The Huron News-Record, 1897-12-02, Page 8/ There 1S 110 Mystery NO marvel about the compliment ary remarks we hear about ou holding stock. It has its com m.anding position and is gathere from all cluarfers, sparkling witt newness and abounding in cheapness. When You Think OF TOYS for the children something more practical o ornament,,4l fer older friends in fact any article suitable for a CHRISTMAS GIFT think of us, conte to us. W have everything bright, fresh and new. Prices as low a is in keeping with good qualities, 00000000 The W r D. Fair Co,, CLINTON. Agents Parker's Dye Works. The Huron News-fRecord $f.QO a Year, in Advance. _ - 9 THURSDAY DEC'E;trnLR 2nd, 1897.'' Purely Personal Mention. The Weekly Record oComing and Goings of Clintonlans or Persons Known fo Them. O%AOV*M Mr. C. Shane, Goderich, was;in town Satilyday. Mr'. Geo. Haxby lvas in London Thursday. Mrs. (Rev.) Parke has been ill the past week, Reeve Wilfrid, of Blyth, was in town Monda,v. MT.'P. B. Crews was in Goderich Thursday last. Mr. J. P. Doherty spent tThanks- day out of town. Miss L. Reid., London, is the guest of Clinton friends. Mr. Fred. Beatty, Hensall, spent Thanksgiving in town, Mrs. Manning visited Exeter friends during the past week. Miss Gregory, of Hensall, is the guest of'Mvs, G F. Oakes. Miss Nellie Kelly spent Thanksgiv- ing at her home in Blyth. Mr. W. J. Ross pat -took of Thanks- giving turkey in Woodstock. Mr. J. Marks, of Jackson Bros.' staff, spent Thursday in Kineardine. Mr. Arthur Cook has so far, a•,ecover- ed as to be able to be out again. Mrs. Johnston, Goderich, was the guest of Mrs. J. King, Monday. Mr. W. A. Lawrence, Lucknow, called on Clinton friends last week. Mrs. A. J. Grigg went dawn to fit Thomas yesterday for a week's visit. Mr. P. W.• Brock, of the Molson s , Mink sniff, was in Goderich Sandav, Mr, T. Jackson, Sr., was the guest of Darharn friends on Thanksgiving day. Miss Mamie Yount;, of•the Circular town, visited friends here oar Thurs- day. County Councillor McLean, of Gode- rich, visited the House of Refuge Mon- day. Mr. W. (;oats was in attendance at the County Council meeting yester- day. D. S, Cluff and W. D. Kennedy, Goderich, were in town oil Mon- day. Mr. B. Hodaens partook (4 Thanks- giving tot key tit the Walker House, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mitchell, Ayr, spent Sunday with then- nephew, IVjr. W. D, Fair. Mr. Henry Lock, Guelph, was the guest of his friend, Dr 'Turnbull, on the 23rd frit. Mr. and Miss McCreath, Goderich, were visiting friends in town On Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Swett, Sr., of the Base line, has been stricken with paralysis and does not seem to rally. Mr. and Mrs. h:ennedy, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving witty the hitter's sister, Mrs. L Pr(Yut. Mr. Jas. Barll, of Ailsa Craig, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. John 1Viseman, during:; the f)inal weak, Mr. atnd Mrs. llf. Campbell, Sea.forth, were guests on Thnnksg;iving day of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Air, W- C- Searles enjoyed Thrinkv- giving cheer with VVoo'Niock friends and r•eturm•d hone' Niorr(i:r,v night.. l'liss INL- lonnell, who had been visiting; her old hnnle in Mullett, left uevtlay to return to New Yor'ic. Mr. W. J. I'owell, of )'etrulia, and ' doing ;t pr'nsperoos bosiness,there, was visiting the patrent.al horse bast w•e('k. Dr. Tnrnlmll has Lhis week been visiting; his friend, i)r, ilirtherfnrd, of Listowel, who is ill ivil.h typhOi.l fP CPP, Mr. and Mrs, J. Callandri.v, London, were guest~ of i11 rs, ('a.(landar's moith vr, 1VIrs. R. II, head, on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Mlticohn Tnylor, who hats been very it) Mr some weeks past, is not. makitti; much improvement towards recovery. L(i. Mtinvoe, Toro Watson, Samuel Carter, A. (lpoper rind Torn Burrows, of Goderich, were in town on Thanks- giving day. Mrs. M. C, Cameron, of Goderich, and her dau liter, Mrs, Dr. John D. Wilson, left hist week for Los Angelos, California. Mr. Jas. Ball, Hallett, was the guest Of Deputy -Reeve Jones the other night and left the following morning for a visit to Toronto. County Councillors Hyslop and Monsey, who visited the 1-lonse of Refuge Tuesday, fire the Liberal and t'onservative candidates, respectively, fol' the North hiding. 1 Mr. A. Joyner returned from Texas 1'tt>I'1t;iE. on Friday. Mrs. Pattison and Miss I" attisop, A grand concert was given by the, mother and sister of the genial t1. T. R. Hoyal Terr}glars in their hall on the agent, returned home to Toronto yes- niq t of Tuesday, Nov, 23rd. Nvery. terday after a visit of two months' thing passed off splendidly, the singingg' duration. of the evening' was good. The'Hensall Mr. W. Dennison, of Mitchell, a for- 9uartette gave Borne very choice and humorous selections. Miss McDonal , neer r,�s{deat of•C[inton, was the Si guest this week of his sister, Mrs. E. of Wingha. m, Bang two solos which Moore, Rattenbury St. were very tine and the home talent ex• r Mrs. W. H. Goodfellow, accompanie celled their usual good performances. by her two children, of Lowell, Mass., is The Piccolo band was in attendrt'nce visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. and enlivened the proceedings by some Macdonald. good selections. d Rev. Mr. Clement preached anniver• W. F. Keyes, our energetic carpeu• sary sermons for the Blyth Methodists, ter, is very busy at present. He has r on the 21st ult. and delivered an ad- been engaged puttin upa kitchen and dress at the platform meeting the woodshed for Chas. 5ohnston, Goshen following evening. tine, rind has other jobs awaiting him Miss Craig and Miss Nona Craig as soon as he can attend to thele. were guests of Mrs. Todd, Monday Don't forget the Piccolo hand con - while on their way home to Goderich cert on the 10th Dec. It will be the after a visit to friends in Bluevale. event of the season. Dr. Gr%y, who had charge of .Dr. Our harness maker, Mr. Higgins, is Gunn's practise durinj the latter's ah- the busiest man in the villitge and sence, performed a like duty for Dr. Judging from the amount of stock he Turnbull Tuesday and yesterday. handles we expect to soon see him one Miss Elia Cornyn, of Winghsrn, was of the wealthy men of theeountry, in town on Monday p. nr. She enters The Methodist church, which is St. Michael's hospital in the near always full on Sunday evenings, was i future in training Itis a nurse. crowded on Sunday evening last, to Mr. Jus. Lang, of Winnipeg, who is hear Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Holmes- ' returning front it trip to Scotland, was ville, who grave a, very fine address on in town Tuesday on his way down to the educations} interests of that de visit his brother in Exeter. nomination. Mr. C. F. Cooper, advance agent fere Mrs. Secord, who has renl;ed her We the Fisk Jubilee Singers, was in Clin- house to our teacher, is about leaving ton the other day arranging for the ap- us to take up her abode on the Bron- , pear•ance of the troupe here, son line for the winter months, Mr. James Burns, Reeve of Bayfield, Jno. Wald, who hits been sick for B ate his Thanksgiving dinner in Clinton some tittle, we are to hear' is not much 1 and was so we treated that he didn't ireproved. We are sorry tomiss John's ,go home till the next day. Mr. -Burns familiar face from the enrners. is winding up his third terra of office but thinks he won't try it again. He Marnoch. torhe has a big scheme in the incuba- tor which will do more to advance the interests of the village than anything Mr. Wm Griffith is on the sick List yet mooted. this week. Dr. Gunn returned home Friday Miss Millie Mason N visiting friends front it three -weeks' trip to Texas in Turnberry. where he owns a small ranch. He is Mrs. A. Bruce, Sr., returned home much taken with the Lone Star State, front a visit to friends in Chicago, un The climate, esptc{ally at this season Wednesday. of the year when we are contending Mr. and Mrs. John Wig'htnian visiG.- wtt.h snow or slush, is magnificent, and ed fit R. Leishman's last Sunday. all the year round children go bare- Miss Bessie Deacon is visiting friends footed. Vegetation is very rapid and in Toronto. some trees shoot up several feet in t season. There itre many opportunities I Belgrave. for advancement down there, says the Dr,, and good stoney to be made. in I Mrs. Richinond, who has tecta visit both farming and ranching. As ill ing in London and other places, has re - other Southern states the color line is i turned, clearly, defined and the blacks are 4 Miss L. Johnstone, of S. S. 'No. 9,, given -just as.few privileges as it is int i spent Thanksgiving day at her Lowe possible to keep fruit) them. in Clinton, + --- A numl)er of friends spent it very Londesboro. enjoyfible evening at Mr. J. Taylor s oil I'liday eveiring. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Campbi'11 spent Thanksgiving services were conduct.- Thanksgiving day with, friends in ed try Rel. Mr. Ball in Belgrave and Wingham. Calvin. Quite it number of tl,,e youup; folks Master II. Shaw, of Blyth, is the from here spent n very pleasant even- guest of Master Fred, Scandrett. ing last Thnt'sday night at the home Prepatations are being ride for the of Mr•. 1I. Govier•'s near Auburn. annual hulas entertainments of t tie dif- Or. Agnew spent Thanksgiving, day ferent Sunday ' Schools,—Methodi,,4t in %v inghana. I Zmas tree will be held on Xmas night, The children of the Motflodist 5tin- 'Trinity church on Xmas Hve and Pres day school art, busy preparing f0 t, a byteri to on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd. Cantata to be givers nt tine church on Quarterly meeting, of Bplgrave Christmas Eve, Dec."24th. branch of 13i.ble Society will he held in Mr. Gorblo, was laid up last week I Belgrave Presbyterian Church on the w'ith,a sole hand.. of Thursday. Dec. 9th, at 7.80 At the pigeon shoot held here on 1 o'clock. Collection to he devoted to Thanksgiving 'day, a hundred birds the extending of Christian knowledge were shot. — among the heathen Have Yoe a II Mother—., Father or an y friend who in, 1115, either wears or should wear lasses `? If so a most suitable find g f01' .gift for Xmas will be a air ,of Gold Dimmed Spectacles. Buy f a pair from us now on approba- 0 tion and have the person to whom you present them come to L us after Xmas and we will test their eyes properly and make. Iii any change necessary in the lenses. �4 Iii• Gold $5 t0 $10. r'�r,l ; In Nickel, Alumium, Sll- h OUR 1.i, ver and Filled Gold Ili ,: La({i t� 5. OUR _ Boys wo Lad i �j� fini e 1P e BUSY l,ad i t p(i OUR i ml i ( `penins; out find displaying our other' litres of Xmas (lot ('40I(18. N�'C iliV'tte VOL11' ill4p('.CtlOn 113 the 1)Cst wait Of 1)('(ominn acquainted li'1th ~What DJC have. suffice rt to �t>v here that ,you will frit our ,stock better assorted tba?i e ver land our prices exceedingly low. From now to Xmas We will keep you po4ted"through the newspapers but there is notliin;, like a personal visit. We might fail to mention in this. paper the very thin,; yon are after. Therefore be not track Ward in calling, You will be heartily welcome whother you bny or not, ALLEN & WILSON, JDa•>tx�g�icwtES ¢atxd Optic*,i4x>rxf�. If you have , never heard of Lad*eQ- us "'"Ready -Mending Tissue" ask to let you see it. It repairs any kind of clothing, the finest silk or satin, the coarsest woollen goods, veiling, lace, kid gloves, etc., quickly, neatly, permanently, without needle or thread. Saves time, labor and money. It costs but 10c. a package. 'Jackson Bros., II1�, nCLINTON, i� PEOPLE who appreciate a big selection of Good Goods, cut, made and trimuaed in a manner totally different frons ')rdinar'y Rvady-blades will find that it will pay and pav well to drive miles to see our great Stock of Goods. No house to Wet;tern Ontario shows the stock of Suits and Overcoats that we have in our large establishment find the 1 ,., way they are being sold is good evidence that they are not '�?�''1�1�" equalled. Overcoats. The ``Leader" Price $5. The "Famous" Price $8. The "Bonanza" Price $'7. The "Jackson" Price $10. Stand as the greatest Goods for the money.ever offered. G 1'ov4_s a,ncd We still want to say something more about our great sale of Gloves and Mitts. Hundreds of pairs have been sold at 50c, worth 75c. and $1.00 per pair and there is not a buyer, in this section who can afford to miss this chance. Special, Another Special in Hosiery. We have just made a special We have just passed into stock purchase for spot cash of 25 Boys' Over- 1 case of Men's Hosiery which we will coats in sizes 28, 20 and 30. The reg;u- offer at 2, pairs for- 25c. They are all lar price of these goods is $13.00 bat wool, ribbed top, find the prices can - as long as they last, you (-;in take your not he be equalled in the west. We J choice for $4.50. They are up-to-date are hir,vint; a big ruts on them but they I ill every respect. won't last long, The Latest in Neckwear is the "BOB ROT"tartan, in 11 in Derby, price 25c.,, Selling very fast, See then). Our 'hristmas Display ©f FINE FURS, NEW i�'A:(116iWEAR and Goods suitable for Holiday Gifts will surpass anything w•e have ever shown'. j A C1,0-Soll 9 R 0 S Oki Ito ■ A I, N N it ■ The Famous Clothiers, Clinton, 0"�•0"�'Q'GY©-Gi.O'�.0•Ci••Wc�►•0'�3.4ti1.O'4•0'C�Q +'�'i�KDrO"a•®"�©4. O-ci•QU•0'C�rO.O©"�0'�'O'�y HOLIDAY w • a • In a�few weeps the greatest holiday of the year 'will be here Now is the time for think- Wrid plartn'itg what your duras gifts will be; it does. not pay to leave everything till 'the week•or two. By Next. week our Holiday Goods will be all here, and this sea<on you will 1 that more than ever before,'we have prepared to meet the wants of those who are looking the useful a5. well as the beautiful in Holiday Gifts. A- ur Quarer Dollar i hose Quilts tiVe advertised a couplo eaders. o of weeks a((o have been going out fast. We've sold more in �--=- ""- that tinto than we usually sell` The best and the most for your money in a year. There aj'<rs a big is what we always endeavor to give, lot of th(,ln, lve got them cheap , and what we undoubtedly do give in "I'll we inarked then, low. these leaders. You'll not match them It'-, a chance that don't come often, and when they're gone for value anywhere. thea- 11, he no wore ,at any - LEADER iN VESTS, I TWO DRESS GOODS LEADERS. thing like 010,4e prices, es' Hyg;iean rihhed Vests, I Extra 'heavy and (inc F ilg;lish 10-1 sir-, teg;ular $2.50 for $1 50 aped, open front,, begin~ weight .r ( Dress MfI ltons, imported by our- 11-4 size, reg;•nlav $2.75 fur $1 75 1 soft, finish, regrtlau' 35c..... ,. -ae a selves, 42 inches wide, goods I 12-4 sire, renulat, a.? i for $1 95 LEAD1 RS IN HOSIERY, I worth 35c per yd. Black, navy, Peo )lo who l:nnw a Imi— tin are bii i;r'cy, ulyrtle................. . ... 'r5c I ,• Y I in} then), heavy ribbed Woollen Bose, Our fnruons all wool Dress Surge, tsted heel and toe......... -.. 35c ! a full ritng;e of co)ois............. 25c i SAVE YOUR es' ivoollen hose, soft. tloecy CARPETS. sh worsted heel and to(.... , . 35c LEADERS IN MEN'S GOODS. rihhed Catshtnerc Ila>�e, ;til t' heavy ribbed Shirts and Ihawers. `)ic I �` Cocoa Dunt Matt will pr('ti'crlt read, rowool )c slash and snow beings trnoked into the a; fine wool Sox, heavy winter• LEADERS IN GLOVES. weight, special ................... 2:ic house, ;mud will save it, cost twice (s'extrafitao("ashn)('reGlnvos,Janiho," our special hove eavy all r. ible woven finger tips........ 25e ( wool ribbed Sox. ................. laic PRICE'S 40' TO $2,50' .iv ed.'s Fids. I A special bargain, Dere milk Ties, i llna,t, nohhy pntt.erns. knots or i four-iri-handF, vog;ular E4)c lineF, 35c oac'h or:3 for $l. IDI Mitts. Ifome Knit, Mitts for iioys, (� Jost the thing for school wear. 7 Nothing; like them to wear. 20c to 25c, Your laundry will not wear these "BRISTOL" tjollar,4 out any ryuicker than those you "Four fold Linen""Font fold Linen" have been paying 20c for All sizes, 2 for 25c. qualities that wear. 2 for 25c. ODGEN00"'c/BROS,of, Direct Importers of Dry Goods, Clinton. M R . r m Mr. A. Joyner returned from Texas 1'tt>I'1t;iE. on Friday. Mrs. Pattison and Miss I" attisop, A grand concert was given by the, mother and sister of the genial t1. T. R. Hoyal Terr}glars in their hall on the agent, returned home to Toronto yes- niq t of Tuesday, Nov, 23rd. Nvery. terday after a visit of two months' thing passed off splendidly, the singingg' duration. of the evening' was good. The'Hensall Mr. W. Dennison, of Mitchell, a for- 9uartette gave Borne very choice and humorous selections. Miss McDonal , neer r,�s{deat of•C[inton, was the Si guest this week of his sister, Mrs. E. of Wingha. m, Bang two solos which Moore, Rattenbury St. were very tine and the home talent ex• r Mrs. W. H. Goodfellow, accompanie celled their usual good performances. by her two children, of Lowell, Mass., is The Piccolo band was in attendrt'nce visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. and enlivened the proceedings by some Macdonald. good selections. d Rev. Mr. Clement preached anniver• W. F. Keyes, our energetic carpeu• sary sermons for the Blyth Methodists, ter, is very busy at present. He has r on the 21st ult. and delivered an ad- been engaged puttin upa kitchen and dress at the platform meeting the woodshed for Chas. 5ohnston, Goshen following evening. tine, rind has other jobs awaiting him Miss Craig and Miss Nona Craig as soon as he can attend to thele. were guests of Mrs. Todd, Monday Don't forget the Piccolo hand con - while on their way home to Goderich cert on the 10th Dec. It will be the after a visit to friends in Bluevale. event of the season. Dr. Gr%y, who had charge of .Dr. Our harness maker, Mr. Higgins, is Gunn's practise durinj the latter's ah- the busiest man in the villitge and sence, performed a like duty for Dr. Judging from the amount of stock he Turnbull Tuesday and yesterday. handles we expect to soon see him one Miss Elia Cornyn, of Winghsrn, was of the wealthy men of theeountry, in town on Monday p. nr. She enters The Methodist church, which is St. Michael's hospital in the near always full on Sunday evenings, was i future in training Itis a nurse. crowded on Sunday evening last, to Mr. Jus. Lang, of Winnipeg, who is hear Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Holmes- ' returning front it trip to Scotland, was ville, who grave a, very fine address on in town Tuesday on his way down to the educations} interests of that de visit his brother in Exeter. nomination. Mr. C. F. Cooper, advance agent fere Mrs. Secord, who has renl;ed her We the Fisk Jubilee Singers, was in Clin- house to our teacher, is about leaving ton the other day arranging for the ap- us to take up her abode on the Bron- , pear•ance of the troupe here, son line for the winter months, Mr. James Burns, Reeve of Bayfield, Jno. Wald, who hits been sick for B ate his Thanksgiving dinner in Clinton some tittle, we are to hear' is not much 1 and was so we treated that he didn't ireproved. We are sorry tomiss John's ,go home till the next day. Mr. -Burns familiar face from the enrners. is winding up his third terra of office but thinks he won't try it again. He Marnoch. torhe has a big scheme in the incuba- tor which will do more to advance the interests of the village than anything Mr. Wm Griffith is on the sick List yet mooted. this week. Dr. Gunn returned home Friday Miss Millie Mason N visiting friends front it three -weeks' trip to Texas in Turnberry. where he owns a small ranch. He is Mrs. A. Bruce, Sr., returned home much taken with the Lone Star State, front a visit to friends in Chicago, un The climate, esptc{ally at this season Wednesday. of the year when we are contending Mr. and Mrs. John Wig'htnian visiG.- wtt.h snow or slush, is magnificent, and ed fit R. Leishman's last Sunday. all the year round children go bare- Miss Bessie Deacon is visiting friends footed. Vegetation is very rapid and in Toronto. some trees shoot up several feet in t season. There itre many opportunities I Belgrave. for advancement down there, says the Dr,, and good stoney to be made. in I Mrs. Richinond, who has tecta visit both farming and ranching. As ill ing in London and other places, has re - other Southern states the color line is i turned, clearly, defined and the blacks are 4 Miss L. Johnstone, of S. S. 'No. 9,, given -just as.few privileges as it is int i spent Thanksgiving day at her Lowe possible to keep fruit) them. in Clinton, + --- A numl)er of friends spent it very Londesboro. enjoyfible evening at Mr. J. Taylor s oil I'liday eveiring. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Campbi'11 spent Thanksgiving services were conduct.- Thanksgiving day with, friends in ed try Rel. Mr. Ball in Belgrave and Wingham. Calvin. Quite it number of tl,,e youup; folks Master II. Shaw, of Blyth, is the from here spent n very pleasant even- guest of Master Fred, Scandrett. ing last Thnt'sday night at the home Prepatations are being ride for the of Mr•. 1I. Govier•'s near Auburn. annual hulas entertainments of t tie dif- Or. Agnew spent Thanksgiving, day ferent Sunday ' Schools,—Methodi,,4t in %v inghana. I Zmas tree will be held on Xmas night, The children of the Motflodist 5tin- 'Trinity church on Xmas Hve and Pres day school art, busy preparing f0 t, a byteri to on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd. Cantata to be givers nt tine church on Quarterly meeting, of Bplgrave Christmas Eve, Dec."24th. branch of 13i.ble Society will he held in Mr. Gorblo, was laid up last week I Belgrave Presbyterian Church on the w'ith,a sole hand.. of Thursday. Dec. 9th, at 7.80 At the pigeon shoot held here on 1 o'clock. Collection to he devoted to Thanksgiving 'day, a hundred birds the extending of Christian knowledge were shot. — among the heathen Have Yoe a II Mother—., Father or an y friend who in, 1115, either wears or should wear lasses `? If so a most suitable find g f01' .gift for Xmas will be a air ,of Gold Dimmed Spectacles. Buy f a pair from us now on approba- 0 tion and have the person to whom you present them come to L us after Xmas and we will test their eyes properly and make. Iii any change necessary in the lenses. �4 Iii• Gold $5 t0 $10. r'�r,l ; In Nickel, Alumium, Sll- h OUR 1.i, ver and Filled Gold Ili ,: La({i t� 5. OUR _ Boys wo Lad i �j� fini e 1P e BUSY l,ad i t p(i OUR i ml i ( `penins; out find displaying our other' litres of Xmas (lot ('40I(18. N�'C iliV'tte VOL11' ill4p('.CtlOn 113 the 1)Cst wait Of 1)('(ominn acquainted li'1th ~What DJC have. suffice rt to �t>v here that ,you will frit our ,stock better assorted tba?i e ver land our prices exceedingly low. From now to Xmas We will keep you po4ted"through the newspapers but there is notliin;, like a personal visit. We might fail to mention in this. paper the very thin,; yon are after. Therefore be not track Ward in calling, You will be heartily welcome whother you bny or not, ALLEN & WILSON, JDa•>tx�g�icwtES ¢atxd Optic*,i4x>rxf�. If you have , never heard of Lad*eQ- us "'"Ready -Mending Tissue" ask to let you see it. It repairs any kind of clothing, the finest silk or satin, the coarsest woollen goods, veiling, lace, kid gloves, etc., quickly, neatly, permanently, without needle or thread. Saves time, labor and money. It costs but 10c. a package. 'Jackson Bros., II1�, nCLINTON, i� PEOPLE who appreciate a big selection of Good Goods, cut, made and trimuaed in a manner totally different frons ')rdinar'y Rvady-blades will find that it will pay and pav well to drive miles to see our great Stock of Goods. No house to Wet;tern Ontario shows the stock of Suits and Overcoats that we have in our large establishment find the 1 ,., way they are being sold is good evidence that they are not '�?�''1�1�" equalled. Overcoats. The ``Leader" Price $5. The "Famous" Price $8. The "Bonanza" Price $'7. The "Jackson" Price $10. Stand as the greatest Goods for the money.ever offered. G 1'ov4_s a,ncd We still want to say something more about our great sale of Gloves and Mitts. Hundreds of pairs have been sold at 50c, worth 75c. and $1.00 per pair and there is not a buyer, in this section who can afford to miss this chance. Special, Another Special in Hosiery. We have just made a special We have just passed into stock purchase for spot cash of 25 Boys' Over- 1 case of Men's Hosiery which we will coats in sizes 28, 20 and 30. The reg;u- offer at 2, pairs for- 25c. They are all lar price of these goods is $13.00 bat wool, ribbed top, find the prices can - as long as they last, you (-;in take your not he be equalled in the west. We J choice for $4.50. They are up-to-date are hir,vint; a big ruts on them but they I ill every respect. won't last long, The Latest in Neckwear is the "BOB ROT"tartan, in 11 in Derby, price 25c.,, Selling very fast, See then). Our 'hristmas Display ©f FINE FURS, NEW i�'A:(116iWEAR and Goods suitable for Holiday Gifts will surpass anything w•e have ever shown'. j A C1,0-Soll 9 R 0 S Oki Ito ■ A I, N N it ■ The Famous Clothiers, Clinton, 0"�•0"�'Q'GY©-Gi.O'�.0•Ci••Wc�►•0'�3.4ti1.O'4•0'C�Q +'�'i�KDrO"a•®"�©4. O-ci•QU•0'C�rO.O©"�0'�'O'�y HOLIDAY w • a • In a�few weeps the greatest holiday of the year 'will be here Now is the time for think- Wrid plartn'itg what your duras gifts will be; it does. not pay to leave everything till 'the week•or two. By Next. week our Holiday Goods will be all here, and this sea<on you will 1 that more than ever before,'we have prepared to meet the wants of those who are looking the useful a5. well as the beautiful in Holiday Gifts. A- ur Quarer Dollar i hose Quilts tiVe advertised a couplo eaders. o of weeks a((o have been going out fast. We've sold more in �--=- ""- that tinto than we usually sell` The best and the most for your money in a year. There aj'<rs a big is what we always endeavor to give, lot of th(,ln, lve got them cheap , and what we undoubtedly do give in "I'll we inarked then, low. these leaders. You'll not match them It'-, a chance that don't come often, and when they're gone for value anywhere. thea- 11, he no wore ,at any - LEADER iN VESTS, I TWO DRESS GOODS LEADERS. thing like 010,4e prices, es' Hyg;iean rihhed Vests, I Extra 'heavy and (inc F ilg;lish 10-1 sir-, teg;ular $2.50 for $1 50 aped, open front,, begin~ weight .r ( Dress MfI ltons, imported by our- 11-4 size, reg;•nlav $2.75 fur $1 75 1 soft, finish, regrtlau' 35c..... ,. -ae a selves, 42 inches wide, goods I 12-4 sire, renulat, a.? i for $1 95 LEAD1 RS IN HOSIERY, I worth 35c per yd. Black, navy, Peo )lo who l:nnw a Imi— tin are bii i;r'cy, ulyrtle................. . ... 'r5c I ,• Y I in} then), heavy ribbed Woollen Bose, Our fnruons all wool Dress Surge, tsted heel and toe......... -.. 35c ! a full ritng;e of co)ois............. 25c i SAVE YOUR es' ivoollen hose, soft. tloecy CARPETS. sh worsted heel and to(.... , . 35c LEADERS IN MEN'S GOODS. rihhed Catshtnerc Ila>�e, ;til t' heavy ribbed Shirts and Ihawers. `)ic I �` Cocoa Dunt Matt will pr('ti'crlt read, rowool )c slash and snow beings trnoked into the a; fine wool Sox, heavy winter• LEADERS IN GLOVES. weight, special ................... 2:ic house, ;mud will save it, cost twice (s'extrafitao("ashn)('reGlnvos,Janiho," our special hove eavy all r. ible woven finger tips........ 25e ( wool ribbed Sox. ................. laic PRICE'S 40' TO $2,50' .iv ed.'s Fids. I A special bargain, Dere milk Ties, i llna,t, nohhy pntt.erns. knots or i four-iri-handF, vog;ular E4)c lineF, 35c oac'h or:3 for $l. IDI Mitts. Ifome Knit, Mitts for iioys, (� Jost the thing for school wear. 7 Nothing; like them to wear. 20c to 25c, Your laundry will not wear these "BRISTOL" tjollar,4 out any ryuicker than those you "Four fold Linen""Font fold Linen" have been paying 20c for All sizes, 2 for 25c. qualities that wear. 2 for 25c. ODGEN00"'c/BROS,of, Direct Importers of Dry Goods, Clinton. M R