The Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-16, Page 3-4P-1?-00 -+O^,-. 410..4, -**),+-111t-,•
(Centinuede Up tolseit nieeet. we have ha& -no rain
Lor A Week, So that those wheelsewilleh
The little man% °Yee see,rieled to he left each a deep iMpressten, minithave
fipOke, mid he was evidently in A etate heen there during the night. - There
of suppressed exultetion • at baying ware mares of ttorseea hoote, too, the
thieved a leeint colleagne.
outline of one of which WAS fat More
"Canoe here" he eald, bustling Wee,
Into the, room, the atmoephere of wilieh
a.learlY oUt than that of the other
laeeee. Owing that that Was A neW
felt cltsaner since the. removal at „ita shoe. Since the' eab wee there after
'ghastly ingAte. "NW etand there!" the rain heaari„ and wee not there At
Ite struck e Matole On his beet and any time during the morning -I have
held it up against the Wail. Gregeon'sword for that ---it tollowa
' "Look at that!" he said, trium911" that it Pipet base been there during
antly." • thaf night, and, therefore, that it
I have remarked that the paper bad brought those twe„ individuals to Lite
fallen Way in parte, In this partioue howler m
lar corner of the room. a large, piece "That seems simple enough," said I;
had, leaving a yellow square "hute how about the other man's'
of coarse plastering. Across this bare hoot ei
space there was soraWled in bletalered "Why, the height of a man, in nine
letters a ,single word; , teem out of len, .cali be bolsi from the
' ' RAOH.E. l length of his stride. It is a simple
"Whet. do you think of that?' cried calculationenough, thengh there Is no
:. the detective, with the air tpo. sbows use mQ
yth ring you with. figeree, r had
tale teilaw'a stride, . both on the clay
Manoverlookedexilibit'1beeause it was 4 his '4/1°w-.1 in the dark-
"x1/14 was outelde and on the dust within. Then I
detaredlited 'not to omit anything in Orr MDT C1111111 111 tosehantos ell the other plain *fa- THE RETIRED BURGLAR,
tieeeeleel, eiljelejeele o t 0441 n who ere at work on
hie nereetivs.
et ee;:ion.; sad the other beef of e teller nee or tee Soot tewiew or All WI* W
he 'Kid." hEy time le trete ten it eig t Itaiiiiirlotato lesperiniees, HOW ASIAN BECAME MOH In SPITE
to six lie that:earning. At eleven there THE TRAGEDIES ANE•TRIUMPOS ni ter who have died.
wee ik fight it the White Hart I nut, THAT COINTEX. .
' I'll tell it ee from the beginning4
Otte Their talk la /inn a thet oheneei
7Q . nATIL
Bill, Incited atfilibu 'Anted!, "In the coneile at my time," Bahl the OP HIRSELP,
-beat. At- one *niece; it began to Ulu, ..eybet tee evinew Anitoo straw os Nora there Any White Men *00 A oidarama number et iron boxes of one pros/ma eii Wintler awl Telma 40 el4A
bar that, ele was quiet enough On the
Yes; eeii eire the eemeterY. Nei mitered burgler, "I. have opened it oone **111 Yrebelsoe lkom4tIllothist ha+
est corner a the room, and no one hen a WO of checking my calculation.When a man writes on a wale, hes ine
thought a looking there.. The murder* saint leads kbn ta. write 'about the
• er has written it with hie or her AMA is.vsi et his own eyes. Now, that
'''' • ' writing was just over' six feat from
-. • bleed: See Vile emeer where , has
' . ttiakied down the waIll That dispos- ,
Why the -ground, It was obilda4 PleY,".
e idea of snioide, anyhow, W"" "And his age ?" I
rner chosen to write it.on?: -Well,: if ni,312 can 'stride four and
wi nue See that oanele on the
, was .itete re half feet, Without the smallest effort,
onotoi-otee Itlighted'-
time, end if .it-'erualighted, this cerner h, 4'3E13.11 he Wilt° ths sere and Yel-
:*rould be the 'brtgbteat ineteed of theon the garden -walk whieh he hail
, ee That Was the breadth of a pud-
4oritoot portion of the wall. wow', aie.
, Patent -
"Aid Tarnatodees it .ruesu,. pow thot wale:eked actess. leather -
; had gone round and
1,0,11 haVo found itt' ..ieekee Gregson, 111
Scpeare-teee had leaved over. There is
depreeiestery voice.. - no mystery jibout it at all. AM Billie
•• "Mean IF Why, it Means that • On, -ply applying to ordinary life a few of.
writer was •going • to pat the female . those rpreokets of Observation- end de-.
mime .RaChel, but was disturbed, before
dilation which Te advocated in • that ire
• he or she had time to finish. You eark bele, is there anythinivelse that pu.s*
• my, Words, when this ease ponies . to. be ties yoikt V I
• Oleared OP you will find that a WenlaA "'.Che finger -nails and the Trichinck
uemed Rachel - has eproiething to • de, • how' .I.,euggested.. • '
with it. It's all very well• tor. you to w
'riting on the 'wall Was done
...laugh, Mr. Sherlock.Holmes. You, may with. a, raaa,a„ ,:10.te.,finger dipped . in
be very smart and. clever, but the old : blood: . My glass allowed nee to 'obe•
'hound is theehaet. whenallis said 494 serve that the plainer Was ''slightly
doee." • ' • e • - scratched in doing .tte whiob Would not
really lieg7your-pardon said mY lieeetrbeeliiie the ewe if ' the ...eleigel _Peg
•oompanion, who had : inffied -the •little • ,hsd .heen trimined. . I gathered:up
mane temper byebursting into an we'. wine scattered ash. from the floor. t
'Eilbeien-Of,langhtera . 0,7g.,op ,eektiply was edark- in color and flaky-soch 'en -
have. the Credit .,of heingethe first of ash as is :only made by a Trichinopplar.
. to find Oile:out, and, as TO say,: X. have mad,e, a speciel study of .oigae-
it • blare every markof haying..been..pshes-in have 'vritten a mon-,
wietten by the other participant inlast ,ograPh. upon _the, subject. . I flatter
• -.night's mystery. • I. have mit had time myself that .1. can distinguish at a
to examine this room Yeti hull • with. giapee. thci, soh oa • 013, known brand
„your -pernaiseion X shall, de so now.", either,of. cigar or of tobacoo:* It is
As ho spbke,he whipped a talae-Inea-, justin such :details that: the pita:led
.eare and a Taro„, rountl,,megnifying* eeteettao Aimee *from the Gregson and
glees from his pocket. ,- With these two.
italifeinents he trotted noiseleislyabout Leetrade. type," . • •
"And .the florid face I"' I asked." ,
the room, sometimes stoPping,..0c.casion-. that .was a more v daring shot,
kneOling;and once lying 'flat up; though 1 have no • doubt that I• woe,-
• -mi Inc tape. .-So engrossed was he with right, .Yon must not ask me ,,that at
'hie 'occupation tiaAt.he appeared to have • :the present state' Of the affair.";
forgotten our , prceence, iforebe Oliattex'•.•..iietlany 'head Over br.ow. .
ed,4way te• hiniseit Ondee .brenth rlie,adls in O. whirl," I remerk-
tbe-whole time;:lreeping up e running cd;" "the .raore eno. thinks of it,,,the
• ;ire 'oe exclnrnations, groane, whisfles, more mysteriousit grows. • kow•Carae
and little- cries suggestive Of encour- thee% two men -if they; were two Men
agement and • of .hope, As -I Watched- -bite an 'empty house t What, has bia
• ,him I .waS. irresistibly 'reminded' of a came, Of the cabmen .avlio drove. there T.
• 'ptire•hloteled, "Well-trained,' • 'fox -bell -ad How could, ono manctanpel another to
as it .dakkee backwards and 'forward take •poisont . where - old; the .blegiii
theouilietie-eovert, "• whining •in 118 rcOnie froni f was 'the object of
eagerness, .until' it 'coillea otiose the the murder,.sinee.• robbery bed no
lost scent; For twenty minutes :Or 'part in How- canad the weinanis
more be be Continued .his resentehes, ring, there Above 'elle why should
• Measuring -With the- newt' exaet 'care, the second, melt write -up.the Gerine.n
. the ,distance between .nierlis :vvhiph... word Itacher before . decamping? ,
were entirely invisible to . Me, .contess'the7t I canna see any possible.
And :o.ccesitnially applying his tape to way of receneiling all thew Liebe"
!,tbe wallin an .equally ineomPrehensi- "Yon: sem up the difficulties. of the
ble 'manner. ,: Intone _place he gathered, ,sititatteii. succinctly and ,well,"
.cereftillY a little pile d' 'much that is still .bbaeure,
the floor, and •packetliit away! . though T.have Otte made up my mind;
. examined With on the ain fcs. .As to. poor Lego,
laes,,the 'word...upon the Walitj go. 1,tradle's discoVery, :it was sunply
Ing oiefeeteeyeeletter•'of it e-eiritie the hlindintended to put thepolice,upon
:most. minute ekiictne'see Thiesitele,i',.be a wrong -track, by suggesting social -
appeared to be satisfied, fOr'be_replace.e.ism.une- secret societies.It wee not
ed histape and hisegless beetle-1)**4e done by a German. . The A, if . you . no -
"They ' aay, that gennie is an ;infinite • ticed,was printed. somewhat .after the
capacity for taking peineee he remark- Getman fashion. ' Now a: Teal 'German
ed, With a• "WS a Very' •bacl de -;:invariably prints in the Latin 'charac-
finition, -bet it does apply to -detective tar, •so :that We may -safely say ..thet,
• work,,,. • • • • ,, this was not ,written by ono, but .by
L.Gregion. and LeStrede had • watched' :.etaii.ity inetatee, Who overdid his, part:
' the 'Maneuvers of ' their amateur tone.. It *se .844114' a raw, to
- yank:M.-with:considerable curiosity and into a *icing channel. not . going
•tonle contempt. , They evidently failed • to tele yeit much more 'of the ease, doe, -
Appreciate thdfact, which 1 had. Or, -• 'You know a conjurer gets no
began to realize, that Sheilook Hol-' great When once he has explained .his
tees s. snialleet Actions were al/ direct, trick, ••and if I show you too inuoh of
. ed. toward SOtae defiretu and practical my: Method of working, YOU willecome
end. • • • . : : • ' to the conclusion that I. am- a very
. eeehei do you think of sirtu they • ordinary individuiii• after all."
• both 'asked: • . • - • ' :„ ' "I shall never do that," I answered;
"It would be robbing you of . the ere-. "Yen hate brought detectidn as near
tilt of the case, if I were to Overtime an 'exact' science as it ever will be
to help you," eeneatketi my friend, brought . in this world." • .
"You tree doing'eto ;044rell new thakit. 'My companion flushed up With pleas-,
• would be a 'pity for. any one to inter-. 'hie at my words and the earnest way
fere," There was .a world 'of .sarcasm in, which I uttered them.' Iehad ale
in his Tokio as he spoke. , "If ,y�u will ready observed that he was as mod -
let .me know bow your Investigations dire to flattery on the score. of , hie
gorhe continued, "I shall be .happy art; as any girl could be, of ,her
--tb--give youany -help-1 can.-Ine.ethee -beauty, -- • - •-• -
inetintime,„ I should like to speak to • elell .tell you One thing," he said,
the winnable ' who found ,the !body; "Patent-lenthere and. Square -toes cams
-Clan you gbre, me his naine '.and. tide • in tine same cab, und they walked down
• • • dread" • „ • • :the- pathway together as friendly as
Lestraie „glanced at bis note -book. , possible -arm in arni, in all probability.
"John Ranee," he said. "H's Off When they got inside,they 'Walked up
duty now, . You will. findt him at 40 and down the room -or, rather, 'Pat-
Auetey Court,,genningtou ParkOlite." ent-leathers stood While Square-,
Holmes took a•noteed, the addreaa.
.„ "Clime along, doctoi," he Wide "we
ellen go- and look" him Op. I'll tell you
one thing:which :y help the
case,".116. ea • ion. turning to the
"There bas been mute
mittdeter was
re than sit feet
end mat Herr: SturcheriliM , the Ulnae
Slow -elegillwsee Thet Pell eme Uwe .A4 b 03 t u a ea t nti natil DUI me anor Arettevouell re 'reline.
tuoTO Waw.hlkorirlionmancil Wti)td of
Haifa: losotouraeazi, tttli, haxe*earya,ii; aniroldeatatit"erit Jur+ 1107.talitlek:tuuttetyp-aut,to, two state.
one, be ii. betese in a small town in etLfrri „.the, Ah141%,. 4,„°"4148' $inct
The safe Steed. in the dine ww "1 41'44!4.44‘ l'ur 4 44w Week4 WIthi
Thii is the lookout whence Egypt hail ataYinL a °MI
strained her vission itk-Nile to the vsiot, Y'74; k4t0fierr"Inett re avirtrttlat't4°44°' lug 114°43 4gainat the wall on one aid% ble brother, Charles, Or. Liniger, in St.,
anent, torrid, neurderoue eleierit land, UP. I A tireed him till the doctor Off -:"74 34r li
ght tell on it' Wh°4 I 174)"ea °let 11°'1141j1 LI "*" the °AlY Man in 4432"
sasa dear of the room to leek in. It was art°4 :wh° has had, OA meleerienee of
wise* bas been, la turn, her Iwo, and then till the encl. Didn't yen see e,
hour, her viotio, ou but her undoing, ttilermx:huhisneollix t:473,131::10,, 00 otit4f4te. tnt!,:al ;tax ,My ::: . ehgbeatoxIdogo-afaoriititiah0:10ntehydet11.7130.maaufuteedn; at asmneoaparnttechd el rm.: :9:it:Ike:a:, naib4887187:gtahe:71:14hLuiaadtrisolboolvionb7tettinealcuig4rOr,ratt:Ibio
and. 'is now to be her triumph again. -
down its sandy, windy streete We May Me bed the night before' he took it ;
played itri fatal witchery, and half the leolsoorrouBstandle ;La Pea(Alri
Egypt's. On its buildings and up end left, pear yes 'rand I sleptTin Terti-
on na English, tee, the soneen tete remember that night out at:v-tenewidleeraya a
tele 0 Xtalfa• is °we eWA aa Well as were, and new etbere's onl us two makesa
traoe sit, the stages Of the
quest, the lose the hitter ,lailuree to :
fleet owe, nhae.ezhiras tvaniex,aintilwtus....rietttlirftoyr_taylielhgohute•r-a'
al 1 niggers
of weir*. I. Imped. II find a lot ot. good bolt, makes an interesting tale.,
shift in it, tee.. Then' I started ,"te •1;!,4,..whslibif Mega took him to ths:
Eo you pwl eaastshaeinnuttt tt, to
zilt 0 !I:11:o 04 aaktnervat, a 4:41 t . prwhazoliswenga :0 htroi: 0,ttieht :eh tiBpna:olbisa tiene:vis, lioi andt• ul:ese
two othsr men, were inveigled upon is.
recover,' the alliew recommencement, . later.too. ToAh'seelea•thei ho was
P.thgosetrnifge 8:rattle my
tihaenirPent8711'4of ntitt-rtnetabireeforae 4dese"uw yre9agrls°,4hilsalinfae fw"asmcro" d thAn't:
thrilling adventures and risfeerdtults,
But he looks none the wens for it
peewee- -Although ferty-eive years old, -
has the Holland Grove beat -and WO Aavit..44110,40 will, a Thrbano aal was py00044pWeeltawaBfauu, rec4S/' wt. morrea peeatIll :rir'elerso than thie . iTohn V. tiniger, who reeently return..
lewd toget r at the wener ot Hen-
rietta Str a-talkin). Prestently-may:
be about two, or a little atter". 4
thought I would take e look round, and
see that all wee right down the Heir -
ton Hoed, • It was preoioue dirty and
lonely. Not A 001.11 did 1 Meet ail the
way down, though a cab or two went
PISA me, I was down, think -
In' between ourselves how tinoot=on
handy a four of gin hot would be, when
suddenly a glint of a light caught MY
eye in -the window of that Ono house.
Now, X knew that them two bowies in
Lauristoti Gardens was empty on ail -
Want Of him that owns them, who
won't hove the. drains Wed to, though
the very host tenent what lived in one
of them died o! typhoid, fever. I was
knoeked all in a. beep, therefore, at
geeing a light in the window, and X
auspeeted AS something was wrong.
When I get to the door-"
" You stopped and then walked back
to the garden. gate," my companion in-
terrupted. ' What did you do that
for t"
Ranee gave a. violent jump, andatar4
ed SlterWitlIdlnies with the utmost
amazement upon his features, .
Why, that's true, •sir," he said;
"though bow you come to know it,
Heaven onier knows. •Ye see. when I
got up to thil doer, it .was so stilland
so lonesome that I thought I'd be none
the worse for- sonie one with me. I
ain't %feared of anything en this side
o' the grave; but I. thought that may-
be it was him that died o' the typhoid
inspecting the drains What killed hie?.
The thought gave me a kind te turn,
a•nd walked back to the gate see
if I could see Murcher's lantern, but
there wasn't no• sign of him nor of
any: one else." . ••••
" There was no one in the street I"
Not livin' soul, sir, tier as unich
as a dog. Then .1 pulled myself to-
gether and. wont --back and inside,
door open. All was quiet inside, so I
went into the roma where the light
was a-burnin'. There was a eaudie
flickerin' on the mantel -piece -a red
wax one -and, by its light I saw---"
4' Yes. know all that you saw. You
walked round the TOCOU several times,
and- you knelt .0.0Wel by the body, 'and
then you walked. through and tried the
kitehett door, and then -0.
John Ranee (sprang- to his feet with
a frightened faze and suspicion ••in his
Where was Yon hid to see 411 the,fto
he, cried. "It seems to me that you
know -a deal 'more than you should."
Wines laughed, and 'threw his card
across the table to the constable,
" Don't Eiet arresting me for the
Murder," he said. "II am. one of the
hounds, and not the wolf ; Mr. Greg-
son or .hfr, Lestrade will answer for
that. GO on, though What did you.
do nekt ?" .
'Rance resumed bis , seat, without,
however, losing bie mystified expres-
"I went back to the gate and gonna.*
ed my whistle. That brought 3Itirchee•
and- two the spot." , .
• "Was the street empty, then 9'-*
1" Well, it was, as far as anybody that
could be eof any good .goes.'
"What do you mean?". e
The constable's features broadened
into : a. grin. ' • • :
" I've seen Many a drunk chap in
my time;'? he said, 'but never any one
so ere in" driink as that coves, ' Was
at, the gate when I came mit, a-leanin'
up 'teen ehe eniliree end a-singin' at
the: pitch of his' lungs about ',Cesium -
two lie
high,- Vale:• -the prime of life, had
'Small feet for his height, wore coarse,
squrtee-tried boots, and smoked a Trich.
inopoly cigar. Ile came here with his
victim in u four -wheeled Pala; vrhich
was drawn bf a horse with three Old
shoes' and, one new one orrhie off fere-
' leg. In all probability the" Murderer
had a florid face, and the finger -nails
of his right ' hand -were ...remarkably
, long, . These are only a few indica-
. ' (Lone but they may °wise you:4, ' 'dingiest and dreariest of them our ,, ,
Lestrade and Gregical glanced at driver snadenIY aatee to a etantl• z What he eablo balek for. If We have , at your tent door. Brom the shops 01, off the west west of Ireland. It wad
each other with an inereatifous angle. ' That's Andiey Court in there," 'ne no other Way of detailing him, 'we ean ' Haifa )the unteraed Soudan is being yititanded that extended, obsetieatiOns
always bait °tit line with the ling, 14 tanifie at last. It is the new ayeteta,: ahouici bo made With a chain of tow
'If this man was Murdered, hoer Wee said, pointing, to a . narrow slit in the shall hove him; doctor -4011 lay you the Modern itystem, mind and ineclialla nett, the length of which Would, be
epoisoto saia Sherlock Holmes, dere. find me here when yon Cobletwo to Mitt that / have him. • I must les beating, Jainecle and shovel -head ; gradually increased until ix depth of
hack-" thank you for it all. I might not have spear. It. takes up abil digerati all the 2,000 fathoms was reached. :Expert.
it deed" tieked the, former. line Of a dead -colored brick. "You'll
ly, and strode off. "Otte other thing :. Audley Court was not an attritetive ti bet for yoil and oo havemissed • at; the hits of Iemair's railway came • Meats were also deviaed: with.nets of a
Leettade,', he added, turning 100410'. The tiarrOw pasiage led us
..., • round at the door: " 'Reels& is the into a quadrangle paved with flage
Gordian for ',reveille; ea don't ibee
the preeage of filial victorY, Serf 0, artd 1 it . 4 I brought into tuo riot a pair °taboos
'W.. Steavens in the London Daily MaiL ' us dev'1,- the
,rau can ger ibsi *hole tole into a 8011(11401,0: all44:0 ilir-14, t114,VrOeWrIttered lt,evitii WItn Om beele an the doer and the
more oaf our' blood then- it wile ever soles up at an angle of aboet e5 de -
walk -dm ten Minutete „First look at ' yeeId to pay for. The mat-ea;ter 10 very grecs, „teeti toward the safe. There
that ;big white 'Milling; it . is :Oa • girj°2'.....i.uld• he is illiftLeated Ye:* (1°114 were feet in these phowe of oeurae, and.
Egyptian -military hospital, and one of : List, .‘nna 416 ' w.. "7'. c°11°' " the legs went up from the other side
the largest eolidest structures of . •,' . . et an angle of 45 degrees, to 'What 1
, ,
Haifa, In shape and atyle, Yon wilt71. no- . PECULIARITIES OF ESQUiliAlf,X. didn't marl. to look to see ,was a Men
tleit, it is not Unlike a raillvtlY.' Station .„4,. ' ' '' • sitting there in a chair in front of
• -..e..aed that is just what it' was meant They 0'111 Net iirliik-WliliiIiiii-r lens -it the, sere, asleep. . • •
to he. That was the norther e terminus masny .,rainlia -mini or Killing Ole "Well, now, you know, that Was
of* /email Paeha's, great railway , to ' leandle. ' - ' • ' oxeeotee, and while a maxi in
Ehertown, eviiii* _was to haite ..rtui ute • D. Hanbury, Fellow of the Royal Geo- hi:is ne__. •
river , to Thingola and Pebbe11, and graPilleal. SeeietY, London, Eng e nAcl things, end be reader
es mutt' expect ,nneapected
for :elm and not
thence across the Bayudii, te'• Gsiaui an explerer of seine . renoWn, spent a lie surprised -or etartled, this wan real-
andeAbu Elea to Metemnell• The Part.of .last sumnier on. the virest side iy so very nnusaal tu.t 1. will. admit
sehelne - fell short) • Illre , all . ,Ismail'e O. -Hudson Jay, leaving WinniPog ill I -was justi• ii‘ little bit startled by it,
grand:dee atabitions; Gordon stopped .Iune and going as far north,ae Marble end. my hand must have shaken: a lit -
it, and paid' for his untOresight with . Island, a little ionth, Of Chesterfield In .tle, and while ender most ciroupa-
his - life. The railwaY never, reached its let. • Nr. Hanhury is ' thoroughly
-- stances that wouldn't have.reade , the
fiftieth mile. The uPPer• Part -, of it: enn,74rsakit Witt 'the 'manners and ana" slightest differenee in the world, here
was., ,•" • toms of the Indians in the great -Can- it made all the difference, for the hand
WAN TO PIHOES adieu Northland. Be ' spent eveen
that shook was the one' holding • the
by the dervishes, who chopped' -"the month§ with tbo "relloWlKnife 'Indians, lanap, which was at that moment close
sleepers into fireVrood, and. twisted the around the geeat water stretches of•
to the jamb. of the dor . eI knocked
part•nearee liella -14.y half-dereliot for
spear -heads; the the nerth, and when he left, thr was
able to speak a good bet le. thbetri
of- a tick, but enougn„to '
Aelegraph wires .ta the laity -againat it ; just a little bit
language and ainderetand. considers. e ,
man ears 011 it was aroused - at
h41 ?las no frray hairs, and his .bealth•ls
far. hotter than that of the average
mon- ot lila we,
Lineger was born in Iowa. He al
German descent. Several years,. pre-
viously to the begiening of his career.
e whaler be went to Uontazia,
18,82 ho started for tis Pacific coast, •
going "through Idaho and down into
Arizona, wh,ere , be spent the .wtriter • "
Mouths. The following 'spring he
rent' to San • Francisco, and metitiag '
former acquaintance, tool/ quarters at •
boArding' house for eallors, The pro-
prietor of the Pine proved, to be an
agent for whaling vessela in the ee-
curing of men for their voyages.
"One morning while we were in the
bar -room," Said. Liinger, "the ,in
ing-house Proprietor asked myself,'My
friend, a, man named Heinz, and an-
other man, if we would not like to se-
cure . employment on a ship. I was
looking fer' Work and replied that X
would. He told us of the whaler, and
length to. play ••tiii t in t • . that was said in the same tongue.-- W EE UT THE SLEEPER
said We -weak]. ge, down to the Wharf in
act of the tragedy of the Soudan. N'9;hinie etin endlice e the Yelleee 'I eenild See' his feet -draw up 'affords
Now, twenty "yardinlong the line--
' • ' ' lbrer states,t t the
.1.<nives, or the,D•Og Rib Intliiiiaketbe ei:. the chair. . , , , , , - - the' afternoon and •take a look at her
o come .over 0 • " --- • ' o - ou m' se ' made .the *Wit. went 'on board the Bal-.
iineav.,,-"Thi3a1 1 Wfint6d' t get t v if end itee •
e what the chap) s were. , We
irt , thiS centtal part ef Halfeeveily P
street is 'also a railway -yen see ' 0 sox ilaY basin; as they are Iii. mortal and faltarted, tam* the hell 1 wee be
battered, , .brokep-winded -engine. . it dread of the . Bagnimaux..: It appears :toward the cellar door rd soms „in at, !Iona, aid were aesighed to a private•
Was here' in 1884; 'Ihat'is One of the that ' tbiiY• were at war formerly, and hilt I hadn't taken two steps before e box.. .Our boarding-house proprie..
' . tor told es, the captain ' would be in. of • the second ,.act -T -the the Indians reeeived a severe.drulibing, heard a Man, Bei: ' . • : _
nerveless efforts to-lield• the •Soudan he-aea 'thsir feet of: the pitiiiiracin?t. "Hold, on ' !there -wait. Caine soon,, and iristineted us -how to eat in '
when the lleahdi begun to eie. it loose. Kr.. Haelettry, homelier, • is delighted book,' . • • . . - 12441 IsFesenee,
1 ,remember thirteen; and fourteen with the Esquimau; saying that thee "And I': went hank. It was a eoxii- I; BEGAN' TO SUSPECT
years oixo beis4 aharraaa4 imaad and. are firstevate people to 'travel With, . Menet' but it wag/ an invitation; too, that . something wrong was about to
jeyfui about Zamai, and Abu' Elea. 1 and are is . loyal -.end tree. as steel to and I: Was.. ready 'iv* Meet it, Ca' to occur, but, was in it petition to do 'AO."
was very YoUng. 'Read over . the r•tale the 1WhitO .17•Aae• lloleoleets 01:0 that 'ellse's it, aThtll went'
again now -the .faitering end the folly; , - n - • • . - - leinally Dept. JeauidreY ?eine iiii, _ .
there is a differs eie between the Eee ing room and loeked. in and saw a ,, ,• ''''' ' - •
The man lighting the gas; he'd been liaVe. oyely'iljeeci ii' 647-ibleal0118.
h"k to the die- thing, e , ' ' • • '. •
if „Egypt haft' Baker's Ten and Hicks, first ara_gaY,:while,tlie, latter are _Me- lirg. for a light befere, 4. hereeene leinp
.and the failiire-and, you will feel that eximAnz and Indian °he -teeter.
rose end aullene , The geoehreauet al- that I sew. new.. standing onihe.tahle u -ii -ii -
and then said haguessed inyself,Ileinzi
ruin to wipe out,. England Was 'not so • a man nained Ball- would ed. ' Ii • -
very far from' suffering preciselY the though- quite ignorant, are*absolutely with the- oil burned out. The roan wanted but three men, and the board.
• • •
earns hinuiliatians. And le the end we haPPY and will always he found laugh- herbed and. says to Me: . . ingetiouse inamiger had .reborinciended
'with what loss we still remem-
second -act is not a. merry One- thew /.'ellgOXL,' Hen ury. sai Y t t the Captain departed we Were told 'to:.
ed. the 'He wasn't quite-0So tail: ae i was, .
'perhaps twee hardee to play. We pass- is :the end, of him,. according te their citiren, Who could held hia .own '
riioved ,to ii,e theship's articles., and we '
bag and•the beat of hurnoe. Ais for 41 .C°P1E/ ill'. all. of us Irith a, string of lies. When
bee, and gave the Soudan %way. The
The third, was less tragte, but it was -have none, 14Then a Husky dies- that but he was . Pretty' sohd aor a sign our name's en th.e 'list.' This rise
by a Mud -walled quadrangle,. which
bound ourdelves to make the voyage
was one the • artillery barracks; ebeiLiejiierat travnieiebseir:Lebfieuxtcohilml gankaa evelastby, .maLinhai3 sqvrausai;eat mroaugnhwaildtuains &0 without
.. . . .
without having any idea what we. were .
through the gateway you liiok ifeross „eon very little out Of the Esquimaux. ' .. . .
eastomed to bossing things and having
sand to the mud. ramparts -ofaHalfa. doing., - Then we went back te the -
If they: get plenty' of tea and tobacco,
, boarding-house, were treated,to drInke
SU stuff. He couldn't standefae less
hate" • e • ' '
blue's New-fangled Banner,
• unconquerable. undisappointed eeeercirk. eee ef b
ar ems oergaaeza
That is the. etamp of
acuities, • and discouragenients, and
. . . the klaYe ef re-.. the Esquintaux are all right, although
it is only of late.tliat the Husky drinks for the life of me what he was, what •
tea. • • • his business was, buit X guess he was
. an ury sayslife is just as weetee• just simply the richest man ill the
folks d.o wliat •he said. I•couldn't tell . • • - •
and ;cigars by the proprietor,• who 0
the, same day proposed that we go bac -,
Th e were tlie &Lys when 'the Eavo-: • • •
• " What Sort of a Man was he t" ask- aji ' - * -- - In these remote wilds as in any, Can- town and spent his tiros looking after to th e ..irhaler and look her over, Al ..
thin ariely was in the making, when d' • ity, althongli liebha.s a phote- his -property. And when _rd.
"Re was an uncoil:II:now drenk Sort lag FULL EIGHTING FORCE OF her relatives. This however, is en iso- . eetind I suid I tx lle • bl lc
' ' . • time. I tlidn't expect this, and felt
was a „ MVO rug ae -• strange presentbnent of itiipendine
o' man," he said. "He'd' hae found hise • E,GYPT - lated ease, and the affair would be ereith. ' ' • . ' '
.P•cqne, .of us'oconiented. • eWei iceind the wha
Halfa was the frontier fortress. There gareutpun cot ,t„ Huehy .who roke en hie he says; , . .
ed Sherlock. Holmes. • •
John Ranee appeared to be somewhat are old barracks all over it, whe '
irritated at this digressiOn• ' r family ties. by killing his wife anti all "'What's 'your -business, my friendr er enchored out in the stream th .
sell in the station: if We hadn't been treed to sleep half awake The brown called a family. trouble in civilized " II'ml' he says, :"You do most of
• trouble. But we went out in a row ...-
sci took up," ' ' :_• flanks of those hills. beyond the rifle countries. The miirderer still lives your work nights?' ' boat and heard'e4 her' - - •
floe them?" Holmee •broke in imPa- sert-wards, have seen deeVishes Steal.- up there, and hie crime does not tip- 4.Alri I wicleyee, I did do Mere or Plve Minutes later the boareinge
peat to rest very heavily .upon leis con- less night work. ' house proprietor gave us the slip and
-4. His face -his dress -didn't you no- range, just a couple of miles or so de-
10Villeexplorer says the' Becittimaux are 'kit: 'Clidiolotir lifgt:ti'u;17.tgoltigt llaa3t1Z,. rowed back to lend. I aterteci into a
tiently. s• ling up in broad daY and insolentlY.:
"I should think I did notice tleein. slashing- and stabbing in the, main '• cabin to find him, when I'ran into an
exaetly in the same condition as in the now,' he says, poineing to mybag, that "officei.. He wied.,sorae rough language .
Seeing- that I had to prep Ilia' OP- streets of the' bazaar: Yet this time
I had set down elongside of the °hair toward me, and then asked where I was
me and Murcher •between us, He was. was not all imavengect insult, the long ;days of Fra.nkliii, and their number
seem to have either diminishL• X wet sitting in. ' i • going. I told him who I was looking .
a long chap; with 4 red face, the lower yesta between18135 and 1896 save ,Ginnis does not
ed or increateid. They are total ab- "And I;, said yes,,, i had tools .there for, sua he informed, me that „he had
an Toski and•E y t defended and
part muffled. round-" .
"That will do,"-oried. Holmes, "What
became of him?" , •
" W'd enough to: do without lookin'
After hime." the.polieeman said, an
aggrieved voice. ' I'll wager he found
his way home all right." • , .•
"How was he dressedt"
brown ovetcoat."
e'llad he a whip in his hand r
' "A whip -no.". Workshop and railway terminus. To -
"Ile must have left it behind," mut-• deer it makes war, not with bayonets,
"You didn't but with rivets. and Spindle -glands.
tercel' my companien,
happen to see ar hear a cell after Railways run along every dusty street, eniportant Problem Expeciea to be, there that I've got to have in court -1892 I came to Hansas,City, but
that r •
• 1eft• the h" d 1 th t e had,
e m spite of the stories afloat for any ordinary evotk. ,
ite assailants smashed to pieees.. lettle
rtliese PeOpIe getting liquor from r "Tod see that safe te thee'nein say", ben ahengtiaiecle The there -
ht wiwnaos
thellArnerican whalera and becoming, painting toward. the safe he'd been sit -
by • little, Egypt, BritishEgypt, gained
And now we have come be the loco- drinerarda; He has. seen tbernrefuse) ting in front of When! first 'looked in, *.no,flesettlirnay'dftnd
motive shed% &ed. the fitting shove, the to taste liquovtinie And again, and. for and .looked -at it and saw thee big, to eitcla emeutiang eawndenttdhlerneel
librth. The next ihing we knew we
strength and new resolietion. . • .
tom reason :they hold it in the, great- o d-fashionedeeafe, looking very impos- •
mmi a ainst ioeb r and had
horror. . They will -follow t
are back in the present again, and the est
Haifa of to -day is the Egypt of to- white man anYwhere•
day. Haifa -hag left off being a fort-
e and strong, but a sofe teat a man . to Pull into Plovers' Bay, on the coast
hat knew how. could out into about of .Siberia, for repairs. That season
as eesy • as he could a cheese, and I
- - '--- We captured but one :whale, but the
said yes, I did. • love et the excitement grew on me, and .
• "'Well,' says the man, 'I want to get
' into,that safe.. There's some papers in flair xia!ns: seasons I continued in the
.• •
and erains and trucks "clank up and
Achteved by a iteeent Expedition.
' toenorrove morrow", or this morning,
*woe, 1 ... • down, till Haifa looks for allthe world . . rather, at so-anel-eo, at 10 onlook. And year, determined to go ,to the gold
"Therees a lialf-sovereign for eon," my like Chicago in a turban.' -In chains, An eepedition left London a short I'ire broken tha key aret I've been try- tields. 1 , joined the whaehr Reindeeli
companion seid, standing up and take too,. for to Halfa come all the worst time ago, the ' object, of *la was to ing here •for halt the night to break with the intention ef deserting -when-
eingehis hat e"I am afraid:, Rance, thee villeins ofEgypLegooeinust know that itreestigate a neotit ./mpOrtateL-Problem the safe open.eeL
you will never ride in the force. That till the other day. no Egyptian could reo.ardirig, po, Top,. ,soppose you
itt ovest t IP-- ever an opportunity offered while we- -
the dietributien of life in -°°11 1 . t Were near the Yukon 'twenty, We
head off yolks should be for use 'ari be hung for nuirder exeepe on the evi- e'
=turned to the codst the following .
well as ornament. You might have deuce, of eye -witnesses, just the people the sea. It used to be be "wed,
.. 1' that ceal my emotions, because I could have
'Well, I had' to kind of cough o con- landed at the Hersoliel Ishmds, after
the whaler. had loat two of her sup -
gained your sergeant's stripes last whom most murderers ,strive to avoid. the ocean depths Were tenantless, and opened. the old' box, you Inaow, in ten PIT ships, and wo• were in a desperate,
are sinieg that all life was confined:to the shal- Minutes; but I Wed Yee, I could °Pm
it, I thought. , condition. for grub. .tetting the win -
night. The man 'Whom You 'held in So the rails and sleepers
your hands is the man who halals the ashore to the jingle of ankle-ohams, low surface belt ; but this idea had to ter, ' tayself and three oompanions ---
clue of this mystery, and iyhona we are and alter a dear in Haifa it startles yoti .a. b i h mai, "'Weil, now, says the nian, 'you /tabard. Martin, a Canadian ; Wil -
be abandone even 0 ore t e en- i h 't ' dh tder
t he that th bl k f ipatca etaiarndtheznnim,r. tahnegaefesaandngont wuaimniavniannsurean,sclruottnIte_htmgaatina, saenddip,
ready to see Me work. Asia x put 'my by smuggling frone the ship and trad-
bag up on the table and . ing with the natives to collect about
GOT OCT MY TOOLS '• too poimps oil suppriiss,
and went at it, with the owner looking Then vre deserted, heading for a trade
mma,11631410f Ygeraert,tlYbuitntairiesgwaeds` something rence Itiver. We had no doge, and -
Ha was a ing Post, 150 milts away, On the Law-
ne.wEInthabhointat' three-quarters of an hour len-Rotte we lost all our supplies, and '
' , were compelled to pull our own slcids.
I had the door of the safe off and laid ' e
attd to depend upon our guns for sab-
ot ito hack on the floor.- sistence. One of the party had his
"'You certainly are a handy Irian Seed badly frozen, and we were in of.11-
with tools, eh?" says the man, and, kr warj handicapped. i For three
Ihtielfiahnea•ase%ktelthmaet ttholrooekvinithsrnoouguthontheye
bits, unseasoned either with mele or
months we subsisted entirely oh rab-....
in it-, which Was etude right. There pepper. The Indians we ratt treated
through a long succession of dingy way of oritninals."' . • weft% any. 'You'd have got nothing,' us kin*, and we finally- landed at
Street 0 and dreary by -ways In the .. • r1ng, that • 1 °tebsitlf5 o°das "ginetinPt"itherutiattibde nweitlikeir. dijni 'i LI e°4veerarlira' folgrend. alvPlitillandlief 1861at 4::;r4 fittittolih%onithat. 1:13ne,;hviee,'88;d :lea, linlereernreti, ilifiere' OeuAr .retenerie•leeylhewiltisiVtehre.
'getting there!, palms for mein tilnel.: hardest and longest snowshoe trip ever
and_ I Want to pay you for it. How made in Alaska, and our suffering from
muclt do you think I -ought to give cold and longer cannot be described
your '
"-flow much do you make etutit "At the, 'Rampart Rouse. we met A • *,
weak -
"Anil r odd I'd leave that to him. .lennerrtile haWrd°1,y*Wearb6leielnlitOCwillt weak-
he mays., ' • ' e • ee 7 , fete white Mee and several mission.
the finest study I ever came aorose; into the Valois, line; the engine of eelf,OPellAng and closing nature, se ;,. "Mid X told hireCnii earilingS varied: erica. . After We regained Same
a dud/ in oeatlet, eh? Why shouldn't Wolieley's acne has been rebuilt, and that samples Of We At different depths that sometimes I made nothing and atfetigth vre built a boat and went -
we use a little art jargon? Theree is running again: the artillery berraiske oould thus be secured. It was also in- r dawn the Porcupine Diver to Fort Yu -
the thought r didn't average more thrille0,,kon, and thame, to Circle City. I got
Sometimes I made a good 'deal, but
scarlet thread' of murder running are a store for all things pertaixiing ' tended to conduct expetimenta with a
through the colorless skein a life, to engines, They are all eoming toga.. deep-sea awl. Ihe expedition IV" a day. tie mauled to have his 'own ,tO Cirole City a little lathe, but I se -
and our duty is to uriravell 'it, -, and titer' now for the victorious end, ready fitted out,at the expense of the Royal ideas -, ideas- &boot that, too; but he handed 'cured an filtered hi tt claim by help.
to enter for the fifth oot and the final GeOgr,,ciphiOal, Society and the ihaPers me over a twetitaredollar note, and said ing to& venni assessinerit work. X wail
*leolate it, end expose every inch of if,
tho work Watt worth it to han. • " thore over two • years, and then went
And now for Inn* and then for Nor- curtain on 3thdriOttiri. ' and liath-motigers .Companlet. .
man Nadas. Her ettaek and her bow. tint that it not an Mita, and is not
bLW toes Walked up and down. / could read see ngT1lt0 18 110 US� 01 arguing 110 way .
all that in the dust ; and I could read about it now'; / tell you 'that It is ace of the engine oboe., did his five mur- ger went en her memorable voyager Of
dersand that, nevertheless, he is a most „scientific research. Next -the idea was
that, as he eelilleed,. he grew more and Come aim*, dootor."
I '
We star 0 or , eg . _ et. e _ ., mooted,e oceanic name *as 000 -
was ted ff f the cab t ether mtelligent, industrious, and harmlese
` for ant incredelous but creaeure. va tee cou ery, you Line le that the ' 1'
reoreeereitede ' That is ehown by the- W
ing hinnielf up, no doubt, into a. "The blundering fool I" . Ral.fa cliorafrome morning tilInight barrentieti.. Daring tlie Challenger
walkirig all the while, anct.,werk- admired tahat EgYP '0 ruffians '.13,r,i .fined to the surfaes anti bottom belts,
increased length of his strides. He eelY,',A.,„g,eenre In 1.31
neouudir table
doing Egarifa's work, ageparated. by an intermediate zone of
Holmes said
ftiry. , Therothe- -tragedy oceurred. bitterly, as we drove back to our ,
with raile aesoed, aild drawn up it - . - .
for the rest is mere surmise and con- ing suck an incomparable •bit of gdod i
I've tOld you 'all:I know myaeli, now, [lodgings. r".Ilist tO think of his hav-1
, . convicts
eloping. pair of their fellows by manY expedition i was oun .
t 1" d that if the
lecture. We . have a good 'working luck, and not taking. itleantage of et.' , on the trucks; it thude with fdeatE at which -the surfaceenets were
sleepers and boneil of bully -bed dumpl towed we.s. increased, new animals
basis, however, on velitCh tO start. We "I am rather in the dirk still. It ed. on to, the shore. As you. Conn honle
Must hurry up, for I want to go to 'is true that :the description of this"; from diner you stinnble over strange:*tere ejl. 61".....ed in. their meshes, an •ob-
Halle's concert, to bear Norman No- man tallies With your idea of the sec- . eats, and sudden engineelanips flash! tiervatiork , tv Cuo it . _
ni h I ted to thepro,i-.
This tonvereation heel oceutred while why should he come back to the house . your face, and warning whistle., , bility of life at all depths., The 10.4
rude, ehie afteruoon. wed party in tide eilyeitery, But in
our cab had been threa,diug its way after leaving it? This Is not the stiream in your ears. As. you lie at : vestigeitioris done in progrees are dee
night you hear the plug -plug of the 1 signed to settle this impertant point.
and lined by toedid dwelliogs. We ,
yout time looking or IliseeIttichel."- pitiked our way among groupe of dirty
eatth whioh.peetteme shot he woota ehildren and .throegh lines of dieted -
away. reeving the two rivata open- °red linen .until We come to- No. 40.
inouthed behind him. ' - the doer of:whichewns derorated with.
.s.`ionall elle tif brass, on Which 'the name
Rance was engraved. Ori inquire We
tonad that the constable wos in 13 ed.
It wao one o'clock when We- left No, and we were shown into * little front
kro rot, sol &mole mere anxious any&ing; he knew that my know- Ipt, hatild logo from the top of the
"And then he escorted Me to the to ette-Weon 011Y, where made sone
leg, aro letidid, What's that little all * Soudan'. Looking at It hence — dor. ,e-nd lie didn't ask MO' not to mospy ont- several otattracts, At El
thing oe 0 ewe she eatiye so inietne. from it* threshold, the Sondail seems ffilintatTR AND 0-0ParnerRe400.- com beak last threaten nor 'Warn imr novedo eta Dorman Oreelie t took a
ficently: Traelselselira-eits-lay.0 si.otrong and swift wild beast, that
Lithriaton Gardene. Shbrlook Holmes Patter tO *Watt his coming, -
whenee he dispatehed a long telegtaint„ cabled irr ritab,le at being . distizrbed hio aglitild-hetiusid caroled away like a d.tie ns sotidtm it get • tra o tthht 0
am'ettaukt hlin from from- this • gruhlsorirce there tittered 12,30%
trie to the nearest telegraph offiee Ife aeared presently, looking
#Le b k in the wee ee hie habits about money irisiir- mountains and built batiste Darin , this anted. Mont huritere have parsuscl, none lath. to the d Itliddi
111 is lie then hailed a cab, end ordered the sitImherc' gorgid, but still, ineatiable. Tarn your itt tattAaalta ant: asked raatir of tihct t itS 'far as any further vioits
ttlat vms °moaned, and on auppllea. But at Circle. City I
Chirti;411zsdlinisess/ tehdsithattotedshutristria, the "
flea het& and oeliteriptit it InlieLlv, rat biElh—or- --110-0a --ttrateeiniein Old CAA. he %Vested no words over it, Re just mislead eeverat olainis and nude e dies.
driver to take. us to thi address giv. made my .report at the office,' ar
an im by Leetrade. he said. are ths tetnetery. 21.6'. cue- - • let mie out the tor and. 't Min eriVery. r sold tveo delfts there, rea.
"There la nothinit like firet-haed II:Ohnes took a halreeoVereign train ' (To 134 Continned.) ------ Mount, or een read the news; aeo Ate mUst buY tvrlee asnMen
• ht*
merely how fullt I each whit °rote .
' • Anita rig ht, entritered the trades.: oeYcgoati $5,000 from them, end retained
evidenee," he Tamar "SO matter his ipeollet# and PlaYeE With 11 Pen' '
of foot, my mind io entirely made nr atT,64
is anNtignehman devoured by the Sou- Mali, hitt heft 60 tblil that he Poys urioue things he•Plien in fn7 Wel"' it 1intele0 iii asiother--the beet Mie.
nest t lee, they do, sure; no 401113t I traded 'a cabin for a lioliee and lot
• learn rellvtliat is to he learnsd.n • to hear it *ix front Your own lips " he d t id hear this old inhabitanto when he gets remit, which may beauty '
upon the mute, but Mill we Inst7 se we 1 . ti.• thought that WO ohould like TUE WAY 0/I' A. WOMAN, dan, Go and
"Yea atiMae Met -0010168," ticiid I.• 1OP. * ' 'Coo- go r int 01 0 talk -the
fih Then I t telt dr men who have /wart ea to On430 a 76ar and one *anti Word. to about. it. IA matt may gr for elaYe and in- Cirel4 City and dierosed of It to
live vv.vv, li2, rot out, .14 axe 0,;ttaan, dun hith, while sfithileteen reams. ray weeks Sad nedling whateVer haPPen; good advantaga; I wilt retutn to Circle
"Surely you tire IlOt Oil *sure as pal 11 shall be Meet futon,. to tell you him: what / thouglit tif hint, ,. in **lifting sun and red-liot send. You *LAP) Mat It" tt"ii" hm" 4"111144in andwliglk"lito.66tP stard trh"sit'sj"aiti efoill tilmi"its tititilmrt°rihmoIssmintieottrstitsottaths7e.°
preittud to be of all those partiettutra' anything I eatt:' tho constable an- ills... -What did ydu satyr , WM bettaa it hot wIth, tile MO IVIi* " ix 'I' "4 bniv woi. . there is tO it, but whett ittfthing does Two of ger's fellow-deterterit
s which y•..14, gitte.'" - SWered, With his eyes upon the little obs -r dot remember.
"There* nO tOOnt for 4. mistake " he goldsit disk. are Ism trained to
, ,
*bleb / obietred ost arrivhig there own wstY, as it marred."
Iron MI- moven likely o be soint „from the whaling hese alit dog*
That's %user. You ought' to know urns 1,4,. Imtai 011. min mom A. MORNING RUSS. ng out of the watt °aurae."' - will in the Id fiel a, but It I, t 6
Ob. know what / think of . him t. , ,s
Britt It 60106ra...1,0'1th the talt tail* 41. art ., 1A $001411alt hOt 1011t WOO re- Up*
the 000 g4Wei 444fla y-- Oreek.
or's present *idioms it tai alrobi
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