The Huron News-Record, 1897-12-09, Page 2a
Thp 11mrcn e>us�-fRecora He rubbed his finger•tipe together 1 Come .ou,'hurryl there's my grand• I Wit,
f C.
m jQ�u� �1�~ •y�
and beamed across at Joyce, fatherly hackman waiting for us. 11 • V• T. U. . As iii•••
01.00. year, a edv.nae. "It seems good, I tell youl" he went Elvah was acquainted with Quimby.
On. "Maybe its partly because we've 'She had lived there part of her life, Co,.tributed by the Sooretary of pluton W C. T, U
c TuURSDAY. DECEMBERttth, 1897. had to wait so ling, an' there's been so and she &and her grandfatherly hack-lye-
�• many put•backs. It was so long ago man were old friends. Her married f _
ft the put bagks hlegtip.. pr2hera's ,b"--aiater boarded at thec'P-alaee" and it „- We - --i It' llou.a.►a .are .-wwo,k+,g, -'+ ��
"In HiS Name. gFur Gud and li mno and Humanity?)
au0h a eight of exit that we cant scarce• under that matronly little tvonutn a Y
and wa have the ?Voss of God u:r cul' `�
_— ly remember all of'e-m, chapel the three girls �YciNe be
i Y side, xud the wldeHl and beat roan and 01dete
"'Thera was clic fatty to pay for Brat during chair short visit. 1'Nu drys t r
"We're on it Eli l Wo'se on our wuultD in the twolld. The Rav• 1)r f� �' t �e
' all, of—we thought we'd ought to put the the convention and cue for fun, was sa auf the + �••
weddin' journey. Ain't it wvat too I weddiu'Journey money into that, an' their programme. Y p uhlbition movement It Y ,%.• _,;
is nut one of la a mumsntery ex-
good to be true I" play,
then the babies come along, one to a Early the next morning on their oilemdnl, our the sweep of fanaticism,
Judith Crockett settled her skirts time, an, it went to bringin them up. way to one of the meetings of the con. _ and folded together her wrinkled An' when they were up, John wanted vention, the dropped into the big, but a matter of broad, deep and in. Tyne
hands with a loti� ai hof lace. g g Y PP b trlligent conviction." 1i a tvur0 very `•�=� w
?� b g P to u to college, au we wanted to kind bustling depot again, much surprised to read the other day -
The train was getting under way of set the otheps a goin'—so we waited ••Of course, I don't expect to find the following sufitence from it writer` The Knight S®nt
again. for our weddin ,tourney, but we never it," Joyce was saying, •`I should Hay oil prohibition :—"I niniutaiu that o o -„
Eli's weathered old face beamed and give it up. uotl Who ever heard of finding an , IegiPlatiug to prevent toulptAtiu, is A
?' nodard at her, ,We had to put a mortgage on our umbrella?' Elvah laughed. Muialn : cuutrnly to the law of Gud." Wu -• -=��a �'O�►'�� h��v
places to help the children along, au ,rave a quick little• start, don't so read cur Bitple, �l o find in
"Wu'ra un our weddin' juulnPv, e q r
its tool: till last week to pay that u1). 140h,,* „ ,
Our ho jest as tiuo as wa'eo olive.she quid, I ve found the "T a shalt n tau rims God s•pcs, C Challenge,
'I'heu Judufi au rues not paekud up an'bride and bridegroom! Look, over] "'Thou shalt nut." i�,
Our huneymouu i teAt tisk come. We'd planned est where to „
The words drifted book to the trio 1 J (here in the corner! ,
go, you k,ow, settiu' in front of the RY MARK oBERYL.
of breezy, sweet faced girls behind. Qt'e►' there in the corner, surely en- Avery wino rnaD who live a fon
fire winter evouiu's for 40 years. You ou h were Eli and Judith. They sat g So we, Tri the keen bubittess competion of today, ill the full
The whole car wowed to be full of T ,
get your plane pretty nigh fixed up in tip primly, bat their wear time ago declared that "wiDe was a ,
girls. Girls serosa the aisle, girls i.0 p p y, y old races „ confi�ce our Stock gives us invite inspection and challenge
all that time!" trucker. A mocker promises some- g p
front, girls behind, and all of them had & patient, disappointed look that thio he cannot
He leaned back in the seat and broke into ate sunshine when the g give. I want to show comparison.
twittering and laughing it subdued p y p
laughed over at them. how wine is a muelcer by promising to
little gales, after ilia world-over.fash- 6 saw the girls contig to them. b
"Land, ain't it good to hear Eli Judith caught Miriam's band, do something it cannot scally do. Fancy Goods, ion`ot girls. laugh?" Judith said. ,We ein'teither Wine ie a mocker.— •�•L •J vl 17
,� Did you hear, Joyce Darroh? Land, deary, if it ain't you! she A Better
They're on their wedding trip!" of us had much time to laugh "till now. cried, softly. "Eli, don't you see who I —By promising strength, but v Novelties
.` ; We've be'n pretty busy always, but 'tie? Who'd have thou ht bringing weakness. V i Vi s
whispered Elvah Crena in +alight. g ,now? STOCK
"The dear little old lady's a brilal" now we'vo got a fair start laughin, I She drew Miriam down beside her For many years good people be
"Truly, do you e'poat?" wh e, orad feel as if we should keep it up the on the seat, "We're waitin' to go lie that alcohol was really a streugth .••••. and
back Juyce, "She's so old—she must rest of th0 time. But, laud, dowry, I }tome," she explained, quietly. °Hing agent Strong men took it to Perfumes
` be must a Ipundrad. Look at her dear bnose you'll get all tuckered out hear "Going home to day? Why, you've maintain their strength. Sickly poo
little *corkscrew curls behind bar In too sue go on so. Oh, no, don't go only just got here!" cried Miriam, as- Pie took it to make them well, The
t„ yet. as Miriam halt' rose, smiling. tonished. old fashioned doctors ordered it to We have never had. Already, some of the choice Goods are
sere. "Sillyan' tell me about you. 'There's , their patients and talked about pour- being picked out and it behooves you who want the choicest
"Girls, girls, quick!" murmured Y Yee, I know, deary, but we'TO goin b p
' Miriam Nye, nndgigg them in turn, a dreadful lot of you in the car, ain't home, We've be'n waitin' all night, iehing port. Soldiers in the camp, Of the Choice t0 drop In 920ty—l0-day—CGt once—and see if we
"I du believe he's going to kiss her!'' there? I dont spore you ell belong to too. The train don't go till tau Bailors on the seas, laborers i❑ the
g t3 .> have what you want and if so have us save it for you. You
clic came family. o'clock." field, and miners in the pit, all took
d But the kiss, if it had started, rover alcohol because they thought theirobligationy
< reached its deatinutioD. J cdith Crock_ Miriam's sweet face, brightened. Then, at the eight of the girl's won_ g are under no to buy because you come in. We will
Why, yes," she said "we're all of us walk could not be done without it, do our best to give you here some idea of what we have but in
.• slit saw it • corning, and hold up har Y, y' ' ' daring face, she added the roes of rho b
finger to warn it off. "Lend Eli King's daughters." She„touched the story. Wine, deluded them into thinking the stnall space at our command the tenth can not be told
don't!” she cried. "Right whore little siker cross she wore gentlythey could Dot keep u without its '
" „ g ,,"Wo didn't know (�uimby`d grown P P therefore be not backward in coming and burry not when you
d' • t folks'll see you! What'll they think'l"
swaying ft back and forth. ware up so. Eli thought it was goin' to be 81d, It deceived them, and the, were o
f going to Quimby to the convention. like it was when he uvea here before.
Dot. wise. Alcohol gave them artificial do come. Prices are marked on. everything in plain figures.
Judith Crockett looked over her e h
ninth ,t cried Judith in delight, strength, and left them weaker than be. 'These prices you will firicl to he eteeedinbly moderate. The
aboulder and got a pleasant glimpse of , h 'that's g ' Phare was a little, nice hotel then,
why that's whore me a❑ Eli's goin' r fore. It promised strength but left t
"r the vista of gills' faces behind her. ' f3 whore you sign t have to pay but 50 ' Goods you will find to Je new, novel and up-to-date.
tul Eli went there once when he r , weakness, Wine is a mocker.
1•. w' My, ain't there a heap of ern!' she cents a day. �� e d ought to waited p.� e' ��■ a
,4141 exclaimed. `-Au' oh, Eli, look quick!
wasn't but a boy, an we always said till the got more money." We are wiser now, Doctors have FINE FRENCH PERFUMES in bottles 75c.
There's one jest exactly behind that that's whole we'd go to on our weddin' It was all there—the story—Miriam studied wine, and have proved that it X1,25 50 $2.QO $3.00. Good English, American
:''` looks like little Ewmeliue that died. journey. Eli wants to show me some read it at once and there was no need does not really make us strong at all. ' ' 95
of the places he went to, I it ever and Canadian Perfumes nicely' put up at c., 50e., 75c,
• Iva got to speak to that one, Eli—I've 1 of the sequel to it, Eli tvice tolligg the It is not food. It does not make
ben awn from homes except over to brain, bone or muscle. On the con• and upwards. Few Presents are more acceptable to a lady,
got to. I couldn't no more help it Y P other girls, but she listened ancon ,
than nothin' at all." the Pint, shoppin'." sciously. trary, it weakens all three. Men can BEAUTIFUL CELLULOID GCiOD
She leaned back and beckoned to Eli went back to his seat and touch- "Yee, tve`re goin'," the old man's work longer and harder without drink
Mariam N•v'e. ed Miriam's arm, voice quavered dejectedly. "I`m sort than with it, I will give you two il• In Brush, Combe and Manicure sets for $2.20, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00
q J Y and $8.00. LADIES' WORK BOXES, 50t:. 'to $3.75. WRITING
"Decry," she called, "do you mind "I've wore them all outs yarnin' an' of sorry on mother's account—she set lustratione to show you the truth of PORTFOLIOS, $1.50 to $7.50. GENTLEMEN'S SHAVING SETS,
corrin' an' settin' besides me jest fur a I guess likely mother's wore YOU out, a good deal of store on comin'." y+3 this. A medical man took some Collar find Cuff Boxes, Necktie Boxes, etc. from $1.00 to $4.50.
few minutes? I want to spook to you." I goose you'd like to go back to your "She ain't said a word—bless your* navvies and divided them into two FINE ALBUMS and PHOTO HOLDERS from $1.00 to $5.0O3
Miriam's tune stopped chart. She friends about now, wouldn't you? that' ain't mother e way! LADIES' PURSES from 25c. to $3.W. GOOD HAIR BRUSHES 25c,
' pp « y But she's ganga, He set them both to the same to $4.W. SPECTACLES $1.00 to $10.00. INNUMERABLE NOVEL-
lanced at the other girls in amused Judith reached out her hand, Good- feelin' bad inside, An bein` so Luck. work. The first week he gave - one '
g TIES forty loci to $1.00.
*oudor, and then up into the sweet by, scarce, she said. "I'm much ob ored out snakes it worse. You see, yon gang water to drink and the other beer,
wrinkled face, She saw the eagerness llged to you! It's ben a little like can't get much good sleep on those Then he watched to see which gang AGAIN WE SAY COBE AND SEE.
y` in it, and snatvared it instantly. haviu' a visit from Emmy; an' oh, Eli, narrow little seats," would do the beat work. At first the
e „ Pha's goin' to Quimby, too! Ain't that "Sleep! You haven't been here all g ' Yus, indeed;' oho said, and the g Q J• t hoer drinkers for od ,volt ahead. Tho WILS"ON9
gentleman can have my seat hero." file They're all goin'." ui`ir bt7" the girlish voices oil, 'ru,4ed. water drinkers were much Plower.
r "I declare! To Quimby, be you? .r But in a few hours tho beer men
They mode the exchange, and Eli sat `'Y'He, Eli said, gently,-"right hors's
down.opposite Joyce and E,vah, with That',; good! Maybe you're,noin to put, where we've set all night. There's a slackened, and the water meth increased Druggists and O• t1C1anS - CZ�.1V TON.
a Dud of gentle friendliness. He up to tho' same place, tool I'm goin' hotel over across the track. I went their pace, mud when the reckoninggg p
loaned forward to then) pointing back. to take Judith to the sauie� place I thele to see about sto In', That's chine it was found that the men who — ----------
ward with his thumb at Judith. stopped at—its touDd two cornets why we're gain' home. drank water had done by far the most R
from Alain street, turoin' to your lelt work. Alcohol mocked the workersNew ����� ��'��'ts ���'f
"Emweliue died, you see," he said Judith said she guessed the host 1 U
both times, I could walk to it with b seemlD" to irn art strep th '
confidentially, "u u' alio wanted to talk thing we could do was to go ri};ht Y b P g but in
to the ouhg lad because she looked my eyes shut.'' home again an' wait. We ain't given reality it stole away their muacnlar
,t like'Emmeline. She always wants to "��'o'rogoing to tile Palace," MiriRm tip our weddin' journey, but we'll have Power. Sumo years ago onr soldiers Raisins—Mal rlga, Valencia and Sultanas.
talk to folks that put her in mind u'f said, "'on Axminster street.. But per- to wait a spell longor," were in Abyssinia, and they had to, Currants - Filiatras and Fire Vostizzas.
i•:haps we may see you eumetime. Oh, The girls staid a little longer and
Entmy. I don't suppose the young g g make a toad four hundred ruffles long California Prunes and Mime Figs
lad y'lI mind, now, du you? 1 couldn't 1 hops s°! then went away. It was half past nine over tape rough mountains. The Gen-
bear to set up against mother on our She put her oilier hand over the o'clock. They looked tit the cluck in. oral made them drink ton, -and though CIIOSSE and P,LACItWELL Ph,ELS, Lomon, Orange and Citron.
one Judith hold, and looked down voluDtaril all of then) on- their way the work was hard and the climate NUTS—Filberts, S. S. Almonds and �VallDuts.
weddin journey. I thought we'd y, y
ought to humor her." into the old womau'd face. It seemed out. When the of out into the open trying, there WAS only one man that r ;
" like taking Earn away Prom tier to go Y g l fall o4it of the ranks through aicrnasH. CQOKI. G FIGS fur 5c. a lb. NICE OLD RAISI'S for 5c. a lb,
� behind him mother's' earnest voice b Y Y 6 air .70)00 drew a 15ub breath and stood
away, alt Nils such a litttle thing o still. So yo,p see men Can du better work --Headquarters for.---
was running on.
"We've been married 41 Sears—•Eli do—tostay paticutly—if it comfurted Tile three sweet faces, unwontedly Rud endure more hardship without +