The Huron News-Record, 1897-11-25, Page 10. _ ,.... ... , _._..,.--, ' — ------vr
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Kuro�a News mined to make r► last opuhim, pea soAet z oolr mq a It?terl*at aft. thaw Alton, I,n bound, and loolred at nue In a halkyti..
>al.Lee pi(oir, in Advanarr. Qeed@d in • _ WdTY@ll. @ �legr.. @, .. X
im l stood be fore tbo 0090. the .whole of inpntci.nd put togeth• 4d $orated i is l.. �nd iandthou alaw rap
first sbs a P. �' e
IIItf3DAIf+ tavEmis»sLlt 25th, 1897. e.r, I, thought filet all offaotton Ilan pp
T13 N for a,oertsiq t gltt:aver da , watobla. I a, 11414 ball of:soft pink taper. Ott? very largo Sales this fall in STOVES, RA;•tGES, FURNt�CES,'
the tiger so he prowled up and down been at"Pped out of 1pe; that my, I tatllc it, astloot toned it Out, and saw ETC. ie lamed int the following
with a glow, stealthy motion., Gradu hharE was dead, But Z was tnieiaket<-•* it w, I tetegfar►�, �t ooritained those � P from the
8[i. ally the brute got to know her. When. o , Yes! I wail mletaken, -You, came t Vordil;•--, 1 m ti'a eze (We keep renl0fscturarsest oinmthe D'oment in intonnaadneellueuoblworld fanled'osdirtg
T8 L10a Tall] p Stoves
she OF he would put his head along, and eoulething a@amea to spring f tCarrie VYeston •fel Elco
•-- to the bare and allow her to etroke it, into life within me' I triad ,to creek thin afternopri. Fatally injure as the .
• urrfu li_., seat oat. • , it, to smother it, but it was no, use, . Manager, Rotunda, Manchester."
- $, J. L. Horntbrook, •P-- - g - And now?, ttc?sv -*I tell you," 4e Went For A momelp�t or two. I. stared blank. Happy Thought, Radiant Dome,
He was a gloomy, taciturn man, was One day the 'venturehome damsel! on, breaking off\ auddonly, ""every ly at the crumpled paper. Poor little Honor Bright, Famous Model,
Verrone', the lion -tamer. His dusky took it into her head to maks a closer time I enter? that cage yonder now, I Uarrie ! What a sad egding for the . 1.
face, with its heavy brows and alas- aoquaintanoe with her pet. While the carry my life in my hands, You re• bright, winsome little tlYing that used Welcome Pearl.11
coast was clear, she slipped book the to be the life and soul of our show 1
sive black beard, alight have been oast quire to havp all your wits about you uMy dear. fellow," I said, turning to Over 80,000 families3now in the Dominion are enjoying the comforts o.f the
in bronze, so rarely did its expression spring look -of the cage and wall just for this sort of business; and if you Varre s, "I'm awfully soroy for you.
change. There was alwa a the same about to anter, ,when, with abound, en to have anything on our SAPPY THOUGHT RANGE.
y happen Y g Y Of course, you can't appear this even
set,. resolute look, not untouched by the tiger came flying through the open mind, and your thoughts get to wan• Ing. I will go out and make some ex- THE' RADI powerful
HOME 1897 pattern, is not only beautiful in design1., but is a
sadness, like that of a man who fore- door. The girl Was flung backwards daring away elsewhere -wall the Ouse." powerful heater and a fuel saver.
ease his end, and is not afraid to face- and rolled upon the ground. The brutes notice it quick enough. They But, to my intense surprise, he sous. .THE HONOR BRIGHT is exclusively a farmer's Stove and requires only to
it. beast frisked round her for a moment are always on the watch for such a denly pushed past me, and strode from be seen to be appreciated, Every Stove Warranted.
alar with or two; then came and planted his chance of taking you unawares. the tent. I ran after him, for lie was
I cannon say he was pop not iu a fit condition to face those OUR STOCK OF
our troupe -rather the reverse. Nat- heavy fore -paws upon her chest. She He seemed so desperately in earnest, savage brutes in the cage,. but he bad .
ure intended him to stand alone, like lay there quite still, with closed eyes, and appeared to regard his cage in such gained the ring before 1 could stop him. Hardware, Tinware, House Furnishings and `' . \�
a rugged oak in the open, which seems notdaring to move a limb, All the time a hopeless light-, Miss Carrie was without a moment's hesitation he I. Small Wares
to shun all contact with its fellows, she felt the creature'a hot breath on s if to
and subdued in spite of bar- mounted the steps, slipped back the
No one seemed to know how he pall- face. He kept sniffing, striffing, lock and entered. The door closed
self, She had secretly admired his ,
strength, his daring, and his mastery with an ominous clang. Is complete; and prices right. We have a quantity of
sed his spare time, or to care either uncertain what to make of her. As usual, the besets ekurried away
for that matter. It is hard to say how the matter over those fierce brutes in the cages. from him and crouched at the other end -z:::2=:::-Second Hand Stoves Cheap
Welply's World -famed Hippodrome might have ended- had not Varrens and now she hung her pretty head, ofthe cage, snarling and growling.
Fall the hills put it) was nothing more suddenly arrived upon the ,scene. A whit4pered a little, said she would Varrens stood motionless. We waited - AMERICAN ANI) CANADIAN COAL OIL.
than an ordinary travelling .circus, tri few swift strides brought him aoroes to never forgive herself if any harm for him to commence, but he never
Which a small menagerie had been the girl's side. Gripping the tiger Oe ad to him through her ; and, ed moved. 13e seemed rooted to the spot. HARLAND BROS., Cheap stove
he slung him deed— But here she was whipped What followed wee so sudden, so un,
tacked on. We were wintering in cub with both hands, expected, So appalling, that to this
Edinburgh when Varrens joined us back into the cage and slammed the off the ground, and lost in the 9mbrace day I cannot recall it w><thout a shud-, House.
I was ringmaster at the time, and I door. When he turned round again of her gigantic lover. der. While the tamer was stand,
well remember the first Occasion upon the young lady was upon her feet- After that it was a Vaso of '*standing Ing there, with all eyes fixed upon The Workshop on Wheels Has Re -
which he made his entry into the a little white and soared, it is true, but off the areas" with the rest of Miall him, I saw him suddenly stagger like.a The Simcoe County House of Refuge p
lion's cage. It was a ticklish moment, otherwise none the worse for her I Carrie's following. Varrens wag drunken man. The sense of his bitter will be built at Beeton. turnbd
for the brutes were strange to him, but venture. always at liar side, and not one of her loss seemed to rush upon him, and over. -
somehow he seemed to get the mall "You're not hurt, I hope ?" he former admirbre cared particularly to Powered him all of a moment, Gradu- ONE HONEST MAN. The celebrated Shellleld Cutler, E. Taylor,
tory over them from the very start. asked, an%iousty, ally he sank down upon his knees, and Dear Editor. -Please inform your readers, that If has returned to Clinton and will remain for a,
bandy words with him. Ola ed hie hands t0 hi8 face with a written to confidentially, I will mail in a sealed let- short bine. The workshop on wheels has been
After that he had it all his Own "Oh, no!" she replied, gaily," a Wee PP ter, particulars ora genuine, honed tomo cure b Altl, k nand a new steam engine house added.
During the remainder Of that Bum- roan that was heard throughout the which I was pimmanently restored to health anus Allkindeof rindin andshar snit, of cutter
way, bit shaken, that's all. Still I g manly vigor, after yenta or suffering from net sous g g sharpening y,
' mer we wandered about from town t0 tent. debility, sexual weakness nl ht losses and weak pocket knives, razors, scissors, &c , will be
In the course of the first twelve shouldn't have,reliahed being left much In response to that coati a universal shrunken Parte, Iwna robbed and swindled by the promptly attended to. Pon and pocket knives
town, Pita our moving tent for a ' P g + quacks untilinearly,lostfaith Inmankind, but thank rebladed and made as good as now, as well as
months he got together in one eggs longer in that position, though I don't cry of horror and dismay broke from the heaven] ammo,vwell,vlForoueandstrong,nndwtsh umbrellas and parasols repaired and bought.
g P B few days ltl each, I)esplte the pr•Ov tomakethiscertainmeansofcare known to
all All kinds of saws sharpened, cross -cut saws
what was known as the "happy. fami• believe the creature would have harm spectafora. As if by common instinct, but be. I have believe to the sell and want no money d
orb, the course of true love, in this„ the fou-• brutes s +ran tt On him. The but betngaarm m desirous rtnelping the u fortunate o ggemmed and sharpens Your wants should
ly"-an African lion, a Bengal tiger, ed me.",p artl0U18T instance, might have run sprang P of man Lam desirous of helping the unfortunate w be attended to now. The steam workshop on
a leopard, and a Siberian wolf, They P e tiger bad slightly the lead, and bowled regain their health andhagppiness. Ippromisoyyo�uper• wheels will be found on Dinsley's corner,
fect"I'm not so sere about that;' said smoothly enough; but for an untoward him over in the twinklin of ane e. Age Its, Addresewlthetamp.e,w,M.T.MIIiI OF1D, Albert street, Clinton.
g y 6genta' supplies, P.O. Boz tib, st. I3enrI, Que.
- lived as happily as most such fami Varren8. "You never can tell when circumstance which happened towards The shock seemed to arouse Varrens;
lies-buman and otherwise -generally those brutes will cut up rough. A the end of our tour. with an almost superhuman effort NOTICE,
do; that is to say, at least once every little thing sets them off, and its just a There fell a day when Fred Welpy, lie struggled to his feet, only to go Davies
Wilfrid Laurier and Sir yestLO erday LV
day there walla regular set-to, and toss up whether they go for you or the eldest eon of our boss, turned tidown again as ones the other Great Davies returned tet Ottawa yesterday
Varrens had to go for them all round not. See here," be went on, rolling P dug its savage claws into him. Great from Washington. The Ministers are Thardeto re being some misunderstanding with re-
he could restore order. Hnv most unexpectedly. Master Fred had heavensl what a fight that wall Some, very much gratified with their visit, ihat if nnye wreckage,
1 ahs be any
b back his sleeve, and displaying a been running a show on his own ac• times the man was erect, struegling to and the negotiations will be continued of wreckage anand fads es report to I anal] d
Ing relieved their feelings in this way, brawny arm, covered with black hair, count for the last couplR of years, but shake off the brutes, somOimea he was by correspondence, They look con0fl once •take proceedings. Remember this is the
the brutes retired to their respective "look at these sears. That's where had come to grief -which did not in hurled back against the wall of the deafly forward to the appointment of Receiver
warning Ishan give. CAPT. WM. BASS.
a joint commission. Receiver of Wrecks, 1891.ich
corners and sulked till feeding time. the brutes have dug their claws into the least surprise his friends and re. cage. The spectators were upon their j - - Ooderteh,sept.7tn !sal.
To the general public, the tamer's me at odd times. I carry my trade Iatione. In point of fact, he had•re- feet -screaming, yelpng, and shouting '
nightly display in this cage was un mark abodt with Me you s't3e." I to save him; white the attendants were For Over Fifty" Years CLINTON.
Y cantly found himself stranded some• vainly jabbing at the beasts with sharp, Mus• Wlvst.ow's 5001'tiINC, SYxvP has been
dofibtedly one of the chief attractions "Oh, how dread!'ul !" exclaimed where 'on the continent; didn't waft iron,tipped ecave6. usedbymillions Ofmothe,•s for their cbilare,, WOOD AND COAL YARD -
"Oh, teething. If disturbed at night and i
M188 Carrie, running her pretty finger to take formal leave of hie assistants In the midst of the uproar, Varrens broken of your rest by a sick child suffering Subscriber is prepared to prompt] fill all or
of the show. No sooner did he male y
hie.! appearance Char+ a pleasurable along the livid furrows in the flesh. (who were anxiously dogging big managed to get free for a moment, drew and crying with pain of Cuttingg Teeth send at ders for Wood and Coal which will be sold ret
thrill of excitement ran though the aI had no idea you ran such fearful footsteps) ; "left the belly show to take a revolver, and fired three shots in once and t et a bottle a "TeelMrs. tYg. it's elate- IMPLEMENTS
rates. Office on TRaacSt. W at LAVES'
Ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- IMPLEMENTS ROOMS. W. WIIEATLEY
speetators. There wits always the Off- risks," rapid succession. Then under cover of lieve the poor little sufferer initncrliately. De-
of itself" --se he put it -and P
chanee,of seeing him mauled, and that <`Ob, that's nothing," replied the bolted I the smoke, flu Blipped through the door p. It conn it, mothers, there hegulate tthe 90 about Apples Wanted.
Lt. It cureR Diarrhoea, .regulates the Stomach
was something to look forward to. and rolled
headlong to the ground. and bowels, aures Wind Colic, softens the
tamer, in a careless manner, "up here, He came back to us with the easy There he lay, torn, mangled, and bleed+ Gums,reducesinflammation,anr�l� ivestoneand I want all the Marketable Apples I can buy
Varrens had been with us about two at the shoulder, it is worse. A big assurance of a man who knows his own ing but with his black eyes gleaming ellerKY to the whole system. ' 1VllH. WinsloN's ,taus will pay the higheRt price commensurate
' years when file proprietor took 1t fnt0 Soothing Syrup" for Children teething is plea- with foreign quotations. Haid your apples un-
P P brute of a tiger chewed me there last worth, and is not afraid of obtainlna like live coals. We hastened to pick sant to the taste and is the prescription of one til you have ascertained frmn roe what I can
hie head one day to engage a troupe of winter; but I had it out with him Suitable recompense for his services, him up, procured a stretcher, and took oe the oldest and best female phyHtcians and pay for them. Do not make any mist�Lke.
aerobate. Amon et them was a young him straight away t0 the hospital. nurses in the united Staten. Price twenty gh -
g before I left the cage, bud there wasn't In some respects he was un9uubtedly g ,ent•sabottle. Sold'by an druggists through 9i8 t -f D. CANTELU\„Cltaton.
lady,. Mise Carrie Weston, who very a quieter beset in the show after an acquisition,, for he waa a' good The first tiling next morning I went �VINBLow'But the LSOOTI[I86SYRL'Y e sure and iLSk for "Mrs.
soon had half the men in the circus, that.” bareback rider (Ahab sufficiently around to inquire for him, quite prepar- ____-,_____ To Improvers of Stock•
and a fair number of outsiders at her his
to hear that in had sucouuibed to premises, 16th
feet. She was a pretty, sprightly little "I oughtn't to have made so free sober), and generally took the part of his infuries during the night. On Major-General invest•al Cxascoigne yesterday The undersigned has on its
with this Dub, then?' Dick Turpin when we gave a repro- entering the accident ward, where he held an investi§pilon in llontrral into 'concession, Godericti Township,
thing, with a mop of fluffy golden septation of tha`t�hero's famous ride to the dispute exulting in the c•or>ts of A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Terns:—$1
�\.. was lying, I suddenly pulled up with a sinned ranks of the Rcyal Scots of and $2.
hair. Some might have thought her "It would 'be safer not; though he is Yolk g,ISp of amazement. !'flare seated at
. a trifle ,Edd and too fond of admire scarcely ripe enough for, miBchief yet. C,auadat, The Corn AThoern)8: $1,withth Whitl soar, regiR-
g 9, his bedside with her little hand,enclos- censured Lt.. -Col, Stritthy, A.D.C., rind tered. Terns: -$1, the privilege
tion; but, all the same, her roguish But how did he manage to get out of To begin with, he had a bit of a ed in his great fist, was Miss Carrie Diajur, lhbotsun, and said if the bicker- ing• ..
shindy with the boss, and they pretty A thoroughbred Tamworth soar, registerecE,
smile and pretty ways played havoc the cage?". nearly came to arguing it out with Fest° '-bale and hearty as ever! Ut- ing dirt not cerise he would • dismiss Terms:—$1, with privilege of returning.
with many a male heart, Miss Carrie explained. The tamer Y $ B terly taken aback, I stood and gazed both officers and disband the corps. This Is a rare chance to improve your stock
On. the ropes ahe was a regular shook bis head gravely, and regarded tent pegs. This prAiminary over'; he stupidly at them, until Varrens opened
S ttled down to business and cast his T. C. 1:DAfi \De,
his eyes and noticed me. GOOD TIMES COLING. q65-tf, Owner.
little daredevil. I have seen her per- her with -a somewhat anxious ex pree era about him. The �uickl lighted, r Y gwoodl I he said feebl -
form the most foolhardy tricks; run- sion, Y Y quickly g 'Hullos, Rin , Y,
„ upon Miss Carrie Weston, whom Le tri+in not quite done for yet, you pee. Under the use of Scott's Emulsion � Poultry For Sale.
ping very considerable risk of crack• "you are too daring, I m afraid, seemed to regard with Favor and up Got patched up all right last night, and life. The rmindiacts sues withtake
newt�vig r, y
Ing her dainty neck, apparently out .of he said, seriously. "You will got ° the heart beats stronger and the blood BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS.
sheer love of the excitement it afford- hurt one of these days if you don't Proval. Nor wag tis long in Showing this little woman s coming has done me
it. One night, after the performancs a world of good." is greatly enriched.
ed. She seemed to take a childish do. mind. I have watched you on the was over, he made his way to her side, `"But -but --the telegram?" I Stam ^_��-- -- I have for sale about fifty Barrett Plymou
light in thrilling the spectators with ropes for nights running, and_ -well, chuckled her under the chin, and In• niered. y Rock chickens, all bred from superior the
upon m word sometimes you make "All rotl" was his reply. Then turn. McLeod's onghbrerl stock. The price will be reasonable.
feats of this kind. P y + Y dulged iu other little pleasantriee-
m heart jump into my mouth•" g his head round towards the girl, he LORNE C., TODD, Clinton.
Now of all the queer things that Y J much to the girl's anno ancA. The ins
g y said " here tell hirn about it, Carrie; System Renovator
could have happened, the queerest un The little minx tossed her fluffy next minute he saw as many a.are as I'm snot up to much talking yet." �( FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS
• doubtedly was that the great, black- head, and grinned with pleasure. if the enormous tent had been sudden-
you see," she explainwl, "It
bearded lion tamer, whom we had 'Look -out for ale to night, then," ly unroofed, and found himself huddled r —AND OTHER— M a
always looked-upan as little short of a she said, as elle skipped away from up under the tier of three -shilling Beata. was just like this. Leet night d pars Tested Retnedies.
g y girl, his formed as usual at the Rotunda. As
woman hater, should have fallen him. "I've been practising a new - ,41
Varrens was standing b the I was leaving the building tAo young
desperately in lave with the girl trick, and I mean to astonish the great fists clenched, apd a savage glare fellows strolled up. t)ne of them I SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE BAKINC
straightway. Before she had been in his eyes.
natives of this sleepy old town -see knew alightly. The moment ha laid
with us a week„ I began to notice a if I don't!" From that moment these two men
eyes on me he alerted, dropped his Por'Impa, Weak nue Impovorfshcd stood,
, Dyspepsia, S1eeplessneRR, Palpat�rLtiou of the
change in him, He seamed to be were at daggers -drawn. 1Velpy never speck, and cried, w "Good heave nal it B licart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Lossisto of POW,
That night we had a crowded house, ventured to annoy 1VIiS, Carrie again- Carrie Weston]" Memory, Bronchitis, C'onsnmption, Gallstones, ,
gradually drawn out of his shell, as it latus' D, Dance,
dna Urinary Diseases, St.
for It w08 some BOTS Of a IOCnI holiday, he had got too severe a lesson for that- uI saw he had some reason for being Vitus' Dance, N'emalo Irrogularitice and Gen -
were• Hitherto he never made his The performance was moat successful.,. but there was often a sullen scowl upon surprised so I went up and spoke to eral Debility. THE COOKS BEST FRIEND
appearance of an evening until the throughout the acrobats especially iiia face when he encountered her that him He Baid he heard that I had met I.RBORATDRY CODER{CII ONT. •LARGEa`r SALE IN CANADP •
performance was drawing to a close, throughout, boded no good. Indeed, it was pretty T
gaining loud applause, Mise Garrfe evident he was up to mischief of some with a fat@l accident that afternoon J. M. McLiWD, —------- - .-
when the cage containing the `'happy certainly did astonish the natives ; in through tumbling from the trapeze. i A 'i= t 1 r E
family" was wheeled into the ring, kind, for in was not the sort of man to asked him where he got his news from. Prop. dna Manufacturer. i`T F.:: d EA
Y deed, her new loaf on the flying forget injury in a hurry.
read for him to enter, Now, night g A few weeks later the troupe of acro, Iic tried to put me off, but bit by bit, E, to Clinton N
y trapeze, which she ave for the Arei P I coaxed the whole thing out of him." J. H. t;OMBP:, and ALLAN & WILSON. JM �after night, he was early at ills ringtime that evening, was somethingbats were summoned to fulfil along -_ ___ - _ -__aide, waiting for the troupe of acro startlin Even those of us who were stan+ling engagement at the Rotunau, " e seeing he wits a clerk in the oust jbate. well seasoned to such sights s,tood Manchester. Carrie parted from her hour® and had only come Off duty. Ane RfmCtial Of Night Soil,o � M
p• spell -bound until it was Over. hour d two whichbefore s telegram had been
The curious part of it was, he a lover in bitterness and tears; she telt a handed in, which stated that I lead ;
Bort of presentiment, she said,) that Tho undomigned,rill nndertako Ilio removal j
peered quite content to worship her at As she skipped triumphantly out of something dreadful was about to hap fallen from the trapeze and was fatally of Night Soil and thorough elcaning of closets• EHE
a distance, So far as I could make the ria flushed with pleasure at the injured. 1 tried' to find out to whom it ",n Short notice, and at remou,tblo rate,. 1w FINEST TCA g, p pen, Varrens pooh,poohed tier fears, was addressed, but he wouldn't tell me. rofnse removed out of town. IN THE WORLD
out, be never made the slightest at- applause her performance heli evoked, gently stroked her pretty head with RGBT. �tT NNb;E.,
tempt to approach her, though I "have she shot a saucy look at .Varrens who hiS great hand and then she etLiled up I worried• it out of him at last, hurried 9C'5 _ FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP
seen his swarth choekS lots and his Y ' g ' home, and caught the night express oil , IN ITS NATIVE PURITY.
eyes blaze all he watchedgher laughing was standing at the entrance with his at him through her tears. hero. When I arrived early this morn, -Agents Sell "Klondyke Gold Fields' ,
y arms folded across his massive cheat, When she was gone the lion -tamer ing, I heard what hail happened at the "Monsoon" Tenis put u b the Indian Tea i
and chatting with other men. As to as much as to say "what do ou think dro ped back into his old was and Lilco a whiriNind, F,xporlenr•aa oanvasserR growcI s as a sample of te best by
of Indian
y y P Y show last night, and llama etrail,ht away ren. ing the richest harvest of their III, As new Teasr Therefore the use the greatest care in the
Mise Carrie herself -well, you may be of that?" became as moody and taciturn as ever. r, selection of the Ten :aid its blend, that is why they
to the hospital-" bob� nners doing wonders. Neatly everybody 3
sure 8110 did not remain long fn Ig g at the time but Wel kept of him but still it was „ Rul>RarlboR, Ono yotutg ft'llnw nn a f"ant ELI• atria themselves and Rcll it only in the anginal
this silent main ion On the � 116 said nothing , P� P ' "Then this telegram— 1 began, 98 & $1�00a m„nth is making $7.').00. A lady 1,31)(1• P p
noranee of plain to see there was bad blood be, ti ht suddenly dawned upon me. deka cc thereby securing its brit and anc nave.
next morning I lielLrd him taking her tween the two. For my own part, 1 B writer at $3.00 n week is rlrarin� $n.oe, n „tt,gin'� ib„ilb,andg lb.packa es, and Hover
part of the tamer. It pleased her, "Was Befit by that fellow Welply, mechanic who hurl °rtrned $t £O a clay iR clear. sold to bol 5 p 4
too. Ordinary admirers she could to task, and gravely, chiding her for was not at all sorry when Master Fred ing $s•cea day• we want ui,oa at FIE, , t'a - ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT.
the risk she ran. Mies Carrie evident,. tired df the show, which he soon did, without a doubt, muttered Varrens. vassin{,ro»ttitR 2netH, worth S' "� 'tilt; BRAD-
by the score; but 1G tYQe BOmB•_`___ J _ LEY GARRETSON CO., Limited, Toronto, If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to
thing new to have such a man, before ly uvea not in the very beat of humors and took his departure. Ont. J_ a STEEL, HA1fTER 8f CO. a
whom those fierce brutes in the cages that day; She answered him sharply As a general•rule Varrens-was always The host polnaar 11 and 13 Front 3treot East. Torontr�
nighty, cowered, at, her feet, and to enough; said it tvaa entirely her own at hand when his turn came round. AGENTS Life of Nor MaioRty I
„� look -out whether she broke her neck One night, however, much to our aur•
feel that she alone df all the world rise he did not make bib appearance have over scoria NriteR Lord L. rno, about
a, OT not; anus that, oven ff BhC did, It P , "(vluoen Victors.” Sales unprocaaontedr 8O YEARS+
could lead him. as usual, The cage ,containing the � l:n. X to make live dollars daily. Ilia cont•nis• gxpERIENCt?�er
wouldn't matter a Straw to any, "happy family” lied been wheeled into in Rion• Outfit free t° Co., sora. d, RRAD-
From the very first, the zoological LEY-GARRETSON CO., Limited, Toronto,
body, the ring, the spectators were on the Ont,
section of the chow seemed to have "That's not true," the tamer remark• tiptoe of expectation, but the tamer - ---
a peculiar attraction for this wilful was not forthcomin Whi'e we wait• `�• thus established whole- t
yoang lady. She spent hours roaming od, firmly, "and you know it." " g 9A ' it,
gAy�l nus Indu trous ro osentats iv ored, ono of the attendants slipped up to honestand inrhtstrionR roprosontretivos. . Mabout from sago to cage,endeavoring Oh, indeed 1 This was news to me, and whispered: pa ,a hustlor about $12 a week to start
to propitiate the ferooious inmates by, her. She thought there wasn't a soul "The dressing -tent, air; he's stuck "' with,
P P the world -except, erha B, old RELIEVED IN 1 DAY ADVERT18ER,Modical Building, Toronto. TRA11R IYIARKSs
rather in b P P P there b himself. I've told him it's his DES1aNs,
every means mfr her power. I _ _-- -�-• -
fancy she had a sort of hankering after uuole Ben, who had trained her on the turn, but he took no notice of me. I OOPYRICHTS &c+
believe there's something wrong." SKIN DI8RASR8 r1lr61RVlrD DY ONS AN �� I can pay ton Sollars Anyonesendtngasketchanddescriptionmay
IL tamer's life; and her daring was such ropes and given her a start in life- pt.1pATIOM OF WANTED. TED• voottly to a lady °f uioklvaseeri= free, whether an invention is
that, frail little thing that she was, I who cared a buttonwhat beealne of I hurried off at Since for the crowd in MENTI mature age, refinement and trot to spend her Probably.pVatentubler Communications Btrlotlj
g the sixpenny etld shilling sesta began OR ACNEW S DINT time 1n a good °pus°. T. H. LINSCOTT. tnnAmerlicn °WoBBnvennyWiiati vgton omoeb.•e
believe nothing would have pleased her. And who mi hE this unknown gg Toronto, Ont. Patents taken through Munn Et Co. teoslve•
her hatter than to have aiiado the ac. friend beg She was curious to find to grow impatient. Therlioment I en- • apealalnoticeInthe
quaintxnoe of the "happy family," if that out. tared the dressing -tent, and my oyes 3Fa CENTS. ------- SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN,
she could have had her own ''You know well who it i9," lea re- fell upon Varrens, I confess that I got It le a marvellotis cure for ail such die• solicitors for te a Bi]OCk. He was striding up and gusting and disfiguring diseaooe as Ea t7(T A N t D• Ali JCnayoloDDodla "Clo� naps atfullEftlillustrated,
fftournat woolargest
lq terme�3�Oti uovynoa�rt
way• plied, vehemently. "Listen. Before ,town, his hands clenched. his lips com- Rama, Salt Rheum, Totter, t3arboto Itch, the Country;' in flue Rbyat Quarto Volnmea. 8i.fOsls inch he. specimen ooplea bird l -AND
Scald Iload. Ulcers, nlotoboo. It unreel all Doi; ox PATENTS Bout free. ]tddtess ,
Peace pressed, and a drawn, haggard look on era tions of the skin and makes it soft No, delivering. Commission paid wobkly. A D
There was a fine young tiger pub in you same here I had some epee of p canvnesorreports hisfirst week making over
one of the Degas, a recent acquisition mind, about as much as a man wbo his face. and whitO.-27. �,, eaventtvdollars proflt. get llroarlwnv. N wO�Yori.-
to the show. Ho Was a prime, favorite has turned his back upon the world "'Varrens, what's the matter?" I
Sold by Waite & i7o. ,?.HIL LINBCOTT COMPANY, Toronto,
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