The Huron News-Record, 1897-12-09, Page 5R �"1�►" div d'•r•r1• �r�•v�ti�.•� �I f� �• 'ori y '�= �' f -;o THE THE PLEASURE OF READING Is often it pleasure fraught with much discomfort through failing sight, ach- ing eyes, etc. But there is no reason wkly this should be. Failing eye- (I eight earl be remedied. Aching eyes can be cured. Glasses properly fitted cure 9900 ' out of 1cases. The hundredth case is the ease that is beyond our skill, it is the case for the Oculist, The other 99 WE cure. by perfect -fitting glasses. Read- inor sewing is made comfort - Ablee and the eyes and head ache nomore. Glasses $1.00 upwards, guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded. "PERFECT" EMULSION Of Coil Liver Oil with hypopbosphltes " contaide 50 per cent. of sura oil but is i no carefully prepared that the mete of the oil' is entirely disguisod. We re- commend it and that means your money back If not satisfied. Regular Boo size fox 950, from ns only, ALLEN & WILSON. Graduate Druggists and Opticians. See Xmas a1v t. on inside page. ••••oR•••s•o••oo•o o•o•o••� :Great 's Slaughter Sale••---.. • —of $8,000 worth of— wcheS, Jewelery and Silverware S' • oEverything in my store,at whole • salepric' s or below, from now • g • until Uhristrnas. We must have • the money, and if you wiCnt the • goods at prices that cant be • r • beat, come to us. This is a genii- • ine sale, and every word that we � • say we mean. Everything will • • he sold at cost or below, until • Christmas. Mind; we can • • give you prices that no- body can beat, as we, are • • hound to reduce our stock by • • $3,000 worth at once. Come and • 9 get these great. snaps, because • • they are worth coming miles • to get. • do' B. RU Wall • •o Leader of Jewellery Fashion. O ••OmOA•••®®®OA®®®•®®Am0•®® ARE BO TH EYES A 1. IKE Few peopleiavte,eyPs'alike. Fully nine -tenths of ose�who wear glasses have different vision in each eye. Careless examination fails to bring out this defect, consequently you suffer i with headache from eye strain. We I st each eye separately, select proper I lenses and adjust glasses to suit ult both eyes. Spectacles as low as $1.00. 0 o W. Cooper & Co,, o 0 ' Booksellers and Opticians, j' STRATFORn, ONT, The eonree of study in this school is up to tie highexila,.dsrd of excellence; nnvxuelled advantages N every department; modernte ratos; board cheap, Enter anytime, Write for eirorlars, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Important Notice, f The undersigned, having (1dspoved of Trip NFws-Iticcom) plant and bugi nem to Mr. W- J. ' MIT011FLL, it is imperative thftt all necolrlts be r settled promptly, All Nnbscriptions up to i; July 1897, and rill Advertisingfi,nrl .lob Printing un to October 21-t, 1897, must be p;Licl to 1, M, Todd. Flubecrflitions from July-, 1F97, forward must be paid to Mr. Mit ;hell. A. M. TODD. ( linton, October 2140897. Cottage and Lot for Sale. i. The undersigned offers for sato a frame e ✓ttngo of four rooms, with lean-to. Centrally situated. Good water and drainnge. Will bo sold cheap. Apply to W. C. si+:ndlLr. Clinton, Nov. loth. T-- — -- FEED FORASALE, 75 poends good Feeding Wheat. P8 Pon -ids Onto 100ponnds Wheat for 10o pounds any kind Barley. VI 4fi cent)Bushel for Peas in Bxohange, for good feedin tvehat at 40 cents baahel. Also plenty good Yellow r Corn for sale clear, W. O. PERRIN. C"nton, Dec. 4th, It ✓7, 0 - � T ~^ Myth• � ' ilttltllt�lt11t11t11t11t11t11tlltllt11t11fl1�11f11t11t11t tltlltllt11111t11t11t11111t11t11t11111t11t11t11t11t11t11t� ppMrs. Hill 1, of the Commercial many T =2V1s You friegds will be glad to hear that she is '� � fast recovering from her illness. '°■ Mrs. Nation, assistant for several do- ye 1 ,years in our post office, has resigned her position and intends leaving here ]DISSOLVING SALE this week to visit friends in Lucan and = -Z Read elsewhere. do – =i On Tuesf'.-Ly our old and respected 1 --0 tow•nsIll nl Mr. Will Shane left' here do J+ - for Montreal to spend the winter I"- i v A statement made by us in this or nu rinit with his daughter Mrs. Belfry. ` Great, HolidayAttractions,=2others ace, ou can de end a on Triuit y Church Sundity School Schul• �0P' Y P P airs are practising almost nightly for it being the truth and being so if their Xmas Tree and entertainment ` ­40we say so. Misrepresentation of which is to be held in Industry Hall on �' =2 am-^'■ our Goods is never resorted to. the evening of Dec. 23rd. 0- Out- streets are almost black these +- When we sell an article and guar- days with teams loaded with grain of r Beautiful hea-vy Flannelettes only 5c Handsome Wrapperettes that make antes it we buck that claim at all kinds. with pretty effectall shades at 121e all times, and what we say we The Main drain oil U Queen St. hav- ` p p y v g =100 mean, and what we promise we du. ing been blocked up causing the cel- ► F,Xtra heavy and wide Flannelettes, -` lairs to be flooded, a gang of inen has `fil_ _ 1 Don't forget that the Priestlyfine Quality considered our prices are beau busy the past week cleaning it e best , 6�G g -� Dress Goods in both black and always the lowest. Note. our- prices out.. Om Tuesday J. B. Kelly moved his All the fancy stripes and colorings in colored are included in our Disso- on the following articles :- fiuuily and household furniture to Flannelettes - - 61e lotion Sale,' S boder ich where he intends residing in f 2 future. do - On Tuesday evening our town diad- ��� �■ do All our best and widest Prints, regu- Fine black and navy all wool Ser;;es, dies held the regular monthly meeting +>. 1 1 -� Gold in Industry Han. lar 124c, only - - 72e 45 inches wide, aro going at this Gents Gold Filled Lase On Wednesday evening an enter- r pur Gin"hams which are 25 inches sale at 40e, regular 60e goods. 15 yearn With Elgin Move. tainment wits given to Industry Hall � r j guarantee bathr the auspices u piltsof St. e Andrew's S h = 1 wide, are said by our customers to pvercoats are our great leading fes- � e meat - $g 00 be fast colors and are only 4c per and o Gents' Silver Case with, finaneially and otherwise. Y p Y tura, remember you get a $7.54 for$5.�5 e Don't forget. that Tuesday the 14th ��, � Elgin Movement - $5 75 inst., to the last day for paying lyour be Good hear Ulster,, for Boys' as low taxes, lifter which 5 psi cent. will be � Lovely Mantling, fancy patterns, 54 y y Ladies' Gold Filled Case added, P in. wide, good patterns, reg. 1,25, as $3.75 and Men's of same qual- with Movement - $g 50 salil'ord. � only - - - 98c for only - - - $4.50 Gent'sgo- Aickle case with Mr. J. T. Goldthorpe hits moved into e Fine black Niggerhead Mantling,very Come in and see the latest creations y American Movement pts new store. It is up-pl-dne c every stylist. and new regular $1.50 for X1.15 in young Men's Cats Th.e natty articular, even to tele hone connec- , a � $5 00 tion. His other new house will soon be 40- newness of them sells them at finished.'111-` `V a also have a full line of Mr. Jacob Kunts, the new brewer, is We are selling a lot of Ladies sight, regular price was $1.25 sale Stirlin Silver Novelties moving down from Auburn this iveek. ,� Mantles just now, tligy are hand- �rlce only - - - 98c Novelties, He has got his louse tth�ere all renova'ed ZZ Ebo'by Goods, Cut Gia. and everythingin fired-classorder. He � some goods and proper in style has spent time and money fixing up The Gloves Mitts Socks Braces �� Fane Clocks Fancy and all at sale prices. ) , Fancy ? the brewery and will soon he ready Ties, Collars, Shirts, Cuffs, Under - Purses and Jewellery, for operation. Some of the l'oveliegt Dress Fabrics • ' Mr. Joseph Ellis and wife, of Hen �. wear, are all going at Sale prices. which we are selling very sail, are wialring ;non, w;llage. � we ever had are now so reduced - 01 close to cost prices, from 1vll. and Mrs. Ben. Mason iattended a in rice for the sale that the are p p y Good strong wool Tweed Suits well wedding in Hullett last week. f• - now until Xmas. Mrs. Geo, Bradford was on the sick eagerly picked up. endo, for men of all sizes, are list last week. do -- See our specials in Filligree r $9.50 for $7.50, $8 for $6, $7.50 for Flannelettes, all patterns, a handful, .� BIRTHS. � $5 75, $650 for $4.75, $5.75 for � stick pins at 20C. thick are hero at only - ,50 all at Sale prices. HgUGH.—In Wingh5c I $4 am, on Dec, let, the wife o[ , Mr. Jae. Haugh; a daughter, am— r ^� VPe have no old or shopworn SFIOWERS.—InTuruberry, on Nor. 25th, the wife Ob— do— goods, so you run no chance of of Mr. Jae. Showers; n sen. � You must know that there are always hundreds of arti- MCCREICHT.—In Beet Wawanosh, on Nov. 24th, r getting old goods when yon the wife of Mr. John MnCreight, of a eon. Iles that cannot be mentioned in an ordinary ad. in a store buy here. IIEATIRS, of this size but suffice it to say that every article inside our p.(]d HOOD,—Io Ooderich, on Tuesday, Nov. 80th, 1887, ` Maria Frances Hand, beloved wife of J. J. Hood,do doors will goat sale prices. aged 88 years, 5 months and 14 days . ` P. B. Crews, Cf INION MARKET REPORTS. do- 00000000000000000000 � .� 41- (Corrected every Wednesday afternoon.) o Jeweller and Expert Fall Wheat new....... 0 80 to 0 81 Watch Ir �palrer. Barley ......................... 0 20 to 0 23 r Oats. 0.22 to 0 23 GIL RO Y & WISEMAN Peas........ ..................... 0 40 tc 0 45 ` Rye ................. . ....... 0 39 to 0 40 J+ Notice to Creditors, Potatoes, per bush, new... U 30 to 0 35 Butter loose in basket.... 0 l3 to 0 14 w CLINTON. Butter in tub ................ 0 35 to 0 40 � A. Eggs per doz.................. 0 13 to 0 13 I'7d1dJId111J1bJ6�l1�J11JI►J11�11J11JI6111J11d1U11111J11�t� J�Ud�J1d�ItJ1UII�d�J11J11d1UIlJllJldll�J1lJ1�lI►J11JIi lc IN THE MATTER OT W. H. 13EEBLEY & CO., OF THE TOWN Cabbage, per doz........... 0 0 40 to 50 OF CLINTON. a ly.............,."-. ......,.... 6 00 to 6 00 Cordwood ....................... 3 00 to 3 50 The Live ONclt Market.I �� ���� Apples per bbl ............... 1 50 to 1 75 , Notice is hereby given that the sail W. A, Beesley Apple's culls ................ 0 45 to 0 50 TORO\TO. . a e ■ • & Vo, have snake an assignment to me tinder the pro-. Dried Apples per Ib........ 0 04 to 0 04 viglunsof R.S. O., Chap. 124 and amending Acta, in Toronto, Dec. 3, -Receipts were light I A large and complete Stock of I,urniture of all kinds now on band for the trretfor'thebenefitof their creditors. Ducks per lb................. 0 05sto, 0 06 at the Western Cattle Yards to -day Holiday Trade such as A meeting of the Creditors of the said W. H. Turkeys per Ib .............. 0 06ito 0 07 And trade wits quiet. It is CX CCted Beesloy&Co. will beheld atthe o'ticeof TheJobnD, Geese per .................. o oa to 0 os '' P'• Cane Chairs, Bawls Music'Stands, ''tall packets and Ivey Co., Limited, 18 Wellington St.11•eet, 'Toronto, P that hustness will be quiet until the ad- Fancy C , G M � , YrC Packets, on Chickens per pair............ 0 30 to 0 35 vent of Christmas trade in a week or Madallians, pictures and picture Frames Thursday, the 9th da of Dec. '97 ii ool.................r .,....... 0 18 to 0,18 so. There were only 2, carloads of stub yr y Dec.,'97, on the boards, including 250 sheep and Which will be sold at the very lowest prices. At three m„ for the purpose of the appointing of Toronto Farmers' :Market. lanihs, 400 hogs, 1.'2 milch cows and And our Bed Room Suites and Sideboards at specially low InsoectorN a•.d the givingof directions with reference s )1•ili vers an'd about 20 calves. P Y prices during _ -- I k, December. Come in and inspect my Stock before buying elsewhere and save to the disposal of the estate. .. All claims mustbe filed on or before the 2nd day of Toronto, Dec. 3. -The receipts of Export Cattle -Hardly any businessr from 15 to 20 per cent. .laousn, 1898, after whieh date I shall proceed to grain on th(t stv(,vt ntairket today were was dune in this line for the reason Q UNDERTAKING ��•g��j� p� DEPARTMENT. ��T� �r�■ distribute the estate, hiving regard only to those anialler; barley Was easier, oats tiviner that t here were not Ill any cattle offer- Y n G A Claims of whi,•h t sh all 'nave tben romiyod notice. Dated tua and day of December, A.D. 1897. and wheat unch L aged, ing. Some hulls changed hands at is well stocked with the Best and Prices the Lowest. II(•,iu•se and outfit D. A. FERGUSON, Aseignan, Wheat—Steady, 8G) bit. selling at front 3je to 3.SC: pel' pnRnd, and a few Metter than anv other in town. Best and most courteous attendance. lsweutngtonSt. West,Tcronto, 82!.e to Ste for white, Stec to 85c for steers at about 4c per lb. �� �. $`� �.� ��irip r'r. �i]<]lYllt',O11 ref3, and 78.�c to 79c for goose. . Butchers' Cattle -Trade was dolt FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKER.' � Barley -A cent lower, 2,000 bu sell- and prices continued Iow. The quality - East Wawanosh. HuronStreet, next Gilroy 3c Wisenlan's, Night and Sunday calls at residence ing at 28e to 33c. is not as good as it should be. The No. 67 Huron street, opposite Baptist church. Miss Mary Dow was the guest of Rye -✓1 cent clearer, 200 bu calling top figure paid to -day wits $8,05 per at 46c. -wt. and there was iinothet' deal at Blrs. Ii,eland, Winghaln, during part $3.0. 'faking the general run of the — - of last week. I Oat.; -Firmer, 1,000 bu. selling at 25c minket there was nothing sold over e T IT ��1 /�AI,� Mr. and Mrs. W. Bone were very to 25.} c. 3§c per Ill, and quite a Yew deal, were A 'd ■ pleasantly "At Home to it few friends peas -Steady, 200 bu. selling at 46c nrade at figures even lower than that on Tuesday eyening. to 47c, for pretty fair cattle. Miss Carrie McGee is At present visit- p Y Select, from the following list what ypu want and make your purchases early: Hay and Straw -Steady, 30 loads oC Ing in Wingham, the guest of her Stockers and b'eeders-Theis was it brother Stewart. h• v selling at $8 to $9, and eight loads4lbe. New Rai.ine for........................S 25 Re;;ular Price. Our Price. slightly barter demand from Bnffalr) 7 lbs. Good Japan Tea ............... ....... 1 00 f straw at $7 Lo $8. Brooms........... 25 20 Master Grigg ghiells, we. are sorry to for light stockers, but the market is 6lbs, 2,e, Japan •res .......................... 1 00 Washboards.................17 Fay, wits forced to undergo an opera- Dressed Hogs -The receipts )vere, yet quiet. Distillet y wen and farmers fi Iba, 800.Japan oTen, ......r ......::.......:: . 1 00 Oatmeal (per 11 Ibst Special by Sack. 2.5 tion for the removal of a growth from fair; there was it good demand, and •are takings few feeders. PtICes rule 31bs,40c Biack rJapan ea . .. Flavoring Extracts • ................10 09 the nose. the rnar'kLA was firm, with sales at $5 from 2,1c to 3c for light stockers and RegularPriee. Our Price. Laundry Starch ...................10 B8 Be r Raking Powder .....................10 08 The I,pWOrtli League, Of the Brick to $0, from 3 c to 31c for feeders. Laundry sosp,10 hare . for........ L5 Bakiu `Sods.,........., 4..........OG 04 Ynnliuht Snnp,(3 bars .............lA 15 g church, has generously devoted part of Wheitt, white. per hu..$ 82h to $ 84 ......,15 12 310c. plugs McDonnld's Tobacco...,30 25 its funds towards carpeting the aisles do red ................ 84J to 8.15)' Sheep and Lamb,—There was a firm- 'Brooms.,.....,....... of the church. do oosecr............. 78, to 7y el' tone to this trade Lamhs sell fo g i 4 Z0 to 4 40 per cwt. cxtr a choice u- LOther goods at like prices. Much sugar for little money. Choice family Four, Mr. J. Butchardt had a bee drawing Barley icer bush........ , 28 to 33 $ .` $ lr g wood to Wingham on Saturday after'- Oats per bush.......... 25 to 25} Ing lip to $4.00. By the head they $2,35 per, cwt. Oats wanted in exchange for Oatmeal. Choice Butter oil hand; noon. Rye per bush............ 4O to 00 hrought $2.50 to $4.2;5. Shipping shee p y ° p Bran, Shorts, Chop and all kinds of Grain bought and sold. - Peas per bush........... ` 46 to 47 are steady at from 3c to 3.}c, and to it Buckwheat per bush.... 35 to gO few instances 3lc per lb, Bucks sell Porter's hill. Ha ....... 8 00 to 900 for 2jic per ib, Butchers' sheep are ®■ OL ` O N , Victoria St. near Queens Hotel, Clinton. Hay ..... • doll At from $3 to $3.50 each. Straw ... ................ 7 O(l to 800 Mr. Win. Stirling, of the 4th con., Dressed hogs ......... 5 50 to O lO Calves -Offerings were light and --- has been laid 11with grip. Eggs, new laid.......... - . - - -- — 16 to lg Touch of the •stuff was of it rough nn Mr. Tilos. Harrison, of the 4th con- Batter, lb, rolls......... 16 to 17 "horse>y" nature, For that there wits �� FRUITS �o XMAS, 1 A� cession, who has been on the sick list do tub dairy.1:3 to 1:3 ■ for some, title, is able to be about ' ""' C slow shP Prices reals are In de- (ihlCkPrt9 per pair....... 30 to 00 Hand, I lues are from $2 to $8 per Again. Turkeys per ]b.......... 7 to 8 head. The Temperance concert held of Ducks per [)r............ 40 to Oil The best brands Itasina, Currants, Prunes arid Figs: Best English Lemon, Friday evening was a pronounced site- (,eese per 11)• ........... 5 to O Milch Cows and Springers -There Orange and Citron r . Aels. Cocoa and Chocolate Icings. Pure Spices, Extracts cess. The hall was crowded and the were About a dozen heads In, the de- ado Essences. Grenoble \Valnuts, S. S. Almonds, Filberts and Candies. potatoes new per hag... (10 to 00 � programme it good one. The 1. O. G. Spring lamb.. ......... Omand was active and all sold easily. T's are doing good work. Mutton ...... ......... .5 to 0 Prices are. fit In At froru $25 to $45 each. The deservedly popular brands of Iligh Grade 'teas, including the Noted S. S. No. 5 will hold its closing exam. Beef, fore ............ 4} to 51, Choice cows are wanted. MONSOON and BLUE RiBBON varieties. -It is never peddled. on the 16th and wind up with a con- ' do hind ..... • .... ... 05 to 08r cert Ili the evening Which promises Veil 1, carcase, ib.... 0 OO to 0 08 Hogs -There was an Pxceptionally �/ Handsome Toilet feta from $2.00 to $8.00. to he unusually entertaining. The PRODUCE short run to -clay, but the deniand was IN CROCKERY d� i}may I 97 Piece Uimier Mets from $6.50 to $1.5.00. concert programme will consist of •COUNTRY RODUCE-TORONTO. steady. Prices did not advance. vocal and ins(romentid music, etc., dCroice sing$C�N sell for 40c, weighed off �7 etc. As the section takes keen inter- Toronto, Dec, 3, -Butter• -The re- the cites, ul'other killing -and feeding 1\ ■ Robsol., Grocer, Albert St., Clinton. est in its well-conducted and prosper- c'eipts of large rolls are q the liberal, 11 s.. 1e}pont 4,,,c to Cle. StA-9+4 are otos school there is bound to tee a big there is a good derniand for thein :and dull at. 2c to 21c and sows for hreeding turn -out on the 16t.h. the ala rket is steady at, 15c. Choice fetch 3c. - -- - --- - -= `I - dairy tub is scarce. And flrrn at Me to We quote :-- UNITED STATES MARKETS. while common to fair lots of thin -- 10c, sheep were only steady at former Stunmetlull• Eggs --Are in fair sti)ply, there is Milch cows, each. ....,$25 OO to $15 0 East, Buffalo, Dec. 3. -Cattle -}{e prices. The total supply of Canadas It good demand and t�le utarket iF E'xport cattle, per cwt... 3 50 to 4 00 1 R Y y y . i g cei 1Ls were light, only shout a load on sale Thursday were only six cites; The standing Of the public school steadv at lOc to 10. c for strict.) fresh Butchers' choice cattle, bele for Nr+veinher is ne follows: -5th } Y cwt ..... .. 330 to :3 50 and a hrtlfs and all Of mixed order; the when all were in there were five r'ILr•s gathered, Mc for held fresh and cold market wits regarded its about steady, holding over from Wednesday: values class --M. Murphy; Sr. 4th class -W. storage and 13�c for limed. Butchersgond cllt.tle, 91 P) Vents and Calves ---The supply was Were lower, in .sympathy with the Jordan O. Hill, 13. Mcllveen; Jr. 4th cwt ................ 300(u .391) ' Potables --The Tuarket is dull And ino4wrate and the, market was about, lower tone tri. native stock, an a class --E. Ball, G. Coldou h N. Ball; Butchers' coni• cattle, g about stead Cars on the track here 2 75 to ) stead best vealF, $5.50 to $8.75, with were ant. sold. 'rhe hest tnpPy ors Sr. 3rd class -L. Butt, A Lovett, L. ,are quoted at O0c and potatoes out of cwt ............... 00 cotninon to fair lots at, $5.25 to $0.25. sold tit $5.70 to $5.80, with fair to {,rood Johnston; Jr. 3rd class -C. Colbourn' store to 70c, Bulls, per cwt ........... 2 Ofl to :3 .10 No s Recei t4 90 cars; the market at $5.55 to $G.7ci; 11i1r It lambs, $5.25 to R. Colbourn, (1. Hill; 2nd class -R. Feeders, per cwt.,... . 3 25 to 3 50 g• P s, Kilty, C. Butt, M. Hill; II part class- Poultry -Supply is fair, the demand Stockers} per cwt...... 2 50 to :3 O0 ruled with An easier tone and. trading $5.50; lambs, ,yearlings, choice to prime, R. 14aal, I. Colbourn, R. Hardy; Sr. 1st, moderate. and the market is steady At I,x ort she ), per cwt. 3 00 to '3 25 was rather slow; good to choice York- $4.75 to $4.90; fair to good. $4.40 to ,15 class -M. McLol hlan, L. Johnston 7c to 8c for turkeys. 5c to Oc for geese, Butchers' shi ell, each., 3 (l0 to 3 50 ars, $3 50 to $3,52; mixed packers' to $4. culls l i common yearlings, extra, L. Jordan; Jr. Ist, class -M. Johnston, 40c to 60 for ducks and 20c• to 40c for Lambs, per cwt. , ...... 4 00 to 4 50 grades, $3'570 to $3'52' medium wet hts, to $•4.2ii; nn,1 ire lambs, choice to extra, B. Allen, P. Allen. The public exami_ chickens. Cialves, per head. 200 to 8 00 $3.52; heavy hogs, $3.50 to 3.52; $5.71) to $5,75; fair to good, $,5.40 th nation will be held on Wednesday, the Baled Hay -The market is dull and Choice bacon hogs, per roughs, $3 to $8.16; .4. ee, $nd to bs I tintiS; clips to common, $f.5') 1.0 $cted 22nd inst., commencing nt10 it. fit., with inchanged. Cars on the track here cwt .... . ..... . ... 4 35(o 4 38 r gc. $3.25 to $3.55. `3�leep and Lambs native cliON pped sheep, choice to selected lunch tit noon and a programme at the are quoted At $8 to $9, Light- fat hogs, per cwt 4 l0 to 4 1'3 -The supply w1Ls fairly liberal, all of mixed s, sheep, 4. to $ nod to choice close. A cordial invitation to be pre Baled Straw -The demand is slow Thick fat hags, per cwt; 4 10 to 4 12 50 cars. The market was abQpt, steady mixed sheep, $4.25 to $1.50; conlnton to sent is hereby extended to all, -G. M. and the inarket is quiet,. Carq on the gows, Per cwt........ ,. 3 00 to 3 25 for good lots of la•mhs, w1lh gone} I'itir, $3.85 to $•4.10; culls to conuuon Kilty, Teacher, q Stas per cwt ......... 2 00 to 2 25 handy sheep also fairly firm to steady, sheep, $3 to $3.75. track here Are quoted iLL $5. Stags, + ek" n