The Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-09, Page 4e••••••-• , miniQn News.Reoqrd vi Teer.la Adviser. • 'TttMOM" 1111BETAXT 1809. OP TI111 nores$10214M Triv, e- • 7ereles-sieseetee..e.eweeeeter... • -- •NEW FROM " ALL OVER HURON COUNTY. FilikOM qrnowN cionweitapowairivr• AND OCKINTY KX0MAIVatartt, Candidate Ilohnee lo at hie old game • GederlOb. of having the TemPertinen Pe°11" Good news I Work ban begun, on Mime.- Wynna. carry water to his mill. That would the breakwater. , ronto. - be all very well if his 'course bad been Mrs. (Dr,) Whitely returned on Sat. Mr. Halpany Wai0 just atreight eis his epeech WOOld urday night, 28th Sang from her visit last week. citeete, in the eleoloo ef too of ate to Sarnia and Detroit,. • Itev. jiirnes And * The Misses Cameron of the "Maples," day, Wednesday, three candidates in the field Mr. Joftiast month for idelmete eupported the only one of the to Detroit, 0 a lengthened *Iti'f!'!b meacellitile.s°9°11.. vt° 4103#011.• Gadarloh. rejairned *onto Queen city te notable ,T bee,n ,• Ob. - it hat trio who was not a teetotaller. Had Mts. 33fin. Saulte of the, 'Union Hotel; wedding _and be been consistent On that occasion, llafh we Are Sarre' to note, been serious- Rev, rier; le had he been a Temperance Men in. , Pre licl: 1)''' Giunn of Clint" was in 4,!.. ahlIvedshm* he Ur ettd Aiz ,, n &neer" _ . deed as well as in Ford, had be conskt N. D. itongvie eent out a Net y coM- : ofd •frlitendankiert13.-e" -41- X'- 'V tired tite interests of Temperattee plintlintary ad. card on Thursday night, Mr. Sillib is. busily erigAgO. ,above that. of party he , Would have , t,'PS....iarilcial score" card, with his title, fioteMati?. tOahratrhlelefl,KabirekrInhreld% IS on supported by vOice and pen either ,.0torttedo:)rwgie•okidytintinend InekeY • George M. Kilty or Robert ' MeLettn,' eorrespendent, The Pilaf :re ewerriiirs of Guelph W;g184.11'00471;te "Ei He did. neither, but ' clung to his old follows ;•- , ;•' ' 0T %/mune will regret to tear that idol, from Whieh tt Might easily' be "I Seldom feel:cold," said. Policeman has been very sere:Maly ill and is no inferred that. it depends very much Thomas, "'patrolling the streete All yet better. A number of our young ladies are Wearing buttons with the photo of some friend thereon. - the expenditures In the treasureee rePert, last week'e issue, the stationery aseountehould have read, $1000. Ms. Aleffinnun, who bed a, number o'f summer boarders last season, and 1,0 1,07 ;:t.etlhot: tpetisoeSioltntmbtoeutvibfarsitpt infrwi In apt hoe0:00torcipacitrioegictleyoi oderic,h the coining summer. ne true. Mrs. .MelKinnon will 'ttalt it few weeks before return- resulence, West street. lete tnetitute had also an? . 'on . .Friday evening • ,regtietted as most of t etitilete oGtatifr• e'sxbiL uitted hetself very ilMelital sole. ' tiles return n t reet • weeks. visiting her osk, Hotel Bedford Nezith, Mi'. uoiloos upon *hose ox ix night. lenta must exceptMoodey night. The note that appeared in the Can SOth Jetratary. It was it terribly cold 'Adian preskaccrediting Mr. Warne* wired, • night.' Your correspondent asked of Sarnia or having .3:citrons weighing .13.8104,111NO: TRW ION. With the Writ for the West Huron ejection' the Government sent along instroctlous : to begin work epon • Ginierieh !rather,. and • .acknowledge,- ment that the powereat Qttewa regaed the tiarbor,inere as it vole maker than Ile peestble reudezvoug' for the. com- merce a the not lakes. In short, \ they hope to bribe the citizens of the.' eteinty town by suth means, . Thef 114VO no deesht arrived, at this contilu- eiion with tbe aid of Fite Israel Tarte, by whose department the work will be Undertaken, and whose ,estirnate of the - electorate is based, upon his experience among Vs fellow-Feenettneen in -Qde" bec, -Mr. Tarte may find by and hy that there is a considerable difference; hire laughiugly if lie• 'cveultililtetioseale :315. BASO.OITT .RAMPANT. • • If the polling booths' outrage in the West Elgin bye-electicm thoroughly •atousei(pubtie opinion in. Ontarie as to the putties empleyed by the Hardy Glovernment. to retain itself in power, then the defeat of the, Conservative pt bave.he,en in vain.„.: , If , in the hilitoilY-a the province there has been it campaign Of More wholesale rascality, Of a grosiet vio lation_ of :the sanctity of the ballot :-boxes Or a bolder .deflance ot the :Mu- . • Which governs elections, then it is not upon ,record , The .men who did the dirty work for . the Liberals in West Elgin are corainie to work for Relines in West Huron, and if allowed will resort to ,the same peactioes here; The duty of the honest electorate is cpiite:clear. Ins, eaeht, made nielieteike. watt the fiag-pole Os fasten. the' rope.- ."0 Mr- Wto. Waehoelt of Ooderleh, tha, grower of the mammoth, sqljaihes. " d i ichin n St- uo, sal t e g e - after sister, tenipt,nothieg that.". J I _ ,:.aisiteategairegegoe kitoutley Towiteltip. .•••••0”....,..1 . We are sorry to have to report the •Threshing ;stover Is the order of Lite death sl bine, ciec). EAteri, Sr., whIch day. Mesta% Thirstejohneton ADA Man - took pleeet on lentatity host at the reel- eon ere still unticiog t he dee& rity. donee of her son Wettest+ on the Bey- Mr. John Mere, our village hieteksmith field road tue the reveli of en accident is doing it nulling businese in the • mile wee with it. few ilt,ye ago. idre. horiatehoeinglitte.-r-•--The Blaine Bees. Bete* Was one of the punnet& of tine ;Attended it wedding one day Met week. township tanning here when Staulev -Mr. James Howard has hen on Atibiarlia, wasit forest. She was it kind end ale the eick Mit tor the peat week. --Mr, fectionete mother, a genii Christian *Hubert thridele, Jr,* Inspected elm We are sorry NI report the death of W0111441 And ik merober of the Meth°. Behylon line ,behool lest, week. There another old pioneer of Eilwori in the 'dist church, She lea,ves fire wont mid ' is a boxing school now organized in person OW. Age Plunkett. of West "two claugnterte to mown the lose of this village under tbe leaderehea of it Wawanosh, who departed this life last it kind mother. The reniaine were pugiliet Mum Toronto, The Bloke eto Monday. ' The deceateed was. of ster- ducted the funeral tieevice. Much syM. cess, -Mr. John •Deichert visited this I Saturday evening. The remains were laid In their last resting place on Tues., boys tried thew first round, last Wed. inteered in the Dungannon cemetery day. Rev. Me. Shaw of Hayfield core needy evening it proved 4 grand sue- lingeetet.egrity and was much respected pat hy is felt for those the leaves be- fovea. last Sunday evelting.-----Mr. Mc - by "all who were acquainted with him. hind. * - ' • ' Cloy of Zurich paid it Jiving visit to His remains were followed to their A uttather of the young folks in this Mr. A. Thompson's residence lam San - ed. , • ' ' lase resting place hy it large concourse vicinity spent 11#. socieble time et Mr. (lay' evening.-.1erekont for fun boya . of sorrowing friends teed relatives. John T. Reicl'e last Friday evening and eta there is good sleighing Dowse -eerier. 14Cnox chureit is undergoing repairs ieport having a good, time. Peter Dorand. Jreand Me. Thos. John. at present and services are teeing held Mr. Charles Reid shipped two car • stun Jr., of Drysdale are gettIng ill it icindly given until their etWn Is repair- Mrs. Ditvid Robinson, ere of thelday. In the Methodist church whien was loads of cattle last rifonday to Toronto. awe stock Of wood this winter. field road near Varna has been serious. . • - r , ..iii ., The Initial and ForeignBibleSoelety ly ill for some time with inflammation EXECUTORS,' SA4E OE FON held its annOal meeting lest Wednes- of the lungs. Slight hopes of her re. . day and was very well attended eo»sie eovery are entertettned. •I dering the weather and Toads. Rev, The Weill/ lulla *0 Mr. H. Peck's last , PROPERTY, Mi'. murrity, agent of the. Society, Friday evening under the .ausruceri of xn tho mak. of ao Ed401 of tho tau watione - hope at some other time We may have great soccess. • ggaenvet:tenvlaepry. entertaining address. We the Methodist church Of BaYfiela Was a, Whitey fifths Township of Tuckminith. the pleasure Of again hearing the . Rev., . . The fettners are busy putting up ice e r en P. eee ' • for smuttier's coneumption and. the Dr. ,tearke etrOOK. will he Oaci.to' learn that Our poitina ter is waxing' eloquent. to cool his elm, she is recoveruneapeedilyfrom her Itite, He is to give his VIOW4 00:"°Ohen11041 Mr. •liel Wig is very ill to promo indisposition° • ;Fertilizers for Fruit Trees" to.ttillee.itt and hut slight helms are entertained Mr, Lewitt, teenager' of tbe'itnitting. the flortitulturel Society •Ofee ing*in for his improveneent, factory, was very' iltinSt week: ;Clerk Lane's ,offiee, conrt.honse,, at The Union Sabbath school colleen- 'Fittroirry eommeneedon Wednerelay ekeetp, m. Well, we`krioae'lieforehand tion is tiebe held on Wednesday,. the thiftTear, eocdoes March; • • that:the.essay will fie official and hear '15th inst, th.4, Presbyterian Church _•j414Uite,a.largir congregation attended - the,Ga4derich pOitWlice stamp thereon, in this village, . . Victoria :street Hp.wortle., Leanne, al and ratulati ourepostueaster. Mr., Robert Steikei• and, tvife called ;Victoria Otteeteurele on gridaY, Peen- on. :an interest Met trees. ere Pleasent Valley Mende last &m- ini MISS AU led with her:rper ene ahd a hope in floveers, so that clay, • • , ton' on .:1111,0rWl'ogfeel certain it will • take more attack of la,grippe, but we hope to see 71.• Via* an amateur tasncirele the court hin3 around soon again. • • ol'''.hbuse with blessorns for suehea smelt Mr. George B.RowedoeClintrin spent, chl ,Bstiowtheveesrcigirxra,esscasoee,bde keptnogtreienj: • osua-ifiadvia, eye b u 1, he gt:ip, M. and the $0 ,grant,,Pitt in ode grand Mr, John ()oak, teacher of the Au - floral disnly•whereit can be seen. burn Sehool, spent last week'. Waiting The social given atSe. ()Motto's. Sun- .friends in :Erie county and Lonaee. day school bless vomit one the • everting. Make haste, Johnny. , . :• of Friday was most, sociable.' and the' •Mr, and Mrs: Jones Goderich are pr•ograrn 'Offered vet -0 geed,- Mr, Heat-. the guests of the parent's, 'My: on, in the abscOce of Rev: Mat. Turn•' and rilrs. Helwig, • • bull, acted as chairman, -Yet- We meet. Captain Johnston of Smith's :knu add the_Rev: Mare's lace was Celled at the mithee the pest week:. ehoptimetirpoguez.,Irmesises, . spent Saturday sttEu-;;aWayeteheral. of Suinmerbill Rose NettePsinstietneetal- eolte), "The The reesheteele4reds Soful:IlediefirexittChtinche: Palms." was well executed,. showing ,e.entern, intend havinget tea -meeting with whatenseihe can plaY et diffic1,11 on the 27th tife February when there GoDEnfou. -- - • .• ,S100,04,rf J. " goal. FL Cline, G, DuBois, • Writ AL; Broadfoet • D. Thompson, e. point,. W.-Flawkshaw Copt, McCarthy, . forpard.),-. casP, J. Stevens A. McIver, • D. tr, Wilson F. Shannon. ohne . F. Bredeno " Jack' Referee -W rieotier. ' (49clorich, 7 Seatorth,:t Mr, Seines McIntosh ,is about again as usual After quite a 'heeious siege of la 'grippe. • . • , ManagerRumber had a banner night 011 Wedneetly, 3.st Feb, at the curling rink. Mitrine band -`in attendance and Goderich Won, Seaforth ,Could not say, as in former games, that tOey, woo, won, but in truth they could say they wen, one. Seven tOolcie.was the ultimatum for the (loderich Hockey Club. -A great deal more enthusiasm was shown this game eincing the Etodee rieh youngladies thin heretofore, as a great many of them wore e white rib- bon badge bearing the lettets G. H. 0: Enthusiasm is a priteme The . game was an unusually quiet One, for the Seaforth hockeyetts, it was . said, as forther games were rough, but on Wednesday evening there .Was no sign of roughness on either side. This is as it should be, The Seaforth hockeyista wore the Seagram colors, (del gold and black,. but your. correspondent would like to see tassels on the hockey sticks, or voinetiiing fancy to take off the 'bareness. Quite a number among the Sightseers belonged to Seaforth and • othes towns. We are glad the Messrs. Humber are so well patronized and we trust more and more' of our towns- people will tern out at future gather' tit, ;',1 liditinesti and Usefnhifis Miss the grant of the county ccitineil Mr. William John Molter' ha been Rusk jB petient progreeSiVe,;;74m1 wee all • around the court bets°, Ifild up for the past few days each an • • withFlissti4eneydev•:_teotanr.great att#i . ar.14eador. to the front,- stay, has tar' ' stray., in OnlbOrne old stand. Position agaiii.io Harper's res euren Miss Therdea, Chisholm of Haltford .IS spending the Winter -4r 1%1 ontye41.-' welgocre: Beakee is ,expeeted borne this A great nunfher of tea ma are 'hauling wood to tho Chemical salt works. • After choir practice at St. George's on Wednesday evening, February lit, the organist, W. IL cot. ,Ese.e. was completely teket; by surpiese ore helng presented with the accompanying Ad- dress, 'which was Teed IlyMiss Canute LeTo Liza • The glint. woke an oak high- McLEAN Tr..tyNao vOros. Mr, McLean has struck a winning gait and all the signs foretell . a hand- some lead on the ingheof the-21itt. He is iiiiitictilarly strong in the townships' ---and will ineretiae-his vote in probably 2. all save one, •as t.he 'fartnees realize that the candidate who - understands their luteresta so well as deep Mr. Mee Lean is best qualified to represent them in Parliament, • In a great stock . :empty; such as Huron i8. beconiing, it its vvellthat the representative. should he thofeughly- with the.subject. The Applicants rteti W.Orlting. Toronto Telegrani: . Hon. jamesThonrpson .Gartow notes with tfairrthat She. horde of applicarits •• forthe registrarship. of 1i:own county S getting ,its full share or the groWth inseparable from the rise. and. progress of the Globe's Growing•Thrie. he series of games at the curling rink commenced this week. The new membere of the club are expected to. PleYfor the trete pair sta,nes. Master Wilbur McColl left recently to attend school at Wingharn. Miss Mary Grahame is a teacher in Knox 'church Sunday school, and a eery fitting one, being so well up in Bible Work. • Mr. Alex.:Kirkbride has been very ill the past week, bue...._weetrust he will seen be able. to. again attend to his dirties. Whilikey Saved .111ardi. • • • Therele no denying that the defied of John' Loughlin of, Nipissing .last ;March would •have puldied .t.he Hardy Government intb the abYiug of defeat. ' fele equally, true, for so it was de, cidect ill the teurts; that the Oath* of three dozen flasks of whiskey _where .the. same would 'do the i junk itk;a;" averted the almost nettlegii calamity of :Mr. Lougheentee defeat. feeatefore„*Wee whiskey 'Mr. Loughrin would .not have been elected, and but for Mr. LOughein's election the Hardy. Governnient could not have continued to bold office. ' • • . !. The stalwart Liberale of Nipieteing • with their immortal three dozen Oslo, :laved the Hardy GOvernaient, just, as truly rot the geese with their hissing • aimed Rome, • . . The little hero Ilatirieni plugged `. the boles in the dike With hie cold flai gers and thus tamed Holland :front the alt devouring sea, and bypinggingthe holeditt Mr. Loughrin's majority with 'flitelt0 of whiskey the Liberal heroes of ; •Ninissing .seved the Hardy Government from the engulfing tide of a 'rory . mejorlty in the Legiilature, • Every trueLibetal should herieefterile and forever wear a iltrelt as an emblem of the meant by which the stalwarts Of ..-Nipiesingreectled the Provinciattaoi- • eminent 'from defeat,-Toront0 Tele. " grain, --. -nee irtitsper'S Vitality, • Montreal litettnetee. . Sir Charles Tupper, sittireg in , his leom at the St, XAtWtelltUt Hall, spright. fnll of envcy,.. keenly intereated in evetVidmie ptilitleat and amulet.' 14.1, Miss Flo Ball, wha had been indis- posed for a short period, is again at her post on the Central school staff.' _All the druggists are sending out sample remedies for in grippe. We clip the following from the Taunton (Mass.) Evening Wevitie, which refers to the eldesCson of Mr. and Mrs. L. Card, and who is it graduate from his father's merchant tailoring estab, lishment, square. The younggentleman has travelled in England since leaving Goclerich, but preferred to return t9 Taunton Wedded.-Miss Martha ' J. Brotte. burst and George L. Card were united in marriage by Rev. O. J. White, pas- tor of the Winthrop stteet Baptist church, yesterday (19th January) after- rioon•et 3 o'clock, at the residence of therbride, 224 broadwa3r. • Me Card is • a merchant taller on Main street apd both the bride and groom have many friends •in this city*, who wish them much happiness, _Front the bulletin sent dut by the -Winthrop street Baptist church for week beginning Sunday, Zia Jan., we note the tineexed :--Miss Martha. J. 'Broadhurst and Mr. George L. Gard were united in marriage at the home of the bride's father last Thursday itt 3p. Their newehome is a,t 102 Bay street. Both bride and groom are teachers of classes in the Winthrote , street, Baptist church. , • We have just been reading' of the noted actt eat, Sena Bernhardt, having a love for huntingeuff that she IS 'pre. ,piiring now to ,•go. to India to shoot ttgers, of which Animals' skins she is. veryagibitious to cover the doer of.her drewifig room. She is &wonderful ad - 'venturer, having just returned 'froth a trip to Vesuvius, which volcano seem- ed to charm het irrespective of con - Sequences. Very few of our Canadian tourists have ever visited Vesuvius, but the Forest City has one. enthusi- astic tourist among its citizens.. If ever your correspondent goes to Lon- don Tan Nows-Rucotto will get; or try to get, a metnoir of Vesuvius from the daring Lmiclon, .traveller. Thecounty has very wisely appoint- ed Rev, Dr. Ure anchthe town Sheriff 'Reynolds as members of the O. I. Boerd for the next three years. Your cortespondent called upon En- gineer James 1111Ier one day recently and nsked hint haw long he had been On the Grand Trunk., "flow long 1" add the gallant engineer. "Oh, (Welt einee I 'could. crawl." He took his train On Stiturday and we taut he will be himself agin when he gets out of the rip of winter. . harked chair and- ;;rptI; cake centre eeieee.- Mr. Fred. Ereer played hie will be good sseakers an,d, an excellent all . and see Miss. Parsone an the solo "Changes' what A te°me °Pei._ come ly well, OnacCOrnpanied by the piano.u urn ,can de in this line. table. eA, 'um relict else weteeirtF. 'Ittvorite solos, Last': _ose- Sutertme: peogeain, bee. edby•Ditvid MeGill, •proe eluded. Mr. Cuff is better at making witty sPeeches, where light fun pre- dominates, but it is a little difficult to be loaded with gifts and give utterance to one's thoughts; but Mr. Cuff mas- tered* - himself sufficiently to thank them for theit appreciative -thought- fulness, and would say that their choice of gifts pleased him very much; al- though, wholly unlooked for. Mr. Cuff .is really very painetalthig and -very amiable, everything run el og smeothly in his ehoirt'eted we hope ho- mey: be lope spared to St. eeorge's choir. It bappened that the Godertch and Seafotth hockey etas had their contest that night In the curling and -skating rink, SQ that the' young gen- tlemen of the choir, who are bandsmen, could not attend the. presentation that evening, whichwouldothereeise have taken the form of a reception. *Nollow- ing is the address 1 - -A bill has been presented by the non,. W. Stetillens to prevent people front usingpariegreen orany other substance which would dodamage aniOngthebees. The bees roust be protected, Bo no spraying can be done unlesii before tho bloat:Owing of the tree'. • Mr. John Acheson was being Inter. slowed on Friday p. in. in the pest °filo:While waiting for the opening of the mane Your correspondent, who rarely loses an opportunity, toked the genlal retired tnerchant if he had seen thisweek's iseueof Tax higtes-Ritetntte "1 did .not" Suieweted, "What is in it?" 49)1" said, your correspondent, "a speech cif yours." "Is there r said ho, "was it that it crooked stiok hits hard "0 I" said your correepondent, ',that's another spenth for next weak't Issue." "It was not that it was that , Photographs sent to Ottawa would d alai IA PlfilillIng the 11°1'6 Ppliti"' in lieu of deputations." 0 yee / re°. eampaign with youthful eitthusiasin- - member," said he. "but inu r correct Jo certainly 4 marvel or endurance and pendent finished the 23 ate *lying loath theyoung getteration Willi* is relatingtheits tileosinost'tertO, • etisposed to °riddle Itself at the *omens() mature blanItoba airs - \ the prioes of nointooditlea and Whet that it wit, it fine oountry , vita* bade. good hearty laugh over t lithice Albert of Saxe -Coburg and rutty:Or& Acheeori wool bartg,h, Is dead. "tar lornestie economy. -.'v,Itallty, and coottitntool an object kilioliitit/oti'm not a crook add.' Atut • W-.• H. °Cuff, Esq., Organist St. George'e Church, Goderieh ' Dear Mr. Cuff, -St. George's choir would e.sk your acceptance of the accompanying gifts as a tribute of good -will ',and as a slight recognition on their part of your faithful and efficient ser- vices during the past year as choir theater.. Trusting that the spirit of harmony which has characterized our relations in the past may long continue, and with every' assurance of Christian esteem. we remain yours sincerely, Signed on behalf of the choir, . E. Al. ISTAFTEL. Feb. let. 1899. . C. .LETouzEL. Mathieso'n of Ocaloconk IS the guest of Miss Maude Johnston, PictOn street. Mr. Hillier is quite himself again and looks vet. well. • • Mrs.. error., wife' of Expressman! Forrest, • as a brother in London, Ont., 'Mr. Wm. McIntosh, who has visited that world-renowned volcano Vesu- vius and poked his cane into the lava and then fastened a copper upon it to Obtain as much Of the lava act poesible, to belie studs, eta, formed of it. The soles of his shoes were burned off with the excessir e beat of tbe lavete as he and and his tourist companions walked about the crater. ' Plenty of snow On Saturday • and beautiful sleighing. ' S. P. Halle, prineipal Central School, is on the sick list. • The meeting called oreirricitte last in County Clerk La,n0,offIce,teas tended by the members .ef the Child- ren's Aid Society. Sctedoe Master Grant is one of the leading lights. At the Collegiate Institute enter- taininent on Pricier, D. B. Grant gave a very ,much appreciated talk on science. Miss Blanche Watson kindly gave an instrutneutal selection. Mr. Oleworth acted as Organist re- cently in the Presbyterian church, Viralkerton, and we trust,' although awry to lose hie talent, that he is chos- ett as the Organ* there. • What might have been a very eeri- e:Me Accident occurred at, 502 Yong° Street recently. Mrs. Crawford, stater ' of Mrs. W. hicOreath, St. David's street, carries on a tnatitle 'making establiehtnent ett that No. and • One evening' recently needing Something front the fancy store iti the Mune blind- ing, kept by Mr. Crawford, she took a le.rop in her hand and reaching up for the article, the lamp slipped and ex- gloded doing . considerable damaged. The fire department however reached the scene so quitekly that further berth was averted. Mrs, Stratton, St. David' e street, placed a beautiful boquet of • daffodils *tithe. pill pit of °Knox church on the last Sunday of. January.. January daffodils are truly a rare novelty. The third meeting Of tho Goderieh division of West Huron Teacher& As - etiolation. was held in the Central school on Saturday. Arithmetic was the subject taught. Miss Persona taught 1st class and Mitre Andrews the 2nd. Both teachers taught with ability. The Subject for discussion itt the next meeting will he OrmimaitiOn, to he taughtby the following persons; -let blase, Miss Ferguson, 2nd dass,. Miss Wiggins, 8rd clam, Mier; Mo. Olusky, 4th elms, Mr. Taggart in addition to Composition "Class Man. agement and Dlecipline" Will he dite used. Mr. W. Elliott will open the dititrialloo. The next meeting will he held May tich at Goderich. We had' quite an exciting time on Pridey last, watching the climbing of the flagpole to adjust the rope. First Peter McDonald climbed to Vtithill short distance from the top, but fear- ing results AO the pole swerved, he woe down ftem his elevated position and Norman Grahame, it sailor, en, ge8ted unfastening the top mast from t.he moat., Which was securely fattened and °Hocked by wooden keys and bontal 1 with iron I and slipping this top mast to the pound by 111041311 of it Moak and tackle, the rope was soon adjusted, and the top mot again put In gesitilett. It Was a cold day and slow work* but we trust the gallant *dim were well reivar4.4, and "Home, Sweet Bootee' exceeding- eieea, in a much :stronger voice than usual • and looked exceedingly well' in her : . Belarave. covet pink 'silk bodice with black velvet, trimming. The instrumental duet --.- ' Mrs. Sackrider is very Tow at present "Le Premiere Danseuse," given by Miss perm with:la grippe. --Owing ta her great Tye and her 'brother, Master age het, recovery is doubtful. , was quite a treat. troth in selection and exeeution. Miss Rankin is one OUr-beStWiSheS go out to Miss Mar - Keret Porterfield in her ..hew .hotne in of Stratford's stars• and ber &Oita - thine "Traver's Last Ride," sbeived to "a3' field, Ma3r she live long and happy with the man of her choice. Mr. David Sprout spent from S•atnr• day till Monday with Mende in At- Gotha, only son of the Duke of Mtn- .1Xii bar the advantage her dash and well-developed newer, and 'admiration for the writinge" of RiChaed:flarding Davis. We wet - coaled our old favorite, 'Miss Hattie DOnogh, with her violin solo. with a*ell- executed accompaniment on the piano by MSS. Parsons. Miss Donogh: le it skilled player. She was heartily • en- cored. Mr, John Carrie, bass soloist St, George's choir; gave ','Inuela satis- faction in his rendering of the bass solo e"Children's Home," and encore, "Out on the Deep." „ We expect when McLean, under the auspices ,of shees:01%;sinir ten 000ede ph;ebwa tboen et,dh Mthre.LHad'iete Aid of Knox church, real - platform the pretty little dark -eyed, Mrs. (Rev .) Turnbull carded to the rosy - cheeked. daughter or Mr. Oswald Sturdy. :who , gave the pretty.little acitation, "rify Donkey Grenadier," in a really charming man- ner. Mr. Cleworth doneing in tete, re- freshments, coffee, and . lovely , jelly.' cocoanut, and other cakes, were passed generously% around- by ,the lady members of the Young Peoples' Guild, • and after all -lied been served,. that gentleman sang in a .truly retie manner, the comic ;Solo. "She as." But how did we forget to note before the refreshment part of the en- tertamment, Miss Mona Wetherald's tragic recitation, "The • Pilot's Story" well -told by the fair tragedienne. Outing the social part of the pro- gramme; Miss Tot Barker played the old (and ewe new) instrumental solo, "The Maiden's Prayer" which should be in evei y _pianist's -eepertoire and Misses Clara Reynolds and Ruby Shep- pard also played instromentalsv Miss Elise Tye relayed "The Storm." Mr. Oleworth brought the evening's enter- telt:went to a close by playing Gina Save the Queen, in which Baby Sturdy joined, singing on while the anthem had finished. • nellnetit Ile. James Ta,yloe is embarking in the droving business. Jim is a good buyer and will make tire live stock 'easiness hunethis stunned. • • - Dr. Agnew of Londeshoro is visiting among friends here at, present, but will start for his European trip about the 17th of this month. The pie s'ocial held at the residence of 71)111 eer:.rJ!,„64., .h? ie pMare.eN.nitn4iteyo.osopeenitnlargtrollacif. :x0T, Con. will be sold by linen° auction on Lot I, Tuokeramith, County of Huron, on SATURDAY, THE trit DAY oks *awn, , David Beacom's. last week. : guest of his daughter, -Mrs. a NC* , Pg1414; .Tra. frT,ilegmgreghlrg - itine.k,p,..iewbritc.,anfkeivp14acaey:taghois. iesidence ot iliz.setteopalasthianTd, or , is a good , j 1 tSj 1 tu ti:rr: yivi sit:Otri rh:teti ter:: 00 rofr otslt tdaiset tot teit)rh.a . a !a . .6 M:14yre... ...;Itorouonit::::;rielogfiwtai.nttpashhio.d:j:::::,.RgerrkyN,10732,:itcoacrs,tee44011.:4,,ictoanifisivr,noectotooaufrt. goa;08:: tfiss Kate M. 'CR 11 ti.inheiielted at Mr. Naughton at Present. '•: ' • Week with la grippe. in lei new home. • ' .'. Mr, D. MeNaugliton was laid. te.),,.. lest. 1. clay loain and well sitnated on the Riven ' Mr. Sheppard luts'go nicely settled . . . . . _ .•fronrSeaforth; • • . • . . 4 . 1114h1001e. ' • when possession of farm.wili he given, bdt the • holm. will he reserved for one month later. .. • sale arid the balanee within, SO days thereatter, - . &II .0 eitvretrutrytairitpbaertsioclul orairepeitytotoa .reserve . r' °Taclerm. besi•Ofgsalabe°u;-t tam::: c4er:::14,,dO)Wilint7n daan:o5f : ' or -Mr.. Wibt., Perris gave a fey, ottiv-a--11."1111;I:81.0:uliiiilei;44Vb0, :,,I._8$:thi; 1;i 0., 81,ove , 'friends • st, hop one eveniog last week: ' . All enjoyed theinselvk,IS iiiimensely. dfFthe 1.33 Ilion ' :----- Mr, Jas. Leipee is bush's* engaged. Amok:- place, ".'s Km°141ng. Iarin' -drawing stones for his new herirse.tpopreehr . Lb erli is h,e rte.:114;i illie,116:10.84.41•14: eDrIlevoisools,di,:atueitphzpoortreilletytr:eoanrtictievildln. , :%Q.bvr.0141Tialish'nrisel,vs:sici 3:81:0:11rhi:lianlEgigt.111.ise:tall:Vbenefdi. ltiae61:bBL:usltrieco Ver. ed . . alliiTum84 Ov.lar i'dirtrigatnedru°11/19elitnnd4oilunent.dhilieccasredhg;Avi .' Miss • Lydia Smith of Clinton lets . from herrecent illness. • . be6sipeerenceonat.tpuerrnlasolennugmalsercoovuendtjoinowtnedotrialt, .. last Sureclay. Thera was .a.lai ge turn- *.nhuvmseerholideotthrneritaurtioles. Also a quantity, of aW't Mel' Ilinebtetne clserrvisi's'iting io"ii:ito"C;ehbas, set: lEsez. AT'. gill ••Nir•HtTELV. / • .." .131anchaed friends this week. • - . et..., ' • ' Mr. 'Jag. McOlay is busily. engaged . ' .--.. • ..e. - threshing e,lover in this section. . , ...- -...,, Miss Dolly' Knox has returned' front . . . DOG, STRAYED.L vii!!"g* .. .?Th' ere onm' e to rthel-:":".'premiseii. of the' under-. Belgrave where she has been . , . signed on TownSend street; on February 4th, a • • • .D.1...._•ySdaise. .' . • • flpaeyagexleplionosenneda.ndTtalikeeotwhenerfrthwrolllaPwlearisy.e .tall, - J. R. COLLINS, Clinton. '• Mr. Ralph Drysdale is on the sick. reenter Sur • • list at'et:WPreiltinnit' Stev-e' .n. S...':1S Ma.k/Uk wood; ' ..‘"1. '' - .• ' fr. ciert. litr.e5Fe nietid s i : ."geing to giy e the . STORE TO RENT., . ' DnirgYearileex. 1,°wYtIs eakn;,.."4": . -11211Per espirle-'. .Tlie.nadersigned 011'0_114 for rental the .store . . IA r. WI 1 l i a tu Turn e r.$ 0 lir noted fisher,- adtotenae!reersztrehoosiesscielosenote.enditblotetelhit'evb.oensettlatirttaleottndte.if.iunrecitleirne. .caught aurteere trout with twelve hooks last Friday afternoon. • ' '• • • .. Also that largo room overJ. Wise ' " . About:six o'clock last • FridaY : ofght . Foods store. There is agood entrancemAsciPpdlyirYte:. .31e,'Gripp caught • hold of Mr, Thomas - ,. ': '. • J. a kr,taorri,.• or .. ' .' Snowden and has not let in alto! yet. . iint'n..,.rob.6•t:,..s.lows. a. 1.0,.OTT.:37frst.eit,,. ' Alt. .f1. johnston is passing his titne ' • • .,. Clinten P.O. • ' teaming lumber to • (Mitten. . . . . --BareRobert Ore,' je.,-is:going to ship • .- -• a Car load of notatoes to .Bieffala next count of Bayfield's strong tea. l3aye • • We saw by litst.wee0s issue an at- o week. :. . .• • • • e. • -_-• ' -' . beviYare of that brandas it is unsafe to_ touch, taste or handte. * ' • • -- . . •• • (Intended Eeriest bine.) There wits a pleasant titrie at Mr. .11:"'" Turtter'sThursda,y !evening while the • • •••••• - young people of the town tiiened tit? [LAY R CAKES . tight. fantastic till early .1,11Orn .wIlell it .. • . ' . ' • was moved end seconded that Mr: H. T A Johnston. should give the vote • of •,.. ,4-44-AXER. C.AKE0 .... dress. We. are pleased to see Herhert • • thanks which was followed by air ad- • • . . • • ' . LAYER .C.A.KES - Mr. D. Dewar was the gue,steatte.the taking a stand ainongetegur.periPle• • •weroara•en7. 0. in,i..n.g..,thi...in. , • . , , The supply can scareely meet the tler- , it.doseeisvneso, pay. tee_ineke.,th.eln your- selves. y011 .cati get, them for. • , . . . . " 200 Ea(31.1 . ' Just *think, %three layer ()eke ' P. Mr. Almon of Pickering spent a few days with hise-sister, Mire. A. J. Courtice.* ' • Mr. Sperling of the' Northwest is the guest Of his nephew, Mr. P. J. Evans. __• ,_,Mistt S. Courtice is visiting frlenditin Nile, Lucknow and other points. . The many Mende of Mr. E. W. Jer- vis sympathise with him le his sore aillicttente• We luMe toillear of the speedy recovery of his wire. The L. of 0. B. intend- holding a eoncert on the eVe of Valentine viol, th&I4th. Weexpeet 40 address from Mr. A. T. Coopet and others. - There will be singing, reeitatione and the Holniesville °reheat& will be In attend. 'mice. A email admission fee will be charged. Those who do not attend - volltnisamttrofthoticasoreirtreater-- Quarterly meeting was held latit Sun. day. A fair attendetriee. On Monday afternoon the Quarterly Betted met and tranattated the business for the gust ter. The annual- meeting of the cheeses factery patrons was held'ten Sattfrday ,when the.reports presented were of gratifying nature. Mr. W. B. Forster With re-elected pteeldent • and' the fol- lowing as directors c-jiteries Connolly, Thomas Churchill, George Holland and John Jenkine. Andre* Courtice was eepeoesteonnaeu.ditor ; the directors will also • CO1bortite, (Intended; for lett 'week,) • There are quite it number on the sick list at present With la grippe, (bite 11.131easant event took piece et the residence of Mr. John Kerr, God- erich township, on Wednesday +1st when his oldest son Prank Wad united in marriage to Miss' .Tertale Wilson of Goderich. Quito^ number were tires. ent and spent a very pleasant evening!, The bride. received many handmine• presents. Rev. ' J. W. Mien of Ben - miller circuit tied the knot, We wish the young couple it happy and prosper - out life. Miss Williams, "the Ilivangellet," who has been conducting somata ser. vices at Benmiller and XiOrt utrewenes for tho exert, foot Weeks, closed Mona at Zion Irteeitty night and MS; for it new dela of labour on Saturday Iturt., May the torsenee of the blessed Master go with 'her Wherever site goes for she is a true laborer in His vineyard and has fraught many tem darkness into light while amongst 45. . ized about ten dollars. .' • The G. T. R. are getting thingsdown pretty line. Our station. agent is not required to alien the station' till'seven a. m. The express is due at 7,04a. mo giving the magnificent thee of four minutes, .unless the agent • proves ebliging enough to open up before re- quired to do so. 'Many trayelleie come front a distance of Si* or severx miles and Can hardly gauge their time for a, drive so far to four minutes. Also there is but one man on.this. section at present. With the hard frosts -of late thistiack requires clinking, and as one main can hardly do everything a disas- ter might matte at any time owing to. the cheese -paring of the ,pretent man- agement of the. G. T. R. One of our citizen's proposes in revenge on the G. T. R. that' the people begin and travel by other means. Mr. Peter W. Scott has purchased the seuth-half of lot 40, con. 7, Eget Wetwanosh, from Mr. YohnOoultee,'Sr., for a good, round sum. The farm con- tains 100 acres and ise adjacent to Mr. Scott's who now has a 200 acre pro- perty. 'Mr. Coultes has not yeb decided ed where he will _reside, but has beeu Woking ab some properties in Blyth. Blitli. • Miss Ida Heywood ofClinton is the guest °titles. 'Wm. McElroy. . The second carnival. of the season was held Friday night and was a geand success. ' • • ' Mr. John Moore is visiting friends in Ripley. . • Rev. WM. Lowe of Wingham will conduct the anniversary services in Trinity church Suede y next. Miss A. Day of Winghain. is the Beek of Miss Janet Bradnock. Mr. A. 11. Plummer has recovered from a severe attack of la grippe. Me. Thee. MeBrien has returned to Jiro home in Ripley after visiting his friends here. Mr. Richard McOommins is confined to his House with la grippes ' Blutreftle: Thearinual meeting of the Bluevale Presbyterian church Wall held last Fri- day night. After reporter of the dlfTr- eub ill. connection with the church had been read end business tnattera discussed, refreshments were served and an enjoyable time spent. At the meeting of the directors of the Bluevetle Cheese and Batter Cern- pally last Wednesday it was decided to accept the tender of Mr, J. R. Buegese as theesenfaker for the coining Beason. Mrs. Thompson of Parkhill. le Welt - Mg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dtment, Sr. Mrs. Brenton of•Princeton is visiting at Mr. Philip Thome. Mr. Code of Trowbridge was the Snowden House last week. Mr. Tote Snowden is contracting for a new h ousethis spring on the cot'. oferilain street end Picnic avenue and opposite Dr, W. Slack's -Office. • Jhutes Delgatty held Service in the Drysdale church last Sun- day :evening. , We understand he hopes to continue these services each Sunday. Tearing down old houses is now the order of the day as many of the far- mers have run out of Alex: Chalet shot a wild kanuke in in Mr. W.J. Hornet's orchard. last Wee- dy evening.' This is a rare animal and the like has not been seen in this settle- ment for over flfty years. ---We are eorre to lona) that Mr., W. J. Homier go.. utie of his fingers taken off in the ,,King Bee grinder which he had en; gaged to 'run during the winter season. Messrs. George Durand mei Angea , Mitrrety are noW taking stock in their new pump factory. -Mt'. Christo- pher Lott shot it wild cat in Mr. Bat- eese's corn patch. This is sepposed to be the pelmet that Mr. W. Turner Ar- oused some weeks ago. -Mr. Robert Drysdale's butcher shop is now com- pleted and he has employed Johnnie Bannermanits foreman. ---Wedding, hells are still ringing. tu Xing street. -Mr. Robt, Drysdale sold two tons of hay tre Archie Sterling last Monday for et fancy figure. ; • Vest Mr. Alberb Wallace has sold a fine_ three year old Durham to Me Cornish And another thirteen monthsold to Mr. 0. Baker of Goderich township,. Both animals are prize winners, Say "No" when a detti_er offers you e substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. There ienothing just as good. Get only Boon's, FRIENDS PREVAILED A Nervous Toronto Woman Walked the Floor During the thoht for Hours et. Time -She Makes. 'efittoment, TO/tOtiTO, ONT.-,q, was troubled with nervousness. It was impossible for me to keep still and if the spells came over me during the night 1 hal to get up andavalk the floor for hours at a time. My blood, was very poor and/. wart eubject to bilious attecka. My feet would dwell Onaiwaa not Ode to do my own house gated of Mr. Leech Met Sal»ath. Werk. I treatedeetvith two of the heat Inspector Rcilib visited our sehool •pleysicitine her but only retteived relief thia week. for a time. X. boteatee discouraged. One day Doe. Mettler of tramiltort spent Sun- nay* friend oohed and advised me to try at home. A great number Hoeft hantaperill of our villagers are "1"ghed at theta vice but ryas prevailed upon and pro - MIs. from severe colds. Miss mcOrecken of the Bluevalsroad ebtoilatotesitat red onebobttetle. rokstra ettortooi used bot - ties Is very St with pneumonia. , ties and alto several house el Now can eat. and drink heartily and Settre orth. sleep 'soundly. Roeder hes „ Mr. durroti stoic, tame, wont' to entirely oared me and. also strengthened _ ,ronto• two "tee ago to have an mese that I now do all my own work. opteretton otelformed at the general 1 ohSertull renominend BoOd'oi !WSW hospital and died in that institution on till* to all 'efferent from titmouse, 1 . Friday -Inst., Th. operation was too weskits** er moot debility.," fourth for troustitakitni bo Meath fi The risepetvii rare brought home atict t fiziremlM toitostrtat oureray. „Mr. n,Grod ts, pills and I11411thrit`ottrofitattel Ststrit rtut 'in twO ytaqs sov cutitiot oon thaustett, rOarOli x(ituolati . • Chocolate. Cocoanut- LeniOn Filled _Cream 'Filled Fee 20 Cents. Our Pies - Are-fireat- Made with best puffpaste, APPLE. Inns, 2 for' 250 . LEMON PIES, 15e eiteh RASPBERRY PIES, 2 for Sec Leave your ordera in the teeming and have them delivered in the afternoon, ,KIRKBY " Next Clarendon Itotel. Quinine Capsules Onr Quinine Capsules are filled with Howard's Englialt Qiiinine and are guaranteed full weight and sold at the inodetate rate of • 10c a Doz. 30oz. for. 250 Oar Syrup of Tar and Wild Ohm is so pleasant to take that it ims become firmlyrest Hailed as the children' vorite. • TO• Cll,re'Grippo IThe ont, rininitte Caps and Stoups of Tar and Wild Merry. • Ohoinittaud Llrwglat4 Ii • srr