The Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-14, Page 5*AM tyan aftw jo law tz�v A 14 '"Ral t�o I "� 1100 W
strength. th, zvst DIVA9,18 WRO ABDO, 13 Ilou a kid. It w#A in ly, ou that notwitb dark- Iris Atli OF THE hut%or that Jswa wait awootod, and pwo they as glut it THIS TRUX STORY I BIORI THRIL- porate and last romm. me ISOXX Ix ?AM - "Now ObIkAgo, those stga" 11 with kwom be WARY" said*. Wbsu #11 was in readiness tka signAl FLVT OF UTAX1,18HUM,
ary"Xur, Y�:nm 0, to 4riamolt Awl 4W b
they would, Qt flip 01084- V, &�Ia Aw". by maitax � otlie 1110
ot cut haw to It It we, t. A LAIXIW TRAP[
to C4;u LING THAN F TION. Utod Al WOM40tion Wj
SIOS. UP m -l"aw tit =0 ad tka Aim wbwjz Iwk like broad into an actual Hit lost. They want to was given, ""I aws is 4464A." Thiii sxporim,oftml, fArms wbars tko bowt W -
Han Ives wbothor those foot "NAMM 3t" pow*word ustlax LA A-actioal agrioultus aU I *ad Ike supply of broad." %d the t �'o ell Yt was, done twice, each U440 W a differ- vks imomloot Tbn"w siveo rnwoi*oyA* str W"
come to you and mo, under TIOW16"vir" are really optkofl. They put out their $At d1Mt10A but WithOiat any & r- to on Woraglat; 4rMlas - 1"*Wopiw. ts an tAry spioaama" bor*#A- "Ow ""T''034 000004400 11400: slooft"s Im"It- VIVO IN""* W#j§ Irrow Me out ro*uita. Tb* to ""r X%WO_Tbe4r
WOUld UTO OrIO* A the spikos, and bring **do. firmly 4 wrwo" 1111"Wbor-i of 31614 **4 Wo- Ily 01?tAiwd. 11 ;Vying$ X "Broad it 40,11 b4l" and, WOA 411404t thom Wk W it. with blood, and wlPO 40-mvA Of 00 000 Ally *X41i F"006 -A In the cloy would not budo* X Ug-"IOY WON AbW$ M4 "M
cuAnkt�11(145s We ends suit toual Tca 1100s, -w~u so a W*rt" 0jr UOV%*. Poultry-reari;ng, ra I%rUMk 111140 4*CWIA rikova Adven- agsj* am# Moro — Ibis time Apurt at men$. making, 000,%ing, washiag, and othsr V - 1niV*tiout_gt the time taken for low t 01ariasuts. Woman sts4d swre. right &We# to previon* pull* #44 ""1140 10406. "'ticailon; but Christ with one baud beat there j6134 weep, but eas. do no good, Ott 11040611014 1&r4k would form a part at VI&Lttin to tbs laotitutioa gw Ow flirlsil 0% Mt back the hunger, and with the other 4 is Au, pj%O% for tendor-hos,rted wo- Tha Advoutwom and, rite encounter- full speed. A4;aiu 80 brawny Arm# 14 ho London Times of a recent 4416 tjko Oftroo, add It Is ususesesery to bund at jawwoovilis, III. ma ' di be t- dwell on the vaius of Rich kistruction,
hand beat back the monarch of dark. won. it wants a limgrt that crime ham SO by sub two ve va been the the launch bo%vod gad hauuted with A ountaius A well-written and Inter* I O" so 1� CA in tempted. we are told that N4poieQu in will; the 0oxin pinnace panted and go* Article QjL tb;a sub*t of I Wm- 0van within Aght go thstarmplot up. ok" oc slaotoon boy* "d SAXIa. vin , IV
. Wton, gayig neos. 0, ye tomptod ones, Christ was turned into granite. ,rho waves of XubjOat of stories I e puffail. bar screw Witting, the Calla, on and Colonial ftwomout-11 The at-
proacW from an,@ hatred And of hall's vengeance from, before the tj at Jules Verne's w4tere into a mIlky to&=. l3oth boats QA which It was to be varrlod to par- an #41ttle", yet who can rotid. wTit& Bring '*Mgt us*- It Is believed that WOMOA 04444 play on tb,6 piano and at
Ordered 4 COat Of 11*11 made; but he dash ,up agalrat'the maugloil feet, And celebrated "Tau, bottoo4d Leagues were at a standstill, quiv Octal which Is glvo* unusual prouila-
a ova bQ494t, WAS, not quite certain thaU it Was lmH the banilm, of via and p%1A add torture with So Instructed may 14 some Instances
higus V1. PI - Penetrable, so he Paid to tb4 JAAAQ- lutch at Me, holy heart. Had lie not Under thos he fact and the tMIAOU90 at on" in ike, Times, Is. from 140truMetits, intigo books " 4lsot
Sea., in all t rain put own them the Von robase Aad work laud for themselves.
u through his f4ctWeV Of that COAt 04 Mail' "Pt It been thoroughly f4otend to the crop itten of the suhmarlad 0. divert from stern to bow. wity of vagog It In suppo"* inualo, Operate typo�writers, make
fiction wr of Kra. Vitw1bbon, of Toronto, a #top- the majo
the an now yourself and let AS try 14" th0Y WQY414 11AVe turn Him down aA4 however, thorq,lo notlijut; m t1i RAdT STUNOTH WO.N. daughter of the late D'Altog McCAr- t they will W the first l4stMA00 work ba#ksts, ObaUx and met* or btmidwork. , ore ril- and with shot After 00 froja his own trampled Him with both test. How- ling than 4 co-operation with their former bro. They, are higil,ttoboOl grg4jxxtog, who
the Iiiistol, the emperor found out that it the cayalry bor"a arched their nockti the'following veraptfitio and Then, suddenly, and without any ap. thy. Mrs. Fitsgib'0ou Is herself the or. hot$ on 4 system of JA litual Profit. the WSWJUSt What It be- a venture ParBut warainw, the torpedo, having, laluator of the novel *chains outil ed� have studied *11 of the brauallov ad champed thoir bits add tested, AUR plainly told story of go ad gl A ADVANTAQRS TO BE DERIVER.
sniffed at the blood. Had a Roman of- I Which befell Seawn, Diver young, t you way at loot, the holpleba diver The article 10 The Timm is as fpl.,' taugu iA an ordinary English high
A. 0003), COA Or MAIL. floor called. out for a light his came Abooting out of. the water foot The Institution of 0004 a college, It school,
414 at; v0l"4 the 11ritiotr battleship Xiood,, in Suds IMMOOt, With an impetus that a). Own;- Then the 0*4 received a large Berried to a succoodol Jesus, WOU14 to* would not liovo been beard in the to- Iky, off te Island. fig or t "landed him into the arm 0 A letter OA the 4114300t Of A P0- -Volvo the first difficulty which pro- Tbere aro = &pUp in tAe inxtita- P'00stL 4.414044 ward. � bless e W , most' . a of ill u
Y . God that the Islas coat mult -, but louder than the Clash of the Crew of the launch. The loot torpedo pectivo, training bo, a for lady Colo- seats it t udo of zu%uy par- o i a IA. *A QUIP6114. or yon bear of mAil that Oruok- back the W000314 Spears And � thlA V411149 Of Womanhood TOREDO LOOT., Came along. side almost , At the gains M self to he hil lot An .asylum liville. It
heOf temptation from the ''heart Of and the uelghing Of the *charger$, Add 4 prs'Qtloa be established in the XQtb- Onto anxious to give their daughters, is but a gobool of Christ, we*aow all wear; for. Jesus tba bellowing Of the oticiflors, there torpedo launched train the 1140MOut- West Territories at Canada W]4idh �vAa witlk due precautions, the oppoitunixy :atruction, free to the blind' of the. QM'Or 704 000 A high-MOtUO' Comes and says: "I have been, tei,upted, coal uship had, through a disaIrtango;4aut The Obot11no was found twisted of Learning to make a practical, career. on I voici orasbing throgh, round YOMU& right arm, and the limb PubIlAhed 10 our 9.0lumun, 06 tow days 01ria Could 48 , such an Institution fit atAte' It for 43bildtaia Of I& ol Aoroom bo4eamed with silver and I know what it lip to be tempted, clear, Ovorwholming, terrific, It Is tho, Of 11W metibaillem, lua#Od stvalght Wal Apparently broken. The face plate 40, draw* Attention. to a now a44 not themselves for a settlorla life. But 4011001 490,�h%t'tbofle who too thaix 9014. 4Ad-,�oA'bo$* to Snake An. Taka'Uim, robe that defeadefl. me, add groan of the dyling Son of God 1,Look downward -And buried nearly' - -1 'a was quio re "d $eom the Poor linituportant dov,419pmeut of the move- there IS a oxctical obj on which has eight lot excluded, Whet a jwo4s I Look I 0. Wo (11 a eod or th life are not 'estimate .6, valuo Weer It for YQU17501*00- I 1311411 008 You kength. 14 the sucky juild 78 to P below fello's I t iob was found three to be taken lqo, consideration. Edam- th6ligb they, do not learn. so rapidly.
aThe xaAu who als and I Shalt see You what you h V, tbrOtIgh 41k tri ave do I lift the cover. moa� Of, To portal expansion., It ban
ow"a big inoot itistantky tell 00 qUarters fall 0, water, Thenowdreag - tion, I Ile, Of tbO bay. A) had ividentl Is ad slightly, and all begun. to. be recognized As 0 a . A 12-Y04A
Ing'trom that maltreated Christ, to, lot thak Ourfm . J tice, or a costly, slid, fia the families from
Y04 1 sit 411 He 00% 44jaut, Gaya %Atan still furthor to you count the wounds and "baby" 'torpedo costs about ad yll I wh . tand the while t t oung bid.been bulap- Lho zatinment that one result to to do- the m4iorlty of these girl act. opUa are expected to complate their
oj� will istlX% O'copi4e,, 'and I WL11 show you ESTIAEVIIE THE. COST, ftorts t4 L�aro -would presumably be drawn Work and leave school la about twelve its 00 much gor'tha b0000, recover the lost one were lug About on is 4 the,oea h d as
so inuou tor the flirulture. so Much for So= , athiag worth looktag: at," and after a When ()As a b A plate this Country of a, valuable slid Sam. 01 OneY is usually scaroo. Ak that age years, but "amlonally one, to allowed, 4 journey they came to or- nails Went through Christ's at once put under, Vey, slowly oozing through Anil accumu- ugh Christ's left A hip helmet. It bad roachod course would possibly begin, the boy the case with 4 girl now attlio, luotitu-
411114 out,,th�. grounds, 49 m%h.f9r umlem, and to tibe top of the Tom Diver Young had, donned Is orgetio section of its manhood, While it o nineteen r twenty, when a college to remain a year or, two lon is 1%
right hand, %A& kbrQ -both. your hands hit, gar, a
the Atoolt so miaoli. . gor Just as on 9 ;Q up in the hand-th"t bought 0 eyebrows whon he shot violently, leaves women in excessive numbers un- he goes to farm In- the avlonleg hirea tion, who sho t4 liavoi no p dress for the ocoaalm. He w cp the surface, Another quarter Of provide . d. w towel, of Aya,tw6r it. look off upon with all their power to wok an.4 lift 'law out tl for. Each frooli oousup allows himself,as Au'u-nakilled laborer to a old have gone last June, Belgium, so Sotga brought only there, was no place except- A%wh to* Alt i 41V Over the $140 'of the sm, outh d nostrils farmer and 4aino,his experience 0 eChrlat to and, write. Mien the onAl want -All boat, his n hour add his in a the
W -g, this 4 'Is, too A the dispxoportion, between, tbo'auw WO hou all VA* through Christ's right foot and Christlo, wolglito shfilildol., would have been covered,' I While vr . Be to which she could go.
-of - the TeMP164, Some people I a an and Women to be iucroas- _ a
th . , or put on over. like be earns his broad. Ifor th well. Xor 1risa, eight *.feel'dizz It foot bought your f The shot -rope was out awa. Every girl'a eduoatlo4 patents who have no are pupils of every age and hogr.:SO MUQ14 A Itrefit lef -that, set, with ae r Y, and a ir poin began % at4lige dfispqaltlon, to jump, So Satan, wor run or to revolvs, Soul in the boat thought that the mia 1116, The surplus of A quarter of a money to opera would be asked to Va. ditiu'la the sabool, from kladar�,
I t oitr boot v. garteA claildren to middle-aged men'- a their power to
the thorit W. n of woman, over men which used To make the first working of. the exw
comes W.CUrist with a powerful temp- olimb� WhoA. But into and with ihe signal, "All h4d- head. dead some ouro. They were ujill tst4tion I'd that VVY7 ght," two pe, andfromthe fatherless outcast to the a, that bought Your its on the top of . Lading to cutaway t4o $leave ofthe Ob Arm tw6nty', per t
Crisis. �$tandiug Christ's tempi t a talked of with some at 'oA sucoeostol It is essential that d4aty darlings Of the wtaltl$sr Vhey , 1:111%1�rubber dress, so. .4s to, fro him alit I to, know how inabb there at.tho top of �tbo ToMple they bralit With all its power to' think and WS helmet John Young gently Bank 1. year" ago bee risen to amilliou.-and-6 I - the cost of, the. Scheme should be re- are very, flull; nontally,- dot rL himself �arm, when. suddenly, and to the ditced active Pa. wor�Qv and !04t ha6 otup4 look off, 'A. magn trent reach of plan, When the spear cleft Ch 'at' �eueath t1is waves, eming otter to thor lowest possible figure. It pile, unusually brighttand I at 'n tialintry. 'fields, , Vineyard$, side, that brought your boart,with. all amajament�of all present, the'syssof quarter, and Shows, ad sign fl.'ttere, teacher of .ot down of probable the 04a4dlan Goverindent felt - the ones, ILA tractl ti e t. the auppwed deed man opened, and a -diminution. Ingenious Calculations are value of introducing 4 good class of o We ,grovas Its power to love gnit repent andpray, the bliodi . who having Is4rue all Jim* forests and streams, eftt ore"th hov. A yesli in very.aepulobral voice jivar 4 in made to show the perceatage of w9mea AgAitiOell t10 In tb6'valley, flooks on, the hills, 0 soner.- Come, conia buck I If %, map Tjo RIUST liLUX]JOR. - Settlardent to Oka Northwest Terrltor�
faeblerotest* "Don't 0 -a could, in an Institution ot,th
I get through And , Villages 'and cities and realms. is in no Win, if he to prospered, if lea to be worth the expenditure of to.. sort, tO* ut tbo'blaskoty
It would Appear - tbat4u, Soft% bay dros; It WbO, putting other canoes for to the Uiilvarnity
va, d itself dispos- Alt 016 tlsnros� ot'Chloap. Now," says Sitaxt, 111111 make a bar� be S wel-I and be asks you -to come, 'a a new ,out,, little mohek, and shows . omplated a course gain, 4roOt juriip off, I kAoW, it Is A You take YOVr time# And You'say: "'I there Jullot have ,been, 4 snbj�arida A WONbA ing; single holds, zailot remain unmak- ad 'to Subsidize a -ay&tem of organized 1�4ueht -with' a way. from tho ioll of the Temple Can't come now, . .1-11 come af� current, probably,,, only very slight, ded - for want of a sufflold . At number institutions in connectiou with the FIRST THING, TAU0HT groat awe Air linnion' � At Into to Q -� Valle: no haste, but nevrthelbse sufficiently, stioti. - of men to prpvI4Q, husbaufI4 for theta e Y*, but 1i you are divine. tar . a while - There in Be cheer reat the air and existing System of experimental farms, TIM firsi thin -
9 g eac-pupil is taught we@, quickly (�Bken up 00 board, the private subscription and . endowment 14 to read With. the fingers. Reading
,44tv 4 Tower- to look'at, the crown Youmnfly., jurip.(If.'Itwoulthutt But It he is in want - and whela Young descended to turdblia� warship. The whole vicinity was title 11 a 4 de o str tion.of the j ad Angel'o will oatoh you, Your trouble, you say, "I'must go right d a n a mo 4 4rgl might. then do more -to bring a Service: matter is printed in thrde Systems you. k fath r Wul old - you, . P_eaides, 'll away. X alust go now," To -night gradually, but completely, round, no with 016`40.youo Bound, which told of the pumbek of woman who Are, forced to able training In the essential require- Line; New, York. point- and Braille, One glimpse of them, loaka, y0ii diver's, marvelous aurvial. 41 large present it you will. Iesus stretches Out before you two that ore be touched th . bottoul, 4 vitbin' the page for the bliadJoperfeotly White;
6 a had work ba order to provide themselves 01411ts of a settler's life' a, l)t 9 ... a the processiop were coid� I'll glive You,Asia'Minor, I'll, give you wounded hands, and Ho'be Beoud,thp fact thAt his arm "Was go You to unknowingly aireadi got his Alie-Lide, severely,ociitused a with bread is tv be.reAdily found in the rach of ladies desirous ' of entering the letters and poi.ats are raised or d to� pa'so, wisla'dat to- ludia"I'll give. you 409illia, I'll give you come. Go, add live. - Stay aw ud-painful' Young Upon a colonial cayeer� The Success. qlaii.pased instoad of being printed you By., (Lad air -pipe foul. d to bo,notte, th overcrowded st4te Of All PrOfesPiODA ful. inaggitratiou of. much a, schema� oop- ik. The Spain, I'll give you.Garmany.1111 give add you die. 0. that to Win who appears' s e wb. Inoo !:, you Britain, I'll in -you - all. the bought 6, we miglit give all our time Vtt4ly uaav�are'of thlo,.Rad ftudinK U I good night's *rest, he to their competition, led,�as It. could scarcely. fall io be, in could, take this Alp t' aa, and., after. a iob tire. open any one a It'is, merely the Ruglish was going About his duties am usual Tlial the Unitod even- other colonies, w of God a $MY, ARU What a-tomptitign-It must add all our prayers and, all our sUC008- the torpedo- immediately. Young gave cold render a; service ett�j r ;ed. The, New York mat and Kingdom Should you in ; walk Around ave been 1, ges, I would we could - think of no- the Sign next day., Who)! it Is eonsiderdd that t4ally become a country in whicli wo- to the cause of Imperial onsolidation are much alike, both' being, Go to-niorrow morning and get In go thing else but come to Christ. 91-1 Pull bn big life line he was u-ndet, Me water, 78,'feet -deep, of viltioll the substantial value would raised dots to represent. letters, but pst Q at In"tV and see the Crown which ad already- Wen ageed upon, for over. five libur in total darkness' ms)a largely predominate in the long outlaot, more showy perforjAaaces the Braille letters occupy less space. I altercation with soe, crawling aq fair, He is so loylug� He is so ete-alty, behold their bril- up from, a gin callar. you any, puthiziog, .86 is so good, I wish 'we and Which inoaat thAt be was , reAdy most of the time up5ide down aAd,hop;: pulation'la it eon equpuce 'of Imperial professing, to 'further the same ob-* All th. systems are,tAlight at the Jack�
114ne, and patAgiate their value. * "YQ "I would'not bea�aan myself b' leosly entangled.With twoxopeoaadthe expansion butt. istititin, though the letter y getting could put our arms itround His nOolc for the. give -inch hawser to be lowered fteu into such a oontst.1,' . Then think of and SAY: "Thine, Lord, will 1 be for7 t torpedo, it can safely be Said that his Which the most ir4 o him, lots would. shrink from cont in hs preferred. a pries." Now, *If �tt_ what the King of heaven And earth so- ever." 0, that W -night you would be experience was unique, And hl all the peria bays As, and catching'holii records - of diving his escape- SCIENCE A" INVENTION. FINGE149 TIPV90 WITH large amount of MORBY d when, Hecamaedowit Bad folight g Would that I COM - This being do pay e plating. It in obvious'to ,.those wb 'LO�PZLY, ybu da'not pay it 411at( = . . etob of 'bell, a in to love Him,: a . it of the end of the biwagr,'he gio0ed Me taken as, the. alost Wonderful known. h#Vs 40%U&int L Doe I With tho laote. Oj The progress acres Pu: oncei ila grear wr I Ad fought take. this audience and wro4tb a the rap b plis rooks and k)qt yo Iflatness and on -the top around the heart -pt. my Lord Jolt FreAh NofeA or Geiseml Iiiiereoit rrilin the lity.with which they read to a, y It by instalmenta-sd A the Wil Us . way to the tojrj*4o, W�Itdi through Colonial - settl at that -'there is � no fingers of the of te"Temple.. But I ,bless, God'that. Christ, Ing ems, IIamazing. The left hand j4uch th§ first of '01anuary, so iftuch the 4q4VL . bQtt0m..mad�'WhjC U66d. for Such a Contingency to arlso. AaVR104. neirclj:out the litters of each word I j . � .1 iq.that trini6ph over teimptation Christ h. w a
tb L' April. so much the first I onnuot'put tay head to the pillow a" THE.MAHDI'S REMAINS. wbile.those of t1A right run. to u gives 4s, the Ass rance that nearly up to, big, k Th evil of t a big d1i Ortio� The success of the bicycle 'and t- fto,�nlglxtuatil I'liave once more invit- oe, grow SProp ,too'
._40f %6 thuchr the trat.of October, WE ALSO SHALL TRIUMPH., to Automobile had along the line, "glancing ahead)' to ad. you to Chiist. I feel a burden like the ail of. the toriDedo Xa,$r f4plipr of the StjoisAg or Illf4 1,4 11RIP n1eeds only to be noted it Order to y inventors to what. iij coming next. ,Qub of the entlre'amount to paid. A'p4, 'a moluntaiii oil my'soul. Must I meet be mu it have moved completely round, Noierjaw a afton. attempt, isHaving HhAself,been tempted, He lo, this audience 'at the judgment seat of .entl Ft. -11114 the 11011j. bring1ts own remedy into. opey a resilient 'vibicle wheat brightest and most Charming of the pupils, little Olive Morse, of Irving tell this `6adlepee that 'You able to sucootir, all those. who are Christ r Must we ali be there ? They thei submerged weapon , fr0m Jett 6 �-,Regirfllug the illsintermeiit and mu-' Tile Woman Who are 4 Surplus hors are ilinpler than those. In, use. A. . prom. ibought Jkith tempted. - In � a violent 'atorin at Sea,. come from the East -And 9 oil of the remains of the Mab r
rom. the tIght0hus making another. foul.- di bildly wanted in the newly -settled dis-, lug improvsmant. IS. described in an villi eighteen injouths, And can ea&. ....... ... a 'Prica,?' and 'Shall Park, Chicago, has been
........... paid in.diftere I ; I at 11 thi mate told a boy-for!tho Agging West-AAd-from. the Nortli.and from the TRIAD TO, -AWENU by. the English after the of tricts of. the onapitie. The. whole'que A a. bii4'bicome 6ntangl6d at the maai:-to battle'. A-* English j6urnal. It consists essential- almost as readily -as mile can talk. He .South, boot above host, gallery. alfov r gir Ovidurrilan, the Xanoliester,Garitian tior resolves itself intoone of'organi- ty 09 twoconcentric shells at the hub, deft,fingers, run across the dotted pagp, st usininent paid for the go up, and right it. A gentlenian, gallory,-.tea thousand times to, th.v,,'- Th. hawser being made fast,,Xonag Spying outtlie wor as if therewete toaxa'ace" Qf'our�souls was the igub_� standipug on. t'he deck said; "Don't Bond has A -story from its Special cogpoa- Xatich by m4ans of which they Shell be connected by ridial webs',w)iieb. ex, wous irth ot,Christ in Bi . y up, sand. And vAll I ba,'thore; and will .now started to scend up the shot. ad. to taka the part that naturally - toad the breadth. of'the hub. 33�_, an the eact.of each'fiAger tipi, bi ithishem.. that J)d -he will- be d"bed to you be thor6,.'aad must we give an daht - The story 'Was gleaned from o4abl ac�" rope,, had made belongs to them in 4 development so TI blay never be a4refu.0 . it studious pupils -often, take their. dpath-11 :. The mate said, I'I:ka,6* what ocuat for this night'n,confrontingand a hitch round 13ptli it �Of the non-colamissioned officers ii,apo,tant to their,welfare� tweed each two. webs is inserted ' a books to bed with them, for it doesot ed,',.Qfter Afterard, - our'advoi4t I nin about." Thia-by raised Itis. hat thin niglit'i work? 0 Lord Jesus, lay Ad the torpedo . . . . . . . . ... to the - World is 6&r4ully: guaraed. in' recogition of the order 'and thah both hl Pe:and breast -line, fitting hurt thel;r _6yea to, read In bed or after I hold of their SOWS thin moment by Thy On the' V 16 gunboats Who got it-frOld It s pbrbAps difficult to realize at Piece ofladia. rubber, exactly cbdieL into ly- roso�haad oVer hand and want to work; the men who i6tually engaged in this boni,4, but it will be clearly in the mind the sector shaped space,. .. The outer 'dark, though, ourtously enough'Ahey the world'amid kind grace, and if A'. nefer Prea011 again, ',�Uy tfits'djon Young te Pri and g a and as be swung in the storni., the pas� must have come, sometimes Say,they. balve,read !'till At 11ande or now lot we call them to Thyself,ind to the,conclu of.every one who has traveled observ- andinner sides oftheliub*are coveed 9 % mg their hAnds and expect- siba � that he was' fooled, Piece of diplomatIq -birbaxism. their eyes A.0he.11 to " "da � likunofies in � im-! Sangers Wru antli throfigh the outlying portions of by: ar6ular platesi into the"f5entre of implore th�m.witjearja to seek 'for Th day afiqr'the'Cindarman battle,, the ; mpirep that one of ibe most urgent thei w9rj1L Evon,.the ad tp fa The work dane,'he i -is fittaid the Axis bear sea. the far bd had ametkdqd a short dhitance, .
oami� * down in safety; i and a. Mriatlan whe�o. t �Ijjra, Ing' Bolts The puplis'a-fter reading, learn' to. ugh6d iiian know ououg' tWitand UT,,9, and.thell found -he- ciiuld not 'he..; r,�ishba disil'in their needs Whici-i de.j, IthemseIns tt,� r bok.,. A Uwe to tell, you that ilf maif said to-h1m: "Why did you go -SALVATION OF THEIR SO W move, thouh pass fromAlip.oute plate, to the inner with'i slate, 'wlliofi is. two . or- went iit . Gordon, they say, safety to. life and property has been as
tjAc it, 'on the side of the bill, down �n the -forecaStle before you'wbut 'IT h14thy, Scat, inair be required Therefore,. like a, Ise man.' he d in a iiew. district is tba.need Of, plate throagh' the incUa rub4or'sec- writ ato
go doUrp again and tried. to find out wh . ere" went on. - board . one of. the gunboats, -sure d metal : sheets, between I '16 'Th. whose Shalt.-theaeAbin industrious, cheerful and healthy total therefora,.axe interposed:bqtween Per or , poi iiisre wo. a. very bedlam of uproar. up V "Ah " Said the boy "I went of tbe.� . . 1. nd then took with 4i5a RT Y Wmen, them- this. tarriage, 'supported on the axle, whic-h a sheot od�. pa r is plaed, and dow* to pray, My motli�r always be thou hast provideilf" .0 my.brothr the' trouble was; but, OWIngj to Its. bet- slimil. p, t prepareck . to. exert the, letters --Le., the Bra -ills g! 7;;om_, 'iie w attend to , the lag pitch dark where he was� it is not their natural capacity. as - and the - wheel, and'all vibra. 11 E JESUS WAS BORN. tddght -before I undertook ahy.� or, will you not, .do of Royal Marine artilleryineil to the' ba'" tion is ef- hosed with a 1A a,village capable only of acconmo- thim—g great -to, "What is that things of your soul I ftall not this be land. None of the Egyptians, on board' him ""',okers. Classes in our sense of, feotu�lly prevented. blind IlWays Carri their alates'-with datj to be wou6rod at that be failed to do their aid rite dowix ing Only, a few bUji'dreil You'lia -in yout test TO said the man, the enoment wbazi your. salvation sh war* taken. '"They -chatter * too ths, term 'disap cars, carryink local fret ht, arb _,ve them, and by
pear xapidly in how
n.a7thoosand people, were crowd 1',O, that is 'the Now Testal4ent,"". ho. -be reported in heaven t For i*ny 61 $0, TWO 9 .61untries, but the traditions, tastemand. and v everythiag, they hear. Whoatlep and mihletees , skid, "I thougtl Wo -ry it with you, how any pkayers1tave been of- irlidsFol bola Wholt babits which tend to form classwlior 'low paper used 14 and, arr old -ca! explained a saraeaut,� a. in. Use on the Consolidated �.Trao- wort note. The g able 1.1c dri�*ra yelling ab at 'd be 6' Ift if'I did go oveirboird.1" How t' 'r ri .,you. moth-, free hinealf, and dreading to 0 You have experience Of them they are 'pipulations tire numerous enough to tion lines of -Pittsburg, Although 'of tough, so that the imapres- h by
r ered. Fat0e lyid for r6ort t Y ',ad
tjjJ6 Xessialt Appeaed., istfan the last resource, that -of Cutting Mai- at.,, do Act perforate it, and'iiistakea wall tilitut boy was Proteted, I care er raye"4 for yow. Your. Chr f beings, A dervish is in supply a sufficient number of'iqdiv-' freight stAtions have been established No privacy. A better od, pt- hot 6ow grevW the hogRittl or hoW -vast wives have. boa]i pirdying for you. -Pair self filear with hii knife�'leet e sliould 411 arrsaeaaltog6ther more iduals of'each-kind remain, of a � mall, and the tor presa4t-, -it i intended o. ulti- can be erased by pressing the dots., ,ed:pja. hh-th the eaglet in the eyrie the depth, with. irist within -us and haps your Christidn* ihildren-bave* been get foul -again While going ilp, .,the na- * n of all classes whe find themselves back into place. anit rewriting. �hath, t4o,, whelp in -the lion a lair.. C -at 6entath 8 praying for you, Bind -yet. you hive not fortunife-man, gavii foum polls on The Egyptian. Cannot Stanaalone." , "As .1 Ake duse-to-house.doliveries ri ui and 6brls� above o his t 1� Thrown together in. new circumstances. toy' ore to as a servici� The typewriter for the blind is A
RheAv6u lieth down upon a4d'Chritt All around lis, nothing'shall oy of the Crow. Or Lord, air -pipe. This -is the most i4tie party =Q`rCh6d directly O� need women of all *lassos to make their expands. -It to said e, alted TrAc-
found the War, argent The. "pie little maichlue with Six keys.
7 -1 -Me Tatiaw, The ItRat night out froq befalus ia.thie.wayf of barm. Christ save thst -an.. Now.1stho itocepted fi the WWI; of the Mabdi. a tomb.was 1%lomes. The" doubt which presents it- ' A lines will shortly begin 9 like nor-
gnal that a diver can send to, his Bk pressing down on one of these
Th the' jalace of heiina spent in an ISIABOU j%AVIA9 been in the - t6MPeSt, time. % NOW is the � day Of deliverance. above. lt� ideans "Full me up described �ns -,like a 6ig s . qare barn self 4s, nol; whether women � are' want- vice a stylus IS pushed up" against heavy
QuibbW One, 'bout after , laying [will dolivar'all th0ba. Who 'Pat their is there no filiarm in heaven I is there At once by my lifs.lide.Z bit on the outakirtsof olilization, It is The London Engineer says 't I he ap- . d a alsed dot made, 'As .*It
asid,6, the. robes of heAvelt, dressed In trut in Mite- built 4 half-baked brieksand slabs 6 leasaa be, His glorl- no horror in halt I Is there no lOvell- IT FULL IX whether woman of the right kind can the ellaractiagp, in Braille ate fordied
I It' WXAj OULDN oximate mileage of the telegraph ppor f coarse. linen., One would oup nmno,zoi�anr- neBS' In 'ills Cross I is ther n laud mortAr." be enabled to face the coaditidna which. PT of six points, by-piaiswt on
h4i,B,,4u0pooOd , that T46 thlid Instalment paid, foi o' At first the operakors hesitated,. to, lophoin
Christ . would or re- dent i4i the judgment, that Yout Scale It had A roujj4,0,,bido oil -the topl they* will find there with a fair chance, --and to a lines (if the world is 4,. of the keys at, once any joifife hivo binde a more gradual descent, demption was. I'Hd, every on act on his, but on'the urgent vepetj� made. With.this machine a�blln V116 Saviour's shad rifil- are -not moved a that. don of the Signal the order was whiell'b�d been so works(i AS to fit Of'succOss, One Of the many 010,81388 Of'029,89.3 and the miles of wire alaouint
-conving ,from heaven, lialf.. -Why, they hustled hiju Wid the Court thirstath, come"and look at the fOuA ivein Englishmen who - migrate to- the newer ' to 8,254,004. Of tolopbohe lines only son can -wrtte a Letter as rapidly 4
on -the launch to haAl In tile "life-lins. �116 square bull -ding below., The, body
way World of, great magnitude, then rooni t two o'clock. in tk� Morning, tain bursting fioln beneath the :Rook pprtlons of'the empire"is. the young. there are 882,, one with sight. T95--y-a-ro'used'in all
1. I rhey gave 11bit no tim6 for counsel., of Ages, - Though '.you have been Wall- But on commencing to. do this the of the Minh& lay on what the art! 'a M miles, lavolvlg the
to.'CoeBarli pOace, then o a' ailereh 11 ]!Y� gentlemen. 'Sots of Clergy-. use of 3,202,950 -miles of wire. the� grades of the Illinoi's institution
ntls ottetle in Galilos� then to a,pri- They gaie Min no opp6ritinity for sub.; daring A -grant way off, though during operators f6und it 'Wai Impolisible to men tormed "An erecil-in,": perhaps man, lawyers, doctors, military and AS-: is generall and. in other schools where the Braille vet's home fix Bothaily then to fiofisr� poenlaing vitneases. The . ruffianik this pa . at. week you -ban been to ,a bring.up more :than a fathom of the lalf the height of Y known, sybtem is tAught. W-orse still,-ibb only result of , - _up i.tb val, 9fficars of good Weeding 4d tra- - All' - the- W Bring armail'throagh place -of Which You would 46C like - to M.An i j6ov in worldl -posses- Is produced by moistening calelur4 car- The stereotypair is, a combblation of
1444's, � at, and last of to . 16 Wbts Vand line. ,set
Nol. it one leap from the tbe, midnight, of course they Saw the tell your beat friodd.,thOugh you have this operation was to turn Young cooi� middle of the - tomb. It had an sagir - adiolquB, r cl no as but as -in - bide with water. Some idea of ILs ex- W4 13ro,ille'writer andthe slate. The
the sche of artisans, go -in
bottom,. Men have come 11&4st. and want into the Pourt-Toora. asted your eaate-Of blessing, though 'at' upside downi The Very first lhg rail made with pieces of britas-tak- numbers every year. TUese tensive use. will be gathered when t, Operator playea on a kiyboard and per -
you have been Wandering on these -tan 11 forat�jl two iorp ptr� thounkfit$ of feet; but the were or -fifteen years wit p have' hold their place as natural, ere ng erected at. papai is then placed between the plates
and' lesped Off -bun_ But � �Jesusl , friends, were Sober men, pol"yil the line - entangled as, It was all from- Anglisli linple I wents or Turn!- men In . diff6kent. portigns'of -,the - am- learned that th is be! ..brass plates.. A aboet of
respectable men, And at that h jour back turn round the torpedo - must have done tars, And was,decoratgd- this. PladtlerS in the movement of expansion
j4pa, dar g deejd'of 411 eternity W69 hour; two o'clook in the morning,,: of ad to all early -0hriAtian, influence$, t'lukets, perhaps . I . . . 11 Niagara Fills a -plant for Cho raaau� and they"arle run thro!agh rollernfliks
W h, th Son Of. God caiiis out on ie -uoa deolsv lainaii Ie oaam airl omnoo. you may.'this night acoopt ChriAt slid NOW, Once I diver loses his'p'erpandi- They need 06 women of, their oW� factdre, of calcium carbide, which will clothes through in, . ringer. This, is oer court- be mind. cular'and gets. ban, have an output of ode hundred ions the printing, process-. I to of heaven, and l6oked off 1UeAtIY ChTiat entered the 'into the, leg horizontal, the air gets RELIGIOUS: SYMBOLS.. class eo make their -homes, -and It great abyss of suffering and rodat wa,te rviffaa& 0 look At Riml I have woodered. these many years, a of. his dress -up they- go.. been generally assumed tbht, this re_.per'day- Electrical- onBrgy,*equiva_' -,'HQW"MU%t40 IS PRINTED, do he Od Was quiremant could -not bek-inet. But the; By the use of the stereotype , -zaak-
atif. and, While all - the No speak a wotd.7.6k Hiin. I lift why, O many people come to bear the and -then, nothing that ho can will T b y wreped in WhiLa'and ht to 25,OW horso p6wer, wilt be re-. yoto4.1'10 dumb4maze- the. lanter untAl I can look into His Gospol. ' I ach,it. you know I ever bring them down again. lie its a Colored cloth, Sawa* together, "But ossibility suggests itAelf, as one of ths" qut'r.e at any "mueloal, cam Position. CIA be
A it, sprang a mil- face, And as my'heaft boats in $YmPa- have not smoothed over anything. I there helpleaff wind -bag, -quite ;Wcdp, more Intimate, Dr. Priadlander, of Wiesbaden, re -
thy for this,the beat friend -the world able of- reversing imself. This in Whether It had been'ex6alraed," Said* Consequences Of t)fs Written in Braille on brass plates in. d At . One of the soost believe t1ley want to be saved, and I knowledge now, generally possesmed of Commands galvanism to relieve the a -short time, and froui these plates on the *Sea is t4o_. hear over had, Himself' now utterly friend- believe you have been' Sitting * and precisely what must have happened, to dtothea- bf the artilleryihou, "I could the . conditions, of the problem, that the loss, an officer of the court -room domes Young, The loop of his life -line round not say, . having o,experlence of how young pain and irritation and to reduce Lhe as many copies, printecl a 3bay be. de- overboardi" The sailor standing to -night, anxiDua after God , English gentlewoman of this aired The plates are eh filed 'a
wa�s. , With one hand up 'nod and heaven. . Though I tell you these the torpedo pulled him on to. his chest; bodies look after undergoing that pro- claw are parbops no less naturally fit- awaiting caused by the bites of ins -lots IL -kA--
the helpless men% Isgs immediately camet, I I . came sud use& a co a drowillagi walk,. And' SMITSS'HIM IN THE *OUTH, in a plain way, with no ted to take a place inleading amon� The negative electrode is placed �Ve; th t I Otto 113
the plain truths ow. Whitt Went up, buoyed with air, nd so he . I " "' . . 0
with he other he 'beato'his, Way baft -and I see -the blood Stealing froze gum. possible earthly charm, You kn ment of women outwards towards- the the Sting- -mus6i eL a ve been p In. 7
n . Ji ghip, mained, buraping, about on his head Nobody cared to describe what hip' - borders of the empire than their broth- A Braille, making 6,000 plates. I -to th down the drowninj addlip.- 0, it Was a. fares of a Wit I tell you is true, You, are an immor- to new and expe4itious method of man I the deek ami& the'wild but- lasting only In total darkness, 78 feet at the hot- pened; inside the tomb. "That is a orA have been In leading men. They driving piles is desoilb6d in the lu-w StWPI . Y111,
��%11 the, p�ssoagors, lat In the 'the judg, , park a an Mot, and then tal soul, bound to the bar of God, and tom. of the sea, Of course, those Above matt Ir the Wants of the PAPi 8 at Ars, of )�11 the Sentence. Stop I there 14 a heaven aqd there is a hell, could riot tell ivhat had happened. Uzi- t hority,',' due ais hardler, moro:actirain out-of-door structions for the Russian Encifteer this institVtIou fhe printing office fills
coiatil,� of otoralty the cry WAS. h6%rd.1, It 16 in-gainat Ow law to give sentence add thers is only 6ae Way Of 80aping was told. However, it was presently habits, bettet bred and better fad tban largs' numbersof orders fromladivid- ,World, overoardt" and -Jesus cam to unless Vaere.lins, Adjourment the darkness, and there id, Only *no able to bring the driver up, and get� their contemporaries of the lessfavor� Corps- On two sides of the pile'to be So said that the order Was g
Ivan to -take uals and Schools for thq blind. It
tlI64* *'�'. anA leaped into the depth of the Court betweso Condemnation way of Winning- a crown. May God At- no more signals from - him, It ad laboring Classes. Tb;63r have the In- driven art made longitudinal 4rooves ranks unquestionably as the largest -,His SpiTit, Mime in Power and, like their of sufficient width and depth' to re*- printing house of music, for the blind 0 drown- and Sentence; but wli:at,cares Ii' in, sind, caughti.Alle, the mighty, by 11 le -power electric submarine lamp the body frbin-Wher6 it,lay And tp telligence to initiAto by the looks, and beat His judgefor the IQW` I IOTheUmU'has ab what to -night has been sown to weak- was lowered. down to', hini( at 7.30 p.m. giVer the head f. -Om the trunk. OThe brotlista, they are driven by the whole- in the world. ijW wor way bac A90U to the 4hrone'of God firlendo, - ]at Him die," says nessi and when all these 6061188 have To this was attached a slate and pan- of povertyit4er present r coLve ordinary gas pijVes of one Inch lkh�,coet of the uWaIq is only 20ghts,
ttie I I il,.80 that the helpless man could corporal went to that end. On 116ing some sPuI ff diam6ter, terminating in nozzles tutor I S-outirig of the lingels. ! 01 t1w judge Amid the rudians, passed.aWdy, - and you UO Moro sit un� to come. Whera*tbey may have tR and it is more accurate than ther d 4. between the starting), atia Out$ wtfts on the slate end inform those the bend it br6k& eiean away tram the I point of the pile. The' 81�rglllel I I . Idi the rail cry, "Abdi ahal der the Scudding of the Gospel, and It boe Precisely what his dilenona. body, and he, held it in big hands." courage. to. make Openings for them- ad toward the t t t In* LOAAM with mallet and -the I 00 that's what we want. Pass Him out is so longer my joy to preach it on selves,leading to. material success ofhir p&pes are hold in place by light staples, "Oi-
n. expert reader of music )A the kloor of the oara#Aa- here to us. AWAY with Mtn, away With earth, may we enter into the `bl6soed Was, The body was then ;rrappad'up, women *111 undoubtedly follow, and find to their upper ends are attaoha& dictates forone. hour f5balt dar to Mr.
*rzr Idehem, and drive away the 0 - I blaaa God that amid All' assemblage that stand round about USELESS ENDEAVOR. welgl;od and carried across the throe it the endeavor be judiclo6sly directed rabligr tubes connected with a'force Jewel. the blind sterootype-makor
Odin Sri, on thmugh thd group the I usitice that may be inflicted up- the 7throne of, God. No Sorrow there. After his rescue Y.oqug said he ke-. z6i1ea'th%t Jay between the tomb and another generation may see a common pump capable of delivering water on- and printer of the institution�
of dlers d, louAgera. . What, 0 on ustin. this world, we may have a di- No Bin thpro, No death there, Sing- membered geeing the light, but, he tlw Nile add at Once Cast into the acceptance of the custom that the der a0prossure, of seventy-one pounds The ears of the blindre partioulgrly MAr. 00 U Lt "Not light," he p vine symputhizer. The world cannot lag the eternal doxologies of th6 re- never,had any recollection of the slate Young WOMOA no 10" thftu the young por square inch. It is aid ythat the Acute, and a few of the PULP110 * can give
"4WV6 COME; through-, m u buse You us deemed -0 may thar Us Our happy lot- All this time he was floating at tb� thing
I that b wof river. "I never heard that any met. U the United Kingdom should cou� outflow of this ,wate It the point of tho keyote of every ooun4 they hear,
mtwh an they, did 'Christ, and esus God forbid that one ut you should All b tt of the s§a, beat uppermost, was one artil-
07 Wha u6 fo6af. V ad 0 Old seen *7 It again," said, fidently seek a living wherever tht6 the pile causes the latter to sink three and can tell with marielous rapiditsr
s0 Stan& to-aay in every ourt-roomr in heaven. British flag film in a ttmPeftta oil- or four times more rapidly than it every note played on the. 0jZ4P,,th0UX4
the monotony being varied by him oo- ldryman,."And the laot is it must han
CU the( journey.,, Let ihd� every home, in every store, and days, casional thumping his bead into the been Washed away along the bed Of would under the action of a pile driv- the Weyer' use 0,11 fildgOrO At 4�e' t woman who has,00me in 11 Courage I By all my hours of met- KNmud. During the next hour all other D19LIOHTPTJL CLIMATE. or. A few blows are given, however, make the greatest possible discord. *It.h kindly Attentions; put, baOk treatment Add abuse, I will protect Wherever there is 4 knoll In a field expedients to co4imunloster with him the river." Another added that the It is with A View Of putting this DO15- when the pile b -as reached the desired BLIND STUDENTS ARE HAPPY. OvoriAg frpW the bobs that we may those who are trampled on." And It is probably less fortile than the IoW- wero tried,, but all proved equally dervishes are, Of course, essentially sibility ta the test of pwactice that the depth, ti).mecure the necessary consofi� Work In the gympaslum. has done
upoh it, LOW Lookl Uncover when Christ forgets that two o'clock dation, when the gas pipes are with. much to give the children an easy
at land On. either Aide of it. not only fruitless- , "(I how 4110th,617 grave superstitious, and that they might in 1oln entered upon the extra. the future, no doubt, be imposed oil , tr6 all morning scene and the stroke of the Otolthe of th: 'fral Vul
b6ad. ut"'Idd kneol. - Let W olil drawn.' and independent carriage, They can be hushed., $011 of maryv Soo ruffian on the mouth and the howl- because fortility as washed do U, danger prairie lands of the Northwest Torri- The Jrapanvs6 are preparing dance race.dbout the grounds, ran
I e , has been ordinary adene. The oylln the production of 'Another - dead Tories of Canada Is now proposed. TheF to Cod' throug'h the balls Add into the right
di Child of ti� 44y- Ing of the unwashed crowd then He ba data, Of- the -
'the injus- difficult to draW manure to the top Of -Alr-Plimlil which had been working �u "But," be, added, "whAtever niay Ir bopper oro into Wire for do. door or down the ilght'stair with a
XOXAFJ�M 00 nTER9ITYl will f0irgOt YOU And Ine in s6me�, eight bouts, intentl6li is that in Such it home young Vert the
tiess of life that may be inflicted upp- the knoll to fertilize it. The best continuously for bo said of the body, they will never ladleir, either from the VditAd Kingdom inestio and foreign marketat instead of froodoln which would seem impossible
t eye the glauoo of a God, Oi�*I� tithe to do this is when snow is oil the showed Signs of overwork, And were got the head of their Mdhdi." oe sheoted in that babe's arm, on US. rapidly. getting rdhot. or from other parts of the empire who RhIpplog it out of the Country, an be- NX those Who cannot gas their way,
Purther, X. remark. the last jr� t in. gr6iind, at% the labor of pulling up the "What beehme of the head f)
voice to be changed from" the 02 load is less oil runners- than on wtoels. they would havis to bo stOPPelt ;'It is.6 very short Btdry. The bead have a desire to take part in the work fore,. The Furakawa Sn*elbing Works They are very happy, and W*le asso-
Istalment'pold for our redemption Was together. However. luckily there was of settlement, Should receive the. neces- for -some time employed elootro. ci4ted with others afflicted like them -
Plaint �:� thal tone that Shall he, domis6 of 10hrifit, The world has It will be all the batter if the manure was carried on board the gunboat -and sary training and be prepared for the "A" refitiing, producing it the Past Solve$ Basin to !think very little of
the de I sup Y of ca O nipty kerosene can-oue practical conditions of the life to which ytic be to God' Ilossupat Hosanflal Been many,dark days, Three or four is thrown over anow. It will to soma It plentiful PI I A board the put into an e year 80 tons, but they are to be now their AnitsfOrtun8-
Ithat Jesus canisriiiii. summers ago there was a Very dark extent keep it from blowing away, HOW, And by peeking thla continually of these square cano,.you know, that
s to, MngeW that Wet- might rise and, as tha snow to dolted it will sink 1XV011441 the pump it watk kept cool oil is kept in, It stopped theye a feW they prOoso to devote their energies, oularged to., four times their present , They have their leasons,, their music, one, and that . all day wh6ji, the sun was eclipsed. The oil, 6irrylo. ere, is touch to be said In favor of the And, it is said that when the an- thel.r.dances, their toncerts.and th it L fowl At noonday went to their patch. into, the dome of the OnOUgh to WOrAF, days. The other Officers used to come 6*edbtion of such, a scheme, The Chn- largement is completed -their out-pift well-equip"d library of 4,000 boo q We have known .ik t#s are o I The, books are rather .WA,- Intl that the door And we felt a gloora am we looked at man"ro With it* TO THE IIEWUA. aboard and say,'Gordon, show us that adlan prairies, offer an adinlrobts field Vill so far exceed the domMitio demand ii, that, once aftag this way the asironomical wonder, It was good clover catches Secured in this head,' and the borporal, under orders, for the initiation Of an 6 Bible In the embossed type makes a way on gravelly knolls that had adver Wile thse Operations were xPOAMeilt Of tin to portnt a, considerable export. As a. lag Would then lift It Out- None Ofthein this kind. The Climate Is one of the the government US68f several b
4aa out; powfawingg 'the oth- u 4ndoiX Who go' undred Ptk of volumes three and A half . feet -way tolut:Axik iti, Lt All the tiell. dark lly I - the plague been oeaded to, Clover bo(oft. Ou Her Majesty's sloop -Dolphin have In would -touch It. . 11au nor bus to, ba, Printed in
6 was at its height, and e e It was not 11100- I beat [,A 'the world, the boll to good, lead bDns of wiro & year, It May be infer- high. V of heaven lay Old Of th Tope an Una sight aild joined bar -huge consort In might say that the-Mahill must have 148a cheap that ous yeat's modsratelY red that the new works WUI(,b ve a i r v to � it costs 14, Ivanhoe,
� .11 : I overod face,% were taken in open Suite Bay, A signal Was at onto made it Ou 10 me ft t the I's 61 6arts slid dumped in the trenches, It- MOM THAN 'ON9. to her from the flagship to been in three Volumes, 11 ti Henry, did you attend the lecture bond jra- A PEARULLY TJGLY MAN. 81100660ful 40176P will"fAli&Y the capital large Capacity, glad 0 a was & dark day In London w3sen the- 131641111t6ly a boat, with diver and op- 00 I China may be All b for to -d ty cost of purchastas. well as the actual a, is -low nation. but she oBplague was at its helghtt and the list evening, ft YO dead with uwonr6d; faces Wars taken an I ten par"toil. The Dolphinle boat brought The lower jaw protruded further than bost,-Of production, maik6tx are at THE DOCTOU'S MARX Judoed, I did, Amanda, in any man. I have, ever aeon. The hand for the disposal of produce, the likes fast boats.' The 'fastest. drtilser
I bad a gvdat treat. lit 0406 a couple of divera And a one�- . . . . . --- . . . . . . in Open carkit afta dumped in the You hign pump� One of the divers wbat forehead was not pArtl6ularly high- position is relatively near to England, 14 this world.haa just been completed I can't make out the last part of
6 Ids k ntritibes. It was & dark day when the) Uals" AppeaXanoes belle the "Ot t a ti�aSerlption, Said the -new drug; I'm Clearance Weft the Scene fit Quit. mutt bays had A good deal' down As quickly an possible in seatob, for an Arab. His hair Wits j;t bla*, and tho morstl surroundings'are Of the. by tb* Armstrouga for bar, and the 'I r
earth opened hAdUsbon bank; butthe one. of Youilig, but he was hand at .The lower part of one aide of the face 'wholesome kind to which parents and famous LAolii(slinia firm recently built � k ith A pulitled expression.
the wok� and speedily returned to the Was gone -decayed -and we took off guardians. could without fear cOnfidL* her a torpedo boat capable of., Coer.
darkest day sinc, the creation of the MP6 Z Never mind thati replied the proprio- ft world was when the oarnags, of Cal- . gurtAce, having failed to gee at,$, one -'O part a his beard. It is hate Ill Esdi- the deAtillift Of WN Young PeOP16 In ing AS,2 knot per our. The ,new, tor. Thatht only a private, markof ther d asts all a Vary� W anacted, It wag About noon SAn JPOR THE 0TUM PIMLOW. anyth!jigl I nay. I have a pie" myelf-a fine, whom they take ad interest. To feet ctulder is to be known as the, Hai Tien doctor'& to Indicate the financial stand- $on ithat how.. the travller when tee diartalia began to be drawn. Akins is & ma who has Absolutely It i. ,).M, apparently t4 -hair of that In CAft of argent necessity a par. of 4,400 tons'.. and une j' lug of the, patient, so that I tan khoW
th6to, arkia6d With' knife or *$A. ndt Me Gown -on of s, night the pooreat testa of -Anybody I ver all lines Attaolled to, 0, his prilhej ' t' , AOAAI visit In Mt Impossible would be drught will have a spa, him for the taptil- tol, * It Was there that that sodth6a and t6ftellbelt, It was the kh6w. kept taut� as all an the hawser which day, in, tjj6 can a wbodan-bo vievit- knotm per hour, and under U, C head 8d of gs,a, how m%X01% to charge
pis ar. and Voting, whi6h had previously been After tile ad remained a few a icoAwlation to many parents forced ciao.
.1, � , swinging of 4 gnst jgloo)�! III around How's that f x waft litt the departur6 of a first dau tar dtaught 24.1 knots per hour. At tb!A t a" t at t Ft ti*ust a hall the heavens. God lifing it. At when ' He gavo his divorced wife % book had fastened to the torpedo, And the it was packed in that, It with giotural diffinar. To knio t at rate ithe could cross the, Atlantic In, COTILI*'T Svm IT.
01Y Inote, terrific thahAnything Xot line Awater almaltaneounly CqEro for deep& t lber is a dead One, In the house ou entitled flow to xilwao- a Husband, tell to Eug. there are. do physical flan arm t 6 about four and -om-bAlt days.
I a eased. Th6vesultofthib*aXthatthe, Young. mistreft-1 don't see why you t9itau 36W the abutters or turn the lattlet, so as a, wedding present ;When the, got should 100,Vo 306 so suddenly. I'm mrs iJ in that, counto, Unfortunate Inan gradually aseended-p land A ad but for the discussion in faced Is a guarantee of firist rt4ftea.
mot Christ, he road �jjrt the in t)* afternoon glint the itrIlaZut It Would, no doubt, have Nowhare. more thin upon the Canadian
Chrift—that PabliVa Unhil. a married. the second tlme. though, of"couras, he was still hand been oil vi#vv before, now irraoina mu. prairlm tire women needed fortliti pur� SAVED MOIAo I've dooft III I fta to belp, loll with
a lettet to the Uotoian Senate WIXPOWS or Tag WOULD. downward, At 9AS P -M, the 1160011d "um. or another. The War Office, 1! pose of Investing the bare 16C houses Hav you board of the lad'in tb6 the housework, and I he" done . all tkA to X*AuA-th&t rom� ha4 Oa;: A*,. it IS Appropriate to throw A black lip. XROW. dIv6r from the Dolphin descended, and lihould think, will know where that,' known, aa "Maokoll with the oiiiforts 000kinz, poAlm. Abotineaea from tood pall upon the coffin " it passes A10:11g, A, little 4 -year-old, occupied an upper by the aid of Nib! telegraph Office at tks great thava what's the Intit.
everything berth In the alteplag *Ar of through found Young b the' Oltctrlil light he box id, 'I Most any A40 More." and the digAm, out the o: Him into emAelatibu. The. to It was appropriate that I obbing about In k% per- Afttr the body of the BfAhdt had Obj-WtOA tO their Presence which be* mutiny in Indlat The native froopit abatinanos traw food reeotW mhould be*ombra that dayes theareit trSiu. Awakening or,661htbo jaiddle of footlY helpless condition. - Ile *book been I'dininterrod" asid,Aidpose,of his hitherta %Gonad in a lira& tiumbpor of had nettled the Arsenal And were killing What in I blatory fit that of the ttmw - boarse of tM sarth roiled on, bearing tht night hie ihothtr ask*6 him If he the luckless diver by tho hand, 111d - tomb was d6titroyed. Ilyfidits was 1.44AAom I"uper0la, in that they haire, all the British they could find. All, mn't stand y'r Pof)ktag.
aMp ftno,. fort tw6utt-thtst thb dorpot, of the Mat. ' knew where he, Wah,Tourst I dop he tried In othe w*y& to Attract We at- und, as it. lx atilt uftessary to not6 not the n600"wry knowledge and that the clerks W the telogta offies had 8PADtA ADVANTGN. y repliod, I'm In the top drawsr. It.
All' ri
and rite
dive bav'
1 4MIX4
at Jol
113 at
nothilut. to eat, 'not A Inswol last 'hours are, odinarif tention. tb* action 'of that explosive owing to to face the life witbout' it I, to sb. ran away but this boy. called up
bad f4aW I, Abath 6pt sacri4d. However you may have MORT.SIGHTFID PAUNT, "THE MAY 19 DRAD.11 tho sometimes Imculiar omfluot of *t theumlies to too severe a Strols. rAhore, th6a cliekod out thin w6a&jtt: pirgt Ardateur 09rdrkOr_,IWkr do
taIrl d4LYA b6fbts 116broki6fast. 'hatedor cKrimfurAd a man, when you, shall. "M that vrA had an ex- Tbe, 8ftt of a trafAiag home situated "Native trOOPI In 01000 rebellion, ftur- rau bfAy your oaftu of OPWAt i,&*t**d
tot be" agoilized tviIry l, boax ho to. ftfac alloom pills Its hand He, r"Aing Item In MwiiPaper-It Getting no r4sPonme to his effort&, he Wfawnt-W two kiti&." sald om of tb* W " arthwat Territories will, of dering III laropeAlls, All arals in of 13arrowt Ara thor of b�mftr tbkA body. 994 gnawod)on the 'an v, and you would ha.vo; a i oattootto that IA A tow thoumad 0408 up and reportaft Young qlciit6 artitlarymon. Wo 6xprlmauted. in ooanw� b to t6vAh on tb* prsirloo tb* tbtt-- Poao*"100�" Tbat was hilt list qualityl with tooth of death. The - lostra*ltr flo"r the. man who could titand 1#*rs tho huWAA racti WIll have be- dead. The unfortunat4 WAn WAS A** raltsion on the 'poor Kstdi,' and Is [Us of �ho pritirloo. Th% OtmAl" Gav- act; dark, 4Tuol Up" surg*d to find be emAd ditto -Not 11mat I kuft d4 Of a worsol of br*afW -or meat - b), a 4ftth-bod makinir faces and sect- camo wirely destitute of thath. Actually lighted from tbo Inauch, less we trL#d on W tomb. it car- e MAC Ism alrftdK grottly W" out down. Whea colod61 Erwardf but the, pieturm in his -me. - flu t , a t ef he06 thfilm the twdyitho _C. RAt Christ In His last. hourftn- Mit-And yet you want Thizony to up and head dwn. aboat 24 f"t bo- tAinlyliows a littlo abrw6 ths mark tr Ova" W= told this story he alwayn adflod. "That mali, Attar than t Urwity, Tiara oft it low the sort&" of the trabalrMat Wit- to try cofthisiona with a djead boo." , 1016 madtalift '4. p"k - Vlot b6 loft alone, WW, pilronliag Him ij� It dantistl .Z�jt, d*" V%#V i.. wy marod Ii book,