The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-20, Page 3r 'n 1 ,- • . h 1 • r y P y �� n ,A,murit,atlt Fxeo{lour bed, �e wqe treated. b xarlot]4 h WON A WIFE WITH AN EGG. SPM�Wtc -- pickily but X000iv d AQ boualit, until Imes b aid $500*00 IN Tlatfalq LVotts. , Okir•homIt 1 llem 1 e ire Happy by aGOLD ofho uSacl Paha a �alery Cpmpound. Foit ����! At Trlip e, near Pottstown, Pa., a xiwnriorn Love hiess,t¢e. •, p The first bottle ave bins relief, and viola hits keen terribly tortured by 6 Ross Williams, of Euid, O.'1`., wrote masked robbers to extol t money from after he had used six bottles he was x lovelorn message o4 an egg ready for ., a hint. quite free front the rheutnatism. Ifo ehipment several weeks ago, and as a.re- bitice childhood, 1 have been 1D 0 PRIZES. 1,.,, afflicted with scrofulous balls Ittld Naar Erie it rich fwrniHr and his son was troubled with piles for fourteen Ault he won himself u bride. � were recently le"t. bound in a burning What the young ,man said on the cg;; g ,years, and found great relief trolu the wars this: f sores, Whiclt caused me terrible horn by it gang that had previously " 1St Pl'1LH � � suffering. Physicians were tulable tortured tlx:,n Go e. tort money from Compound, He 44 he feels like u On a farm in rite Cherokee strip I • • • $200.00 200,00 11 alt a and and lonely • • • • 'i- to help me, and 1 only grow worse thous. The old main•Saved himself by new roan 31st now, We think there y bachelor, thinking 2nd Prize .... 100.00 I rtun]sin to ransorrl his life arid that Is nu tnedieine like Paine's Ctt'lery andly over my fate, and would love to .... 1U0.0 w.., , under their care. A g came off the oast and julu my lite with 31C)l Pl'lLe .. , , rjQ,QQ `f of his son. He has since become al- Compound.', that of some come) young Judy of not • • • • . - - _ 50.00 1 At length, 1 began most crazed with terror. He has re- t too many summers' . Should -the ., to take threaten- @l t e. A. Acheson, of Montreal, saga : message on this egg ineet the eye of a Z Prizes Of .... �.�.00 8aC11 .... 50,+D0 cetved letters iron, the gam� this ' I �r�9� ing ilii, unless he has We stoney "'Tw,o years qgo I euffared intensely fair one who is matrimonially incl 11ed 5 Prizes Of 10,00 each ti Ir forthcoming, and has become SO from neuralgia in the head face and on short acquaintance, and who thinks .... Q,Q� tion and often a0 tortured that I could Williams,she d Euid3 O.' ,prairie" life with a 10 Prizes Of .. , , 5.00 011C11 lllartned that he has gone to Erie and elroulde're. I was in a terrible condi• student of nature's beauty, address Ross .... 50,00 Sarsaparilla' and asked to be locked up in jail to order very soon grew bet- to be where the robbers cannot rellch , In due course of time this reply came: .":. hint. The victim seeks jail for pro- not rest or. sleep. I became very weak "Dear Mr. Williams—Ifrom the quiet ter. After using tection while the miscreants remain at and feeble, had giddy and faint spells, precincts of my boudoir I write thee. I $OOQ•()O half a dozen bottles g and often could not attempt to go out g To the Twenty people who solve this I uzzle, if there are so man correct x III -lar el r.n, lonely too, and have often longed ) I was completely Incidents like this etre becoming to quit city life and go West, where the , Y curt'd, so fleet I havo not had a boil itlincid glyincidents frequent, especially in the on the street, My appetite became tall, wild grass sways in .the wind its we will give the above Prizes IN C,ASIL or pimple on aif pool, and digestion ver weak. At it listening ] p y part of my body rural portions Of Pennsylvania. .flick P g Y chinch bugs. After AfterRchoppingsougwood to a of the for the last twelve years. I can prove a sin the urgent need for eight, while in bad, I often had op kindle the kitchen fire, after the SEND NO �ONEY WITH YOUR • ., State police. I is shameful that in it pressive and Smothering feelings ; lily fire was ready Pur business and the pan ANSWLEt. • . cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- civilized community unoffendin citi- I`11..." Y g whole nervous system was run down was sizzling in the sparkling fat, I wits IF more than Twenty should be correct parilla as the very best blood -purifier tens should be. left exposed to the and very weak. about to break an egg into the pan Y , every correct ones will (in addition �' in existence,"—G. T. REINIIAnT, mo.,t merciless class of thieves and when, behold. your message met my to the Money Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver P;;': MyersVille, Texas. u,urderers. And it seems to he I bed been under the oars of a gaze. It seemed like a dream of u lost, demonstrated thin the present local medical man and used various meds unknown love. Perhaps our fates would Watch," of trot along ft &Opolice system is totally inadequate for cities, but n relief came to me from g well together. But I am which the not protectiuu in the country districts• ' comely, but not so fair. Age twenty - these sources. I fortunately hears] of three, no money, but plenty of grit. Let factory lilies your Paine's Celery Compound;, I de- us exchange photographs. It may Inll end in another American union lou to is $10. If I 11 ER'SCanada for the tVorld• tided to give it a trial, and I blase the be preserved, Methinks • I know ytoat profered, the ' ONLY WORLD'S PAM Sir livid Laurier invented a day I commenced with it. I used it now.—Bessie Carroll, Chicago, 111." Splendid cutch- biose at the Toronto for several months, and now feel. as Further correspondence resulted, and winner Can Sarsaparilla a few days later the young people were Board of Trade stn uet. well as I ever did, All m pains chooses genu. q Y P married. Ayer's< Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and C0lds The cry, lee said, used to he "Cars- been' banished, ,I sleep and eat well, ine Gold- adrt for the Canadians," but now it For cut -tug i,'ccouglis, and find myself s new woman. 1 p, , was changed, rind the policy of the , IV by don't you stop that hiccough- cased Watch Government was "Canada for the heartily recommend I eine a Geier} ing'?" said one business man to another, Compound to all who are in need of as they met at the corner of 1`nurtli of the same The Huron News -Re. ora 'pvoi ld."' n and Vine, at the noon hour. Talc man an houset and true curing medicine. value. This is quite true. addressod was all but in convuls.io,s. As this 1*�•s,a Year—$1.00 in Advance — �'-- "' — "Stop nothin i" said h "I' b n1r. Hardy is giving our logs t0 g• e. ie een The Quebee Scandal. trying every old remedy I ever heard of Michigan, and has ablv suocceded in --e that iend wonderful offer is only made to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every WEDNESDAY, OCTOuLR 20th, 1897, closing the Canadian Mills. Mail and Empire. was kind enounew gh to suggest. fool I've lheld Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them. __—__.-_ -----__ a- Mr. Fielding has awarded the con- The situation in Quebec, is so far its my hands over my head for fifteen min- . tract to make our bank rotes and our the Lieutenant -Governorship is con- ntes and extended them like a sign- 1. Send your answ.e n an "Internatirml Post- la gest amount, and so on. Ir not,more than twenty �. News Notes• uo9Lage stamps t0 the American Cerned, can be stated in x few word,;. board until they ached. 141(l my Card" which can be bX111t at the pcst•ot1`,ce (price I win and receive tho Watch and Chain, and it these James Fitzgerald o f'�Ottawa died 13rrnk�'1�Tote COimpany of New York, the Sir Adolphe (`hiaplertu's term expires in breath until I was almost ready to drop 2 cents). There Is no entrance tee or charge what. do nit buy an thing Horn the Catalopuo, the whole from injuries received on the railway engraving being done at New York in- December, and Sir Wilfvicl Laurier from apoplexy. I've drunk nine swat- ever, or the prize moony will be equally 'vi ed amens 7 Y , lows of water nine times over, I guess, 2. In addition to the Cash Prizns, everyone who them, ; wing $35 each. All amounts in this . L-ack. stead of in C.'mac. a. has pal ornised the position to All'. acid two of three chumps ha Ve tried to sands the corre'.t answer will thereby win one of our adverthement are tttkon at the exchange of $5 text. -. Michael Madigan, a British army ve- Air. Blair has now passed over the, Francois Langelier', in default Of a scute ine, and did it, ton, but t0 no ` Faithful Timekeeper" Silver Watchoa which we sell G. A farm wilIle vl a Rent tree to yon which must be levan of Kingston, took a dUSe Of Pr11'1S hllc!;., 11 IOCUmUtIVe works, and has ,judgeship. The judgeship has notenru" good. Thele another enthusiastic rima- rewlin gland for inAmericaifor$15 to and $28 each could be cold or all iaill Goodsf orderrd t, ccuuDtbofthu ebe, 26W Pri es. 'green which resulted fatally. n lc!;., ,ng'ties for the Intercolouial to hand. So Mv. Langelier demands tour physician hit me in the middle df 8 Every winner of the watch is re, tired to par- ri. The 1-n¢s::•,d ices of tlLe cosh prize at Philadelphia. the gubier-natorial office. Sir Wilfrid, the back when I wasn't lixlking and es- clla'e one of our 81-LENDID VALUE iaexpousive ootid winners wit be p 'rated 'n t•,o Threes, Daily Tele - John Glassford, who assaulted Miss "Canada for the world I" Wily of for his part, declines to fulfil his con- cape(1 before I could land oil hien. i Silver Albert Chains to woar with the watch, as per graph and Stand, d, u' Lnndon, nn Dec. slat neat, Maude Blaine on her way to the War(.s- tract with Mr. Laugelier. Ile has been would not have done a tiling to him our unprecedented owe which we will send. Tbese a9d sllbF quontly in ilio Neto York firearld, Drafts ,e Ville. iii�i h School on Monday, has been a .Ilbe. Moved by lsrael,Tarte tic retain Sir if I had (•aught him, But the hiccoughs chnine are hall -marked on eVnry link by the foe the V . will be posted same day, ca • turecl. Canada fol eVel'ybody except Cana- ill'l' here, And to Stil I fear,'+ Fiaglish Government. It tape R the Watch is required 7. write your nvme and address In full every p Adolphe C,ilapleau in the Governor- y' p with Gold-filled ease instead of Solid Silver, a Chain time you write to as to avoid mist'Lkes. diens, "Set 'emu iP I cure you'." I Mr. Wm. Mackenzie of Toronto, Mr. ship, so as to keep Sir Adolphe out of o to matt] may, if desired, be chosen. 8. Orders for these Prizes maybe sent in separ- "Will I. ll set em up for a month D. D. Mann and other capitalists have -- politics, arid to use him as a cvilrminh in . 4. otth our watch and Chain von will receive Fac our witty Lem t•rrlo to time, and you will be credited (acquired the charter of the Vancouver, pia) for a place in which Mr. Tarte, if yon curepi'em."a nig Bold bot' besides if mammoth ewelle , noon . Whe First Factory with the toter of a I. when Catalogue q y }jou send in the regost Another Liberal PrL test. the if art campaign a ainst him } ' Priors for Jewelle y, Plwtt, eta 'I lie First Prize will [o m as socio, ipVletoriitand Eastern Railways. __ P yg Then they adjourned to a moistening be given to the bile who solves the Rebus, reetives g, When Bending Orders please remember that the grows in force as it threatens to do, establishment, and the good samaritan the Watch and Chain, ane order" Itoggether the Air. Fielding's mission t0 London to letter pestageen England is 6 cents, per halt ounce, A number of Mr. Tru re's friends and r will ultimately take refuge. said to Dan, "Dan, give this gentleman largest smount of Goads Som the eatalogne ; the and ij inacaioient po"logo is used the letter 1s liable add $15,0 JO,L..J to the debt elicits •t Second Prize Eo Ehe winner who orders the sactud %ideal supporters are organizing a Meanwhile the Mercier Club of Que- a lamp of white sugar," to go as, critical demonstration in his honor, strong protest from the leadingg Lib- He tools it and dissolved it in his era] paper fin the Eastern Townslli s bec is up in arms. It wants to get Sir vhich will take place next Thursday. 1 P Adolphe Oub and Al r. Lein slier in at, II1��th, and the hiccoughs went as if by Send you anawer at once I You are sure to win a Prize if correct while ' the Huntingdon Gleaner. A g magic, probably because their stay was 3 ' once, and it threatens Sir Wilfrid with- over anyhow, and not on necouut of the even if not correct it costa you ,nothing. - ----- That paper points out that Sir Wil- Y g• rY frid Laurie promised economy. disaster—such injury, at all events, as remedy, but it cost the cold bottle just I A BOTS SUFFERINGS. The honest Liberals are now disc it can inflict—if fails to implement the slime and some drink besides. Still; ADDRESS P- his bargain. This is the first tithe that he thinks he got out of it cheap en- ►j�{, f pointed to find that instead of practis- it Governorship has been made openly ough,—Cincinnati Tribune. he Nctehmokors Alliance & Ernest Coofs- Stores, • --- ittaeked Wlth dnflaniinatory ing economy the new men are piling the subject of a party squabble. - a lip the debt to "bribe constituences, to { n • So Dne (tueer f urrency• 14theumatlsm at an Early Age,. Elie i.I to this high office has been treat- (�-� r LIMtTf build wild -cat railways, and to enrich ed with decency, and the a.Ppointments Boys in the East sometimes think Incorporated arcording lo'T of Parliament—Capital X00,000 ($4-50,000). , political friends send speculators inalthoughmoney a scarce enough nrcticle, but they - — P P that have been rade to it r.iCH SUCCESSIVE YEAR BROUGHT mines." of course prominent mea have been s- really know little about it compared with LARGEST ENGLISH WATCHMAKERS,, what some of their cousins from the far FRESH ATTACKS WITH INCREASIN(r "To the farmers of Canada," asks the' 'lected, have had less to do with party \`rPst ooilld tell them. 'There, says The i SEVERITY UNTIL- HE WAS A PITY- Gleaner, "what does rhetorical gush tactists than with conSideriitiorlS ol' C 1�4 �Y�O1 (� ►��]C'('et� �OiTl�011. !"; g an Francisco Chronicle, nuc osteo goys a' i SICIAL WRECK, about denunciation of treaties and ho11U1' and dignity. IIl the giving out for clays without sight oil' even so much Cable Address: "CLOCKLIKE LONDON." Business Established 1885. Canada being a nation amount to?" Of the Ontario Governorship political as a nickel, and then the people resort ' from the Sun, Belleville. "Does such talk put it dollar' in their interests have certainly had a plane. to all sorts of queer devices, to make Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kelly arb people whe pockets? That position was promised to it Citi- change." f' zen of Toronto who had liberallyhelp- Ali Eastern mail, who had occasion Poultry Notes. are deeply grateful for a kind intervention of The fact is that the rhetorical gush 1 to spend ninny months in Montana, tells I Weighty Brides. Providence whereby the life health and hap- ed the party in the. days of its LribuLt- 1 1 is intended to distract the attention of of baving seen a m,111 buy a box of Front b'aucier's lttvicw. t piness of their twelve year old son, Alaster the farmer while tt1Lt art favorites tion. 171e, from the point of view of matches with a watermelon and receive Throughout the empire of Morocco Harr has been restored and reserved. P` Y gratitude, pp us eotiLled t0 the appoint- as r'Itange two muskmelons. Another TJNCLir RASTUS oft SCORE CiARD AND and in funis there are villages where Y+ P are getting away with his rnoney. relent, That he would have receives] it. the elder members of the adult n ula- Mr. Kelly is one of the hest known condor- paid fur snspeudors in trnnips and Pot C1o.mil.lRilJO.N.—I notice dat de Sco' A P tors ml th.e Midland division of the G.T. It„ Trait we, are ashamed at the protests is cry certain had not Israel Tarte, a carrot or two buck with his par- ]iyarft an, cuutparsnn pH�ple ant ergs_ tion follow professionally the pursuit and is now residing in this city. A Sun re_ of the (xleaner• Llle Wurster o]" the administxation, ill- chase, fyul' bout which ant de bas. W'en I of fattening young ladies for the matr\1'. -��i- orter having heard of the cure of ill(, little Look at the loyal and patrotic n)an. SISt<'d upon setting hirn aside to favor "But of all the queer financial transac- takes er 99 pint pullet to cin show an menial market of Barbary. The porter and the 'o bf Lis parents, called to Der in which the Toronto Globe stands of Sir Oliver, whose presence in the tions that I have ever known," said he, de jedge gives me el- 6" 3 pint Itpard, 1 Moors, like the Turks and most other joy T u for ever new mortgage that is Cabinet is not favored b the bad "tfic oddest carne under the head of `pay- theu• ]ionic and was rust by Mrs. Relly, who, ) Y Y gwine say dot ICyar°d duan Sco' stn Fill Orientals, g:Lve a decided preference unloaded upon our fanners end every eltvneut: It was all very well Co have ing the fiddler.' It hall boon noised to "nu>On-faced" wives over lean ones, , on being informed of the object of llie visit, ' i abroad that a dance was to be given n ;wine trey cumparson nox time. And ) at once told the story of the cure and 11o1V rascality that snakes a politician rich Sir Oliver's influence its a means for little way t the mountain, and I agreed 9W de ciuuparsolt ,jedge gibs yo' and are mole Solicitous as to the number the,results- were attained. We were living at the expense of the people. getting Tariff and Company in; but to Uncle er 87 )int K Lrd uu ev 9i )int of pounds which their brides weigh 11 g to gra along with one of the boys and l Yi 1 than about the Stuck of acs om kish- continus huu In the Government is in Aiadoc when unr boy was about live years _-_ __ _ __.•.---.___�_ seP the fun. After going through the r•uostiah, 1 gwine take to de woods on A of age and in the spring I went to -call him i�9 quite another -thing. The Ontarioc':1s('+ cdahorati, 1) mr:itions of blacking his Scot Kyards. Diets my `pinion' bout inents they possess. . Two Agonizing save for the duplirtiy with ivhich the boots rend Ill, inr one morning. IIs replied to my call by say- gentleman who plias v with the osi- 6 (n1 at (nllar, I saw my de question. A girl is put tender the prricess of �' ing lie could not rise. I at onco went to him g' A companion go to the potato bin and se- Woodbine Watkins, ob Mobile, fattening when she is about 12 years and found that he was unable to walk, tion has been treater., is not, however, lect a dozen nice potatoes unr] put them edioal aid nein" summoned we discovered near! so extraordinaryas the Que• in his pocket. No sooner had we arrived Writes rile of I gwine.make any de,iec_ Of age IIer hands are tied behind her > d Diseases• her case. Here is a position of great at the •music hall' that) lie gracefully sur- tions to de standard, an' of i gwine and she is seated on a carpet during that inflammatory rheumatism hall our little di rust involving the e res(ntation of rerdered tris vegetables for an entrance allow a few men to fix hit up in de nex' so many hours every clay while her boy in its grasp. All that attention and b y' g A ticket. But what >uzzled me the must ` t1a" Stands over her with a rnatra- docto,s could do. was done and the attack her lMajesty before citizens of all class- t vision to suit darselbs. I Shu' is de ` papa es and creeds made tris bone Of con- was that upon coming out after dancing st:tndarcl doth hodder yo' Uncle de c]itr, pr big stick, 'Lad her mother at R. A; spat the following spring while in r all night, he pvas „vee two ousels as leas' bit. I kin raise es as hue birds trines pops into her mouth a bitU of rpeterboro he was again seized with the dread QUICI(ly BanlShed by Paine S tention in party associations or poli- j g tical clubs. Her( is the Premier of change: I have been trying to make by de standard its she arc, its I kin conscoussou, ur stili Maize porridge, 11 y r' disease and again we were in terrible dread up my mind ever since what that dance avhera she am doctored Op. Twins kneaded up with grease and just large of rosin the child. When the warm weath• Celery Compound. Canada openly, without the slightest w:1s worth in the `currency of the er came again he rallied, but was very weak --_ thought of the immorality of his con- realm.' " now at de shows an •un g,ttin long enough to be swallowed without elle duct, figuring, as Mr. Tare declares, jes as well now as 1 will atter de soul patient choking. 11 and only asladow of his former self. Iles- how he can best slake this important xvery watrrt a compass. darddoue fixed ober. If the unfortunates P girl declines to be Two Thankful letters that Should position Subserve, pa^ty ends. But this "Several weeks ago in London," said Clambake Howker, ob Chattanoogy, stuffed she is compelled, so that ere' .t 1, k l no menus the WIOsL sag estive an English tourist rat. the Queen's Hotel, Be Read By Suflerin� Men Y sg "I wrlN standing beside n Canadian ac- writes nie 'bout rale squalifivation9 Od long the pnor girl resigns herself tothe featu-e of the situation. Sir Wilfrid 06_11�yl b quaitltance, when I expressed a wish to Plimuff Rocks. He finks de standard torture and gulps,down the boluses Laurier according to the Quebec story, should be changed so as to take in all lest she should he beaten. ,-- and Women. know which point was the uol-th. He g �� =::, � gave a written promise to Mr. Fran - •:r' �'! COIS Lau slier as ion ago as Jul Pulled out his watch, looked at it, and kinds of 1'lirrtulf Rocks wid green legs, in Brazil corpulence is also consider- tII,, j �� g g g y+ at once pointed in the right direction. 1 an' blue legs, and red 1Pgs, and clat (ley ed the essential point of female beauty, N , I;', 1886, that he should have either a asked It in whether he had a compass at, should not squalify de hi rd will a dont, ;end the greatest compliment that can .-; ,. '� L I Ir For the effectual banishment of judgeship or, failing that, the Govern- tacbed to his watch. `All watches are le comb, a9 he has some ob dat kind, I1' . be paid to a Brazilian lady is to tell �a_;I °CI ,,,, rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia, orship when it became Vacant. He compasses,' he replied. 'Then he explain- tan' dey sco's 999 Wen dey is fat. I >• 1: '-l1 I,Y Paine a Celer Compound is without also assured Mr. C llarles Laugelier ed to ine how this Was. Point the hour , her that she groves fatter and father .,r,; �_- a sin t in de Plimuff Rock u'!^.css all .r�k"^ `r- y that Fraueor9 should be rovided for. hand to the sun, and the south is exact_ every clay. 4 » ,, V,'! I ;, A down care how dey fixes up de squali- . II I doubt the best medicine that human Mr. Francois Lan relier therefore must ly half way between the hour and the 1.�\� i,� T. fications. Let de inial dnb breeds dere {l r" 0 ,.__ science has ever produced. This mar- have sat in Parliament during the figure XII. ou rho dial. Thr instance, kind ob chickens 'tend to dat. Yo' t�\ suppose it is 4 o'elock, point the hand A man named Pollock made a sue- _ ,„,'(I 1. ,� vellous remedy, devised by Professor short section of 1886 and the king ses- indicating four to the sun, and II. on the Uncle ain't gwine to meddle wid de cessful trip across the English Chan- sion of 1897 with Sir Wilfrid's promise watch is exactly south. Su nel in a balloon. Fdward Phel s, M. D. one of the ppose again, chickens heilin't hreedin'. An I loan �;�5r'1v �^ P of an office in his pocket, Mr. Lange- that it is 8 o'clock. Point the hand suds- want no sma't Aleck dere dean breed Speaking at Picton on the 15th Sept. ablest physicians that ever lived, has lier was thus not a free a ent' he way gibe X. say kind Ob chickens t0 say how day's A g ` g , eating eight to the sun and the S _� Mr. Whitney outlined his educational won the hearty praise of millions of not an independent meniber of the on the dial is due soth. gwine he squalified. No 'sah I (loan. x people for the wonderous cures it has House. His embarragsment is made ' "My Canadian friend seemed surprised I 'tends to my own bizness an' I got all Policy, one chief plank of which is tree s• pits all we could do he was again attacked in wrought in all lands. It is only a clefts' in the Statement offered as to that 1 did not know this, and, not want- I kin, do wid n bi Hf de 1'lnnoff improv(:ment of the Public Schools. `; the nextspring. You can imagine the fear his future action with respect to the ing to be left alone in my ignorance, I Rock men dean know Huff up fis rap de He dues not intend to make a college jlli and dread with which ive watched these re- medicine with such a record of cures ]Jr•uintnond railway deal. Quebeceity asked Henry Al. Stanley, whom I met out of the Public schools, for the pupils s uttlificat,ions on dar own chickens, T curringattacks, each one moo severe than that can attain a •worldwide rsputa• does nota rove of that reject be the following day, whether he knew of who complete their, education in thein affects P J this simple means of taking the points ain't gwine pat in rely talk. No Sall, I u4sually take u the burdens of life at the ]est, and ¢ash one leaving our boy in n tion. It hes saved men, women and cause it affects disadvantiageously the, g P of the compass. My self-esteem rose ain't. 15 or le ears of age. His ideas was 11 worse condition than those that went before, ohildrep, many of whom had been ]ung contemplated bridge scheme. Mr• when that famous traveler told me he Y g Isis last attack coatined him to bed for three Langeliet did not opposo the Drnni- ]sad never heard of it. So perhaps there not o bung SI college down to every '�•;•', given up by the doctors. It doss its P P school section, but to take steps to atf- montbs, and hisheart dangerously affect- work quickly and well; it eradicates mond affair last session, but it is in- may be plenty of folks In your country HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH? '° ed. His suffeviugs errible, and it was q Y i tinutLed that if he should remain in who still remain in my original state of ford a thorough measure of education ;, pitiful to see him o carry food to his every trace,~ of disease; it builds up, Parliament—in othf r words, if Sir Wil- ignorance."—Press Siftings. Thinness is wasting. Wasting is to the pupils having regard t0 what ,;ti,', Mon. His n m was sosl,attered fortifies and mattes active ever mortal frid should not give him the promised _ tearingdown. Scott's Hinulsion budd,s their lot, in life might be. form o' lance had affected Y offlce—he will be free to antagonize it Top ly, I've write Postoffice. --- - _ - - _- --._._.-, whose limbs have been crippled and g i'sihNo icnuy, rye written up; it never snakes waste. It will gives v„ 0. ' trembled so that tet the coming session. It will lie ob- Dlany, many times to you you rich blood and brio back your ]himself. Some deformed by rheumatism, and drives served that Sir Wilfrid held hisrprom- But the spirlt-world postofflee weight. �` �` Catarrh .« r. Williams' Pink away the terrors of neuralgia. ises in front of Mr. Langelier, and ]Lately carries letters throngh. m so highly that thus quieted his opposition to Carte's •' - 1`+•;;,'i "i 11 g Y Today the ablest doctors are freely Countless NlHstvee have I posted— dad to try them. railway project. Are there an more Shackles `1 y prescribing Paine's Celery Compound y P Y Coula you read them .—but ]t 16eem/ The Y'stst Atlanti Line. several months P g Y P cases of a like character? Has any They will never be delivered- ' relied anxiously, for tortured rheumatic and neuralgic other member• of Parliament a written These, our lbbetsontan dreams SirWilfrid Laurier assures u we are going r; M. able, but were people. The thankful lettere received plLsdge from Sir Wilfrid that he shall But the spirit -world postofNce to have the fast Atlantic line after all. if Broken In So Mlnutls , e 1. no symptoms each year from the cured in every hhave an office? Have written pledges Has an angel staff they any; so it ought to be truly fast, and right rap to d for the past affected the inde endence of other re- And a system that is perfect; 'r p section of Canada would if published h date. In fact, the proposed Canadian line It's st es bear it out, hO ondition of his ' P presentatives of the people ? And no letters go astray. staastles bear it out, P P should be ,quite equal to or in advance of, " 11 the reporter'. in book form, make a largo and i n 1 2 4 \ at dredleast so to o in hma• P Sir Wilfrid Laurier is finding another And the mina -sent notes retatntn¢, anything on the Atlantic. Since the specifi- Bred parsons in this altby a boy as teresting volume. way to control Parliament and to de- Silently rebuke and cheer; ciations as to speed and capacity of the vessels country are tainted IMSt ' " tribute his re• The following letters will surer Prive the electorate- of independent re Mnke my messages, material, of the proposed osed line were agreed u on we havo lesser or greater dciras nothing but g Y Stronger, saner, more alncere. P P p by that des8usting,VMK . c' g presentation. When last he wits in office seen new steamships placed in codimission in sive and dangerous des ommarld thern inspire all rheumatic and neuralgia he sat in a government that gave con- Love -inspired, Im ulse•driven, comparison with which the Canadian vessels I ease—Catarrh, If safferers with a new and lively hope of tracts to Supporters iu Prarliainent and Daily we are piing shelves will rank as second-class. The new steam- t. ino ilio � a d am `` v algia, partial abetter and happier life. brie. F. NIa• even loaded to Speaker of the House OHIg1,cr,flowfice errtBnn with tetvesem' shipof thq North German Llo d, rho Tisiser Y palas In the f orches ervous head- Menn, of Thorold, Out., says:— with orders for printing. Now that he Wilhelm der Grosae, has smashed all previous headache dropp]»6 tela diseases de- is back again, we find a member sittin Then the sp' irlt-world postoftlee records beating such vessels as the St. Pan) the throat, offensive breach, loss of illste and tamalli, + � 1X r 1 R the Catarrh shackles may bo tightening aboutyoit— rrI think it m dot t0 let OU know We will blame not, when we see Y g ,'i, oil, such as Y Y Y tbrou h two sessions with a romise and St. Louis b several hours. The averse DR. A(iNEw 8 OATARBHAL POv#x= g P That each better soul -sent lettrr all disappear what Paine's Celery Compound has Governorship idYEuencing his conduct. I Is a help to you and me. speed of the Kaiser Wilhelm' der Grosse on its is the most potent Catarrh cure known today. - r. Williams' done form husband, For two. earshs• The new way is worse than the old--nenry Watson Jaki•way„ In Saturday latest trip was 21.60 knots per hour, or near- Recommendedbyeminentnose and throataped& �;'`; y y Night Isla—gtv¢s relief In from roto 6o minutes. by glow to suffered very lunch with rheumatism one. It is an attack upon represents- ly 2ti statue miles. And this is only the new „per ears I was a fotoctim of chrome >ratefrSl; Sold by Sill tiv , institutions, and, in view of the cbineaA •t' a crop. boat's maiden efforts in making speed. Un- y in the bass. and became so bad that P the first application of Dr. Agnow'sCatrirrhaipo�t t box, or six' ' extrava]Iant propositions that are laid I The tea crop in the best districts o{ less the Canadian lino is equirpped with ser gave mo instanf relief, and to an Inc .,,—] lb}y le Dr. Wil- he could not bond, stoop, or sit in before Yarllament, and of the domin- China is from 300 to 400 pounds per machineryof the very latest ddesip it will short while I was permanently cured,"—lames Ont. Do a chair at table, and I was obliged to ance of Israel Tarte, is a danger to the acre, p fail in gaiing the distinction that is expect- Hoadley, Dundee, N.Y,-33 stitute. take bis meals to him while he lay in Pnblie interests. J ed of it. Sold by Watts & Co. ,...;.. _ • ,. TiNg H e UL A word he -c otic tok®. ' T 11e le Llle 7'inle." — Our Proud Position in rho watch Trade. The qualities of err Watches whio'a are acknowloi'ged . to be the O O JR • ST foremost in the English and American MarLLte, n O ® a I END -- A word which hero mean" they will last a lire-time- n1r. Hardy is giving our logs t0 g• e. ie een The Quebee Scandal. trying every old remedy I ever heard of Michigan, and has ablv suocceded in --e that iend wonderful offer is only made to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every WEDNESDAY, OCTOuLR 20th, 1897, closing the Canadian Mills. Mail and Empire. was kind enounew gh to suggest. fool I've lheld Competitor must read the following conditions and comply with them. __—__.-_ -----__ a- Mr. Fielding has awarded the con- The situation in Quebec, is so far its my hands over my head for fifteen min- . tract to make our bank rotes and our the Lieutenant -Governorship is con- ntes and extended them like a sign- 1. Send your answ.e n an "Internatirml Post- la gest amount, and so on. Ir not,more than twenty �. News Notes• uo9Lage stamps t0 the American Cerned, can be stated in x few word,;. board until they ached. 141(l my Card" which can be bX111t at the pcst•ot1`,ce (price I win and receive tho Watch and Chain, and it these James Fitzgerald o f'�Ottawa died 13rrnk�'1�Tote COimpany of New York, the Sir Adolphe (`hiaplertu's term expires in breath until I was almost ready to drop 2 cents). There Is no entrance tee or charge what. do nit buy an thing Horn the Catalopuo, the whole from injuries received on the railway engraving being done at New York in- December, and Sir Wilfvicl Laurier from apoplexy. I've drunk nine swat- ever, or the prize moony will be equally 'vi ed amens 7 Y , lows of water nine times over, I guess, 2. In addition to the Cash Prizns, everyone who them, ; wing $35 each. All amounts in this . L-ack. stead of in C.'mac. a. has pal ornised the position to All'. acid two of three chumps ha Ve tried to sands the corre'.t answer will thereby win one of our adverthement are tttkon at the exchange of $5 text. -. Michael Madigan, a British army ve- Air. Blair has now passed over the, Francois Langelier', in default Of a scute ine, and did it, ton, but t0 no ` Faithful Timekeeper" Silver Watchoa which we sell G. A farm wilIle vl a Rent tree to yon which must be levan of Kingston, took a dUSe Of Pr11'1S hllc!;., 11 IOCUmUtIVe works, and has ,judgeship. The judgeship has notenru" good. Thele another enthusiastic rima- rewlin gland for inAmericaifor$15 to and $28 each could be cold or all iaill Goodsf orderrd t, ccuuDtbofthu ebe, 26W Pri es. 'green which resulted fatally. n lc!;., ,ng'ties for the Intercolouial to hand. So Mv. Langelier demands tour physician hit me in the middle df 8 Every winner of the watch is re, tired to par- ri. The 1-n¢s::•,d ices of tlLe cosh prize at Philadelphia. the gubier-natorial office. Sir Wilfrid, the back when I wasn't lixlking and es- clla'e one of our 81-LENDID VALUE iaexpousive ootid winners wit be p 'rated 'n t•,o Threes, Daily Tele - John Glassford, who assaulted Miss "Canada for the world I" Wily of for his part, declines to fulfil his con- cape(1 before I could land oil hien. i Silver Albert Chains to woar with the watch, as per graph and Stand, d, u' Lnndon, nn Dec. slat neat, Maude Blaine on her way to the War(.s- tract with Mr. Laugelier. Ile has been would not have done a tiling to him our unprecedented owe which we will send. Tbese a9d sllbF quontly in ilio Neto York firearld, Drafts ,e Ville. iii�i h School on Monday, has been a .Ilbe. Moved by lsrael,Tarte tic retain Sir if I had (•aught him, But the hiccoughs chnine are hall -marked on eVnry link by the foe the V . will be posted same day, ca • turecl. Canada fol eVel'ybody except Cana- ill'l' here, And to Stil I fear,'+ Fiaglish Government. It tape R the Watch is required 7. write your nvme and address In full every p Adolphe C,ilapleau in the Governor- y' p with Gold-filled ease instead of Solid Silver, a Chain time you write to as to avoid mist'Lkes. diens, "Set 'emu iP I cure you'." I Mr. Wm. Mackenzie of Toronto, Mr. ship, so as to keep Sir Adolphe out of o to matt] may, if desired, be chosen. 8. Orders for these Prizes maybe sent in separ- "Will I. ll set em up for a month D. D. Mann and other capitalists have -- politics, arid to use him as a cvilrminh in . 4. otth our watch and Chain von will receive Fac our witty Lem t•rrlo to time, and you will be credited (acquired the charter of the Vancouver, pia) for a place in which Mr. Tarte, if yon curepi'em."a nig Bold bot' besides if mammoth ewelle , noon . Whe First Factory with the toter of a I. when Catalogue q y }jou send in the regost Another Liberal PrL test. the if art campaign a ainst him } ' Priors for Jewelle y, Plwtt, eta 'I lie First Prize will [o m as socio, ipVletoriitand Eastern Railways. __ P yg Then they adjourned to a moistening be given to the bile who solves the Rebus, reetives g, When Bending Orders please remember that the grows in force as it threatens to do, establishment, and the good samaritan the Watch and Chain, ane order" Itoggether the Air. Fielding's mission t0 London to letter pestageen England is 6 cents, per halt ounce, A number of Mr. Tru re's friends and r will ultimately take refuge. said to Dan, "Dan, give this gentleman largest smount of Goads Som the eatalogne ; the and ij inacaioient po"logo is used the letter 1s liable add $15,0 JO,L..J to the debt elicits •t Second Prize Eo Ehe winner who orders the sactud %ideal supporters are organizing a Meanwhile the Mercier Club of Que- a lamp of white sugar," to go as, critical demonstration in his honor, strong protest from the leadingg Lib- He tools it and dissolved it in his era] paper fin the Eastern Townslli s bec is up in arms. It wants to get Sir vhich will take place next Thursday. 1 P Adolphe Oub and Al r. Lein slier in at, II1��th, and the hiccoughs went as if by Send you anawer at once I You are sure to win a Prize if correct while ' the Huntingdon Gleaner. A g magic, probably because their stay was 3 ' once, and it threatens Sir Wilfrid with- over anyhow, and not on necouut of the even if not correct it costa you ,nothing. - ----- That paper points out that Sir Wil- Y g• rY frid Laurie promised economy. disaster—such injury, at all events, as remedy, but it cost the cold bottle just I A BOTS SUFFERINGS. The honest Liberals are now disc it can inflict—if fails to implement the slime and some drink besides. Still; ADDRESS P- his bargain. This is the first tithe that he thinks he got out of it cheap en- ►j�{, f pointed to find that instead of practis- it Governorship has been made openly ough,—Cincinnati Tribune. he Nctehmokors Alliance & Ernest Coofs- Stores, • --- ittaeked Wlth dnflaniinatory ing economy the new men are piling the subject of a party squabble. - a lip the debt to "bribe constituences, to { n • So Dne (tueer f urrency• 14theumatlsm at an Early Age,. Elie i.I to this high office has been treat- (�-� r LIMtTf build wild -cat railways, and to enrich ed with decency, and the a.Ppointments Boys in the East sometimes think Incorporated arcording lo'T of Parliament—Capital X00,000 ($4-50,000). , political friends send speculators inalthoughmoney a scarce enough nrcticle, but they - — P P that have been rade to it r.iCH SUCCESSIVE YEAR BROUGHT mines." of course prominent mea have been s- really know little about it compared with LARGEST ENGLISH WATCHMAKERS,, what some of their cousins from the far FRESH ATTACKS WITH INCREASIN(r "To the farmers of Canada," asks the' 'lected, have had less to do with party \`rPst ooilld tell them. 'There, says The i SEVERITY UNTIL- HE WAS A PITY- Gleaner, "what does rhetorical gush tactists than with conSideriitiorlS ol' C 1�4 �Y�O1 (� ►��]C'('et� �OiTl�011. !"; g an Francisco Chronicle, nuc osteo goys a' i SICIAL WRECK, about denunciation of treaties and ho11U1' and dignity. IIl the giving out for clays without sight oil' even so much Cable Address: "CLOCKLIKE LONDON." Business Established 1885. Canada being a nation amount to?" Of the Ontario Governorship political as a nickel, and then the people resort ' from the Sun, Belleville. "Does such talk put it dollar' in their interests have certainly had a plane. to all sorts of queer devices, to make Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kelly arb people whe pockets? That position was promised to it Citi- change." f' zen of Toronto who had liberallyhelp- Ali Eastern mail, who had occasion Poultry Notes. are deeply grateful for a kind intervention of The fact is that the rhetorical gush 1 to spend ninny months in Montana, tells I Weighty Brides. Providence whereby the life health and hap- ed the party in the. days of its LribuLt- 1 1 is intended to distract the attention of of baving seen a m,111 buy a box of Front b'aucier's lttvicw. t piness of their twelve year old son, Alaster the farmer while tt1Lt art favorites tion. 171e, from the point of view of matches with a watermelon and receive Throughout the empire of Morocco Harr has been restored and reserved. P` Y gratitude, pp us eotiLled t0 the appoint- as r'Itange two muskmelons. Another TJNCLir RASTUS oft SCORE CiARD AND and in funis there are villages where Y+ P are getting away with his rnoney. relent, That he would have receives] it. the elder members of the adult n ula- Mr. Kelly is one of the hest known condor- paid fur snspeudors in trnnips and Pot C1o.mil.lRilJO.N.—I notice dat de Sco' A P tors ml th.e Midland division of the G.T. It„ Trait we, are ashamed at the protests is cry certain had not Israel Tarte, a carrot or two buck with his par- ]iyarft an, cuutparsnn pH�ple ant ergs_ tion follow professionally the pursuit and is now residing in this city. A Sun re_ of the (xleaner• Llle Wurster o]" the administxation, ill- chase, fyul' bout which ant de bas. W'en I of fattening young ladies for the matr\1'. -��i- orter having heard of the cure of ill(, little Look at the loyal and patrotic n)an. SISt<'d upon setting hirn aside to favor "But of all the queer financial transac- takes er 99 pint pullet to cin show an menial market of Barbary. The porter and the 'o bf Lis parents, called to Der in which the Toronto Globe stands of Sir Oliver, whose presence in the tions that I have ever known," said he, de jedge gives me el- 6" 3 pint Itpard, 1 Moors, like the Turks and most other joy T u for ever new mortgage that is Cabinet is not favored b the bad "tfic oddest carne under the head of `pay- theu• ]ionic and was rust by Mrs. Relly, who, ) Y Y gwine say dot ICyar°d duan Sco' stn Fill Orientals, g:Lve a decided preference unloaded upon our fanners end every eltvneut: It was all very well Co have ing the fiddler.' It hall boon noised to "nu>On-faced" wives over lean ones, , on being informed of the object of llie visit, ' i abroad that a dance was to be given n ;wine trey cumparson nox time. And ) at once told the story of the cure and 11o1V rascality that snakes a politician rich Sir Oliver's influence its a means for little way t the mountain, and I agreed 9W de ciuuparsolt ,jedge gibs yo' and are mole Solicitous as to the number the,results- were attained. We were living at the expense of the people. getting Tariff and Company in; but to Uncle er 87 )int K Lrd uu ev 9i )int of pounds which their brides weigh 11 g to gra along with one of the boys and l Yi 1 than about the Stuck of acs om kish- continus huu In the Government is in Aiadoc when unr boy was about live years _-_ __ _ __.•.---.___�_ seP the fun. After going through the r•uostiah, 1 gwine take to de woods on A of age and in the spring I went to -call him i�9 quite another -thing. The Ontarioc':1s('+ cdahorati, 1) mr:itions of blacking his Scot Kyards. Diets my `pinion' bout inents they possess. . Two Agonizing save for the duplirtiy with ivhich the boots rend Ill, inr one morning. IIs replied to my call by say- gentleman who plias v with the osi- 6 (n1 at (nllar, I saw my de question. A girl is put tender the prricess of �' ing lie could not rise. I at onco went to him g' A companion go to the potato bin and se- Woodbine Watkins, ob Mobile, fattening when she is about 12 years and found that he was unable to walk, tion has been treater., is not, however, lect a dozen nice potatoes unr] put them edioal aid nein" summoned we discovered near! so extraordinaryas the Que• in his pocket. No sooner had we arrived Writes rile of I gwine.make any de,iec_ Of age IIer hands are tied behind her > d Diseases• her case. Here is a position of great at the •music hall' that) lie gracefully sur- tions to de standard, an' of i gwine and she is seated on a carpet during that inflammatory rheumatism hall our little di rust involving the e res(ntation of rerdered tris vegetables for an entrance allow a few men to fix hit up in de nex' so many hours every clay while her boy in its grasp. All that attention and b y' g A ticket. But what >uzzled me the must ` t1a" Stands over her with a rnatra- docto,s could do. was done and the attack her lMajesty before citizens of all class- t vision to suit darselbs. I Shu' is de ` papa es and creeds made tris bone Of con- was that upon coming out after dancing st:tndarcl doth hodder yo' Uncle de c]itr, pr big stick, 'Lad her mother at R. A; spat the following spring while in r all night, he pvas „vee two ousels as leas' bit. I kin raise es as hue birds trines pops into her mouth a bitU of rpeterboro he was again seized with the dread QUICI(ly BanlShed by Paine S tention in party associations or poli- j g tical clubs. Her( is the Premier of change: I have been trying to make by de standard its she arc, its I kin conscoussou, ur stili Maize porridge, 11 y r' disease and again we were in terrible dread up my mind ever since what that dance avhera she am doctored Op. Twins kneaded up with grease and just large of rosin the child. When the warm weath• Celery Compound. Canada openly, without the slightest w:1s worth in the `currency of the er came again he rallied, but was very weak --_ thought of the immorality of his con- realm.' " now at de shows an •un g,ttin long enough to be swallowed without elle duct, figuring, as Mr. Tare declares, jes as well now as 1 will atter de soul patient choking. 11 and only asladow of his former self. Iles- how he can best slake this important xvery watrrt a compass. darddoue fixed ober. If the unfortunates P girl declines to be Two Thankful letters that Should position Subserve, pa^ty ends. But this "Several weeks ago in London," said Clambake Howker, ob Chattanoogy, stuffed she is compelled, so that ere' .t 1, k l no menus the WIOsL sag estive an English tourist rat. the Queen's Hotel, Be Read By Suflerin� Men Y sg "I wrlN standing beside n Canadian ac- writes nie 'bout rale squalifivation9 Od long the pnor girl resigns herself tothe featu-e of the situation. Sir Wilfrid 06_11�yl b quaitltance, when I expressed a wish to Plimuff Rocks. He finks de standard torture and gulps,down the boluses Laurier according to the Quebec story, should be changed so as to take in all lest she should he beaten. ,-- and Women. know which point was the uol-th. He g �� =::, � gave a written promise to Mr. Fran - •:r' �'! COIS Lau slier as ion ago as Jul Pulled out his watch, looked at it, and kinds of 1'lirrtulf Rocks wid green legs, in Brazil corpulence is also consider- tII,, j �� g g g y+ at once pointed in the right direction. 1 an' blue legs, and red 1Pgs, and clat (ley ed the essential point of female beauty, N , I;', 1886, that he should have either a asked It in whether he had a compass at, should not squalify de hi rd will a dont, ;end the greatest compliment that can .-; ,. '� L I Ir For the effectual banishment of judgeship or, failing that, the Govern- tacbed to his watch. `All watches are le comb, a9 he has some ob dat kind, I1' . be paid to a Brazilian lady is to tell �a_;I °CI ,,,, rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia, orship when it became Vacant. He compasses,' he replied. 'Then he explain- tan' dey sco's 999 Wen dey is fat. I >• 1: '-l1 I,Y Paine a Celer Compound is without also assured Mr. C llarles Laugelier ed to ine how this Was. Point the hour , her that she groves fatter and father .,r,; �_- a sin t in de Plimuff Rock u'!^.css all .r�k"^ `r- y that Fraueor9 should be rovided for. hand to the sun, and the south is exact_ every clay. 4 » ,, V,'! I ;, A down care how dey fixes up de squali- . II I doubt the best medicine that human Mr. Francois Lan relier therefore must ly half way between the hour and the 1.�\� i,� T. fications. Let de inial dnb breeds dere {l r" 0 ,.__ science has ever produced. This mar- have sat in Parliament during the figure XII. ou rho dial. Thr instance, kind ob chickens 'tend to dat. Yo' t�\ suppose it is 4 o'elock, point the hand A man named Pollock made a sue- _ ,„,'(I 1. ,� vellous remedy, devised by Professor short section of 1886 and the king ses- indicating four to the sun, and II. on the Uncle ain't gwine to meddle wid de cessful trip across the English Chan- sion of 1897 with Sir Wilfrid's promise watch is exactly south. Su nel in a balloon. Fdward Phel s, M. D. one of the ppose again, chickens heilin't hreedin'. An I loan �;�5r'1v �^ P of an office in his pocket, Mr. Lange- that it is 8 o'clock. Point the hand suds- want no sma't Aleck dere dean breed Speaking at Picton on the 15th Sept. ablest physicians that ever lived, has lier was thus not a free a ent' he way gibe X. say kind Ob chickens t0 say how day's A g ` g , eating eight to the sun and the S _� Mr. Whitney outlined his educational won the hearty praise of millions of not an independent meniber of the on the dial is due soth. gwine he squalified. No 'sah I (loan. x people for the wonderous cures it has House. His embarragsment is made ' "My Canadian friend seemed surprised I 'tends to my own bizness an' I got all Policy, one chief plank of which is tree s• pits all we could do he was again attacked in wrought in all lands. It is only a clefts' in the Statement offered as to that 1 did not know this, and, not want- I kin, do wid n bi Hf de 1'lnnoff improv(:ment of the Public Schools. `; the nextspring. You can imagine the fear his future action with respect to the ing to be left alone in my ignorance, I Rock men dean know Huff up fis rap de He dues not intend to make a college jlli and dread with which ive watched these re- medicine with such a record of cures ]Jr•uintnond railway deal. Quebeceity asked Henry Al. Stanley, whom I met out of the Public schools, for the pupils s uttlificat,ions on dar own chickens, T curringattacks, each one moo severe than that can attain a •worldwide rsputa• does nota rove of that reject be the following day, whether he knew of who complete their, education in thein affects P J this simple means of taking the points ain't gwine pat in rely talk. No Sall, I u4sually take u the burdens of life at the ]est, and ¢ash one leaving our boy in n tion. It hes saved men, women and cause it affects disadvantiageously the, g P of the compass. My self-esteem rose ain't. 15 or le ears of age. His ideas was 11 worse condition than those that went before, ohildrep, many of whom had been ]ung contemplated bridge scheme. Mr• when that famous traveler told me he Y g Isis last attack coatined him to bed for three Langeliet did not opposo the Drnni- ]sad never heard of it. So perhaps there not o bung SI college down to every '�•;•', given up by the doctors. It doss its P P school section, but to take steps to atf- montbs, and hisheart dangerously affect- work quickly and well; it eradicates mond affair last session, but it is in- may be plenty of folks In your country HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH? '° ed. His suffeviugs errible, and it was q Y i tinutLed that if he should remain in who still remain in my original state of ford a thorough measure of education ;, pitiful to see him o carry food to his every trace,~ of disease; it builds up, Parliament—in othf r words, if Sir Wil- ignorance."—Press Siftings. Thinness is wasting. Wasting is to the pupils having regard t0 what ,;ti,', Mon. His n m was sosl,attered fortifies and mattes active ever mortal frid should not give him the promised _ tearingdown. Scott's Hinulsion budd,s their lot, in life might be. form o' lance had affected Y offlce—he will be free to antagonize it Top ly, I've write Postoffice. --- - _ - - _- --._._.-, whose limbs have been crippled and g i'sihNo icnuy, rye written up; it never snakes waste. It will gives v„ 0. ' trembled so that tet the coming session. It will lie ob- Dlany, many times to you you rich blood and brio back your ]himself. Some deformed by rheumatism, and drives served that Sir Wilfrid held hisrprom- But the spirlt-world postofflee weight. �` �` Catarrh .« r. Williams' Pink away the terrors of neuralgia. ises in front of Mr. Langelier, and ]Lately carries letters throngh. m so highly that thus quieted his opposition to Carte's •' - 1`+•;;,'i "i 11 g Y Today the ablest doctors are freely Countless NlHstvee have I posted— dad to try them. railway project. Are there an more Shackles `1 y prescribing Paine's Celery Compound y P Y Coula you read them .—but ]t 16eem/ The Y'stst Atlanti Line. several months P g Y P cases of a like character? Has any They will never be delivered- ' relied anxiously, for tortured rheumatic and neuralgic other member• of Parliament a written These, our lbbetsontan dreams SirWilfrid Laurier assures u we are going r; M. able, but were people. The thankful lettere received plLsdge from Sir Wilfrid that he shall But the spirit -world postofNce to have the fast Atlantic line after all. if Broken In So Mlnutls , e 1. no symptoms each year from the cured in every hhave an office? Have written pledges Has an angel staff they any; so it ought to be truly fast, and right rap to d for the past affected the inde endence of other re- And a system that is perfect; 'r p section of Canada would if published h date. In fact, the proposed Canadian line It's st es bear it out, hO ondition of his ' P presentatives of the people ? And no letters go astray. staastles bear it out, P P should be ,quite equal to or in advance of, " 11 the reporter'. in book form, make a largo and i n 1 2 4 \ at dredleast so to o in hma• P Sir Wilfrid Laurier is finding another And the mina -sent notes retatntn¢, anything on the Atlantic. Since the specifi- Bred parsons in this altby a boy as teresting volume. way to control Parliament and to de- Silently rebuke and cheer; ciations as to speed and capacity of the vessels country are tainted IMSt ' " tribute his re• The following letters will surer Prive the electorate- of independent re Mnke my messages, material, of the proposed osed line were agreed u on we havo lesser or greater dciras nothing but g Y Stronger, saner, more alncere. P P p by that des8usting,VMK . c' g presentation. When last he wits in office seen new steamships placed in codimission in sive and dangerous des ommarld thern inspire all rheumatic and neuralgia he sat in a government that gave con- Love -inspired, Im ulse•driven, comparison with which the Canadian vessels I ease—Catarrh, If safferers with a new and lively hope of tracts to Supporters iu Prarliainent and Daily we are piing shelves will rank as second-class. The new steam- t. ino ilio � a d am `` v algia, partial abetter and happier life. brie. F. NIa• even loaded to Speaker of the House OHIg1,cr,flowfice errtBnn with tetvesem' shipof thq North German Llo d, rho Tisiser Y palas In the f orches ervous head- Menn, of Thorold, Out., says:— with orders for printing. Now that he Wilhelm der Grosae, has smashed all previous headache dropp]»6 tela diseases de- is back again, we find a member sittin Then the sp' irlt-world postoftlee records beating such vessels as the St. Pan) the throat, offensive breach, loss of illste and tamalli, + � 1X r 1 R the Catarrh shackles may bo tightening aboutyoit— rrI think it m dot t0 let OU know We will blame not, when we see Y g ,'i, oil, such as Y Y Y tbrou h two sessions with a romise and St. Louis b several hours. The averse DR. A(iNEw 8 OATARBHAL POv#x= g P That each better soul -sent lettrr all disappear what Paine's Celery Compound has Governorship idYEuencing his conduct. I Is a help to you and me. speed of the Kaiser Wilhelm' der Grosse on its is the most potent Catarrh cure known today. - r. Williams' done form husband, For two. earshs• The new way is worse than the old--nenry Watson Jaki•way„ In Saturday latest trip was 21.60 knots per hour, or near- Recommendedbyeminentnose and throataped& �;'`; y y Night Isla—gtv¢s relief In from roto 6o minutes. by glow to suffered very lunch with rheumatism one. It is an attack upon represents- ly 2ti statue miles. And this is only the new „per ears I was a fotoctim of chrome >ratefrSl; Sold by Sill tiv , institutions, and, in view of the cbineaA •t' a crop. boat's maiden efforts in making speed. Un- y in the bass. and became so bad that P the first application of Dr. Agnow'sCatrirrhaipo�t t box, or six' ' extrava]Iant propositions that are laid I The tea crop in the best districts o{ less the Canadian lino is equirpped with ser gave mo instanf relief, and to an Inc .,,—] lb}y le Dr. Wil- he could not bond, stoop, or sit in before Yarllament, and of the domin- China is from 300 to 400 pounds per machineryof the very latest ddesip it will short while I was permanently cured,"—lames Ont. Do a chair at table, and I was obliged to ance of Israel Tarte, is a danger to the acre, p fail in gaiing the distinction that is expect- Hoadley, Dundee, N.Y,-33 stitute. take bis meals to him while he lay in Pnblie interests. J ed of it. Sold by Watts & Co. ,...;.. _ • ,.