The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-20, Page 6M( The Hoven Nees-Reeora 31.1Bu Feat--sl,ocin Advance- -" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Zl1th, 18fYr The Lumber Question. A prominent luniberrnall, whli'hais lame lumber interests hoth in Callatda rho the United States, is quoted by The Globe Lo show th,tt if Canada ollly asserts herself she will yet obtain fair play from the United States. Accord- ing to this gentleman, the agitation fu the Canadian press while the Dingley t+.tri.: was under discussion had the effect, oil the occasion of the $c•cond vote in the Senate, of changing (lie propost•d duty from $2 to $1 per Omits - and. 1t was this agitation, the active movement of Canada, assisted by tuen on the American side, who feared the slaw, log export duty, which brought about i his reduction. The Senate rati- fied again the vote fur a $1 duty, and sent the lrl.rifi bill to c•orlference, front which it, enleeged, unfoltuuutely, with a $2 rates fixed oil white pine lumber. This watq opposed to the wish of the Senate, thete heing it citiar' u)iijority of not less t hain ten votes against over $1 (tut.y, but to vote down Lite report of the Conference Comrnittet• wits to voLe down the tariff hill itself, and hence, the polttical situation heing critical, the $2 rate was accepted by the Sen. ate. Such Senator's as Senator Mur rill of Vermont statedat this juucturethat he was i en.IV to vote for free white 1)fuo, or $1 duty, but h . could not see his way to vote against the bill itself, for the situation demanded It tariff bili. It is contended, in short, that the $2 duLy does not represent the true opin- ion of the Senate, It became law through the strategy of those who were interested in securing the higher rate of duty. This wits exactly the view taken f)V this journal at the titue. We. strongly urged the Government to adopt it mailly polic•V on that occasion. and if it had (lone so we believe the 32 rate would never have been imll)osed. But the advantage which eve. Faule.rl to secure by reason of our chicken-hear- ted policy wo tua,y yet, achieve if we will onlV stilfen our back -hone air,d have confideuce in ourselves, The country is loudly cluniorilig for Sir Wilfrid Laurier to make use ( tie weapons which have been placed in his hands. The country is un•inirnonsly 11) favor of retaliation by the hil- position of n $2 export dutV on sates logs. The New York Lumber Trade Join nal recently sent it correspondent through Canada. Writing on the feeling of Canadians on this question he saws :- The writer travelled through a considerable pi )tion of Can- ada in two weeks, and tested the senti- went of prominent business men con- cerning the $2 3uty on lumber in the Dingley hill, and found that the senti- ment is strongly fn favor of retaliation by the Privy Council issuing an edict that all tirnher, cut in the Dominion must he manufactured in Canada. It this is done, it will seriously affect, the Saginaw River and Eastern Michigan, wheree the mills are largely dependent. on Canadian logs. Tile Globe is being forced, t.hrou¢h stress of publie opinion, to favor a poli. cy of retaliation. Why does Sir Wil- fird delay taking action when the wi•ole country will approve of it. IIEALTHY STOMACR! FLOORS ON THE FARM EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS TO MAKE ONE OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Tho Toole Regulr6d Are Few and L'siolly Iruadled Tho Way to Go About the Job-Provivions For Drairla ge-The t:e111e1It to Ub". The tools xlcctiod abide front a ishuvel lace, 11•un ralae l- au"/t• utit'r-, u.yd,ll" Leonel Oil a faral, tine u guo i plust, re,l \ truwel, it straagut cage u, esu,,,, u, lwt- t.c•re,ll lellg.n lu lSlella l;rltl Veij, acrusa the 11001! or puatluu ut hour to uu I"', I, it nlat,tla b fe,Io, to g,Vu WILt1 til,' .•i, ul, Wk- . tiaighl edge It stupe to toe flu"r Au LALs llg'lli dilletioll, au,, a, 1i1111111,_ IUAi11 uaadc ul it large pies of hatu wood ttae.• to three unit u„e,ua1T fet•t 1t lea„lh Sulaett uh squai,u' auti pruvwed N%I tU ;t haudle, trade by 1.0011111,� au au,;(•r hole tIlruugu the Up1h•1• eud anti ill. e.tilig t m naw pitee ut \\u,va about si\t '."., i C-116 Lug. A uctu r hrlilhig uiaul is 111-ty by uswg it piece of seuntliag o. po-,t witil a pure of hurts wuuu plaint tigut or it", ii:chea Square ap.ked lwrosci the cud 'Ilid pruv.dod with a hautuie us ubuvc. If the flour is to b,' sutllcc, ry Srusts, provision must be nl,,tlo fu dr.i..- lt„c autl a fouuda[iotl of flung four t,, eight inches of weld null gravel sh•:aod be la-i,l befolo th.• eonberet.• i; aid under any cfreualstaace, t.ti i, ui three inches of sabn,l alto gn,vel rake ,moods is au adv;ultatge said ad,.s g e,lov to eh; durab;loy of t it, , Alit- Ll.ck it,v.< of n), al, ho.11 as to coierete .110 dust, ur smooth upper cunt, rhokibl bi, deteruliued au that the amount. u: 111.t- torial nekided inay be ascertained. '1•h LKwt stable flour requires from two and Ont -11111C to three 111L1e,; of ruicxcto auul it top coat of froui one4lolf to threo- fourths of tin itch in tit ekuess. This trinkos it strong,`lttrable floor and one :It which the couetete and cent, lit layer Is uiA lia l.At• to bwatk up with ominary "t . tie Uhl ab vt• th citness one balxrcl of Portland cenu'ur will lay seven or o,,ht square, ,vard.s and will r/quire mbnut :even trots as much rand and gra,el as crm t•n t. I if 'pos:b!e the bc,t Port hind cement anil it' that is not to b' liml tested Auwricau. For the concrete get k'ravel in wh!eh the mixture with th^ lieblalos is Cleaa•, 811111111) Saud, Lot the' baud for the top (Y)ant lie Mho ch-drest n.itd shnriv,st that cast be procured, a; the preseuco of eartthlly matiiials ten•l, to lossc irtho durahf!ity or tae flour. It mixing the concrete, add to seven tonne of fine gravel front which till the stones m:oro than two or two anal a half ineha, in d'nmeter have been xomovc-d, one part of Portland efillIent and thoroughly mix by shovolin;t and coking to;;etih r. This inix;mg cannot be too cart full,, do::e its the uniform tex0ire or tho cmiervtr depends upon its thoroughness. \dd enough waiter to moisten, n`t wet t.hr mus while the latter part of •the mix n•, iv going on, bearing in m'nd that rho eencrete is of the rlsht C nsiste ,Cy wh•'li if prr:ssed in the ,hanAs it wild paclr into it nm&,; without any exce,.s (if moi tul- showing. When tho eoveretc' re terse this state tt is mlety to be laid -For the Top coat odd to three parts ref clear, Sharp. nifto(1 sand, one part of I'nrtinnd cement, mix asci add Rater gitftleicmt to make a gavel imortatr. or PI•+tter such as ivt•e1!d he nsrd in plaste;; a rinGist(-rn• 7'hk should b' thin enorr,h To spry ad t•venly and srr:Oothly kilt wit so 'hill rh"t it will run, iSa marc lye ,efth^r c al vhould he ui'xed than con be t;sod iv ih- irn wn hour or so an(d it is bettor• to hav' it iised inside of the hour 'rater it :s mixed. If the wl+ole- flror i5 to be latid at one:), hnvo .permanent-rridcq set at tie rf:;bt 1144, 111 to t6vo the prolx r thiekncss at Noor or thtit of the concrote phis the to i c'•at, sn that the '4tt.I;g:lit e 1ge miry rest on thong and thus show where' the flour has been hill to the propor th`l knots. HAPPY Zr.\N! - ,oTuING FYPERISTrNT- V the area to he laicT is la1-ge, it is hct- AL ABOUT['SING'11IU GRL.t'C SOUTH ter to have a movahrr gnille wWeh may A\IL1tICAN Nri.It\-INE-ii•IIA'r IT HAS he sot let •tn}• ponce and lfritit °jirrrtian rA flnor to fill witft corc••ete to the neces- DONE FOP, THOUSANDS IT C.\N Do Polo Fury dop,li. roping levo] 'rind beatine YO (J. firm nnrl r!o:e with. the maul. Be sin) Ant i, iq all ev,mly firmcvl an•l edrlsf,ly for( -A tagMher :end eomr: i\•'th,In thro- f,,nr•ths ler half nn inch of Uho straight ed¢o. No)Nv mix the top Mat and put in pinre. r•o^niarine th,, depth by drawing; ilio slrnirht edge a]•,nc th,- rnlrina an -1 Iln-,Yne the extra rement hefor" it, Al - 14.w th eema let to heeomr sligbih, di -or nn flip tr,n than when jilgt laid, then trrw(il smooth. Tt• rincir•ihh' to havo the flnor in bla•ks nnctnnrl of in ane solid %)-it,. it na.n N rnndit;y done br rntlinir On lint, thrr,ti- li 'the railr,•nto whnro franked with not (ill] .,” nn l fil'in•_• 1t wail tire, a'n( l airs wIi--n th,• top M;It i, t'f)wrlyd smnnth cntiinc it ti-ol-h h• the wmd with thl+ s•orner of the trowel. Tho nl lwn dirert.iena nre far Portland rrmi ler. Tf Amer•enn iq ng(.'1 olif, nm')tlnt of s•tnal and gravel will prob•)hh• need to he not mare than our-hnif or ono - third as mnrh as th.;tt ;Given. 1JERE ARE STRON(i wORI)8 FROM .% RELIABLE nUSI\WSS DTnN---REAT) TIIEM. �- I have been it great sufferer from in- dig"t.ion and dyspepsias. I tried tnany remedies, hitt obtained very little r( - lief. 1 saw South American Nervine advertised, and concluded to give it It triad, and I must, say I consider it the very hest medicine i have ever used. I oflt.ained great relief front the first few doses. I have only used two hot - ties, and ani happy to vary it hats made it new main of Ine. I strongly recom- ruend it to fellow-suffer•el's.11 C. PEARCE, Dry Goods Merchmit, For- est, Ont. -Sold by Watts & Co. News Notes. The Ontario Government Tivisday voted $5,00) for the relief of the stiffer- It rli a very Complicated and Delicate ers front bush fires in the eastern coup- 4trur(ure, ties' The organ of dcfensn which worker The new Liberal Spanish Cathinet ap- bees passes Is a very compl•cated str;•.- proves of tilt: idea of employing native volunteers against the insurgents in Cuba. The Norwegian Parliament has adopted a new schedule • of duties. which will hit rather heavily some at ti- tles of export from Canada. The Montreal Witness severely criti- cise) Mr. Tarte for his delay in dealing with the plans for the harbour iui- proveunents. The Dominion Government will re- serve the heavy tfmher belts between the western bonndai.ry of Manitohaand the suntrnit of the Rockies. At the session of the Methodist Episcopal Conference fn Buffndo it \vas decided not to adroit to the ministiv Mr. T. R. Orme, oil the ground that h� wits a Canadian. It. is reported.t.hat a case of glanders has heel found in it horse bonded in England front Montreal. The matter is now being investigated by Lhe Cana- dian authorities in LondoA. The Central Relief Committee in Ot- tawa for the sufferers by fire in Russell and Prescott counties, finding that the losses are heavier than at first sup. posed, have issued an urgentappeal for more funds. Lord Aberdeen bits received from the Colonial Seeretae� d message which in- tirnates thatthh members of the Cana- dian jubilee contingent must wear the medals presented by the Queen when- ever they are do parade. A Glanford farmer named Gen. Mar• shall was found dead early Tuesday, morning on the road between Hatuil- ton and [its home. He iva9 heneath WO; rig, the dashboard of which was lying owross the dead roan's neck, and had diflde nn ugly wound. Mtn. R. W. Scott., Do(ufnion Secre- ttcr�of State, is very sanguine ns to the deveiopinent of Canadian trade with Great Britain. He expects that before long this country can sell annually fifty million dollars' worth of butter and cheese to Great Britain. THE STING OF A BEE. i , F o, 0 ' 8 E. 0 9 J ,r� lei " CAa " �N A STRUCTURE OF A BEE'S STiNG, tare. The sting is composed of two highly tloliaherl, whnrp hnnow'spoar3 0) lancets, BB, and an awl, A, as portray (,d ill the cut, held firmly together b} pro,foetionR T of the centra.] One, fit into grooves T on the sides of tint other two. Those Imirets lying togethei form a tube bet•wecm them. The central Innee, A, sometimes Callled the nth: nth is larger than the other Anil has cylin(Mical reservoir S at its base whic} connects with the'poison sac, C, by Mi tube M, and below by n slit with the tube made by the jufnhnr of the thio P lnnrets. The maller )aweetq, RR, havi at their bases peculiar va'vos, Ern. Th4 i• lxlints are barbell. UTd, In the sections drawing, which also Shows the tnbe It the lancet, florid the Openin-gs, 00, con nerting the 'tube with the ext. rior. Tbt-pi barbbs eaten and hold, eaushig the stint to be left in when it is used. The poi eon is driven thr(nrgh the openings and through the tuile formers by the lance Into the object stung. This poison is al geld fluid whieh the 1mP weretes n.nt stores in the sac 0. Reing ncid, an III kali, as ammolv'a or finds, w(II neutralia it wid help to all alp the gain and awe] ling.-PArm cul Home. TWO BACHELOR GIRLS iM PARIS. I — Polster. For lilalds Who ConternplutO dtudy at the Frer►ch CopLtal. A writer In The New Yurk Post Kfves the experience of two oachelo• g;rla Lu Paris: I On the Boulevard C,raribaldi, in the �I , Latin (quarter, not far from the 9U0 de Sevres, where the faurous beauty of Napuleou's court, Alwo. Recaruier, AT,AR�H once lived, we found a suite of four roams, consishi'ag of two bedruoms, a combined parlor and diniug-muni, and �� the tiniest (d kitchens, with tiled, floor. Q and dado, white cement sink, and run- ' Ming water -.that is, it run while you kept your pressure un the faucet, for Notbbg equal to it for clearing no such Wholesale waste of water 930s the head and cleansing the air on in thrifty Patds as in New York. [nor passages. Gives instant relief for these,thurnishcd, we pelts 50 Yrau%sper cold in the liead. Cures incipient I would suggest to those with whom Catarrh in a few days; Chronic econ(uuy is an object that It is far Catarrh in one to three months. cheaper to rent umfllrnished rooms and purchase your own furniture, even AN A specific for Hay Fever„ w short it stay as six mouths (nod in MR. JAS. sPENCE,CLAcaeN,ONT., Paris apartmen-U; aIle not rented for a writes: " I had been a sufferer from shorter term). Floors are of hardwood, Catarrh for 15 years. I spent lots of beautifully waxed, and the few ruga re- money and tried several doctors, also quired can be as artistic and its eustly aCatarrh Specialist in London, Ont, At last 1 was directed by the ad - j vertisements and testimonials I read 1 - to try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I i•- used S boxes, and a complete cure was effected." „ Price, complete with blower. 20 Cts, Sold by all dealers, or &dman.on, Halog d: Co., ". Togofito, Onr, .. ... ... Decrease in file Revenue. 1'AINTINU A DUTCH PEASANT. --`- S11I1'P1N(i AT MONTREAL IIAS FALLEN as your purse «ill avow, to be takeL OFFTHIS YEAR. hume as"artist's hoods'" free of duty, - it yunl ha.ppeu to have all artist fur it , churn. Alady whoul we mct going out The total revenue for the had a huge Japauase ru., which bile Port of Montreal for the yens to u..,ed nlost effectively for herself :Ind Oct. 1 was-$154,0co, against $11,two cuanliuuiuna as a steamer Tug, lud OW for the same period of last iuteuded later for the flour of her large year. Fur the purpose of comparison sonlbluation studio, psu•lur and obaalblrr it should be noted that the 1 educt ion of in Paris. The snide may be sail of 20 per, cent. in the tariff came into couch covers, purtieree, cud window cur. force on Jnne'�. Up to Oct. I there tsius, which take up little ro ala nu p ctt- arrived 573 st.eauiships, with a towage ing, and which, except in fni,n-p:':ced of 1,037,8x4 tons, and 38 sailing ships, furnished rooms, would Ile •-on.s•picllotis by their absence. Very pwith a ouof 1U,U1fl; a atnst 121 t•etty 13agd.t;1 t sels g drapery stuffs, fifty incht!, wide, utr-, be steamships, 026,286 tons, and 32 sailing found at the Bon March,• fur :»1••turn ships. 15,223 tous, for 1896. The nutn- a yard. These make adnl i%ible ,lead of- her of inland vessels that arrived in fec:tive pordoros, or, Ifiln•1 with :1 5J Montreal port front the openin, of cent gray woollen blank,::, i w,11•))1 un,i navogation up to October 1, were as artistic floor rug. follows; 1894, :30182; 1805, :3541; 1806, Two iron cots, with 11050 100 luxuri• 3771; 161)7, 3'0,1. ous mattresses cost *U each; .1 c•nrple Of easy wicker chairs, $2 n:pioco; four - - `--�• -- er five ]f;htrush-bottouut id; s, GO CRVEL SCIATICA. cents each; a round r11an.1„ ley- tnined --_ pmc ttibIc, $2; a small kitchen table and INCESSANT PAIN-TORMENTED-RACK- araolher for side table in the dining- --ED LIFE DESPAIRED OF. roots (these second-hand at 60 ' cents each), with perhugls $4 or $5 slxut fn John 1larshlLll, Varney, P. 0., C . of kitchen utensils and china, will com- (xrey, writes these strong wu,ds: plcte the furuisbings for a pair with "For two e rs I leas completely lain Even for two lune woanon the ser- tip ruodest ideas as to their menage. with sciatica, I doctored without !ant question had to be considered. but any permanent relief. I had given tip in Paris. the problem is easily solved, ;hope. A friend saw the notice of a Every one is your friend; the smllia% cure of what seemed a parallel case little boulangere who hands you your to aline, by South American Rheutua- bread with "V'la, madame: merci, mail- Lie Cure, and knowing niv little faith ame: bonjour, madame;" the pretty girl in the efficacy of any rennedy, he gro- at the laiteric; the curly-haired garcon at cured it bottle hituself and brought, it the bonc•herfe, all stand ready to xive to rue• I Look it., and to make a ))lug you voluble information; ami hel'wo(tn story short, it saved t life. lu a them fs evolved the brown eyed Pcvlmr (lar or so 1 was out of bed and in three de menage lube for his sous an hour y + tidies up your rooms (aily, days I was able to walk to Durharn, 'There is still room for the genius of It distance of four mild, to pnrchase some one wide it practical and culinary' another Mottle. I stn now entirely turn of mind in the line of marked-wr cured." -Sold by Watts Rif Co. and cooking, blit the fo-nner is pure and unadulterated bliss, mingled with profit, —' — if you tire in search of an added profi- The Villitges of Casselman, South In- ciency in "lit belle langur," and the latter dial), and Chency, in Russell County, is reduced to its lowest tome by the have been destroyed by bash fires rrmipldant gats company, who will put which have beet) raging in that, vicinity you in a gas cooking range tree, and for two or three days. Five liv(,: wall supply gas at such unflreeedented have been lost in the fia�rues, . and the rates that your file) in this line will cost destitution and sufferings of the sur- searce four francs a month. Vegetaolex vivo).$ are described as very severe. in their season are remarkably cbeap- A train was caught between the fires great white heads Of cauliflower ,cll;ng and the engineer had to trove tip arid for from Brix to ten Bons; mushmom)s-- down the track for hours to escape the ah! rine nnust live in Faris unles$ one 1 is the possessor of it hortnnatus' purse, Names. to revel in this delien(n-tho finest anti — whiti•st selling at front 10 to 20 Ceuta KIllNP:Y WAR. .pound, ncrmvlinor to the season, whielt seers to lm pretty rnur•li the year rountL '-- Ment is Mstiv. Tint], if yon make sure HOW INSIDIOUSLY IT \i'AGES, BUT IfOw you are not buying hoiw. very good. QVI(K TIE SURRENDER, AND HOW It is Unite poFs}ble to furnish a well- •I'IIIS FT,A(a OF TRUCE 1S EIURRIISDLN sproad bwrd for two persons an an al- HOISTED iwllilN' TIIAT GREAT GEN Ell lnwanoo of from ;hili to $20 a month. AL, SOUT11 AMERICAN KIDNEY CURIO Rut yon most not arrow yaar fa.ncy to TURNS HIS (TUNS ON THE DISEASE. wander from the safe t;rorrrd of ,pllfn _.-- livi.ng. Paris calces and pastry, if cheep, This is whatJan.os Sullivan, of Chan are a snare and a delusion. harp, Ont., writes: "For years 1 was it Misg Flhel Irarrylttere,great sufferer trom Kidney trouble. The disease became so acute that I Miss Ethel Barrymore, who has been was confined to the house, and was received with such favor in London, greatly inflicted with insomnia. I was lxlth fn her own siliall part in "The Se cret Service" and when she took that Persuaded sifter nsinn matey other re of her "overstudy," bliss Odette Tyler, inedies without relief to procure it Moc- has been enrolled in Irving'e coo vany. tie of South Arnerivan Iiidney Cure. She is, as is well known, the dannghter I. had relief almost front the first dose, of Manriee and Georgie Drew Barry- I have persisted in its use, and after more, the real surname being Blyth, itsing six hott.les I ata well and sti ong dropped for professional and, -it must be again. I can work fourteen hours out confessed, inexplicable reasons, since it, of twenty-four and fell very little, if is quite as effoctit•e a stage nain,e as any, fatigue. It is the best medicine I Barryinore. Hyphenated, it. wou. 1 Ile have ever used." -Sold by Watts & Co, still more taking;, and "hiss Rarrynrlre- Blyth" would be a ronande yer gcnlnne p title. A representative gathering of On. Ethel .Barrymore has great beauty, tario lumbermen met in the Toronto] graciousness of manner, „blob has the Board of Trade Wednesday and pass• advarrta.ge of being Fpont, nevus good lea- eel resolutions asking that the Ont'tric ture, tact, generosity, and what is better Government enforce the manrfacturE than all for it public ,personage --snag• within Canada of all logs cut under netism. She has been a favorite Prom the moment she appeared upon the do, Government license, ane. that an ex port duty be placed on logs and spruce designed for the manufacture of pulp wood. 11'arte :s Crookedness. Arather per -ti ncntquestionis ask (4 of Mr. Tarte by the Ottawa Citizen It is in this wise. When Mr, Tart( was asked in the court how much hE had received from the Lfberarparty, h( replied: -"From the subscriptions lel r which I have spoken, about $3.1-`,)( were raised, largely b Mr. Jatne( Cochrane, and the and the secretary.' � i 1 In the course of an explanation ht e -.� afterwards said: -"Solve time ago I I `4" borrowed $1,( U from Mr. Dttnie Forde, which I was to pay back our of advertisements. Three months age 11 Forde asked me,for the money, and 1 /~t aslced Coehrane to lend me $1,000 t( pay him, which lie did, and Forde wat Ut paid. Cochrane hits as security i ETHEL BARRYMORE. mortgna on a small farm bought by mentis "boards," and on the stage, a[-' Tny wife nearly twenty years 11 0. The Citizen wants to know if the, Mr though she figured rather as Georgie Cochrane who 'helped to raise the $3,51(1( Drew's daughter and John Drew's .niece trod the Mr. Cochrane who threE than as herself, acted very little, and 'had a husky voice, she loon ahe ll arts months ago loaned the Minister $I,(" i Tay her personal charm. Uns)olled, de- is the same Mr. Cochrane who has re corolla, yet arch, witty "and of a rare ceived from Mr. Tarte it contract tr beauty, Miss Barrymore has the best lay asphalt walks amend the Parlin of the world before her. Her la& of nient grounds. We certainly ought envies, jealousies, spites and the ordin- to know the relations of our Ministers ary crop of ,traits whieh grorw's rim it in to our contractors. greenrooms, intakes her a 'profer$aional as `— well as it socia] favorite. Not to be too Fire visited the Central prison Mon fulsome, site starts dm -or nut -with clay afternoon for the T econd Limet.hir fewer handienps than almost any other young netress. It is to be ho rel that year, and it was damaged to the ex oration and flattery will not check her tent of $60,000. The broom factory growth in herr profession, She, will playwit's comptotely destroyed, while th( what is aclIM the best part -In Lawrence twine factory and lumber yard suffered Irving 18 "Peter the Great," in which the inuch damage, One prisoner named Young Playwright's2athhr is to do Petsnt. Carlyle had his leg broken, but none I escaped. , 1P New Waggon, Carriage and. Repair Shap I have opened out on Rattenbury street, next door to Tedford's black axnitb shop, and am prepared to fill orders for Waggons, Carriages and all other vehicles. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Satisfaction guar anteed tiled prices the lowest consistent with good work. Call and see me be fore you order. CHARLES WALKER. -00'—SPECIAL BAR CAIN TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs. goon young Hyeou for $1 or 15c per lb. Sugars, Sugars, Sugars. Just- to hand one car of Montreal Sugars. No, I Granulated, Coffee and Raw's in bbld., one hundred pound and dollar Iota. SPECIAL, PRICES. WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN THE COUNTY, Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Sets, Fancy China and Lamps. 25 per cent. lees than regular prices. Call and see our Goods and get prices. SEEDS.—Timothy, red and Alaike, Clover, Turnip and Mangold. All fresh and new seed. Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.— J. W. IRWIN,, Clinton. CLINTON SASH, DOOR, and BLIND FAGTAY --o S. S. COOPER, Proprietor. General Builder and Contractor.`- This factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for eight yeare. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plans and give eatimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices. All worlc is supervised in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. Lumber, Latfi, Shingles, Lime, Sasb, Doors, Blinds Etc. Agent for tLe CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured in Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders. 1855 ---The Old Reliable'Store,­ 1897 Furniture Store, 1897 Call in and see my stock of Household Furniture. Some late designs in EXTENSION TABLES, BEDROOM SUITES in Oak, Elm, Ash, Maple, Rte. FANCY ROCKERS, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, PICTURES, CUR. TAIN POLES, SIDEBOARDS, EASLES, CENTRE TABLES, &c, Pictures Framed, glass used in picture frattles, speciiif imported, Mouldings merican and C,anad iatn, Fine assortment, Frames for Photos. Prices right, good valve for your• money. Good Feathers taken in exchange, Some good Feathers for Sale. Stevenson {- p'�� p �r y� Albert street Je C. S e V en�7on Opposite Town Hall. Leading Undertaker and Embalmer. Residence oer Store. - - J. C. S`rrV' ENSoa. Special to Camping and Picnic Parties... Canned Turkey, Chicken, Duck, Corn Beef, Lunch Tongue, Boneless Pigst, Finnan Haddie, Mackeral, Kippered Herring, Salmon, Fresh Herrin g.14 BR@NUS SARDINES g Mulls atawn , Mock Turtle and Chicken Soups in Cans Picnic Home, English Breakfast Bacon, Sugar Cured and Smoked Shoulders, Gillard's Sweet Pickles, a delicious relish. N. Robson, Grocer, f Albert St., Clinton. . Gliptaptsewing Ina chino Wareroo s , _..e I have made arrangements with the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE COMPANY to handle them nnachines and atilt prepared to offer the public an article unsurpassed for durability -and the anality of work. They will be placed on trial free; we compete with till machines on the market. I also have -other grades at less money. Needles and parts suppliedfor till makes of machines. WASUING MACHINES, ---I gun agent for the celebrated Authony Wayne Washer, the largest in:inufacturers of Washers fn the world. The machine cannot be beat fn :any respect. I still handle the Improved [deal, •.. ' %�7itoba Washers, Also Clothes Wringers, the best ill the market. es VY -111. MOORis, ate The Old Stand, Huron Street, Cl ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don't Spend . a Doilar - for Medicine until you have tried . .tt . � w u - .'.1) •.• 4'i;, ��''��; ri+,,'� � ' tt', '2t, tl• �' w�;��: b�r�'1, You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. 12ts Mort I. put up aheaply to grat(fr the untverutt present demand for a low price. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's r"s°R' Send FlIm COnts to THE RIPARS CrfEWCAL COMPANY, Ne. !lo Spruoe St„ Nein York ,and they will be.sent to you by mail; br 12 cartons will be maiifQ for 48 cents. The chances are ton to one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need. ' tWMlt