The Huron News-Record, 1897-12-09, Page 1I P I'. e TSE HURON r V,... �. �'n 7 ,...trey a, . � � f •;; T ' r 41 TERMS—ft.00In Advance. INDEPENDENT IN ALL TI#1NG-•NEO'TRAL IN NOTHING W- J. MITCHELL, E101for end Proprietors VOL. XIX CLINTON. HURON (BOUNTY, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1897, WHOLE NO. 993 'H. I: ti Stapleton Salt Is Good. Stapleton salt is good or it wouldn't be so much in demand, There is gieat activity down at the Works and heavy Mrs. Burnett Breaks Her Wrist. Mrs. Burnett, of Goderich township, while entering the residence of Mr. Isaac Jackson, Rattenbury St., Sun- Flynn's Too Was Crushed. Mr. Jas. Flynn had one of his biggest toes rather badly smashed on Saturday by it horse stepping upon it. As a con- O o THE TWO A,d'S. m m I la 77 CI -1 EA GOODS shipments are of frequent occurrence. day evening, slipped, upon the steps +and broke her at the wrist. sequence he hae been tiro to a little finds blackthorn of considerable Christmas Novelties [ ��- Lambs for Liverpool ' ar+n Both and a assistance in moving about. , GOODS. GOODS Mr, John Hunter, of the Huron Doctors Pass the Exam. This is the season when Indies desire -.GOOD Road, on Friday last shipped a car I Dr. Blackall, Inspector of export cat- Feeding for May Shipment. to remember their gentlemen friends. We are not continually harping load of lambs to Liverpool. Huron is tle, and Dr. Ball, his partner, received Twenty-six two and three-year-old We have what you want in about Cheap Goods. We argue doingits share with choice turkey Y and Just -so lambs to make Juhn -hull's official notification Thursday that both had passed satisfactorily the exam steers, bought by Mr, Sid. Smith in Middlesex county, were shipped in Ties, , Hats , this way Cheap Goods aro of a t holiday dinners satisfying ones, tion required of Veterinarians to quali- f the or Government employutent• Thursday afternoon and addgd to 4the lot Mr. D. A. Forester has Caps Gloves poor quality and not as some Klondike Social. which � ! people would. make the public Owing to the stormy evening and Gilmour Insists Upon Having the A -R. feeding for May shipment to Brittain. � Mr. Forester has now stabled about Shirts believe Good Goods at a rhea P the good time enjoyed by those who did attend the Klondike Social in St. Mr. A. J. Gilmour, a former well- known resident of this district, but ninety head. Silk Handkerchiefs, price. Paul's S. S. Rooms Monday evening, living away down in Arizona '.Perri- Sid. Smith Bscaped No man is in the trade to benefitsome- the request was made to have it repeat- tory, writes that he must have THE m Mr. Sid. Smith had a marrow escape Umbrellas,body else. He is in it to make a ed Thursday p. m. of this week. Don't NEws-REeoRD, even if, owing to bad from meeting with a serious accidentliving. miss it. Silver collection. Refresh- menta served. postal facilities, it is impossible for him to get it regularly. He opened Thursday last, While overseeing the loading of stock at Centralia one of the Fur Caps, p We advise ever customer to buy a � Y y ' out it shop there quite recently and steers sudden) •umped over the rack Et good article, as it is the cheapest His Honor's Family Has Increased J U. states that he is doing very well, ate with Mr. Stnith underneath. in the end and it i not necass-try The family of Judge Johnston, of indeed. To his old friends he sends Just the things suited for the holiday Have you had tx Guess ask and steer weighed heavily, but g d to visit your tailor every few Sault Ste. Marie, was increase3 a fort- regards- Mr. Stnith, fortunately, was at the season, and our prices are so gauged night since by the addition of another that every -purse can be suited. months fur a new supply. On the lucky number in the Sealed Envelope son. This makes a trio of boys and He Ships a Load Bach Week. opposite end from the steer so met tr. that wins the 113 piece China Dinner Set, that five children in all, which, his honor Dr. Blackwell, the well-known horse with a no more painful injury than rig The Good Goods keep their appear- ;. that of a bruised foot, but he y6t' Dur Christmas Tiles, ante, wear longer and give satis- we are giving away on Jan. 3rd? Yours may be rather insinuates, is doing his duty by buyer, was in town .Tuesday when he wond(,1rs how he escaped so easily. Done up singly in Fancy Boxes are sellers the winnin numbor. To guess scats you noth- the state fairly well. just about made up his mind t0 make and are vet hand for sendingaway. action hath to yourself and your ` g g y regular monthly visits to Clinton, be- Death.olMrs. H. R. Walker. y y tailor. Try it once and be con- iing, one guess with every 50c. Cash Purchase. Ads. are 6mlitable Reading. innin buys We invite inspection and comparison. f � g after the New Year. He bu After an illness of about two years, p p vinced. 'rd How About Your Christmas Cake ? Ads. take up still more of THE for a big New York tirin and ships it the last two months of intense suffer- NEws-REcolrp columns this week, load a week, or fifty-two in the year. ing, Mrs. H. R. Walker died Monday I�. Christmas Cake, like wine, improves with but as they furnish profitable reading Dr. Blackwell was a school inateuf Dr. nigght. She was a daughter of the late A. J. MORRISH. A. J. HOLLOWAYf" age. Now is the time to make youreake when the there is no excuse 'to offer, especially Blackall's. They sat on the same form Jelin Wise, of the Huron Road, Tnck- as this is the great purchasing season in the old log academy and were ex- erstnith, and was born in the township CLINTON, CLINTON. ie at its best. New Raisins, Currants, Poets, P of the year. It will pay you to consult ports at both hockey and hockey. of Vaughan, county of York. She _ {l Nuts, Figs, etc., for the Xmas trado, the acts. in each issue of THE NEWS- RECORD before you kin Ads. Allowed on Post Cards. moved with her parents to Huron If You Fear Temptation Y• forty-one years ago and in 1872 was 1} The Post -Office Department has de united in marriage to Mr. Jonathan WITH Don'tlook atour neat Xmas Goodain Dinner, Connolly Makes a Good Sale. cided to remove the restriction which Carter, who died in 1883. In 1891 she 0OKI ENvy- Bedroom and Fano Chinaware. Ne havo open- Reeve Conttoll has sold the October at present prevents the user of a post — y B Y rn:tty ied Mr. H. R. Walker who sur. ed out this week some very nifty Dinner and ed- make of the Holtuesville and Summer. card fi oin utilizing the front of a post vives her, Mrs. Walker was for nntny , room Sete for the Holiday Trade. In Fanay hill cheese factories, about 540 boxes in card by having anything written or years a consistent member of the On- © " � " "4 The Clothing we sell is enviously regarded a j Goods our Stock is complete. Fancy China all, at 8„c, a better price by e per lh person for whonc it is intended. The printed on it except the address of the tar's St. 1\lethodist church whale by all inen. Those who appreciate fine Salads, Bruit Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, than obtained for the last shipment. pastor, Rev. Mr. Clc-tient, will conduct Clothes prefer ours. They etre correct, up -to- 'Yater Sets, etc., etc. The purchasers were Ballantine & Co. intention is to perinit pictures, views, i P , the funeral services this afternoon. I� date satisfactorily made, and are durable. w' is If you think it is too early to buy, comp in and who have thea secured the whole sea- designs or other advertising matter to + 1 have us put your Xmas preeents away for you. sows output of these two factories. be printed ou the face of the card, so Miss Mountcastle Criticised. ° We have Mena Wool Tweed Suits its low as t• We will be pleased to show you our Goods long as sufficient clear space is lett to Miss Mountcastle's recent letter on y Y; $5.00, better grades that we want $7, $S or anyway. Fred. Buys Wyendottes. allow of the address being written or, prohibition has stirred a considerable o o 4lbs. Ginger Snaps for 25c. On Saturday Mr. Fred. Gilroy re- that it can be easily read in the office local feeling and the author is being o (1� $10 for but all good values. 4Ve .h,iva just, }z Go6d Raisins 5c. a lb, ceived a fine air of W andottes from P somewhat severe) criticised. The jv passed into stack a new assortment of Hen's where it is posted. `fl + Cash paid for Good Butter and Eggs. P Y' y Elrhira., N. Y. It may seem a long good women who have devoted time ° ° Single and double breasted Sack Suit,. The The W. C. T. U. invites You. f ?j distance to bring a couple of chicks, and energy to the cause of temperance, P �i handsomest mange ever shone in Clinton. OGLECOOPER & CO. but they are good ones and Fred. w.•tnts A public meeting will be held in and have associated themselves with Willis Bresbyterian church tinder the the W. C. T. U. or similar organiza- y a n! 1 THE CASH GROCERY. the best. Perhaps he has an eye to auspices of the W. C. T. U. on Thurs- T Phone 23. more than one prize to he given at the P tions, have in particular taken urn- MEN OVERCOATS. OA'1 S. eoming poultry show. day evening next at 8 o'clock. Mrs. brage with several of the arguments i. --- - - - - Elford, of olinesville, will give a talk advanced and more than one, with Dnrithlc Frieze Coats, wool lined, �korm n Real Estate Changes. on some of the gond things heard some. familituit with the en, has felt collar, half halt., slash pockets•, in Blacks, E 1897'—,0EL'EMBER^' 1897 at the great World's Convention iu like rr 1 in Y But pity P > a dreitc} Browns, Greys :and Fawns, ;it. $5, $6, h(i and MoN. jus. W_ -n. Yu. TtiR, rSer. Mrs, Rohert Mason has purchased P,Y g• ti err,. tato.... r.rw front Mr, Wrn. Pickard that residence Tot°tato. The resident ministers will of controversy, and taking it for r $10. We give you Overcoat Valves that are r• ton au r .+ e7 `� on Albert St. occupied by Mn Chas, also address) the meeting and good granted that one o£ the opposite sex not surpassed anytvliere. music will oom part of the pro- would pick up the cudgels, they re- {} 25 eS O' Z 8 9 hJ 11 Cook. The house to he vacated by . - SPECIALS. -Mens Black Sox oc. Lined ' 1,2 1� 14 15 16 lz 18 Mrs. Mason is the property of Mr's. gramme. Everybody welcome and frained. p everybody cordially invited. No col_ I Kid Gloves SOC. a pair. All -wool Underwear Jenkins, who will herself move in, the floc. and 1 00 Suit. t reg 20 � � � � r� residence which she is note occupy lection. The char, will be taken Ly nano Recital on the 17th. ���� ,��s��„- � $ • ,•�fj `, �8 �9 Cst� d7l too ing having been Mr. Houston, of the Collegiate Iu- A piano recital will he given in the A, g purchased by Mrs, stitute. r, - Foresters' hall on Friday evening of Sylvester Hibbert. ry �tt CLOTHIER, FURNISHER, �[j^11�[��t Joe Brought Home the Tail. next week, by Miss Nellie ms. Fitz- JACKSON SR LOCALNEWS. ►J. There areno$5.000overnmentBills. Twoufour beat -known sports went senior pupils: -Plisses Adams, Fitz- • �T• • AND HATTER One dollar hills of the new Dominion out for it }aunt Friday and as the were srtinuons, IlaustOCl, McKenzie, Ste- Established !854- Victoria B10C�i Clinton. —''-- issue are being raised to five by taking well-equipped with guns, dogs, etc., it wart, ,and Madame Wall, Mr. 'Hovey, ' In ani► Around the Hub, the figures from the revenue stamps was expected that at the very least and p,trt of the junior class, including ` used on cigar boxes and pasting them they would kiting home plump game Misses McPherson, Miller, Twitchell, XXVClub Hop. I The first verdict of Murder ever secured over the figures on the hills. The ba 5. No sn, however, for afCer four Armstrong and Master E. Archibald. from a Waterloo Count g g' The XXV Club held an.assenibly in All the Local News that's fit toPrint, ground work of the bills and stamps is solid hours walking they retraced their A feature of the evening will be•the the Club Rooms on Huron St. last � Y ' W�xrrn.-Poultry of all kinds, Highest: the same, and the change is easily ef- steps without so much as dischar in solos of Miss Nora Little, of Tees- Jury. ” K Y p' g g water, who has passed the 1st and 2nd Friday evening. Abnut thirty couples ' price paid.—CANTELON BROS. fected, and hard to detect in the ordin- their guns. But on nearing the P were resent and a few hours very ' ar handlin of Kills. Numbers have railway crossing the does ran Year Toronto Conservatory examina- P Y g g tions, under Miss McHardy's tuition, pleasantly spent in dancing to music been circulated in Winnipeg, it rabbit , into a rail -pile and furnished b the Bri lia orchestra, of Little Locals. in the cager excitement that and who is now studying in her third Y g it E g>raduatin year. The ro rainnte Landon. Among the quests from out Bu our Christmas goods earl Mathewson's followed one of the sports made a grab g) Y P g side points were:-1llisses Fisher, Ach- Y y g Y which enabled him to bring home the will he inter•spe6ed with vocal tnusic. P a Mr. Geo. Mathewson, who is buying g exon and Pridharn, Goderich; Miss g Mr. D. A. Forrester is slowly improv- Y a Every one is cordial) invited. Ad- Londesboro• F. R. Beatty, p a fowl extensively, says that among a tail only of a Cotton Tail. Y Adams, Y t� ing, lot, he bought at Seaforth the other daymission free. Hensall; J. Martin, Y6ronto; R. J. Mac- Mr. Hiram Hill is laid u with con- Adam Poster Takes a Tumble. P were three monster turkeys, each R. C. ServicesLargely Attended. donald and Lucemore, Seaforth. gestion.of the lungs. weighing forty pounds, and a still Mr. Adarn Foster, an employee of ort Hours' Devotion Services the Stapleton Salt Works, is confined �' y-, Ont. W. M. society. Mrs. Oakes, Sr., who.. has been ill bigger gobbler which tilted down the to bed with two broken ribs, a disloca- in St. Josephs church, beginnin Sun , for some tirue, is somewhat irnproved.• scales at half a hunderd. Mr. The Auxiliary of the Women's Mis- i �{ tion of tits .collar bone and a fracture d iy a. tn., were largely attends It 3' Two carloads of organs were shipped Matheson may by this time have sent ticularly•.itt musical veopers Sundav sionary Society of Ontario street of the shoulder joint, injuries he re church, held their utonthl meeting at to Liverpool Monday. them over to Buffalo for mastich evef"ing when the sacred edifice was y g tion. ceived at so unearthly an hour as font• the Parsons r on Tuesda afternoon. Mr. W. Jackson is lighting his house o'clock a. m. Saturday. He was work- crowded. Many Protestants were The member hi was well re resented, I throughout with calcium. n > u on the ni >ht shift and runnin a among the congregation, partially p P' 2 The Full Pond Indicates Winter. u P 1, i ` g and two new ones were received. Re - Read Medical Health Officer Shaw's truck laden with stilt when in passing drawn, no'doubt, to hear the beautiful fi Townspeople and farmers who deliv- P' b music of, the Roman church, In Ports of the: committees were encour- . report to the Town council, er grain at lrwin's elevator know of through +t doorway the truck hub addition to the usual service the follow- aging. Mrs. Junior, superintendent,ktf Mr. Noble, who recent) moved with the existence of the artificiitl and at caught on the post and jerking the the supply department, reported the Y P 'truck violent) ,recut threw Mr. Foster ing selections were rendered:- PP Y , p P `k his fancily in from Hullett, is very ill, the end of the building, but are not., from the platform. He fell Borne Chorus, "See He Comes" Choir. shipment of a large bale of bedding, Little Pearlie Shannon, who has perhaps, ,aware that in a limited sense eleven or twelve feet and alighting on Sulu, "Not Ashamed of Oheist„ clothing, etc., to the Sufferers by the re - been ill for some weeks, is able to be it is it reliable Old Probs. Its owner g g cent fire in Windsor, N. S. A very I �} his left shoalder s+istained the injuries Mr. W. Jones. pleasant hour was then spent during out again. does, though, and from Lang observe ;alluded to. He is now ettin tlon Chorus, "Saving Host" Choir. tion can wager regarding. winter with g g i g which refreshments were served by the I y Miss Conibe, who hits been confined about as well as may be expected, but Solo, "Sacred Heart' Madame W ill. hostess. a confidence bordering upon convic- '' to the house through illness, is new g P will not truck stilt for some time to Chorus, "Magnific•at Choir. tion. Storms may rage and snow fall ,+ able to be around, come. Duet, `'Like the Dawning Canadian Home Circle Officers. t abundantly, but until that particular Madame Wall and Miss Jones. Many whose duties forbid an outing pond fills right a to the Krim, winter At the meeting of the Canadian, 4 during the week en o ed a heathful P g P The Light Turned On. Chorus, "Fantuni Ergo" Choir. Home Circle held last Thursday even- " JAMES ALLISON. t g j Y can not be said to leave be tin in earn- The button was touched Mondor and Chorus, Laudati Dorninum Choir. sleigh ride Sunday. est. It has thus happened invariably Y Ing the following officers were elected Fair's rTiill is now lighted throughout for the ensuing term:— ,;` • G. T. R. Agent Pattison ticketed a for many years past. Dominion Draught Horse Breeder's Society. g Will hang Feb, 4 for the murder of passenger through to Cripple Creek, by electricity. Even in the dome there Leader R. Irwin. are three lamps which can be seen for The annual meeting of this society Mrs. Orr, unless the Crown in the Colorado, this week. The Junior Gardeners Entertain. Vice Leader, Mrs D. Fell. fl, miles and so brightly do they shine was held at the Rattenbury House, meantime commutes the sentence. y; THE Nhws-RECORD is increasing in The Local C. E. Union, which em- that a farmer coming int at an early yesterday. Thete wits a large attend- Secretary, W. R. Lough. ppopiilai, favor. Are you a subscriberp braces eight Societies and 550 mem- hour the other morning thought the ante. The old officers were re-elected Financial Secretary, H. Wiltse. Since the trial he has confessed If not, try it for a year. bers, roust have been very well satis- building was afire. Mr. Fair is also as follows :-President, John Memil_ Treasurer, H. E. Hodgens. his guilt. ?` The Poor Fund collection taken up tied with the success of the entertain- having his office and stables so lighted. lAn, fM, P,; Vice -President, D. Mcln_ Chaplain, Mrs. R. Irwin.- ' in Rattenbury St. church amounted to rrcent given under its auspices Monday The dynamo is an up-to-date lift lr ht• Cosh Brucefield; Treasurer, P. Mc- Marshall, D. Fell. i night. At the edge of the platform P Y g Warden, W. T. Hill. Port Albert. thirteen dollars, three dollars leas g g P er, The system was put in by Mr. A. Gregor, Brucefield; Secretary, Jas. Sentinel, J. E: Lindsay. r� were ranged rows of plants, while M. Brodie, of Toronto who though but Mitchell. Goderich. The auditors, �F than last year. , g Guard, W. Everett, A large number of our people attend - above circled the motto of the So t ono man is an electrician of consi- Messrs. Smylie and T. McMillan, re - Rev. Dr. Pascoe, of Wingham, will ciet. `Look U Lift U for Christ." young Trustees, A. O. Prtttison, Root, ed the Christian Endeavor gathering 3' P P derable experience. He is related to parted a balance nn hand of $1082. at Dungannon Friday evening last. h; preach the anniversary sermons of president A. T. Cooper presided and the Robertons, of Auburn and, his Alex. Tones and Jas. Henderson were Holmes, T. Jackson, Jr. g Y g Ontario St. Methodist church next Sun- around him were grouped clergymen Auditoize, W. P. Brock, R. Holmes. J ` g P gY work here being done, he goes out to-, appointed delegates to the Canadian Our esteemed pastor, Rev. DIT. day at 11 a. m. and 7.,p. m. and prominent C. E. workers. Mrs. day to spend the balance of the week Horse Breeder's Society meeting in --- - - — — Armstrong, is preparing it number of ,h. The heater for the fire engine was Chown and Mrs. Murch each sang a in the hospitable homes of his uncles, February and Dr. Blackall and Jas. Rayfield. children and grown-up peoptc for con- i placed to position Saturday and began solo which delighted the large audi- aunts and cousins. Mr. Brodie is a Henderson as delegates to the Wes- firmation, which is to take place• oti doing duty Monday. It is intended to ence, while Rev. Mr, Henderson, of former Clintonian, he tells us but as tern Fair Board, which will meet in The Orange Young Britons met in the 15th of this nlbrcth, on -which keep the water tip to steam heat. Hensall, who was introduced by the it was when he was a three-year-old ear -old London. $25'was voted for a special regular meeting on Saturday evening occasion His Lordsbip the Bishop will i' Mr. Howson, of Goderich township, chairman as one of the most successful he is not able to thea very read+tb}p prize at Lor�lon Western Fair for, and elected the following officers: consecrate the church, service to i' later bought a boiler end engine and pastors in Western Ontario, in an able g D commence at 10.30 a. m. and continue y g' description of The Hub as it then was, orninion draught stock registered -W•M•+ W. Johnson ; D. 141., Wm. i3 will embark in the manufacture of address emphasized the necessity of with the Society. The next meeting Osborne; Chaplain. Ed. Read; Secre- for about three hours, The Bishop �:. mangle rollers for the British ,Courage, Enthusiasm and Singleness TheChatnless Bike. will be held in Clinton. tary, A. Erwin; Treasurer, Jr. H. Har- leaves for Dungannon in the atter- of Purpose in C. E. work. He urged rison; D. C., T. M. Woods; Lecturer, T, noon, The Junior League of Rattenbury Bicycle agents are alreadyy upon the Huron convention. Blair'; Committee Men, J: McQtxen, D. St. Methodist church purpose holding upon them concentrated effort by road with '98 sarnplea, butthe improve- The weather continues to be mild A which means" alone success can be The Huron Medical convention con- S. Spencer, Wrn. Arwood, N. Patter•• aloe the lake shore. an open meeting this evenin meats are not very noticeable over the vaned in the council chamber of the q gg achieved. But the major part of the son, T, Perdue; Tiler, A. Johnson. <.i J. -good programme is expected rind re- wheels of the past season. The price, town hall, Seaforth, on Wednesda Avery lar a binge, with a capacity programme tv+ts furnished h the Y _--- � � G'. freshmenta will be served. children, from Four of the by though, will drop so teat a serviceable afternoon. The president, Dr. McKay, -_ - - - I presume, n it million and a half feet, I°;'•;• The anniversary services of the Ba bike may he bought for less than fifty occu ied the chair. There were res- Iiollnesv111C• of lumber passed up the lake Saturday Y P- churches, who gave the Junior Garden P P List church will be held on Sunday, exercise in a manner which showed dollars, which, h the general public, pot, e, Strati re, Robertson and evening. Dec. 19th. The pulpit will be occu- seems quite high enough. Same of Hawke, of Strattord• Dr. Pahl Se- Miss V. Andrerws is on a visit to her, An old timer and an old Bailor, Capt. P p that they had been trained with much the bigfirms notabl the Po a Co., sister in Coldwater. pied by Rev. Mr. Coutts, of Ailsa care. They entered into the spirit of • a bringville; Dr. Wood, Mitchell; Dr. Ed. Masten, a native of the Port, was. Craig. tits exercrae with much enthusiasm, are pushing the Chain ass whee which Ross, Manchester; Dr. Shaw, Clinton; Mrs. S. Phipps returned home after in this place for a few days last week. may be just the thing next season. As Dr. Tai tor, Goderich Drs. Scott, a colon 'ed visit at Whitby. He now hails from Sarnia where he {; Mr, Geo. Cooper wits on the sick list right down to that pretty tot, Stella Y p compared with the chain the bev61 Bethune, Burrows and McGinnis, of Mr. T. R. Courtice has been engaged puta up for the winter. Few sailors t the biggest half of last week. He has Perdue, who tools part in the Violet gears of the Chainless look somewhat this town. Dr. Ta tor, of Goderich, as principal of the Nile public school. know the upper lake coasts better than, not been himself since the shooting song. The nine songs given were con- Y PP accident of a couple of yeitrs since tributed as follows:- odd at flrst but that will soon wear was selected as candidate for represen- We wish lam success in his new school. ..Ned" or can reef, steer and box the away. One of the advantages claimed tative of the district of Huron and • A large number attended the tea- compass with the saute -old tar. which nearly sent him across the dark Spade song .............. Ontario S. S. for it that it has no links or teeth to meeting at Sharon on Mondor even- P S Perth for the Ontario Medical Council g Y Mr. A. C. Hawkins is moving his river. Sowing song........ Presbyterian S. S. "catch things" and that its motive in ` far the current year, with the distinct gg storehouse from the hrbor to his '• Mr. W, S. Lawrence, who wields the Sunshine song ...... Preshyteriitn S. S. parte are protected from rain, mud or understandingthat no opposition Mr. W. Pickard, of New York State, !' birch in S. S. No. 11, Goderich town- Weed song. , . , .......Rattenbury S. S. dust. Mr, Bunce, who represents the PP was in the village this week. barnyard. ship, has had a gratiflying record at Violet song ........... ...Baptist S. S. Po a eo le was in Clinton SaturdayWould be given from Huron to the can- g ". the exams, but the ver fact that he Po son b p P p didature of Dr. Robertson, of Stoat- Owing to the bad weather on The natives are not taking mac h y Poppy g..... , .... Ratten bury S. S. with his samples and Mr. A. T. Cooper, ford, fret• next term, he having so mag- Thanksgiving Day the Choral Society stock in M. C, Cameron's and Tarte's has been engaged year atter year -1808 Lily song ............. Ontario S. S, who represents the firm here, took a nanimously withdrawn in favor of Dr, have decided to repeat their concert promises, notwithstanding the big will be about the 12th -speaks for it- RoPespong........... .Rattenbury S. S, a spin around town with the ChainlesQ Taylor, of Goderich who will be elect- with a few changes. Everybody is in- shock in Centre Toronto a few days self. Rain song..... , ..... , Rattenbury S. S. ith which he was delighted. ed by acclamation. --Sun. vited to attend, ago.