The Clinton News-Record, 1899-02-09, Page 3• • e-ef- .4-••• IT WILL OUT — • , • . • • \tlegikl *kid .V. • •161111 1.11101ha II IVO I . he ' OR, •A OREM* MYSTERY, I:MARVA W. . had fallen throngh Hui night. The ear - 1 cones e that I was conelderablr den was bounded by a, three -toot brick ettartled, by Able treala proof et the wall with e fringe of wood rails upon prootacoa oatuo0 of my. conipanionao the top, and against Ude wall waa lean, theories. /Kr respect for hie owers. ing a 'stalwart police vonstabla enr, eala.ryels inereatted. wondrously, There 'Xouudoki b/ Mali knot ot loafers.!w110 reMained some lurking suspicion 'craned their nefika and attained their Ale my mind, however, that the whole 'eYee in the Vein hope of catchingeome, thing Watt a prearranged episode, hee glimpse of the proceedings within. tended to dazzle Me, though what I had imagined that Sherlock Holmes earthly object he could hive in taking e.veuld have at mice harried into the me In was past my comprehension, noose and plunged into a study of the When locked at him he had Buishell inTaterYe NOW)* appeared e to he reading the note, and his *zoo forther from his intention. With an 440ssiott whioh owed mental aunistanees (seemed to me to border ertniecl the recant. lack -luster ex- , Or et PorsOhalanee which, under the cir- Idtraetion. OW% affection be lounged up and do. t n 1."110w in the world did you. deduce the Ptweloont and Raged vs-eantlY at ;metre I asked. , ,'`.!' : the greund, the ear, the opposite houses, and the line of railings, lia*eireg .:, "Ilealtiace whet'," said he, patulantly;, • . "Why,. that he was a retire&. see., ti,nleheed, his ,eeerutinY, be proceeded geant of marinea," , • siosviy. gown the. path, or, rather, doWir "I have no tine!, for trifles,°' he ree the fringe of gras$ Which, flanked the plied, brutuppar then. with a smile path. keeping his eyes riveted, upon the Twice he, stopped, and (Mee .' ;hgraeeeadaeleeM,4•rtahdonhgessirie;Thasae Debrrehkeepethei ground.eawhim . smile and heard .him utter an existemation of aatidadion. There le as well. Se you -aetually were not able to awe -Chet that man was a Bev. were maPY Merkel of footsteps upen goant .4 marinosre . . . the Wet, alayey-ecal,but sin ee the p. 1c • ',."No, md(sed.," , . : lied hese ebming and, going ever it. I was unable to see how my oenapanion. t . was easier' to knew it- than to ceutd hope to learn anything trim. it. in why; 1 know it, . V You. were Still. I had had each extraordinary evi- ror; that)two and -two made etlimie tzrtfiLT,4rttrn.:r.41121.rt2r;Irie3 you migh smile ', diffidulty, d yet. you are" qui eettre of the fact, could eels. a great deal which Wart hid- . ',Even ecross qiusestreet I eouldt.sen a greet blue anchor tattooe.d on the back 4z16:41 4r°to.olo- . • of. the fellow's bend. ,That einftekea Of Al the door of the house we were. ' thence.. 'lle bad a Military carriege,: Pil;rerra:n,14tbIllgtitigtt);it; hoWever, and, regulation eide,whiskere hated, who ruehed forward and .wrung There_v_re beie the marina.: He VMS a mine with sane antonnt of •self-irepore MY compamiou's hand With effusion. ;Lance and a certain eir of bonne:land. hi:1141111N!IWIagge=1Ytt 7,1:i; •Yon 'mntit• have observed the way ll'iztl, tintonebek" • ; e „...,Whiola he held his head and ravinig ' fi'(':irlfgialtea..itile!:.p1V-Illfrrairi"reav.vahre7lci . Wife, rit-' steady respectable; middle- - ,aaged man, too,' on the:.face of him- of buffaloes had passed along there, ' ti..11 facts 'Which led ine to believe -that eoeld not be a tereatexemesse No doubt, 110 bad beeta a eergemit." '. . -' ::ceernonunneeernfpuilel'e•eI4haidennlaotiemde. e -i tc'ingh. ohioul;rovneff:GYereetrshooahda drawn yyettuerpoewrinnietotend• e I thenglit from 'his, eicpression that -he ,.th's•" •' • • . " . "I .hreve had so inensh.tot do inside was pleased at my evident shrpliete and the house," the detective7etaid,evasi- admiration. TI said just now that there :were Oa eriminals• It aPPeata that 1 vheeir7e‘. 'I'll4h7a,dearilealeiegdneu•Poret'briMeetrtaodelo•bike ere wronge-elecik. at this!" Ile threw me °vet i he Mite Ivhiele the conamisaionalee •.a,feeter,__thtS•• '4' . ' ' ' • . • had 'brought: . o.!,....eborec: geelerndeoheclioaithyme, and raised hii Why,' i cried; ne I cast my eye: " 'With two such rase as yourself and . peerit, e•this• is tertiblel" '•- ' Lestrade upon the ground' ,, there will This lei the letter 'tfhich I read to ' 4. hiraL. , • . nole:be natmh for. a third Party to fired to be There is twitting wee Nigjo a Straar and banr At hie dilly entered - and the etrangar was lifted SONS OintilOPS tA.ETS GONCERSING t&eand =Ad Md. Ai they raised TOBACCO SMOKE. e. ring tinkled down and rolled noose the floor. Iolanda grabbed it un Very leen; Illevelees or the Weed and *hired at it with raYetified We. 4°The.re"0 been a woman here," he cried. "it'e WOMIM's wedding -ring." Re held it out, as he evoke, Oen the palm of hie hand. We all gather- ed r 4 hi oUti. and sexed at it, There Quaid be no doubt that that circle ot plain gold. lied Once adorned, the finger of a bride, "Thie • comnlicatee., matters," said • Gregeon. tieeven knows, they were• cop:edit:sled enetigh before!" ee. There h s been a bad' business during ' nay 14,11: Mr. Sherlock -Hob:nest-- ""t'• he said' • •' •Gregson rubbed his hands, in a Self - off satisfied *ay. . , e, - I ',Nes-Si-gut at 3 Leuriston Gardens, "I. think that we lutire. dime all that 1 the Erixton 'Head. Our mai tut the can be done," he ensWered; "it's a tin.eer •- ' it saw it light there abinit two in case, though, and I Irneweyour taste • 'the morning, and as the house' Was an for sue); thing," .' . empty o.:16,,snspected that ;something: "You did not. kfOree Imre in tr` cable' • wee erniss,e'Ile lotind the door open, • * asked Shetlock Holmes. • • and.In ; the front. roone, which is, bare ,• , of furniture, 'diecovereet -the, body. of a •• II°. sir* • . ' • . • ' , "No, sir," " •Nor Leatradel" gemleinhn, well dressed, and having -„eardS in his pocket:beering the nalne 'Then let. me .0 .e.oe..i...e....e._, ie._ ei Of ,Enoc.h . 3. Dreher:. CleVelandi Ohit., . mone..., . 6 . . ''. , . Y.`",'. 7 I!LI,1 ' 1J,S.-A- There had...beer:E. .00 - robbery, . With which. inconsistent remark he e nor is there any evidence as to how • strode on. into the house, followed. by ' 111 e. men' Ind , hie ;death. There - . el er - :Gregaeo,: ' whOste &Antes' %expressed Mules of -blood in the 'room, but there , hise,astoniShmente . • . • , ie. nO, wound noon hie omen.: We are ',..1. shore passage; .bare-paned..and :let • a icit'S as - to lame be carne irate the . diesty, led to the kitchen and offices. - im pi e'. lioueee indeed," theewhole. affair . TWo 'doors opened out of , it .to the left ' -isea puzzler. . rt you Otin .come roland and. to. th'e right... One .ofetliese hail to tha house Any 'thee- before 'twelve. obviously been 'eloied for man* weeks. yen wilt find: rae there.. 1 have left: The- other belongede'th the slining- - emit iltag' is- 1434131: Atm until " I hear room; which was the - apartment in I tore you. •If yen are unable to•come which the mysterlas affair had occur. - • 1 I- b. tit give ' you fuller details, , and ed. Holmes walked in, and I followed would. esteem -it a skeet kind,neaa if , hint with 'that subdued feeling at My You would favor' me with Your °Pillion, . heart which the presence of., death in- Yeurs taithfullY, ' 'You're sure it doesn't [41010 Own f" observed Holmes, "Xliere'a no- thing to be learned by staring at it. W.hat .did you find in hie pockets?" POIStr te a litter gisf objeete urn 0. trOid ierStObk 97466, b7 Barra:lid, of London. Gold Albert chain, very heavy and gelid. Gold ring, with 1Viasonlo devise. Gold head,. with rubies as eyes. Russian, leather card -ase, with cards ofaEnoth Drabber, of Cleveland, corresponding with the E. 3-, D. upon the linen. No pUrste, but loose moneyto the exteht of seven pounds .thirteen. • Fooket °die tion et lioecaccio's 'lleoemeeron,'• with name Of •YoSePie Etengerson upon the fiyaleaf. Two lettets-,,one eddressed "WO hOve it all here" said Greven, ono o the bottom atone of the eta rat • I I PAM ll=mettlitrudttimsral . .1.04 hie head VS the Wok, The OW*. 'e• ices •,tioter was ungeweed; he raised the axe, . 1#0 WAS A/IWO:04= hut hie trembled. The tom fell; ha wound WIL41%infiletsed, and 44.4".4)14 15°W.Ilt 044I WM)* itiPe•e0q we kge, to be laer, wore were both ia love with Alike Ware. FOR* Or 100110IITION. • Aro Alltutta ntelateao oen, poroaotko• ro igatom Peak welt 110X0reti. Better the deed but the had ea auteesefelly used thme • Orate Orifkleett Simitisle is MIA Irreetleeti-The Seett/allt MOWN der tah14. el the OttW°titte than that' P OS T00400* 4,- Yegolable Ilithelltmees eseoreaules ee eke sawsgenno.,, • The notorious Lard rats the wit r methods fo whteh otsoommshot . ko a young woman are well vereed theh end" Are, mere iieeeirecee mem To, Theme stoke of ensres tohowmtt.„., I.,„ sma beheaded in th country 1400 te ilmel(00 - Man. TO;.eart Serer OAT SAlderet.471, "6041111trblt 4t1;1111.14511°414 whn 44 ex- 416-tket 6.1 th443 11414 "I' 9"1"1"1" at age Illaf 4 cigar efooke eote free over!, read Mr. Wiliam Andrews! "Bygone Vdtoarhearm4artoontaititugbe ex4cutrilaue° wad.14441)1° "r°141"" .4° "I" diviIts 2,000,000,000 tiny Partiolee• a whiff from Punishments." 4ven to look nt the ok 1° rIle ixethrenatot"n coett°v"enie'llttwec7clieleth°nst,"wo, °lull ' e leine liberetee .0Ver 1.800,000,000 of piettiree le an education in, the grime glaide'dhetc'thortglt Alt" would t4.41°, a"l% s a t hem both vvi b eau lanced v those Pertioiee• and one. from a nigaP" BOMe. Thel . ha4 a rOBOOMeitty of looked at hie esffieo °and, atter repeat..tlxellonhe tafternoon- in tmideVinatler, SS she - iftte etarts 2,800,00090 of them flying eratilty la those olden Omen to which [mg some, lines front FfOrs,00 and Ovid, A, very clarions fact ooneerniag tohacco tient/40 are tie nothing, Nowadays we : ciltra!vneletanittir t41(liefne•f• e he laid hie head.. on the bleak. oaten-, eat -PlaYMIT and Ailing dreamily tO . TheY.met death, hereelf, Abe wee interrupted by hat through tho Mirrollniling .atmeeiabere the Bo -gelled tortures of 'the Vi'vizele- elnoke is tbe• remarkable gluing° in beau praeticallY tWO tante of punish,. In the northern half of 'the Hingdoni aaaain )444/41 w/P1 aarna ta d'iaaa'aa "1° ,;_. skating party, planned for the ap.• color whim", it =timer. Leese baurftnitirnesnetnerclinogt jliteungt-4wime. 0.4:futinse4;t070flartatlitaxetirlsober iiew've., tnah:yeozilre: ix•b'Sig)tottaieoltwAlefelden" watt ,, the Mouth Fro a eigar thn etnnim intros m. deep blue 04 in vartety, and, plenty, of tt,• moo., tiritit)15167noturtehble" int mediturtsotf vrdsealitlinisfdoer Po4a,wes:Igplutletri8itn:r„t sally,. so that w� ttrhoratatidsthe ewmollileouthalts weleflohn iadeerefedelcileidy : oavacarpttediutetco. elivae4r1P;inindshoniteontt eopenviablulyo kilanerdt.oei, :will: ewssFet!iimilca:slic.iserdnhrth,ittl'eol:tt: !...ru...tasittlecOTaya.moat of it," abe said, e..4 this is cortaintly not the ease, Me banit f th pond*where zo oned aemefood intended for abe house- Bart did not stiffer death, till 18514 and e e - We can war onrselveg and have oar refreshments, nobOlute0e4i tiltbeelltittivo.ftoltobOaheasutaru,litrtelyy Or 'Walden," was need at the exeetal ,ticgtoisflitheatillnfierrri:ritagliensityarisnaothienasat :Thea,,ve1 radlietvhei 'twill he the gayest. time at Smithfield. 'Per a good many years T aelenee has ealoulate4 the* an 'Were what the phrase meene until You have first mtilrA•igertn Arseabe4 fell at a favared la"ar° Wtkh laaaW 'brownieir tint. $ir Wtlliein Thomas- when, about the year liat" a (emir poi's - gen, I4ord HeiVin e!coently acconnted for this difference byt proving that the minutest particles have an intense af- finity for Moistore,, Fri= this he rea, timed thet 'when, tobacco stnoke is drewn into ,thea ,monthi its smalletit particles are•immediateledeteehed from fix* vlotiM Woo tha Earl, himself, but • "Theft° going to.build a fire on the e season." •. about that time all manners 'of poison, by the PATaiden" extends to at least „ • .."""" dee._ ea &wet tliink mouth abodU lie list of those who met thlii th ors enet iheireloom ineehe same wav, one hundred and twenty names, Eicake " mid slice, fingering her Rights ab - j4408,1 too, witb. of them. ver dist' • - a.t abarra_ y ingutsbed ntunes, ouch eentli filie spoke. • .• r Xelna Gordon, of Hada°, Presi, Regardless of her indifferent. man - to Webber and one to Jetsepb We U oeet what addrese 4" faces, to whiele *they! fly axed lodge. Strangerson." • the rest by the Presen°e of In°414 ing appropriateness they dealt with dent prank spencer look left till oalled Ur. They are both nounoed Abe tongUES to be an nertirlY 'SP; 4177.11$h":84:1:tb5. uni"t•unate •"Atherioan- Exehange, Strand -to be -Be id t' 1 k t ' f a a a" • a on Pra' g ner 'Edith centinued ha lively %sever- e es par io es snao e eon ants eey- ilia. M id T4 AP Apostle Earl of Ar yle The latter went for ward te hts doom. with great fortitude: l'atian" "Didn't eats Walter Raleigh •Wen hie famotIS wager m • efrument held et was a sweet stepPed out of fashton plate?' and refer to the sailing of their from, the onion Steanaship Cob:reY, eral gaSes" "P"8' Iheug4 Sir ember s Utah no man can tame' Our all aYiniC • 1118 *6 * 611 th?.. grim in' fine at the !Mt 6111°62 " if Ile', inet unfertuttato; Masa was ,about to re- c ent opinion: They had "break!! or his soul into heaven. • The nee of the rettkrovoto New. madeYork." .e. 41301,4,, her os wstobt las saioloand the instrument itself is acne one Al cola of these When. he •atteMPted to hrifue nude for it and .he ehrew "Maiden", Wasdisceotiniied you any inquiries asi to . so much 'as attempted to (Vett.. she was forefathers a arenti•- held a, differ- 41sta. • ho le Id ft, from Liverpool, it is dlear bat thie with 'eeneen Elisabeth; he took 'ne ate, • 14en' ern"rave wen • " 1 k to see a man le* tilat way'" 0. DY "1 (lid it at once, sir," said Greieseil• aahes from, that of the unburned oi 'd t b be in tit.nhur•gh. lee'D fastidious, that's all," replied, Edith. •"Harold ought to suit you bet- e of the Ourioeities of,':the Soctoty of - this man Stangereon " subtracting the weight of the final . bound te' have her tongue (shockingly 'Antiquaries Muse= ' g • mutilated. And the drunkard -look CO, OS, aPPeare we en on .0 in IS • . andebie demonstration woUlde. not . hold the matter•'of What .ratahya :ncalllaent lie4kr .'etexIa'ottlhyenst'eabitieshilt°"!1°4 18 hardlY1' " how he was managed.. You. remeraber the etOrY of "The Starlet ,Littet,", so mlnor punishment tragically tole by Nathaniel' think, 'for example of the ."jouSg land s. It is erne° s b e to .4 . Ile is very ca'releie, about his cloth - the 'the drunkard. get. his thotne. This. . Was .the first letter of the steel of repentance es:beileg in any eaeand that's another bed*fault."... ' . VOLYC` 0°23.Patable tO the teTtilreS of,. the :'''GOodneis It I :wasn't acautunted the newspaPers, and one of my men haa gone to the Amerrean Exchange, good With any Seierttitit to -day; but he has not returned yet." An error now common even among "Have you sent to Cleveland oid.smokers eXiStS referellee 10 the "We telegraphed thies moreing.'e araow did, you word your inquiries . TOD• A000. ewe-. siniely. detailed • the oircurae • The dark addle whjele comes area White stances, and said that vee onld toad. of may information which !mild tndkerehtet -after • biowing ' erneke help us," . t rotigle it is censed by soot .Eipd tar "You did oot ask for particulars iM from the smoke, and •not by nicotine any point whieli appeared' to you'te ha as nearly everybody suPPottes.,* This "aeejia,i1 Led" ehokit stantrorlo'n.. 'seine slain hi deposited. on the teeth A'Nothing else? Is there,..no oireiime and ,einger tips of cigarette smokers. stances on Which this whets calm VI The "oake" in the/. howl of a pipe is composed of,yeel coal, as god as, . any that Mined. It he fortned. by , the; luioes oozing under the high t,empera- , ture front the binning tobacco, and vvould barn if subjected to.suffielent, heat. Clogging in a 'pipestem is °ace - ed by the rapid :accumulation of tar, Nicotine is coterie* and forine" less Peara to -hinge/ Will- you. not tele- grap again f "I have said all Lhette say,"eeaid • Gregsozi, in an -offended voice. Sherlook Iltilmes 'elireekied t� Self, end aPpeared to be &bind to make some ternarle when Eestrade,•'whe had been iathe front...too* while ive Were holding this conversation in the hall; reappeared upon the scene, 'rubbing lees 'hands in a pompous and ,selt-satte- than one ten -thousandth Part of . all fled manner. " ' ' the substaneezilprecipita.tect from tob- "Xt. Gx.egson," .he said, aI have just aim) smoke, ' " " made a discovery 9f the .highest im- It has Often been quoted. that agrain patinae, and esee Which would. have .01 .nicotine administered all, at:mica been oveilooked had- I not made would bit kill the strongest dog, and 'from ,eareful examination Of the,walls." • • .1 this have, bean argued its, terrible ek- To Bo Continued. . tects on the body of ' e,humen. being. While this statement zei undonbtedly . . oie As OHEGSON." ' It uremia 'large, square se•em, looking ee Sniart°8t%a the 8001- ' all. the arger for the absence of 'all land .Yterders,"Iny friend retharked; ' • ,th e and ,Lestrade aretrr'plehenf-a bad. nit'ir'3.' ' A ' vulgar, tilting. Pa' per adorned. the .walls, . but it woe. blot- Aete:They 'are both quick and thee '-.- r- ell in 'places With mildew, and here gelie, hut eonv.entional-shieckingly so, , an ' there great ,striesit had become de-' .. Th ty leive•th ie kni ees into nee ono her . tached and hung down, :exposing the ' ioo. ThaY ate as' Aealeus as n pale of 'yellow plaster beneath. Oppesite , loofeetoorsel beautieee . There will be door was it*.showY firefileise, Burmonnt,- "A ' fun over this ea -464f th.eY are h.13th -..eed by a inalitleitieee cif imitatin white put wen the ece4."• . ee Marble. On one Caner ef this was -7 ea -me 14a3r.`"' :ithele the stump of a red ivax-candle. - .1 iota. amazed. at tied 1 • . fr.:hi:Arita riPpled.00.!-', __ • , • • The solitary: window Was ?i dirty that. - . ',Surely there is!Utxt a /Opulent to be,, the light evealmoyh and uneertain, giva ion," I (oriel; "Shall e go and , Order . jaw.. a., dia.1,4, a r y tinge to everything; ,eou., rt debt"- - which Wes intensifiedhy tile thiek lay. ‘..1 ani .not auto about whether I ehall er Of duet „which °detect . the whole go.- I- -an • the most .. incurably Wel ,eeeleteeteet, . , •devil !hat eVer steed. in shoe leather -4 e'• e 'AI( 'these detaile 1 observed': atter- • ihtt is, when the fit la on me, for ',/ ward. At , present mY . attention Ware Ye'in• . 6° sPrY encnifth 'at times•'•-• - centered -Upon -the !tingle grim. motion - "Why it Es,just such a "chance tis yen 4 11388 1141°00 whitsli lay. stretched upon have...been hinging fOr," ' • 'the boarde, with vacant, sightless' eyes '111Y: dear fella-, what does it mate staring Up at the 'discolored (sailing. tee to %me? Suppese r unraVel the It was that of a man about forty-Eh/Pee '. whnitt matter, you. may he aura that or forty-four years Of age, niiddle•sizen, • ,Gregeon, Lesteade 4 Cue will Po6ket- broad -shouldered, with. orlon, curling- • all the credit.. Thatecomes of, beixtg an black. heir, and. a short, stubbly beard, unofficial peretoriagn." . ., , . He -?O8 dented in a heavy broadoloth ' !Sul: he begs your to help MM." • frock -coat. and, waistcoat, With light. "Yes. He koows that I ants his su,per. , A., colored trotisers and imniamila.te Cellar • ior, and acknowledges it to me; out- -and cuffs'. A tophat,." well brushed' '.. he would out his tangos out hereto he and trin2,. was placed on the floor. Would -.own it to any- thirds person. side hi. . Hitt hands were elinched. . frOweVer, we zna,Y ale Intel]. BO and have and his arms thrown abroad, while his :. ty le)k, 1 shell work it out en hey own lower linibs were interloeked es though ' , hook. 1. aniLY :Wive a laugh ate them •hts death ettuggie had been a griev- if 1 have nothing else. Come Opt" :, ens one, On his rigieface there stood -, : He hustled' ma hi a overcoat, eon- an expreetsion of barer, and, as it inetled a.beut in a way, that *bort seemed' to tie, of hatred, sad% as I - . (hit tirt energetio fit hael super/tearer ha,ve never seen upon human features. • • the apathetic. ofie. . . Thiel malignant and terrible tontortion "Get your hat," he Wide,' ` r • combined with the lova forehead, blinit "You Nvieh • Me 10 'eenIer": .... ' ' ! nose, and prognathous jaw, gave the -"Yes, if you have inehing stetter to idead man a singularlY shniourz and epo- de," .. !like appearance whieh was increased . ' A:Minute later We Wertt' both In a .by his Writhing litulatural postUre, I • - harta0m, driving furiously for the Pria- have seen. death in many forms, :but ton Itoad. - '' . . :' never has it anpearekl. to me hi l'a more It wee a foggy, elouelettnorzeings and ' fearttoMe ,aspect than .in that dark, ° hoiele-toPs; loOking like the,refl•tctiott •en one of the main arteries of subure of the mud -colored streets% beneath« ban London letatrade, lean and let- - • ' compenion was in the, beak of ret -like as ever, was atending lier the . spirits, and prattled away About ere- doorway, and greeted my companion mona fiddle,s, and the differente and zoysia, tWeen a. Stradivarius and an A,Mati, "Thltrease will teaks 4 stir, sir," he • As- for myeelf, 1 was sitente for the remarked. "11 beats. anything I have dull weather and. the taelanthoiy bus- seen, Mid am no chicken." bates upon Whith we were engaged •eThere go. oiew,o sem carogoou.. depreesed my "None at chimed in Lestrade, "You don't mien! to Wier mueh Sherlock Holmes, approaohed the body „ thought to the nutter id hand,' T 'and kneeling 'down, examined it „in- field. at last k Interrupting llohnea's tently, • • inualcal disettieition, • "aii are stere that there is no 11 chin-eolore vell hung over the viol° apartment. which tooked out vp„ - views on some subjects. • Take out of the world, nitwit easier by eating wornen have end: (lifter, alter tkwatkoat. ooula4 put hi,twou . 'SVIDOWS AND_BAOTIELORS .ordet to committ enioide y smoking • %.,I,fohderdhottgowtderue14. jihtraev:a•toolgoaornki,stuntni: rolgvhert true,' it is somew..:,tsleading. Me and ziadtroliin:re,,n6iii, 'for „instance... waken Et the hoxee, eie • , ,in.eeiticlr:lboce�u it• Oases a second helpinete he .0114`tever -the' ill 14 • When need . to execas,e lioica about him' for a,:, spinster, buten acteen an Adult ad a mild sedative.- It widow doesn't care two straws for a is claii:edtt8:11:ito;--;t111Zesr iihe a dt hot rr t ise trl 1 bacheler. She prefers a widower Year ves. the niind, by lesseninegathe-bade ; tilu,sctrileorngloof4,vtaLts tentdeeiregtiitirg, . Li:wile with a:fund ofdothestio, experience to f t, cleave on. . „These are facts. Statistics Prove them An a Bettered thing the is one'ofthe Yleast injurious aubstances man who spends one-half of his ,time;•.' in .meniorizieg datisties and the other half tiring them at leies triendet-or ett- 'titer hia enemite, he has no trioxide -1s an u.nmitigeted nuitiance, but: he 19, Withah •a esefUl Mad eve* necessary ,.., , • prariodadu.cesssantltitras astp,%114,ym unabtionvresers . athr: evil, andatre tolerate him with resigna- certain.liindief grasses,. notahle antong thfm-.. There are 'oases in the desert . /Who% is hemp, whioh causes ;* t of his tiresoMeness., Cinonin a while lion and anaesthesia. •• Therellsexeievr- When flotmcieting hi theiedielanthuss 0..fonthLs irladesare ,ttotissihrowsisttlamastit tihsehattinecietzthet Aturazteeetal• • vdried, ieformation he - --,ifrona =liking gratifies, after Whielthe thing We would have never known, or 'intoxicate prisoners went peaceably to known. Compared with other well koown vegetable substances used for the *me Purpose ° TOBACCO IS.VER,Y MILD, • . . . Oinem, without 4011bt, AS most fearful in its effeets, for the drunkenness it ice, I shout $ I am Wreng. The '.ottttye' per witli."3"4 Al face 01 the hi. grne'S heroine, intim isalit'll -' s 're ts ' hena The. full an ' attendant.on each side." A tho t a' wit gresein the . a "woman who himiehciou gsulealyRoetthtstheinre, sotatariecn : riootrsilt.., ed tardr ace like a flock of swift-vvinge great tilftenabd."( aaule'd lte'Fet. and then elose the Emma Setarontise of iiiciry:end, the stocks. And .ea.r it on his hreast,,lika Hawth IC 011ttY stool," and idea ee bank; shelethilainirkkmte Ina:do brightne n'' ixtost de , 10. Nor was this the ill: lc "Anse QS a form of diserfaal" thing drea was condemned to th eennuandmenst- OSA Shone in a olowileet with. htdoerinaorrneeli :npdezittipinnttetherseind;4,1 and rin,gSet:nt‘hi sky.when the Party reach their head bsiksid march to the view of Sio in the, Free °berg ot ..st001. was going to „happen, * 'ea ael3:iotir eic:theeebeikrt,0l1P8f6,Srlie: dbeuvtotiedknocif;lotell be yourself 'agazni Nmetteme. Otin.ne n-on he ,,hath seen man iii ., ow an 000182, ,aillid6w:le touieth.,: , s mpunish- Itoi itiz:... ogarteaort:::!roi. sthrh mrhe.Saci no;i8Eixilfie alti s ,TProly trYing form whew .3rou.wget. On your skater. owpaiat±Thk,:ai , ngrapellidngi.4.- fouresier..4.1pnhnieee thidiin drove, u • They simply wented - to , : . . ,. , . head.. have them . visited `with meal wilfalnette. that the re rri 1884 OnTIOPrh ing suo:flnaraing. away over the p se sharpened, ill appetites and UL 1110 ' itt meaningoehunretciitsiths3..00dmil::sepntiftnaaeril7vthh17e:ntiulrongra spvho. fo:faeri4d:7E h. Tho is.:b a: t., 3,reeilit ate". --•:tbdaelicien7axalieottii:6:0;;e1.4sken:,3010'uvaia.utee.g.tirils.stao:ichhpriiliaild:15:sia.emrYcialitnd'asinbs:if le; iteee_taiteor:7;eisi e, h; seemed.to3 p ere 'l yolunch hi iotysu 'rb a• Int4: .eis k. sptteloa 83r. hi,..en.W:c!iitritato.oltill'o.le:ritiste.sh:setir...,e.tt:she.ad•r-la. List; .. : °T.,ina lege.' and tie° hol ThT 0 hes rent Its tlt.XhtiesetZthY. niceurnYtu1Put7yt .;13t?1141uniliacshk. ' vi. .i.Acict. eliernoglethneiir the d us evta she was derioribing a , . another hole. at * were 'an aim t os etcolu-, 'by her unweariedcapnolo as she performed her . utionsc-closely followed ' . uspient's head soniewhIPPed ahou1 the; Ave t re. t tielfile aware "of thi eli ' '• , 1 . ' ran Tigre is a tit. eci- at her feeetuasnnad.dsheillYeet'lluitiineteogialivee;:miti to the ptison doo . ' InfrequentlY ward wie ' 8 --e` 8WePt feadeBalY capital I), tind had to '-vv quipped or their sport they a, and, 89' cover, their Me with a black shVaWCIle. Sande7 ser- wellt ly amend. the-Me4Y Saone' efersr els', and this is their pu-nish- ;nu adul4ly was nea°44jr°ni' h45 E.71.--er the ' brushwood pubholy Oinked' burningfi'oWhthile mak-them new -fashioned -cloak,. anal e' anot d adraonirsreedlle ge,ett the pond' - teem she emproa.ched • where the pry - was . o 8, low . d „period down to abo t u one hun- • a' P°111t " . ' fee a o the. eepern.;on's sun h d man, Tarvh'e•attaillielfe::Aonfdb‘avri:crhei bitaerrele .efrellaer/141g.ageoeeiltet7411-13. lull. 71.-eit. ini fIcing.'-al'ind would Mr. Andrews hits neturaili a .great Men :still • P r , 0 . dangling it':the' gate of er beneath. 'Though. the depth was MA - deal to say about- hanging,. which. hes..Ducldington Parish Church near Edin- great, the shock was suffienint to ex - beer* the usual Mode -of Capital iinnish,, Imegli, One. fromold. Ohureh of cite her utmost terroti and. stniggling . . e . Society of - Antopearie.s Museum. :Harold, saye.me l . . , ' • In the .?Ilicidle Ages, every town •and •It -is a very simple instrument; '6:Insist- •',13oth young men:arrived at nearly abbey _an( nearly-. all the 'mine: iniPbr.; ing of in :iren collar, wieh 'a joint .or. Ihe seine moment.; but e 'Herold had • hanging, and tho gtalowS' were to .he,..4 ' - ' • '• - • . , ' ing opened er closed. In the front are ' long. speed. . he rushed to her aid.•. hinge at . the back to Permit o . t heard , h . loops foe the altiering . of a padlock to - Plunging Into the 'broken ice, he -held' .. f i . be- ' his name called and With head. ' Mitt Manorial 'Lade had' the tight 'of • - • !teen everywhere. : T.12,y• had. plenty to secure it round the neck of the onlptit. - her fest While he strove to sectire, a . do, toe. In the'year 1279; for ' exana-lpieregatditig parental authority was foothold .oix the. Muddy bottom. He ,Ilni:41oedot.ofirea,rii,itat itilin ete lei :.er.868, ii„;„otbi.8!,:freauently.the cause 01...y.punitfolk he.. ' was not long in deing Se, and . then . .., ing Punished by the jougs." Thusr a succeeded in *getting to the shore un-. r broken neck. This was in the tiina, Oil . ),68d6°.:::42:a ' e: -tYlainitt .twkli...sou struck- his fatherwes h,,Y assistehid iv-th Alic�. clinging frantioat; Y a ; o 1 Lon A . Andrews, in ly to to, ' . • 1i174 ' 'sentenced to .appettr, before the • "oh, .. Harold," SIM re/Lir/Lured be; :realm, a orithe which Edward 'I.; . when ' aa„.little regard'i emigregation. lbeirlieiddit arir ' beir- tween her shivering sobs, "l'In SO glad eseseozoTewtoolfhtreibrogn bpa,eltaopetorlintomiteannoherni fintie, ttpeo theehigheat degree- of the you got here; 1 didn't want Feenk to.. - tea ehe life of St. Grouse...RentY the ,'aniettend and ane done in e the nther . -"Lett me get eff your skates, quick,' ' penitent. stool, 'With . a. trinitner in the - get me 'ont,;,. , :. . . • . '. . ' It ,e/P,..'hvid,,. ad the twa, inekrunientet he man-' :Alice, and:thin:it/re must hucrY home terien, says SItlhattatraduarnitgiStathwisiliesearlliidt, ' nteeltrib.14.grfe4atr feTreritah 0118. paper hi it head,writ- ; '. i ' . f• ° you'llanrmetIget ' athdeenrien etili°1de.."bank, .saere ' '2tel8ndilet,dif osviteir a inniging 'reign.' • 7e2e.,81107,Ilkeorttinellneaa.aiten' liWaerisheekuisilitednu. menot rise 'A:1'Mb these ; Wo eeee 13e11044 tha &mat- ing anxiously, ."Do lee 'me help about wall Son pun i hqi for tontine hand On ,soniething.". ' ' ,wurienuiriord,rteetheeeielehr4itgiiner natitteereetepain.:, Ilia fether21h-et was it deemed sufficient "Take. care of our skaters,. will. WO ' hanilliation, ler the °Moder was after- Bald Harold, "we've got r to race for, z d - made to stand' at' the market: Dfe,"..and catching. Alice by the hand . , rhe s e to the "ch. h ' sem Me, It warm b urc rt had rende d, ' Po , and, now the math of the fire fted wa Dermas. ' form ed pmf a if the, ol door . en nohniut etnhtesirrs(tietnee:0 • VMS usually fa t d -retie a tree tn. the 11 . But un - if it hrisafe be revived ths mar ket cross d t ' 0 urchyara, to PerliaPs would not even have thought the altar to 'be. sacrificed • to Quetzal - •of had we not, been biassed by Ida ani- colt' the Sun- 'God, Grape leaves, a ' • , wli[ch are smoked in parts of Western. it is net so long age sineeone Aught , tion recently gleaned is the aboveee h 0 been undertaken agaiost their use wh.n a poor 'woman was hanged for ° •• ' t " It was then resolved thet . A .peare rem e s , two hours.in the mougs and theY ran like ,two children acroe tuing:diligenc,e. , . aome *aye almoat hive been hanged for stealing 41.,stp; ".e.,r"s -4 trier° after caetit roug , . th 11 the' haill eadoer to the road, where they &sap- Penesylva maatre• iti One of the choice Moils of Infonaut-- as powerful as o ' ni a d I ' I t' b' M • A d 0 t lla tis ' t Pm . n eters a uni sit r, , n r ws e oz a "'f al' d f " th ight of theirimPan- I tive anneeions. .Nons of' • ail - • • f he t heirby he .offendit sal be cutt'eteoff Catastrophe. decl f thar or mother heir- 'ions i'eho. immediately &shin d and • eha and coi.n, Bak inflameelue ,stealtng Et ehillartg S Morth 000ecteewhEn • • f ever he often a — e b eafter the membernf his OdY Wit- hastened a.way fro .. ' in the scene of the mentioned peculiarity of theltexes when 1 1 Beth cub • • • ' . - hunting subatitutes for lost partners. . a . -.. mucous membrane and upset the digest- ' Exeter porter b,aci•to giv pin/tiff@ - ' ' , Rent:in England for many centuries, SliOrra, rorfarshite, may be seen helpleesly, she erieked, Aloud. e "Ole, clition exiata, 'but • the „statistician 1:W631[1,411y, strozsg. tobaceo is better f be it 'lung hind ur futt, without prank Spencer meehanteallY gathe." - Statistics do not explain, whyttiscen- -suits from the modetatef!ljessehtevtelbacrce-o. fel!. mitt g to lusted t . own, gate . does. .In fact he offers 'several fer... vtharanistrsisid,rtifizer rtriyamopkaertifarlosins thareenifiladr mare numerous, and tend te dr ' PshiacanatI,,y1Iseti can' 14kpearterheenriliziainentieyk •attt4de, the blood by absorbing •. large quInutir!„ take your choke. In the first place, thliesogeo.1 mpoiesrtutirieleirroembleht,epo; nipoeurtholitaanrd., he says, a men who has lost his other halt is 'Muth Mae. anxious to titarry ' t'0"; is- he of, thnmatrimonial state that he . •'TEE viliST STEP tif.jhtterhisssurriadttlterated; .are than a woman, Indeed, so enaraoted • is willitEg t,� give it not only a secOnd. . &toils:1_4bl akaOtio oa thai1 .. ceblissater7,44dtbleritach"tifrnirtlibetriliterisge:e; spinster. Thie theestatistleian partly t i lMe Itriisdte72;h1, WialtSnenie'verf6hIiYtti7ciniutitotino akriY7 aeconnts for by stating -thastxxissestashe tihe-0 buftreenveon'te have it, end that's all visite population greatly male, , each man . feels that it is hie thIlerreiales-alhoyt, lily4't.tear., what ham' is bolinden. duty to assist. as many wo- Men as pOssible bate their trhe sphere it& rssm...410120 al•all. But Isu are a. of the` hen* tarots; ,.- Married woman now, and .1 don't want To dissenters from thia philenthropie view the stetistielan Offers another Yon to eontract the. habit of kissing suggestion to the effect •thrit a than atiniSterre' :• • -likes to be "bees" in his own home, . -,--,- -, ' and having 'carted • .from experlenee • e A NOISY CONGREGATION. that after a women has,heen mottled Ey:standee at great firei -That. hotel- hande, Ile prefers smite wie *lie is dill ?fr. Grip, cononereiai ta•aveier-.same a few ,year !She he pretty ept tc. take pthisoPee. burning'aee* I 4:/' 1 thS reins Of .the household In h°1' °ern yen' -ge7eerari; -stVpn, ions TeitAn11.4"r.thraipref uninitiated, fso that hit may efijoy at fore ahe if6t8 lotiten lit.' Whether elth- creckling the firli SAMOS! least few months o lotning it be- Ppm:index. -- What a • treniendouS ex; Of _ these lyptaihest00 is COrreet it Mr. Gripeit, that's tho bags. one rnght, were swan ing t� rob And not a when ne, end of peOple ; up for robbing or attempt-' Mercer," At Glasgow, in 1598, the ed up the skates that had ee 'criminals in those. days; theY gibbeted lily ala , they hang their ee, eee ' d t. of it youth who had passed his the talkative groups, . feeling that his care and walked in silence amid is afaje.stre malls,' 1 Eresbytery carefully • considered the them after they were dad. eet.uee "withotit lifting his bonnet". Spmething %vas endted forever. Alice, comforted' by dry clothes and corpse was obid in a "Solt of chains," '1 days, according to porental'expelienee. The, Other .iimes, other' •manners.. Nowa. a ' warm bed, soon recovered froin her • terrarfto evil doers. Soneetimes the neck in the Iron Collar. • • . ., . tolg1 both ha had WW1 her aPProv- chill and 'fright, and Harold, blessing his good fortune that at the mere cost and left to dangle in the air ad a evereeyouth in the land should hove his twines friends,. but more frequently it THU IsigVir BLUBIle, , around hin PillOw• ' • ouster removed end buried by the dead " - • .•al, slept with rainbow visions beveling body of a criminal would be eurreptite. , hung in the air untili nothing het the - ,nove ritthiesidy scientiettl rob na Of ' The next. morning; as soon aS PtiLe . bones rennilled. Mr.. Arrd.reWs cite a ,;.11- „,„„, e, , „,,,,,e etre - %. • _ ticable, he callecten Alice, to find her - ghee, in which a bird laillila its neat in '"•''' e"."---,ee- -e"--eYs' "'le" spue-X°7 calm and retieent--:eot sit all the cling- a/culprit's Jawbone!. This was in. VA..' Members noVe intioh havoc has :Wog- iiig,„inepuesive being he. lEad eo lat.ely obinahire% , ona the • drseovety of nine Wrought by the bilish, it is not a littlel rescued; butereeolved not to be baffl- Theta were nine tongues within the' .. which diletee the blood_ veseelsi and oid-a• 't ' sly I egi. he ventured, to say: "I never dared ,-, .--* ..L.. -0'..a. young 414°144 fla the heat Zeva rise to! dis'llos* n'nk to be told that the following rhymed riddle, which re ' „ 1 ke• I - 1 IS °• - 'h' hob "- h t ott-e&ula TettilY weld by excess of blood in the brain to . t ink re t 0...el . . . ,S1111 quoted in the neighborhood: 1'4-7-- care for me, but last 'BMW- when YoU - The tehrtel.Weii' t out to seek Herne bread :.athimillt;bhey t'illiadmuesiees°St, c et hret arai t modern drugs, aidn, t e'i'lTdbutosverotdeinyiyiveibthot,cd.n. IhooPit"?.*:nd lefitnis:' -,:-, . - • To feed the living, in, the dead. 1 of whom, it ie uot often to he, cad phasis that struck tit gallant youlX eceeit bin* inatttled her like a 1)1°w" in the fa • soli 11110•14° ie same 1)140 until 1850, when it was eilaiona eta to the vrizelew. Bit in al...Moment comtaand his voice Ite rose and walk.. The gibbet -with which this •itteldent • thet "te delicate . was cOnnected was stahding in the joebieek,'" May filletheielite"PrettitlY On 00, blown down; hilt the hot lease of a man oox galeid.w..!eistat:ewraroef etofiseebill;vnodusarteyensIalonerkrne • being gibbeted htimened at Lektester A Igat,--tillIbl) 10 ' • 'ing up into WS= ItieevieS8201,1tTlieettree,1! tsowme eereirbtortmotowt ,Ixteeteret. Gran:MS-Your friend, Mx, Had- Sten den% oncsoste .rae highwayman is said to Inuit* biteu sus- ler. Grierepe„: Nyafee . He's an old lanasedpee his wile' the day." ho aid, ondeaVpririg 0fltionkeeP his gaze fixed upon the &stone gibbeted • alive, In 117/ notoriotte whofedeledenilientg.n:k f ights as streneemdy, against an al- ' yoUr us an leAgth' his heartrending criea ledueed , why!. . .i401;Wheiliv;laiedutealartreideld,.1. took itl for grant- ton‘Ve%rshIcieglatiaithr*.de°vi'del,tg atrsirthrfeudllielat ' vexided alive IS hiS ebitill't OS A Pitblitt hAeheier. , ly; but certain it is that a widower „ SAW TUB PAW:110X PLATE, 6rrot!Ititl • ndeitayrs. CittZlgisrt,it I agony,l ehung foruttt t its e at t - nano° with a hereaved representa- ' Mother -4 am" sure if h h d • the MAll So0thrasn to Put him, out of ' Oh,1 don't know, Ile hada, so'tt•e't a Irtyheiltr Ttilde"ertlIcien°Yaurtitiallgae.Illeathlii;lh:,.e.;,ianirlIretattg;118-11 tive of the ' opposite tett ea dia life; 'saw that. heautlini faszlialsonmeplhastewstubta oat. the ithingiwo;)et4lna. gehntimioneade,viarra4titectana; , toa:-•ii.edueo,41 ' akodriatallouat'Vest, and, ,onee ..lae;Vi; e.ols; oactwaitinigheitteettIAI' II you ' aart't *Wu data yet," he answered. "It IA wound f".he tusked, pointing, 'to nuni- ?lat./Jolt when thteatined with ma, tame with the lest mit ' . you have all• the avidell00. It Willies- will& lay alt around,' • Barden, and quite freqUesetly with tumesright liffa 060 4445111 g " IY 4W" nights: by a grimly'. • i .. "'inn will haVe Your data, aeon." /, "..Then, of tonne% this bleed befogging, Widows are shrewd. Idea who have Did hef 'What did he sty f .• keeplit a criminal awake until. he aloe . • lite rilsABIL/TY. bout the meals yet, said the beagle the pen i, j a th(lati ,1,,tarial; wItlud wolild iMpOsSibIe to state positive - capital mistake to theetim before crone getite and splashed Of Weed trimonial etttanglement h Vire. get you- one of those Worming oo* weiters relearti Allembecit doubbtfullyitr:, he woe treed for three doe and theee .4Siarahi • Alice! Itly love iitny Alta 'feta' ly his•heart. "this is tiles t4 14. Read, and that le murderer, if inueder lute been comMit- lain. WidOwe knOW that, and infi- - illif 01110I haUglog hint 110 to ale The new 'Weirdo' has not said a word shbr • ik ht I 413:Int ellInenneeklintrhe'D arroAterilideene' ylel if in • reniatired, pointing a zny ger; to.it tetotid individnal-preenntably the been managed once elm be Managed He sculd,..3Allutt lovely fageril from.* eer , eihatuttion does not "seene the jedgeleet. , • "Positive!" cried both detectives. less gratifying eueeese• unfounded. Even the Chineee plan of ever ,» and he fattened la er unresisting - from starvation- - ha° is. Stop, driver eteePl" we Zatisen, Utrieht, in the year 84. Aga • to tralni s. new consort I hemee smite t••• st. De Work -4 have trained or mote wee regarded ha' the old Bowline' 0. believe bon very ritigAone be dirtnetett vAth the. a ht$ In/dated upon our alighting, ." NO, Sir." Iassoad anttna op to ter re., .keepekn r, ere is hauling sive doss uot that It wait ibtraittioad, into Etirtabd 4y;replied one of the victims. ting Me mit Of Such a MS41;1%0014 • t would het weals atilla hundred yards 'Or so from it, nn Yen kennunher ine OA% Gilegosortr 1114116444r rotestin widrewhelie- are ddest darter into thorough house- ae a moat honourable ea by sty • a the lionise, if ant not very much this- ted. It, remindis ine of the StreUni; fl telY Prefer fah otP Walt r; 1112 VAI"E" •beheadidrintinitlethe in „kouow Inistreos. through my nun t ken.' stomas uttendanteui the death Of Van cation where.eoinehody die left it isffethou hb.of get= ailacah and bet* tha Y ow. William% the Con tterot. whO Atentled sewe orissite, perfectly happy that to do it," die concind..... and we finial/ea OW *troy upon 'Dead it 00-Yollrettlig 8110Uld. There D44/14 „the year th• e statistician Mak 116 Irnitht-Wha a 1210tI bendy it to be tied efti for °the higher eaSs he [melte, his nitable Shore were ,esaterta and middle ottates4uni Idiettov- 'Watley theste0bility who lost their bead* Olaa.'"*MOttl, 1101 rta "I/ itaBI teaote' vid attlf:Sortda:bitlai 1187 :Ida' hotel' and toinatoty look, tt Otte(' deo/IS diStrietli eif the tither daughterly aroo. _ omit Mug in 'ot notion, for it Wet loi'a Xt. Ibilleet itt this hour oi suprente 114001e -ea ho , efautratoil Gardens Wore an b been done etere;" , most pop/ T 00- Iistditt%. rasing, unbuttoning, exattillx- that tittle 46,Bill widowers Wok 46,848. rAdy.,..mi bubballd go(41 td the wee I. find fdaisTstro Of 1340I6; &WO Yuri Id f beh din pointed- rival, way oni the etreet, tWO ! ee, 'ct in, that section and during NOT A . DUTZ;Ngl in that Way, to iter nothtne of Charles 'etl to, WM. rot r steed hank some little' flying bor4 there and evrYwherere foot. • le nothing new under Sun. ;It bee itudigld zotthnoulal foots ,tha maidemeaunt she wi Make for War grades of *idea" hue seems to be littatid-Te it true tha you opeet pretth whispere f AlirltAlp• taelancliely windows, which were blank ,retaarked upon. So swiftly was the ex. wide.** Were 110 hdttored. As that fir- bete :leaked out with throe tier* of Vitettnit expreeeion, which have already _ cheSiall and Pretetft. While Priend.-Ate yest ettree he &tell no0 nirolithetlisigtawairbti4oltelDouilatiteihrf ettileinntert*egialting+inirel.11,inal-ng".t.beownrol: r'" • tY14:eniii/401;4:114:1;4:1;t;erf)airestartht41"Ittpevil shrieking Are tO 0 g cool and two empty. The atter bag. w * [Wee *o're the Sone far. -*Indere unto thetneelve* to lova% lint he neVer bete. • and dreary, save Mut here and there ,egottuttleit made that one would bud- ant disposed of but email Lady -41'4a, indeed. Salisbu refaste to ley het sa on "To Let" card bed developed like I fy have guessed the minute uses with r Roo females, 10. f through his We so eftlen andtVer tbit atatiltielles , bad to the x•ont door t tramp tyt the Wok door. s New Servant -Sure, th''' sun won't bioc estarect upon the [Aetired panes, which it was oanatictoa. ke IWO Were forted to find 601401.11h1 tak- &Mid Ben _ fo loW a 4 ° hurt Me. • erg, was the reply of the humble wan. . I *awn goin'' to bog for money, moN malt garden Tinkled over with a miffed the deed Men's lips, eh, 'then lag ashfasny titre gentlemen rola the feted& off.hpricy headt nly as gi101•••.* i .'4?' operated etch of thee* houses root er hod& C II 0 . the street, anti vtan traversed bye " Se hes not been Moved at alit" he Whether these facts will be of tarty Jiffs Bilabs, finephstous1y-4 don't lee imbues narrow pathway, yelicrw'Ieh in tofu, egged, , special benefit to anybody, neither the how it te that typeivriter girl of yours tiOner, " , and„consistipp attporentlY t a 0140.ret "N0- wore then was neaesetry for thi Attila* bor the statietiolan pretends to Malaga to arm* better then I tan. MY of °lay end stet . The le plate Introit of nu eaten, . tor. They are merely given for what Mr. Ilibbs--Why, you see, she works you Nero wee *erg -*FP/ OM Lb* which " you oop, was lttni to the nonfatal, they Are worth ats contLtione of life. for a living, and you don't, •illy servast sti • • oast toted orttpt on of sickly plante chimed. at the. Soleil of his patent-16*th- realms of benbe <whoa& and transform- he mild.' dteth 0141110AL 1111%001t, rlerer. se% e sera ilnit • Xxogi diet , it‘wsse ltine,tt agiistaio: ttoshegbeefotisbrabdisadi wai be ded in 1886, [ft n.'" he It. etteene That eves tt U * es you dird Oinks ins. ma'am. 4(.4 Ili* Ire beett V/hrit Wet* you in: to two al rou were gold to Kt genteneets ef hie own, ule, for trke of our piattr.1.131001106: 80(44*4 1 the &Otter hadn't inter. alit prate • , es• •