The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-20, Page 8rum
Ta a Boy's BRIQADUr.-The Church
It You rs
not Boy'a Brigade will resume their regu.
lar meetiugs on next Thursday even. Secret ��Ir of ng.Afullattendance of all members V
Customs is requested to be on hand punctually ' -
at 7 o'clock,
LAMBS. -Last week Messrs. Hunter u r
Ours t Avery had delivered to them in Chin- ton some tw•o hundred lambs, for which Success
T will be worth your while to eome they paid $3.30 per hundred live
in sometime and take a look over weight• The lot will be dwil ed for
some of the values we are showing. the January market, and will then
We'll be glad to show you around likely be shipped to Buffalo or Eng.1 te, s
batnot a single article will be forced laud. IS NOT IN MAHZNG 1k10.NEX, ,$TIT IN�'�I.YING IT.
*It- 0 L
capon you is not our way, If the SAVE THE LIeAVEg.-Just now there ...IN-"��'�
s and prices don't impress you so ie a great surplus of leaves from the
Sat we u take tthe goodsed
numerous, big and handsome shade You can sate money. by buying our'--'--- w
,hen y trees in Clinton. The leaves are being
would rather not call you. gathered for many purposes, but there
Merit is our first consideration wheth
is no more useful purpose they can be 35c Ladies' wool Vest for - 25c
ut to than future soil for •plants.
er you buy a high orit low priced lace them in some suitable place Advertisin ' 1 ,
article -that it be good -be fully =9f or future use can or in bulk and secured. nothing A Ladies' 85e Black Kid Glove for - 65C
worth the money,-
WATER FOR FIRE. -During the past Ladies' $125 Black Kid Glove for - 85c
We are in business to make money. couple of years the Town of Clinton URING the past fifteen years we have spent
We can't make money unless we has received excellent service from
get a lot of customers. We can't Fair's pond in the way of securing , hh **-tent,
in advertising somewhere about four thous -
get the customers. unless we give practically free water for fire put -poses. Ladies $6.50 Waterproof Circulars for $3,50and dollars and this amount, to a very large ex -
satisfaction. Some stores give a A NEWS -RECORD representative Tes-
chr•onic instead but when it comes terday noticed that the pond is gust has gone to the newspaper men. This
to the use of the article satisfaction dried iib and that it requires deepen- Ladies $3.50 Wateruroof Circulars for $2.25
is better than a chromo. 'We are Ing. The Council should at once take season we are going to spend a lot of money but
sure we can give you satisfaction action, with Mr. Fair's consent. Fifty we are going to give our customers the direct benefit.
and interest you very strongly or one hundred dollars invested now Ladies 35c black wool ribbed 4ose for 25c
:Inst now in a very attractive pa- could not be better'spent. The pond At the present time we show a Stock of CLOTHING,
peterie. Each box contains a shoald be deepened beyond a doubt. FURNISHINGS, HATS and FURS, that is not
quire of good paper and two ppLadiesC Corsets
ack- ' %5for - ` -
ages of envelopes. It is, pehaps, TOMMY, THE GUIDELESS PACER. 50C equalled outside the cities and we want to let the peo-
one of the most attractive things -.This horse, owned by W. Doherty & ple know it. We have placed in our window a glass
in both price and design that you Co. and trained and managed by J. L. 2 and 3 ply Factory Yarn per lb - 45c safety money bOX C011tainln a OOd round sum of
have ever seen. It will cost you Doherty, has given remarkable exhibi- f y y g
just fifteen cents. tions of speed at Toronto, London, money and there is only one key out of the lot, which
909966so latter pl and mydgetown. At the 4 ply'►cotch Fingering Yarn per lb. - 75c has been made for us, that will fit.. Every Cash pur-
lattter lace Tommy made the mile in f
• 2.07}. J. L. arrived here on the Friday chaser ti) the amount of one dollar or over will be
a. tn. freight with the horse and
the �, D. ' Falr o' 1 stabled hire. The animal is clear- Another lot Men's all wool Sox, 2 pairs for 25C given a key free of charge and on January 3rd next,
limbed, perfect, and very intelligent. I you can brie our keys and if you have the. one that
CLINTON. It followed its master from the car and ream Silk Lace, 211 in. wide, 10c. r y your y
along the streets like a well-trained Searle Goodsa`yd, 3and 5 inch, 15c. a ard. will open the box you can take the contents home with
Agents Parker's D,ye Works. dog. The horse is indeed a noble ani- y you. Somebody will be lucky enough to get a sum of
mal and Tommy is one of the best
trained and swiftest to be found. money that will buy a loth of goods and everybody has
The Huron News—Record MUNICIPAL BY-ELECTIONS.—In con_ New - York an equal chance.
1.26 a Year -81.00 in Advance sequence of the resignation of Deputy 11
Reeve Cooper and Councillor Searle Snaps Picked up by our Buyer in VItieago
proclamations have been issued calling
for nominations in the town hall on
Mens Linen Collars, the latest Our Case of the latest colorings
Friday evening of this week from 7.30
to 8.30 o'clock. If a poll is demanded ®� doable he or 3 for 25c, worth in Mena and Boys' Hats and
LOCAL NEWS• the election will be a week later at double the money. Caps bought at such low
prices that, they cannot be
the same hour and places as the last equalled by any one in the
—w--- municipal election. If there is to be This week we show the latest styles Out in c' Men's Duck Mitts, 15c, worth 35c,
In and Around the Hub, a contest a test vote should be taken � , + just the thing for the stone -
on the library site. The market, many Ladies? Walking and Sailor Hats. You'll mason, laborer, farmer, or an Last week we advertised Leath -
contend, is not the proper location. In y er Braces at; 35c, sold any -
miss it
fact the Council itself is about equally miss it if you fail t0 see our Millinery Dis- body who wants something to where at 50c, and they are
save their bands. sellin like hot cakes.
WANTED. -Potatoes, "A.pples, Pears. High- divided in opinion, and we are perfect- play, and save money if you buy from us. g
4st price paid.-CANTELON BROS. ly satisfied the great majority of In Underclothing our "Leader"
_ electors would vote against the market Men's Kid Gloves, 50c, worth $1, at 25c and the ^Jubilee" at 50c
site. Let the people have a say and without exception the great- are, without exception, the
THE LAST of RED ROBIN. -From decide. The Great Millinery Emporium. est value ever offered and greatest value ever offered to
the big chapge in the atmosphere last goods that cannot be equalled a shrewd buying public and
Saturday and the song of the robin, MEDICAL MEETING. One of the best fur the money., they are selling at a great rate.
we are led to believe we have heard meetings ever held by the Huron Med- „
the last song of the robin for 1887. ical Association was on Nervous Die- •��a/����0w� •�����o��O�O
eases at the Housbi of Refuge, Clinton,
A Goov OATCH.-The other day at on Wednesday last. The Association
the residence of Mr, James Howson has adopted a new method of assign- TT7 . u • BEESLEY & Jackson
eight mice were caught at once in a assign-
ing a class of diseases to each meeting; \r(`r, 11
trap set .in the pantry. So many in this one was devoted to nervous dis-
one catch would prove a relief to many eases, led by an exhaustive address by
a. housekeeper. Dr. Gunn Clinton, illustrated by cases L :.
supplied) by the attendknt doctors. s CLINTON.
GOING TO LONDON. -Mr. Geo. M. Gunn, had devoted a great deal of THE LADIES'FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT.
Kilty, so many years a resident of and time to the paper, which he illustrated pleele
successful teachher at Summerbill, by drawings and descriptive diagrams. CLINTON..
lettves early in January for London, The Association is the b> t in the
where he will study for the ministry. province so Dr. Nesbitt of Toronto I °
He has many friends who will regret said and he attended all of them as Succnes.-Each year the Toronto
his, contemplated removal and will representative of a medical.journal. University offers to the first year ` oo
wish him well in his new sphere. In The subject of next meeting is Diseas- students a prize known as the "Bank-
the past THE Nrws-REcoRD has been es of Stomach. Those present were ers Scholarship." The professors set a �,✓
a.sincere friend of the gentleman and Drs. McKay, Burrows, Bethune, Me- paper and the students competing are 1
today he still has our very best wishes Ginnis, Seaforth; Case, Dungannon; i equired to write to take a very bigh
for future success. Mr. Kilty is a man Campbell, Zurich; Kennedy, Wing- percentage in order to compete. The S
of future promise and we have every barn ; Smith and Wood, Mitchell; fortunate student who won the
reason to believe he will be successful Woods and Stanbury, Bayfield; Nes- scholarship this year was E. N. Cooper
in more than the ordinary sense in his bitt, Toronto ; Hunter, Shannon and of Clinton. He is a student of great
chosen calling. While we could not Taylor, Goderich; Agnew, J;pndes- promise and we are glad to know it Car
las matters politic, that bora ; Rosa, Auburn ; McKenzie, has fallen to him to bring the honors 0 _ \�y we should dgree Moncton; Shaw, Turnbull a.nd Gann, our way.- ���ters, and we trust ho Clinton. Next meeting in Januarytlr eminent success in his when the election of a representative THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. -Mr. A.
new field of labor. for the Council will be before the Schrenk, who recently Nought and (((
CLINTON TALENT APPRECIATED. asdOciatiOn• took possesion of the Commercial " t. I� To make a long story short we've got too many Carpets, more than
-The following from the Seaforth Hotel, Clinton, has had the extensive we care to have at this time of the year. For this reason we an _
Sun refers to two professional IJDIToas AND EDITORIALS. -The premises remodeled, repainted and re- - %3ry A nounce today a special sale of Carpets at greatly reduced prices.
i ladies who are well-known to Editor of a newspaper never takes the furnished. The decoration and re-
NEws-RECORD readers, and who took public oath of office, yet his duties are novating has for some days been in ° a i ° If you are thinking of carpeting a room this fall you can't afford
part at the concert in Seaforth last as important as those of any other the hands of Messrs. Fisher and i �LI (1 L_ to mise this chance. If you are planning to carpet one" pest
week: -Madame Wall and Miss Free- official in the land. His power for Bowers and they have artistically ` a � `e\ 0
born both sang well, and under more god or evil is as great ae that of a worked a wonderful change. The spring you'll save money buying now.
favorable circumstances, would com- judge, privy councillor, or the member hotel is now one of the best all-round'J
eland agood house. The former has a of an administration. He requires the hostelries to be found. Mr. Schrenk(}ood quality tapestry Carpet, Best Brussels Carpet, quality that I Best quality Union Carpet made,
voice of good compass and clear enun- same judicial qualifications, the same is experienced in the hotel business ineilium ground, nice pattern, will wear for years, the best filling nearly all pure wool, a
ciation, while the latter has one of the high moral sense, the same lofty ideals and thoroughly understands the re• one that looks well and will goods"we carry; regular line $1 good range of patterns, goods
sweetest and best cultivated voices as any other public man. He is the; guirements of the general public, and wear; our regular 50c line........ 3flc that are sold all over at 75c. for
ever heard in Seaforth. The Exposi- guardian of the morals of the com- all will wish him well in his new home. g Yard wide Union Carpet, good Carpet sale .... . ................. 58e
for also says: -Madame Wall. of Clin- murnty, of the rights of the great pattern ._ .. . ..................... 2tc
ton, created a most favorable impres- body of citizens; consequently, in his Several patterns it better tapestry, H cavy all wool Carpet, mostly
TIIANxsGIVING SERVICES. -'Thanks- qualities that will wear and keep Heavier quatlity Union Carpet, dark colors . .. 78e
sion by her singing, and her selections own mind, his oath of office, to which St. Paul's their good appearance for years; good colors and pattern, just the
were thoroughly appreciated. She is he alone is a witness, should be just as giving services were held in UU
a most aecomplidhed singer, with an binding, just as sacred as if it were church last Sunday and Mondayy and our regular 75c line .............. 52c thing for bedrooms; our regular Best Wool Carpets, standard made,
were well attended. Rev. Mr. Jeanes 40c lino ......................... . 29c ity, the best wearing goods made,
excellent voice. The singing of Miss taken in public. The writer o, politi- of Listowel reached both morning bark and light grounds in�tapes- colors fast, it good range of
Freeborn, of Stratford, wits fully ap- cal editorials does much to mould the p g g 1 Heavy Union Carpet, reversible, patterns .......... . .............. 90c
preciated, and although her voice minds and opinions of those who read and evening. In the afternoon he try Carpets, patterns and colors dark and light colorings in gtial-
preached a very plain and etYective good; guaranteed to wear, our ity that will wear, goods that Several ends of heavy English `
lacks volume, it is sweet, and her se- his remarks. He can influence both sermon to the children, one which the regular 60c line .................. 47c have been 50c.................... 40e Linolium suitable for small halls,
lect•ions were appropriate the voter and the legislator, and his smallest child could understand and g q Y•
power is greater than either. The re 85c s aid....... 55c
THE STREETS. -During the past sea- politics of any nation are no better which older heads might profit by. Tapestry stair Carpet, best quality, A special line of Union Carpets, Axrninister Ruga 24x56 inches,
son many streets in town have been and no worse tnan the editorial open- On Monday evening Rev, D. Williams J yd wide; our regular 75c line... 57c the newest patterns and colors, fringe at ends, worth $1.50...... $1
greatly improved by a more liberal use ions of that nation's newspapers. The of Stratford preached the sermon. goods that have the appearance C
of the road machine, Just now several pi,litical editor is the policeman who Rev. Cannon Dann, owing to illness, One pattern only in Brussels Car- of all wool. We have too many Axrninister Dor Mats, fringed all
teams are quite busy delivering gravel prevents the destruction of political was unable to be present. The choir, pet, regular fl5c.................. 75c and they are marked to........,. 50c round, worth easily bOc.......... 39c ±i
in which there is a considerable quanti- uprightness and righteousness; corse- under the able leadership of Miss a
ty of stone. We would have thought guently he must reeds be always vigi- McHardy, assisted by Madame Wall, > We are doing, the Carpet trade of this section now, at these Special Sale Prices we're
the authorities would have acted wise- lint and watchfuleeds b rendered some very choice seise bound to et more of it. If ou want Car ets we're making' it you well to buy h,1@•:!'`;?
ly in profiting by the advice of Govern- tions of music at each of the g y p b py y y
went lecturer Campbell, who spoke THE EDITOR'S LUcic.-Many years services. On Monday even- 1 p g
in Clinton last springon the proper ing Madame Wall and Miss Curtains �' vV a excel ln� lace this season. New thin
P P ago the writer made the acquaintance . T constantly arriving and we show
way to make good roads. The several of Robert McMurray, a Goderich Herman sang a duet and Madame Dress GOOCZS. week new
column official report was published township farmer. He hits heen a Wall sang a solo, which were well exe-
in this paper. To build our roads to faithful patron of THE NEwe-RECORD cuted. The church was beautifully A few special bargains in Lace and Sailors, Walking Hats,
he of lone best under the existing cir- as far back as we can remember and is decorated with grain, fruit, flowers Chenille Curtains. Birds a9ifl " Wings,
cu f thele tandbut ravel should and autumn leaves. On Monday even- E never NaCl as gold a Fancy Trimmin
nothing g one of our valued patrons to -day and in Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins of Sea -
first be spread, and broken or crush- pitys as he goes. He removed, how g Ecru and White Lace Curtains 3J stock of Dress Goods, never For a stylish hat at a- tlderate
ed stone afterwarks. The large stones ever, to the good township of Morris forth and Rev. Higley of Blyth were yds long, taped edges, new pat -
should be broken at the pit and then resent and took part in the service. $1.48 had such stylish materials, price, our special ready trimmed hat at
hauled in and spread. The annoyance and for some years has resided near p terns, regular $1.fl0..........
l Yi Belgrave. We are pleased to note The Rector, Rev. J. F. Parke, asked for never had such good ValUOS `Z• `Z� has no equal.
and inconvenience to the general pub- that he is doing well and that occas- $ to he applied to church purposes
lic from large stones on our public ionally he can find time to personally and more than this amount was con- Ecru Lace Curtains, 3J yds long, as we show to -day. LITTLE THINC><s •
streets should be considered by our cull on old friends. Last Saturday he tributed. This speaks well for the taped edges, regular $2........ $1.55 Double fold tweed effects and fancy The little things you're wanting
Council, and permanent road -making rose early, drove to Clinton, and scent- liberality of the members of the mixtures, warm serviceable every day are bought beat here.
ehould also receive every possible ed two and a half tons of bran and church. White Lace Curtains, extra anal- goods . ........................ 17e. Hair Pins per paper..............., 20
practical attention. shorts at Fair's mill. He brought ity, 3t yds long, taped edges, , Hair Pins, 75 pins, 4 different
I. O. G. T. NOTES. -There will be with him several mammoth pumpkins Brief Town Topics. regular $2.75 ..... . ..... ..... $2.15 Fancy Tweeds, 40 inches wide„sty)- kinds in a box... , , • , • .. • • 5c
p ish and serviceable............ 35c.
an open meeting held in the Temper- and presented ye editor with one of The roads leading to Clinton should Fancy Boucle effects, Blue, Red, Safeny tPioxB', dozen, assorted sizes 6c
ance ball this coming.Friday evening, them, so that we are sure to be well be improved. Extra fine Tapestry Curtains in Brown, Green mixed with
Oct. 22, commencing at 8 ,o'clock. A provided in the pie line for several shades of terra cotta and green, Good Pins, 2 papers ................ Gc
cordial invitation is extended to all. weeks to come: Mr. McMurray= -who, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart re- fringe to and bottom, regular black, extra value .. 50c.
• turned yesterday from a pleasure trip B p g Diamond Jubilee Pins, asgux d t
As the order has in the past always by the way, is agood and faithful $6 goods .................... . • . $4.78 Nobby effects ur fancy Fernet � � �
had splendid open meetings, this one Tory -happened with at mishap on the to New York and other points. Dress Goode, no two dresses sizes m paper..........,.;, 6c
is Altre to be. equal if not better. The way home. He did not notice the loss We regret to learn of the serious Good quality Tapestry Curtains, alike, from $Geis to $S thedrese. Scientific n ..................'.... Ge
programme will he as follows:- of one of the tires from one of the illness of Mrs. H. R. Walker. The Toilet Pins .......... ,,,•:: gC
Mr. Houston, Chairman ; green and fawn . .............. . $8.75 Thimbles ........ .. , , , , , 2
Miss wagon wheels and hada break, -down. family were called to the bedside. .�
Harland, solo ; recitation, Miss After some delay he secured a wagon Detective Murray of 'Toronto, We are'
New Millinery. Garter Elaskie:.:..... •.......:...�.. Go
J. Shannon; club swinging by members from Mr. B. Churchill and arrived assured, was in this neighborhood IJeavy,Uhenille Curtains, dado top The newest styles, combined with "Rapid Hook and Eye,” easy to
of the Collegiate Institute; Earl Seale, home safely at 9 p, m., returning Monte quite recently working on an Alleged and bottom, heavy fringe, in red, moderate. pr ices, are making our show- I sew an, easy to hook, easy to
• dialogue in costume; Quartette dap. In the meantime the wagon and murder ease, and it is said he has fawn and green, special value.... $3.25 room the popuhtr millinery shopping. un000k, per dozen . , ..... , ,i , be
songg, ,
h Mr. N. ich, H. Rourke and Misses wheel had been thoroughly repaired enough ground to work upon. ���tl��i������wO�����t►��•
R Miller and Goodwin; Miss Aikam, solo; by John Leslie, the old reliable and There will be a grand trap shooting
Ise. C. Hoar, music- on the ,qq lasses; famous wagon maker of Clinton, and match at Smith's Hill on November
proceeded on the return journey. We
Mrs. Chown solo; recitation, Miss M, P 5th. Trap shooting for pigeons, target
Mr. Mc nrray M
Go dwiu; Kindergarden songs by the were right glad to meet shooting for ducks, geese and turkies.
"Wee Tote;" N. Yellowlees, instru- and trust he may often come to C1ln- The match will commence at 10 ai in, HODGE'NS BROSImental; also some excellent addresses. ton and have better luck on the return ta.,nd will be one of the beat of the sea.
Silver collection at the door, journey. C:I: TAT
son. V«i,-/X r D- Co, w •" w