The Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-21, Page 27,-"Irses
r 11;epalit41.War DEW 1101% �t
CfaCia74;00$2 irOn•lbs
ese•Use *
stimmeonoe BMW.
"0 1 Yr, eMo, Seta I Me overnor-General at Ottawe, hall
- WE tilf.00 OW 0.10 la et filinimatire item. s sua,,,,,,,,. __A. movement has been atarted at signed a five yeare"oontraot with the-
rms%) les% lesou . g el Nillemesiev. tortur -,-,,mff '-..-i hieffillehtlFar, eldaffiltreal to have ealoone open On SIM- Management ot the DOM4410114 Club a
Chicago, and on Oct. / will go to
,, Sick ,
a e„ SOS a to ' el k
Cure Headache, Bit. The ateek Of wheat In Store at Vbrt that city to take over the position of
411011from eat° es por woo ex ueWilliam ie greittly in eXtlesii Of last superintendent of gymnastics,
IO1,1511eSS, Sow Stomach
sect ti' intent advertieemente 10 cent*
Hoods* Pithe
• Are prepaned from N.
ture's mild laxatives, and
while _gentle are reliable
and ettscient.' TheY
evas Summa
&cost Ilappettings Brie* Told.
CANADA. Inetructor. at the Royal Militery Col-
Wolvee are numerous in Hallburton. lege, and at preeent orderly to the
and Constipation Saki Y7,4oldoe ho J lie' Anderson, charged with the
everywhere, osc. per bOXm a
c. re, ya are etoning tbe street ttriiiesre:1 fall; robberY at Winnipeg,
tetethredbrahneed4iCeelentliU,Mtes. Montreal is to have new rifle revises Novenle:.11 likiltaelLnigu:Ialdtriaollitirne
bail Is ferthataning, spot cads if me,
at one.
A' *Inbar aliOdtle le rell°fted In curl:41mb:: oift=ingththiudaruseids,
John T, Emmorton MenItehe'. The counsel for Auderson and his
TitE LEADIPC BARBER, thin syetent,
Night despoil for technical tra.ining °hair° otiretn°4, hull' hut ti;ie le bow the
Smith's block, opposite Post Office
Ar..50 • wilkiem eusyt..eibalmitlplin4.43bratteentfoDuard,
durn . at Ottawa placing Oia ' the free Ust
All order In Coltnell biui been mimed
sand to,afority. --
Per Ike or the fin& ineertinte 3 cents
Per line eaeh Subsequent ineert1411-•
nonpareil ineaaare, Brofeseional Oartlei
000 eaceettitie 911e Web, 0.1),9' I)"
Anntlile Advtextillemento without alma.
ID° directions will he Pabnenecl till
forbid end eharged for ateiordinglY•
Transient noticese.-"Leitit," "YoUnds"
*TOr • Sale," eto.,-50 cents for strnt
bertieni- 35 tents for each ettbsequent _
TRE truwe,,nucoan win be neut
to any Addrese, free of Iffistege• fer
ver year, payable in ativanee--
$130• may be charged St not ee Paid.
-T,I4e date to which every sulaaertPtion
le pate is denoted by the imbiber on
•Ple• address label, No paper discontin- -
ued,until all arrears are Reid, except,
'et the option Of the proprietor.
Editor gild proprietor.
•,t-itot ttiesliement;1845.
CAPITAL - 6,000,000
Ras? • $1,$00,000
Pend 011e, - MONTREAL;
twOl.blonkTAN 1110.4AS, Gen. Monager.
. , .
. Netroodtmeented, 0. recites's made. -Drafts,
mued. Stelling and American Exchange
• : relit end sold., hits sat allowed' on Deposita
• Interest allowed on sums of el anti up.
Money advanced to 'ferment on their own
notes with one on more endersons. ,. No merfr
gage requirea AS security, •
.,••• 11,0. BREWER. Manager:Clinton. •.
• A General -Banking -Business Transacted:
Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued,
. InterestAllowed on Deposits.
aa r....cs." *-
CLINTON / • - - - ONT
••• FIT% Aeoldent and Life linenrantie
Wren -sorted, Represen s several of ilia best
Cbtapanies and any information Jointing to
itedrance gladly given. • Gerieral District
Agedt for the Confederation Life' Insurance
Co. Money to Loan on Beasionabie Bates
) Office -Palace block, opposite market.
John Rid.ot4,
Conveyancer, ConimissiOner, Etc.
Fire Insurance. - • : Real Estate:
Money .to Lend.
Dr. W.. Gunn,
14 C. P. and L. R. C:S, Ediehargh-:
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton -Night
calls at front door,of residence on Rotten -
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian Church.
Dr Wm. 'Grahard
(Successor to Dr. Turnbull.
Licentiate of the Royal College -of Physic-
ians, London, Eng.
Office and Residenee, Perrin's Block;
•ately occupied by Dr, Turnbull. •
orsce-Oiltaiip Street,'opposite English
church., formerly occupied by Dr. Apple*
ton. .
DR., ,..Q.-Mr—TeOMPSON
Office and Residence next to Molson'e
auk, Ratterdsury street, Clinton.,
, „ •
Surgeon •Den.tist.
• OFhICE-Over TaYlOr's Shoe Store,
Clinton, Ont. . Special attention IQ preset..eation of natural teeth. •
NisitBlyth every Mbnday and
• ry Thursday afternoon daring
adjoining' Foster's Photo Galleryce Hours, to. ei .
h the second Thursday ef: eagh
Blackall 13a11,
Veterinary Suegeons. • GoVeenmetn Veter
inary inepectore.
Office -Isaac Street,Clinton; Resideoce,
Albert Street,
Sccitt 8; McKenzie,•
Clinton Office -Elliott Block, ham et.
Bestield Office -Open every Thuraday
s • -Main street, firet door west of
Post Office. Money to idatt.
anetters Scott. E, H. McKenzie.
. E. Campion, Q.�, •
Barrister, - So1idtor Notary, .14c.
Orr:a-Over Davis'. Dreg Store.
Money to Loan.
M., 0,-Johniiton1
Bar , OlictOr Cernmissionee, Etc
•Citierm-Oor. Hantilton and St, Andrew's
ilartleter, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c,,
60 YEARS' '
Hamilton will retorm, its tax celiac- friends wooL of course like to oee
Read Office for Canada, Montreal. testing under 85 degrees by the pooled.-
/Asurahoe ewe. "Novo " Word bee ri received, at Ottawa ricotta for use in the raanUfacture Of
Invade 0 ts In Canada • la'soosta0 that • the telegraph line is new within compressed food fer live stook, when
Ifstabl lel 1825 The "14 relleble avid tavorite 110 miles Of 14,W8011. Imported by the manufacturere of
Major Geirouard, the dietingutshed, ouch food be be used for suoh mann-
his ooMmandle ;Egypt.
Canadian officer, wet to eenene facture only' in their own faotories.
The Algoma Ventral Railway has
GEO. 11101i111111
Irt fa Stanbrd Life [Purace Park earned LI Hamilton by thetts amp or Indames of cane or beet
. •• Brantfor1. will build a new Isoletion WOO men employed in the constructicen
Horseshoer and. General Blaeksmith Hospital, and make, a large addition. to of a twelve -mile section of .the Inc
Albert Street, Nortit, Clinton. Hamilton will open Dundurn , Park toneptineajonoewinaeccItieztytboet otobm6p,caolgtiaTnhye edit;
October 2, and Will Invite Sir Oliver de-
the ecitroity of labor, Is expiate -
JOBBING A SPECIALTY; Mowat to perform the ceremony.
the John /X Stratford Hospital from MichiPlooten Harbor to the iron
, ett by the fact that a, contract has
, 'David Horne, of Winnipeg, has bee:a been entered into with the midland
Woodwork ironed and nr4431141" niSter_, "" appointed chief grain.inspeeter under
and work guaranteed, Farm Intrienlente 624. the Inspeotion Aot of last Session. fsamlie.iteThferatilitsa avirsuirl beLaid°Iilidir°bny 9elroevtelimit
machines rebuilt and supeired. .
• The privath banking firra of William ber 1, ,
• • -s, - 3/fittest & on, Stratford, has assigned. .. GREAT BRITAIN. '
T116 McKillop Mutual. Fire
. . •The.011ebee. Hamilton and Port WO- telt: mtsay"bwuysatihde tLhaakteiTirofTli°13:111araneljelp-:
The firm claims a surplus of #45,000.. , , -
• ham Steamship Company will have two •
, Insurauc,e .Company. The Dublin City Corporation has
. - " "Assremesterel ships built
granted a site for a statue of Parnell.
, .....- .:. '' Thatchers the • unclaimed chancery
thinks ' the population ef Hamilton
Pain and Inola.ted Town Property eteyear will be between 64,000 and money schemer, has escaped arrest by
Only Insured, - 55.0°' . • flight from London. .
lee. George Bat, tax collector, ,Don_ The strike of 'amnion and firemen In
. Great Britain has so far failed to crap.
OFFICERS: dart, Who' was thrown out of a vehicle
at .,Ohe Bertram demonstration, died Pie• the 814 owners- .
3.• B. McLean. PresiOnt, Ripon T. 11; tram his iniaries. • ' 'Owing to the strike of ths seamen
Thenut,s,Eroser_eimpresident.Bruceileld P,O. _ and steanter firemen, many weasels Are
W. ei. Shannon, alloy•Treas.7.-Ses-fortli-P;-01---At.,is-aaid •the,munielPaLTetqrins re -
Thomas E, Rays. Inspntor of LOMOR. seatorei commended by the special c4111Mitt4 in 'Itieeheds at Liv.expeo, J,.,... e . '
. Hamilton will be opposed by the Fin- During August the leritish'exiiikeillittr
• .0111.1e0TuRe: ' ance Committee* to Canada numbered 2.305•Rnglish, 270
W G. Breedfoot,12enfortb ; John G. Grieve " Scotch and 137 h
Whahrop: Dale. P forth: Thomas E ,. EX-Ald* WillIant 1:34nninglianl
Hafg, Seaforth : James ATM Boechwood ; leading Irish citizen, . annOunced Charles Blaelt of Montreal, chief mate
John Watt, Barioek. Thome, Frazer, Bruce- his cendidature for the Mayoralty OfOf the bark.,Lanarkshire, is under ar-
field; John B. •MeLean.. Meilen; Jaynes Montreal -next year. s ' - rest at Glasgow, charged with shooting
Connolly. c Union, .
John 0..Mafrhon, .auditors. - - ilTnrodttrilng !I negro
sea in
unt for contracting with ,Pittsburg
The Caren Sound 136ard of Education .
Rota. Sri- ith, Har'nek Robert Molillien,Gen: •has unanimously decided to adopt the
1 'Alfred
.1n a London Times' etlitoria
forth: Jame Cummings, Efintondeltie, J, W. Public school savings bank. gystem
Hickman cells Major Girouard to Ace
Yoe: Beimesville P O.; Sohn Glovealook and in connection with the schools, ' •„
Police Constable Howie of London, f
,, , mann acturers for ' steel freight ears
Parties desirous to effect insurance or Iran- Ont., who WAS charged with Manes-
saokether /maitre% wilthe...promptly.atten ett-,ously- sesseteesessseietsen---withsshis for Egypt instead of. giving English
tom appitostion to antra the above officers , - firms a chance to compete. .
addressed to their respective poet offices.
club, was acquitted by Judge Edward
' ---..-- - --. Elliott.. The cotton and jutelevorkers' strike.
at Dundee has assumed serious propor,
Otand, Trunk Railway. The Finnish' delegates now in the ssss Teri mills were closed .Friday,
Northwest have • decided • that th ill werkers are mow idle,
Trains arrive and leave ainton Station as
. motsonutittorny, isbetowuieteatelle. for DreinerrullidcoloEadiee. :SaTiagfh"witairiaUturarbances have occurred, but
Buffalo and Goderich District ;-- . zation.
hinL-veea)eedanct\u'realil ellabnIe,thweelrlkincep.wn as
....ollows •
6;ng West, M.Exixperdeo;:::: :::::-.1°,15 aon • cents' worth of oorn in the Hamilton thRe captain of the Calliope' which. in
1889- stetuned out of Apia, Samoa, ;in
' ;Angus Young admitted stealing•fille
... er i s e a . 1 ;15,1)4: .,1P9ior:11:00ewooadit sud.rits,maisrt., a' the uponoihaies oayagainstpaying
gw h i 0 h
'-` -4' - • ExPrees....... . . .. ,i0.27 p.m. destroyed the United States
the teeth of the terrible hurricane
Going East, Exgress ...... .. ..1.40 amt. squadron, has voluntarily retired from
Mr. George Es Tuokett of Hamilton the British navy. . ' 0,.
Mixed.: :: .. 1, .... : .. : -2.55 Pan'
... offers ..$1,500 an acre for a little over .
The figures publis_hedstsivteogenie • 'of
LondOn, littren anu Bruce :-: • 4* -15 II"' .seeitvye,ni'oac4rsees of Victoria Park, in that the capital tofkared"-Mi'aubscription •in
during the
Going S o it i 11,, Express ' 7.47 aan. empeeyees. forbuilding let°:f`.);; ni,° new eree•Paniest . eight
' ' ' raenclis ended -August 31 illustrate the
' " • • • - -,-- • - • - 4.25 P.M. The •Royal Electric Light ' Co.', set location of Canadian =taints in Brit -
Going North, ,*:' '''''' ' ' ' ' ' 12%1,5. a' in- 'Montreal has forwarded to ti De- fish markets. The figures' are: Rho -
" " - ' ' ...,••••••••••• '"ele partmeat of Ageicultureeeetil offer td 'demi £2,500,000; other South African'
M: C. Diatspii, - W. Esteem, light the Canachae-heilding at the. £2,000,000; British Columbia 2340,f01;
• ' •
Di.. Pass. Agent,, - G..13. St T, A., . Paris .Exhibithon. • ' . • . the Kbandike £181,000; New Zeatand
Toronto. MentrestI
A setzux‘ of about
A. O. PArriSON,'G,T.A. Agent at Clinto. .$80,000 worth of 250;000. . • '•
'medirsgbppliances was made at Mont- , ' . UNITED STATES. s . .
• Neel on Tuesday, by the oustoensof- - There are 61 cases. of ye w • fever
- ,e- Mere tor underealuation, but.the Bern at Key west, Fht. 4 .:Yd4e
' DAMP WifttS-AN. B. 41,1,0d011E10/` - is contesting the claim.. .
. • • ...-- ' '-"'•`•-......., Air. MeNicoll says the pesieeaueedian Two regime . .ii4eo troops lire -to
he r i , rservice in the Ph
)10 tare Inerenee, ihe Twilit). °of' P4CLAS *Rat.wa,V 'bait 'to be ereetettese.,_-bh. 8s.-8
itaeinis . . • • in winninege will be one of the finest 'gJames B. Eustis former Amer -
in Canada and -work wrill probably be ioan Ambassador to France; died at
eh% Skelotem Esseartised * a StOOOPii
Nene the 144410-41ressosil•
* despatch front hilattera Falls,
workbag in the *and -
pits, at Lundy s Lane On the Caned**
side of the rivet, on Wedneeday, work,.
ORM uitearthed the remaine of five
soldiers who fell fighting in the mem-
orable Pattie of Lundy a Lane be
tween the itrittelt and Araerioan forces,
The discovery has aroused the greatest
interest and the bones are being view-
edi by many people.
The leonine were found in Idiom's
flandpit, iMinediately below the hill on
which stands the steel observatory
tower: of the Lundy's Land, Historical
Society, The Bret bits ot bone were
dug up as the workmen were about to
quit work Toesdey evening, and Wed.
needay Morning, under the directionl of
Rev, ()anon Bull, president ot the His••
twice!. Sootety, the seaech was con.
Tile bodies had been burled, in it shal-
low trend/ in a line, with' the one tut,.
covered eight yeara ago, in whiell the
remains of 10 tffildiere ot the 1013r4 and
84t11 British teginamits were found. The
find included a! number • of buttons,
a Watch, and a portion; of an officer s
tunic, with gold braid trimmings, to
which• a lock. of dark brown hair ad-,
bereft. On the cloth, which retained
much of Its natural •colour, •blood
stains showed- plainly. These relief,
Will be preserved by the society, bet
the reraains will be interred in the
handsome vault built as a receptacle
for the bones of the soldiera foutue
eight years ago.
The battle re Lundy g_Lancl, in which
the soldiers met their •death, eook
piece ,88 years ago,
Disease gernis- will often reniain in eseemeneeh on it thislall. Newport. .
a contagious . condition in a house •The liareillon and Wentworth Dairy- The Cuban army hate been paid off.
which has not been thoroughly -distn- men's Association has advanced the
There is a balance of 8400,000 left
feeted. The, life. Of the pathogenic- P"°°of intik Imp cent, the retail price from. the 18,000,900 appropriated.
germs: varies greatly . with the at_ now being air cents a quart, and the While digging a - well on Lookout
ferent materials of. which walls are w
tiolesale price 12 cents a' gallon. s ls.&neve and Others discovered gold G.
untainenear Chattanooga, Tenni, ',
Official returns place the salmon .
constructed, and espeeially: according - qiztinapelaLgcen-eqx=ieticisc..D
ta their. 'degree of dampness or 'dry- Ssentget tieti g76
1 ourfaa for the pre -
ed by a
tless. Special inviiitlgationn made in second only to thephensotwi
freight train wreck in Dizigese Ten -
this diredion in Italy showed, that. as of 1897, when 1.105.477 cases wereputnel on the Norfolk & Western Rail-
, . Way, ,near Williamion, W. Va.
.general rule, walla covered witb PP' •
The Cainadian Itubber Co., of Mont- A Chicago report says a gigantiO
stucco or varnish are the leapt likely feel has been agreeably surprised be plant foe the bedtime .of locomeitivita
to prolong the life Of the miercibee, the receipt of a parcel containing 00 add other rolling stook is to be °stab
and walls which are normally dry are which Was recently stolen tram :the lished -in Switzerland by a company
to a great extent self-eleantang. The office. There will probably be no pro- of American and European capitalists.
tephoidsbadthre; 'the choleisteeerm, the secution. • .• At Pinconning Village, 20 miles north
oecrutrof pneumonia' when placed The . formal -opening of the stoney et
' o ot Bay City, Mich.; fire destroyed 3e
on such walls, die at the latest in Creek lbettlefield by the Wpm-- frame baildiho' ineledhlg the Weill -
twenty -four hews, and the diphtheria Historical Society will take pta—ce'..4o.e" gan Central 'paseenger station, Mama -
bacillus survived -0111Y seven days. On odober. 21. The. countess' of Aber- bee Hall, 13 businese helms and 25
dwellings. t The toss is' roughly esti-
well-dried dm, the tuberculosis Dile- aeon and Sir J. G. Bonrindt are ex- mated at $75,000.
robe will remahralive for foul. of five petite& to be preaent. ,
months. Damp walls cause the vital- The work ot the two surveying par -
Ity ot bacilli to increase, so that the
dampness of dwelling houses ie doub- ti wit' h th D t
es io e epar M011 0 0 ..
. t I (111 In The Mar and Czarina are visiting
0 h .
ly dangerous; first, in itself, and terior ha* at work in iNorthern Alberta open agen. _
and in the Kootenay district has been The Peary steamer. Windward bap
second, because of the long life and
vitality whicb it gives to the elements Much retarded by the heavy rains eetUrned. to Neerfoundland.
which have' prevailed In both see- Russia has taken oppressive mea -
of contagion and infection, Prom ,a done, surea ageing the Sews in, Kieff.
bactericidal point of Vievr, stucco or
Dawson City now contains a school The Patriarch of the Greek Church
good_ varnish sbould be employed for population Of between 300 and 400. in Egypt is dead at the age of 103. Walls where possible, in preference to
tapestry or paper, as both cen be easily where no schools, teachers, or - There is great distress in Bessarabia,
washed, and have, beaides, the property books in the district. ee.ii order for Russia, owing to tne failure of the
books, has been placed at Winnipeg, harvest. _ _
of cleaning tbemselves of pathogena)
germs. s and several Manitoba . teachers will The Danish lock -out in the building
• leave shortly Mr Dawson City. ' trades leas come to an end atter some
Late at night a boy called atDr. months' duration.
- Bell's surgery in Kingston, and ere- The plague has been stamped out
*tented a panel to the doctor, saying of A1exandria..4.0a cie 88 cased re -
it Wm sent to him by fa lady. When suiting fatally. „
. Opened it vets foundto contain the •The .Frenelt• police have made Bele-
body of it newly -born Male child, Dr, ,
urea of papers in Royalist newspaper
Bell has no idea_ who the hid is.
°Mess in Paris and Bordeaux.
Application will be made be Parlia- A rumor is current An Modesto that
meat at its next Session by the tom- ain European exploring party hal been
mittee be the Canadian Nurses' Asso- inamacred near Lake Tanganyika.
Giati°°' emdefing of If' E' It'gefa' If' Russia has restrained Turkey from
Salt, IL Dunlop, A. Colquhoun, J.
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old; Even pile
cheeks violet dolt. .
Your hOusehold cares may
be heavy and disappoint-
ments may be .deep, but
they cannot ntske you look
One thing does it and
never fails.
It impossible to look
young with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
permationtly postpones the
tell.tals eignnof age. Mad
adoOrth to dineeititte it
brings heck the
Inb. At fifty your i
,110` to look at it tibl-at'
, men. It thkketie the heir
'f,,sise; *tope it from felling
,out; and oltimute* the soap ,A. proelanuttioo has Wetted
}froth (twee, shall • bringing i tee the ac ad, at
d you out' bet* On th the laat e h ot the (hi a-
• ted itil DiettlebOliP letitell Or
mounting several pneuraatie dynamite
Dodd, le. Clements and S. Hill,. for en
act to incorporate the 'associative. gems at the Black Sea entrance to the
Baltic. . .
Twe,ety-four tenders have been Ire- Heavy rabbi have beneflted the crops
ceived at the Interior ,Department for in Central India, though other portiffine
the' claims in Dominion Creek in the
Yukon, The claims were classed in afrottibtehountry are atilt euffering trim
• 1897 by Major Walsh and Mr. Flaw- wri
neeneland has Voted on the fedora-
cett. • Tho properties are in the mar- Lion question, the labia returns show -
kat beciatise• of a diva. 0 to itbeir ing 3k500 for and 27,000 against fed-
ownerrihip. oration:
A statement of the total import bust- The Legislative Couneil of Victoria
nem done at the port of Montreal dux.- has rejeoted the bill for the saran-
ing the month of August bas been chisetneet of women, according to a
prepared by the collector of customs. Melbourne despatch.
The total imports for the month am- . itt Port an Prinee. Hayti. an Mem-
outited to 16,665,472, againet. 115,784,357 - diary fire resulted in the destruetion
for the corresponding Month of last of 20 buildings. Two members of „the
year. fire department were injured,
Charles De Witt, of Victoria Mills, The chines*, tioreign office hall offer_
Bs is under ;keret& on suspicion 91 ed the Italians mining rights in the
being responsible for the death of hut NIng*Hai District, but the grata is
three-year-old step -child. Neifghbore entirely unsatisfactory to Italy, and
who saw the body reported that it is likely to same anmeliestians.
bore black and blue marks and looked The idea of trove:406g the Istria Er-
as if the little one night have died
from. violence, ••
position Is widely broached in Europe
in the fowls comments on the Dreyfus
EXcluelve of the Grand Trunk build verdict, and overt steps to that end
Eng at the intersection Of McGill and
have Already been taken ims or twit
William streets, which by a conserves quarterts
n .E
tive estimate Will cost not less than The Boeotian Government has order-
ed from San Francisco American Um-
ber and lumber for oonstructien work
incident to the building of the new
City of DaltlY, on pe Aittio meat of
.The Swiss Government hail ordered
the Serum Institute at Berne to Make
and distribute the bubonic) peat serum
in sufficient quantities throughout he
cfnions as a precaution against it
Pestlible# outbreak of the. plague.
A terrific thunder atortn, a000rnpa 1 -
ed by hail, +Wept over Paris Wedn s-
aw bight. Great damage was do e.
The electric light plants were da t
ed, and the Wee and bOulerarda in
titmariktions of the city were in
1500,000, fauly 12,500,000 Will be expend-
ed on buildings In Montreal within the
next year, and contraote for Mare than
that have already been placed.
Within a. abort time Inspector Steele,"
commanding the Northwest Mounted
Pollee in the Yukon, will return to
duty In the Northwest Territories, and
it 1$ probatilit that Capt. A. B. iPerrY,
who is now on the way to Daweon, will
be the new cotaniender 'of the police
Contingent in that district
Mr. P. W. HOtitiell, seoreteft of the
Live Stook AllsOciatiOn of the Do -
nankin and direetor of the Partnere'
institute work for the Ontario Griv.
eminent, will leave the *forfeit of the
PrOttittoei in DEseataber, and Will become
oliief of a live :Rook bureau, to be
crested by tint Deinialoa GOVerii.
In the attaek made by a band
rearaudere on tile Muree brewery
Quetta, India, 'ten of the native e
ployee were lied and leveret oth
badly wound The marauders, w
all tamped re being* hotly purem
Sonnies' Been" or Carnelian; the Elder •
,atrtelten lumina the Night,
A despatch from New York says: -
Cornelius Vanderbilt, dieg at his home
at 07tle street and Fifth avenue, this
tatty, between five and six ceoloek on
Teesitgiv-- inorning. Canelictingsseporte
of his midden illness and death, have
been current. The eubjelned authorit-
ative statement was made by °been-
Depewe--" Mr. Vanderbilt left
Newport at 1 o'clock Monday alter;
norm to attend a meeting of the New
York Central and New York and New
Haven rallroada He got home about
9 o'clock, and retired at 10., feeling well.
110-teirasheprend slept until -between" -
5 and 6 o'clock Tuesday morning. He
then woke, and calling MM. Vander-
bilt, told her he was very ill. She
aroused, the household, end sent for
physicians. Mr. Vanderbilt died before
any doctor arrived," For the reason
thee no physician had been in immedi-
ate attendance, AL Depose notified the
coroner's office. •
Cornelius. Vanderbilt was the eldeet
son of the late William H. Vanderbilt,
and was b'o.rn on Staten •Ivilend, Nov.
27, 1843..
Death wasmimed by a stroke of
Paralysis, the second that' he suffered.
The first attack was in July, 1896. The
petit* was setini-censeious until I be
end. - • "
_ -
A Famine poittiossiati sit Er.rna Bighly te
Twe Hundred' Illattous All la Hall-
dettPnt01 09In New York says: -
While it is generallysknowO that Mr.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, who died on
Tuesday, wasan enormously tieh man,
yet little is known pf his actual for-
tune, say . The Tribune. He -was a
most reticent man about his Private af-
fairs:. His fortune has been various-
ly estimated at all the way from $80,-
000.000. to 0200,000,60e. It was mostly
40m*. 4.44444441
Tke Kevirat J Task Per Ohl luee-epitetiat A Berniass Meer Na* Nothilteg Sot 5ce04 *gape
vieesehes Vett er russet Beettass. Wilem4-4140 et AU El1001 Of Work. rreetts Grain,
The Meat lAtilitliriata et incident woe IlInglish women with a fanny for me.; In On Lead-Illif garl4.
Man must admit that • there le some- flag themeelves as others see !heal
thing delightful About the wedding ' Would do well to read a certain envious
veil, which adde to hie beauty if it he little book, "Haw the English Work
' the daintiest Aletelon point and makee man Live*," in witkh much is said of
It of priceleee velae to the wearer even them, and, not to their advantaffe, Th
though it be a simple length ot tUile. boolt Is written by a Gentian mine
It is a symbol of the itaidenhood which who le living in England. He lavishee
• is ever wornon that momentous dtt* praise without stint Op England and
when remance holds sway and Me has all things English, *mere English wo-
such infinite pessibilitea for good or men -for . then* be has nothing but
morn. Engliehmenebei depicts as (Mite
• Very often this item of the bridal mOdel chaeacters, end he mewed at a
toilet, is the, one Meo11 carries met the less to ocean:a for the fact that thee
• old adage of
• Something old and emnethlig new, hwctovraetihlienall:toenhw,eolapnimb:i4iLtideassbetsbuo;%°:dateviir.tiiretaleeteo,
Something eoreowed, and Mething
The Deuteohe Hausfrau is, ot eourtoi,
for it is often both old and borrowed, his ideal woman; and, he has peva e
descended down from mother to daugh-
ter on One side of the hawk, usually .hnupphiterthatiltaThagn Nehmen would be much
was thrOwn back, both. Queen Victoria tended' t°°' e°tnbideY tahreey, inbuutcilexebiltrntger
the bridea
et, for years the veil
Toronto, Sept,,15.-Irer an ott daY we
0 had some pretty briek trading here thill
morning, and ail the receipt* etdd eare
their English wives for German, And
and the Princess of Wales appearing
be -seems toi have the hope that this
so mars an Englieh autberity, but WM-
adaye 11 fain on the tem The Duch- exchange, may be effected -providing
hbi countrywomen will learn English,
esti of York wore it veil in whioh her
mother ,had been married, the same "German women are in groat repute."
dBrussels point. The wedding veil of would. find a good fife' ning ever here."
Margaret Grosvenor. It la if
QueenVictorie was of fine Iloniton Thua made-in-German'y wives are to be
service. at the wedding of Lady
no, differencein la
. nguage' many a girl
Ite telis IS, and were it pot for the
the order of the day
working -oleos women are MO lazy to
In England, we Are told, " most of the
sew, although all girls must learn it
atachool. A stranger who did not un-
derstand how matters stood would be
astonished, ip walking through the
streets' of a working-class quarter be-
tween 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning
to find two-thirds of the women un-
leashed and uncombed, with their
clothes Pinned instead of properly
stitched together. The English house-
wife is not found of hard work. ' She
does not even like carrying from shop
to house a basket or pitecel, above ten
pounds in weight."
She has, forsooth, to have It sent
home for her 1 The truth of the mats
ter is she has not been brought up to
rant she has net had te Whrk 'Olcore-hogs, per cwt. , 425 . 4 02 1-2
The reyival in taste for old lace has
been far-reaching with regard. to the
wedding veil. The bride is fortunate
who can appear on her marriage ease
in the web of Brussels applique,. 13083 -
ton, Mechlin, or Argentan which was
worn by her mother be grandmother.
Oceasioeally an old historical lace
veig , is draped over the court train,
tulle of au especially transparent make
being used as a fall over the face and
The wedding veil of 'Princess Helene
of Franeerwho is now the Duchess d' -
Aosta, was extremely beautiful. It was
14 feet long and had been esPeeial-
ly made at Bayeux, where the finest
modern Alenson point is now Manu-
factured. The usual size of the special-
ly -woven tulle..114, yards square. Of
this the front sholed fair' iilightlYshee.
• low the waist, not so deep as to ne-
cessitate the bouquet being covered by
the folds. At two points 12 inches
apart the material Should be gather-
ed up and fixed tirmly on each side
. of the highest Oeil in the headdress.
It is well when fixing the veil to
, throw back 'the portieres which fans
over the face t th
4_ in order o aee e
arieseterement is equally becoming, and
pins are secure tor this Style. A lit-
tle forethought in this !natter obviates
•the .positilAtity of any catastrophe in
the vestry .or the drawing room -which
might 'happen if the veil were thrown
back for the first time,
In connaition with the magnificent
veil of point de France, which was
speedily made for the Czarina, thin%
- is an exttemely sad incident. So ex-
quisitelydelicate was the work that
only specially trained'women coeldexe-
. cute the garlands and heraldic escut-
cheons which ornamented it. When the
veil was almost completed one of tbe
women died, and it was only 'with the
greatest .difficulty 'that the surviving
workers could get the beautiful nee'
. die point finished in time for the wed-
ding. 2
The hairdressing most suitable for
.the wedding veil is worn high. Paris-
ian brides are new using the Cyrano
emelt; the hair is brought up to the
e.,......e.eziecepene4he keen...eters
ing has beesteafectede
full toward (130. neck, but 'Particularly.
so over the ears. In fact, the front of
the hair is so full (hat it almost forms
a fringe, coming to e point in front.
A small diadem or tiny • spray of
orange blossoms is placed well toward
the front and the veil fastened on each
side of the head, the pins frequently:
being made in the form of an Menge
flower, ,
The Great Ittlatalte tinny of. tsar You*
' Men ale simme..
The 'migration of young men :from
The farming districts to (be towns and
cities lute reached such proportions in
Great Britain that not long aka a
writer seriously , contemplated the pos.
I sibility that England would' some day
-mused. Of a number of immense cities
surrounded by *districts of markets
garden', white the rest of the island
would be as wild and uncgitivated; as
the waters of Central Africa,
Without accepting this prediction
quite literally, 11 16 still nevertheless
true that the' movement in question is
going 'on in this country as it is in
The young men of .th-day are most of
them reluctant to adopt any pursuit
that involves manual labor. Their 181 -
pulse is to push into the already over-
crowded sedentary employments • In
our cities; Thousands Of theta de not
realize their anticiplillona, and live
meagre, discontented, . unpromising
lives. . tt is a mistaken choice.' The
tope is that the nitiltitude.oe these,
failures will ultenately bring about a
readjustment- of the popular conception
of country anti city bus:neat life.
Meanwhile education will be extend-
ed. and specialized. ' It is imperative
that educational methods -should-ad-
just themselves to the beetle of - the
times. Already there is a movemen
to establish agricultural olasses in
connection with our country wheels. It
the movement is aucceesful, a large
lannber of the boys of the next gen-
eration will be taught tbet intelligent
farming is one of the most reliable
pursuits to wheel thought and enter.
prise and industry can be given.
in railway stoOks, bonds and securi-
ties. Ile•was not be:tweeted to any
great extent in any of . the new in-
dustrial compantee that have been
forined,' and, in fact, had no holdings
of moment in any corporation aside
front railways. He was • the hugest
stockholder in•the New _York & Har-
lem Railroad, and owned a big major-
ity of the Stocks and bonds of that
road. He was a large owner ot New
York Central stock. Be. also owned a
large amount of stock in the Michigan
Central Railroad, theeLake Shore &
Michigan Southern, the Chicago &
Northwestern, the Big Four, the New
York, New Haven & Hartford and the
Canada Southern. While he owned
stock in perhaps half a hundred rail-
way corporations, yet his largest hold-
ings were in these companies, It was
in these corporations that he took an
active interest and with which his
name was most closely' allied:
• .
DondtdOit Coal CO. cooks After
. Dtaaster Sitfferem,
A, despatch from Sydney, CA, atom
-The announcement has been made
that the Dominion Coal Conipony has
made voluntary provision for suffer-
ers through the lute disaster al) pale-
donia 8 folloifssee- • •
For each widow a twelvemonth's
pay for the first year, and atm that
during her life, or while ahe remains
a widow, $12 a month.
Two donate a month for children
until they are each 13 years, and after
that $4 a month for the boys untilthey
attain 14 years, and 114 a month for the
girls until they attain 16 years.
In eases of single men who were
supporting aged or Infirm parents the
latter to receive $8 per month( during
life. Parents who were partially depen-
dent upon their 8011 for support will
receive e4 each per month.
The payments arei to date front Slily
let last and continue as above. '
The Bird Turned ea the tins mod its um-
tre.t. was Asphimlaied.
A despatch from Washington saps:
-Mises Alice Knott, 21 years old, was
found dead in bed on Wednesday, &iter -
80e/11 at her home in thiti city, as the
reintit of an act of her parrot in turn-
ing on the gas. The bird was found
lu the room, lying upon the floor, vrith
its bill near the aperture beneath the
door. It evidently was endeavouring
to get What little air it maid. While
ripe dead the pet was in a serious condi-
Mss Knott was preparing for aOIv-
11 Setvieti examination, and had re -
Indeed indoors recently most of the
time. Her parent had. a habit of fill -
lowing her about the Muse, and when
resting; was acoustonied to perch upon
the gas fixturea. Several times, it is
stated, the bird had extracted the tips
andturned on the gas. It was per.
witted to enjoy the freedom of the
house, but was usually watehed Cate.
(Wien° Aren't Wile the lisibusti et
• lierenieder
A, deapatoh from Island of Bermuda,
9978 :-A cyclone grialPt over this Ise
lead •
In $t. Petersburg the street • rail.
vraya are tvperated by boraces although
on one of the lines owned by the city
electrical equipment is being seriously
considered. Doubledectk oars are used,
two and sometimes three being pelted
in a train. The traffic seeing to give
promise of large returns, as a great
deal Of Outside .capital, chiefly Belgian
and French, is constantly seeking 18..
vestment in that field. The franchisee
trl I 1:r ligdr Zetf akr sat TAU g11111174
on condition thee at their elpiration
the road -bed ahd traffic shall revert to
the titre POsilegaititi. The rolliag-stook
and buildings are then to be purchased
by appraisement. At • present, the
lay government owns and operates
abopt ten miles of line, and expects
soon to some into possession ot more.
The opal Is no longer conaidered of
evil amen by Mote WhO are the best
[emitted. It has become poOttler to
believe that instead 01 111 Ittok the opal
carries With it the heat a Idok and
happiness in ite-blitikat- tom. I In-
deed, lit ta now considered 'the token
of mutual loee, brtitting brightly in all
the colon of the rainbow, 0 is the
gilt of lover to eweetheart, the byte.
bol 01 an eternal detotton, and of so
&voted, a Maroc:ter as to show Itself
Itt oonstatit and,flertf flanhon of beatt.
tLtoI oolor.
is romantic idea tbe
the form of a heart,
5 a a heart on Bre
whioh *petals to all
g but when Astsmall-
wall A.dvoteite of India, tail* oA near.
t y itaporteeasions way of reioicitig. , Tha Newel), of
ly at anicles which were Bon. cud well
maintaine& The reaelPta Wfra 49 loads.
keeping :Attie eold readily it from
14,26 te 14.00 for light ahippere, and
trent, 14,76 to 45.12 1-2 per cwt. for
choice. There was a better tem, in the
shifting trade.
Butcher cattle WIN in better depiand,
eepecially tit° beet gradee; Choice sold
from 08.74 to 14,12 14 peg cwt.; and. for
a few selectloite 114.26wan paid. The
general run et Stuff was of a better
trealiter to -day, and everything found
a ready market.
. Small stuff was firm and unchang.,
ed. Good lambs and export eheep are
' Good veal calvett are Emelt wanteti,
and will fetch, good figurate
Choice miloh cows are also in de-
• Shipping butte ad etookere are eirm
it usual quotationg.
Hogs torday, while imminally un-
• changed, were week as tat- too many
liglite hogs are coming in, The out-
side price to -day was 4 6-8e per lb. for
ehoiee hogs, scaling front 109 to 260. lbs.
and 4 1-fte per pound for light and tat
hogs. A total of 1,500 'hoga ealtie in.
r0110Willg te the range ,of current
• • Cattle.,
ehippers, per cwt. , 1425 012 .1-2
Butcher, ohoieses do, • 375 121-2
Butcher med./ to good, •825 800
Butcher, inferior. ,.. 276 325
Stockers, per °wt. . . 800 350
Sheep and. Lambe.
_Ewe% per cwt. . . 325- 3 02 1-2
Spring lambs each. 1300 400
Bucks, per ovri. . 275 300
Milkere and Calves.
Owe, each.. . . 2500 45 00
Calves. each, . . . 200 705
work, we itre-eissereds4Evelestesa set- Hoge. ,
The English workmen themselves Light hogs, per cwt. , ' 4 00 , 4 12 1-2
say that-thingrun maee too easy for Heavy hogs, per cwt. 400 4 12 1-2
the women." if they do say so, it is itutfalo, Sept. 15, -Spring wheat --.
not, we are inclined to think, when Demand light, weak; No. l'Northern,
their wives are within earshot -sat least old, spot, 75 3-4e; No. 12 Northern, c.i.f., ,
net if they- are wise men- 71 324e. Winter wheat -Dull; offerings
cooWksh,ellthhise GeaPearnikaanamEinnegelissrirs ewnitah8.- -Firm; N; °N.o2, x2ed'yerlobwi, on
itrack.-2c; NCoo.r lA Atte . .,
contempt, and in-heshassournyme yellow, 571-10; No. -se yellows 26 3-4cr ---------- -
oothy. They can bale bread, he earl,
_, N'o. 2 corn, 86 8-4o; 17o. 11 corn, 361-1 tb
and that is about all they can u°. 343 1-20, Oats -Demand light, but hind-
Curilknao-td•e'c'eBnetemiela' et°h°ehyerYcaniani'DetXPeannc! white, 25 3-4 to 26e; No. 4 white, 24 8-4
ors firms No. 2 white, 261-2e; No. 9
sive, bemuse the English woman does • to 25o, No. 2 mixed,24 3-4e; No. 3 mix- •
not understand preparing food as a ed, 23 1-4o. Barley -Strong; sales of
,German does. . . . But then, Germen good malting at 453-8e, September de -
Women are harder working and more livery. Ittre-No. 2, on track, quoted
frugal than English women, mid un- at Ole. Canal freight -Dull, Elour-
derstand household work bettereeTheY Steady. r
are up by 5 o'clock in the morning, too, Detroit, Sept. 15. -Wheat edosed:-
whereas their English sisters often lie No. I. white, cash, 693.40; No. 2 red,
in bed Mail 8. ' caste and September, 71o; December,
Not only are English workmen's 727.4k. . , i . .
wtToledo, Sept. 15.•-••Wheitt-, bash, 69c;
1:haeay. December, 74 8.4e, asked. cera_Ns. 2
ranted, however -but according to their
German ,critic,. they have other and , Itmixed, No. Oats -Not 2 mixed, 21 1-20.
ytt-sNo. 2, 57 8-4o. Clover -Prime, ,
still more serious failings. They nee 8512.1-2. 011-itenedeingekts •
glect their children and pawntheir Duluth; Sept. 1.5.-Whea Ne. 1 hard .
enjoystand in sore need of curtailment
inighs-c prthieviiriegebsatbhieca; ease, 700 ;•
1-2c i Dedember, 67 8-4o; May, 71 1-4c;
chlusothhaeal3d8an'd beshioesng. Northern, cash, 67 1-2e; Septembere17-s-
September, 70e preNo, 1 '
ed• to drink in taverns, just as men 1-2o,
he maintains. For women "Are allow- Ka, 2 Northern, ges; No. 8 swine, 61
do," and the result is that " tiptiY wes Milwaukee, t-
en are as •lentiful' as tipsy men on
Sate ght
that more women th
dieted to drink. Fema
arenaostry topers;
their morality may
The picture this
English workingmen'
taints, an unpleasing .
one, too, In some teepee
happily, not in all.
tereseteg t.lxoerfretiniii,14111.:risessittp.
• A. despatch from London sa
teresting experiments with a new
our elate for warithite have Sem
conducted at Sheebirryness,
mouth of the Thaints. The .opt
six inches thick, itikautde kof th
steel,' the backing consisting- of
•oiel composition, the natuxe•of 'which REPLY OS
IS being kept 'a secret. .• : diTviiiirldPotitlb-oyfficethe
New ptetes Were fieed ateeith a 350- ear.
rides see
pound •projectile at a distance of 200 eat the Canadian rd will se --
yards. -When. black powder was used , e recognized in En each eard.
the. armour ratite was, after teseeral 'tears a two -cent sta. nere is no,
shots, found to be practically vuninjur- two -cent rOly post -card ie ed by the
ed. The shot was in some instances DOMiniod Post -Office Depot -`ment, and
redtmed powder by the force of the it Will, therefore, be nee sary for
impaotWith cordite it was toned that Parnes desiring to use t class of
the outer plate 'could be penetrated comMunication to atfivf additional
three inches, and under certain' dr- one -cent stamp tavola • ard.
eu.nastances the shot went right'
through, but the severest testa /ailed
to crack ehe plate.
eanalways .
naval warfare, a hole made by a Th\
shot below the waterlinee poence
be plugged up, but cracked and split
C Deus.
aemour plates necesaitate dry-dooking
aildWitet7 twittelse
shots were fired simul- ys:-elleaantbt r°masanc
taneonaly, hitting the' plate two feet ily stopped in. 1Iie northern cities, and
avert, there was still ao sign frao- recant arrivals% from skaguay an
rily Stepped Ilinaltaists
Dawson say ttic.4 not a card is ttirne
neve itt the gambling dens of eith r
place. 'In Skaguity it wan stop
insis only ten days ago,while the movem nt
• started earlier arDawson, it is re-,
ihternnina n
Ille Postai uallevol lated tthat the p 1166 gave order for
or Britain. ' ester/ table to be shut down, and then
A despatch from London says e -Posts, proceOded to see that their nrdern were
mastereGeneral, the Duke of Norfolk: earned out.
haa shown a profit of nearly $18,000,000 meie waded,
At one place two thvrell-knod n card '
that ey w lplay.
on the working of the Ihitiah Post- T b 3 i y vir eki in a large room Iv ere 20 -or
office for the year ending last March. 80 other Men were looking oji.nnd the
The 'number of postal packages mf eV.- police °Meer who had the, estableh-
ery kind delivered during the year was meat in banal realized that At was only
8,496,000,000. Leaden received 28 per by strong wed Prompt action that he
cent. of the total of letters posted. The could make Ifp_,preseivp felt. He
thrift be the working classes is showndrew his revolver and mdibltect mere -
in the increase Of Post -office Savinge. one out of the room. The gamwas
Bank deposits, which now stand at not played. i
$615,000,000. Thete was an increase Of _ ,
5 per cent. in telegrams. -
The ataff of the Post -office was in-
creased by 10,000 during the year, and....
now stands at 100,000, of whom 82,000 A, schooner Han 110,1,Imbedded 111 Had.
*re women.
sets% Bay Ice far rids Time.
Beery Person Attacked in Belson Bay
hied. -
-A ileatottch from Cape Town, says:
.../a the Oape. House of Assembly he.
day, the Premier, the Hon. W. P.
Schreiner, admitted that there had
been 42 deaths from. the bUhaniciplagite
at ttidagude, mew Lorenzo. Marques,
Delagoa Bay. He said every person
attacked bad, aconntbed to the disease.
'rue histuming Illetidgear ir the lariteds
. Oder& is Deemed.
• A. despatch front London sayete-The
iMposing headgear Of the Guards, the
Waage bearskin is doomed. 0 appeare
that gremt difficulty has been expee.
mooed of late in keeping up the neces.
eery enpply of busbies, in coeftequence
of bearskins booming so scarce, aml
a 00inanittee will ishOrtlY Meet to eoo-
skier the important question of a Wee
pounimass tuestraamm,
raMate . Romper° being blessed with
l a alined.
t et a -tee, tiljoktintle Were taking piece irt hit
tits 0 , Aires an ' if WAS %Wed
*Id for 0* eila. ' froti1 every obits foist in otanatia-
tlo of tlre *Vent,
• .
A. despatch from Montreal says :-The
steamship Enterprise, of the Furness.;
Withey line, which arrived in port Mon-
day reported that when 7 miles west
of the Attalla of lkele Tele she sighted
• a schooner !lying signala ot distress.
The veseel bore dawn, and was met by,
a boat c011ttining the chief mate and
a boa,t, who reported that
of the schooner was very,
kilts for medical attendance,
y, of the Hnterptise, supplied
sary naddioine. The ?schooner
Era, of New Bedford, Masse
four men i
the matte'
ill and a
Capt. P
the net
was thij
whioh ,had been 27 months out frora
New I3cdford, sod had been frozen up
for over, two years in Hudson bay. The
schooner, after receiving medical sup -
piles from the Enterprise, proceeded
on her way to Newliedford,
Smitten DC asise of Sohn lierWiek, larounimo
despatch from Drumbo, Ont., says:
*401ril IltirWleki Potitinester of this vii -
!age for s nuttiher of years, died ,lud-
on Wednesday afternoon, at the
station. The dee", who itais
upwards of tiO 'tiara of age, was in
the act of speaking to the agents,
when be fell to the floor, expiring in
a few minutes. lie was very active
during his early years in munielpal at -
fairs, being reeve of Blaudford town- SI years. Afe was atanarried.
Welter surto* 4. 0., at ittlitoto, *
asphalt. at dettetteed. •