The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-20, Page 1Per Annuw! 1.00 In Advance.
r .+
i'r}} } • I ICriet Town Topics. Brief Town Topics. Goderich. r "' THE TWO '
1 t l l Blacks uirrels are scarce. .YEA, HE'S'COMING.-The Collegiate A• J• S•
3 118
' . r Have you seen a Huron Map? hata aMisse calling
and Martin of Wing- Institute Literary society has engaged
Yum kin p to are calling on friends to town. prank Yeigh, of Toronto to evne I ,j
i9ll9lal Attention has been p pies ara now popular. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Platt of Goderich g
given tq the requirements of P P of his picture travel talks in the O
b Invalids etc. Farmers should market their grain were in Clinton last Monday. Douse on Friday evening, the 22 Inst. `ru'''st' NOW• .... , Open ' in Clinton. Our prices are right. I Rev. J. F. Parke took Rev, Mr! The subject chosen is eminently suited We are offering some splendid
Tho, U 141Al
cal Profession is cordially A good number of sheep and lambs Jeanes' duties at Listowel on Sunday. to this Jubilee ear, viz., •'Britain's lines of c
Xt}vj,GRd 'til examine our stock. were delivered here yesterday. Mrs. Jeanes of Listowel spent a few Girdle of the Globe." The Toronto Waterproof Goods 1Jeeret'- 'A
i' ; x i;all baa pleased to import any Mr. J. C. Gilroy is in Chicago this days in town and was a guest at the World says of the lecture, "It was a
apeial haps T do not carry in weak. rector telling picture of ,the extent and power At ,.remarkably close prices. ' ' `' stock. The Town of Clinton should see to it Of the Eanpite, and a graphic diecri Shrewd buyers who re mre tin d '
Thursday, Nov. 25, has been appoint- p. thin q y` It is an open secret that we are '
.., ti1 1 Thanks ruin •Day, that the ublic shade trees are tion of the progress trade during Vic- g in this line should see
g' (, P proper- g what we have before they buy. giving good value for every y
ack,"'' ly trimmed, tori s reign." The talk will be illu- dollar that is spent in our store.'
r Fifteen cents paps for THE NEWS- titrated by one hundred of the finest Umbrella8 Good value in
Kennedy RECORD to January, 1898. Mrs. Smeltzer (nee Min's Baker) of lime light views, and as Mr, Yeigh is "lau
The main who has his coal bin full Whitechurch was calling on friends in a fluent and graceful speaker be has tiVe have them in all qualities Worse
i r and the coal paid for must be happy, town and country the past week, no difficult in boldin hhe clone tten- and ds
he and Liquor Store. y K ,a prices. A special line at
Mr. D. Coughlin of Centralia visited The Judge's Court on the Clinton tion of his entire audience. The public 1$.1.'45.
. 110 . Clinton On Monday. Voters' List will be held here next may, therefore, count confidentially on Ser es and
Tuesday at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. a treat, and the society hope to Brie a IlOVeB t311d Tweeds
Mr. J. S. Found, Gerrie, (of the C. y P -- ®
y P. R.), was in town last week. All interested should he present. well-filled house. Prices 25 and 35
"'." OT A local newspaper we Could name is cents. Underclothingp p - WHAT
This is the harvest season for stave in the habit of quoting as Conserva- USED Ur. -At 2 a. m, on Monday Our Fall and Winter Lines are A •special line of
dealers, tive authority the alleged expressions morning the sch°uner praftsman at- all right. We have what you Tweed Suiten
Clinton should have granolithic of eo le who often vote Grit. rived off this
walks and waterworks too. P p port and case anchor want and would ask you to call gS it t
r •...We _- A nice display ad. in THE NEWS- about two miles from shore. Capt. and see what we have and bow $13.5Q,:
How much do you owe THE NEWS- RECORD brings big returns to the ad- McLeod then sent his boat to notify reasonable we can furnish you '
$ '1111,_ % j ` £G RECORD. y vertiser. Our job printing is also of a Chpt. Babb, that he wanted help to with everything in the furnish- OUR READY MADE OVERCOATS
[( 1 Yj Mr. James Steepwill on Monde superior class. work the schooner in, as his crew was In line. are here and we w:uat to show
she a car load of thorough cattle thoroughly used u with hard work IIATS A SPECIALTY.— them tci you before you buy.
topp a car lo, g Miss White of San Francisco who is p ,
M on a Canadian tour, and want of rest. The lifeboats crew
t what our customers say. Any ,was the guest of were roused, and about 3 a. m. Captain O - p ®, w
! Mr. R. McGrath of Wingham regia- Mr. and Mrs. James Fair one day last Babb started for the Craftsman and
11rarer of Tooke's Shirts will tell you tared at the Hotel Clarendon on Tues- week. The lady 1lefuge
here for Kincar-
t 1 ,t for fine workmanship, splendid day. dine. when he reached ft he put several prr7is HOZZO?!'7lL
men on board who assisted to working • • Uf • • • r r
. 11
wring qualities, perfoot fit and real Mr. P. L. and Miss Walton of Gode- The House of Committee the schooner in. It appears that the y •
fort, they are unequalled. The rich were calling on Clinton friends met on Friday and considered the vessel when about -30 miles southwest (:LINTUN. CLINTON.
style and appearance you last Wednesday, necessity of erecting an addition to the of Goderich was caught in a strong
, f can see for yourself. The people of Clinton are against the present building, probably 30x40. blow of wind, in which she lost her jib, -
i "'' Memorial Hall Location. It' should nspector coats was instructed to pro- and the sea Sweeping her deck made Goderich.
!j I"gF1K ►fir not be on the market. cure plans and specifications and de- the boat almostp unmans eable. To
7 unmanageable. Exeter.
Councillor Searle has man ood finite action will be taken later on. get rid of the water the bulwarks were THE G. T. R. -The Grand Trunk is i
, I y g Visitors to the House of Refuge broken in several laces and some shipping more grain from this point Notes°-14Ir. Jaffray, bursar at the
ideas, and if his counsels were better g P r h Central t isan Toronto was the r
SHNn A s heeded the town might be better off, should bear in mind that Thursday is fifty tons of the deck load of coal was ,ban it as done for years past, Messrs. 11 ' , guest
"':,° visitors day. There being so much washed into the lake. The cargo was Colborne & Burrows and S. Sloane of Dlr. David Johns over Sunday, -Mica
6 The Collegiate Board met Friday work and so man inmates ori inall being the Shippers. _ It was said h Adelaine Morloc•k of Mitchell spent
' .;. oat little and wear well. Feel evening. There was no s ecial busi- y ,the genet- William LeeOthe u neealof the Ctkttft r gp Ale thpat closin the Bi Mill Sunday in town Clic
P al public cannot reasonably expect to some eo g K guest of her
lo," . tand see the fit for yourself. ness except the passing of one or two he admitted at an other time than man, and 000 tons of coal dust for the would seriously .educe our freight 1°Other Mrs. MOrlock,-Miss Annie
, , small accounts. Thursday. y North American Chemical Co., below business, but the facts are strongly Plaff of Hensall attended the wedding
IIult}undried White Shirts 50ets. Mr. H. R. Share of the Molsons deck. The Chemical Uo's. coal was all fl of her friend Miss Alalia Phair to Mr. P Next Sunda at 11 a. m. Rev. Mr. against such a contention, for five or
Bank has returned from a two weeks y safely landed. six cars of grain are now being shipped !'rout of Usborne on Wednesday last: it
White Laitndried Shirts Millyard, Rattenbury street chu rch, to every car of flour thin was sent out ' ' 50c., Iii c., $1.00 holiday at Woodstock, St. Catharines, will pi -each on "Lessons from fallen COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD.—
St. Marys and other points. leaves " and at 7 p. m. on "False The regular meeting of the Collegiate at this period lash year. Londesboro. ,", ',
f Eve ing Dress Shirts $1,50 At fifteen• cents to January, 1898. 1 Peace." Much interest has been mani_ Institute Board was held on Thursday A FIRE. -About 2.30 on Thursday fi
I f
There are none better that - THE NEws-RECORD is great value and tested in the rev. afternoon. Present -F. Jordan, chair- morning an alarm of fire was sounded, LOCALS.-Mi::a Stout of Auburn was =, ' ,
g gentleman's des- b the u r;;,,
Tooke's. the increase in our circulation demon- courses for some time. man; Rev. Dr. Ure, Sheriff Reynolds, flames crag discovered in Smeeth's Kest of Miss Lou Ouimette over r
Crates this,. All that professional detectives desire and .'Messrs. John Acheson and Jas. M. Inning mill, corner Nelson and Cam- Sunday. -Hodgins Bros, of Clinton _
Apria streets, Before the fireman were out on Monday la ins the car e ta
tta - ?r'fr '!t !P Progressive citizens, men of good to secure, as a rule, is conviction. It Shephard. The minutes of the last b got in Mr. Cam ' y y p -
judgment, should be selected for does not matter to them if the fano• regular meeting were confirmed, and to work, anent Of the •structure was Abell s new house. -Miss
Deputy -Reeve and Councillor far St, y the following accounts were ordered Kone, the iuflamaible material, aided Millie Agnew of Belgrave is here visit-
]. I // cents suffer solitary confinement or in her sister Miss A new. -Miss A.
1+ • i ial)tSOn IJr to be paid on motion of Messrs Shep- by a brfpk wind, causing the most g K T,
} • George's Ward. death. The Panton bank robbery hard and Acheson : W. Postlethwaite rapid corrsbustiou. A damaged hyyd Crfsp i spending a few days in Har- `
Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. Clinton should have a clock. Again cane at Napanee is more to their die- rant and'a breakage in the hose adafed lock this week. -The Rev. Mr. And- "''
.'What's g credit than honor. $3.00; Harper & Lee, $237.00; W Me. g revue has commenced s ecial meetings
ctoria Block. - - - Established 1854. we ask the question:- the Creath, $2; G. N. Davis, $4.45; Geo. to the delay which made saving of the p 'i'
matter with a Sttvely Memorial Porter, $12.25. On mot "Lou -of Messrs. building impossible. Mr. Smeeth bad in the Methodist church.
Clock?" The answer is simple. Goderich Township. Acheson and She bard Sheriff Re b t lately cam feted arran ements for
I P y P, g ,
New subscribers have been added nolds was added to the property coin- lar frig and improvin his mill, a rN
'"QC BrR_o,r 1897 TEA MEETING. -Next Monda. even gg g
during the past week from the town y mitres and M. Blake was allowed fou.ndatIon being laid and other work Dungannon. i
u, w r i . M ,.4Tasr Y= Tu 77rr eSer. ship of Stanley. Only 15 cents to ing a tea meeting under the auspices art fee, on account of his sister of in pro real to that end. The origin of «{t
.. a „ ;,,, „„ ,,, Of the Indica of. Bethel church, will be ern able to attend last term. eyed the fire c#n only be attributed to in -
]r , Jannaty,'i893. being A VERY SAD DEATH. -A 'very sad
held. A good time is expected. b 13heriff Re cendau fain; as there was no work in the death took place at the residence of y
if;, ,. J 8 t• 8 9 If you want to learn the exact cu- Everybody is invited. y Reynolds, seconded Rev
p , y y y Dr. Ure, that this Board 9 eeifully mill the day before, and Mr. Smeeth, Mrs. Mallough, on Oct. 5th it being the
rr r2 AY M 15 1s liar sba a of the Count of Huron . VERY ILL. -Mr. Sam'! Burke of the bear teatimon to the unblemished who was there all the da says s not a death• of her eldest son, William, at . a ,
µfl+ +; secure a NEw6-RECORD map. It is up- 1st con., is in a very critical condition. chatxeter stud uniformally gentlemanly s►gra of anything wrong Could he ween. the age of 24 years, 9 months and 14
a s, rt4 1 r 0 ` ,2w ` to -date. All hopes of his recovery are despaired bearing of Jno. S. Cameron since we Mr. Stettin, who passed the trill abort days. The deceased had been ill only
>Q, 1` r2J- l6' `, & 29 Cit Mrs. Brooks and famil have return- of. Beira a ver sociable two or three weeks. I3is ailment wais
Being y , po ular have had the pleasure of knowing him. 2 O'clock a. m. on his way. home,. says wo crit Mucha m nth
i' ' ___:_ •-- ed to their home in 'Mitchell after a p p- He taugh with us from Sept. 1883 until he saw nothing amiss then. The K y y is express- w'
° , ,k gentleman, his illness causes the dee ed for Mrs. Mallough in her double
3 , Brief Town Topics. two weeks visit with the lady's par- set regret to his many friends. July 1896, and then left of his own machinery was all first class, and Mr.
encs, Mr. and Mrs. William Cante- 1 there bein nri insurance ' bereavement, as it is but a short time
r Freeborn left for his new home Ion. FIRE -On Monday evening about volition to continue his studies at Smeeth s oss, g 11
F Ma netawan last Saturday. seven o'clock fire broke out m the Queen's University, Kingston, and will probably reach $5.(}00.
since she lost her husband the late
11 g d. y One of our citizens picked from a stable and straw stack of Mrs. Garvie's thus enable him to take the highest TAIL STATISTICS. -The annual report Major Joseph Mallough, also for the
rI., ' ,lld' .'Malcomson of the county town very small piece of ground one and a on the 16th con. totally consuming position in his profession. He, while of the connty 'ail Por the year ending rematining members of the family.
ry i4a { ;the Hub of Huron last Friday. half bushels of seedling peaches and a both. The exact cause of the Ste is here, took a very active part in our Sept.30th, 1807, has been rendered to The remains were interred in the Dun-
,' w gannon cemetery, 1
.' 2 1bi'r. S.A.Snell•of Goderich was in bushel of grapes, and this is a severe unknown but is supposed p y inter- y .
a a , pposed to he either Literary Society, atheletic sports and the Sheriff, and cantatas man
v nEQn: p1t,Friday. .• year on fruit, tramps smoking or spontaneous all social matters connected with the eating items. On Sept 30th, 1896, there ----
1 , ,,, t, s Freeborn, now of Stratford,. There were in all thirty-eight appli- combustion. position. We heartily commend him were 4 males and 1 female in custody, ,.
lw,tis tip 4lin;ton last week. cants far the S irJaer,hill school. The NOTES. -The farmers in this section to any school requiring his services. and during the East Wawanosh. •. 11
,",, . u year, 70 males and 8 •
1Vebv:;sttbscribers to THE NEwe-RE- position was awarded Alfred Weath- are raising their roots. Potatoes are Ct4rried unanimously. The Board females were committed, making the A VERY SAD DEATH. -A dee ahad-
i; CORD si e numerous. erald of Auburn tit $300 a good er'o much better than ex set- then adjourned. total 74 males and 7 females. Of the p
t per annum. K P, e p y ow was cast over this locality when it '
'Mr..Wm. Bell of Blyth was a • Clin- He is highly spoken of and his duties ed. -Revival services are still being CIRCULAR CITY BRIEFS. -The steam- total number 5 males and 2 females became known that the spirit of
'11. " 4lxhtniday, will commence after the holidays, continued in Cole's Methodist church. er St. Andrew from Port Arthur de- were under 16 years of age. 39 males Charles Simpson had taken flight to
-John Reid of Stanley has bought up livered 38,000 bushels of wheat at th• and 5 females were committed fox- the the great beyond. On Wednesday the
- Mrs 'G.;': lchrist is on a visit to her Mr. Jarnes Hartwell, the bricklayer, a ood number of lambs in this section G. T. elevator Thursda and Freda first time, 17 males and 1 female for it y 11
daughtetzo. I lattsville. left on Saturdav for Montreal, where K y y- 6th, while engaged in belptn 1h=z; to -
he will join his sons. There is lots of at $3 per hundred live weight. The harbor saw mill was closed down ,second offence, for a third, 9 males father, at Jamestown, to cue "coin he
11 Dr. Duncain of Toronto, sister of all last `week for repairingg and refixing were sent down, and for a fourth, 5 had the misfortune to have his hand
Mrs. Rose, was here 1ltat week and re- work in the commercial capitol and Yorkton s. -Dr. T. A. Patrick, of utachinery.-Last week Elawood Cam. males were placed un3er lock and key. caught in the Curtin
11, turned Satgt lay. Mr, Hartwell expects to secure 3.50 , N. -W. T. (a native of Lon- g box. The thumb
$ ayne had several sprigs of rasberry Of the total number incarcerated 40 and two fingers were amputated
i Dr. McNau hton of Brussels was a day until spring. don township), and cousin of Mare. K putated and
John Beacons who is a candidate for lashes that were loaded with good males and 5 females were sentenced to the wound dressed. It was thought
" ere ]asst wee on professional busi- Mr. J. Higginbottom of London, the sized ripe berries. -Last . week Mrs. various terms of confinement, and 11 that time would heal the wound but
G. T. R. travelling auditor, the seat;in the Legislative Assembly, males and 1 female were ate uitted. lockjaw set in and rosulted in death
ens. K , paid an Wm. tie left for Virginia City, q j
a official visit to Clinton last Thursday made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Nevada, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Of the confined ones according to the ':
' Isin g on Thursday of last week. Although
a V During the past few days purchasers and was well pleased with agent Par Ker, has issued his address to the Strew. -The knitting factory employ- jail register 40 males and 5 females a resident of this township for but a
I. I' tom beyond i~ Blyth have come to tison's way of doing businea•. electors of the Saltcoats and Yocktor, ties at a now working ovAi tune. -Under were of Canadian birth, 10 males short time yet he was well and favor-
rT,. Bros:'- Have you secured a Map of Huron district. the Dome will be resented in Vic- claimed England, 12 males Ireland, ably known. He was,11, faithful and ,.:,
Dir. e . ins of Petrolia was the County? The one published by THE A GOOD TEACHER. -Mr. Blair, who toric opera house on Friday, Oct. 29.- 4 males Scotland, 2 males and 1 female consistent member of Calvin Presby- "
lira 14Ir. Joh Ransford over Sun- NEws RECORD is the very best to he retiree from S. S. No. 10, does so with The Goderich Organ Co. is filling an the United States, and 2 males came terian church and took an active part
; . had, and the price unmounted i• only the regret of nearly every ratepayer in order for 200 organs for delivery in the from other countries. Of the number in the Christian Endeavor Society.
zlierchant who plants his fall fifty cents. y the session. Since having charge of old land. -The Kings Daughters will 19 males and 2 females were classed as Much sympathy is expressed for the
`ement'.in THE NEwe-RECORD „No- 10 Mr. Blair has displayed' marked hold a a ecial nreetin this afternoon. married, 8 males could not read or bereaved parents,brothers and sisters
Mr. C. H. Sanders, editor of the ability in his profession and has given -Charley Blackstone still leads in the write, 23 males and 6 females were of of the decased. Truly it may be said,
"geeate,o value than we do. Exeter Advocate, was in Blyth over
y good satisfaction. Wherever his lot oyster line because he always has temperate habits, and 47 males were of In the midst of life we are in death." '
rfiies rbere numerous last Sat- Sunday and passed througgh Clinton on may be cast, his many friends will join them fresh. -The band association had the intemperate class. Of the total
,11 but n Sunday all seemed to the homeward journey Monday fore- in wishing him abundant prosperity. a meeting on Friday eveningg.-The confined during the year 24 males and '''^
feitppared. noon. While here Mr. Sanders called meeting of the McGillivray Miaeiop 4 females were committed as vagrants. I?'red J', Pridjtam. and son the on THE NEws-REcoRn. He rides a BETHEL CHURCH. -Special sermons g y R Some unknown party, claiming to he
-a at. tailor of Goderich, was in a Brantford "Red Bird." will be held on Sabbath, October 24th Band last Friday evening was largely the brother of Ned Harlan the oars-
tou last rads at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Collections attended and a good programme wits Seaforth.
a y The temperature on Friday was 86 in presented. -The North street Metho- man, has been making repeated re-,
r: 14i 91-T. Doyle of the circular the shade, the warmest in October in m aid of trust fund. There diets have engaged a new choir leader. NOTEs.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Pyper of quests to him for the lq" of $100,
11 w and, 4"faithfuf employee. of the the history of the Dominion. In 1Ffi4 will be n splendid fowl supper on Mon- -The town council held its regular whin i
,, y day, Oct. 25th, which will be served g Hamilton were the guests of the ladv's andTonawanda. same
frroliceRof estee
R., pent an hour or two in Clin- there was at register of 76. On Satur meeting on Friday evening. -The parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie, p
a1.s Monday day there was frost and on Monday from 6 to 8 o'clock, at 15 and 25 cents. mental meeting a the Henderson lastweek.-Mr. Wm, Murray ofAgloma Places are looking for the man.
Y There will also be a l famine of Bicycle Co. was held last Tuesda is visiting friends in this section. -Mrs
7atke Miller, who is an exppert, morning corsiderable ice. addresses by Rev. R. Mt llyg d of .UFtn- y y' John Beattie is still ver ill. -Miss +'
putriin a very serviceable hydrau- Last Sunday night thieves entered ton, Rev. E. Olivant of Belgrave; and The officers for 1897-9$ are :-Presi- y
am-:fq;} Charles Middleton of Gode- the station at Listowel and carried off music by the choir. All are invited. dent, Jas. Clark; vice-president, Jas. Fair of Clinton was a guest at the
township. it lot of valuables amop them two Wilson; directors, Geo. Acheson, J. T. Manse one dayy last week. -The Misses To Satisf3T
;. NEW REs1DENCE.-Mr. Alpert Can- E. Downing, Acheson of Goderich were uoste of
,T;a,ft Saturday the trustees of S. S valises owned by Rev. ] r. Parke of talon of the 10th con, is buildin anew Garrow, g, ,Jas. A. Mc- g
Clinton: The olice recovered Mr, two story frame residence and the Intosh, D. S. Henderson; A. Saunders, Mrs. J. C. Greig last week.
i?t , li". L„ Goderich • ,ownship, en- P manager. -J. Ades Fowler, recently .'r
d'' '" tfor ext year at Parka's property on Monda
Y y work is rapidly progressing. The old McKillo '•
Many thoughtless residence was erected pearl fort of- Olinton, has painted the new Pres- p o . • •
people throw y y byterian church in water colors and it ITEMS. -Mr. Joseph Stanzel is ppre '
expert eye special- paper on the streets, particularly when years ago and was built with gravel looks exceedingly nice. -S. J. Reid siting to build a house this fall. -M r. ..1.
ill lye syr Auburn on coming from the post office, dvhich is and had seen its • best days, p The proof of the pudding is in
I malCe'`>z}n,lteadquart a menace to drivers and roves din- y was in the Queen city the past week. - Thomas Ballana of St. Mary's was
In the meantime Mr. Cantelon and the satin An inferior qual-
ostofficat st re erous. A little care mi t save lite y gin Mr. Geo, Carate- Mrs. D, McGillicuddy is attending the visiting relatives in this section duting y Raged Oata may look all
4' g famil are residin k it of 11
and recent man Ion's house acs ass the road: Their W C. T.U. convention in Toronto.- the past week. -Mr. John Govenloc right, but a earances some-
CasBy d Pani y ofgnq' itlgnon, p y an accident. W. G. Holman of Bayfield was in the has bought a wheel and rides it like a times deceive the customer.
O huh .h en on viiia to DIVA non,
Contractor Sam Cooper is many friends will wish them abund- county town Saturday. -Mrs. Philo streak. The sale by Mr. Hugh Rosa So we look to quality first -a 11
ctii ed Ul ntb.ti o 'the r ttitki""our- value to our P f3►vin big ant future years of health and pros- y prices ruled cleanliness- freedom frorr, hulls
160 1' las .Fit ay. ] Noble, former! of Clanton and Gode- was well attended aiid
people in the materia on prrty in their commodious new ,regi- rich, ie visiting Mr. and Mr•. Abraham high, cattle b?inging an exceptionally -rich nutty flavor. It fa all
9 the round for the Stavely Memorial deuce. Smith. -Farmers have been coming high price. Mr. George Kirkby of
• . g
e oil, V, g,& g' C4odeilitsi wale at Hwll. In the usual way the brick these little things that keep
ytb , tion f atttr +#y +A& tigtnber would cost several times what he is to town more freely the past week. Morris and Mr. James Jones of Mit- the pet manent customer.
" , t of htiti d; 1l nton r efyd 'W ie pleased paying for it, but the Ontario Govern- News Notes. Our yeomen who have clay land want chell were the auctioneers. -Mrs. John
I o Z helm, ' i; ment and Clinton are the gainers. ge Bannerman, the last but one another 4h p Hence -We aim to keep permanent x
Geer good shower to eke their Knera had a needle penetrate her hand
` 1' f$a trwln ' U of the settlers who went to the Red land plowable. -Berge clothing was and break. We hope she will not customers, permanent by sell- ,'
+ w'f1y tii0.06st of Mr. W. A. McBrayne, an expert River with Lord Selkirk in 1812, died comfortableon Saturday a. m., but p. suffer from the misfortune. -Mr. John ing them the Best on the .,
1 i M• To(T thb 14Mt;wealki re- mechanic well known to mean of our m, a frieze was comfortable. -Our new Ritchie of Ceanbrook who came here
He ti -4 Mini. , .1,', 'O, Wawan- ,readers, has aces ted a Sitturday age{ 94. rtes mill will be read' for ristin b with a rocerA' wagon weekly, has market I
00 , .reftibelyd P position with The son born to the Duke and Duch- g y g g y g g q' i118092 ,3 Pan DI'IBCZ
Jackson Bros. and commenced work the end of next week. -Dap McLaren quit for this season. -We very j much
i 1.i `people tl4 nit thtl,T'`(o dike yesterday, He would like to secure a ties of Marlborough h on September 1$ is puttin up a two story brick veneer- regret to here that Mr. Timothy I OIf ed UatB.
and' ;te h'nfd` "It r,e; t ley should six -roomed house and locate his famil will be christened John William Al- gra on Victoria street. -Robs. Blake nae become insane. We hope r
I free at' this lihr4 a0h, id the here at once. ,. y bert, a combination of the names of ed dwell{ g A full line of P,icklln
wtndo of kkkebn E3gotiiersl John Churchill the first Duke of Marl- McLean returned Iasi week from his his affliction will be only temporary g•
A"., .. Mr. T. Karn, lately of the Molsons borough; • W131iam . K. Vanderbilt, tilp to 'Mapitaba.--Deputy registrar A goodly number are busylifting their Spices and Vinegars.
' I>:tisl ti` d,kefiO4 aftij v ge og r*anti Bank, is regaining strength anti has father of the Duchess; and the Ierinee O Connell won the pair of bow a that mangolds. The crop as a rule is fair, ppnp rn
iorci t' as llpw Ip;tharge ;o , 0, solus- increased twenty -Elva pounds in weight of Wales who will be the child's god. covers the -title, junior champion.- -The residence of Mr, Jacob Barrows .t ^ , ";
I filo °Ary41y In Clip u {tad beta. °1'itvor- slnee leavin Clinton. 13r3 leaves gather, ft is said that the prince of Rev. A, L. Russell, M. A., of London, is nearing completion.; -•A few ap les THE CASH R % !'
1 t a p C C RY
bt Wipl eb 04 the ' Idlers and bearers Woodstock this week to spend the Wales, in his ca.parity as spopser will preached morning and evening in the are being shipped from here. The r•.,•
k.# ,40d eq bld urroOffic s Capt: winter in Mexico, His maviq Clinton be personally present at tris chasten- North street etbodist churtlh last quantity, however, will only be c n n CD
Burrows, have friends will wish Mr. Karn speedy Inaa, which will take lace on putt Sat. Sunday. --Sheri Reynolds has sur- trifging.--Mr. and Mrs. Brown of O tG V VLII &
tt" " a' pha►r8 or><Taitoek. ' omplete restoration to health, urday, p rounded his reoIdencai with a pretty Dashvi+ood spent a day or two with
' '' ! iron fence. their daughter, Mie. Gray, cast week. Phone 23,. , ;.
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