The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-20, Page 4L- ,. Win wheat �iA{Y> ailRRP�cvC?OaPlals, NY'experlment with New Millinery ... ""�""" wile neat the read where 2q0 to 3W � Mr. Nitnsen, Has the, Toronto Globes past Yan• rigs passed dally. The visitations to Liverpool for NQw York 4n �aGetled�ef t �� � ...,.-A�Np-- kee policy made you rich? G the plots were very numerous. The y remarks b passers b and the com- h 4'• Mantlep Mrs. %tudlzin was struck by a train 1 Store., The Toronto Globe is a chameleon in Parisons by would 1111 it volume. at Unionville and killed. -'-'IN"'- politics. the experiment actually bece,tne the Will. Green was killed at a Chatham er� CLINTON. • leading topic of the village talk for elevator by being drawn intq the re Merit talks" the some time previous to harvesting, wheat bin• intrinsic value of Talks,- 000*0000 Laurier and the Grit partymay have Thus many obleot lessons were leai'n- A heavy fall of snow is reported in Hood'sBanaparilla. changed their color, but the spots ed by every day observeps• I have England over the Westmoreland Merit in medicine means the power to of the leopard are there all the same. tit en a good deal of pains with the Hills, , experiment but feel well repaid." oars. Hood's tual Mr. Charles A. Dana, editor of the and unequalled curative power and'tj�re- pening, I r a The following leading varieties Of New York Sun, died Sunday afternoon fore it has true merit. When you buy Far•mets, grit or tory., who want it I winter wheat will be distributed this at his residence on Long Island. Hood's Sarsapa;illa,aad take it according SEPT.5 low price for their hogs, should year for co-operative experiments in The rhe Milwaukee Diocesan Council to directions, to COM��' SATURDAY, r r take advantage of Laurier's free , purify your blood, or ./L�■ Set L Dawson's Golden Chaff, is in favor of calling the Protestant auto any o! the many blood diseases, You' ou I will on Saturday evening open corn policy and they will get what Church in Antgt•ica simply "The are morally certain to receive benefit. tine chicken got in the neck. Early Genesee Giant, and Early Church." The power to Dore Is there. You are not IN EMERSON'S STAND, � Red Clawson. Sir Charles Mordaunt Batt. is dead, near the Clarendon Hotel, a fine Set 2. Dawson's Golden Chaff He wets the plaintiff in the celebrated trying u experiment. and n r will make your Pills lot of New hIillinery and Mantles, Political Pointers. Pride of Genesee, and Poole. Mordaunt diorce case,blood pure, rich and nourishing, sad thu•and have much pleasure in inviting GoldwinStpith recentlygave an in- Set 3. Datwson's Golden Chaff, Treasurer Henderson of the Ottawa drive out the germs o! t eawhol system.�O� o0 the Ladies of Clinton to come and terview to a corresF)oudent of an Eng- New Columbia, and imperial Amber, Relief Committee for the Russell Celln- .the nerves and build up the wholesyatam. ins ect my stuck of Stylish Fall lish p.lper in which he expressed the Any person wishing to conduct a by fire sufferers acknowledges total reIIIIIIII - eucf Winter- Millinery. r See the opinion that chri:tianity was one of careful experiment with one of the;; ceipts to date of $6,891. display of New Bivols, Wings, Tips, the finished] thin s, that imperialism sets should apply to the Experimentaa_ Mrs, Templar of Copetown is in a 25cFlowers, Velvets, Ribbons, &c., was it farce and Hiatt Canada was sure list, Agricultural College, Guelph, for very critical condition from being also our New Veilings. to be annexed to the United States. the desired set land one-half pound of kicked by a horse at the Rocktou oud's We will also he delighted to give you He finished tip by saying that 'he' each variety together with instr•uc_ Fair. �� boxes for a perfect lit in our nobby Mantles. sometimes thought he should live to tions for testing and the blank foto) All October records i❑ the Chicago Sarsaparilla A7 see the last burse, the last poet and the on which to re cn•t will be furnished weather bureau was broken on Friday, fstilebest,lniact-the One True$IoodPurl>)eR Remember our openings, Saturday lastwonntu," The British Weekly save free of cost to his address. The sup- when rho meteor touched eighty- ��®®• evening, Sept. 251h, and following he is no doubt congratulating himself ply of socue of the varieties is limited seven degrees. y g Y Prepared only byC.LHood&Co.,Lowell,Mau•. week• that he cannot possibly live to see the but we will be enabled to furnish a The boa of Col.. Thomas Benson Do not��Durge, pstn or i MISS E. HILLIER, last rtes. ��^ large number is with this seed before was fu rndYn a swamp near Colborne, HOO(I s P1118 gripe. &Ildrugrlsts.�e the supply ce exhausted. ZA Ont. He disappearedlastJune,whenhe C. A. ZAVITL, o•o•o�.�•cs•0� r , b><uu,ter. V:tlliable Varieties of Winter' was bothered by local creditors who Experimentalist. had entered lawsuits against him. Mr. T. S. Hobbs M. P. P., for Lnn- Emerson's old stand, near Clarendon Wheat. Agricultural College, h don, Ont., has announced that be will Jas.Combe Hotel. Guelph, Aug. 23rd, 1897. Dr. David Starr Jordan, the United ,AFPORTS OF SUCCESSFUL WINTER Statesexpert, says the Americans are not again bea candidate at the pro- H." -HEAT EXPERIMENTS FROM 2,31 — vinCla elections. thc.inselves Lo blame for the deatruc- UNTA12I0 FARMS. One {Vas to Abolish "Sweating." tion of the seal herds. Judge VVurtele, in the Tarte•(Crenier Chemist and Druggist. There will likely be About 800,000 Montreal Gazette. ° Rev. Dr. Smith of Centenary Metbo- appeal case in Montreal refused to acres sown with winter wheat in Ont- dist Church, Hamilton, has acceppted a grant Grenim's appeal for a new — The Laurier Government has it, new call to the .First Methodist Church Lon- trail. The case of Helhronner v. the Petrie, ario within the next month. It is very mission. It is to abolish sweatshop dun, important, therefore, that winter labor, One of its ways of doing this is It is stated that all the preliminaries for libel, set down for hearing Wednes- wheat growers take every available to fir the customs duties d that the David McGill was killed and four have been agreed upon for an alliance, day, has been settled out of court. means to secure those varieties which product of sweat -shop labor in other others seriously injured by the boiler defensive and offensive, between Bul- Sir Edward Arnold, author• of • Th are likely to give the best results. B Of a steam thresher exploding on a ' By ly countries C taut be imported more cheap- P g garia and Turkey. Light of Asia," married a Japan es I experiments nieuts conducted within the ty into Canada, to compete with the farm near Sault St. Marie. Peter Case. a farm laborer who lad in London on Saturday. past eight years at the Ontario Ag- output of home factories. Sir Henri Joly and Mr. Tarte care to Y y '}cultural College with 15'2 vatriPtiea lived in EatstFlarnboro Township, waae of winter wheat, it is found that there --- be present at the blessing of a new killed by being struck by a Grand It is stated that the appointment of IS a meat variation in the com ua;i a The Empty Treasury. bridge ntSte. Croix, Lotbinier•e county, Dr. Fiset, M. P. for Rimouski to the L Trunk train. v Pa Y y• on the 20th instant. Senate has been agreed upon. yields of grain produced by the differ- For ears the Ontario Ministers,hcave Mr, D. L. Moody, the evangelist, has Ata ineeting of the Woman's Chris- ent varieties. Itis also found that the Y g , Cannon Gore who attended the St. varieties which have given good aver- talked ell thusiastica.11y of their sur- received a telegram from the Govern. tion Temperance Union held in Briant- Andrew's Brotherhood Convention in Plus. or -General, expressing g regret that he turd, Ottawa wits selected its the next age results ill the experiments conduc- P b 1, Buffalo, is seriously ill at the residence will not be able tO be )resent at his place of meeting. Led ;it the (,allege for a few years in Now they are compelled to adni(t meetin g in the ca it•al.I of Bishop Walker. successiuu have usually given good that they have had deficits during the g P Records at the Observatory show Archbishop Machra of Ru errs satisfaction throughout Olata4rio. his Past three years, !Ind that these At a session of the Civic Philan- that Friday was the hottest October P y P'' ' amount to thro g Land, who the Lambeth Con- fect hats been deterrnilied by the re $1,2UQOOU. plc Congress, held in Battle Creek day to the history of that institution, fevence, is seriously ill in England, and � Con - suits of co-operative experiments con- Mr. Whitney does right in pointing Mich., it was stated that the American the thermometer registering as high as his recovery id very doubtful. ducted throughout the Province dur- to the condition of our finances, for people were fast becoming degenerates 86 degrees. S ing each of'the ast five ears in con- the through the use of beer and tobacco, Misa Evian eliria There will short] K• P Y people whom the Ministers are g Qisneros, who re- Y be three vacant ,_ nection with the experimental work at driving towards direct taxation ought and eating too much meat. cently escaped from a Spanish prison seats for the Dominion House in Que- the College. From seven to rune to know where they are drifting. g Mr. Hays has offered the City of in Cuba, arrived in New York. The bee, and it is expected the elections k'T varieties have been ted each year The Eastern Provinces have had re- Montreal to inove the Grand Trunk Washington :authorities say that as will be held simultaneously at an early for sending out to ex-st tents of the P offices from Point St. Charles to Vic- to political prisioner she cannon be ex- date. Agriclturaal college, and to other inter- iviug the experience 114 r. Hardy is toria square in the centre of the city if tradited. In the Lnetgert murder case, which Every child is fond of a Doll and con- ested and progressive farmers through- granted exemption from taxation for Dr. Borden, the Dominion Minister has furnished a sensation to Chicago out Ontario; who have expressed their In one of them, Prince Edward Is- tweet sequently there are more dolls P land, ever farther is taxed for rovin_ Y years' of ;Militia ,says that the order pruvicL for eight weeks, the judge Monday de- desire to juin i❑ the co-operative ex- Y P livered his charge, sold than any other toy perimental work, and have written 'c'al purposes, and in Quebec ever At Antagonisb, N. S., Henryavid- ing for the retirement of commanding g -, and the case was son was found guilty o Y officers after four ' g given to the jury. made. for the necessary material, business man has to contribute to Mr. g Y f the murder of years service applies In the autumn of 1898, seven ver- Marchand's revenue. William Bowman at Tracadie. The to the whole. service, both permanent Mr. Whitney, leader of the Conserva- crime was committed in a drunken and volunteers. five Opposition in the Ontario Legis- Uur fall stock is now on exhibition and ieties of winter wheat were selected Mr. Hardy in his speeches pretends bitawl lature, delivered an address at Paken- tot- distribution and were divided into that Mr. Whitney wants to send -the The statement of the Dominion contains many remarkable tax gatherer around. A number of the convicts confined Government for the first quarter of the ham' Monday evening, and was en - three sets with three varieties in each, thasticall received. Dulls; noted especially for then in the Riverside penitentiary, Pitts• present year shows the income Y ! Y the Dawson's Golden is by being used But the truth is just the ether way. burn, Pct. have been manufacturing to be $531,521 less and the expenditure At a joint meeting of the Township beauty and extremely ]ow throughout as a basis by which the Mt-, Whitney wants to keep the tax counterfeit fifty cent pieces, and so to be' $850,000 more than during the and County Councils of Brant the for - rice. results of all the varieties could be perfectly finished its to be barely dis- corresponding months of last year, mer accepted $16,000 and the latter p ' gatherer out. $6,500 in full front the estate of the late compare8 with cue another. Wehave " Our Toy department promises a gay received. 231 full and satisfactory re- tiuguishable from the genuine coins. It is understood that the next Im- ports of carefully conducted winter success of Anti -Toxin. Lieut. -Col. Bliss was out dtiving at perial budget will propose an extra `hip r sutmpbell, county and town. appearance ley the time our wheat experiments for 1897. This Ottawa with his three children and grant of £1,500,000, to provide II,o00 ship treasurer, to cover the short - new stock (which is now arriv- nuiuber is inure than double that of -MASSACHUSETTS STATE BOARD OF nurse. The horse ran away and the aditional rnen for tine army, and sonic age' in is all laced. an previous HEALTH SAYS uSi, of SEItuJ1 rig upset. Cul Bliss was seriously amelioration of the soldiers lot, with It is announced in New York that g) •' P any P year. These reports g P y came from 35 counties, 19 of which HAS SAVED MANY LIVES. injured, and it is doubtful if he or the it view to attracting recruits. John At mstrong Chanler, the former, ®D®loC+®! are situated east and 16 west of nurse will recover from their injuries, Dr, Laberge, Medical Health Officer husband of Amelia Rives, the author- Guelph.The State Board of Health at Boston, So strong have been the protests of Montreal, states that so far fifty ass, is hopelessly insane in the Bloom. Mass,, has prepared a report upon the against the removal of Lieut.•Uul, thhusand people have been vaccinated ington asylum, while Amelia Rives The following table gives the com- g` but as that is onl 1 now Princess Troubetsko parative results of straw and rain per Production and use of anti toxin fur Utter froth Toronto that Dr. Borden, y O+,e-fifth of the )o- ( y) is a ment- g P the year. In 1895 the Board issned Minister of Miltia, ex lit ins that he has Pulatiuu of thr city, he advises that al wreck in a Philadelphia sanitari- acre of the winter wheat varieties ant toxin to the City Hospital for use no intention of changing the o alar the campai n s'iould be kept u uln, tested during the past season an 231 g g P P g P P• The Toronto expresson the Canadian farws in its cuntaagimrs wards. Since then and efficient officer in comufand of Lhe Senator Scott, Secretary of State, its use has steadily increased, for pliv� Toronto district. has received it letter from the Gover- Pacific rail.wny, due in Ottawa Friday 0 Straw . . Grain per r scions have favored it as a therapeutic: The Canadian horse suspected of nor of Florida, asking him to send morning at six o'clock, collided with a (tolls) (bu.001bs) 'igehtr Its use has neauly doubled glanders, which was landed in En Canadian re re5entat.ives to the Inter- freight train between StiLtsville and Dawson's Golden Chaff...... 2.2...........:13.9 during the past, year. Iu cases of land on Sept 9, has been subjected to m national Fi penes Conference, which Pell'8 corners, with the result that two CLINTON. Stewart'sChaaniplon.......... _.1........•..33.7 diphtheria 3,2.15 bottles were issued, post rnortern examination by a vet- will take place there next month, employees of the company, a mail Ear1y KedC:law;eu,......•..2.1........... 31.2 containing35000CLINC Centinieteis of clerk, and a tt'tatn Pride Of Ctent;ee............ ..2.2 .... ....... 31.0 serum. The distribu`iou was general, evinaary expert, who reported that the Hon. Frederick Peters, the Premier P were killed and T b;ar13• cieneseo Giant,.....:.. 2.1...........30.0 disease was contracted after the ani- of Prince Edward Island both trains wrecked. CeIU 11�'BIXl�Ct1XCi`:i�, �ibc•riaau..... ............ ...3,3...........2.96 covering 101 towns and cities, but the , is about to 1'uulc............•.•...... ...,.1.8.•.........27,6 greater portion was used in Boston and nial landed. retire from The recent trouble at the St. Vincent the Government, and it is de Paul y P Hats -A. J. Morrish, As none excel)t the 231 good reports vicinity. At the sale of the Royal Hotel fur- stated on good authotity that tie in. Penitentiary was repeated on Of successfully conducted ex eriments In 189 cases there were 167 recoveries n(ture the bedr•onin suite used by the tends to remove to British Colum- Saturday and Monday, and the men Dolls—Win. Cooper & -o have heen used in the )receeppni' 'suit) Prince of Wale, ilurin his visit. to Ilia• were howling all day, because their �ti e are ready=l'. B. Crews. [ d' ) and_22 deaths, or 11.6 per cent., show g meat breakfast was withdlawn and Baking Powder -N. Robson. Illiil y Of results, the table should be .)f ilfg Inarked impruveme,ut over the pre- Hamilton was sold to Mrs. Jr S. Hen- When the discharge of four clerks vious drie for gruel substituted. Court of Revision—W. Coats. great value enc worthy of the thought- year, $17. Its orignal cost was $700. in the Loudon post -office was made Tooke's Shirts -T. Jackson Sr.olattention of wheat gvowers in Ont- The ninst important lesson which At Cincinnati the balcony at Robi• recently it was announced that they ------ ' ''ario. Much credit is (ue to the care- the Board sun's Opera House fell in at 8.50 Friday had been let go becanse they were not �V'OODgl3 3P1R0�P3C#ODIN3F, Special Attention -L. Kennedy. points out is the necessity f y � Spectacles -Coopers' Book Stole, fa1lc `x of who sent us alae re- of early :administration of the anti- night, during the performance of "Dart• required,a and the new Government wits The Great English Remedy.� An Open secret -A. J. Holloway. P f t ie tests made on their own toxin. Out of 136 cases in which it was gens of I, Great City." The house was anxious to economize. Mr. Mulock, Six Packages Guaranteed iron Blood Pills as. H. Crnnbe. farnis• administered on the da onlytwo crowded. There were ninny casualties. the Postmaster -General, was defended promptly, and per,aanman by his friends on this plea, Its a charge Dore all forme of Nerve or Good evesight-Allen & Wilson. CONCLUSIONS. Proved fatal. Before the introduction Owing to advanced age, Mr. Edward Weaknea,a,Emisaronsspertilr Cur Latest in Advertising -Jackson of this agent the death rate, was over Hoo cr who is in his OUth ear, Rees re- of any kind could not bd brought atorrhea,zmpotenayape 1. In the average ield of winter p'', Y aagainst the clerks. They were not " e¢rrhe Ab or, Excesses, Os. 25 per cent. Now it is reduced to less tired from the Vice President of the .,ects wheat per sigh, the Dawson's Golden y, shown to he offensive paltiedis- Mentattvorry,excessiveuse Dissolving partnership - Gilroy & Chart sood highest auinng lI varieties than half that figure. The figures of Canadai Permanent Loan and Savings The fact that the places of the dis- Wiseman. varieties the Board are fully complied and tend Compaaify, being succee3ed by Mr. W. charged Conservatives are to be filled Before and After.°PT°b°coo,optumorsetmu If you're nut a customer of ours- tested over Ontario in 1893, 9 to show positively that this iagency is G. Goaderham, lants,uahechsoonleadtoin• The W. D. Fair Co.in 1891, 9 varieties in 189u, 9 varieties in one o€ the greatest factors in reducin with friends of Mr. Hyrnan's was de- firmtty,meantty,Conaumpttonandanearly grave. n a 189ti, and 7 varieties in 3807 also g The rnan who was killed by a G. monstrated at the close of last week. Has been prescribed over 85 yea in thousands of Fowl &Pigeon Shooting Match lit among 5;3 varieties grown sit the Agri- ed cease that has been recently employ- T. R. train near Dundas Junction cut One of the positions rendered vacant cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Mearotna Cm -low --N, (,r, Boggs. cultural College for six 1 g' years in sac- on Wednesday afternoon wits not by the dismissals has already,been known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodinetif cession. `^- "�' Peter Case, a farm laborer of East given to Robert Welch and it is un- lieoffers some worthless medicine rnplace ofthis, 2. Three varieties of winter wheat lie Will Vote for a Change. Flamboro' Township, but William derstood that other appointments will inclose price in letter,mnd we will send by return The Huron Nevus -R = e3ora bA,ve hPon t.aut.arl n1u1 retia., ..:,. c.._ TZ •, Li ...:.. .. ---_t- .... t_,. t:..,..a ____ c,.0v....:-....... __.._ u..__._ _„ ..,._•_... mall. Price. one Da)Okaae. El: eiz !b_ !)ne -m 1 26 a Year -91.00 in Advance four, years in succession, with the fol- lowing average yields Of grain per acre; Dawson's Gulden Cha , 3b bush- els; Early Red Clawson, 29 bushels , A GOOD REFORMER GIVES THE DOMIN. ION POINTS ON HOW TO STRIKE THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT. -- Stoney Creek. A rich strike of Old -bearing rock g g has been discovered on the farm of Ira Saa•ayzee, a few miles east of Jordan, -....n complained that the staff wag fon small, and few people believed that the clerks were dismissed on Lhe round of economy, g Y• pkaee,six wiAoura Pamphletsfree toany addrew. The Wood Company, very w ,Ont ,Canada, , WSold In Clinton and ovorywhere in Canaan by all responsible druggists. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1891. and Early Genesee Giant, 29 112J) bush- els. Ridgetown Dominion. Ont. Samples of rock which have A DOG-IN-THE-AIANGER POLICY, 3. Dawson's Golden Chaff was the "Hold On there and I will tell you how to strike the,Ontario Government been produced and tested, show every evidence Of containing the metal in. - - Mr. George Taylor, M. P., has drawn attention vaah o with the experi- most popular it" s in ertch of the past tour our in their weakest spots," said as hitherto staunch Orford Reformer to The Do- Playing quantities. The International Leprosy Confer- Confer - �®�nears. NewShoes action on the part years. l o the Liberal Government that will sur- minion on the street Tuesday. once, which has closed it.s sitting in r- prise many. it appears that on the 4. In the co-operative experiments for 1807, Stewart's Champion, Pride of "Well," said the rep, a little surpris_ ed, Berlin, has come to the conclusion that trian is the only animal in which islands in the St. Lawrence the follow- leas heen pasted:-- Genesee, Dawson's tale Golden Chaff, andin Siberian rnrzde rile best a eatrence in PP "Attack and show up the school book policytand royalty system. Why the leprosy bacillus exists; and that the diseaso is coutaagious k)ut act king t FallWear, Notice to Trespassers.-Notico is hereby the s)rin l g` , its contemptible the constantchanges editrtry,' Riven that any person found trespassing on un- sold islands b) the Rivor St. Lawrence, either 5. Dawsons Golden Chaff and Early Genesee Giant possessed the and the outrageous prices for books. I've a family and I know it,,, he Thns. Elston workin at the Grund , Trunk Railway freight sheds, at Lon- s by occupying, residing, huntingorfishingstrongest, on, ur y pasturing cattle or other antmale and the Price of Genesee got continued, "and, what is more, judgging don, was to have been married last ylo� thereon, oxcept under authority obtabied from 11I)epartment through Mr. O. V. and Siberian the wrakeat straw in 1807• b the wa the tn111 to t ei hkiors Y Y Y Y g�ab� week to Miss Kate Bowell of Ailsa Craig, but the the bridegroom Considering the price, the u BrSr the of Goulette, of Gananoque, or Mr. ,iohn G. Wallace, of Ivy 6. The are is sick of it as I am." , "You -elect did not appear at the appointed "' workmanship, the fit and the :"oeS H W' Lea, will be prosecuted." The policy of the late Government Dawson's Golden Chaff and the Stewart's Champion were the don't read the Dominion or You would know we have been shgw-� hour, and enquiries have made it known find that we have the e11ea - was to encourage the use of the Crown least, nod the Pride of Genesee and the Early Genesee Giant ing tip that very thing," "No, that he has gone West tvitbout leaving his address. in the property by fishing and huntingpar. pi were the most affected by lust. I am not a subscriber, but I will just its soon I can get that The Toronto World says it is in a Y ties, and even to sell the islands to per- 7. The Stewart's Champion and the Pride Genesee r to Other .pesky thing stopped, and that Position to announce that the Ontario Legislature be Ill-fitting Sho Bons who would improve thein. The of produced the great- will he at New Year, I see a neighbor's will called together ,1�1.n ' •present Administration, however, pre- Pers to shut them up from est length of straw. 8. The Hariv Red Clawson and the copy occasion occasionally and noticed that you were on the right track but kept rub- about the first of February next, and than the generaal Proviucifq elections t 1$ `A Occupation 'To Dawson's Golden Chaff were the first, Bing it in. I tell you it is a sore spot. will be held in the follatying June or 11ld,Ve or use by any person, do the do g to mature land the Earl Genesee y+ Then about that timber policy. The ,fitly, These two aassertians are based by Hon, allai ip troubling you. Y tine in•tbe-manger act, and even to prose. Giant and the Stewart's C,hathpion were the last to mature. idea Of letting the Yankees come over g here and take our timber across in to q g u on statements made A. S. ' )ardy. In concluding the interview, tso "', anything 011 OUC feet if y Y cute any camper avhp mightunwitting- ly locate himself upon One of the smell 9. The Dawson's Golden Chaff and to give their own men work in Michi- g gate mills, and our own mills idle Mr. Hurd said that the Government Y head just a otnted Dr. V. Robertson 7 PP t' a bel islands. As Mr. Taylor points out:- the Stewart's Champion produced the grain, sand the Siberlantand Role and rnen unable tO get a job ,in the States owing to labor Why of Milton ex -member o£'the Le islta- ture for Halton, to be registrar ofthat"L'nno epartyoutfora day'saoh, rl r�ggoo the rivor. Thos want to land to havo dinnor on Poole the roost, shrunken grain, laws. I don't know what Hard can hit o Y g f, count y' We carr one Of the fit y ono'of the islands and on landing the flrst thing they see is this Government 10. The counties of Greyy, Middlesex, and Huron furnished tho bargest He'll see when it is too late that his Edward Langtry, the husband of r� notice threatening the penalties of the law. They will simply p p sok u and cross to the American side where num- ber of successful winter wheat reports 1897. P school and timber olicies have lost P him the support of thecountr Dash PP y Lily Langtry, the actress, died in the asylum for the insane at Chester, to 7,� enc 61 no tormrs of law will be throatAned for Sim ly landing on an island'nnd throwing a ash Fife In 11. The experimenters have takA� it all anyway, we've had it change at Ottawa and I'll' vote for a change at which he was recently committed' by ho, info rho valor. touch interesty the work its shown by the many favorable comments Toronto. a inn.gglstrate after harvin been found wandering in of helpless condition i JACKSON cal �1',5� Mr. John McNamara, formerly' of given in the reports the following -� - that viehilty. It is supposed this, bI7F Langtry was suffering from concussion .,,. 8• a Leadbury, McKillo�, but now of Houghton county, ich., is being an example: "CO-opelative ex- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Common of ' of the brain, due to fnlling down the t calling on his friends in this section, pcariments should be located in con- spicuous places as object lessons. Seafortb have returned frotheir trip to Dakota, I gangwiay of the steamer on which he file Ci. travelled from Dahlin to Holy Head, err MENI