The Clinton News-Record, 1899-05-04, Page 4r.• '•••• ' 4 the Clinton News.Reoord' 'LAO 1,Yeari1a Advance. ---71••• 'rlet/itseialt, N 4TU1 1899.. OH4NO14 OP 1-1E4R7'. . Mr. James McMullen a North Wel- THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. •••;.; • • - NEWS FROM ALL OVER HURON COUNTY. Godortch. PROM OUROWN CORRESPONDENTS ND ootiatry Exopottvgioli • Goilorich, Gedericli. Ciederiolit ••-•,••••;•••,. ••••r••••%••••• e M. W. Graham, son of Bea Donald • 'grad quite a, little thunderstorm The Mechanics' Itistitete had a ' The Victoria, street church persona r ' Wigton wiust find time lag on hie hands . . has given o'er the study ofAltai- la ' 4ij'h m NI The dredge only worked one-balf Clendenning Was electe eresa ent. veneered with Meek mut will be two tor -General's report, his day in and day hol" now in theport at Buffaeo. Ohl week for his steamerthe o n . e- f4Y141ast Week, the waves rolled so an 41We re, tal, tvilceipri e . h Goatine:ich organ present pastor, Rev. Wm. Oodwin,and 110r0 W11(1.71/11 eitrtOleihainitafir000ftinntat tfihlels b ars. °thin) purse, e Bina savings out criticism of expenditures under Babb,wheelsman,and Wiri, ll_ampee u Ilinith Bros, were sweeping away factory• on Monday and Manager family will not heve the pleasure of te . ortulties. for storys in height. We are sorry the • d' head and his weekly lookout, have also gone to the same In the Houee Dainmons now thathe ham Caledonia terraee left last on °Way night at eleven o'clock, • meeting en Monday eyeniug, 1V1r. Is getting on famously. It Is to I MAY 4, 1899 14 The U . . . . . .1 • .1. ,1 :I I I took ECONOMY wing residence there es they leave in June. money Saving gi Dry. any everyfrom before then seore on May Saunders kindly gave us the folio to -day come but seldom. Goods. buying like those that are here resume of the cost of running the Gov. steamer. Mrs, Donald Graham, Caledonia, ter- morning and we told them the mayor ieseful information. The 0o, bave A very see accident occurred at the arad aldermen would flne, them for started another new addition oil Oam- organ factory en Thursday last in the 11 1 All ihe way from a few cents on Mss sweeping away theireepensive concrete bria street which when completed will morning, Young Colbert WAS rotting sma Puro lase JaP to two, three; .or four dollars on a, large • erner-General's household. In the ate race, is vientng her daughtei, ter he was especially eloquent and per- Maggie Graham at Detroit. Bidet* but now for aughe he cares Mr. Jack Watson, druggist, Buffalo, has returned to his position in that the Oovernor-General may order a new , busy American lake city', set of dishes every day in the year, The watering cart and the grass on He is McMullen the Econoneist no the lawns made their appearance sine - longer, another case of a good man ultaneously and refreshing they. are to being spoiled by a greater loyalty to the eye but we wish the sprinkling art of watering apparatus could party than' to the interests, of the te so. arra,nged that the crossings might country. - be lightlysprinkled o'er for people do not walk in the street so it does net matter how wet the streets are but THE EXPEICDITORE 0017170 U'P. the crossings for the most part seem to get an extra sprinkle. , The Liberals are turning down their We congratulate Mr. A. M. Pelley ante -election promises and putting up . (1);v1th all his old tiroe vigor after hia re- beiug able to mOuot his bus again the expenditure at the rate of over cent attack of la gripr. speak of it as worthy. of co inmenda- building on Ste David's street. a million a year. More tharithat, they Mr. Tweedie is pus ling on his new Ca tam A 1VI Shepherd Ileft last . tion, aiesomething. Which helpe, bring •• P • week for his steamer the "Olympia,. about good times. ' Possibly, but pros- His son,Mr, Fred Shepherd sails on the ent prosperity attire expense_ of a future "Volunteer." crushing debt isnot altogether desire The Ottawa deputation returned on - Friday night last. • The wind was so strong on Thursday able. Indeed, tiered canny people • might object to ethat kinianf financing. a, m. or perhaps on Wednesday night Still. it seems to suit the tele from that a portion of the fence on ehe south Huron -who,. judging from the votes side Bruce street was blown completely .., down. Mr. J. Platt will have a, new they have given, would support a reso- fence built at once as it hounds his iution to doable the already immense i wood yard on the north side. expenditure, if it emanated from; -their • The 'Log" steamed out on Tuesday friends in power:. Apparently, they ; for eThe•Ducil. We itrust this year ' ,of '9.? will. eerie our fisherman, George cannot see anything else at the other 1 rat b, Elgtn street. end of the telescope. • i We are sorry to announce the death, on Friday last of Frank, the eldestson Of Ex -Councillor Fred Pridham. Little HOW THE .MONEY GOES. ..* I Frank always • needed great care, his .,.-- ' ' • I large lustrous eyes being sightless, and The Solicitor -General in the, Laurier I lying in his handsome,' white ceffin -,Cabirtet draws a handsome salary for •with his rich, brown, curling heir and delicate features nee seethed to gaze his own -services- and the Government tipen a little saint.: Re had reached PaYs the. salarY of Jets private secre- his 9th Year and required an infant's be little complaint, perhaps, did- the loss very deeply, yet they , know tary as well. Against this there would care, but • his parents mourn, 'his is. safe in the "A•rnis Jesus." Solicitor -General devote his whole ..,heh • r. e euneral• was very large and took time to his duties at Ottawa, but in ad- place en Sunday last at 2 p. Rev. dition he has a private law. husinese Jasper Wilson officiated at the house and grave. The floral tributes, which down in Quebec. He cannot do justice covered the handsome, white casket, to both i. one must suffer and in. all • eee„e b autiful among them a lovely liklihoodit is the duties 'pertaining. to We;wieethe gift Mrs. .,,„._a , 'bertha - the Solicitor -Generalship. Another fut basket of creani roses from Mrs. secretary would grim him 'still more Walter Saults; handsome cross, from town clerk, W. Mitchell, large bou- leisure, bIlt, none at all would be more _ , quet tied vvith white satin ribbon, economical, that is few. the country's- Mies Nellie McPherson, steoogirapher, give the 00. twelve thousand feet ad. his right hand dreseed In •Dr, W theirs one can be saved. by taking advantage Of our loW rices pavement. N. D, Itougvie, hardware merchant. ditional floor space, They have order- surgery. Poor boy he lost his four fin- ed some new machinery, and expect to gers close to his hand, If sorrow 011 tile i'v `1 "iseman stock. It must' all be sold out at the iso. is secretary for the new Goderieh gun town, His family resi ed. in Cuba, a, your correseonclent was in the factory be made perfelur every one was sole 48 we pro y ie SO ing o i . ,. • they were busy completing a ship- ry on !earning o the Accident. club, Secretary Kougvie likes our almost double their output. While would remedy the toes, his hand would 1'11411 store and you might 11 fit b 11' f 't e y , . . year. The "Long" was getting fitted that they were very busy •with. orders . captain a the "Oity of London" last work and the manager info* med 'us. . (70-d-e—rici-I-T; iv-:s-h-ip., The Captaha of the tug "Long" was went of:ei, carload o$ bath room wood- • . • . . . I thIS 'store, Here are four rice 1 ' isi 8 Bedews' cottage is being paint- a 'dad at te, iek bein io, own rest e when three of the beams fell whee being - d , d ot •ti steam /Mead' for months to come, . • • . Beaviewwesiegrhnieggpolitdo•grunality, qrnion Carnet reverend° . . ,_ - . • , (2 1 ed and' inade ready to be one of the , one that possibly had been piled .up placed in position. Very fortunately Four -Big earpetSnaps The Wiseman stock of Carpets' must be sold out at sake sakca. though -hi" that . event he -"bicycle factory, and -a, large collection flowers; the gifts of loving might have • to C400138. between a.. cut , • friends. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred: Pridham. the fat effipe at Ottawa and tie Many people filed into. the house to practice. Quebec..... take a last look at the beautiful boy in his flower -covered white casket, and . • , after the casket was borneout, it was THE OOST OP LIVING AT OTTAWA. a lovely sight to see the pretty, young • . pall -bearers, each wieh his rugurning, A;Hiaron member Of Parliament favors, march outebearing a floret trite writes that $1000 per session very lit: tite to lay -upon the casket. The pall- seeawrelfretwra.enMe asters Charlie Saunders, - tie. more than pays expenses at Oa t Clarence Reernoldse tawa—which is just se 'Much' poppy- Oliver Thompson, • litovierd Robinson whew. • and Stewart Murray. Mr. and Mrs. cock. We • know of ',members Pridhiten have the eyriepatlay cif our eitizeris in this their sorrow at parting with their Mather'', whir although re - smiting such great attention, was a truly beautiful, bright:looking boy, 1(1 - though a great sufferer. _ Mr. Peter Bissett and family of Da- kota have taken that handsome, nave residence on.EastBtreet, the properly of Mr, James McMath. Mr..Bissete in- tends spending three years here • in 'order to educate his:children. ' He in- tends to return to Dakota . Mr. W. Robertson, East street,. is much improved in health, since return- ing to his home. ' • Now that the first of May has passed we hope the bicycle lamp Will make its applairaece for the season: The electrie lights are bright in some places but darkuese prevails• ea very short distances, arid one so often, when cer- tain there is no rider near, the first thing they know a rider seems to come into'the light out of , the darkness, no warning giveri the pedestrian; 'who neither sees nor hears the bicycle until it is almost upon you. While crossing a street and near the/Square there are a great many crasings. . • We did not forget the 1st of May and the babies. There were only afew babies out in the forcinoon, as the rain, After threatening, fell, but early in the afternoon, and up to 8 p: m. the baby carriages,were drawn up in line before Sallows'.gallery. We called at 5 p. m. and found the artiste tired man. "We had a busy day, he said; "far -more babies were brought to the gallery than last ist May." There were eighty- five babies and all had their pictures well taken., Next week we will know the list of prize winners in babydoni. •efte Hellmuth Clucas of London is out with a; new Match. We do not know the title yet, but anyone wishing a copy can give' the order to Miss Skimmings, Sta,nley street. Mrs. IL J. Horton found a souvenir broech on Monday last. It has hair set in little gold centre pieces surrotind- ed with jet. The pie wail fastened, so some lady naust have lost it out of her pocket,perhaps while riding her bicycle, THE KETTLE R1171811 RAILWAY • as it was found in the Middle of the "ARM. road. Mr. Broderick, leader of Victoria The two big railway corporations, street church choir, must be a sweet the O. R. and a T. R., have alio. einger, for on Saturday 'Haley's old gether too much influence tithan legise stand was besieged by people buying • lation in this cogntry, Matters have. allAt.hAscretzln stock.te th Govern - now reached such a pass that they meet to put onaannoIetirdredgee to finigh have only to ask for this, that or the the Work early, for elevator trade. other concession to get it. As the re- ,Mr. George Graham does not seem suit these two companies 'are slowly to take kindly to a bicyele for his own uuse,- On. Monday he bougbb a beauti- hut none the less surely securing a f 1 carriage horse and seemed quite monopoly of • traniportation and 'irby ,piOnd of Ms new purchase. and by Canada will be in their 'grip, ' Mr: Frank •Robertson was able tg The Kettle River kellway. chatter is a take an airing on Monday. We trust case in point. me, ooebin, a weoteen. the flne weather will aid him to cone. er, applied for a charter. for a line plItterarecover34 • A. McLean, Elgin street, has through one of the British Oolinlibia• been out for the past, two weeks eince mining districta. He did not ask for a, her convalescence. She feels that the cash subsidy or coal lands, atter the lovely weather has strengthened her -very much. • manner of the C. Pt' It in the 0000 The Messrs. Moore who came from Neat Pass deal, but intended building: England in November last, and. regis- a road at hiinwn expense which would tered, with their families, at the Rotel have immensely benefitted the out. lttdfordti have taken fee the season lately ter which it Would traverse, The O. octe)417d Mr. Parc ftr(laug,tieati of the P. R. has almost a complete monopoly organ factory. The Indio are delight - in B, bin) tint satisfied lobbied ab ed with our town, although they "hank' account was just' $700 greater, at the end of the session than when the Governorzbenetal aliened the House, and this Wee after. deducting. $100 a month for expenses. Even at Ottawa this allows of good riving and, includes not a few luxuries. Of course it does noepermit of being "one of the boys" or of "keeping up his erid" wreh. , members wire .have portly bank ac- counts, but from such geed, church. goers as this county has chanced to send thisis not expected, so that they "e should have no difficulty in bringing home- more than renanant of the sessional iridemnity, . — THEY SHOHL.D og 1:1VDEPEE.15EitT. In view, of the feet that nierrihers of Parliament draw a mileage allowance of twenty cents per mile,. they ,ought to be above accepting passes from the railways. They should either drop the mileage or the passee, but one hund- • red to one they will keep on taking both. A motion was introduced into the. Commons . the other day making it compulsory for the railtvays to furn- ish passes, but it did not receive the support of a corporal's guard. What the Government should do 'Would be to abolish the 'Mileage ,system and buy annual passes for.the members: $1000 a session, the franking privilege, free stationeey„ pocket knives and a trunk, together with a paid -far privilege of riding without charge on Any railway in the coeintry, oueht to be an ample -recompense for the legislators. "Can- didly, it is much More than many Of theta are worth. • Ottawa against Corbin's application VI:0114111 ntbdes evt!:rty,rtliitetr tolitak qMult and succeeded defeating it though English, only the atmosphere differs. the GrandTrunk aupported the &atter. '.The gentlemen are intent on buying Me. New intorided Again farrri-land, and think they will go word the present gession of Parliament, but, VAtt a'otregr1'd!tgtrefoI the Canadian .Pacifte, by making SOMO SOMe years and returned to England conceselene ibiewhere to the Grand twenty years ago. When here befall , peetited a %MIMI of forces- and vtrer guest of the old Albion Monday even U) a • Y .810 day. •N• e wish Walking past the residence of Mr. .An accident...happened at Mr. Guy idea of how the Stock is alin:lints that will give you an ' her good fortune. John Achern, Oenibiriecistdreeti ere: Rck's barn raising on Thursday last . c prettiest buildings on Bruce street. earlier in the day, We thought it no one happened to be between the • , Extra heavy 'Union Carets, reversible patterns, quali. J. A.. roWler is the architect. ; would not do to lose that Information beams and mother earth so nobody • ties that will wear; the old prices were 50o and 60, ite to the presence of the brick on land was hurt, When the barn is cone Mr. Lewitt feels quite proud of the • our eiew pace 42c success of . the knitting factory and for years called the ,Commons,so we . pleted it will be 50x50 ft, When Frani- says new hands are taken on every 'went across and asked a pleasant-beet:1. er Mains gets throegh beagneedoi'tu to - Pure Wool Carpet, nuide from clean f frome. . iii judo ;alai twy' plrivicpee. ..... 0- yarn, fres • • week. There are 44 speasent abont,. man whet -they were geing to do with commence his contraceat • Mr. James but not the brick. "Mr. Morris is gettigg reedy 'Graham's. It is a pleasure to ehroni. • , grease, full yard wide, old prices were 75e • and -Eho,' 0A,.1. 0.'t:p.ei,Ctio. eely. o.o.v*,::.r.e'd, ... it.t:It• .a.t;c1 'uut; • • iw°orrtYkiTn°gunogyewrglaineel.1 e.rnThPeir hda've been making -mittens for some -time, Mans? plied and Y we said, "Mr. Morris has made by otrapeogressive farmers. . to build another platting. mill," he. re- cle these unprosiements that are being • light coloriugs, old prices were 50e and. 003, our ger Lewitt did not tell ua thee bit of • courage to build another "planing .nrilll - can do 't f 1' I ' new price. • ., „ ., . • , • • • - • • • • 42c . news, but we saw a large pile finished . after some miscreant set fire to his new from Bright. where Mr.' Duncan Scott lute terehtousrnbeederibo(Tle. • .if. ) ou basal a smallroom _ itt e money it..you es,n find the right length among a lot of Remnants we that will take from ten te fifteen, yards of earpeayou .. 0 . tend. ready to be shipped, perhaps "ta mill before end we °wish him every gagea _ in butter making :all wintet. ere ideate tie ors t at gut prices. - _ „ . • . the, 'Klondike for we do not knee, whO suceess, So GoderichmusL pav.e. He will remain until next. week when .e.verything runs smoothly in his do- . requires Mitten's s'in 'May. Manager building fever on again, Lewitt knows well his business end • i Doyle -took place froin -the residencesof istock Gazette. The funeral the late Mrs.. Nicholas ville cheese factory near Clintien..—Tav- . Laces and' Embroideries . On Saturday we will. pl . ..- • ;• 'he goes to take charge of the Holmes- • - --• . main. : • • • .• • • her son, 4d g e *DCyle,„•to St . -Peter's . Mr. A. A. Shrenk of Clinton has re- . -dee . , • We hive tie . frost comes along to where a requietninass was .celebrated • ceritly•made the following sales in this . - blight tbe people's joy for the seeds on Wednesday of last week by Ree. • township :-3. W. •Elliott, Tudhop_e sown seem to ha,ve. come up two or Fath de West. 1VIiss Jesie. Shannon, buggy, W. Colelough, cultivator,' Y6 Fancy Skirtings • three days after. Shubert), yoeng onions, asparagus seem to be plentiful. niece of the deceased lady, presided at the organ, the choir in attendance. 'at the grocers. . • . Mrs. Doyle mare to .Goderich with her We called at the offterr of the Hen- late husband' abo ut fifty years ago froui dersou . bicycle co. on Monday and the vicinity of the St, Lawrence. She Manager McCready kindly gmli us the is the first one of the four sisters to bc. following interesting notes. The li. called away; The ethers, are Mts. B. Co. are besieged with orders, . so George Campbell, awn, and Mrs. rruch so they have been working Westrope and Mrs. Pottim of Alpena, oiertirne for three nioeths past. They who also canto with their mother end - have also- increased the . office sta, .. their six .brothers. Mrs, Doyle was The wheels axe highly spoken of end tutich attached. to Goderich, but her are selling well. So niech for Goderich unmarried sons, John and Sylvester inanufaeturers. . . . (Vic.), chose to locate in the Spdhury • The dredge_ was working away region and she and her two daughters, valiantly before the rain. on Monday ne. "Misses Maggie end •Lizzie, wont with. 4l them a few years ago end at ' whose re- tn. lastand after so, that there cou not 'have been much of neroll on. ., .. sidence she died on Monday,24th.A.pril, On Friday a. W. Met aftet it 15Pg at the nee ot 06 years. Her remains ac - period of loss Of strength Mr. Welhatri coMpanied. by her sone Mr. Sylvester Robinson closed his eyes to his friends Doyle (Vic.) Suributy, reached town on on earth.: He was a• prosperous man. Tuesday's late train, Mrs". Doyle's in business, haying a Pod eellOY Years youngeit daughtereMre M. McFadden, ago gone , into partnership with mr. +Wife of .Bareieter McFadden, resides at of Buchanan • and . Rohiesen m the Sanit-Ste Marie. The late Mrs. Doyle was'a very devout Chreainn; , a fond James Buchanan 'leder. the firm name planing mill arid after his wife's death mother and very benevolent and kind - Mr. Robinson retired from business al, iy in disposition, alsvays earliest mid together. He took, an exceedingly cheerful in manner, and eves overjeyed •active part in Christian work being.a &few years ago to once more see -the faithall member of the Brethren. His old town where her sons, Judge Doyle funeral ',took place on Sunday 1- 'P. in. and his brother J.J. still reside. ,The from the Maine °Chit; sen-irela.w, J. ..J. pall -bearers were her three sons: —Mr. Etnerson was a staunch • Conservative Doyle, mail cleric. - Mr. Hart of 01111- Sylvester Doyle of • Sudbury,, Judge and an Epiecopelian, Rev, Mr. Parke ten gave 'a very pleasing address to Doyle, and 3.j. Doyle here, arid the of St. Pithrs church and Rey. Mr. Rat 'well, disk barrow and scraper, R. Einersen, cultivator; I. Sheppard, .bindere W. Currie, cultivator, j. • For - deg, cultivator, Webster, set har- rows,. TeCook, set beret:nes, I Jones, nuttier, H. Cantelon, gang .plough. • ' We are very,sorry ehat it falls to our lot this week to have to .chronicle the death of Mr..Robert Eittersori which tot* place last Saturday night. . We 'have known him long and; always .found . him a good Ineighbea-and an hicaptit mane He' was • of aasindly (Lod. was ealways willing. eo leed.a, harid...or *exchange works .and the boys on t,he old • homestead have the • satire genial nature. Mr. Ewer - son has been ailing for 'so.me time, .but Only during the past few week did the complaint . take • a dangerous. tern. Ile was only sixty-five years of age but hed been . resident of this tewnehip pipee 18.40 so may , be;bounted among the pioneers. He came. cart. in that year fr orn 'County .Feernangle, Ireland, with . his parents who took 'tip land upon the 7th ,concession upon which line the deceased tiered until his death. The funeral took place on Mopday. to Clinton cemetery and many of the olcl • friends gathered to 'Jay this reepect te the • .memory • of. %the. 'departed. •Mr. • these assembled; The pall bearers . were Mr. Robinson's friends in life ae _Messrs. Bixonerton, Megeet, MeCrack- , en, James Buchanan, D. McKay and Vilese, Mr. Robinson leaves two sons, Jack Robinson, the other in California. Only one : daughter sur- vives him, Mrs. 3. J. . After the heavy lain, thunder and accompanying lightning at 2 a. M. on Siinday, the streets were almost dry when the bells rang for the' different "church services and seemed quite ro- pitious with. the- worn sunnner Ike .• an airing. They look not unlilse well departing mouth of April for the fte who fed kittens, but of course have strange tune nrosperity of the I. 0.0. F. looking faces,. .They are • very fond of marched -in a body. to North street Methodist churchat 11 a. in. where • • .ritak and play hice kittens or young °tipples and ark like puppies. they heard a very eloquent sermon e Never like Kit of the 'Mail and Em- • leased' on it portion. cif the 5th chapter of Paul's first epistle to the Thessalon-. pire being yet invited to attend -;court at Ottawa as a press reporter your cor- huts. Rey. • Jasper Wilson .is a very respondent would notlike to "try and earnest 'preacher and tried to irabue the beethrenavith'the bounden duty de.; outrieal Ottawa court etiquette by the representation of it given here On volved "Upon each that he should sacri- fice everything. for the -right, that his Thursday evening last in Mei. WM/m- inis' soiree, • save: to note Vint the life should be modelled after the lives of Jonathan in.the Old Testtiment and ladies were beautifully 'dressed espec- ; pani and Timothy in the New and in tally the daughter or the hoseess. She more modern • times after Alfred the' looked lovely and Sang • divieely "Jean Great and .Albert the Good, men who niy little Circus Qeeen"and we thought made doing good and ennobling men twits a pity the chartning representa- the work of their lives. He said every tive did not always remain girl. ' We have not seen such acherming Miss for mite is an object lesson if he follows in the footsteps of Christ, the greatest:of a long time. The hand was ••generous all model% he will help to turn others and gave difficult selections with (ram their wrong doing and be a source grace and esprit: Miss Gladys Platt of joy onto himself for it is one of, the. aelighted rill withher pretty little dark - greatest sources of pleasure in life that eir recitation. 'She made a handsome one feels he has dorm his duty. The colored elocutionist with her coal•black rev. gentleman also •quoted these ttp-. Ininstrele face. The selection . "The propriate... lines from. the poet Cow- Children's Picture" showed hove much per: • • thought is stored up in the little girrs When one that holds communion with the brain and the art of pleasing is strong • 11E87 Has filled his urni. where those pure waters • in .1ittle glad• . Gladys. Mr, Tommie 'Walters, the rising young cornet solo - And once more mingles with those Mimeo hit made hie debut in the"Luella Polka things, with variations CM his cornet which al- e . 'Tls even as if an angel shook his wings, icited warm applause: Mr. George Immortal fragrance fills tho circuit wide, That tells us Whence those treasures aro Allen. son of A. McDr-Allen, athlete, supplied, . gave much pleasure to the .audience by Professor Simpson played a long and giving adurnbbell exercise. Altho'thute beautiful preemie with much taste. the performance was • acconinanied b'y The anthem by the choir was the same music to suite exenuted in perfect stYle as at Easter by up thy glory" •with the exercise by Mrs. RN W. Logan end tlie hymribefore the serinen was at the plane, Mrs. Logan was the ac - very appropriate for the day "Forth in companist all' through the program, Thy Naito I go." At the offertory which svas no small task.. We corigra- Miss Atisebrook in good voice , sang tulate Mr. Elliott upon his ability in "There is a pathway." . The church that line. The Gocierich police force was filled in the beady of it many mein- lifts quite an natural and forcibly here of other congregations attending tented by three policemen meeting on the I. O. 0, F.. service. The Oddfele the sitmeabeat,evidentlywatching each lows numbered 75i. including one or caber for wane of nothing else to do: two members who have just tome to Mr. Belcher sang that beautiful solo town, The I. O. 0% F. were quite de- "In the shadow of the pines" and we lighted with the sernion of Rev. Sas- thought his.seleetion was, really geed per Wilson, • arid we trust he will treat us to an- Profesior Simpson has reinteeed to other pretty love song again, it being the cottage on East street, one door the first time we ever heard. WM sing west of Presbyterian' church. • one, He received warm applause. Re 'The Goderich Gun Club meets for also sang a tine baritone song. "Asleep practice every Friday at their,,..xretinds in.the deep," The minstrel part WAS near Platt's Mill on the Maitland. .exceedingly smart and the suits quite Friday's score:—William Eason .% E. captivating. Quite a lot of time, ex - R. Watson 8, R. Fritzley 0, Geo, Syr- pense and taste were epent in making nionds 5, D. Rougvie 4. suits for all the actors, Mr, Grant Mr. Yule is comfortably domiciled took a veryactive park in the whole on the North side of- Kingston street affair and appeared very often in the this season. His daughter; Miss E. , program, He excelled himself .in "All Yale, Assists him. He bes'ea-liouble I want is my chickens" hi the minstrel wheel which is quite Suitable for new part of the entertainmenV The Lan- beyinners. Ile reports business brisk. co.shire clog reeelved due honors at, the Mr. Brydges and family have remoy- feet of Chief Thomas of thepoliceforce,• ed to the flrie residence of Mrs. Kicky Mr. Thorrins also Rang the solo adapted on North street, Me. Brydges is the to it. Mr, F. Shannon delighted all proprietor' of the Dominion carriage with his nice rendering or the pretty works on Newgate street and is (re. Ong "I wonder where she is to -night." lighted with the patronage eOtiferred There is such A rich Irish tone in upon him by our citizens since his Frank'svoice that his singing is nitwit taming to our tovvn. The bicycle fur- admire& "Not Alwayterby R. W. ore does not seem to disturb him. Logan was Very Weil received, •Healed • The , Petrel left last. week for the sang ab.Mrs. Ma/amnia' sni4ne. Mr. Owen Sound dry dock where she hae James Thompson does not intend con. tdundergo sundry repairs ere she can fining himaelf to baritone songs. Ile disturb the tranquility of the Atneri- has MISS Mahogany* in ver'' good Comic een fiehertnen. That wag told gout <We. In "Wipe your tears avray" ing front another source that; the tion. Walter possessea a nice tenor 'deceased lady's Uephews, Waite ,Chnee lie and Frank Shannon, • Park- House. After the requiem eeryiee at St. Peter's the funeral cOrtege proceeded to the R: O. cemetery in Colborne where lie the rerriainei of her loved ones ;pee be - •tore. . • Master 'Gabriel Sprung will we trust be able to write an essay' on "How to tathe young foxee." • His father •cap - tined a couple near Manchester. and brought them home to his boy en in spare houraGabriel takes them out for correspondent on Saturday last, oar, alter Buchanan gave ranch SrLIASMO^ (rel had gteamed dowri 40 the lower voice. The first part of the program 'oleo we made inquiry of it prominent opened with litwri eoncert, the first captain and he field "The Petrel steam- get of whiah we unavoidably miseed. ed out under etaled ottlett. She went right out as if going to ernes the lake and I fancy et night she Jut% (steamed on to the beetle of action," So now your readers have both aides, and we Mr. 1:104)111 hAlmleforool to withdrovf Mr. Marlton' expecte to build *large think if the Petrel ler engaged in active lroter the ' tug hares • Werk WM Soon know the truth, pleasant face of Mr. ai McPhail in our erectwith bloom.. If the frost keeps oft ,es we hope it may, fleet FA ought tnidst once nioree after an absence of to see it big fruit harvest. Some of our a1)011t four mmiths 111 Lonchffi oversee' neighbors finished seeding last ing,the re -packing and shipping of ap- ples'for Mr. Shuttlewortle—Miss Iven- week and • Actually four days aft-. er plentinge the green bledes he. son ot Ki lieen was vieiting her sister, gan to peep about prospects have not about the earth. Mr8' E. (1. Patter lost week.—Mr. • Bet the fall wheat Willis Hei1 1le?! theenisfortane to lose .one of his flinch 'cows last week. ---Mr. improved, indeed, they are becomigg worse and.' believe it has really gon. e• Andy Curry of Sea forth spent Sunday • et Mr, Wm, Sterling's on the dth con back this last vveek.' So bad is the out- look that meny fields of from sixteen --mr.Wm. 1401111 has Purchased $1, new feeparator and intends sending his to twenty acres are being ploughedup buttee to London, Mr. Geo. Weston and other grain sowed. • Mr. Alex, Cox has. turned over'esotae twenty acres, We hear that up Goderich way it is worse even. than with us, Miss ;tenni° Marquie has arrived from Ann Arbor. Mich., and has been a very %A/Oconee visitor at several° !limes alortg the line. We hear that, her sister Bertha is at present the guest of another sist eielirs, Pickard of Galt, hub will come horne shortly. Old Dante Rumor further informs ns that thia fair and popular young lady' wilt shortly be led to the altar by a young .1i:op from Miele Sarres dimming, but more anti. • Greene' of, Holaiesville Conduated• the services house and grave. '. Mrs. Kmerscin survives -to mourn for' her letesband together with the following 'nu:eaters. of .their family:—Mr. .4 ethur Currie of the 7th •contession, jarn.ei• neer Graindin., North Dakota, Samuel, Walter', John, George and Feed att. • Mr. Milian') Crooks Was in Millbank: Inst week attending the funeral of the beloved.andeinly daughter of his old friend, Mr. Thomas Miller. The de- ceased was a noble young woman end only eighteep years or ages. She had been.sick for only few. weeks: The Turaliral was a very large' one. An:tong those. who attended were -ten of her classmates • fretn-the ' Listowel High School. . . . Mr. James Livermore, who was in Mr. 41. 0. Elliott's employ . for 'three years, left seine time ago .to go Ice Ma,nitoba, but got no further. than Tor- onto anctfrotn.present indications will not. . There re an attraction ., down there more magnetic than the prairies for Jim. • . • . • - . • Ni. Alex. lliott has bought a. nice driver for hia better half. How many hubbies are so considetate aeAleit Me. W. Weir's' experiment in doing. the statute labor in the- fall has is to tas a splendid success, so it la to be hoped that others will go and do like- wise:. The rravel packed well and dried off early in the spying. Amother advantage of fall labor is. that the leind, on sale a big lot of Laces and. . Here are two .bargains iii Embroideries at !ess than half fancy skirting that are marked- regular prices. Over 800 yds, ..away below regular prices. of cambric and muslin embroi- ' Brown, red and black sforeen Skirt - dei and white, .i.:iseani and • ing, narrow width, cad price was ' lOc 121.0 . and 15c , d i.a.a .4 111 Waon yarftrna only in faney _moreen • s and wool Skirting the IOC . 20o our new Hoe colored laces that have been T ' P ' syidth of the eooda makes the length ef the skireold price was 25C 4se, new prior - ' • while the lot lasts your choice •at ti rents a yard. Our Mat Bargains . We haye sold an enortnoui 'number of Men's Hats Since we, opened the:Wiseman storre. It's no wonder when . you considei the prices good hats are being sold at Soya peaked echos); Pape • ittie 'Boys' soft Felt Rats, good qualities in black, fawn and brown-, old price 50e, now price.. , Boy's. Sof t Felt Hate,.'good shapes and qualities, black and colors, were Bennie at 50e and 75e,.. new price.. Xdle A big Jot Of Mea's beea and soft Rata just the thing for lee sayirig it• grad ene, choice. ' 40e• . Men's and Boys' hareand soft felt bats, good libelee. • na tralitiee, black Or brown, Whitemae prices were 0145, $1.50, $11.75, our prices.. r • aim • Our greatest hat value, the one we have' hold the more • of; ?fen's Fine Fur Felt Fedora Rats, in blacks, . broWns, fawns, all good shapes, '.1;Viseman "priees: .; 4 n were 52 and $2.50; onr prices ... ........... ;• , We do net handle Ready-made Olothing; so! .want to ole.ar out every dollar's : Ready.made Clothing • • worth et the .Wleman store, and offer the entire Wiseman stook at lesathen wholesale ' 4 prices, If you went Been's suits, leoy's suits or edd petits, You•ean stale money here. . . , 110DGENS BROS' DIRECT IMPORTERS. •' CLINTON . Selling the Wiseman. stock at the Wiseman Store, Clinton . Lillie. • — Great encouragement is .being given to the Erworth • Leaguers of Cole's, church by the' splendid attendance; .The topic "Saving, Souls' was taken. .an Sunday evening by the Peesident • 'and was thenleft open for geherel cilia-, - passion,: •We .' believe the Society is - going to atcorriplish mutt: . -..A Ruby Ritn bicycle changed from the hends of Kennie Moorhouse,. Bay- field, into Choke of S. S. No; 10 teechea • He 'reports eareving good Satisfaction with it. 'le • .. • . . Mr. Geo.'Burnete`had!the misforetinif to lose bis cote one evening last 'week.. We believe the mother of the colt Was., , • -also in teaere-aerious .coodition, • For -P e rid min 0- Ward robes; Li n e .. llglish Lavailder Flowers Mi%,-16hn neacunl, Jr. Rtivehased a Closets, and preventing Moth'Chn. We horse from Mr. T.'• McKenzie ef • ton one tlay last week. - "Competition is the. life of trade" , 100 a Bag.. any rate so it seems in this communi- ty. We believe poultry produce is ex- • ceptionally high in price this spring doe is not covered. with loose stones during Mfr.,L:leilitly. of • Varna and•Mr. Beacom no &edit to the, competition between' • V ur Native Herb the sUMmer to the annoyance of alt .1 • I ow of the people of our line ", • • who either wheel, dieve•or walk. . • . • orir budget last • week we stated tended the church te-opening at Verna, • • 25e :a- .Package on StIndey; April 23rd. They report it that Mr. P.. W. Currie had much itn: to heve been mold suc'cess. . • roved' and had gene to Ba.,ydeld to in- • ale the baltny breheugh the seasonhas been ethee which sweep what backweed for sprtng week' and some:. the great Spring Bitters,. T . ' over that pretty village, 'After a few the ground tough yee some of the far - days there he went to Goderich and 'mead this line finished 'their 'seeding there, we are sorry to say, he had. a 'hest week. bad turn on Thursday last and had to "TILE NkWS-Illeconn is the leading be brought home. He has rallied • local paper in this comity," so says one again but we feat. he will not be able to of its subscribers. We heartily en - wishthe scythe next haying, , We all dorse every weed of ie as we believe it wish him a speedy recovery. coptains the news from all parts of the The geowth this week has been very .. , rapid. We have never -seen anything county • - like it and we've lived in this township long enough to be classed among the pioneers. The grass Is really better Porter's*Mi 11. now than it was in the middle of May We are 'pleased to se the smiling ancl last year anti many fruit trees are cov-. ,••••••.. We have real saintlier weather And the growth is something remarkable. The .fall wheat is beginning to present a beautiful appearance.--Th%'00d8e Oods ate aft far adVanee.d lerif AA SUMO Rea. Sena IL be the May.—Mr. McKay, West Wawanosh, is making preparations to put a stone foundation hose who took part in it .were Dr. nncler his barn. --51r. 0 Neill is pre. Whitely in plate of J.S. Doytti the very paring to burn lime in his kiln • on the . clever intercolutor, and for the eirrt wave): road, • notice received by the obliging Dr. lb was really wonderful to. See -IdOW at home he looked for the °caution and May Day wised oft quietly ave al)• Euro e « \ • We are sole agents in Clinton for The Penny Pest 'cigar the best.5c cigar in Canada.. Buy it. H. B. COMBE Chemist and Druggist. Physicians' Supplies. 3 BRANDS OF FLOUR. LION BRAND ' • This is an extra high grade of flour, • inade from all Manitoba wheat. lt makes more bread per cwt, than any other fione and won't run or crack. This is en, first-class flour that . we can with confidence re - is trying to get the position of hauling . cummen '' ' . ,attendingtheettalerich Collegiate,spent • . ' — it there.— Miss (bass Elliott, who Is I KITCHEN suna Ay at h am e.\ ----Mr. Jaines Cox As ft faintly flour the Ki t cheri Queen sold a teton of Metes to. Mr. Tons, Ma-. is amsurpassed. It rises well and sone.° ship to Manitoba for $200.-- ilehr Ma James Hentilton was in Glade' leh . Thiese, on Saturday driving around with a npv ; of the itcheli sprieg phaeton.. Well, if itwas not beer - -nacte-fot ore it was given anyway ---Mi'. jack Gard- „ e if .„„„:„.• ee tne has to plough up about thin* acres . VV 11 I I C. 0 This is a cheaper brand, ascombina . sold a Hereford bull cel( ttvo mooths tion of Outing() •and Manitoba did to Mr. Lon Varnhiteu of Ooriatatice' . *beat,. Ibis made by, the most im.• - for $00. This le the fourth one Mr. BI- • proved precesa and the 'quality liott has sold this year for it high fig- beets the price, $1.00 per cwt. - • etlirit6nv;d—nAw»lartirigg-tiv"tatyn ifilmtihibe tilvtrwil re°elards _'' yrohuer"ogiadnedita ertrynnal Agri to see his fide star and as a treat .. an frost, Cash paid for Butter and Eggs. • Ybabg.° hatiOurft'°01Potolieglittalcrob to her he wits bringing a gem of inaple ' . • , ayrup, but ite he was 'corning up one of the big hilts. it fell out and was heoken but not to be daunted he retu zeii. home arid got another which he Iii idea (lately rattle magistrate's. --Mies tog- gle itlePheil and her inother. are • Kali rald tip with the grippe. --:-Mr. Geo. holds moisture well. e made one purchase - 'Queen have come of his fall whent.--Mr. Wm. 1111liote 6 • al Coolest Cotton Soot Corona Is sticatieseilly need monthly ey over 10,000 Ladies, Safe effeetual. Ladies ask car dm gist for'Cooles Cathiiire ia and dtVitya.teon; wheeled to London on Satin- b!,,:rpotid...Nnatistaise,av .1:0ot:dee :is 0:41 tot nt t os .4 s ire or ri per box; 24 .00 t or 2. Mailed1M reeeipt of 10166 and two seam po8vilettitgedtierrtirldrtisoni8ofattre htnlooldn lili- atit441"..tnaTif)::71.46::::71:7310nt0711:4:18411:16tiy enriehes the b100d, „ is cured by Ifood'a Sareaparilia, Whieh je:40061 truggio. • 7,4