If this ]hypothesis were tenable, argues our authority, it is manifest that the oougregatton, or those members of it who react readily to a soporific agent, would go to' sleep before the sermon llta ingNow, it ie notorious that the sleep- la done during the sermon. The true eltplanation is that the auditor uncon- soigwty hypnotizes himself or herself by ooaoentrating the gaeo fora long period on a single object, whether the counten- ance of the preacher or the pulpit, or what .not. The mare desperate the effort to heed the sermon the enter this effect of self-hypnotization, 'those who sleep during the sermon are, consequently, the very members of a congregation who are entitled to the highest praise for their conscientious effort to follow the words of the preeeher,--Current Literature for January. BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanldng does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble, Moe. M. Summers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your chil- dren trouble you In this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. we, A Loquacious Swain. Mr. Backwoods had called for the first time to escort. Niles Bun akin to the weekly prayer meets t;g, An emcees of thnidsty and self-consciousness reduced both to the point ea absolute silence ono 111 eh last and witth''toiblc effor't, as the "meeting house" is neared, the gallant suannnons all hie oeuragn: "Do you like stewed rabbit," he haz- aTde. "Yee," rstnmm the 001(1400 coyly. Again Aeon, until on tho return journey the home lights are sighted, when, with smother mighty effort the rem:mm:11H 010:1in nsks feelingly: "Ain't the gravy Meet" Antd yet there are those that main- tain teat ooautry fol eromet8thhea seem at a lose for conversational topics, WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE Flom October t•0 May, Colds are the most frequent mum of Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE removes *luso, IC, W. Grove on box, 00o, New Formulas. One of the practitioners of the new mental therapeutics cult gives out these formulae for use in treating three nerv- ous disorders: Inability to Bleep Relax the body, check all thoughts save of sleep. Hysteria -Tell the patient that he has a greet mind force that is inactive, with which to combat the ailment. Melancholia or depression-- Inaugurate variety in the patient's life; banish all routine. Russia le becoming a great buyer of Brit- ish -grown tees. Partly owing to the enor- mous increase in the quantity they aro using, the ®rico of tea et the gardens hoe advanced un) groatly during the peat year, making it neces- sary for the "Salads" Teo 0o., in order to mairstaln the high sl0advd of quality fur wlaoh "Satan" 34 noted, M advance rho price of "Semen Label" from Me to 30c per pound, The Best Ever. (Catholic Standard.) lire. Brlaoy-Tomorrow will he George's birthday, and I've bought a lovely: box of cigars -- Mrs. Oldonwels--Oh, I wouldn't have done that: It's n mistake for a >voman to buy cigars for her husband unless sheds careful to get the very beet - ' > � tic --0h but l wa:, careful. '1 .,Lr v I picked mut a box celled "Best Ever." Of mune, ,e, titre couldn't possibly be any- thing better than that! Tie says, "May .b help .shell liege 1'',?" "Oh, no, sir, 'tis no U's," "1113 dear, you area little '1;'si' From this she takes her• Q's, •vS1e Saye, "Leave, rile 1101 o1' L's Illi think you ore one of those I's Alli „overturn a hive of 11'e. nor=Mike-his exit, ho BA's. -March POhentian. S?'S"wlv.Z;'Sr,3m-Friz" i+;''4ari: $25,000 for a Lost Painting. A few years ago a Western man au0e to 011x- 13rOWn's studio and aepnned to gain satisfaction in finding its famdlter features inodtuanamd. Ho told the artist that In his boghood he had worked in the streets of Neov York, and, with others of his class, had sewed as a meatal for oto of his pietoroe of street boys. Ile had gone Heat an;1 had 1n•os- ir1, and 0Mr14 had returned with the e to beeoano the owner of the group picture m wtbdoh he said some of hue boyish cronies appeared, He wanted it as a reminder of the struggles of his boyhood. lie looked back on those days SS being quite as happy as any he had ever known. 'The p1011100, says W. Howard Steri ',lib discussing J. 131 Brown, a Painter of Humble Folk, hard long ago boon sold, and, although the would-be p11001( 00 oife't' l to give his cheque for 120,1)10 for the work, the enhlst was nitride to supply any flew to its wheroabouts: -New Broadway Maga. eine. 4'O Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, oto. New Use for X -Rays. To obviate the enormous amount of time lost in the Ceylon pearl fisheries in opening oysters which are found to bo without pearls a h'reeeh professor of the University of Lyons some time ago hit upon the idea of using tho X-rays to as- certain what was the nature of the con- tents of the precious molluscs, in order that only the most valuable ones would treed to be opened. The idea was found to be impracticable on account of the time it took, but now au American has constructed an X-ray apparatus, provid- ed with a 1101101' arrangement, which allows of more 6h411 1.00 oyy,tors being `mdiograp ed" lu 1n secoutie, or about 24,000 un hour. TJlinerd's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Remarkable Automatic Balloon. The French Government is interested in a scheme for exploring the Sahara by balloon, Before aeronauts undertake the trip, however, a balloon provided with automates seeding and equilibrat- ing apparatus fs, it possible, to be sent alone across the desert, from north to south. 'ilo northwest winds, which prevail over the Sahara from Oc- tober until April, aro depoudod on to drive the balloon on its voyage of about 1,400 miles, from Gabe, on the Mediter- ranean to the Niger River. A steel guide -ropy 2,400 feet long governs the balloons' nuit'•m;, Whenever it ;irl::s to within liOn feet of tate ground, the chnugc in the position of tine rope re- sults in the :petting of an automatic valve, allowing the escape of water ball0.91. Aa the balloon rises the valve olosee. If the experiment succeeds, foils aeronauts will try to cross in a balloon. PILES CURED iN 6 TO 14 DAPS PAZO OINTMENT le guaranteed to cure say Me of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pretrud- llu Plies In a to 14 days or money refunded, O Satan Terrified. (Woman's liome Companion.) There ie as great genius displayed in advertlsing as in the higher branched of literature-. No problem daunts the mod- ern adve1'tieing man. In the window of a little book store in Eighth avenue, 110w York, was recently heaped a groat pile of Bibles, marked very low --never before were Bibles of- fered fferod at 01(111 n bargain, and above them 0.11, in big letters, was the inscription: "Satan trefnbles when lie secs Bibles sold as low as these." Some Day. "Sonne day," said a Mootreel physician whose practice is largely among children, "parents, teachers and people generally will reach such a high state of civilised comprehension that this one important truth will be universally aceeptcd end acted upon, moody: No healthy rIail in ever ill tempered slid: 'hill is good natural. tad teingtr due to some physical ailment, invariably." Tho is1'ofV Ono reit That ®, Lamnifil 111i1(0 TdN1 bWWIL.0 VIER 7o korai A 0210 la ONCE Always remember the full name. Look for this signature on every box, , 28c. EXPERIMENTS WITH rr VEGETABLES. ..qa II a ai ,tn 6'9 ''4.m'Gtl N "'�x.44A"'s91rsr6 tied on by tlr i?ca- ge, through the 1 alorituerti41 UAnion, s loll• well 1<Iltiwn throughout Ontario. Thousands ofI P 0(o de In both town and country nub<reoted in forming, fruit. Growing 111gardening uo carrying on expcnJauents wilier the. direction oaf the (1011<ge and aro profiting by the expert• 0)100, The 001.dtt or plants for thele experi- ments tout 11311 instructions for oonluot] lag thou are furnished free, on the un- (l010•,vuding than ou011 tx10'rnr1Gnter will report the results of his experiment at the end of the season, Owing to the great demand for the ex• perburi0t0 with fn'uits alai the limited fonds for the pnrchaae of plants for Huls porpoise, the suP111y of those for this year is mlao 11 r:Lhattsted, But we have on band rt good supply of aoeti0 for the experiments with vegetables and hope to bo able to furnish these to ail Inter. coned in the growing of the lest kind of gu1Ylon vogotables. Three of the leading varieties of cacti of the. following Mindy of vegetables are offered for testing this aping, viz, beats, ettorots, oniorne, lettawe, early to- matoes, and later tomatoes. The rxtrly tomatoes are best for northern seotiohs, whore rho inter and better varieties cannot bo depended up- on to rd/pent, Any person in Onita'rio wlto wishes bo join in this eo-operative testing may limoso 31100 one of the expealayouts above mentioanotj, and send in Ida application for the seeds and tntsto'lwbions for eon - ducting. the 06100, 1.here.u'ill bo seen by mail free of ohar tf, but each ttippld- omit roust agree to follow tate acetone furpllvhed, and report the results at the end of the season, whether suosetst ill or not, A,plications will be filed in the order they ;are weaved until the eupplt• of seeds is exhausted. Addroe, till abdica- tions to H. L. Batt, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. Now, How Could He Know That? There wos going to be an eclipse of the sun, and a professor said to en old darky in the neighborhood, ' You watch out to-mcrraw„ Untalte Sam, and about 12 o'clock your chickens will all go to roost." Of comae, Sam doubted, but when the eclipse came, age enough the chickens went to bed. Then this conversation m- imed. "llama, how long you dote know 'bout this here mirncle1" "About l year, Burl" khtm" "Lord, dal am at attl in', Why, mann, dose chickens wasn't hatched den." - Washington Star. Millard's Liniment Go., Limited.: Gentlemen, -Theodore Donis, a cus- tomer of mina, was completely cured of rheumatism after five years of armor- ing, by the judicious 1.14e of M11NARD'S TI6IMENT, The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the parish priest, or any of itis neighbors. A, COTE, '•lerchutt. St, Isadore, Que., 121-1 May, '08. On Second Thought. "Guests without baggage," delicately hinted the hotel clerk, sizing him up, "aro usually required to pay in advance," "That's all right, pard," said Uncle Jes Struekitt, pulling a large wad out of his pocket and lxz1Ltnlng to peel off a $1,000 bill. " 1 our--er-beggage is entirely saris• factory, sir." pa stilt' observed the hotel clerk, breaking out into a cold sweat. FT 01.41 Mange, Prairie 8eraWhos and every 2008 of contagions Itch on human or animals mired 10 30 minutes by w0110rd'e Sanitary Lotion. It never tunic. Sold by druevlats. Slightly Different. ilorue (struggling author) --T was sur- prised at the favorable reception accorded the little farce comedy I wrote last month. 13101 what did your dramatic critic mom by suggesting that I write another one before 1 retire? Nnggus (literary editor)--- He didn't put it gniite that luny. Ho said yon ought to write one more, end then quit. 1linard's Liniment for Bale everywhere, An Invidious Call, Ono afternoon the er n:elatar of an maned stone said to his young clerk: tom Pin (otita upstairsstaus to work on fid 1101133 t dove ecnr» 111 fn it l,ve a101nlat let 100 know. sett 0,010) ,14',..11111 to soiling the stuffed animals yourself." About half nit hour later in alms a gentlemen white life son mall asked Tont f ]nen could show hint a live monkey. '1'o the eusttaturrr's amaze ne0t, the c'a rk ran to the foot of tine :Attire and -yelled; "Conte down, cones down, sit; you're 1, Oalted,." rad-c's Library. Lost His Hearings. Noel opened a window in the ark and looked out on the wild whsle Of waters, I hilven't the 1cact idea where I am," hr ^•nth, "but thio.lao's like Gage Park." Feeling thlt in any event it would be lerly u els s to 113peel to; Mrs, lietty ;Preen fou 1r doled the window and rr, 5nlvi tateutly till the 0tdra.ant, ';'11- owil accord, MaraeIollH cased Loo Carrlgaa which shows that skin diseases here- tofore considered hopeless can be cared. 0 Since childhood,1c ,Corr i an bad been tortured with the burning agony and itching of I rrctaln His parents had spent a great deal of money in con- ultl.lg physicians and buying nt:tlici,ees --hot all to no pnrpcsie. As Ile grew older he sought other (.otos--some of them specialists. He 100(0 eleven weeks in a Toronho hoopital- ei6 htweek in bed. At times the irri- tation tation aud'pain caused by the Gczetna were so severe, life vvan n burden, He would got so bad be could not walk, Several winters he could do no work. He wrote, on February ao, Igo6: "In November, 1905, 134 another attack, and was advised to use Mira Ointment. f thenglst this would be like the other remedies Ihal tried, and of no use 30 mel. Writ, to my Brest delight, n tow hours after the first application, I felt great relief. I have used it, now, two end o -half months, and unhesitatingly elate that it is the frost tasnedy I ever used, 03 boa worked wonders ffoorr me. Since wane Mira Ointment I have beenahie to work every day—witbont irritation or pain -ono ath1nese of the Limbs or soreness. I tea now Wenn. "Nom a elate of great irritation and some HMS excruciating pains to freedom from ail aneb, being capable of doing bard work every day, i^^ a anetvelaw image, afire Ointment bat effected it, I strongly recommend nay person afflicted with thle terrible tomptnint—ficumo--to 8301 Atb•e OhRmeot." What this wonderfully effective Oint- ment has done in this extreme chronic case, it can do in (Ober eeemingig Meng able conditions. If you suffer from any forth of skin -disc se, don't delay. Certain relief and cure is waiting you 1n Mira Ointment. Get box to -day. 50e. -6 for $2.5o. At drug[, -stores -or from The Chetnists' Co. of Canada, Ltd., TIamiI10 a --Toronto. 16 ,angg,rr ',77' P6A0 Mai64 eeta01tGOO. THE' TRADE OF HONGKONG. Germans Very Much In Evidence in Chinese City. In Deutsche Rundechnu it is stated that Hongkong is an ideal colony. Mir mans are there very much 111 evidence, and German colonization is going on apace, Laat year 11,000 ships entered the port, of some four and a quarter million too burden. This does not in - elude the huge number of Chinese boats and junks, Tato total yearly trade in this free port is reckoned at a thousand million narks, and the total exports aro not equaled by any seaport in the world. The Britieh lead there in trade, fol- lowed by the Chinese; then come the Germane, the Japanese, the french, the American:, the Norwegians, the Austri- ans, the Danes, the Ilolgiano, the Swedes, and last of all, the Portuguese, It is interestieg to note that the (hutch and Portuguese trade has faller off, while theGerman and Japanese have increased, a' -booglh not ,anywhere near the British. Russia 1:10 her 01411 ports and is connected by land with China, so the volume of her trade through Hongkong is very small. $NGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re- moves all hard, soft and calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles, sprains, gore mid swollen 11110110, coughs, etc. Save 00 by use of one bottle. Warranted the moat wonderful blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists, 0(r ^-o•--•---- To Put a Faucet in a Barrel. It is no easy took to place a barrel in position after the faucet ham been in- serted. The following simple expedient will make it easier: First, stand the barrel on end. Bore the hole for the faucet in the usual way and then plug it with a cork. Shave the cork off close to the barrel. Having placed the barrel in position, put the end of the faucet squarely and firmly oil the cork, Delve it into tine barrel, forcing the cork attend, A turn or two of the faucet makes it tight. If our good intentions were all real- ized the devil vvou.ld have to open bids for a 0001' paving contract. ISSUE NO, th 1908, VEGETARIANISM. German Professor Considers It is Not Suitable for Europoane. An absolute ,vegotarian diet isnot stilted to the needs and interests of ling 111 u. races, This 19 the conclusion of a Apttzseh, of Berlin. He says, in purl: 'Phe vegetarian diet is not suited to Eu- ropean organs; but, relieved by the addi- tionof milk,grain, butter, cheese, eggs, s , ete.tt offers many idvantores. It alka- lizes the blood, it regulates tho circula- tion and preserves the elasticity 'of the arteries. "It makes ono less liable to danger from maladies of the skin and of the joints and to oougestion of the internal organs. It tends to loss agitation and ag- gressiveness, As a system of nourish- ment it ie rational enough. Should the wish be for a [Hilder race 710 diet would be superior. Yet an absolute vegetarian diet is impossible for the white races, because. the digestive tract of Europeans (and Amorieens) has long since been rcnderod unlit for such diel, Wanted a Part of the Bet, Congressman Champ Clark was a pas- senger recently on a traits bound for Kansas City, when ho was much amused by rho soliloquy of an old chap who, it - appeared, was proeeedfng to the city maned on certain legal business," The journey was nearly completed when the elderly person became possessed of the notion that certain huportant diapers had been left behind. After a hurried in- vestigation of iris bag leo obeervedt "If I left those papers behind I'In a fool I" A little later ho resumed' his examiva• tion of the ban's contents. "I bet it'll turn out I'm a fool," he 99,11.murmured, ly. When another mile or two had been a000mplished he rummaged through the bag onto more, and as he turned over the last bundle repeated: "It will sure turn out a fool!" At this ,juncture a testy individual occupying the adjoining seat took a hand. Frowning upon tiro old chap who had so often offered to wage' that he was a fool, the irritable person looked over the edgo of hie newspaper, and with sarcastic interest said: "Would you oblige mo, sir, bylayi10 i a little money that same' way for mo?' First Crook -Yes; I'm making good stoney now. Second Crook -What ant First Crook -Counterfeiting. The State of Washington leads in lumber production. From Bellingham the shipments by cttrge lots alone am- ounted, lust year, to 150,280,028 feet. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, it is said, has offered to present to the User a pies• ter cast of the giant extinct reptile ft, 1100,','.,1'1',000,,1t'..'11000: 'i1 0j', lack Watch Chewing Tobacco Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. g2t38 Painting Butterflies, 1'l:e butterfly was a beautiful deep blue, 11s irlatrous as satin, but looking et it eboselyy the celleetor shook his head. "Another fele," he said. Seo here." And with his finger he brushed off the glistening blue dust from the In. soot's wings, and lo, it was but a nom - mon brown field butterfly after all, "As tiro collecting of butterflies grows more popular," the explained, "i000'31 and more butterfly fakirs turn up. '1'Iteaa men with enrages aniline dye powders color up n torr cent !newt into a good oonhblenee of a $10 one. 'Ilhdlr work is hard to doteet for the 1'0,1,011 that when the dye Antos off and discolor your fingers you suspect nothing, eines the genuine dust belonging to every butterfly's wings would do the same thing." -New Orleans Timeses•Dentoorat. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. No Need of a Fire. "Wasn't it awful?" exclaimed the wpartanent-houoe girl. "111e 11u•nece, wee entirely out lust night." "I never notieod it," replied her chane.. "Mat 9 rover noticed it? And you sat 1E1 the cold parlor for two hours with the young (mute. Who wag he, auyw,vl "An obi vinare."-Puck, r11112211MffiallEASEERMSEP",,,i, . F g0 , fkd llLE:"T99 PARLOR ; ATC11-11E Silent As 'the Sip Ihh x ,;00'10