The Blyth Standard, 1908-01-09, Page 5JANUARY 9r11, 1908 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE. THE RIGHT HOUSE A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE k!,d AT MODERATE PRICES YOB CA311 AND YARN PRODUCE. Stock4aking A yDuring Stock -taking we are offering special reductions in all lines of Children's and Ladies' y� Mantles. Children's Coats from ffil upwards. Ladies' Coats from 84 upwards, Ladies' Coats regular 811, sale price 87.50, We are tibio offering great reductions on --- Men's and Boys' Ready-made Clothing For a good black dress buy Priestley's Dress Goods, A 1 1 i1♦ ♦ u ♦ E. BENDER, BLYTH ♦ See our prices on Dressed Poultry Highest prices paid for Farm Produoe. 4i ixoarash !ate► n►a2 n► ri agia NEWS AROUND TOWN FINE sleighing now. BROWN it WILFORD, of the Wing - hum evaporator, have made the final sale of this season's stock, and ship. ped them on Monday, WE are in receipt of an invitation from the Huron Old Boys' Assoclat tion of Toronto for their eighth an. dual albums to beheld in the Temple Building on Friday evening, Feb. 7th, at elght o'clock. THE advertisement of Hodgens. Bros, carne too fate for this issue, i having bad the `first side run off. They are still continuing their great sale at Clinton, SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. --The follow- ing letter was received by the I. 0. 0, F, lodge ;-Blyth, Dee, 30th, To the members of Blyth Lodge I. 0. 0. F. Dear friends, -1 wish to thank you all very much for the kind let- ter of sympathy you sent me and for the kindly references in it to my departed husband. Your sym- pathy and kind action tit the time of my bereavement I shall never for. get and I wish you and your Lodge every blessing and prosperity. Be- lieve'me, yours respectfully, Eliza- beth Walker Bell. ****••••••••••• 44.4444••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.4444444•• •444.4444••••• While the' Public 1s invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views on public matters and public men, personalities are debarred and In all eases the suitability of the tom• muuicatlon for publication is a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no oorrespondeace, and for the opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own THE STANDARD meet disclaim responsibility. Tell it to the STANDARD FOWL WANTED We bre paying the highest prices for Turkeys, Geese, Dunks, Chloke, Butter and Eggs. Crain checks pald after hank hours. MOMILL'AN & CO. °Insley Street • Blyth i; ff"•� o Y 901 '1Yd811011 WI 43 MIN JDS *Oh •IE•nanul aq slim )gauaq atLL 'nod Jo) 21 8E1,102 stti Uo Nur! 'pjotlasnoH Ittdo' j sou st 3saq s,Jaoo12 not ;j •pauousanbun dlund s7j pus alas ale sunset ser asntoaq puauttaooal o; atop Isajus 011 1! punt)) aArq daily •Japt aI alaga sr atom Ploqasnog why alpurq 5.1330.12 dut:j,>1 •J43o12 042 02 2 aj lou sr (1(110110 042 'atm otp 1(q Japlo put mop sag ail mount nod uaq j •lsaq rrly --nod spuas a[I '.mojj Isaq otp not .puss o3 Ja3o12 anot ilsu not clatiM j IS4 800 Hill aim THE bell ringoua conte to town again on February' 5th in Industry 11(111. 'I';u ladies of town fold the leap year dance In Industry Hail on Friday evening of this week. Quire. a crowd was in town on Monday evening to hear the returns from Hallett and East Wawanosh. WE have 15 bundles of old news- papers. A good many of old STAN- DARDS that are not cut or turn at b cents it bundle. MARKET REPORT.- Wheat 90-92 ; Barley 55-55 ; Oats 40-40 ; Peas 80-80 ; Bran 221-23 ; Shorts 24-24 ; Butter 20-21 ; Eggs 20-21 ; Flour 83.0043.25, WHEN travelling by the 0, P. R. purchase your ticket at town ticket ofiice. All information its to rates, time•tablo and connections cheer- fully furnished by J. McMurehie, 0, Y. R. Rail and steamship agent. AFTEa the 1st of February all those who live in the United States and have not paid their subscription in advance, we must cut their names from our list. 1t you wish to con- tinue on send your money right away. A NOMuaR have already come in and paid their subscriptions and we return our hearty thanks, But there are a number who are owing for two years or more and we hope they will favor us with it cull and remit before the end of this month. Tug annual tweeting of the,Bly'tb Agricultural Society will be held in industry Hall on January 22nd at one p. nt, for election of officers, re- ceiving the annual report and any other business that may be brought before the meeting. A meeting of the directors will be held in the morning at 10,30 for general busi- ness. Weer.INm,-The home of Daniel and Mrs. Kennedy was that of a pretty scene on January 1st at one o'clock, when their daughter Ella became the bride of R, 11, McGee, of Auburn. The bride, wearing a dress of silk organdy trimmed with lace and insertion, entered the par. for leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of the march played by Mrs. Joseph Stalker of town, aunt of the groom and took her place under an arch of evergreens. The bride was unat- tended. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev, S. Anderson, pastor of the Methodist church, Blyth, In the presence of the immediate friends of the contracting parties, after which alt were seated to a sumptuous wed- ding dinner. Many beautiful and costly presents bore ample testimony of the bride's popularity. The bride wore a travelling suit of blue broadcloth with hat and coat to match, Tho happy couple left on the four train amid the usual show- er of rice and spent their honey. moon in London. They will reside near Auburn, A SoccessFtlh MEETING. --Last Sunday morning A. Cullens, County Work Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., preached in the Methodist church, and in the evening the Members of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches joined in St, Andrew's church when the church was crowd- ed to the doors and Mr. Cullens again addressed the audience on the proposed county work of the Y. M. C. A, for Huron county. He spoke under the following heads ;-.(1) what is the county work, (2) how is this work accomplished, (3) why employ a county secretary, (4) what lines of work aro undertaken, (15) why is such a work necessary 111 Huron county, (6) athletics, (7) so- cial, (8) religious work. Mr, Cul. lens made ills points very clear to all and in closing asked for the co- operation of every man interested in the physical, soelal and religious de- velopment of the boys and young men of Huron county, The musical part was under the direction of a men's choir and two quartettes were sung by J. D. Stalker, A. and E. Wilford and F, Carr, A county convention is to be held in Clinton on January 23rd and 24th to try and organize a county Y. M. C. A, Auburn. Airs. Munro desires to thank the people of Auburn, surrounding towns and country for the great kindness and sympathy shown to her and to her deur departed husband. Also as many of our patrons in business are in doubt as to our future course, would beg leave to inform them that we intend carrying on the bust - nem as formerly, Thanking you alt for past patronage, will be pleased at all times to see you and will endeavor to meet the wants of ail. East' W ewane.h. A very quiet wedding took place on New Year's Day 11t the house of John and Mrs. hicOnlium when their daughter Annie was married to F:d. Nicholson, of Brussels. Only the immediate friends were in attend- ance. Chas. Walsh, who has been (tome for a ehort time, left last week. James Walsh, of Manitoba, is home for a visit with hie many friends. .1, and Mrs. Vancamp were at home to a few of their friends one evoning last week, Miss Mary Corley left last week for a month's sojourn with friends in Ford wich and Mount Forest. J. and Airs. Coultes spent Now Year's at George Irwin's. bliss Elsie Clark, of lfelgrave, commenced her duties ns teacher in the Meflowatl #school on Monday morning. George and Mrs. Henderson spent Sunday with 6ti lino friends. A large number of our young people attended the reception given by At and Mrs. Walsh in honor oil, and Mrs. Stewart on Tlursduy even- ing. 0. Nethery spent Xmas holidays with Sarnia friends. James Vaneamp spent New Year's with Westfield Mende. Mrs. Wm, Scott hits returned from Atwood where she spent the holi- days, Ai, and Mise Kate Ornshy visited friends on the 6th flue recently, To the Electors of East Wawa - nosh :-I wish to return my hearty thanks to my many friends who turned out last Monday and voted for me and helped me secure a seat at the Council Board for 1908. Your efforts were appreciated and I will try and do my hest for Ettst Wawa - nosh. -Jas. Cumlttg. PUBLIC LIBRARY OPENED. -After a lapse of two months Blyth Public Library is once more opened to the reading public. The Library is still in the old stand and will be under the direction of O. M. Chambers tt Co. It will be open every day, Saturday night Included, for the changing of books. Those who have their cards paid up will have two month's time given to them, for time lost on account of the Library being closed. Im is rumored that the Legislature will open on February 6th, Cutters GO TO Ewan & Co. BRUSSELS for anup•to•datocutter. Special prices for two weeks on cutters, All hand. made and any color of -paint, Piano Box and Portland Cutters and all trim• minae to lift out. Must Be Sold to make room for 150 buggies which Ewan & Co. are making for 1908, Don't miss this bargain at Ewan & Co's. Brussels tip -to -date Carriage Factory. All rigs are guaranteed to he too best of material and workmanship and never have been peat at an,y exhibit, It's Surprising How Christmas steals upon a Pers n. There'll be Roast Tur- ney, Plnm Pudding and Cake and Santa Claus almost before w know it, And there'll be 1l ince Pies and Christmas Cake piestY too. Now we can supply con with your needs for ,lonr Xnuis Baking. Raaisine, Currants, Dates, Figs, P„els nod Nuts, all new fruit, Also froth Id ince Meat-packsge or bulk, and we have a full line of Candies, Nuts and Fruits, We keep a full line of fancy Chine. suitable for Christmas Peeeenty, CASH FOR ALL HINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT eduction6Sale IS NOW iN FULL SWiNG Hundreds of satisfied customers in the past week. Bargains in Gents' Fur Coats. Bargains in Ladies' Fur Coats, Bargains in Overcoats, Suits and Clothing. Bargains in fine Felt Boots for Women and Alert. Bvery th,ing a Bargain. No goods punched on tickets. No goods returnable. Sale ends Saturday, January 25th Small furs At an awful deep cut boo Black Hare Scarfs 25e, 75c Black Hare Scarfs 40o. $1.00 Blank flare Scarfs 50c. 81.50 Black Coney Scarfs $1,00. $1,76 Black Coney Scarfs $1.25. *LSO Texas Mink Scarfs $1,110; 82.00 Snowbare Scarfs $1.0). 54.50 Black Coney Collarette with cayuga endo for $2.75. $2,50 Sleek Oposaum Collar $1.75. $3,50 Texas Mink Collar $2.75. $5.00 Bleak Opossum Scarf, 4 tails, 54.00. $3,00 Black Opossum Soar?, 4 talle, $2.00. $5.00 Isabella Scarfs, 6 tails, 84.00. $0.00 Stone Martin Scarf, 0 tails, $4.75, $5.00 Black Astrachan Caperine, with extra long front, $4,03, $1.50 Black Astrachan Caperine 83,50. $7.50large shoulder nape, 5500erine, with $2.50Electrla Caperine 51.05, $3.00 Blank Coney Caperine $2,25. $3,00 Eleetria Caperine, with Astraohan book, $2,25. $0.00 Electric Caporine, with balkaran lamb bank, $0.50. 85.00 Texas Mink Ruff $3.75. 512.00 Jap Martin Ruff 88,50. $10.00 Stone Martin Ruff 38,50. $8.00 Nutria Rug' 56,00. 510.00 Isabella Sable Buff $8.50, 87.50 River Mink Ruff 50.(x0, 513.00 Racoon Sable Rub' 810.00. $9.00 German Otter Ruff $7 75. 58.00 Black Sable Ruff $0.30. $3,00 Texao Mink Stole $2.23. 54A0 Black Coney Ruff 53,00, $17.00 American Sable Bug' $12.0. Wide Maurice Flannelettes at 9e zo pieces of Maurice Flan- nelettes, good wearers, best of washers, very wide, at only per yard 9c, Big Pile of Ends We have laid out hundreds of ends, everyone a bargain. 40c Tweed Drees Goods at 25c 3 pieces Dark Dress Tweed 41 inches wide at 25c. 25c Lace Handkerchiefs 15e 3 doz. Ladies' Linen Hand- kerchiefs, with fine val. lace edges and corners, at each 15c. 15 per cent off Boys' Clothing to per cent off Boots and Shoes $1 Wool Panama 45c 1 piece each Black and Navy Al! Wool Panama Dress Goods, 57 inches wide, 45c. 50e Zibeline Dress Goods 25c 1 piece each Black and Brown Plain Zibeline Dress Goods, 5o inches wide, 25c. 50e Dress Tweeds at 371/2c 5 pieces English Dress'='- Tweeds, dark and light checks at 371; c. $1.25 Black Sateen Waists 50c• 42 Ladies' Black Sateen . Waists, sizes 32 to 38, rang- ing in price from $i.00 to $2.50, only 50c. Shaker Blankets': at a price. 1294 Grey or white Blankets $1.38 11/4 " 1.111 194 , 1 13 Wool Blankets at less than manufacturer's prices. $3.00 Wool Blanketa 82.50. $3,23 " 2,71. a.uto. 50,18) 41 best made and lar. gest 1100, heaviest made, $5.18). Men's Suits $3.00. I3uy your Sults for spring now. You will never buy cheaper. Men's Tweed Suite, sized 30, 37 and 38, $3343. $7.00, $8.00, $9.00, $10.01, a big lot we laid out to clear at $5.00 Men's New Suits In this sale we include all our New Suits, some only in a few weeks. $7.00 Men's Tweed Sults 85.04. 7.50 1188, 8,00 " " 11.88. 0.00 „ "74054 MOO t " 8.50, 12,00 " " 10.4)1. Heavy Rubbers, Car- digans, Overshoes & Felt Boots. at a paying investment for you. We have a big stock of these goods and must reduce, $1,00 overshoes, Cardigans, Rubbers or Felt Boots for 88o $1.10 0" Ole 1.23 ..1.i'.. " ;1.111 1.35 'i " 1.18 51.40 ti. " 1.211 $1.50. " , , " 1.30 81.0)'1 1.411 $1.83 ra " " �i'' 1A4 1.53 1.112 1.7 1.75 1.85 $1.95 $2.00 $2.10 $2.20 52.25 1,07 Pop1elono & Gardiner Terms, produce or cash. BLYTH