The Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-25, Page 5Iwo
MKY 25, 18
"rginglimptimum•pr4 .d•peer-,;,
freshfrom the St. Leon
springs in Quebec, It comes
tco 14i comes from the
• • hag in innumerable ways
provided fortherequirementa
* of the liunsan system. One
of her provisions is the greet
Natural Healer, St, Leon
• Mineral Water. St. Leon la
• ullegtlall0d. It has remark-
. able curative properties. It
• is ,recommended by physi.
is clans for Dyspepsia or Indt.
gestion, impure Blood.
tion of Bowels, Kidney or
• 'For dyspepsia take after
• meals„ or gentle cathartic
,pike het before breakfast and
P•r6.1.,ti•Xl,11g. * gal. bottles
0 and We give 100 for
ery oMpty bottle returne
. .1lionet •
I have moved my Leundry, the
Revere, to the stand lately oecuOled
by Mr. 3. W. 11111, in the Combo block
on isibere street, which will be snore
isonvenient both for myself and cue.
towers. Our work speeke for itsielf
and semree.sorrott la OtrARANTEXOp
We respectfully solicit A share of your
We will o our best to please you.
Clinton Bait 2Ond
• patronitr. Our prices are right and
* •
• 4
On Victoria street. Near Organ FactorS.
• $300. will buy aroomy, comfortable hems with
I i File°13441°I,It-psthheallir ApQnvVvYY. froacAll,t4 KQuPle4 by
BUTDONE, Barrister.
• i March 7th. ,
10: en'rahuaro°114wneiiii,ulotaoiottrigigtotteatoldlrelai,notlelt
• the first Tuesday' in June next,at 3 o'clock PA in
• W. 1.4ANR, Mrs
• Dated AlaY 2gJad4809, .
• „
cult To See
Those eyes pf yours qth
robably overtaxe , you
have-not foUnd it (int yet, yor,i
willgcori.‘110 So, Prepare for
the future by ' taking cave of the,
present Defective .-vision is
ea Eily cured, unless. of long
. , . .
.standing. ,Our:large 'Stack of
lenses and frames, combined'
, with Our. knOwiedge of how to
fit them., properly, insures you
a.! permanent benefit and ,not
merely temporary
- Charges moderate,
Jeweler and.
• If you want -anything
in the Musical line, Oa.
a1 0 Roads Mu*:
Bright, and Weil- Wa
C0RRESP0ND311140)11 IS A. -
Tit Nintoll lows -Record.
Me4P-` 'Wood,'s
tho Great Attgrtelo, Ittentedg.
field and reeommendsd by rut
druggist* in Osmids. Only reli4
tide lasdicine dircroveree, Stz.
kages guaranteed tn.:lute' alt
forms Aetna Weaknoadt_sil effects of *boil
or exieis, Mentel Worry, xxoessivo use Of TO.
Wee, Ophile or Stimulants. Meted on reeelid
of pries, este peolege $1, six. $11, one template,
eft tip ewe, parnmueti free to any eddries.
21ser "feed swoop Windier, 10,1411•
tyhoePhOdiria ititakt in Clinton by Sydney
TOW)1 of Clinton. .
Take Notice that 4,0:nut of Revidon for the
Town of Clinton will hold its firsteitting in the -
Council Chamber, FrldtlY. MAY 26th, A. IX
1i152. commencing at 8,o'oloek p. M., for the nor -
pose of hearing and rectifying all complaints
against or errors in the Alsessinent Relief the
present ear, All parties interested are rep
Mr. Bean of (Minton WWI the Remit of
Mr. O. Connie,* on Sunday.. ---Mr. W.
Stanley has received the largeite est
load of Page fence ever sent into Huron
county, there biting 2400 rode in ita-
Rev. J.'Greene and J. W. Yeo attend-
ed the District meeting in Goderiels.-
The District meeting et the W. M. S.
on Thursday WO ltirgely attended. The
detegates were served with dinner in
tins Church andin tile eveuing the ladies
entertained them in theirhemes.-Rev.
J.Greene preached a4151110,M OU Sunday
everting to the Epworth Leaguers on
account of Ow 10th anniversary of the
Epworth League. ---•Miss A. Stanley
retcrued home after e Weekes visit to ;
her uncle, Mr. a'. Graham.
(TOO late for last Issue /
Rev. Mr. Mulholland of Iowa Falls is
the guest ot his fatheisar,Mulholland,
f Ciorrie called
at, the personage last week while ate
tending the teachers' inieeelation in
Olmton.--Several from hereattanded
the Foresters' setmon in Clinton on
Sunday. --Mr. E. Meltenzie paid A
v isit to his grandenother,Mrs. 11oIwe,
prior to his departure for Regina. --
The E. le intend visiting the Bethel
I 4444.44,44.444.
• e ni U
doclerieh District IV. IC S. was held in
Eiolmesyille on Thursday. of last week,
ars. Leech presidiug, Owing to the :
extremely .unfeNorahle .Weittlier., the
outside auxiliaries were -but poorly,'
represented, causing a lack. of members
et the conveution easo incomplete
returns in numbers and finances, As
several societies sent no repel L. How.
ever, those who • attended nuede up as
far as possible iu s enthusiasm, and
brightness, the swot of nunthers, and
all pronounced the convention a de -
quested 10 attend, ulded SuoCe5S. The hearts and Wept-
, W. COATS, clerk talit7. ot the Holuiesville Inches were,
. of the KunielixtlitY not satisfied with the few at -band upon
Clint00, May Sth, 1809. ' • -
I have Andalusian eggs for Fele, My fowl
were prize winnere at tb• Huron PoultryShow.
scoring from 911 to el points. The.-Andainsiens n, haply breed.laybig eggs :and arc the most
prolific layers,.as thestatistics at the: Ontario
Model Farm prove, l pee 13 ewe. •
Clinton. April 25th.' •
The undersigned has Silver ,Laced Wyan-
dotte Eggs for salefronfhlids which scored 95.
oinbi n.t tho Huron Poultry Show. I.50 for
;1,00 per dozen.
Clinton, April 15tb,
The sebseriber offers for sale his house and
lot on corner of hattenburvand Raglan streets:
clinton, April lath, ,
'The subscriber offers for sale every desirable"
property on Isaac street:consisting of four lets
upon whieb there is a comfortebie frame house
• with kitChen and woodshed atteebee.. There
is agood Stable and n first:clasavveil of water
on preinises. The orcbarcl, consisting of grapes
and apples, Ida good one. The property. will
be sold at a reasonable figure for cash or *oast
end„balance on hme. Apply to the owner on
the nremiseS t
Clinton. May htit: •
tiOt 30, 'Con. 1; township of Tuckersfoitif,
IT. B. a. the property of the late Wilhelm.
Whitely is offered for sale. On the farm is
erected a 2 story stone , house, barn and sheds.
There is also a good 'bearing orchard and, the
farm is well watered with a living spring and a
well. • Apply on the -premises to -
W. S. ItA.W.R,TINCE; Clinton.
Clinton, Mar& 21s1:, 1599.•
The underSigned offers for rental the store
at, presentooeupled by TLC. Barlett, furniture
dealer. This is one of the best stands in Clin-
ton. Possession ean he given at once.
Also that large room over.T. Wiseman's' dry
goods store;There is a good entrance. Apply to
-* ELLIOTT, or -
JAS. SCOTT, Barrister,
. Clinton P.
Clinton. Feb, stb, Mo. se: 3
ir P LAY..5
CAN sur. mon on
m et. 00A to4 IIWTTh
NO VILLAtilit.
Special Notice..
We are Headquarters fee Good Gloods
• at Lowest Cash prices. •Full tines
• of Choice Groceries.; always on
hand. 4 eau dolieged.
g/01/EST' P1tX01813 PAID NOEL
oltse Cleaning
• Yes
whorn to lavish their kindness. TWiee,
the number, apparently, .could have
been as easily ent,ettairied. • _
A morninsssission was held, begin-
ningeet 11 o'clock. After devotional
exeecises, tlis. Green pf Ilolniestille
gave a 13thle reading cur ''Abiding in
Ohriet.' Results Peace, Growth,
rx ale," Christlikeeesse
• After a hymn, reports of., auxiliaries
.were'takein Clintoo ((Iatari° and Rat-
tenbury streets), SetifOrth, ,Goderich,
Auburn and
Beueefield respoinhog, showing a meino
bership of 107, and $381.50 sent to,
Branch,Treastner. Also, nearly every
Society hadsent hales of clothing :to
needy missions. A numher of auxiliaries
are titling up the suggested program.,
each month with geed results. 'Tithing
and systematic sgiviug are being suc-
cessfully introduced. -
It wee desired that the secretaries
'remember iu -future that the reports
given in the convention be the earn e
as forwarded to the secretary for the
"year ending with the previous Septeni;
ber, than all -reports-may be •uniforns
and complete.Also, it. should be re.
mernbered ths.,6' once each'quarter. and
only once, should mOneys be sent' to
Branch Treasurer,gaster offerings and
all donations being kept until the
%patter's returns are ready.
'The afternoon session began -at 2
o'clock. After the opening hymn Mrs.:
'Wm, Harland. Of Clinton gave a Bible
reading on the .27th Psalm, which was
inn of good thotighte and helpful sug-
gestions to the Chris -04e Worker.... A
discussion on time of *bolding •coriven,.._
titin resulted in favor of wine date
between the 24th and last, of May, as
most convenient for alt' After it solo,
"He will -toegive you now," by Miss
Newcombe of Clinton, in accord with
the new hyPlaw a ballot, •was taken
for District_Crganizer, by which Mrs.
Leech was by a large maPority re-elect-
ed- to that office.
Mrs. Ilarriston of Granton 'then con-
ducted a "Report Exercise," taking up
W..M. S. wofk from its beginning at
Hamilton' in 1881 through its growth
and - development; 'until at present
there.ate 15,609 members and 338,031.11
raised last year. This has not detreased
the funds of • the General Society, but
is altogether irlependentand advanced
Mrs.- Zone of Gbderich 'gave e
beautiful paper on "Oise Work in
' Chine," and Mrs. Diehl of Varna one
on 'Our Work in Japan." . At this
juncture of the convention a resolution
moved by Mrs. Elford of Holineeville
and seconded by Mrs, Stanley WO
enthusiastically endorsed, bett an eX-
-pression.-- of our -corrvictrons that it
prObibitory liquor law is desired
by ' it large • majority vote be
granted, and a eppy of this resolution
be sent to our representativeat present'
in Ottawa.
IVIrs; Russell of Seitfortir then gave a
paper on "Systeinatic Giving," which
Was considered- so pointed and helpful.
that after some pressure .her consent
was secured, .to have the paPer entire
published in: the local papers. •It should
receive careful reading by all,
in the evening Rev. Mr. Green occu-
pied the chair. After it well rendered
service Of gong by the memberapf the
Holtneeiville choir, Mrs. Harrison of
Granton delivered the addreiss of the
evening, picturing in vivid term the
degradation and untold suffering of
the women in heathen lends, and
claiming that no 'woman could remain
uninterested who was not totally'
ignorant, of the, sorrows of her heathen
sisters, or lacking in the first principles
of gratitude for her own favored posi-
tion in Christian lands. Her address
Was full of information to our wOrkore,
and was given svith anearnestness and
pathos that captivated her audience,
and we are sure her appearance at any
future time, in ettnneetioli with this
work will be greatly welcomed in the
Goderieh District. V. Con. Sr. W
• mettes -
'and sound -
petity and
motile goo(
-That's vsh
The early fall wheat around our
neighborhood looks fairly well, The
Snowden Bios. have 100 acres of tirst•
chiefs wheats—Mr. Charles Sreenan,
°or popular policeman, is on the slek
O. Cleave and W. Bailey
of Bayfield ere going to the North.
West shortly. ---Mr, Joe Mero Is pre-
paring to fix his • barn,—Me. Robert
-Orr, ire has on baud it large stock of
turkeys, so the people .ay.—Mr. 11.
johnaton was the guest of Mr. J. W.
Horner on Sunday evening leat.
Mr. R. Snowden intends having & bee
shingling his house In it few days and
•everybody will be welcome.--kliss
Mary Orr is spending a week with
parents during the 24th. --A. couple
of our boys were out begging one day
lttsb week, bat they were refused until,
the 241h, 'vvhen it was granted that they
ebettid be Mat seated and waited on,
se -The frost has -done but very- little
damage in tins vicinity. ---Dr. Slack
visited • Zurich last Thursday and re --
turned in a critical condition after
severe _ accident, which „insight have
Proved fatal, ---Sowing peas is the
order of the day.e---Mesers. Rau and
Iter Rey there is money in hogs and
they hage bought aver 200 this month.
That is very good, boys, for A start, --
"Every Well Ilim
Rath His Ill Day."
A. doctor's examination
might show that kidneys,
liver and stoMach ire normal,
but the doctor cannot analyze
the btoorl apon which these
organs depend. '
noodis saroparinskinaises, vitalise!
and enriches the blood. It curet) yon
when "a hit off" or when seriously
afflicted. Xt nova &Imagoes.
Rhatomatlani.^" I beliefs Rood's tisr•
overuse hes no equal for rheumetion. It
lam done me more good than any otaar
medicine I have taken." Mu. nom
=weer, Brampton, Ont.
Bail cough_oimter Iv long illness I
was yoffiiT* and. bed a bad cough.'
could net sat or deep. Different remedies
did not help me but Reed's Sarsaparilla
built me up and I am now able to attend to
*AY Work!" Manus SAQ'Ota, Otha00, Oa,
Miss Annie Campbell has been the • ; sosiegkimag
guest of Mrs, Geo. Dewar the past r4atrt- runt sere i 61.
k Mt T th
wee sa eraser 'has been
fie wing at 1Virsip. brer all s weddinje * it'us . "my
Sold by VItatte & Co. '1) • t
Sete • itche has been hot ruggla 0.
during the past two weeks, and We -
wish. him prosperity in his meetings in illARRJAGES,
Drysdale Presbytereau ehurch,
euccessfixl meetings at Blake church
• .
church, Listowel, on May Oth. bv
'• amulet), . Rey. IL W. Ieanee rector, Rev.
Last week the novel sig
ht • WAS WitP Mae Annie Georgina Aineeiworth,
Thos. Dobson of TilbUrCentre to
eessed of men: sowing maugold seed daughter of Mrs, R. Reiresworth,
and atraved with overcoats and mitts, Mill street, Listowel.
D ARenni Liros. were aroinl htyingHT-W=00-AGth
'77r" "4/.
A 1
M°KINNON ogt, 00.
_Every statement, we make concerning our Dress Goods can be verified
' and substantiated by the goods We carry in etock. Is is easy to put us to
thatest. Simply visit the department, examine good and qualities, Ask
•; questions, take notes, see all there ie to see, then take a look around town
O and make comparisons. Nothing pleasea us better, for those who take
the time and trouble to do so invariably come back and spend, their money
O' for Dress. Goods here. Why? Because of better assortments ahd liner
•; qualities to ehoo.ose trona, and a stock that possesses a rednement and '
•;charm of Style not its evidence outside this Adore. But that's not all, prices
lilte these are the naagnets that bring buyers hack to thia store.
-Fine Black Lustres at 20c, 25e, 35e, 40e, NC flO a 75e °
-Blark Serges, summer weight, 30e, 60o and 76c
-Black Blister Orepens, very stylish, 75e, 86c and $1
fP -Black Henrietta, at. 250, 40c, 60c, 650, 75e and $1
• .-Ielack Grenadine, 43 inches wide, 76c and 86e
-Fancy Dress Goode, silk and wool, worth 75e for 60e
-Colored Cashmere, 40 inches wide, worth 25e for 16e
-Fancy Dress Goods, Het colors, silk stele, worth $1 for 05c
;-• in the market, 35c, 60c, 76e and ,
• 41e0 it number of short ends in Dress Goods, in black and adore suit. sp
able for skirts and small (trews, which we sell at ono -half to two-thirds
of the regular price. • ,
'IVI KI NON & 00. - BLYTH to
• ,
-Vigereaux Dress Goo s plain and shot e ects, the newest geode
residen y• e,
etookers last week. --Mr. R. Fergus- s the bride's father, on May 17th, by
on is doing it levely trade in bogs. Ile • Bev. W. Greed, Mr, Wilbert Hart,
id shipping them to Toronto and, UM., to Miss Edith Welsh, both of the
otne of our people purpose ' township of Turnberry. •
going to Clinton on the Queen's birth- _
day and sortie to Mitchell, but no •
doubt the largest number well stay at BIRTHS. .
home. --A coin5le of football 'clubs
inc being organized in the township. DEACON -in East WaWanosk on May
--Mr. Findlay McIntosh has rented 16th, the wife of Harry Deacon, of
-the pasture lands Of Mr, Henry Kelly it daughter. '
and has purchased a. number of cattle GANNETT -In Bluevale, on May 16th, .
which he has placed on the grass.-- the wife of Geo. Gannet, of a son.
MisS , Lizzie Dteger, who has be$n DEA,N13-In Turnberry, On May 10th,
v. king at the Que n'e Hotel Sea the wife of Wm, Deane of a
ctr e•
forth; for the, greater part of the win- daughter. •• •
ter, is now, eomo,_...„eilion Bey& Rug. •
SOAHLETT--In McKillop, on May 14th,
well has gone on an extended visit to the wife of Robert. Scarlett, of a
London. , She Was accompanied by daughter.
Miss • Ells Conpland.---Mise Alice slaewatttioE-In Godericla township,
Dundas has bought a nice new wheel. on May 21st, the wife of W. S.
,Alice had been wanting a wheel for a Lawrence. of a son.
good *bile •and has now her' desire .Honsuee-In Goderich township. on
gratified. -s -Miss Martha Stenzel is May 21st, the wife of Sohn
taking lessons in organ music. Miss.
Dere Kinney' is her teacher...—We
bear that work will seen be begun
the big ditch in the northea,st part of
the township. This drain will he a
monster, its dimensions in some places
being six fee
ship called 0
.61r, George
Saturday an
Jamieson no
Mrs.T. Oar
gonia to epe
itIng friends
of Mr. Dun
to learn.tha
recent seye
jainieeon s
Seaforth th
Mies Tayl
of NOSH N.-
-Mr. Geo
mitis Bella
spent Sunda
-.7-Mr. Dun
very ill and
.-/--.111.11". NOM
et were 'Wait
last week.
chased& foo
hitt a team, i
is never behr
and Miss Ma
With friends
ace Bennett
here last wee
spent Sonde.
• Goderieh-tei
'nleeting' Ott
and read a ve
the subject "
This is the tithe Of the year
when housekeepers should .
not have to -be bother-
ed, yfith baking;
h3T 011
• When you en get your
ea reassemble At so':
It is better
cure disease
blood prite
and be Aiwa,
Mri. Jo n
after spendi
her danghte
lug at his tt
Tyerthan w
Monday. --
purchased a
ham has. g
of cattle a
good thrive
and Robt,
building t
lames Fair
tor on trial
chase it,
• 4.444,44*. ,444644.44,41.4* 4i
• The effort lo England stoecelebrate
the! anniversary of Mr. Gladstone's
death was on the whole a failure,
Dr.14.4 Maws Pt,tteappte ragas, I AO DrtaY
SO a bo -60 ubteess,
L. The beginning of trouble It the Hole for
ltM eare. The berrOweofdyspepelearisefroin
2. Indigestion% the beginning of know
ledge coneerning the storntieh-and 60Me
1)801)10 got kitOVIladka through eniVering.
3. Loes or appritit,e, lose of vitality,les ef
flesh, Io.* of r.4 -these are, the penalties
which thousands endure .
Tablets- ensethestomash, relieve all
They try Dr. Von stitiett Dyspepsia
distress and t eyalways effeet it rapid cure.
All druggiets seal thee° tablets at se cents a
wra-itaatirErrordip-a"fravas. "
Instentlyreileve neartaurtimetr stomastautes.
ea, hestisehes arising from de ^miffed ditto:41On,
MA tiler quicken the seeetite white effeeting
Here are a few of our prices:
• Layer mites s •s 20ets
Queen's, drops s • 1Cle per doz
Swim hone s 10c "
Ositnieal date calm 10e "
And all other kinds of calm,
Rhubarb pies, 10 cents each.
Lemon, vies, 15 -rests each, 2 for 95c
Cuetard Meer 2 for 25 cents.
Tart shells dandies, 100. her dos.
Our home-made ginger snaps skre
the Nei going like hot cakes"
tO cent* per lb.
ICIF41C13Y, 91143`.)14.
is the best
An egeh
boy, the
tional bap
and by ole
*pony es p
to repeat
ego be ha
en, and
kitties, h
4iSaaii Oaf
The kilter
out prote
pleasure b
said In di
"500 AO
mats WEI
111M -DI
Mr. U.
froth itch
It reads in a factory Mob. tf,irlua
lutely CLEAN be most skilful 24,,,g;
workmen from selected Vir. ibs7rilte
ygiva my
inis tobacco and never varies arn tttgr=ting
Ur Dr. Agnew's Li
itk qUality. mile for liver ills.
Holmes, of a daughter. •
MANson.-In Exeter on the 21st inst.,
the •wife of George Manson of a
EIALL-In Clinton, On May 23, the wife
• of Frank a son,
Paint -
18 to. a
what clothing is to the bcdy. Xt is just as important. You should
take as much care in selecting the paint to clothe yque property, an
yeu do in selecting the material to clothe your person.' Paitit pre-
serves the building.- Paint gives beauty to the building. In reinting
the labor costs more than the paint. There will be a luxe waste if
the sight paint is not used. • • • ••••
Olin:toll May 26th, 1899.
Provincial Legislation.,
Among the various amendments made
to the Municipal and:ether Acts at the
' recent session of the Ontario Legislature
• the following are ofloaI interest:
• . The Municipal Act has been amended
iie follows :- • • .
The • words "lieeVe" and liDepu ty-
Reeve have' been struck one of the /let
where they were applied to towns and
amended by providing that no mernber
•of the board may have a pecuniary
• interest whatever in any contract or
agreement with' the Board.
• Any five or more persons engaged in
• the manufacture or the sale of cheese
or butter may .forni themselves in to a
• cheese or butter exchange for the pur-
pose of transacting any business in con-
nection therewith,
• Zurich.
• 'rhe farmers in this locality •era de-.
• lighted with the recent rains which have
fallen ' recall kit, ap Leryt.1ITng is
flourishing in this vicinity.-- Messrs.
E. Bossenberry and A. Faust, agents
• for the Noxon Bios. implements, arb
• rushing business • and • report things
brighter than ever.—The business
men of Zurich have decided to close
tfieir plaoa of business during the
summer months at, 7 p. m. every night
except Wednesdays and Saturdays. —
Quite a joke was played on one of our
merchants who Was offering a certain
article ..below cost, thinking he would
• improve his business. His competitor,
who is never asleep •in business, sevit a
buyer on the quiet •and bought all be
had. When the seller found out a job
had been put up on . biro he aim Nit
vvent into oonvulsions and has -as yet
• not recovered from the shtick. --Mr,
D. Gottschalk has opened up it confec-
tionery in Gaoled) Merner's block and
is going to make things. hum ties sum-
mer with ice cream and bananas -Mr:
C. Matleite our popular hardware
• merchanereports havingalready orders
for ten Long of binder twine. Last year
his outpdt, was fifteen tons.- -Mr. M.
Itestle has added it fresh tiosit of paint
to his store which adds g. eatly to the
appearance of his premises.- -life.
Philip Hough tiad the misfortune to
lose one of his vaiurible cows last week.
As Mr. "lough is one of the monied men
the toss to inin is not considered so
great. --Mr. J. II. Wismer, black-
smith, stfccessor to Signr, is reported to
be a first class horse -sheer. Any per-
son wishing a good job should give him
a Call. He is an all round good man.
--Mr. Fred Rees, Vir., laid it cement
sidewalk in front of his premises whieh
is a god (maniple for our trustees in
the future.
HAS. NO .13LIPERIOR„... wards, 'Deputy-R•Ie v es" :where • they
• .
It runs easy, the materials on
• which it is built are all of the
very best, and the price equals,
the quality. -There is noliettet-
wheet than the Massey-Hmris.
, .
• Agent Massey -Harris, Clinton
have applied totownships arid villages,
Partners' stepsons are giyen the same
rights as farmers' sons in respect to
municipal votes. .
_The. forms of -oaths to- be taken by,
munioipal voters have been simplified.
• Municipal candidates declining nomi-
flatten must -file their resignation with
the clerk before 9 p. ni. on the following
day, instead of Midnight.
• In all muninipalities where the
council is elected by the general vote
eaeli voter can vote only in one ward for
Oeunoillors, as well Its for ,Pdayor or
All municipal and county . councillors
• must hereafter vote on every question
coining before - the council by open
• vote, balloting in council being declared
•• "11 I.
- No municipal council will hereafter
It pays to raise Ensilage as the have
farmer knows and more are going sfromtPaexwateitt4noxgcerapitaewit9hyxe
into it. 16 has been hard to get two thirds of the electors entitled 'te
good seed this year but I have vote thereon.
Secured a supply and have ib now The gianting ef trade lieenses is made
in stock. It is the w•ell known discretionary with munieipal (=nails
Inmates of (louse of Refuge owning
property may convey, same to the county
)nolit ments to a 11)11,33 01 Refuge can
now be Made only with the consent of
• the municipal council or of a member of
the county council.
Lewd and dissolute persons are not
We have in stock Groceries, Flour •to be committed to a House of Refuge..
and treed, Seed Grain, EU,. Firo limita may be established in un-
incorporated villeges by township
1:311CINCIA.:141f. councils.
Additional povvers are given to city,
Opposite the Market. Clinton. town and village councils in regard to
the storage of explOsires.
The powers heretofore given to city,
t I I I 1 " " town and village councils with regard to
s the purohase or expropriation of gas and
waterworks plants will now apply to
0 electric light plants, with further pro -
Queen s
, may now revoke at their pleasure boon.
ses granted to milk dealers and resteor,
7 visions. .
Town, village and township eouncils
an keepers:
MAY24TH Birthda Local Im prOVetnen t clauses of
the Ara, !shier ofwhich is one permitting
Several amendments been made
• 1899 the councils of eitieiand -towns to pro-
vide from the general fund such propor-
tion of the effat of pernaarien t SiderfalkS
as they may deem advisable.
• Maier an amentittlent of the assess-
• ment act all farming implements, and
vehicles, all hay, grain and other farm
products are exempt from taxation,
The section of theab referring to the
collection of taXett made under distress
and the atile of Wide for the arrears of
taxes have boon amended. '
The Publio Libraries' acts hare "been
Will isoattO return tickets at
tieing May 23rd ansi Olth, returning May 25
•Iletvireen all Stations in Canada:
• iletween all stations in Canada and Detroit
and Port introit, Mich..' and from alt stations in
• Canada, TO, but not PROM, lIntraln,-131nek.
Rock, suspension Bridge and Niagara Valls N.Y.
TieketR. rates and all information from
Agents of Giund Trunk Itailvvar System
M. 0. M0164°1:1,11, P. A.. Toronto
A. o. Position, (*sett ,Agent, Olintert.
Fp% liedgens,G.T.H.Tieket Agent, Clinton
Through tickets issued to all points in
Baggage checked through. For all
information in reference to travil con -
801t the above,
net t woutit ,,,_._, ._ g =oaten
inrsaqPot.Lu" lf86 cenvt&
. ..W....0
61 2""214'1t*y`"Ve,e"a•s
es ofand tethertrta *421ona Geese p
Oh .
- - IX TM. ttOoO ti,c mp„l.....•
""s—-. 44,4414.1. arc, ,r, 4
fmyeringrom Chlak1niperp4 grto:4OOODSANIFPRIBUSTAMINE
ils for ler " • ,-
Flour par cwt. 118 to 2 co 43r. W. IlLIIJILi.