The Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-19, Page 3• • ltlicAkFON:01111i *No STORIES OF TI -IE . SEA • .By EDWARO JENKINS, M.P. • . Alitner eV " Vide Hodge," "Lord Bardeen," Ginxs 13aby,Hdice lift4t411RICAF4C10,C,3-1C444C• 4,rt oRAPTER XIV. ', !attached to the b,r" poets on the Pier; ' the donkey eegine waked .away with Delayed by a fag, it was earl,' °11: its shad, quick, rub -a -dub etrokee, Monday morning, tbe eleventh day Int, sad gradually, delteerettey, with eshen the Kamasobatitall, oteamtag ttspeeetang elowness, the' floating enties •through the great opening of Ca000 came nearer and nearer to the pier. .bay, 9.1)Proaohed the harbour of Port- But not Mrs. Beildorea was to be eeen lend. On board all was excitement and at the bulwarks with a wavipte hand- .preParation. Patinengers, oftioere, seas kerchief And a, smiling wereome. Lord mese, stewardnee baggage.Were mix, ".Pendlebury, coolly. chatting for tUe ing themeelvee 111) in O congloraerate I neontent with Areneeta, but really in e• that promisecl. to be insoluble. beve a etate at the deepest anxiety, watch - t'• the setirring scene, on the bridge. the I ed the crowd of pereona coilectea on Pilot who had been Picked up thirty the pier., to tiee it he could discover eniete away, coolly chatted with the the Auchtor-geberal, whese Person had • etaPtainas they watched the points ot been • desdribed to him by Mrs. Bell - the lapping beadaande, opening up one dorms. At this moment the purser after the other. ,royous seemed the appeared at the bulwarks and threw .morning ate, and enittening the brisk a book to a clerk of the shipping firm, ' keen wind that,. cane.of the snow- who wass waiting on the pier. 'lee spread country, on with rested so eare,sr Wait not in •the secret. A gen- • Many curious eyees The Canadian and Werner], staeding near the clerk said to American passengers :were anxiously him quickly-. • :ealeuleting their chances of "Is that the parser ?" .reaching Mane in time for the cele- . ereseeire : bration of Cbristneas-sa day and an "purser l" he shouted. "Is there a idea which oarriee all round the great Mrs. Beltdoran on board •. , world an unbroken circle of festivity; "Yea," eandvered the officer. "Ptu..E1- • .and their brightened fancy. looked fors er's cabin." weed, to affectionate greetings fuld Lord PendLebury startea. -There, no , pleasures doubled by glee reunion. But doubt, was Mr. Ereemaetle, and he • `.•-to the majority it was a chill and won- would be aboard be , five min -ides: • „ look -out. Whet Christmas cheer With.oput a wordofatailage to Mee was there for them in that 'vast ice- Peekman the peer darted off, and epeeist land, among a strange people pushed his way through the crowd and in eireimstances so new and so that occupied the Toro -dealt. There he • • paieful I'Littke Mies Beekwitb, gazing found a man dressed in the uniform .earneetlyat the approaching shore as of, osee of the ship's 'stewards, with a . ,she stood alone by the wheelhouse, draw low•cap b,n, prominentlY Peeked. To his her thin Oloak closer round -her spare arra wee clinging a person dressed in figure, and shudderednot so much at L eomewhat seedy posterns,but whose the cold as with sorrowful aparebens Liege:and ehovvy figure very .ill ,suh- ,sion. Some one, however, had been ported' the charactershe had assum- looking at the thin Mee facie and came ed et lacly's mid: A thick blue up abtoatly With a kindly g.entloness vetl coyereel 'her facie. - in his voice. It was Sandy AlfeGowkie. • "He -there I" cried Lord Pendie- Ilia countenance was a picture of ef- bury, in a whisper. He pointed ,otit florescent. comfort .and good health • to the supposed. steward the unconeci- . "Eh !Miss Beckwith," he cried. "This ous Coelebs, who Wrapped .in a warm •Will be a cold look -out for ye I But it's" coat of •AstrechalL. ems seemed to be . .not so 'cold 'when you get to it, as et aredous •to leap upon the • vessel.' Core • look s • from here, and 'feels, toe. Ye Omen felt the, hand -on hie arm clutch, seera to be leaf frozen. *arrant it coevulsivelY and tremble. • .ye've never thought of getting yourself • The 'peer joined Nick Dote:it-an, Mr. any warm *inter clothing, now I" . Coreoraa's servant, who was wattle* at "0 yes, I am 'quite warmeenoegh. the eteerage gangway, ready to be the thank you; Mi. McGOwkie." cried the first to rush ashore and secure a' back little woman, a faint dash of blood to, convey the fugitives to the Reston flushing the skin for a moment, but depot. . .never changing the blue of the brave "There- is the gentlemasi, Nick, hethe • lips which she pressed closely together big black fur cope." • . • to stop the tremor, lest it should perils "Stand back there!" cried a voice. her words. •• The vessel had toteched the pier. Ay, but not enough," persistea San- number of men aeizeils upon 4, broad •dy. " Ye're for Montreal, now, are ye, gangway. The repels -were already not ?" • aboard, and halt-a-doeen sailors drag - "Yes," she said. •- •gad it up to the' epees that had been • " Mistress b6W, stress MoGewkie opened, ut the. bulwarks. ' The steer- -wasjust saying that you'd be unco' lige gangway was up first: Regard - lonely and sae to-raorrow, for a stiang- less of cries °and curse th • „ liar 'trailer "Iny impressive le that yen bed better entente, quietly te 00 heMe with me, and say Aotbing about it." "Whet do yon "Her former htesband, Corcoran, 10 on Ware." 114 "Nos -excuse me -Corcoran, And front HANDY ANOWLEDGE AROUND A what I have heard and sem, I believe . • HODEE. tlisy heve made it Up." reemantle'e tete coloured with rage. It °apiece be denied that the woumn "Am 4 to understand, bir ISelejanitn, who eau from a practical point of view oa peer leonatir as a gentlemen, -that whet. you. telt me is true leue bona hit the neilon the/lead,' tack' down the carpet, saw the curtain petal tbe 11 'Yee. 19 the best of my beliefla right size and distinguish a _oh:islet Fremantle rusited to the door cd, the from a screw driver, Is a woman 'wbo purser's cabin, , is -trete mistreal in her own theme and "Let me int" he oried, atehe thender- ed on the heave teak pallet, eheee 'who le in possession Of knowledge that was a faint sateen:1 from within, He will save many a dollar that can be eoettinued to hammer on the dooea in spent tit pleasanter and. More prcdit-• tp,ite a the knight's entreaties.' • d ableways. " will knoW alt abautl it," be one , foaming with rage. A ehelit of carpenter. tools ;should, 'Ihs door saddenly opened,. and. Mee. form a riecessary adjunct ot every well was no one else within. . 'regulated houeehold, says an exehange, McGowkie steed liefore him. 'Iliere with all the isravity she could. sasuMe. ectrews .of late 'fazes, as well es several It shoteld contain Wars, nails axed "What do you went, sir?" she said, • "Why!" gasped the unhappy mans screwdrivers and' gimlets, a saW, heal - The enight smiled. 'I thought this was the room 'of Mrs. neer and. tack hammer, with, of course, Belidoren. - I beg your pardon. • I the other' furnishings' of compete have made a mistake." • &est. Wisai use tee wofnan make Peedlebury veturned epee the licence -simple: It Was thiii moment • that Lord eit a carpenter's chest? The ansvvetees encomfortables • ewe emelt% a 'Store of haedy now - She oan, after a 'Mort expexis Mrs. MeGowleie looked - very sad and • • mantle?" ' Benjamin, "whether, Ales es Mr. Free- • her, . • 4 alY/ty I ask," eaid the .tettere to Sir ledge, that ewill privet inveluabie ,to. The knight intrieluced *them. The itsrili•Lli:rigrdeonwd erhetusadee.sthiaot is torn frhoowns_ official, tiowever, was in too great •a: ' ' duction. ' rage. to ear° even for such an intros. ever you. may tug and; pull. is the this rascal at ones h . .... . cause of trequerit bickerings• anti un - have been grossly Its, A woman of handy "Forgive me" he Bead.. "I must see Pleasant remarks "Do you. mem Mr, Corcoran?' a. ja . &ruler:truer he is' 1 knowledge .will in this ease make good cabin."•' a" Ill B . . „ vie efellas- carpoeutet's chest. ale! will Lord Pendlebury. "Pea , noainbgireouerbtehree Lord Pendletna' ' . 14 P am' w in a h first remove ,all the old tacks from the y come,. wit . yaxn aeslong as, rhYea.:0PeInte- enteted the tau*' piace i the left. hand - . • and smalls 'anti -neatly, iastan the aur- coinei she, will eind elle spring bang he three gentlemen ' • me. Eis has bcoupied the • tie , pole, and will then se. leo% tacks sharp desorited to Mr. Freemetle vthEit had ing loosely; this is wotind ups, •tight turally petrel:tie, He set do' arid obe W4)". " wind 41' " . ° ----e• The eaPeetant braes lithe,. •fine •lance ..or blade as one th was natural, And nee • old ' d • clock- the curtain is taken Dien groom'a vvra ed comfortably on that and m in his anguish. "1 could have rear- yeae 14 he( maym,retere:d: .4kee: pia9krtee:Itiffn.odr.k:gileodrdtle: ethroantuatttli:4ptiocile i:tooti.rtneolliololkleetnrgiktnlide,,i,iv.ttilisi smoothly ered his face vvith hiis hand , A. thousand a sitL pendiebur• y. . glanced at the tieilleety* fPillethillg - ler ptces6e•etorar ttiihr-wima;snii-'- knight, who wap availing benignly. The :such a character in such an emergenate I hinges -and eveakseleost ditimatly. Pic - .Just attio door Menge 'on its eetute militonaire loved to seeshunian. el' nature uncovering itself,. and he •was " Come, come 1 Mr.. Freentantle;ashe teres stand 'unhung, their taces -ta the just the man to offer consolation to said; half maliciously, halt kindly. wall, aed the- tone. of; the front ',dear that is your real point of view, we oan erbea trifles which, :hardly stagily the, 7 ex- eatttee on a eviedy night. Iherie ate para. than that, en, Quebec.]: dere:is:say. rwoman as lain to acknowledge herself pease of at earpenter, and yet every heels not lost so much after .all. att intended Itobekniocal-.-vdth. us at. Oak battled by the . edontrariness," as ft haiebeen. Called; •of a screw. And aterange fax you a more .advantageous Para,. sand Lady Paiikman wili whet is the yeasotil Nine women out You shall tweed your, Christmas -and lighted, I am sure, if She can send of ten considerit their duty to give you 'beck to • Ottawa with something be de. ethe • pcor *mew a fierce knows! wite the hantiatart, end then will twist end etrilte better that .you zaine for " ence and strength are • exhaustee and The young peer, whine face had 'worn ued arike aria twist Vitale both' petie still. the screw persistently refuses ,er in a strange laud, and, we'll belone- the fur coat rushed breathl a curiously mingled expression ot-e-- to*calch. alere. ..a epee where. th.e: ly to. Ye II Just please go- on with .us, I wooden bridge, -.brushing pee --. e-- --and-seat a- Chrisfilfas dinner at at. Law- peer and the servant. e .. .rence Hall, for I'm thinking we shall s Where Ls the purser's. cabin V' he . .not get all the way .honte to Toronto) shoute • . in time. Come away, now, and get" a "0 " Screamed Mrs. Belltioran. .big shatet to keep ye warm. 11s a netetleo an placed • his .hand over her • one, and they'll pass' it more readiry . neva h.. • at the customs if .it's , on your back, I "Si and we shale be greatly ()bilged to ye.' heat, Following Mr. IticGowkie to the.cabin . t he occupied jointly with his wife, the . ;governess wet; Elooll wrapped up cos- • 11,), in a Mitre, soft, lambswool shawl, th eame time Lord Pendlebury and and the touch of a generous sympa-, Nick Donovan wore running along the thy sent a glow through her ,shiveeing Pier and • through the yard of -•(h .heart. ., 1, Grand Trunk Railivay, to the mile; • "Eh l'• cried McGowitie, "but where , area :where eleigh.s were in waiting. . is my vvifie, now? Ay I. at' t .sile'll.' be , Niels heat in his hands two travelling... . • • • Away with that young...ford, looking ate! bags made bundle of rage. A weigh ter they doiteringellivorsees, as she : and pair , were easily obtained. . .calls them. Ho st-What a matter these . The pear hastened, back to • find h quarrelling ea es make 0, life! ye it fugitives, in their excitement, losing acre consoling him, germ I we can eat to h" le. la h'' th unusual leisure .ejesdereeraw -vesttaterae then and indicate : themselves in the mazes of the great our Christmas dinner wita a clear eon- fie ** 'le_e e of Perobents were made, and then the without any rank flavor. Mx. Diachttl- yell. be our gueet .0o long as we are ; tee en the buffalo robes. a., . ' f th "le besothfieitntnefhseive:khimriedm usinikedo, elf4irrifisairtmei,sihxbieundtgghhraoavgin: . your luggage, a'irdalle,see that: it goes . goods -station.' They teethed. , the sciencet.' .pu:bject wags brought back, as it was ske says that in 1894 he, secured, a ton with °ere; nude mind•Ye, if Ye 'please, I sleigh, brid rapidly ensrsonced sheeted_ •. ' tone or two o•elock baneuet simnel be ter the lapse ot a considerable tune separated, the hulls froth the kernels •tion ulna they reach, 100 Penn& live , . And sce my keader, I trust you may, . ; the day. eeems to warrant; but that a eto ii ught, to her normal condition. Af- at •stinflower seeds in a the ear. together,: and you'll not mention esyl- ' . "You have no time to lose," sa'd and " good digeation wait' on appetite,to seeeed, papered by a heavy lunCheon . Mlle. Lille. traS audAenly seized_ With and found that the proportion 012 lle welg'it tentitely to Mr. Freemattle's objurgee at- gm e 'Should irs e us . should Ise started, the torew worked in and amesemeets naa listened tions. But when the latter incautiously efurther trouble: will be found. The avowed -tie mercenaty motives, Lord gentle . With Pendlebury, without further parley ex- saw big and littte, can, ba put • to, the serewdrivez. ancI no desed himeelf to the knight, and after . manifold uses giving Mr. Freeraantle •in as hend- • The t - • usti inquirer had been too' excited to and ran to find Mrs: McGowkie..• te lowers . The win an ence, my. deareafor the love ef. esegeerark s message, some terms a,s lie could conceite, .Mre high °an - 1 otioe the ex.clamation of the steerage wiles on the point of going ashore, with . silo, orsehidaaddroly:kthminaetzi sirl.Pekrd:Zeet11,;(1,:firtitneir; gy under and tiCiw . an in I he whispered. But d 3 " ..- ' t • he lete the cabin sseisger. .'He pu,shed forward. At • e too ow the form a Wee knot of the lenis end.let- • THE SUNFLOWER'S MOM Lind It Jiang In folds. Tales the other ' attach meet beta /eagle through Tee Valsetile Agicribed te et .11y mos these run a brittle rod. baieure this bY edvocate eV etiliturc. somr HINTS THAT iliAT BH 1U), widtk of Yerala0 eilld and to it ABOUT SOFT •fr.1" ,S. _ tiny brow brackets to the wall above The sunflower, tacoording to F. X. • YALU* TO Vann ' the mantel, taking care that the silk Peaches that which covers the top ot Machainke, of the United States Dee ' -sees the Shelf. ,At the side of tbe mantel pare:net:et a AtericultUrte Who knows Notes Emu. rear. *et tra San* plant, weere we dreppery fame/eye,* a euge all about it, Is a stet of natural mul- watts at nue netarse meiceltsusa OW • plant rack until the topmast one is Ore or several plants in a graduated •tuni .in parvo. Mr. Macealske has a lege, . a lino above the mantel, I saw thie' list of te a, t t bo bt • cl i a pro ea a o o ame from As Cauadian Peekers haVe 3'0000tlY other /days MI it wee very iiffeetive, eunflowers. thinke thee when sun- is a kna0wnas "soft bacon," perhape great dere et trouble with what arreal.pement be one of the etoree the ju.st hdeantosi, everteday, alley-feece d flowers are known at their true value rew notes ea the etthPet prove Select a quart of the best frUlt and aa they do In Russia and. China. Here 91 interest to ttai *any fanners who reed your valuable paper* vtrites Prot. • CRANBERRY SAUCE. people will 'raise them by the million, Elay• in the Globe. One of our leading . wash carefully, Put into 8. Percelain- is Mx. Machalske's list of Produetal: lined kettle, with . feet of water. 1, ese tree the packing houtee •eati • • the ateteMent that during' tins mon Cover tht irettleg% end bring guickir to 2. The Feat cake ; thift is the residue eoint. YoU will eotioe thtt the bit from the Med after the oil is ex- and a Part of &Illy 92 the sound as pop-eorn. Take tracted. It could be used. as a food the member of eoft sides tensed. herrirs pop with almost the same quietly ifefonrtedIctotaiteled. uAoltatog!htbeerhieacadtin baenduAededass„. 2me0 toant.040thpeart ceenh.aodfa tplhLswahou.lellourhei,:‘, from the Dm and preset through a co - lender. They elsould not cook over 8. The seed, alone is an excellent flgliell 111"ket this Year e large tire minutes. Now, add to Olio pulp a. toed tor poultry. tity of inferior bacon ; and thought Panotidned000kt jeausgtaro;npauxat ib32aut oyerstrlthine, firde blossom, otyelher die is made from the this -bacon, was not misrepresented, but tern Vet to cool, This" abode be 5. Vie flower produces very fine was sold straitly upon its raertts, at the Tinier orpc,ousitm.sif.lyshbooailida blemiteeepteimien. tfwmonathaornmeIrsair4tede nearly 0,F.41° a year sauce, and not a jelly. If. a telly is honeY and wax. an England cites or same time it was Canadian bacon, and, dian bacon as a whole., t reouirea AO tended to bring clisereclit ellen Cana - stone ot glass, and should be cooked •0. The fibre from the stalks, By argument to couvince. an in. a pomelain kettle, and, a wooden treating it like flax fine silky - fibre 'ntel " mei spoon used for stirring, or the crare oan be obtained in large quantities. Man thet the conclitten of a a just berries hose their beidliant red and be- The; Chinese use it to a, greae eetent described means an ultimate loss to the . coMe purple, s ,, in their silk fabrics. • . farmer, besause.when Our Packers meet' . . Rataall frani the stalk's. • 'with loeses ca this kind their only rem - 9. Cigars are made tram the leaves?'" lasvete,,.1.4) pa' lower prities. It is there-. • 8. "The Mlles are Used att • EXTERIORIZED SENSIBILITY J.U. The plants are add fa be a pres fore a matfett of great importance, not A very puzzling young young pn:noeneveitai Sea: ,1,. ies mentioned is a aubjeot fax fruitfel, only' to the ita4er, but more especially to the farmer, thee.. ieeis soft bitooli Some tew FreAas or nypues4str ventive of fevers, Each of ,these _quells _ . , 111 earls. ., industry. , the 'Meeks • and . She is known to teem as Mine. should be placed upon . t, . Present exercising the curioeity of' ...Par- t :re era o a ., The, tenth item is not a product, but isiaies • Line. •Till recently she wee en artist's the probleM of hoes to produsse-aalenee. well-known•. belief ablaut Model. Then Col d •Itoehas and Ix: tthe Seueflotwer. Throughout the coun- tey the 'strip of back per con. iguous bacon should be carefully stedied by abilities antl•Mtee' . T: ' ' - ' to the alley eezice is planted Ninth ma- _ k d t• every .neen WhO 44 a'pig, tb Sella: ' ed much' et her—tiine-IninAy4' flower Seeds as regularlY as theater -tag- , salt an Soft baconeaoeti not, mean fat beanie that met be seen to, be Weitzel. Her and eeneetimes she bates het demand orsunflowers A .•Soft Ride as ocanpantively worthless, a side 404; Of the fa 0. state in vehicle she performsewoudera wife pleads -the chickens as an excuse t • It messes' a soft condition . cording to its degree. An absolutely tasnor ti•eaPria;e8r-i f .0 ate. thetiogrounds.- and betweee this condition and firm- ' It will he well to reteaek, THEY MAKE A, FINE $• ness there are all shades and degrees or .. °BEEN' sParteers, ae0 men 'ef high: standing and • 'ace. te shut out the elle' fame., But some- tenderness. Sometimes sefteees ie nos knowaechted reputation hnd. net pros times, in the absence of chickens int- . tieeeble before the .bacon is Put' into fessional „ organizers of raree shows, •tirely, she makes a clean breast, of the 9.01. de Hobbits is at the. heed of the • Were and reminds the 'family that the sett, but apparently firm aides fre- , stitution, aed 0120 of the foxemost edu- fever asset's'', • . .. , quently come out a the'selt 4e.chleeder, Beale Pelytecainique, a .-Glavernnient in- "people do say ehat euntlewees' keep cational establishment in Frante. M. She and the chbakips have d,one what tender or sett; • . • ' ''. . auks Bois is among the most talented 'thee 'could to •eneourage the oultivas ' • • 'Various speculations have been ln- . Unger echbol of ,French novel- am of.suiallowers, but their ititeiest in duaged in regarding the cause Of soft7• . • ' -:* -,- • • • • rteS8. : Corn, a ver a ,,,,.... hits and an acceptect.authority on hyp- the'reatter Wite narrow, compared ;With" aese are` perhapp the chief things which • C • le and lack of eater- , of the yo regard - Presented under these auspices, ailtee Waimea Were Confined to the tenth • ing the matter For some months. past have been blamed, put there is ocins . Lina Gannet he diezmissed as a Vulger Acre in the above Het, and the chiciexisi . . siderable diversity of • opinion. posited- s notiem .and kindred subjects. Nee Mitchalsktes.- The hpusewife's con. deserve to be 'poked into. They are f third.. item. • Now the happy big 'sun- ' : eeperimente have been in pet:geese at 1 vvenderfue.eneugh. Mlle. Lino., fax 'in- lee wrceiraituvraluent) T 7,,,„t only of eom- the Ontario Agrict4turel Callege toase. stance, is the 'beet subject, Col. de Ros seal values. In certain, if passible; 'seine ,of the cause' eteating the' Ohenomenon he terms the 11011,001T-potinds annt-iiiily. ems 9 product* firm bacon, Inatheste °sweet- , pf settnese and: to study methods of f . olia.s aes sneer come across fer,deinon-, of seed Beene is:estimated at out 8.014n ' lAullaaethe"Pirocdutier- " exteriorization of sensibility' e.• come; earentiethe- hogneare .shipped elireetlyes in a trance her sensibility leaves her of, a few'him When f3-1:0=2:i?!,990 , aeres, averaging, 1,400 t the acre.red Acles8roftiti ^clvenro ranch ferent groups ,packed separately' to .the factory, slaughtered end the alt.. , f9Ptiivrth4oth Would aa,d .enothee item to : which the sunflower tea; 1): that there can be ecenaistake ate to Tts . in salt. •ater in any object he. desires 'within Might. even be an. invitation foe a e When the boatel comes.ciut of the salt • body and ,can be localized by the. otiek blot on a landscaper by, the way- It a few, feet of here If dee objeot he she it is eirefutly examinee by. elEPii-jki .130 Lii14 experiences toractlaseine sen- •••••••••• •Tules Bois discovered her strange cap- 'canes around. Sometinies thehouse- eele develops white the beep tn .felte little. itterest* in any except the intimater. Her .pretenidons, any rite. • Pricked or o.therwisa manipulatedalifile. firmeess Or softness. tine invelitightions • omsoto t promdurts. remark bl upueets to are be no means complete,Jeseeotrie in- dwYa•rmIli.oyr.d. Pendiebury shciok berm h. :end their ropkere and, transformed into - •'"a'a Fert3tial wherea governees and the phlegraat• wealtnese et otd, age, can be shoed ee as, ee. Batton as if the act Mee been while, she is in this Ante is wholly in- blocks of pith • her body smaller 'bulk, and these eompres"srd performeda that the pith of the stalk is eit ablee of being cobepressed into a very Lee. pen details of ehet•experiments will be • teresting results wive. been obtained. work up to ori"odIt, iseayllotrig.debet,dmnoytddetirt. madama... he co.: ea. fortable sewin_g ,thairs. • . sertsible: It may be' objectedthet this•' " mb sort• of the* znight be feigned. glee flexible. 3.hey e.t --------11. of points brought out by:.the p are still to a certain de- found, in- the college report of 1898 but the following are someof the • °'1. I o e princ pa • in the least about t • de Roches ho quantities of wat- not. hurt. It was 1, • • I t no an affair of the f S d ' ' s or un ay excesses, we are much i 834111 to be out of the queetione On Suaflower oil is • _ d are en, an uncompressed state ,Though corn has be,en comneohlY Coi. absorbing immense • ' played. f„ h ' • ave seen the .man- He a ress yourself i • 6 FEAST AND-EAME. . s waver, vouches for sev- er, though not so much as when the era oases which deception would ' ' heart', but of tb given o them, writes Ella, 21.11retsch- sted to be more pala- y blamed for producing soft bacon, it aft- parently has no evil effects. when used. ' he part you have • He Wilt soon .mar. It is bet .reasonable that for finishiug hor tbat have had. plenty • ` e pocket. .the opt; °teas. mien, fee exempt°, the. sena- table even than olive oil, but that may 2 Neither dpes coin apeear. te cause. recover of that. I have left a mal• y of le. Lure bad been transfer- be a matter of taste. It is le ellov.• e °las unti th8'Y rela°11 I® pounds o x r • Stindaa •dinner, should have the "extra ed to a phcabgraphie plate. 'Various ex- in color, thicker than henapsePeed oYil and live we•igh't' table about the eepenses, •or 044 siardPendleeury, "A merry Christ:rani • • The End. ••• • • in: thei '.4vening, lee a , ehivering.. tend then With violent Leek.: two substances was ,35 per cent., u s 3.atatibe bee been said of cern raay ' • bsterilly mewiee, "a39 a -1)1)1Y 'raPe, when a twa-thirde ye off, bag a'nd baggagee' '• teeCorcoranaend to you, 'Mee. Cor- " ' and the practice makes the day one, nem. It was found that sircolitaneous- to. 65 per cent. kernels. He pee. the ly with the a Mrs. McGowitie was indeect engaged corah-I neer say I ho el? • • PP012,raAce of these symp- 1,300 pounds of ketriels through a pro- m and M,r. Corooran 'least be sinug-s thtt neceseity, obliges us to play •him ' - . e' . Tree-nlantiria when tonducted --a prooess which had afflicted Mlle, i ' 1 corn during the finishing r.eriod, 5. Hogs givenplenty with h Pietna. gentle and shorts, . of exercise and he the parser's cabin. To avoid a seerie . S'God -bleu you, my dear Pe dl n e- —TREE -PLANTING PAYS. • ulatIon. • • graphic plate telonged, b,ad limners- naphtha and secered ' wheat...middlings (hiring their early ifogataietnemisfifneedd ""' - ' dyspeptic discomforts for half our pop- tows, M. .Etter, to whom the Photo- oess • of ex action by. means a hot M6'14.1 • - 'tr • have been inevitable had the expece- never elope yourself in less hippy eir- Pronto's% teeter'''. or a larch Plaiabilipa 1 . mere 1,1 a 'papillae enepressien• that ed it, unknown to. the met of the eom- 34 PER CENT. 00eFoltveir OiTquat. growth, and peso,. barley. pany and in a &Lek roam in a distant • a er. ay ye • • • --- • de07a,,' from the truth; torndwahridle otihergeomismarnt . xi . : ettempted higee sta e Li a with a sort of seasickness. 1 t Th f as Jim ed" • t described produce firmer withou! ant bridegrom recognised, the lady, it catrestenees. I suppose the parser' will the •best I' •na" is to be ,iound in the co nee of thelio . in a chernieal bath,' had been decided at a courtcil held in teen, up in good time for the train I fikweitty Years aid in. sistiboad-ese-i - Iv"' -• . . • rd. • • • heving t ES appearan, . ities ot refined cottonseed oil. Care u f I either pkim milk or whey, have a mar.k c the 'captain's cabin, that Mrs. •Belidor-; Tell oter-ou.r friend we are grieved CANA Per Aere. , :. , ' hoeues of the rieh: Nothing is further an was developmg it in, the usual. waY analysis shows that the sunfiower is ed tenden e to softness of fat. .gled ashox•e in disguise, and get away i such it scurvy trick; and you might • I a rdonndg &ir 1:mel,t, dry. et:rano:a. 8 proper lines, can, --------- e am the boat or On the pier, which'wceild beryl" cried the ex -Ma t "11,1 e_ i n another bbriOut set of expert- Pe tracting the ettention of tbe 'general.' to you, my dear fellow!" . • • . . . t f f t ' also large. The bacon thn,n those confined. m pens and as oet notheng very profitable business, judgng wow -- and luxtiry, ito..tealization. is Pe masts music played an imporbant part. de nd- - • percen age o a is _ ,e__., ....zoinettAy, and in the teeth of tbe fact i Airs. Belldotan's grasp was no less hearing of Mlle. Line. ara .. k or employed PwlhaYilede, shlvie twahhip-uncter the hYPelotio that the ,lady's mune and that of her Warm and cordial,. She could scarcely related in The Peeblesshire Advertiser. "se ee i 1.61' 1.• qualif.cations o co- st maid vrere oft the, pursees list, and ' 0Peak. Tears were in her eyes. ' . The particulars 'are given in e ii.port k k . Ile totals). In lionees 'vvbere woraen of lilted- to the' music played. In every ease the 1 -The best living is to be 1 • , • ' flieence she &Opted (attendee suitable a fore Eire of comparatively little value of exercise can be overcome by the ju- s food. .The head with the seeds, ow- e ., 4 years ago in Peeblesslitre, Scotlande as wetted at once be seen by the inqueruig i My dear boy," she said, "You have of the Emile It. s'o of th R . I . eXC r I /1 ES oya . . es • ' gly beaatiful ever can be• used to ddvantage wet h' dicious feeding of vrhey or skim milk , d f Official, a8 soon as he came on board. i played the part of Id • hgence tind ;refinement, ivith art en- attitudes -were so stearin other foods. Poultry dealers .ttireadhy .with the, meal ration. From two to three pewees of wh a problem which 1 43rber Tr TIT t° from Portland as soon as possible. Biovr , pei haps add that he h I ma this waist° be accomplished withou.t at- bY il 1 -Eh, Pearl ?-A merry ehrletmee ihe reselit a nn expariment eegun ent. inj rung •caeas Ont. of Len,' upon the It wee toned that when, a Piano .was stalks and leaves furnish only a small fed +the sable ration. _ ta of these compoueds and theie- • 13. The evii effects arising from tacit , an o and ex u peace, • , e per - • Scottish Arboricultu.nd Society. Ther thasiesm let their duties and' means and Appoeite as te excite thesadnaira- . hed puzzled Lordt, eneed friend. In restoring o r . Pendlebury's perp'exed the simple soul of Al' t ' th ingenuity, and greatfy may you. add to ress , seemed blessin3rTonr 1,thousartd- . was A large, and tnfluentialeeepresent. iatteesor •small, at their continence di- time of, the operatic artists it • t feeding the seed to chickens for fatten- 7, Whey and skim milk appear_ to . an pain - know' eltie good xesults obtauaed by aesoun o roes. .wi e sa ac or . . .... ers who had been invited to witness iug purposes., about lending her assistance to a : touched by the feeling ahe•had shown air-sUch-thomes order and • picion might *ark* of deception, though to five rounds of seed shoe d sown • Mr. _Machalske saye' .t.hat from four in producing firm bacon. • . • g you EL on of the menebers, and: the party l'rect the details of their household ma- the experiments, Here, again, the sus - Sir Duncan. E. 11 13 ' r.,ina has ester had any musieal or dram- •other conditions. They can he 'Pietas. _ e - • of h y ttneeeenemek. I. be 8 Unthrifty hogs are mores like y o . AfcGowitie, She had the gravest doubts 1 A.s the young - peer turned Etwate chose for their' visitin 1 cc the d-lehinery, ' eyes, worse "even. than play-acting, be-! servant. acteristies• "company dinners" are bet i th "! a a Produce soft bacon then growthy, well - scheme of. deception which/ wet% in her 'Ste over,heard Corcoran addressingIf ' is lauds on Ilaystimii estate, belongtng tot inrifernaY 1. • • ' ' • there is no reason, to believe that eille. arethe fundamental char- to the acre, accord ng to e sox _ in - • - Th te Mr. Corcoran to brave the difficulty, I "Yes, sir .1"- t fed hoos. and just e meet the robrIONkralid-tell "Go aboard now, and look after .th Inc, occurred- in reterelide to .0••• larch„ no "wash day" luncheons or dinners e plantation its comme 'al value be' eh poser vrho witnessed some of the ex - hint the truth.' But ths ex Mester knew ; things of d I no grumbling ' bickee' lit f b • have 'a greater influence than exercise cause it was so real. Indeed, she urged "Nick!" . ay. , art. _the mast , • ' ed with a common wheat drill in the phenomena. A Polish musical coin- dropped one foot apart (tea thinned to market'? not only in. making rapidand himself too well to agree to this. [them through the custpms in good ord- principally consideree.- A large •truare gain and elasatponitments yegar ng a test that would satisfy him that Mlle c°ril wi. • o , aeon in Kate of :II lee from 11,000 to 25,000; tte- firm baeson when WV for inis ing , is in uence w e chance 'ado tegieing . But. direct proof ,has 0 Longed -for eventis, tsar the •• guest cause for -confusion., there are been forthcoMing of the genehaene,si of rowa three feet apart, the seeds being in these, experiments 'vtaS especially . • important discussion during the out - two 'feet. *hie Up. In general, the economicat gains, hut alas ie produce . re ing myselfan my• ady, and get •di the contiatoe d 'reands, ler . physical L. " It will never do, my dear lade,"• er. Ahd t3C13 hei.e now, closer. Don't tity ot, cut wood yvhich had been expiate. peretnents asked.to be allowed to apply crop should be treated very much as olg a tine tlaa • is The number of plants to the lack of exercise. While corn produced or Inge, a- . • he said. " ' d f" h• ut, a wordin• with a. thousend LL.11i one runnintg away with her. /te a eriticaily examined. ft was about 70' It is - the boait "of son* wivees that a performanee iehearsed beforehand. ma w.ate not merolY going through acre . What he did was to Play a Polish collie cording to the distance. between them, well-kedWn hogs, it must not Le assum • and good panne:Alone without a strug- ' disreputable way of doing things. If years' groivth, and it was interesting cemfot . . . . Liseiri_hyslsapili is atcept. •untomplaining- try da.nte that has fallen even in Pe- ye to lady's d, ed for sale two days -1 . - - gle ? He would wish to eee, her and then you manage this all' right, I'll settle 14 hear that several workers pa the wit AI' '' ' ut'aefore them be its and the average yield is fifty bushels e t 1 ... d the 't wilt not came sottness when tate could remember their fathera -- •ai k- b • i • hut- astonishment eille. Line went cea8' of seed to the aere. The ground select- used under other conditions. Itstine I.should be where the sun has free Etc- flueatee on maybe, he would run clean off vvith ' Good-bye now. You will follow b theY et younger. unit -mils hits he would threaten her and, thena something handsorae on you for life. , oballtV What -it IILIEV. A est . that any , . ve, ai.e.vee is p, „ 1 lands into almost entire oblivion. To . , ease emocra io next train to, Boston, and look us up The seeds ma ure in a enfour t ' e t be, tested. In Danish experiments corn totaitry,.-for all I know*, law and pub- ' at the, Commonwealth Hotel " wee found to be decidedly nj t i "ur.otts to lid opittion would go withs him. A.hd Lord Pendlebury haetened back to ,. • . tk! •t • " Do you think, a man gives ' ye be making up to My timber averaged 25 feet to 95 feet, and eus,neessee' .e,...., that any good; but tie price brought reached an tivera a mistaken man should bedome a party theough thie &owe -exactly as it ought months from el e p planting the young larch. Ihe cut, _se e to be performed, though it was utterly. g• of Menet Otte shilling and. thieeeten'ee to Selfiele negleettulnese and indolence -leanness when fed ass very youag ante 1 . impossible that she could( have learnea as the heads ripee. they can be cut f the proper gestUres and Measure, floor te drY. witls a sickle and spread bia the tern raa a eb, w ere wo . the ship, where by this time the i . ly his complaisance, For the mean it is tot be hoped that feeders of hogs • nate- a foot It as I,' at d that th who • IMITATING BRITAIN. not follow the course of the. sun. He ter of vital importence if we are to re- • The ex -Master put this question with ed. Mr Free a " m ntle wile creating a• would be about 240 trees to thea ore at*Pet8 diecomfort' and poor living btr. Afachalske says -What all obser- will carefilllY study this question of t it is a mate veraation, laughed aloud, and even groom Vaunt its door dowel and look- ing and other necessary expenseee an lag 'the pivoted, is not on angel, bet . , sayi; the name was undoubtedly geren tein out prafitable English trade. . traftee Turning lIer Aftenilleil to Eimer. tO it becatiee of ita resemblance to the So the little Seetchwman, tonsidere Still lauder. WoNDnaFuL OLD WOMEN. • peer, who was listening to the con -I the purser's cabin, the eager bride- ance for planting, thinning, .feee,.. he las done hik share towarde lecture . epee know -that the, sunflower • does Producing firm bae.on, or e. When heerathed, off to which meant, after Inakiine an 11.110 dee from loving` invalid hands, when . such melancholy earnestness,. that the lively sc'en Mrs. MeGawkie could not repress her i ed• lite knocked gently on the panel. average value of `three remade ans EWA' 11. Odcireveakleng 'tanking be fielf. tee mous Battlestalpq. old pictures of the sun disk serrounded pact. • Gallaretry consideration 'and. with flanging rays. He sista that the I No answer.. More loudly. No .repV. for the 70 years; or a total of X210: ing„ that it was a right thing to help, 11. "Who's there V' cried's). voice from encouraginAt. t4 eeninien 'sense` • conettuction for 1699, which lute now that it is also grown in large quanti- men more often attain e, very great This. result wee felt to be extremely eh:vela-I Etre etot irtorapatible with In the French programme Of new Chinese worship the sunflower and It is art acknowledged fact that wo- g , T s the! gettid hreeznantle. "I aro President, made a congratiiratory l'e. •-------------------------------------.• HINTS. . ti s in India, Altogethee. the stinflows i7 and. striking ,deeartttre is to be, had bcen devised to enable the sep-i kex-hole., - !tient. He pointed out that even- put- TO' removit anid stains from cloth Use made. , orated couple to exeoute a runaway OKI dear!" 010(4 time Voice, ting the net profit at as Low a figure liquid ammonia on'einiall piece of flan- hitherto Prance has eschewed crior- match. • "Please welt. 7 shill bet be out for as £110, t hey got a net profit per acre nei; rub, the stain gently. . • mous battleships, her largest Vessel Of ' LordePendlebury's neighbour at the , some time yet." per animm of Le, 'realizing on Amid , _hiten...z tin,!--t_heefieek''ana-thilsolitell-Oonstrucia'ai-yet being the dinner table Wee 1._.1,eSoeteteseciergenlaii ' saAme.-yotietutteready-yet t'eritithtlitt swhiolratf-naratOOMVitirtreeeNinlidl-- l'oti°11-ft,In-veir .• y ear , eu , arms; one ea., oohs, AMU a.," four, (num- I Bouvet, of 12,200 tons, Now she hes --iiii'd-hichiniifortaed-the peer Mit a . impatient official. "Why In al hnot yield more then four shillings " to bind tip broken hearts," yietded th.e inside a -the cabin. ' to her good nature, and was elan ,and. ‘" • , ng of the soeiety, Col. Baileys the - been -prepared by- Ali.-Lockrby, nevt " -0h6ttisit-Th an elahorete plan which htre, my letotl" he cried, through the ference to the success of the expert.; • e er 8,.1813 to have very extensive pos- age „than men'. Among women cum of abilitees, the most famous centenarians Was the Countess of resmond, vvho died in tlict -se MAGNIFICENT SUPPER TABLE. reign of jams 1., trete the effeetadbf --Atee4ecenesuppereauereceptiongese-aae .aceidente-Itererepute& en, by the Duke and. Duchess of Pert- hundred and forty-five .years. This ' Marriage eould legallY Perforneed '. :dam, tht ve:3sel is alonettde the pier, ; sore per annum, The fttet went.far to 'el glycerine, three pinfaorange &twee decided. to in for them. land, the table was ablaze 'with gold vvonderftti oId lady, at the age of one • i• 111 ti. forestry in Scotland wee 'not pros I, To drive away mien Powdered citextp- large hattle.ships of 14,500 tons eaoh, go in the United States between t er11* - 1 hal i 1 ' plate, all historic. and estimated. to be hundred yeses, was so lively and well Ns. p every y go ng at ere, Hoer disPeeve the commonly, heti opin on water. • Mix thoroughly. • • teens of full age tefore any minister, ' Ione will you be?" I She will lay- down next year. two • • , worth #500,000. The display included Mid without a 'license. It wad there -1 "Half -an -hour." i titable. It was decided that on a the fitmous set of Queens Anise dessert train, which. would leave upon the ar- t to pace th3 deek. The people were new of the river. . • These will tile more Powerfully armed on, the edgee. Stepper was served on' ,. . smell, . • Christmas morning. jamin Peakman emerged from the GETTING RID OF FRICTION.. made of pine and's' abouii four, feet than Sae doee. a Titlyeen will have uffetiecr •rtrigeitaourra, 0 sleety 'wrought gold , "A good day for a good deed,L• /said companion hatch 011. the. starbbard A novel invention has been exhibited' high and throe feet in length. Fine b fourdismali queen Anne geld aide' Ile net ti reeeffeteefl• lila before 0, large number of persons hit 'Chinese Wittig* is neatlyetackect twee itnrsch guTliseyanwill also he. ver; wed cups, and a tall gold cup ettributed •-* Mr. Corcorate. . The 'unhappy Mr: Vreemantle who creditor -general. protee'ted. Theee will be a eitadel to Cellini. It is an open secret that s ure.o VeXa 011, a can- u u e occas 0 SO e y wo v th ftr th di t ula It her placed' ha the /Inuits ofenace will or only MO tens'smaller theft the Brit. fore, arranged that the pair should att- With ge f tompany hint to Boston 1,y the firet ! didate for matrimonial W.:non; set off the other plantatione on, the. south side drive them away, as they dislike the ish For d . mi able plates w th an am sae oya roWn I dR IC rival of the steamer, and that the Oere- : crowding ash" anti the confusion . • thin the. Formidable, (la they are to gold plate with raleed festoons of flow- . mony s'hould be rerformed by him on was immense. In the midst of it Sir. Ben- • Aeimpleand inexpensive bookcase eater four more heavy • quick -firers ers arouna, the rims. On thee table , M. Mises, a, R,ussien civil engineer, th'e eat and sides and the edges are amidships, as in all the British hip the Duke made thirst tlIfizsling displayt had turned ou.t of the St. Louis ilouse "Yott here, yreemantle!" to convince eociety o unconcern a as boon as the vessel hadbeen signalled- "Yes," rePhed the other, simpering, in St. Petersburg. With this invention finished With spilt batnboo. Bamboo since the Nile and Trafalgar. .. motion. Ity •attaching it to the, wheels rafts it •tt fete leeches from the mei, - f the most s. and the engines, driving three iteretves The coal supply will be very large,: the Druce claim for title and eetates. wag now walking up and down on the arid pointing to the doer, oethe purser's he proposes to rorolutionize wheel Imo- feet. are fastened hamschatkati, moving rettiesticak. Von may perhaps have heard. We are of any vehicle, friction is redhead to The interior of the cast May be etaitied 6 Besides the above, two cruisers Of ' .. wittier '5111148 SA"' on aeotirekry, whioh powerful kind. • slippery pier in a state of cabin'. "1 have-eoene to meet Mrs. preternatural eXtitatbeht, as the Belldoran. YOU biltat have Seen her. IY through the smooth deep water to be Married. Me sister has a.oeorte. ite lowest possible Binh, To the with oak and the outside finished with 4,000 tone each, two large destroyers, One cigar Manufacturer itt Detrett *our large torpedo boats and, seven who employs girls has estimated a ea" - of the Megnificent harbor, drew up ponied me down to meet her." anattzernent Okf the spedittors an ordin- a &tat 'of varnish. ' 1 • $ IA pretty, and novel way, td drape. a Daily Mail. - Mall are. tO' II* laid dOW11...-LObd011 alobgeide, Hie eye ea,gerly 'manned "To be Marriedt" cried the knight, Ary hass wifely dtew a wegon loaded th efaceet which thronged the port lete, gasping with surprise. "Ileir tinnier With two and, a, half tette of goods. The big In cigar eonsumption by employes warks in long line from stent tOr'llanie Wait eoreeran1" r0e0hAthsta of this device Wee Icoa. Mantel' IS to.proolue, 'three and a halt dere. But he looked in vain. The "Yee -a vibs raetal-there was a aaarat, the wheels bell bettered, with yards Of pittin °hint eilkl tiny &sir- . SOCIAL PB,0131111. • of $20,000 In 10 yeare, on the basis that itwasable shade, and tent to It lengthleise II Male workers USO three olgetsi daily. wiehert-fork face of the financee wee divorce—entire separation, I hope to wooden framework. hit esela. El ik Wenting• 'Again and Ittedite he dearth-, make her happy." on the part of, the inventor, t was ex- , „ Welts. Then u don't beliefs thet ' ' AN ExPlonnotont) Lovas. ed the crOvtaf on the liter& deck, always "Well, Preemantle,u said the knight plaintul,, wee because he had just swig!. strati Or rartlian'SNAC1"8* =roil luid * to 1* dieatVelated. Slowly the huge looking curiously into the exalted, &eel e4 for li, potent and did not wish -kW balf.yards long,. flak MAY half SS Wide. kihill MOV0d• IMAM Vtr*i thrown into of his friend, and with his own fea. inventioxi made public until it bed been Wilten tire Sold •RA Oa eiciertralf busts and *WO 04404. cable* were tures burnished all over with a peen- protected by this patent* • , • the • ' 1 VOW. the state vrho thejartbe is se bad 11.1r-* au ewe ' ** the r(• 0. r,, •A",11.,,,„..-„, • 4,74 .: .r J• that As actually took part in a dates, and partlyfive years before he; death, she travelled from Bristol to London --a tremendous journey in those days -ite order to personally attend to some Anisiness Matters. Lady Desmond's fame sinks into no, thing compared -with that of a Preach r:omati of the name of Marie Prion, who died In St. Colombo at the lege ot one hundred and 'fifty years, Toward the end Of .her, life she au.bsiated tirely un goat' milk ana cheese, attd, itithougle, her body wits 80 shrunken, slut vitiated that she weighed only forty-six pounds, she retained her 'men. facultiee to the last. ' It ia a ourious fact, but Mee we. Inen have been known to tester it ikeeond youth when most of their fellows, die -hair and teeth twine again, and sight and heating ones wore b• IlharP d cottok. A WWII are, ass ds bean WES