The Clinton News-Record, 1899-01-19, Page 21 1#0.#11111. Iv REY. DR; Tiatwas STILL PR V ir own vaulty, and iJ #0 as theniselveoliexe , coungo tuuue who E SUNDAY SCHOOL teill 1 d looleeed illhtet It Were delivered from 1 • TW .„ . • • • • .139' " • ; theY' wh° 1"14 Positively /tab thhatunxbadaunr4e, iNTERNATI3NA.L LESSON, JAN! Vrg• I1% (IA NIINO rii0IF W01119. e Get FEES CHURCHES mix• k a mem. They are , eeee emus one, ' s r le like the eteneli of aum. 00 Owlet and Nteodenine," doh* 3, late. The Regale/eon, or Church Ftheacee a of tits Gosl)el in a 'way 0. mer carrielai and it the hand of come Goiden Text. John 3, 10, elifiuld, Ineve-Indece the liteseee to A.P. rePlY by aseing that if a raan have a Ilene their fad and their elamonds .v, - 1 Th G d t,, Fes1ttve 'Failure -What a Free Church leave an uncertainty of livellhoodr maraia/ diteaster SliMald tear off trom PRACTICAL NOTES. r • f 11 id e ou a and th tr nkets it will take one of era° •• ere wag a man. 0 e teed -Home ,Objeetione to a Free M on 0 de ars, ano. ay with faith upon Chelet crucified are 1111 eaved from eternal death, 10. God so loved the world. (CAM., pare Roes 3,29 and. 8.32; 1 John 4. 9.) Most of what our Lord, had said wait in harmony with the general teach-. Inge of the, Plierisees; but here was AA enlargement ot view which a. etrict MeMber• of the sect would ghrink from. Church. check fur twenteefive dollars and M'Allieter'e 'beet and meet powerful and folloWleg him Dp M,RI. Vincent. , I 'A despateht from Waehlngton, save- Wheal Yon go to the hank and Present Inieroscopie apParatus to make visihhe ohaerve the close coleneotion hetWeen that check you. know there ie suoh a to,,the neked eye the noxious insects, Die Talmage preached. from the follovr- large margin between the maws ciappe, Their wealth equalled by their 14%4- this veroe and the last word of the AN HEROIC ENGINEER. jug text., "The rich and( peon meet to- city and that mall cheek, that You dity awl their ignorance-se/3h men heevious olta,Ptere «i» believed in SO o them* becansa he knew all • liters "Go and preaoh My Gospel; I high and Iceir men, educated and i frOof'abe Wards, argning• in behalf of take oare of you, al u t the e d et the world GOd; will aCceptprineiple laid in heateh, Nicodiatmees is CoOnvenient Lee r am with you therhood of man and fatherhood of te•stify of Man; for hetknew whet was getherz the Loicl is the Maker' of them. beve no doubt that it will be prompt- will abhere the idea of a free Christian /Yeses but jeaus it t it hi .ly wished, Nerve oiliest sere to it s min- 'ohuroh; but rida men and poor' men, it t 1 13° e°133333 n4.. It'4"4. 01/1"...ProyerUS 2. uii - Lad Sabbath di/wont:sea to you am ample to take °are of you. I will natant Men, who believe in the bro- Men, end needed not that ane shoutd A free Christian churoh, showed you, -oven no n •d t as. Well as i could, that i,t was a c p mins all the treaeures of the immerse any e aro I as i us ra • e 10 and, the poor meet together, the Lord Jesula.,knew. so welt Of the Pharisees teens et the engine at the time be- son, win, or 0 as enY a 40 COW° mode Of city evangelization; yard, and Yeti shall want no good is the Maker of them al." A mealy which undertook to fulfill the Ing 350 Ian; minute. There was no ad Who seemed. as near her wedding tura idea;/ that it was the only Wee* are at ray feet. Go, work in my vine - day at the thele ot her betrothal as at that it appealed to a class. of persons ;Piling," 41..las, then, if we who are In ; thNereatiofrientdiso ,aItrittvehanereeft leev of Wee@ te the letter, and too indication whatever ef the iMPending whoArould not otherwise be met; that, thlablgeistryeekotlbdeloliarifitawnedgWabn°4agginn heCalise 3 My own congeregeatilorne inaelece °teen negleoted its spirit, Nicodeneud, eePloizion, which, ot course, happened the time our etory opens ' so far. as We eltreelveS Were concerned, to tremble and say,•epear ,e,ord, that them -they do not make objections- There are slight descriptive touebeti of with great suddenness, ' . , • Bat Miss Lancaster was seemingly all the Providential indications were is a beeutiful principle, but where is but thinking that there might he some this men in the Talmud which mention Mr, Tomo at once ordered everyone .eontent with life, until the little cot - in that direction; and then, lastly, aytaalary to °eine from?" 33esk1e4 wwittli gig :hop_ to connect tire erlree ws eeeeneens weeitk when Titus ee,, to leave the engine -room, and. ran to jage on eh; opposite side of the road at last secured. a tenant, a cironmstance that such an orgaeization would en- teuh: , I went you to eemeneber _ that e,__,_ pounwehe n it2 kr( the siege of JO:use-thin, and the the main throttle -valve, which is at liet the-esympathies of men, of, the conned Young men who will be willing to twee u Mon 0 r 0/19uwroll is- ro ti; • liP°0 themselves with thea free founded. I will say, that nay soul is abject poverty to which his family Was the fore end of the engine -room, and which Mr, Edwin seemed to take an' oefa, ao neeither organizatien could. churches of -this country-thongh they absorbed in this idea. It has been a . afterward i•educed. His later endleaveredto shut it off, getting both extraordioarY interest .th, eince the e, 0 W.hiOh tO help you--:atill they are, after an elareat • ehoVe a firmnees ,which arms mei .bands badly scaldtenant-'was athmarkablY Inehosseese ed in con- . ttof ifice to me that I resume the subjeet where I then • maY rot heN"Igge •means how with maer. personalesitor I have pleaded fox it, and I say th - unveils, tient otr Stoma et the Melt *Tints 0 fay On August 3, 1888, white her Ka- festy's ship Foam was carrying out her full -speed trial at Malta, the mean- Ve.••••I Glenville Road wait situated' in the WIIAT IS 0011411 iDN IN Tile 'FOUR' most fitehionehle part Of a prettY Lon. don etilnerb, and, boasted of a number of entail and large houses, all of 414" • ferent ages and, erohitecture whieh .1)14 an4NeweVorbe Five ts of int r t Oh One CORNERS OP TEE GLOM 1.101100 a is r oame ae a welcome relief after the !tied iltief4--4e,ereetieg "aPPeeiette O1! reeve and Vows of moderately con- eRecent Date" "A iltruoted dwellingeheuees go frequent.. aeltnatd:f Ttehnonocerldhoefe iiheeca:emaeiathd err:, 11.; Seen, fledemere, Eng. " At 8 Oleneelle read, a large, square- ly built house. of somewhat ancient The propoeal to construot a light railway from Selby to. Stamford Bridge,. al3Pearance, lived an elderly widow, Bngland, is meeting with oPposition, away her two sons and. bee niece, the latter Major-General Sir Arthur Ellis ha* • The cattle on a thousand ',hills are own in he teed,. muleteer:ace vfirdiert in specimen of the race of mankind which pressure cylinder burst, the revolwo whon had been engaged to the eta- been appointee !sergeant -at -arms to ate left it, a.while„th shoulder the great cluireh ministers of the GOVel .who may^ be 4 not ' all Wbat to -night, if their idea is the inquirtng spirit to, nfeet d a ). e e op-va ves o era in possession of -a small annual income, off the man t 1 f bo'l ' Q Q ceede.c1 to shut beg little wpman-a widow ri i th • and a very prettyi,face do you auPposeChrist thinks nt Who Your poor men in the house e erpriees. are a large ealary and magnificent income, Hee; A „„1,,., of tize 1443°11S4tenk IViltZhe the h :41 #toke Pr° eatitireli financed IL Jelits were now to Years. ago were in affluence. Who are they had better never plead for a free 7.-- " aPpears to. have been a member of the Hateing done this with great prompt- The wedding day seemed further off. of the, present mode of vonducting to-dae ? Largely, they who 'twenty alight upon eaetta and build a church your rich men to -day r Those who oho:1'04 i hat it, on, the other band, t G f great coencie, orNSanhedrin. See .Tohn it'ude; and Sp 00110Mind the steam to and aasume its pastorate, would it be • necestiater for men to pay money in order to ,itave sets be that °hutch? From what you know of Christeetreitt- Ment of the widow .with twe mites, and of Mary Magdalen, and of the poor , man by the wayside, doieu. think that a menet pOeitien inVat• particular - • deeinerelt oe_Chteet •wout , • ulated ,,....etieaeserding to thel nurnber Of do Teri ifeltat he. could, pay? No, says every man, thiet idea would-be abhorent to Christ.' ..Well, then, e Bey it -ought to be ab- horrent to tire po you wonder that • there have been so many • teoebles. in the chtircheri-that manY of them have fought . beatits at EpliestisefOught abo e site. upon Which to build, ght -about the architecture, fought '-about the choir, fought 'about . the minister, fought bete church, fought after church, • fought all the.. week? Some of you know' that the greatest conflicts of the last fifey y,ears have been °hue& troubles. If our °hutch- • eta vete all regulated by the .principles of Christ's teligioni do you: ri ot believe thee there woad be a .cessation to each combat? "But,": says scene, "wrr must stick" to the dia. p1an7, lest We; shall not get on successfully .in our !inane*" as thoegh the present mode the eleurchei of Conducting finances . were a SUCeeSe. Far from it. Three- . fourths of the • churches. of Christ •in -.this land-aree in debt, and in three- -.fourths of them' the income does not squal the Outgo, and, itt• the end; of the year, a few generous men have to come together and make up the deficit, or some general, -efjort is made on; the part-cf the congregateon to regulate the indebtedness. Ay, the regulation of chuzeh finames by, the past mode is a posillive . „failure. Every +Jody knows that churehes • are the poorest Pay, and that if a Wink or anihster-- time conaliardir were conducted in the same slinaliod ananner, at) therou.ghly inefficient that it would be discred- ited and wiped' out of existence, / If the old mode of conducting church fin - twenty years ago were in poverty',1 struggling up from the very ' foot of Christ to the masses of the peop e who the ladder. I say' these young, men are without Christ and without God In who are clerks in our stores on five the world, then it is a very satisfrio- hundred dollars A year, or a thousatid tory idea, rin4 will give them a TOWard dollars, or fifteen hundred, vvill after now in their own Oonsolence and in the joys of heaven. I commit the principle a while, touter God, be the mighty men on 'Change; and though now, when first to God, -and then 'I isoramit it to they connect themselves • with your the masses of the people. I eaele oiit- church, theymay be of little or no fin- from among them. I know them elto- ancial help, after they have made their gethet. I am in eympathe with them. M fathe d mother toiled vvith their forennes, as •they wilt, every dollar o . 'those fortimes will be eeonse,crated to hands until old age steeped their , the "upper tehrist• So that we may look tbat, shoulders end. made their, ere=sight--uv'gLven - room," which was . owing to the excessive volume of steam, 7. A As'auch he vvas an authorized the heuere alone he increase'd the teacher of the law, a master in Israel, chanee• of saving lite of any who might , the engine -room, went. down and tr. urifroalini hthaiveehibangeneit tlehfettebeeelowwe,r.e oveiarisepolw0,eanr. d Possessed of certain ;null- . 9. Ceme to/. Jesus by night. Fearing searched in - this voluble of steam, to. comity/pulse his own dignity' and which was at a pressure of 200 peunds Possibly safetie • "Jewish superitition to the square inch when the dylinder burst, but-' was expable,,to •filtd any kept the Men home at night. A guest, . eee which Josue was in Jerusalem, would. ' efe then tried to get on !leek, but he tWioe felt half -Way down the lade direction and feel that there will be very dim,: and, then ,they died, .leaving nearly alevays• approached by an out- . '. My friends,. unless -'the great masses cents, but in prayers end Christian ex, • . to hi. 133.•th.•seexecy. It is pleasant .fire-extingutshere to the .13bilees, his, and at once proceeded to turn on the Ile eventually reached the deck,' -us a glorious legacy,. not in dollars and, . side stairoapie 'so that a visit eonid be 'help, • • • .. . of the people ean, be brought itito oier ample that this. World' will never rob' cherehes,'" -What isto become of . our us of„.. 'In th,e h,and•of the God. thet to note , that. Nieedemese was one of hale& -at the time being almost bare this principie.".I tell , you plainly .toe ee weeeneee was nnien , of skin, The, valve -wheel was 'heated to mich an extent .atelo be almost, line cittee? ' DO you know the . fact that loved them,. and. that I love, I trust those who out tirime, and debauehery, end eVerr_sort strong. We find hine afterward, pleading of abomination are in bee night that X would rether fail in this . ' . . • . . . - bearable to hands in an 'ordinary)zon- -the else. - Living.oe dying, in. prosperite then like a eonfir ed. eledvie, -4e-fee...immediately after thq aceiderit, there .ing,.with Joseph of Arimathea, to give 'weoesd beeviehrgY.drdeiVetigen'rthoetgr. tIrbnoetoto'nmg: the body of Jesus an honorable and . but it, wan. greatly lessened, by the costly beria.1,. John 19. 19. Rabbi.. promPtitude and pluck shown by ear. •"Master." , It would be Of great inter- Toman •in sliuttingeeff the main, stop'e .est if we coula. ascertain • he what , valves, and oo reauctrig_the risk of the -means ',Testis 'dame by this title. It ship being sunk or, seriously damaged, .waS as we ,have -seen in a recent lege and the livee of all on beard being pro - sen, a very new title,. eriknown before . bably it. • triumph, and that sin is-toego down ' theeLle Armour of God.. Do You„ know .23. 7 the • days of our Lord, and one, Matt., . Mr, Toraan, after havingebeen driv- of which Jesus did not approve. ern out of the engineeroom ,end .severe - end that Christ is to reign in all mix , • eitielt; but ie, will be by . some other. that it you start life. in the service Of .....: 0 -• Jails, Ch tee yen -start well? I tiro:et we Know, Nieodemus seems to intim- : ly scalded, again went bele* into the ale Mit -other members of the council engine -room, which was filled with' plan; li; will be, When the dawdles of Y2 u to -eight to. a field oi usefelness. shered his coxiviction, whieh was based. steam to .search for any .one who may. Midst are thrown evisle. epee, and the thau which-Godenever"opened 'a -gran an "q4e-L-tores-migieled:: : 'Thou art * - not h'ilee, been able -escape, and -only -People told to come in, withoeCa y e ' you 'know that into your beetle . gar4 •to their financial qualifications, 4 .1).3 - . teacher •' come from God. ' Thou ere suceeee.ed in :finally getting out ..ot are to . conic the . mighty' .aesuthes, a .. . . . come• from•Gort as teacher." .It Is from the engine-eooin • after two .attempte, apd hear the Gospel and get ,prepared Christ's kingdom very soon; ene L look for -heaven. ' e poeei i t y o .you in the .ye and ask yell if,• when iisbing, and sustaining such a churcla •in this.,,battle these older men shall is strengthened by the idea that men will support :home institiitions rather fall, you sheil getch U. the standard? Quit yoe uke piing .:13f, strong! , than. foreign. • How' many of you• *were ever, kept awake at night bemuse the Thee i. see in this aedieece men in Gospel does met prosper. in Greenland t middie life from thirty be fifty years tif Hcieveniany •ever refused .focid beeeute , age, :Whet think you of givezig ,a free there id heathenism . in Guatemala? 'Gospel. to the masses? If eon. want to None!' Then it is a question that ap;. make Up for lost. time, , 'here is the. peals to every., man's heart -it is a chance to doeit. You have !Jeer( down home euestion-lis can understand. it, in the WOrld, :You know what it % is• and will be willing -to support it. made efe You lea„ve •delibieatele 'dime Again . some have Objected to a free eluded that it is a most -unsatisfaetory church because it -destroys the. home portion'. Fell' into line; oh ye men in feeling, and it is a forcible objection*, mid-lifemen between ehirty and fifty it te-S01 mighty an objection, that. if I years of age. The battle may be hot,. .can not Meet it,:.I wilt surrender the but; I iim uot afraid to lead you', andI principle adicested.. Destroethe home wave the sword in.front of the host, feeling! Father, sitting' here in the crying, ForWardl Let cowards . flyl church, 'Mother ' sitting • there,- children Act ye like sons of Godi • • somewhere, 'else; or it the ehiirCh be • But 'there are others here who linger crowded. ionie Sabbath, pee cannot get 'by the banks of the xiver. ' They know in it at all. "We want our faraitiee that-, because Of old age they angst soon beside un in the house of God.. Seated go irer. You have had Many. a good with them here, we hen° -to Worship . time, 'Every wrinkle- n your -We with thein in heaven:" To this .objece ought' to ,be • te hallelitgeh, . By :what tion my, ammo; is, In every free church blood you hive been bought! By what let the Pews be formally assigned with- mercy .you have beezi. defended., You out reference th the dollar ..question,.. Can not, sing- these hymns with as firm priority of application giving priorty a voice as 'once you sang them; and of choiCeepew not to. beforfeited except you eame to this house tonight with in the event -of. bad behavior- non- trembling step -not as once you came attendance. Then a man seated in, it look around, and your comrades are with his • family has a home feeling- gone, and. your best• friends are oh the more so than in the other Style- of either side of 'the river, arid. ,you feel nothing, and he ha0 to bring. hiarthil- that soon you must go and .join them. dren.herne teem the school, and Move You thee just like a farmer on a. supa- train a' fine home into a smeller one, mer -day ' he the harvest -field, • mid put on plainer apnerel, lee sitsnown 'eye, "Now, boys, sit is almost night, who and of the Spirit. Of the water in holy the. valley are .• as • poison0Us.. . hi a house frdm which lam certain not • will storm before waning; let ua get, end the wind le from the 'oast, and ke abacrity!sms;grasitrthe 'outward sign; of the, The Masai and flowers of the olean- as the • effectual ceese, der are deadly', and the bark of the ie the house of God and says, " Here to be turned one; here We will he pirs• in it few move sheaves." Foe you the‘ Mark 16..16 i Acta 2, 88; Tit, 8, 5. En- catalpa tree is very.raischievoes. The thr /into Become partaker of. water .dropwort, when not in flower, great towns? 'Just then take out - As ;the engines wer'e flying 'ro(d attempt to give the Gospel -to the a little more boldly in the council in dition your Pencils. and. „make a calculation, masses than to succeed in any thing our Lord's behalf, John 7. 51, and ei. neetio-How long, if evil influences con- or in soerow, in good report or in evil repert, in the name of myeLeed, Jesuit tume fe increase at the Same ratio, how long -Wore the religion of Christ P.Artsti mY hoFe in* lifei my, 'heaces, in in our cities vvill be discomfited and Oleathee,my tilaralill 'in-eternitYi 1 °Co" craw. to -night, bodx, mind., and soul, our churches destroyed?, In less. than se tins .one enterprise. Considering a century, as certain, as two and two to make four, unless some other plan is what God bag done for IIB. we would be cowarda now to distrust him. Oh, tried, Yet we know that religion is tit men of mer chu eh buckle on • noes in the religious- organizations had been thoroughly successful, then , we might -be on our guard; but es the fact is, in nine cases out of ten, it has •been a efailere; X say there Is zio dan- ger in, floating off fromeit. But this' brings nie to anawer the first objection which can be made to a free church, and that is, that it cannot be finaneially supported. You say that there is a greet deal of expensive machinery in the church; there is the coal bill, and. the gas bill, and an in- surance hill, and the expenses of sex- - ton, and music, and. minister, and, as free ehtirches ought to be conducted on a large and generous scale, there will be extraordinary: expenses. Ay, we admit all this In a free church the ,muste should he of the very best pos- ., While character, every hymn storming the very: gates of heaven, The chittch architeeture ought to be plaid butim- posing, the people seated face to face 7the great congregation, The preach- ing ought. to be earliest. Indee4, it, is great deal easier preach in such a let the pews be fore*IleSassignedwith- • - eehttich. Irdistuitee conie to him, and hie if:little:6 is gone, and. he can pay church than in any other. If a man halt been -for ie lone time at a ban- quet;nnd five or lex courses of food have pressed before him „then When plain bread is preseritd he rejects' it; but if you take that plain bread to men who for forty-eight holies have had nothing to eat, hove they wilt death fo it! Now I simply say that vast ajority of the people who have been attending our Christian church', have been stuffed for these twenty years with the confections of religion,. and when we present them " with the plain bread of the Gospel, they do., not want He bee if we should other into ,our churohea the outside masses who/tee starvingforthis bread of life, with W.hat earnestnees and with what avidity would they' thin upon it. "But," you Say, "the sup- port of a chureh which such music, and • with aueh architecture, and earneat preaching, Would be 'very expensive, , and how would you' meet the indebted- ness?" I ansWert by usual subscription • •-- - --and by Sabbath Collections. "But, you say, "there will be mean • men wbo will come and. occupy the pews and 'toy nothing, and"so the financial Inter - este of the ohereh go- overboard." r aeknowledge that there are mean • men he churches. There are Inert with souls eo small that fifty of them might dame on the point of a needle, and heve room to him around without touching their elbows! I had in rrie — church at Syracusee New York, aman of comfortable • means who • gave no- thing for, the support of the Gospel; but Friday night after Eriday night I , heard hint pray • that the pager • knight bet bleased, Ade, basket and atone while all the time 1 Was thitiking, 111 were depetideet upon you ,r would hav6 email baaket and a very peer Store!. The man Is gone to better country, and *We, r hope, he can live more economically. But while there are teeen men in the Church, I • , .... ,a•••,..!• there ate meter men in. the Church, X God that ;thou hest come. . Mr. Tetuan was very much scalded on. 3. Answered and said. This Aires°. both arms and knees .by the escape is often used in repleete aneebeteetien of steam, necessitated his re,: or criticism, or to something present moval to hospital: • ineanother's mind, and not simply he ' direct reply to another's address, Ver- - • ily, verily. , Amen, amen. An .11ebraic ' DEADLY GROWTHS. . phrase of emithesis. Except a man he :• . eeea • •. • from above." Compare John 1. 13. our common Garden Feinta That Nast be care - born Again. lu the mergin it is "born fully II i Med. . ,Loed begins hie discourge by impart- ing to' thidinquirer this first and 'The berries df the yew -have killed fundamental truth, that if we woeld many persona, eta it is pretty well enthr into the kingdom- of God; must be born again. For to be bora. WO known nowadays that it is notesafe peach or cherry kernels' nahlint iteet°• ebew 4hictre ksr bYdesGi°rdeZ lia°Zr '.tao eat m• any • e d "to know :the love of Among the garden plants common - 1 teed. the Lord Chancellor in England. As Duke of Rothesay, the Prime of Wales is the bolder of the first Duke-, ' • 1 dom created in Scotland just 500 years. ago. , Great numbers okapplioants through- out Great Britain apply for certifi- catee of.exeraption ander the new Vac- it cination Act. ' • 1 A fire occurred recently at the Navi- gation Hotel, Merthyr Vale, end the' main portion of the building Was gut - tad. Damage 4,000. A 'public, emceeing, was recently, held4 in Rendon, Eng„ to protest against' the. great unpunctuality of the 'Midland Railway train service. than ever after the little widow had, Colonel Kitchener, brother of the, resided in Grenville road, for the' space •:. Silver, who has been aPPOinted gore of stx weeks, and one day•after peep-. ing through the blinds and seeing the ernor of Khartoum, is well known in fickle couple . going off together to in its suburbs. Dover, and at present his wife resides_ • some place of amusement Miss Lan - easter gave Way to grief, and was found by her younger cousin, Herbert, sobbing as if her heaet would break, on the sofa. f "What's hp, Belle?" Said he ankieus- ly. "You haven't been yourself for some time. What's troubling you?". And kiss Lancaster's pride, which had bon dissolved, in her tears gave' way altogether, and she diefided_eller woes to her sympathetic listener, and' asked his" advice as to whether she should give his brother his freedene. "Nonsense," 'said Herbert warmly, "Tees all right. 'It'at the woman's •-fault ; you kerne men are very suscep- tible to pretty Women who run after them. He's lots fonder 'of you." "Do you think sof" said Belle, dry- milk .on a large scale. • • • ' Mary MacPherson, the Skye poetess Who died recently, Was the daeghter , "Don't you worry yourself -about of a orofter. During the, land aeota- , tyhoaut,s;rpeptousernaedraheeer icsoujeaainiouksinodflye.v'e'Dryo tion in Skye she vigorously espoused pretty woman I. speak to ?" "But you are not 'engaged to Grace." • "Oh, but 14101 be if ehe'll have me, and now cheer up, old, girl ; ,fretting wesetrever-a-terattifiele-tirthitediempleire affeetto Christ, cannot is corr spiritu ed. Ni kingdo which passeth knowledge." He ly in Vogue which possess a poisonous nature botanists mention the flowers •pondent with the divine order things cannot be apprehend- ot the jonquil,- white, hyiecinth and odemus bad supposed that the .snowdrop, the narcissus being :Liao par - see. Uatil the. hature of rnan of God. Was -a new iniperial state; G * would hav ticutarly deaelly-do ninch so, indeed, wherein •cilize . was to cc»e :the bulbs may reedit fatally, while the , that to chew a 'small scree) of one of. stand that it was .a. ritual snap through 'renewed human nature. • juice of the leaves is an emetic. 4. How can. a man he born when he There is,enough opium lured poppies is old I 0r, "an aged matt," far ad- to do mischief, and the aututian crocus, vowed in years as probably Nicodemus if the blossoms are cheered, causes ill- / was. Second time. As Godet re- reess. marks, "Nicodemus does not 'under- The lobelias, -stand the difference between a second juice,. if sVraIIC beginning and a, different beginning. twee, with pai He looks at the eubjeot.from tile sem- , Lady's slip lar Iside." , ' - manner as do 5 Ex t il Mall be' born of water seems to be the re all dangerous, their wed, producheg giddi- in the head. ' poisons in the thime poison ivy. The bulb_ ost harmful. Lilies of Dr. Maiirice Davis, who tecentiy died ha London, Was one of tee chief bene- factors of the jews, in that metropolis, He devoted one-third of his income to. . their necessities. • , The Smelt Arras , Company at Bir-' eningham bas been asked by the War. - Office what facilities' it has for turning' out magaztne rifles et 'the rate of a thousand a week. The First Lord. of the Treasury, Mx. A. 3'. Balfour, was .twenty-eight year/h. ' of age before he took to golf, and this. e' in 'spite of the fact that his father was it faneous goiter. Excitement has been caused among., English milk -sellers by the news that. 1 a large syndicate has been feinted in • • London for the importation of French mg her eyes and looking.up brightly. "She is so niutheyounger and prettier than I -I was 'afraid." ' • 1 .. • , • . , pared for hea,ven," If, m the one case, limn* th coming in which no man can le The flesh. lased in. somethinglike resembles celery, and is virulent. , there is a home feeling when the pew work, and wild; you do you must do the sense in which *e Minion nee - system is in force, and men may be now. There are yet two or three, or tare -•that vvhicla is born under the 1 ' , driven out because they lose their tor- four sheaves for yen to reap for the conditio s of this life. Kind begets tune and can not pay their pew -rent, Lord's garner. Oh, give Ian your.pray- 1 ask you if there•is not a better home ers, aged men. Give as whet strength feeling in that church where a man there may be still remaining in your keels that no earthly disaster shall af- Lem; and then, when you are gone, we feet his occupancy? If home feeling e.ill tell our children how well you seal, - is found: in any churoh, on earth, it ed in the teraple, and like Elieha, we will will be found m a free church -the 'my as when Elijah went ue, "MY seats .formally assigned and occupied. father my father, the. chariots of But there are others who May oppose • Israel; and the horsertien thereoft" the -free church principle on the ground what. 1 say to ohe I say to:all- that 'obliterates social distinotion. It is erom those who sit beneath" to those an objection, oftener thought than /vole. whe rise above me in the galleries -a,. en, but it is a really solid objection. what you do for Christ, do quickly. It is an important ,wiestion, "What 'rhe field is White, the sickle is sharp, shall be the social influences amidst the Award ie grand, the time is short, which my family will be plikeed if we go the judgment. 15 near? What thy to that °hutch?" I bolleve In good hand findeth to do, do it now. blood, and that there is such a thing .Are your sins pardoned I Are yell es bad blood. X believe in royal blood. ready for Christian work? Will 'heave 'In soine families the tide seems all the en be your home i Sti / was entering wrong Way ; in other families the tide the gates of thie building tie -night, a eeezne All the right way. X have known man stopped me and said, "That man it_eather -and, mother meane and their you saNti Last night at eight Or file ;1, children mean, and their grandchildren o'clock is deed." I said, "It can ot mean, and the rule going On to the be possible. • I was there et tenth generation -perhaps for all o'clock, and Said, "1 will wen see ou eternity. In another family, 1 again "-for he was here last Sabbath, heve seen father and mothergood and Nove they tell me he is gone I Are their children goodeeind their grand- tve all ready? We cannot always he children geode -the tide of virtue and here. It can not be that all these peo- generality going on through all gen- ple will Meet eaph othet again in tine orations. Therefore, r believe hi fame. building. • - By Mend. X believe that God, never calls e. man, if he is intelligent, to eise - socdate with, ignornate, or if he be ele- — - , ,__er e- - -if he 'be virtuous, to associate e'vith gvateent., to associate with boOrishness or IIROKRN ARMS. says somebody', et ainueraid Whet to 00 WIth'Thent adore the Doctor comes, . to go to such a church as you are de. • serthing, because there may be some A physician who was asked what that come to that church whom I Mould be done in the ease of a frac- would not like to (imamate With; and how %meld r feel if sortie 'of my family should marry a seiteenger?" Ah, my we might have the Board of kind. hat which is born of the Spirit. The Holy: Spirit' of God. The ALUMINIUM FOR INDIA. beginning of lire in the earthly econ- _ - - • oray is of an earthly sort, but the life A. Tell a month Now Manufactured In That that begins' amid heavenly conditions CountrY. . Is instinct with heaven: To enter the Aluminium, which is now Used in partiker of the supreme nature. Great Britain for atoll a variety of supreme , kindgem, one niust heconie ye, leraelltee, end Phariseee, and mem- hate Madras, end cooking -part and oth- 7. Ye niust. be borne • with Even Plirlseles, has recently been introduced. bers of the Sanhed,rin, • e er etensils which used .to be made of copper and. brass are now being manua 8. Thf3 wind bloweth, (Compare Ec- cles 1L 6.) "As in the natural world everyone is :sensible of the power of factured of the white metal Prof. the -wind, its unchecked freedom:, its Chattertoo. of the. Madras 'University diffusion everywhere,' hearing the , has been the meinapring of this new sound, and seeing fhb effect of ita denarture, for. he caused. experinietitil gentlernv stronger force, so in" the - • spiritual world we may well believe to he mane at the metal -working class - that the grace ot the Holy Spirit'works ea a tire School of Arts at Madras, unseen, breathing. often inapeeceptibly and in tutu way interested. the natives Upon the tout, and in ways which we in the matter. As a,reeult, a small cannot eensibly feel .or •distinguish (1 factory was established, and this met Car. /.11;) but it is discerned by its ef- with such s:gnal success that fiVe facts." --Churton. Thou hearest the Maths the output of monufacturea sound thereof, but canst not telt aluminium amounted to a ton a month. whence, it cometh, arid whither it gotith. This, be it remembered, wield be. 'the poste.bility that this illustration equal, bulk for bulk, to four •times as would not he applicable to a modern nmeh Copper. It is co,nsidered euricus scientist sloes not lesson tome( and that the intense conservatism of the bsaUty."--Gobin.. SO every one that Indians should, have allowed. sueh an is born of the Spirit. AS you Imo the ,innovation to snood; bat an one wind, so you lave visible evidence( of point _they are Obdurate. The old the power of the Spirits invisible( in- shapes and fashions' of vessels must be lieenee, - rigidly adhered to inmaking them_of 10. Art thou a roster of Israel. The the newematerial, and as these shapes words in the original may mean, "Art vary in different distriete, the point thou the famone master?" Knowest is one Of some inapOrtenee, not. Better, as tile IlleVhled Version, "understandeet not." ' • 11, Bay 'unto thee, "I" .to "thee;" 1 ert st ' t nse We it ak TIIE VITAL PACT. the oause of the crofters. • It• said that the Prime Minister , has written personally to Lord Bose- bery thanking him warmly for the. .a-pleyed -by ,the• ex -Pre - 1051. you Meow." ' . mier In the present crafts. That eiening Herbert made int his mind to interfere, for the Bret time, in other people's business Edwin wait going 'a bit too far, and the affair must he stopped: He mused for a long time en the best. manner of doing it, and at last ilecided that the wisest thing to do was to make love 'to 'the widow himself, even at the risk of of - And he. did, too, end found making ' the temporary rank of Major -Generale Pay, has been seleotedfoe command. of' fending the youngJesitt he had set his the British troops at 'Alexandria., with affections upon, ' • • pleasant undertaking- Nearly, every son, C. . , . to succeed Major-General K. G. Bender-, S. 'i ' ' . love to the widow a very eaay and evening Was spent 'at the cottage, and The new Avieznore branch Of the ' ' the little widow, delighted at .her new former one that success for his seheme, e-F•em — • • ra•r"lielilitnile railevay reduces the journey Inverness to Perth by one haer." " ' conquest, . became so eold. about bee .., •• was so pretty, andhad such. we new, hne is 1,300 feet 'above sea, , was PrOniised _frota the fiest..e Shit me through 'remit level and passesniagni 1 ra- anners, that, wore' long Abe youn er ajAneerY, ' " • ' ' , brother began to•excuse the eiderJor .A 'fie. man of • the. cruiser Galatea, his infatutitioh and to 'feel sorry for him and his unfortunate engagement; One afternoon, after eecorting the widow home from. a_ 'etlk, _Herbert thought of Grace with a pang of diiti. ful reproach, and getting out his bi-. cycle rode off whiptling to dal!: epee her. . The Council of the Royal Agrieeltur- Colonel Ronald B, Mane, CUL half - al Society of England, -recently passed a resolution that after 1891 no horses- . with docked tails would be allowed to exhibit at the society's country meet - When he arrived at `the house he found. Grace very chatty and cordial, but with an entirely different manner about her, which profoundly puzzled him, until he caught the sparkle of a ring upon her finger. . ' " You will be. pleased, I knave,' to hearqbat I am engaged," she said, half thyly, "And I am sure you -will be able to congratulate, sinee you intend to conunit matrimony yourself." "II' 'gasped Herbert, in, astoiush- bl?'13OL11, yes; don't Pretend not to under- stand, I have heard all about that fas- einiting little widow that lives opposite to you, aiad, I am sure I hope you will be very happy indeed." - She talked a lot about her coining marriage and her fianee, and' Herbert sat and Bawled in a &teed kind of manner, until the appearance of the newly elected bridegroom evoke -him In entire recovere. . -up to the fabt that. his preeence was , The bearskin of an officer of the not exactly required. lin his way -Scots Guarde 'cost over £11, • the het - starting out for e walk. ' met of a, lieuteinant'of deligoons a sinue home he met his brother and. cousin Iike it lunatic, pill:big hita off his be. and ring proper to an officer of hussare named lieutenant 'dad* Dierop,•who etruck hie the head and knocked him. dow ewhen 'ortleretLato, fall in tor.extra xeceived a sentenee, • of two years, traprisonnient and „writ dismissed from, hoe Majesty's service,.. The largest swannery in the British -Isles is at Abbotsbury, a little vi.1-• lage , a few Milea from WorMouth. The swannery belongs to Lord Itches- . ter, arid °onside of' 11,000 swans. When all the Wale take to the water, they make the river one glistening expanse • et white. Lieut. -Colonel Slogget, R,. A. AL • O. was shot through the breast and lungs at the battle of Omdurman, and re- ported dead in the casualte• list. -When. liter on a more detailed eiguitiation was' made it appeared just possible, that - life wits not yet wholly extinct. Abe cordingly, the medical staff resolved to persevere in their efforts. The re- sult was is most ham? one for, in Uwee days the wouhd had closed, and in a month the gallant ' officer had made td • lar sum, and Abe sable bUsby, plume "Congratulatiow shOuted win eyole, "Oh, you artful man," said runs into a sovereign more. The gold - Bette, turn ng up her eyes "No won- embroidered shoulder -belt and pouch der you ;were so ready to" -but she of olio hussar -regiment costa ^14 guin- slopped euddenly and looked up at Ed. eine and the dreesejacket of ite officer Win in confusion. .of the Horse Artillery imaounte 'ere "What is the meaning of all &MI" what appears be the ridiculously Why, we have just heard of Grace's ,.leTendeesecsastagt sturnicof 0123a ellubeeenem'sbaritt said. the cyclist, angrily. engagement, and that you are bent on de -camp, reached nearly to t50 in price. following suit. We met Mrs. Law-" Indignation prevails in the peace - "You don't Olean to sae," gasped Herbert, "you said ailing to her - community • . Perthshire, because the 1,041 Govern- -- -- - fel -of A ht d 1 about-" to erar er, n "We did, indeed," said belle, "and ment -Board have issued a peremptory she looked so' pleased." .. the town shall sent -minded that he wheeled his further terierewmaradrlky rgordoeanoerchoameee ;mandate requiring that nothing short of eruelty," 'that a wit:It° be properly drained. The Town Court - for all he was worth. tut when he ell has warmly protested against the reached Glenville road he was ao ab- etroposal, on; meraber regarding it as bicycle straight up to the cottage, place, "for the, most part innocent of :also of drainage, ahould be before he kniiv what he was doing offence,' lound.h mself in the backegarden set thus treated by 'a -Government depart- ment. The.-Town-CatincilevillItave tie_ -___ the widow's sneelittie home, sebrait to the order of the Local Gov- Straiagely enough, there was Mrs, ernment Boa*, uua the inhabitants Lawrence sitting upon the garden seat, . wilt probably be spared an epidemic ot" •and look:ng ao youthful and charming , typhoid, ' .hit he felt quite eonfused at his and - .hr in- licv°1131Y accepted DrsT riaosh ON EARTH. OL vitation to it down. • , breast of everyt ng y ante "tin began, "to mak3 a clean The beirplan would be it° but seetenn.uareile .rheceaeirvite nrwoitthourcowinIndeesstic.srwh: br in Betting pretences, England is in Egypt, and in EgYPt she should stay, rt...redted, trod Xairly, rare, Lawrence, ture of art arm says: • 1/1 The oldest- domidile on earth is that • tlutt ne do knew. ;Whet •Vie have There is' no use in nib:icing matters "I c • hi to au hav n t A. - some one -to bind the limb firm yt ut . id d h Spl it saes the liringdom of. God. ---------------------' British rule in gypt a t e heven t anything to reproach. yo,urseit ay a brightrly. "What's all this about; yott t Don't you suppose know -per - to 1 In every • ree church, ;lust as not too tightly for a broke hme is new irt inaparts a neVr• v more e was Egyp e v a ac H Th it 1 f t to -d i that every pow -rental Church, you will sure to SWell. I am, of prun friend, Trustees resolve that no one heed ewish e • eta, all a y ad Yejeeted Marry a scaventeer unless she wanted not too tightly to, your. aide. I say b Chriebtt ,our Lord insiSta. that, the and in all the vast domain that once "Dear t dear I" said the little. widow, Christian heart will dictate kindnessfreatest biasing that the land has a U • 1 )1, and tottrtese to all whom etou meet on But many a simple fracture beeonaSs thinVe I BY earthlyth` * "things flown In modern ages. people The in fectly we I w y yott haver made purr. pick your own society. While your log that the fracture is a steeple onoe. ;„ Zarthiat t Mrs. • • heaverdi the greets Of t Ile selt en amiable to me all along." Bow you intuit despise me," groliiieils Sabbath, you *111 n01 be obliged to rein cemPli°1/te4 bY trying to move the .0 , pa. that pie dose c(n earth,"We must un. 310 or ngti Rgypt-not the politicians and usur- yourfamily_a a rt, or limb.. This happens through t e p ere- vrhov th are d, a to . favour of Making it permanent, and . "'(ot to au,,, alma ura. Lawrent4, re but the people -are ten to one in ' not required. If there be in i, pew - ' bur of the skin by the jagged end of 661are Y° 116° be eveirYwhere from Delta to the Lakes,. - -r- ' • permanent vie hope and, believe it vvili ,11,:r.bedravti,„. d you for it. Yea did it for tell them all ff ih 1 If le, Jews, believe not these thi.tige he iv birth to those who sit in the same church and tient without first binding uri the dealtalia a bone ' ' i ' I will be begieVe iiione hisher tnylifteries - - eodeerhing inY heavenrY betti±e • the (met 0/British blood, and when thus e 0. , ' The British flag as n raised a I reined ratitiee le always a commend- ---------------not been t that other weintin s sake, and. a distil- . invite them to your houle. That is 4 4,1,1Ority o,f peapip *iv tem +9,... 440 Pedal ivies, L ean think of Only dileSplint must be applied. This may codeinus had begun thie eenfereneft by 401,14 i . . , Me one r "Do you know 1/..1 neon 0 keel ellY". a tOMMen•Selaltre priiiciple and lay if tdralre a, man rho has made a tale die Of gra• coabo a. &Witte tt tmvLat leas fOle t thle,, want you to undetatand that the in everY; fret abaroilliihe wi 1 fifty "In Order to. pre4nt thie a. teMPOre 18. Aild Zee mita bath ascended. NI- reread: it is not likelY to be pulled bat , "No, what t" asked the WidOW in nee . • before colnitiortetenith Wei, and may tItit Ortutfe honest 0„n. whir hods et nutieher Of iiewepapers folded a frail t° ADVAXTAillitg IVEALTIt, ,k11,fetkhtlt"Wildeera're engaged to be Mar- ried.," 14 " ee • ' • • • ; ing of tier said. erbert, regret ally. °.eie not (Alta erize. atts70 pergene that Will he very much ala )1' atorita that is on)-iug, we kap* that then art ' a IJV 4171. • •• My Obse*;vation is that if /oil take 4 offended with that etYle Of &Ural. 1 at Atoll 48 strai t troo a bun- f OA' ftr 1140 here , #111 %I I this in for the improvement of society usefully,. 0.tim the aretifermice 18ogtilvrioo. • i lidat of nian ut was a u ; arid as ne-tenths of that people in I Pray to God that the harld of bone chief, One °of the undergarritente. a Sale et Clod, he alone had perffect know. tWitee It ete very absurd," demanded fl bild the. bettering of the condition of anti the pluck, and the ingenttitY, and " Before Po' tbe It dill thOtio4rer of hie Godliiled united Mr. llicefello-I am told that Aliso "How absurd," said the widow faint. the world, re gonerously support the fact, rejoitte in his succeas, end must be well padded with a handker. with, hits rather, 'in hataven.' As the Bullion never ware the flenle dress wiu °°14rahnitY oan, underidand the free mercie.1 dieaeter now *wee dethrone thick wisp of haet, er straw, dr the Him ledge of heavenly things: .01mrton. Mine De ?Ink, Tint helitt-Tes, that the youeg Man. "Is it Blanche," ehtirola .1, bon it 111,14.1dDIS' est hiro- Bat mon: who, by noble freak ot and then the 'splint mintrn be kept in nous •lifted uP the serpent. Is true, and I understand ahe has a "Ridiculous," mid the little widow, f cloth toifrom the Nato. 0. The Wilma saTiat was different set of tri a • ti eeth for every day id her heed fell gently upon ,hte Ithout- , beta oat thrown to the top, V .0 , the nlass. or aisitiVe Ohrinb, he that t tee vohlo ths week. e • • re2ently erected at Yokohe.razi by an minent German bacteriologist. It ,is a microbe proof house, bullt..4 blocks. Oicre are no window and ths -doors, when closed, are air- tight. The air supply forced. into the room through a pipe and- filtered through cotton wool to cleanse it of bacteria. To insure further sterilize - tion the air it driven against a gly- cerine coated. plate glass, whieh cape euree all the microbes the Wood SPereS# The few' microbes brought into the house itt the elothes of visitors. soon die in the warm sunlight wxth. winch the t house is flooded. • BBB 11AND$01101 N.BoitLAOR • 1t has been said. that Mo. Alinei-Tad# eine, has the handsomest necklitee Unglands eoneleting of a series of 60, quisittly carved gems, not themselves :o valuable, perhaps, but made so, i he workmanship, which has rat theart, to the level of a work of art.