The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-27, Page 7y FgRM�IRFJ_ p D. COOK, CLINTON. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes 7b2•tf with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- Ittired as security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, December,, 1895. CLINT09. Ge De McTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Notes Discounted. - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Junefith,1891 668y outy to 4e44. JOHN RIDOUT. 4iONVEYANCER, COiV]MISSIONER, ETC. Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON. �eAtcal. DR. W. GUNN, R. 0. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. OfaCe— Ontario strut Clinton. Night calls at front door or residence on R:ttoubury street, opposite Presby ter! tan church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; 0, M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P d• S. Out, ; b .%low of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late -)f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattentiury St. Night calla amwered'at Otgce. -- DR. SHAW. Office—Ontario street, opposite 'English urch, formerly oacupiod by W. Applet on. l N. W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. L; L. M. R. C. P. I.; L. M. Rotunda, I Dublin-, M. 1{, C. S., England; M. C. P. and S., Ontario. 969-Y Consulations at the office recontly oacupiod } by Dr. Turnbull on Rattonbury street, Clinton. from 11 o'clock a. in. to 3 o'clock p. m. week days, and other hours at the "Iiut," Bayfleld, Dr. Bruce,° Surgeon Dentist. j OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, f Clinton, Out. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday, and € Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the k summer. Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5' r• 6'9®00000 ` At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, 4 �1etecllxalLl�. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. y Day and Night Calla Promptly Answered, R.osldence—Rattoubury Street, West, Clinton Ont. %coal, - -- - - J. SCOTT, Barrister, circ., ELLIOTT'$ BLOCK, - - CLINTON. '. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q- C, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,, NOTARY, tics, Godcrlclit, - Ont. Glace—Over Davis' Store. Money to loan. M• 0. JOHNSTON) BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Godoricl><, - - Ont. 4 Ofaoo—Cor. Hamilton and $t. Andrew's $Ee. W. B.RYDONE., i BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. ! 1lrOTA R Y PUBLIC, efc., OPPIOPI BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON. 817-0 y rISS C. 0. CLEMENT graduste At ma College, ed p" '�i`Iot�hot6schedist reoDago, 011uton. ice—Ontnrto Street t, F: r*� �. PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. Headquarters for all hinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. Wopay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of grain taken in exchange Pur Goode, same as Cash. HILL & JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP, FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we Intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the best menta at the lowest pay Dg prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON, Clinton. 793-tf. Goo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Skreet, North, - Clinton. JOBBINo A. SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first Jtaes'u.aterlal and work guaranteed ; farm implements and -Mehines rebuilt and repaired. . TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can got Reliable 04 Harness, I manufacture none but the BISTor$TOCa. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live. Cull and get prices. Orders by mail promplyattended to HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLY TH, ONT GO TO THE Unih Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smrth'i block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EhfERTON, Proprietor. -- W TTS & CO., :CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. First -Class Buggies on hand and made to order. Prices to suit the timos. Repairs and repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason- able. PUMPS! I PUMPS! It you want a first -clasp, well -made pump, one (ba will give you Satisfaction, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a the oloseSt prices. He also handles a flrst•clas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposlt Queen'aHotel - Higfi Street Clinton. 809-tf orange. L. 0. L. No. 710, CLINTON9 Moate esooND Monday of every month. Hall 2nd flat, McKay bloek. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SFEPPARD, W. M. P. f ANTELON, JR. Sec. THUS. BEACOM, D. M CLiNTON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. & A. M. meets every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit brethren cordially Invitad T. C. BRUCE, W. 111, E. McLEAN, Sm. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1805. Kearns Tent No. 66, Itnlgbta of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000.92,000 and 88,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000. ARSesement principle—hen never exeeoded 12 aSResamente in a year. Cheapest and safeet in existence. Meets In Orange Hall, Clio - ton, first and third Friday of every month. Grand Trunk Railway. OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. Buffalo and Goderich District: — Going WeRt, Mixed .................. 11115 a. m Express ................. ].03 P. m.. Mixed...... 7.0.5 p. m. Express ... ............ 10.27 p. m. Going (Cast, Express... 7.40n.m. 2.5.5 p. m. Mixed .................... 4.35 p. m. Loppdon, Huron and Ilrace:— Goirig South, N:xpresR 7.47 a. m. 4.30 P. m Going North, „ 10.15 a. m 6.55 P. m M. C. DreTzsov,' DIH. Pass. Agent, Toronto. W. E. DAVIe, G. P. & T. A., Montreal. A. U. PATTISOH, G. T. R., Town. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont McLeod's System Renovator AND OTHER— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, §leeplessuess, Palpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gallstones, Jaundice, Kidnoy and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irreg•ular•ities and Gen- eral Debility, LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON. WNIa N. WALKER, —the reliable— UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered.> Carpets sewed and laid ; also cleaned and re, novated at reasonable prices. r�-Orders left at BROADFOOT 8c BOX'S store, Clinton or Seaful th, will he promptly at{ tanned to. STAR RETAURANT, Huron Street, Clirlta 600064,066900 We ere wide open for the hot weath- er seaseiu .. 1 nre after your patronage. ICE CRl•;..14i;I.x4t�EOR.TI`'I, 5, FRUITS, C"i�I�l(RY, CIGARS and TOBACCO. EVERYTHING IN SEASON. Our parlor is cheery and comfortable. Lunches at all hours. CHAS. WITTS, Huron St., Clinton. tf Fowl and Pigeon Shooting Match at Carlow..... . ON N0VF1fBFT15TH, 1897, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., there will be a grand Shootin Alatch for n. large quantfl.y of first-class TCR - g KF1S,w (.ESE, DECKS and III Gb:ON geS, at Carlo(Smith's Hflll. m Every arranent for a first-class match is being made, The contests for the Pigeons will be trap shooting, No 6 shot. At. the ranges for Poultry, any rifle will be allowed. This will be, the best and biggest. Shooting Match of the season and everybody is invited. N. G. BOGGS. Carlow, Oct. l6th. 1897. nommummy A PERFECT TEA MONSO,ON THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. -1"•Rbnsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the beat qualities of Indian Peas• Therefore they use the greatest care in thea selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in? lb., r lb. and 6 Ib, packages, and never sold in but ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER & 00. a 11 and 19 Front atreot East, Torontit, 50 YEARS► EXPERIENCE. 01 TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS &a. Anyone sending a sketch and description may pulckty ascertain, free, whether an Invention to proba6bly patentable. Communications strlotly oonfldential. Oldest agency forsecuring patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice In the SCIENTIFIC - AMERICAN, beantlfullyy Illustrated, largest circulation of anyY sclentlflo journal, weekly, terms $8.00 a ,Mar; $$1,60 six months. Specimen coples and HIND $UUK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 881 Broadway. Now YorL. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA - The shooting arose out of trouble be. tureen the neighbor and his wife, who went to Mr. Bone's place for protec- tion. YOU ARE A VICTIM I MEDICAL STATISTICS PROVE THAT EIGHTY OUT OF EVERY HUNDRED ARE TAINTED WITH CATARRH. Are you one of the eighty? Foul breath, pains ovel' the eyes, dropping in the throat and headaches denote it.. Have you these sympptoils? Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Puwdet never disap- points in a cele. "Fur years I was a victim of chronic Catarrh. I had tried all kinds of cures, and had been treated by nurnbers of physicians, but no cure was effected until I had procured and used Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder. rhe first application gave me almost instant relief, and D1 an increditibly short time I was absolutely cured from this distressing and disgusting tualady." James Headley, Dundee, N. Y. —Sold by Watts & Co. Mr. David Murray, special auditor l appointed to examine the accounts of the defaulting Frontenac Clounty Treasurer, Alr.lhoinas Vanluven, pre- sented his report to the County Coun- cil. He makes some severe comments on the Auditors, and places the total shortage at $31,000. HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH? Thinness is wasting.WastSng is tearing down. Scott's Emulsion builds up; it never makes waste. It Will give you rich blood and bring back your weight. Paul Lozen, a Dover Township far- mer, committed suicide by taking Paris green. Lozen was the defendant in a suit for alimony brought against him by his w ife. The case was sec for hear- ing at the AssizeF, now in progress at Chatham, and the suicide of Lozen brings it to an abrupt conclusion. George M. Pullman the great; rail- way magnate, of Chicago, died unex= pettedly of heart disease Tuesday morning. HAD MANY AILMENTS. "For years I have been taking medi- cines for liver complaint, rheurnatisni, heart trouble, and nervous prostration, but three bottles of Hood's Sarsapar- illa have done me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken. I heartily recommend it to others." MRS. S. A. JUDD, Vernon, Michigan. HOOD'$ PILrs are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy, yet efficient. A Halifax despatch says:—S' Hib- bert Tupper has decided not to Ensign his seat in the Dominion House when he removes to British Columbia. We know whereof we affirm when we state that Aver's Pills, taken promptly, at the first symptoms of colds and fevers, artest further pro- gress of these disorders, and speedily restore the stornach, liver and bowels, to their normal and regular action. It is announced that the marriage has been arranged and is shortly to take place between Lord Mount Step - ten and Miss Gian, daughter, of the late Robert George Tufnell. A WOMAN'S TRIUMPH. She Managed Her Work So Well That It Equalled the Efforts of Professionals. While it is well known that any woman of intelligence can do ns good work with the Diamond Dyes, and at less than half the cost charged by pro- fessional dyers in city steam dye houses, yet there may be sonic people who doubt the statement. Thefollow- int.* extracts from it letter written by Mrs. J. Gardner, of Owen Sound, Ont., prove that Diamond Dyos are un- equalled. "There was a man in our town going front house to house taking orders for a Toroto dye house for the dying of all kinds of garments and clothes. I had just taken off• the line someDods that I had dyed with Diamond Eyes, and showed him that I could do as good work as any dye house. He hon. estly admitted that I was right about my work with Diamond Dyes. _ "Having a large family I use Dia- mond Dyes to economize. I have always the best of success with your dyes, and most say that I a i more than delighted with your colors for dyeing cotton." It is learned that nearly one half of the Canadian loan of ten million dol- lars will some from Canadian banks. WHERE SPECIALISTS FAILED DR. CHASE CURED CATARRH. James Spence, Clachen, Ont. writes —"I had been a sufferer from Catarrh for 15 years. It became chronic and I had given up hopes of ever being cured when advised by a friend to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Oure. I at once start- ed and am pleased to state three boxes effected a complete cure, and I heartily recommend it to anyone buffering from Catarrh. �' frn��l11�.,S:/i:.l•PyoJ"b-tS.''+:•%'pKiliiTlr`v.•itt>u�.*/,�tu�ri4�fn IS NOT A NEW WOMAN. SHE. ISN'T EMANCIPATED AND DOESN'T,WANT TO BE. The Southern woman Revolves Around Han, Wishes to to Revolve, and Is Determined to Revolve Around Htm Only, Let Others Do as They blay The typical Southern welman is purely feminine, says The New York Suu. Whether by•nature worldling or puritan, self-contained or impetuous, bred in the cotton lands or in the: confines of town or city, she is an out-and-out luyalist where man is concerned. She drew in the doctrine of masculine ascendency with her earliest breath. You may be sure that the typical Southern woman would never employ a woman physician, attorney, or under, taker, nor, least of all, sit under a woman minister. If the men who stand in immediate relation to her stow weak- ness where she looked for strength, ur wickedness where only good was ex- pected—if they fail to steer the house. hold bark in safe and pleasant waters, One reason why Scott's Emulsion cures weak thrones, weak lungs, makes rich blood, and strengthens pur_y and delicate children is be- cause all its parts are mixed in so scientific a manner that the feeblest digestion can deal with it. This experi- ence has only come by doing one thing for nearly 25 years. This means, purest in- gredents, most evenly and delicately mixed, best adapted for those whose strengths has tailed or whose digestion would repel an uneven pro- duct For s' to by all druggists at and otherwise prove faithless to their trust—she covers up their shortcomings 808INE88 DIRECTORY CantelOn BrOS, The McKillon Mutual Fire ascribes such failures to adverse circuut- kIENERAL GROCERS i Much n Little & PROVIS. Ins Insurance Company. THE OLD-TIME SUGAR MELON. — - ION MERCHANTS. is especially the of Hood's Plus, for ao nedl. IMey're farmin' now by selene—ain't like "1B NOLSONS OAK Grocleery, Gla8s & Chinaware Farm and Isolated Town Proper- olne ever contained so great curative power In so small Wam They sro a whole medicine corn's ahead o' m,e; ALBERT ST., CLINTON, ONT. ty only Insured. An' the melons ain't as juicy in the Incorporated by Aotot Parliament 1866, Highest Cash Price for Butter ;and Eggs orrioaas. ft•ly "or ga Watt, President, Ilarlock P. O.; .Times Hoods OAPITAL - REST, $I,A°°coo°°'0°° Broadfoot, Vioo.Pros., Seaforth P. 0.; W. J. shan, COOKS FLOUR non, sexy. Treae., Seatoah P. 0,; lliohaei Hurdle ounl 8@ACI UffiOA■ MONTREAL. I rnspeator of losses, Beatorth P. O. & FEED STORE D,RHorth; , James Broacifoot, Bonforth;Mlohnel Mardio,sea• shoot, always ready, al. ways coolant, always sat- Pi Isfaeto I� Wli. MOLBON, MAOPHERBON, Preeldent, R. WOLI)ERSTAN THOMAS. General Managat. forth; George DeJe, Sontorth; George Watt, fiance, CJlfntou. T coos E. Rays Als: Gnrdlner, Leedbur y ry; prevent a Bold or fever, cure all liver Ills, Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts Thomas GarbnEt, Clinton; John McLean, Kippers. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or &ONNTs. sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 234L Theonllr F1113 to take with hood's barsaparllla. issued, Sterlingand American ex- Small Quantities Thomas Notion@, Harlock; Robert McMillen, Sea. . forth and James Cummings, Egmondville "George"—they've named em big un' change bought and sold, INTHHH4T ALLOW.DON DaPOsrra . OIL CASE, LINSEED MEALS Parties desirous to eHeot Insurance or trans- Jews Notes, SAVINGS BANK. IU lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel act other business will be promply attend. ed to on application to any of the above officers ad- dressed to their respective Old Mr. Bone, who was tried for shooting a neighbor with intent, was Interest allowed on sums of Al and u Oats poetofnoes, acquitted at the Walkerton Assizes. FgRM�IRFJ_ p D. COOK, CLINTON. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes 7b2•tf with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- Ittired as security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, December,, 1895. CLINT09. Ge De McTaggart BANKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Notes Discounted. - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Junefith,1891 668y outy to 4e44. JOHN RIDOUT. 4iONVEYANCER, COiV]MISSIONER, ETC. Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Office—HURON STREET, CLINTON. �eAtcal. DR. W. GUNN, R. 0. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. OfaCe— Ontario strut Clinton. Night calls at front door or residence on R:ttoubury street, opposite Presby ter! tan church. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; 0, M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P d• S. Out, ; b .%low of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late -)f London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattentiury St. Night calla amwered'at Otgce. -- DR. SHAW. Office—Ontario street, opposite 'English urch, formerly oacupiod by W. Applet on. l N. W. WOODS, L. R. C. P. L; L. M. R. C. P. I.; L. M. Rotunda, I Dublin-, M. 1{, C. S., England; M. C. P. and S., Ontario. 969-Y Consulations at the office recontly oacupiod } by Dr. Turnbull on Rattonbury street, Clinton. from 11 o'clock a. in. to 3 o'clock p. m. week days, and other hours at the "Iiut," Bayfleld, Dr. Bruce,° Surgeon Dentist. j OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, f Clinton, Out. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. N. B.—Will visit Blyth every Monday, and € Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the k summer. Dr. Agnew, DENTIST. Office hours - 9 to 5' r• 6'9®00000 ` At Zurich the second Thurs- day of each month, 4 �1etecllxalLl�. J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINARY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. y Day and Night Calla Promptly Answered, R.osldence—Rattoubury Street, West, Clinton Ont. %coal, - -- - - J. SCOTT, Barrister, circ., ELLIOTT'$ BLOCK, - - CLINTON. '. Money to Loan. E. CAMPION, Q- C, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,, NOTARY, tics, Godcrlclit, - Ont. Glace—Over Davis' Store. Money to loan. M• 0. JOHNSTON) BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC., Godoricl><, - - Ont. 4 Ofaoo—Cor. Hamilton and $t. Andrew's $Ee. W. B.RYDONE., i BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. ! 1lrOTA R Y PUBLIC, efc., OPPIOPI BEAVER BLOCK - CLINTON. 817-0 y rISS C. 0. CLEMENT graduste At ma College, ed p" '�i`Iot�hot6schedist reoDago, 011uton. ice—Ontnrto Street t, F: r*� �. PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. Headquarters for all hinds of Field and Garden Seeds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. Wopay Cash for Eggs. Any kind of grain taken in exchange Pur Goode, same as Cash. HILL & JOYNER. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP, FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, we Intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will supply our customers with the best menta at the lowest pay Dg prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED. Highest Market Price Paid, D. CANTELON, Clinton. 793-tf. Goo, Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Skreet, North, - Clinton. JOBBINo A. SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first Jtaes'u.aterlal and work guaranteed ; farm implements and -Mehines rebuilt and repaired. . TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where you can got Reliable 04 Harness, I manufacture none but the BISTor$TOCa. Beware of shops that sell cheap, as they have got to live. Cull and get prices. Orders by mail promplyattended to HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLY TH, ONT GO TO THE Unih Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smrth'i block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EhfERTON, Proprietor. -- W TTS & CO., :CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - Clinton. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON FACTORY, Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. First -Class Buggies on hand and made to order. Prices to suit the timos. Repairs and repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason- able. PUMPS! I PUMPS! It you want a first -clasp, well -made pump, one (ba will give you Satisfaction, send your order to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a the oloseSt prices. He also handles a flrst•clas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Opposlt Queen'aHotel - Higfi Street Clinton. 809-tf orange. L. 0. L. No. 710, CLINTON9 Moate esooND Monday of every month. Hall 2nd flat, McKay bloek. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SFEPPARD, W. M. P. f ANTELON, JR. Sec. THUS. BEACOM, D. M CLiNTON Lodge, No, 84, A. F. & A. M. meets every Friday, on or after the moon. Visit brethren cordially Invitad T. C. BRUCE, W. 111, E. McLEAN, Sm. Clinton, Dec. 6, 1805. Kearns Tent No. 66, Itnlgbta of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000.92,000 and 88,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000. ARSesement principle—hen never exeeoded 12 aSResamente in a year. Cheapest and safeet in existence. Meets In Orange Hall, Clio - ton, first and third Friday of every month. Grand Trunk Railway. OFFICIAL TIME TABLE. Buffalo and Goderich District: — Going WeRt, Mixed .................. 11115 a. m Express ................. ].03 P. m.. Mixed...... 7.0.5 p. m. Express ... ............ 10.27 p. m. Going (Cast, Express... 7.40n.m. 2.5.5 p. m. Mixed .................... 4.35 p. m. Loppdon, Huron and Ilrace:— Goirig South, N:xpresR 7.47 a. m. 4.30 P. m Going North, „ 10.15 a. m 6.55 P. m M. C. DreTzsov,' DIH. Pass. Agent, Toronto. W. E. DAVIe, G. P. & T. A., Montreal. A. U. PATTISOH, G. T. R., Town. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont McLeod's System Renovator AND OTHER— Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, §leeplessuess, Palpatation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gallstones, Jaundice, Kidnoy and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irreg•ular•ities and Gen- eral Debility, LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON. WNIa N. WALKER, —the reliable— UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, SEAFORTH, ONT. Parlor Furniture repaired and recovered.> Carpets sewed and laid ; also cleaned and re, novated at reasonable prices. r�-Orders left at BROADFOOT 8c BOX'S store, Clinton or Seaful th, will he promptly at{ tanned to. STAR RETAURANT, Huron Street, Clirlta 600064,066900 We ere wide open for the hot weath- er seaseiu .. 1 nre after your patronage. ICE CRl•;..14i;I.x4t�EOR.TI`'I, 5, FRUITS, C"i�I�l(RY, CIGARS and TOBACCO. EVERYTHING IN SEASON. Our parlor is cheery and comfortable. Lunches at all hours. CHAS. WITTS, Huron St., Clinton. tf Fowl and Pigeon Shooting Match at Carlow..... . ON N0VF1fBFT15TH, 1897, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., there will be a grand Shootin Alatch for n. large quantfl.y of first-class TCR - g KF1S,w (.ESE, DECKS and III Gb:ON geS, at Carlo(Smith's Hflll. m Every arranent for a first-class match is being made, The contests for the Pigeons will be trap shooting, No 6 shot. At. the ranges for Poultry, any rifle will be allowed. This will be, the best and biggest. Shooting Match of the season and everybody is invited. N. G. BOGGS. Carlow, Oct. l6th. 1897. nommummy A PERFECT TEA MONSO,ON THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD TEA FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. -1"•Rbnsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a sample of the beat qualities of Indian Peas• Therefore they use the greatest care in thea selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in? lb., r lb. and 6 Ib, packages, and never sold in but ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write to STEEL, HAYTER & 00. a 11 and 19 Front atreot East, Torontit, 50 YEARS► EXPERIENCE. 01 TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIGHTS &a. Anyone sending a sketch and description may pulckty ascertain, free, whether an Invention to proba6bly patentable. Communications strlotly oonfldential. Oldest agency forsecuring patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice In the SCIENTIFIC - AMERICAN, beantlfullyy Illustrated, largest circulation of anyY sclentlflo journal, weekly, terms $8.00 a ,Mar; $$1,60 six months. Specimen coples and HIND $UUK ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & CO., 881 Broadway. Now YorL. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA - The shooting arose out of trouble be. tureen the neighbor and his wife, who went to Mr. Bone's place for protec- tion. YOU ARE A VICTIM I MEDICAL STATISTICS PROVE THAT EIGHTY OUT OF EVERY HUNDRED ARE TAINTED WITH CATARRH. Are you one of the eighty? Foul breath, pains ovel' the eyes, dropping in the throat and headaches denote it.. Have you these sympptoils? Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Puwdet never disap- points in a cele. "Fur years I was a victim of chronic Catarrh. I had tried all kinds of cures, and had been treated by nurnbers of physicians, but no cure was effected until I had procured and used Dr. Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder. rhe first application gave me almost instant relief, and D1 an increditibly short time I was absolutely cured from this distressing and disgusting tualady." James Headley, Dundee, N. Y. —Sold by Watts & Co. Mr. David Murray, special auditor l appointed to examine the accounts of the defaulting Frontenac Clounty Treasurer, Alr.lhoinas Vanluven, pre- sented his report to the County Coun- cil. He makes some severe comments on the Auditors, and places the total shortage at $31,000. HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH? Thinness is wasting.WastSng is tearing down. Scott's Emulsion builds up; it never makes waste. It Will give you rich blood and bring back your weight. Paul Lozen, a Dover Township far- mer, committed suicide by taking Paris green. Lozen was the defendant in a suit for alimony brought against him by his w ife. The case was sec for hear- ing at the AssizeF, now in progress at Chatham, and the suicide of Lozen brings it to an abrupt conclusion. George M. Pullman the great; rail- way magnate, of Chicago, died unex= pettedly of heart disease Tuesday morning. HAD MANY AILMENTS. "For years I have been taking medi- cines for liver complaint, rheurnatisni, heart trouble, and nervous prostration, but three bottles of Hood's Sarsapar- illa have done me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken. I heartily recommend it to others." MRS. S. A. JUDD, Vernon, Michigan. HOOD'$ PILrs are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy, yet efficient. A Halifax despatch says:—S' Hib- bert Tupper has decided not to Ensign his seat in the Dominion House when he removes to British Columbia. We know whereof we affirm when we state that Aver's Pills, taken promptly, at the first symptoms of colds and fevers, artest further pro- gress of these disorders, and speedily restore the stornach, liver and bowels, to their normal and regular action. It is announced that the marriage has been arranged and is shortly to take place between Lord Mount Step - ten and Miss Gian, daughter, of the late Robert George Tufnell. A WOMAN'S TRIUMPH. She Managed Her Work So Well That It Equalled the Efforts of Professionals. While it is well known that any woman of intelligence can do ns good work with the Diamond Dyes, and at less than half the cost charged by pro- fessional dyers in city steam dye houses, yet there may be sonic people who doubt the statement. Thefollow- int.* extracts from it letter written by Mrs. J. Gardner, of Owen Sound, Ont., prove that Diamond Dyos are un- equalled. "There was a man in our town going front house to house taking orders for a Toroto dye house for the dying of all kinds of garments and clothes. I had just taken off• the line someDods that I had dyed with Diamond Eyes, and showed him that I could do as good work as any dye house. He hon. estly admitted that I was right about my work with Diamond Dyes. _ "Having a large family I use Dia- mond Dyes to economize. I have always the best of success with your dyes, and most say that I a i more than delighted with your colors for dyeing cotton." It is learned that nearly one half of the Canadian loan of ten million dol- lars will some from Canadian banks. WHERE SPECIALISTS FAILED DR. CHASE CURED CATARRH. James Spence, Clachen, Ont. writes —"I had been a sufferer from Catarrh for 15 years. It became chronic and I had given up hopes of ever being cured when advised by a friend to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Oure. I at once start- ed and am pleased to state three boxes effected a complete cure, and I heartily recommend it to anyone buffering from Catarrh. �' frn��l11�.,S:/i:.l•PyoJ"b-tS.''+:•%'pKiliiTlr`v.•itt>u�.*/,�tu�ri4�fn IS NOT A NEW WOMAN. SHE. ISN'T EMANCIPATED AND DOESN'T,WANT TO BE. The Southern woman Revolves Around Han, Wishes to to Revolve, and Is Determined to Revolve Around Htm Only, Let Others Do as They blay The typical Southern welman is purely feminine, says The New York Suu. Whether by•nature worldling or puritan, self-contained or impetuous, bred in the cotton lands or in the: confines of town or city, she is an out-and-out luyalist where man is concerned. She drew in the doctrine of masculine ascendency with her earliest breath. You may be sure that the typical Southern woman would never employ a woman physician, attorney, or under, taker, nor, least of all, sit under a woman minister. If the men who stand in immediate relation to her stow weak- ness where she looked for strength, ur wickedness where only good was ex- pected—if they fail to steer the house. hold bark in safe and pleasant waters, One reason why Scott's Emulsion cures weak thrones, weak lungs, makes rich blood, and strengthens pur_y and delicate children is be- cause all its parts are mixed in so scientific a manner that the feeblest digestion can deal with it. This experi- ence has only come by doing one thing for nearly 25 years. This means, purest in- gredents, most evenly and delicately mixed, best adapted for those whose strengths has tailed or whose digestion would repel an uneven pro- duct For s' to by all druggists at and otherwise prove faithless to their trust—she covers up their shortcomings Sot, ands, as best she can, even• from herself, and ascribes such failures to adverse circuut- stance. She must keep her ideals. She loves even where she cannot approve, THE OLD-TIME SUGAR MELON. and condones things contrary to every fibre of her nature. IMey're farmin' now by selene—ain't like "It is all as plain as daylight to nip," It used to be; The cottuu's growlu'diff'runt, au' the said a Southern woman recently visit- corn's ahead o' m,e; , ing this city. "Man's province in life is An' the melons ain't as juicy in the to do, and woman's is to be; to ne country round about. pretty, for instance, or at least as pretty For they've raised em an' tbey've raised till they've raised the sweetness as she can, and -to be agreeable. 1 re- ounl Bard being agreeable as woman's primary business in life, because so much else, They grow 'em now for shippin'; tbey pack that seems more important just at first'em In the trains glance, depends on it. If a woman just An' send em off to cities 'croot the moua- lays herself out to be a rceabkr to her talus nn' the ,lams— They calf em Itilolb," am "Jones," an- husband, and maes gnn besides to inspire , > P e "George"—they've named em big un' her son, if she has a sun, with the de- small; sire to do something worth doing, worth But the old-time sugar mellon was the having been created for, and contrives sweetest one of all. to make him comprehend something of the value of life, I'm sure that's do- Thar weren't no style about it; it grow -at ing a heap more good in the world than thar In the dew, An' turned its freen sides temptin'ly to mixing up with voters and bothering sunshine an to you; with politics." But for these new-fangled melons It was In the typical Southern household the masculine factor is the pivot about more than any match— 'Twas sunny sweet an' honey sweet—the which everything else revolves. The masculine pick of all the patch! factor may be represented by a mere youth of seventeen; may be only a babywhite boy, I When the hot sun wns a-blaizin' In the sky overhead, An' you found a cool fence corner, 'an yon or may be an infirm great uncle or irritable guardian or it is g ripped Into Its red, grandfather; all the same. Whether husband, cousin, An' the sweet juice was a-drippin' from i your Barlow's rusty blade— brother-in-law, eon, or even relation by I You talk of honey sippin'—'twas the sweet- courtesy the male factor preduminates, at ever made! "We would rather not have breakfast s0 late Sunday mornings, it makes us I Aln't nothln' now kin beat It! They may raise• 'em fur an' free; get to church late, but Uncle Billy never They may call 'em "Stonewall Jackson," breakfasts before half -past 9 and he- "Sam Jones" or "Robert Lee;" likes us all to be at the table." said a But I'll tell em plain an' even—though they're llable to doubt— young Southern woman In relating a household incident to the writer. I That they've named 'em an' recialmed 'enr till they've drained the sweetness out. "But I should prepare everything nice- —I . L. Stanton, In Atluntic Constitution. ly for him and leave his breakfast with the cools, and consult my own caiveni- QUEEREST OF INTRODUCTIONS. ence," protested her friend. "And leave him to breakfast alone, the only day he has to himself T' They spoke to Each Other and Shook The tone and manner with which this Banda as They Fell. Bald showed plainly that tluch a so- "Speaking of introductions," said thewas lution of the problem was utterly impos- much -traveled man in the smoker, "re- sible. The Uncle Billy alluded to was minds me of the queerest one I ever saw not a vital factor in this household, His or heard of and in which I was one of orphan nieces owned their home, and the principals. 1 was crossing from he simply lived with them, and up- held the family dignity. You gray be lova Scotia to Boston on a schooner loaded with plaster, a chance that came sur- that his room was the sunniest and to me in a country port where I was most accessible in the house, and his staying for my health. As the boat favorite corder by the sitting room fire I saved me sixty miles of stage coach a veritable harbor of comfort, with slip Tiding to the town of Halifax, where pers and we'.l-filled tobacco appliances the nearest steamer travel was to ile kept aiwttys near at hair(, found, 1 took passage and for ten days In a Southern city wher.r it is against 'was tossed about on a sba voyage that convention for women to be out after, by steamer consumes thirty-six hours. nightfall without escorts, a party wish- `There was another passenger—a tour- ing to go to church, or to visit, -or ..to ist like myself—and the captain made walk, and having no pian to call' on, several desperate efforts to got us ne- borrows some small nephew or coursi 9 quainted, he knowing ns both, but at or neighbor for the purpose, no matter each attempt before he could pronounce how Young or how immature he may be,our names he was either called on deck and sets off satisfied now that this mas- b<F the ship gave a lurch and the intro- culine shape attends it. "Why du tion did not take place. 'B.ut do you not go out? The fresh one day, when it was so rough air will do you good," wns urged once Outside that we stayed in our bunks on sisters sc-trcvly over the first shock in the captalu'k,WW ?in, and the wind was of a bere4ement. I blowing great guilt, 'the skipper, who "We haven't decided about our mourn- had below: for sometliing, stopped inYet. It is not made up. $aome "Well, why not decide? It is suicidal "Y "You two gentlemen ought to be'lhade Por you to stay so close indoors." "Well, "Well, acquainted. Mss Smith, Mr. Brow nk ! Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith." the mantua maker suggests a tour -inch crepe border for our Henri- That is the down -east method of la- gowns, and Louisa thinks it would treldncing peopie,'and as our names were be better to have them plain. Brother Tom is to come Atlanta mentioned we each turned in our bunks thes being thekcabin. on on again from soon, and he will decide for us," ,exactlytopposl'tehersides of the Brother Tom came on and decided. But at that moment each one of us shot from his bunk as if from the He decided in favor of plain -bordered Henriettas, but, having a wife and large moutli of a cannon, and as we passed at that. family of his own to care for, it is high rate of speed we caught cacti oth- er's hand and shook it with a will, and possible that he did not give the serious consideration to the matter that it de- ' had just time to acknowledge the cap - tain's by served. His three sisters, however, one politeness saying as we flew past: of whom held his gloves and hat, while another one rubbed the obstinate spot "Glad to know you, Mr. Smith." "Delighted off his vest and listened breathlessly to to meet you, Mr. Brown." his account of his last attack of neu- ralgia, felt sure that there could be no Her Sole Qualification. other brother in the world balf so kind and sympathetic and interesting. Family c� ties are strong in the South. In the same city there is a middle- aged woman to whom rilaturity has �f L brought, apparently, only additional charm. Here is a beautiful nature, but she has never married, and why? Be- cause the man of all others whom she 1 cared for long ago her brother did not like. He was a good enough- man as men go. There were no fundamental objections to his character or social / standing, but her brother did not like him, so she gave him up. There are G, traces of such "giving up" discernible i iQ about many other Southern women to- day. Acquiescence to masculine authority does not desert tate Southern woman, even when she is a grandmother, or, perhaps, a great-grandmother. Her pride in her Ro'n's praise M her new gown or Mrs. Bagrox—Tell me, professor, will cap is almost 'girlish, and her face flush- my daughter ever become a great pi - anist? es with pleasure when he tucks the car- Herr Vogltwchnitzle—I gannet dell.' riage robes tenderly about her and ex- "But, has she none of the qualifications presses concern as to whether her sun- shade is large enough to, ward off the necessary for a good musician?" "Ach! afternoon sun, Yah, matam; she has two handts."—Puck. "Don't drive fast, Tony, mother does not like it," he charges, and although A Verret•a wine. "mother" may own Ute equippage and A man who kepT a ferret, having to the ground over which she will drive, go into the country, ]eft the ea.ge with and knows perfectly well that her orders the ferret in charge of a neighbor until might be law, she is happy, because her he should return. masculine divinity has elected to regu- The neighbor intautiously opened the late her life for her, cage door, and the forret escaped, where - If a woman holds the purse in the typi- upon the owner brought a elaini against -al Southern household, and there are him for damages. The following wns boys and girls to be eduented from the the decision of the learned County Magi- Icant funds, the utmost effort will be strate before whom the case was made to give the boys every chance. 1'he brought: girlR need advantages, too, but it is felt"No doubt," he said to the neighbor,, .hnt they could get along without them "no doubt you were wrong to open the retter than the boys. door of the cage, but," be added, turn - The native-born Southern woman en- Int, to the owner, "you were wrong, too. joys being pleasnnt. It it blind instinct Why did .you not clip the creatureN with her to smile cordlailly on the girl wings?" _ oho sells her postage stamps, and to ltter some truism to the elevator boy ' is they owing upward that will bring n shade of interest to the automatic face. Some portion of this exuberance of tent- Ask your grocer for off' when the world wra-ubs ant stsh r-, she rube against her; she learns be not Io mach in earnest and not no dependent. � JPy the gets so that she can make n telae- kdFp�3jt gr tble bargain, too, and even master the irst, the vertu first beginnings of the art !4�51a rf"pushing,' but, that femininity of hers " a rely )rests rubbed out, 'It seems to be a the bone. . , - ,, a,,, , I For Tab;e and Drlry, Put•est and Belot �i:.a�.,. :. Y': .. ... - ...'.,.�-�•V , u.... � -l�. '� a \!L,.. .. ,.. .iiirilYr/' �..l..iii:�.��.. ;a