The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 11f n
gentleman always should have Witt
him. Among others was my watch. At
a business man I am in Qonstant need of
a timepiece. I see yogi are wearing cue,
bishop. Might I ask you to loan it tc
pack and forgot a number of things that
gentleman always should have Witt
him. Among others was my watch. At
a business man I am in Qonstant need of
a timepiece. I see yogi are wearing cue,
bishop. Might I ask you to loan it tc
Would any.eaae housekeelper in Can-
me, merely to loan it to me, for a coupl(
of days?"
ado, buy oleomargarine or iwltattou
butter instead of the finest production
"What]" thundered the bishop,
of ,the creamery or dairy? 1Ve tbinit;
our L`.anudiau women are too yvioe to.'be
"Oh, I ask you merely as man tc
2nd Prize .... ....
man. I rely on your goodness of hears
deceived in tills important matter,
as exhibited all evening not to refus(
3rd Prize i:l.. • • 50.00 ... .
this trifle. "
Lard colored to resemble -good butter
will never be acceptable to our people.
The bishop sat glaring in his arm.
chair. He made no movement. Hil
There are, however, other deceptive
chubby, round face was apoplectic witl
k> .
agents that sometimes. find their way
into our homes; we refer to imitation
"Come, come," said Edwards, Chang.
ing his tune. "I have no time to wast(
discussing the matter."
The sight Of the butt of a revolve]
half drawn from Edwards' trouseri
pocket acted like an electric shock or
contents of these imitation packages
carry ruin and disappointment to every
the bishop. In a moment the richl3
' To the Twenty people who solve this Puzzle, if there are so many correct,
jeweled watch was on the floor at th(
} .
,feet of the man from Chicago.
"That's reasonable, " said he. "Now,
boua ou at
there aro lainside
work repairin ; the who1Q machinery,
my dear bishop, that gold cross arouni
your neck. I will keep it as a souvenir
replacing a worn out cog , here and
of you "
"Next," continued Edwards, pocket
ing the cross, "have you any mono3
one will (in addition
about you? I confess I came away to
apd debris caused by the friction.
night ridiculously short of change. "
oleanly giving dull and muddy colors,
The bishop glowered at hint in im
potent wrath, but Edwards preserve(
at once concluded all was safe. So, re -
locking the library door, he put the key
in his pocket and walked boldly into
the drawing room.
' Ladies, •' said he, '"I will bid you
good night now, with many thanks for
your kind hospitality. By the way, the
bishop does not wish to be disturbed for
at,least an hour. He is busy in the li-
brary studying some information I have
just given him in regard to a little
deal. Tomorrow evening I may call
again. Thank you both. "
Polite as ever, he bowed himself out
of the house gracefully. Strange to say,
a cab was waiting for him.
"Jim," said he to the driver, "go
slow till you get round the corner. Then
to the station like hell. I've copped the
pile. We'll divvy later."
Then the cab started.
The Origin of Thanksgiving.
The first recorded in-
stance of anything in
�t the nature of .thanks-
! giving in the history of
Pe- our country is the fol-
lowing entry in an old
lj I 1 1 Biblo belonging to one
of the first it inks:
Sonne born to Susanna
White, December 19th, 162.0, yt six
('clock morning. Next day we meet for
prayer and thanksgiving. " This, how-
ever, is not generally accepted as the
first observance of that nature, since it
hardy partook of the character of a
genural thanksgiving. But 15 months
after the pilgrims sailed front Holland
they licacl a harvest festival which last-
ed a wo,,,!c, This is geucz•ally spoken of
as the t!rFt Thaiiksgivi)ig in New Eng-
land, but it was not a day set apart ,by
the governor, nor was it attended by
any religious observance.
A few ye: irs later precisely the saine
thing occurred. Thereupon Jac yy 30,
1623, was appointed as a day of thanks-
giving, and before the second sunset a
relief ship arrived. Fast, days and
thanksgiving days came at irregular in-
tervals for a number of years', the latter
following some marked event of a benef-
icent, nature, such as getting rid of
Anne Hutchinson, whose preaching
caused such a turmoil .in New Eng-
land, for the termination of ,King Phil-
ip's war and the close of the Revolution
and the triumph of independence in
America. Then came the practice of
the governor of each state naming a day
for general thanksgiving. These at first
were not coincident, but the beautiful
custom has prevailed for a considerable
time, and doubtless will prevail for ages
to come, of the president appointing
sucli a day, generally the last Thursday
in November, to which the governor of
each state assents by naming the same
day. Thus there is one day each year
when the 45 states and the territories
from the Atlantic to the Pacific and
from British America to the gulf return
thanks to (.sod for his manifold bless-
iugs and mercies.
Even More Exciting.
Miss Boston --How dull and unexcit
Ing the Pilgrim Fathers must have
found Thanksgiving without football.
There was no kicking the pigskin then
Wagley-That's true, but the go
heir excitement licking the radskim
W 0, 1111111
'V1�4I 1 An IIIIII Rl�sel ee er IIS@ A, RUBY FA(�'ZCQRX. .. I.
' �t rIQ time clar>ng a ►tinlion life is
0omargaxllle IN 60L
rho � whole 'body at reat�• brow, Ibe` - �,
mQmaut the drat blood Aorllueolo bee°,
As millions of thrifty and experienoed
his imperturbable smile. Four $10 bills
and a couple of dollars in silver were
the result of a Search through tha bish-
Would any.eaae housekeelper in Can-
op's clothes.
"Huml," said the guest of the even-
ado, buy oleomargarine or iwltattou
butter instead of the finest production
ing. "Is that all you have?"
The bishop nodded.
of ,the creamery or dairy? 1Ve tbinit;
our L`.anudiau women are too yvioe to.'be
"Then, " said Edwards, with gravity,
2nd Prize .... ....
"I fear I will have to ask you to open
deceived in tills important matter,
the safe. I am certain you have not
3rd Prize i:l.. • • 50.00 ... .
banked today's collection yet. Let me
Lard colored to resemble -good butter
will never be acceptable to our people.
see, -you announced it at nearly $900,
2 Prizes of l' ... 25.00 each
a tidy sum. "
There are, however, other deceptive
The bishop attempted to expostulate.
k> .
"The money belongs to the church,
agents that sometimes. find their way
into our homes; we refer to imitation
not to me. "
10 Prizes of .... 5.00 each
"Ah, that may be, but I am only
and adultored package dyes for home
dyeing,, Some dealers 8611 iibitatione
borrowing it from the church, and I re-
ly on your goodness of heart to repay it
to the church yourself case I forget
to. Time id flying. Hurry l"
contents of these imitation packages
carry ruin and disappointment to every
Unable to stand up, the unfortunate
' To the Twenty people who solve this Puzzle, if there are so many correct,
clergyman crawler] over on his funds
} .
Fad knees and fumbled at the combina-
tion. His hands shook so that he could
boua ou at
there aro lainside
work repairin ; the who1Q machinery,
hardly open it, while, the Chicagoan,
revolver in hand, stood guard over him.
replacing a worn out cog , here and
Once opened, it was the work of a mo-
ment to transfer the packages of money
there, and Sweeping' out the dust
to the capacious pockets of the visitor,
one will (in addition
who politely assisted the bishop back to
apd debris caused by the friction.
his armchair.
oleanly giving dull and muddy colors,
"Now, " said Edwards, "I think I am
perfectly satisfied. You have behaved
beautifully, dear bishop, and I am de-
lighted to find that I was perfectly right
in relying upon your goodness of heart.
I have only two more things to say,
-that your sermon this morning was ex-
cellent and your dinner this evening
equally so. As to that deal, why, we
will talk it over next time we meet,
which may not be, alas, for a long
time. "
A chloroformed handkerchief did the
rest, and soon the old bishop was sleep-
ing soundly on the floor of his library.
Edwards drew a long breath as ho
walked into the hall. He could hear
t; <
ooriveraation in the drawing room, ani
at once concluded all was safe. So, re -
locking the library door, he put the key
in his pocket and walked boldly into
the drawing room.
' Ladies, •' said he, '"I will bid you
good night now, with many thanks for
your kind hospitality. By the way, the
bishop does not wish to be disturbed for
at,least an hour. He is busy in the li-
brary studying some information I have
just given him in regard to a little
deal. Tomorrow evening I may call
again. Thank you both. "
Polite as ever, he bowed himself out
of the house gracefully. Strange to say,
a cab was waiting for him.
"Jim," said he to the driver, "go
slow till you get round the corner. Then
to the station like hell. I've copped the
pile. We'll divvy later."
Then the cab started.
The Origin of Thanksgiving.
The first recorded in-
stance of anything in
�t the nature of .thanks-
! giving in the history of
Pe- our country is the fol-
lowing entry in an old
lj I 1 1 Biblo belonging to one
of the first it inks:
Sonne born to Susanna
White, December 19th, 162.0, yt six
('clock morning. Next day we meet for
prayer and thanksgiving. " This, how-
ever, is not generally accepted as the
first observance of that nature, since it
hardy partook of the character of a
genural thanksgiving. But 15 months
after the pilgrims sailed front Holland
they licacl a harvest festival which last-
ed a wo,,,!c, This is geucz•ally spoken of
as the t!rFt Thaiiksgivi)ig in New Eng-
land, but it was not a day set apart ,by
the governor, nor was it attended by
any religious observance.
A few ye: irs later precisely the saine
thing occurred. Thereupon Jac yy 30,
1623, was appointed as a day of thanks-
giving, and before the second sunset a
relief ship arrived. Fast, days and
thanksgiving days came at irregular in-
tervals for a number of years', the latter
following some marked event of a benef-
icent, nature, such as getting rid of
Anne Hutchinson, whose preaching
caused such a turmoil .in New Eng-
land, for the termination of ,King Phil-
ip's war and the close of the Revolution
and the triumph of independence in
America. Then came the practice of
the governor of each state naming a day
for general thanksgiving. These at first
were not coincident, but the beautiful
custom has prevailed for a considerable
time, and doubtless will prevail for ages
to come, of the president appointing
sucli a day, generally the last Thursday
in November, to which the governor of
each state assents by naming the same
day. Thus there is one day each year
when the 45 states and the territories
from the Atlantic to the Pacific and
from British America to the gulf return
thanks to (.sod for his manifold bless-
iugs and mercies.
Even More Exciting.
Miss Boston --How dull and unexcit
Ing the Pilgrim Fathers must have
found Thanksgiving without football.
There was no kicking the pigskin then
Wagley-That's true, but the go
heir excitement licking the radskim
W 0, 1111111
'V1�4I 1 An IIIIII Rl�sel ee er IIS@ A, RUBY FA(�'ZCQRX. .. I.
' �t rIQ time clar>ng a ►tinlion life is
0omargaxllle IN 60L
rho � whole 'body at reat�• brow, Ibe` - �,
fading quickly in washing and Sunlight,
mQmaut the drat blood Aorllueolo bee°,
As millions of thrifty and experienoed
. gine to ' oeolllote in the ptimory blood
women already know, the Diamond
Dyes are the only reliable home pack,
vessel, until the Idet eigh'.d.iee away In
is $10. If
Would any.eaae housekeelper in Can-
atillu'ese of death, there is 4 such
prefered, the
and give brilliant and lasting colors that
ado, buy oleomargarine or iwltattou
butter instead of the finest production
thingeye contpls>'e root.
1sf" ''1^iz9 ' , , .. 4200.00 ....
..... 2QrQ:04
of ,the creamery or dairy? 1Ve tbinit;
our L`.anudiau women are too yvioe to.'be
We are so tirade, however, as to get
rest erlotrgh to., go on with; but we
2nd Prize .... ....
. a R e x00.00
deceived in tills important matter,
takQ it by piecomeal and variation, •
3rd Prize i:l.. • • 50.00 ... .
''"" 5'0.00
Lard colored to resemble -good butter
will never be acceptable to our people.
We stand on 'one foot And root -the
, other; look with' one eyo while the
2 Prizes of l' ... 25.00 each
There are, however, other deceptive
other is loafing; Baran with one ear
5 Prizes of .. ' . 10.00 each
• 50.04
agents that sometimes. find their way
into our homes; we refer to imitation
and thea with the other; talk till our
tongues are tired and then atop to
10 Prizes of .... 5.00 each
• • •
... , 50.00
and adultored package dyes for home
dyeing,, Some dealers 8611 iibitatione
think what to as neat.
of the celebrated Plamond Dyes, The
So we go on, throwing one set of
contents of these imitation packages
carry ruin and disappointment to every
wheel( out of gear to lot them cool off
and get up, while another set is
t oiled
' To the Twenty people who solve this Puzzle, if there are so many correct,
put inoed Even while we Bleep
we will give the above Prizes IN'CASH.
A few dealers, for the sake of long
profits, are now selling soap dyed
boua ou at
there aro lainside
work repairin ; the who1Q machinery,
posed of a vary large amount of common
grease and on iafinite4q�mal quality
replacing a worn out cog , here and
of coloring matter. Suoh dyes after
there, and Sweeping' out the dust
If more than Twenty should be correct, every correct
one will (in addition
trial, have been found weak and uns
apd debris caused by the friction.
to the Money Prizes) . be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver
oleanly giving dull and muddy colors,
For the body managed by the mind
fading quickly in washing and Sunlight,
within it, may be likene•(1 to a great
Watch, of
As millions of thrifty and experienoed
factory turning out the hts, words
which the net
women already know, the Diamond
Dyes are the only reliable home pack,
and deeds.
factory price
age dyes, having stood the tests for long
But there must be more or leas ex
is $10. If
years. Diamond Dyes are easy to use,
tended rest all the time; the most im•
prefered, the
and give brilliant and lasting colors that
portant means of attaining it being
winner can
cannot be equalled by any other make.
tired Nature'a sweet restorer, balmy
choose genu-
sleep. Somebody, -has said, "Six hours
for for a man, and
ine Gold•
Quebec, November 1S. -Many things
a women, Seven
eight for a fool. The writer of these
eased Watch
to -day, show that the at. Lawrence
lines is aupposed 'to be a man, but con•
of the same
passenger traffic is almost closed for
fesses his "love for the fool's share of
the season. Yesterday and to -day
Slee .
AS this
Fe• TH • UL
A word here
"True to rho
a^- J
Our Proud
in the Watch
Thi (valines
of our
which are
to be the
F• • ST
in the Eagliau
and Amedcaa.
• • •
t word whish
here means
they will last
a life -time.
many of the Allan and Dominion
Steamship Cornpary officials have left So mighty and so needful is sleep, wonderful offer is only made to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every
for Portland, etc., :tnd to -day the lstst that it overcomes most of the things Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them.
members of the Atnerican immigration -
thst o ode it. It seals the,shi boy's
commission leave for Halifax and St. PP p y
John. lids while rocking on the high and 1. send your answer on an "International Post- largestnmount,and soon. It not more than twenty
Edd mast and refreshes the criminal Card" which one be bought at the goef•otfice (pelvo win and receive the Watch and Chain, and it these
giddy , 2 conte). Thera Is no entrance tee or charge what• do not boy anything from the CAtulogne, the whole
GONE TO A SHADOW. the night before his execution. But ever. of the prize money will be equally divided among
2. In addition to the Cash Prizes, everyone who them, giving $25 each. All amounts In this
paint murders it, and justified Mrs. sends the correct answer will thereby win one of our advertisement are token at the exchange of $5 to IL
R C ED Y PAIN BED -RIDDEN LIFE "Faithful Timekeeper" silver 'Watches which •e ell 1 b m b
A K I3 t Snv Wa h h ch w s 5. Alarm wtl be vent tree 0 you whit mustba
strong t
, 8 U80 Ot the S 0 P Y
M' n making ttchell 1
ie En land for 10 a which d izth
DESPAIRED OF -SOUTH AMERICAN „ g $ each, and c could be col fllled'np an forwarded to ranahna by December
RHEUMATIC CURE WAS THE GOOD expression, The pain was SO excf ttPiat retell in America for it16 to $28 sash. of all Goods ordered on account of these Prises
ANGEL WHICH STILLED THE TEMPEST 2ny that 11got no rest night or day," Even B. Every winner of the Watch Is required to pur• 6. The names and addregsesa of the cash price
AND PILOTED SAFELY INTO THE HAR- if this were net quite true' 04eII 1f chase one of onr SPLENDID VALUE inexpensive Solid winners will be printed in the Ticnes, Daily Tela
BOR PI HEALTH. q Silver Albert Chains to wear with the Watch, as per graph and Standard, of Loudon, an Dec. 81st next,
® there were -as there must have been- our uppreoedented otter which we will send. These and subsequently in the New York Hearld, Drafts
chains are Hallmarked on ,every link by the for the Prizes will be posted same day,
„ -� intervals In which She 1081 the full 'En lishGovernment. It the same Watch is required 7. Write your name and address in fall every
I was so troubled with sciatica that sense of her suffering; even In that with Gold-filled ease instead of Solid Silver, a Chain time you write to as to avoid mistakes.
at times the pain and suffering I ex- to match may, if desired, be ehosen. 8. Orders for those Prizes maybe sent In separ-
perienced was excruciating. I failed case, I say, we must neleds look upon 4. With our Watch and Chain you will receive our ately from time to time, and you will be credited
in flesh to almoct a shadow. I was al- such an experience with pitying mammoth Catalogue quoting Wholeaale Factory with the total of all when you send in the roped
most continuous] in bed for over a Prices for Jewellery, Plate, etc. The First Prize will form as above,
3' hearts, be given to the one who solves the Rebus, receives 9. When sending Orders please remember that the
year, and I had spent hundreds of dol- �� �� a the watch and Chain, and orders altogether the letter postage to England is 5 cents, per half ounce,
htrs in doctoring. I had almost given For .many years, she says, I have largest amount of Goods from the Catalogue ; the And if insufficient postage is used the letter is liable
up hope of a cure. A relative who suffered from biliouanese and conatipa- second Prize to the winner who orders the second to go estray.
had been cured of the same disease tion. I felt low, weak and heavy. I
by South Ameriean Rheumatic Cure, Send you answer at once I You are sure to win a Prize if correct, while
induced ale to try it. The first dose had a poor appetite, and after eating
gave me instant relief. After using had pain and weight at the chest. I even if not correct it coats you nothing.
three bottles I was completely cured." -had a sinking, trembling Sensation at ADDRESS ____===.
William Marshall, Varney P.O., Ont. the pit of the stomach. I also suffered I�1 f i
=Sold by Watts& Co. y martyrdom with piles. The pain was 1118 �atehmakE�ps_ Alliance & Ernest Goods Stopes,
TRANS -SIBERIAN RAILWAY. most4excruciating, and I got no rest LIMITE
l night or day. I parted with a qubm- Incorporated according to Act of Parliament -Capital 990,000 ($!60,000).
Victoria, B. C., November 1S. -En- tity of blood, and got so weak that I LARGEST ENGLISH WATCHMAKERS,
gineers who have been engaged in the could barely get about.
construction of file Trans-Siberian S4 C>xford Street, London■
Railway arrived on the steamship Em- "`AS I could take little food I had
press of China. They say the trip can no chance of getting up my streugth. Cable Address. "CLOCKLIKE, LONDON." Business Established 1885.
now vie name from Vladivostnck to St. I consulted a doctor from time to
Petersburg' in ten or twelve days. The _ Y
road has beenbcompleted, with the ex- time and was operated upon. but
ception of a short section along Amoor found little relief from any treatment. EATS WITHOUT DiSTPtESS.
Riverand around Lake 13d1kan. `"In August of lest year (1896) I was ,;nearly out of my 7>tiled with tTte dread I eutFered with inflammation of the
Yorkville Fire Station, fulpails. As'tne doctor who attended I (tech and indigestion. ve to on a ®
I ate .distressed me. I have taken a
Toranto, March 3rd, 1897. me did nothing to relieve me, I deter, few bottles df Hood's Sarsaparilla and
Deer Sirs, -Having used Dr. Chase's rained to try a medicine that had done it has cured me. I am now able to AN
/Pills for Coetivenesp, I am very pleas• my father eo much good, called Mother eat almost anytbing I wish without yed to say that I consider them superior Seigel's Curative Syrup. distress. I heartily recommend Ilood's
to any pill I ever used, as they have '"I got a bottle of this medicine, and Sarsaparilla." C.A. A1NSNVORTH, 102,
perfectly cured ine of this trouble. after using it was soon free fro»Spain North Edwards street, Kalamazo,
Tilos. J. WALLicr, Fiieman. I felt better than I had done for years. Michigan.
- -- - ~-- --- - Since that time I have, had Do return
G(•lmauv's contingent of the inter- of the sloe and Ices in the beet of HoonB PILLS cure all liver ills.
national array of occupation, consist- p p
ing of an "ulcer' and twelve marine@, health. I thank God that the remedy Mailed for 25c by C.I. Hood & Co.,
left Canes yesterdp.y morning. was made known to me, and for the Lowell, Mase.
Majpi-Gen. Gascoigne returned to good of others I consent to your mak-
Ottaws� yesterciay. He looks upon the ing this letter public. (Signed) (Mrs.) T��•p
reDoru�d resignattibn of the office;( of Sarah Ann 1Litchell, 76, Hill6eld Mr. W. A. Grenier, Who was sen- Until
the (;th, orf H.ui in consequence of Road, West Hampstead, London, tented to six months' imprisonment
the severity of his rep' imand, as a for libeling Mr. Tarte, Minister of Pub -
bluff. February 18th, 1897." January
Now, let us have a look at this sub- sic Works, was released yesterday
INTERNATI AL TREATY, ' afternoon,- having served• one month
jeer with the eyes of plain common of his sentence ( '��'
'Washington, Nov. 17. -Mr. W. R, sense. In suffering what she did this
Cremer, elle well-known English ad- woman Stands for millions of ]tor sax The statements of those who have
vocat.e of international atbit"atfon, is in every country. She lead "many been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla
here for the purpose of presenting to years" of it, she says. And that out of f�,y�
the -members of the Senate a monster prove the great merit of this medicine. Ji.
petition front the trades organization Ont, short human life I What a pity; Get only Hood's. b
people of Great Britain in favor of the what a Shame 1 That is, if it was iia
adoption of a treaty on that subJ'ect. the power of man to prevent it. And The arrangements for the extension
The signers are over'7A00 elected of- it was for she waa cured as we have g
ficers, and represent 2,7. "i,( ;.1 members tr the Ier the
railway into Mon -
of the provident,,industrialI and trade seen, treat over the lines of the Drummond loco
organizations of Great Britain. Her disease was in the first place in (ouoty road are now completed, and
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 17. -At the af- digestion, which ran into chronic dys• the service is expected to commence
ternoon session of the Knights of La- a the first. of December. o p
hour yesterday, the assembly passed t Psla. The overloaded liver, unable
to do its own merle and the Stomach's ,
resolutions expressing a strong senti- work too became clogged and gorged, CATARRH CURED FOR 25c.
meat, against the formulation of an gfi B g t
arbitration treaty between the United leayjng the bile in the blood and I suffered from Catarrh for years,
States and England. A prominent setting up that horrible. state of things and have found Dr. Chase's Catarrh
delegate to the assembly said that he called in a general way '"biliousness." Cure the best that I have used, and ,
thought the action of the body was Then these causes combined reduced
prompted In a measure by the general p gladly recommend it to Sufferers,
report of the tendency. of .European constipation, and the constipation pro- Yours truly,
countries to adopt the single gold duced the piles. Here we have a HARRY STONE, Rainham Centre Ont
standard as their financial systems. string of evils, with a torpid and or
It is known tbat the }treat ma,orit,> s -
of the delegates are silver men. poisoned stomach as Sponsor for the
g Mr. O. A. Howland, M.P.P., was last
whole process, evening tendered the nomination of
Like a workman who knows his the Conservative party in the ap- Until
a i business, Mother Seigel's Syrup began pr•oaching election for the House of
to straighten things out at the right Commons In Centre Toronto. He will yy
end, and made health as "catching" as ands ontest the Centrn his seat in the e Torontolseat�stl January
Hy\ I disease had been. No 'wonder she felt
a.+ like thanking God for such a remedy. KIDNEY SENSE.
For p%in fled with the mischief that 199
\� caused it, and gentle sleep came down CURE-ALLS ARE OUT OF THE QUESTION
upon her eyelids "like the benediction IN KIDNEY DISORDERs-ATAQUIDSOC-
that follows after prayer.
The Chateau de Ramezay, Montreal, How Manv Discover When It. Is
RELIEVES IN 30 MINUTLiS. Too Late that the kidnes•s have liter -
has obtained a valuable addition to its all
been ground out° ►ly the little
A MAGIOAL LIFE-SAVER. collection in it portrait of Gen. Wolfe, solid parrieles which are contained in
The most pronounced St toms of
11"y L 0 0
heart disease are palpitation ot'luttering by G. Constable Alston, the only paint- the blood of all sufferers from kid -
of the heart sbortness of breat weak or ingextant that was executed during ney disease, and which accumulate in
Irregular pulse, Smothering �pells at night, these organs. Comition sense says and
naive in region of heart. The brain mafv the general's lifetime. medical science has proven it that a
be congested, eraus[ng headaches, diz" -
ties$ or vertigo. in short, whenever the liquid solvent which will disolve these
heart flutters, aehes or .palpitates, It is soljds and eradicate them from the
diseased, hnd if life' is valued treatment
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