The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-13, Page 8Alexander conquered Nations, THE RIFLE. -The view rifle ranges 'Jackson
Did it with the sword; have been fixed to the Uewe are as aPBros,,,
Samson took a jaw bone all patties concerned and h at'e anger �� Q��n '\� And slew a mighty horde. ed wthere will es no further danger,■�./,■V/
while the ranges are said to be better
Wa neither nations or a horde we are than ever for riflemen. The annual
after it's simply honest business. pl+aacelduring the presel in all nt month. take FinefRorMaRt Tailors nflow to get more of it is the yues• %.�!iess - 11 alJd
tion that is ever before us, Our he DIEu IN DAKOTA. lJohn Hill, young- Of u V V 11
perience has taught us that the est sun n Mrs. r Hill, hs, d t, aged m
years and four months, died from
befit way to da it is by fever at Park River, Dakota, on flon'S Furnishers■
furnishing the latest and the October
bendre The and reminterred iins rwet e
best goods at prices so low that Clinton cemetery in the afternoon. IS NOT IN MAKING IMONEY, BUT INSAVING IT
the value is plainly known to all; He was single, and very highly respect -
special prices and values when at eel. Much sympathy Is expressed for
ati possible, in brief, to ever de- the bereaved relatives. You can save money by buying our -----ow
xrionstrate to you that we are , A CANADIAN HONORED, -This front
Often the Cheapest, Always the 1esid cat ofoClinton refersRev. to at
35e Ladies' wool Vest for _ 25e To the Readers of The News -Record, ----
Best. We are at all times alive to Craig, a former pastor of Melville
the f et of buying right and know Presbyterian Church, Fergus, has Do not buy your Fall and Winter Clothing and Furnish -
wen that it is the moderate purses beewelected to the office of Superin- A Ladies' 85e Black, Kid Glove for - 65c
that make the bulk of the purchas- tendent of Missions for the Territories 1rigS until you have inspected OUP Stock. Never before in the
es. We aim to furnish the kind of of New Mexico and Arizona. This is - history of our long established business have we had so large
one of the highest offices in the gift of Ladies' $1.25 Black Kid Glove
goods that nine out of every ten- the Presbyterian Church of the Unit- for 85e
and complete a stock in all departments as ' we now have.
the mass of the people --are look- ed States, and it was offered to Mr. Aj
ing for, and at a Price that they Craig
rai otrhithe
b brethren in the aynu hearty Ladies' $6.50 Waterproof Circulars for $3.50 Our buying power is of the `gest and plainly shows itself in the
are able to pay. We might forth _ wonderful value we offer in the following special lines.
er explain our methods but do you THANvest thanksgivingGING SERvic services St Psoras $2.25
care shout that? If it is so, why Ladies' $3,50 waterbroof Circulars for - -
church on next Sunday and Monday Boy's Knee Pants 50c. 60c. and 75e
waste space on useless argument? will no doubt be very interesting and
Look at our south window it con- successful. The choir is determined Ladies' 35e black wool ribbed Hose for 25e, Men's all wool, Heavy Tweed Pants
tains a variety of articles at five that the musical part of the service
cents each too many to here t five will not be behind other years, The - 50e $1,509 $2.00,$2.60 and $3.00
church will ,be handsomely decorated Ladies' i5e Corsets for w
orate -sortie are very special value with grain, fruit and flowers. Rev. Childrens 2 pe. Suits $2.00 $2.50 and $3.00 ,
-for the price asked all are good. wiV. W. Jeanes of Listowel will conduct Boy's 3 pc. Sults -
We invite you to look and remem- the services at 11 a. m, 3 p. m. and 2 wind 3 1v Factor Yarn per lb. 45c - $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00
her the proverb about tine early 7 p m., and the Rev. Canon Dann of ply , Men's Heavy Tweed Suits $5.009 $7.00 & $10
bird, St. Paul's cathedral, London, will
tisssosss preach on Monday at 8 p. m. Special 4 ply Scotch Fingering Yarn per lb. - 75C Men's HeavyDouble Breasted, Frieze Ulster
offertory will he taken up at each ser- $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, and $1o.00
The w, D. Fair go, i vice. All are welcome.
D. A. FGRRFSTER INJURED -Read- Another lot Men's all wool Sag, 2 pairs for 25C our wonderful "Leader" in Underclothing
CLINTON- ersof THENEws-REcOkaD will regret to 50c a Suit
learn of the severe accident which be-
d,rycraEs Parker's D,ye Works. el r. D. A Heowast r l ast Wect d w the a Our` wonderful "Jubilee" in Underclothing
Soil) narnbulisticfreak during the night,New
$].QQ `a, SSuitThe. Ni!ren News-Recora
when fi imaggined the house to -
he on fire. He arose from bed Boys' School Caps - lOe., 15e. and 25c
• and landed some fifteen feet be-
i1.25a Yeat-a1.0oln Advance low, going over the banister. Men's Heavy Tw6ed Caps 50c, 75C, 90C, $1.00
His collar bone was broken and HATS699 Men's leather Braces, - - 35c
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1807 his head severely bruised, the latter - -being the most serious. Its wasMen's Overalls 50c, 75c, $1.00'
thought he had also received severe
internal Injuries, but the are pleased to
LOCAL NEWS. state that the gentleman did not and Ask to see any of the above lines and you will pronounce
that he is recovering is rapidly as This week we show the latest styles out in
w-- could reasonably be expected, Ladies' Walking and Sailor Hats. You'll them the best value ever offered in this section of the
in and Around the Rab' LEAVING TOWN. -The people of Clin- @ miss it if you fail to see our Millinery Dis- country.
to and hosts of neighboring fr•icnds
�ptV>X 11X . will very much regret the removal of play, and save money if you buy from US. o
WANTED.—POtate09, Apples, Pears. High Dr. Freeborn. He has bought a prat- I
.Nt price paid.—tltti•IT>rir.o:•r 13R09• true at Magnetawan, in the Petry t
Sound district and leaves this week. The Great Millinery Emporium.
-----�---- During his three ye:yct,,I;esidence in
CONVICTIONs._�The schedule of con- Clinton Dr. Freeborn and his estimable
made victions by county magistrates for the wife bt
count of Huron. many
en olfticaliSsociein bY
quarter ending in September, number- Y P •sssssssOse•
ed 5'LV2d.
and the total fines amounted to ! provsocial istinctllc loes ss. Frank and c us removal irl
A feature of the list is that Plators of a Winghanl by-law teous to a degree in his profession, TTTT i The Largest Exclusive Clothing and Furnis-
five cents each. Four other open and tolerant of o his expressed BEESLEY �.Jo. ing Establishment in Western Ontario.eases were violations of the license ileimportrance one and fall inncose- •
ific 0 0S
act. quence express deep regret at his re -
NEW POSTAGE STAMPS.-Pnstrnas- moval, and THE NEWS -RECORD voices P. S.—We have a special announcement to make in next
ter -General Mulock has approv- thesentimentof the great majority of THE LADIES'FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. issue of this Paper that will be of interest to every reader
ed of the design for a new our residers in wishing the Doctor CLINTON. watch for it.
t, c trage ;tamQ for the Do- abundant future prosperity in his new - — - - -
rnron. There is a portrait of her home.
Majesty as she appeared at the coron-
ationTHE MEMORIAL HALL. --I notice in
fora crown. The portrait has Brief Town Topics.
October tlltl Xecessilies.
beetr_-engraved from a photo procured the last issue of the New Era the editor A GOOD POINTER . -There is money P
i" ring the jubilee ceremonies, upon says that. Mr. Dinsley of Chicago has and to spare to place a memorial clock Secure a map of Huron County.
hath was the Queen's own autograph, had an offer from a private citizen for in the memorial library hall. Now is Mr. Tom Watson of Goderich spent
that it is authentic. The corners of his cornet lot. The editor well knows a food time for the Council their
r om Sunday in Clinton.
rnittee to make the best .of their With the chill winds of October comes the need of
the stamp will. be decorated with the lot is wanted for a site for a church. op -
it is suitable for that purpose, why portunities. With a clock the major- Mr. Tom Burrows of Goderich spent Y
maple leaves which were pulled from is it not one of the best sites•for the i.ty of people vyould be attracted in Sunday in Clinton. warmer things to wear, the light height garments of Summer
maple trees on Parliament Hill and en- Library Hall ? The $10,000'iras coma that direction and the clock would Mr. John McCullough of Seaforth
graved directly therefrom. It is ex- Y rove useful. was in town last week. must be laid aside for the heavier ones of fall and winter.
pected that the stamp will be put on to its as a present and has nothing to P
do in the way of raising our taxes. CORRECTION.—In our report of the Mr. D. Cantelon left on Monday for For months we have been making preparations for the COId
sale in November next. There is no reason why the best site the eastern tipple fields.
last Council meeting we umntention-weather, and now that the fall days are here we are ready to
FREERGRN FOR WARDEN OF BRUCE. should not have been chosen. I know that the majOrity of ratepayers are ally Omitted to say that Mr. Searle Mrs. Arthur McCrae is at present in supply your dry goods needs with the best stock—best in as-
-This from the Bruce Herald refers to against placing it on the market. If moved to have a vote of the people Detroit visiting her son.
the honored father of Dr. Freeborn, the Mayor had any doubt about it he taken between the Dinsley corner and Miss McKay visited her home in Sea- SOrtment--best In Style --best in all round values that has
who has been one. Of Clinton's most should have submitted it to a vote of market for the library site. There forth one day re week. ever been inside the four walls of our store. We were never
popular and highly respected residents thepeople. if the'committee orcounci: was no seconder to the motive and the blr. P. B. Crews visited friends in
for some three years: -It is said that matter'fell through, although we are Seaforth one da last week. in a osition to Serve you better than we are to -da. and we
would now even at the eleventh hour, Y P y Y�
there is a feeling among the County change the site it would give the rate firmly of the opinion that this would Miss S. Irwin of East Wawanosh uarantee Our rices quality for quality, the lowest in the
Councillors to elect Mr. Andrew Free- have been the most satisfactory way g P q Y Y
born, Councilor for . 2 Division, payers greater pleasure than to place of settling the burning question. is the guest of Mrs. A. M. Todd. ° '
it on the market; and as it is so late, Misses McMdi•ray and Gibbings were trade.
Warden for 189S. Mr. Freeborn is the how can the stone reasons and brick Mr. Geo. L. Fulton, who spent a few Seaforth callers one day last week.
oldest of the County Councillors, was layers do neat work in the fall weath- weeks in Clinton and neighborhood Blk Dress Wlll you see
one of the first Reeves of Arran, was in g Clinton Lodge No. 8t, A. F. and A.
err ? The bricks will not keep their among old friends, has returned to his M., meets on Frida evenin .at 7.30.
the County Council when it was first color, as the lime will ruri down there home in Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mr. Ful- Y g
Fill -
organized and is the only member of from the white seams. -Yours, ELEC y,�
the present body that unites the past ton is a fanner and deals considerable Mr. Chas. Dodds, tailor, of Seaforth, Good•his now in the employ of Jackson Bros. i The New
TOR, in stock. He is still a Canadian in Y
with the present. He has never been s Irit and has nothing but kind words Cantelon Bros. have commenced
Warden and it is felt that it would be SOME CHANGFs.-The clerk of the p g For us to merely assert that we
for this rand country. While here Packing winter apples.
a graceful act to confer the honor upon weather exercises full authority and g y' show the largest and best selection of (Myles in
him next year. The other aspirants ,hangos the state of the atmos- lie visited Ehuhurst Farm and inspect- Mrs. Frank (Coucdtvin of Ruapelle- Black Dress Goods in the county, ��
are all young and can bide their time. ed Mr. W. J. Biggins noble herd of N. W. T., is visiting friends and rela- would count for little if the evidence
phere every few hours. - James gas not behind it. But the facts are '�/�`
McCool hit's replaced J. H. as Durham
s rind admired therm as a good tives in Clinton.Ulinton. lilillinery
PAY YOUR DERTS.—While times a partner in Davis tic Mccool's judge is capable of doing. Mr. Ed. Munroe, the genial barber there -an assortment of high class -
have been close and money scarce with livery. -Mrs. McVittie has rent( -d her DIVISION COURT. --Division Court her of Hamilton St., Goderich, spent weaves and values in plain goods you'll
the farmers for some time back, Others farm near Londesboro to Mr. Sidney was bell here on Saturday before His Sunday in Clinton. not equal anywhere.
have felt the stringency as well. An Rinn and has rented John Johnston's Honor Judge Doyle. The now famous The Huron Medical Association will 44 inch fancy Croc•idele weaves, The latest in hats and trinimings,in
exchange tenders fife following sen- house on Albert street north, for Hannah creamery case, in which a hold their quarterly ineeting at the very new and stylish, rich, trimmed Sailors and Walking
rsible advice: The greatest double a Year. -The change to colder large number of Goderich township House of Refuge to -day. glossy black, no, two dresses alike, Hats, just out of the boxes last
action pleasure known to mortal man weather reminds us that several pat- farurer•s are interested, was again up Contractor S. S. Cooper is a hustler rash ......... • • . �� week, with the latest American
is that which arises from paying one's eons have not paid their subscript,iuns, for hearing and lasted nearly all day; and is closin a the lines for the much Fine figured Fancy Black Dress ideas in trimmed hats picked up
debts, for both debtor and creditor that some have promised on account, judgment was reserved. Several discussed library building. Gocds, all wool, extra value at.. 40c Iry our Miss Scott, while attending
share the delight, Instead of feeling and that our wood pile (and cash) is other cases were heard, among thein Y g• g
more aeons is coming very low.-Janies McCool hits rented an action for $11-50, subscription claim- Russel Manning of Clinton was in Heavy French Serge, hard worsted the Detroit openings, are 'here for,'
rich note thatY your a toval, When you are up
your way front the season's trans and mcv reenearethe house
owned Halstead;�judgmentsreaerved fThe Ma n St� cl uirk Exeter�Times assisted already this set season,
ry'apecial yawn a not miss seeing our great]
actions and incurring new debts or Mrs• b1CC representedy Volunteer subscribets to THE NEws- 5Cc Milliner display,
spending more on luxuries make it as with we Von the arnale THE lT sure lof $11tD legal
Holt, Campion and odfo of at. • • . • • • • .. • • • . • • • Y t n
point to pay off All standing debts. Do P RFcoRD were greatly in evidence ,at Ladies Sailor Hats, nobby styles,
you owe the merchant, shoemaker, Marsh Morrish will shor•tlY move to Of Goderich, Hays and Best of Sea- the Blyth Show hast Wednesday. 75c, $1 and $1.15
blacksmith, publisher, or other busi- Emerson's house on Wellington street, forth, Scott and $rydone of Clinton.. parr farmer friends who were build- 'ja/('en'
nese men who trrtsted you? Show -Mr. W. P. Spalding bias moved from C;r,or�F CALL. -Last Tuesday evening ing on dollar wheat have matey times JJ..YYii.. Girl's �VoOI Tam O'Shant,ers 2 for 250;
y g Y pitying Albert street to Mt.. Cure's house on wished they had accepted 85 cents. A special line of readytrimmed
our latitude hthebillat the Ni ht Watchman McILae had a close
Princess streetis r r. George Swart° g Assinee Richard Tew has called a Furnishings
hats, marvels of Style and g
very earliest opportunity. Do not cal from being shot,. Near the town
hire ruoved to his residence On Rittten- value............
sleep after you get the money before hall at a late hoar he mot two men meeting of the creditors Of Jessup & • • - • • • • • • • • • • •
the debt is paid. Then your censor- bury street next J. B. RUlnball s and who wanted to know the way to Gode- g p -
once will be rtk ease and your slumber Mrs. Moore has moved frui !1 .er - st.
rich. After instructing them he pro- Co. for today at 11 a. es in Toronto. Warm ti uderwear For cool wt•atse
will be as sweet and refreshing as a north to the preinkes vacated by Mr. ceeded on his rounds and on the return Mrs. Patterson of West Wawanosh er, not the rough harsh kinds, but those _-
Swarts on Rattenbury street east. heat he heard a noise at RuntbalPs and her mother, Mrs. Geo. Miller were that are so- and comfortable, the easy
child's. in Clinton last week calling on friends.
DIFFICULTiltB of LFAD►NG t HOIRB. jewellery store door as though keys c-, wear kind.
ANOTIIF.R BUSINESS . UtIANGE.--The The following letter re the qquestion were tieing used. On McRae's ap- Mrs. Glazier returned home last All pure wool Shirfs and Drawers, The new Coats
Bruce Herald says: -It will come as as of the qualifications Of choir leaders, Preach the men made off across the Thursday frorn St. Clair, Mich., where either plain or ribbed, undoubted -
street, the Night Watchman following. she had been on it seven weeks visit to l the hest half dollar Underwear
surprise to many of our readers to will be of interest to those tubo think One of the strangers turned nod and shot her sister. in the trade, per ga•rment........ti0c and Capes
Iearn that Mr. Hugh Bires, shoedealer, the position is an easy one. at McRae, the bullet passing through Messrs. Geo. Layton and A. Towns- •
has sold out to Taylor Bros. of Clinton, Ntuslcal Frlitor Saturday Night: his Overcoat near his hip. The men end of Tuckersmith, tubo have peen to Men's At -tic fleece lined Shirts and
The deal was made on Monday and the If you care for an opinion front an then ran down Huron street towardDrawers, lain or fancy strapea, The latest ideas of practical and%
new proprietors took charge on rues- horrible member of the chorus I would Goderich and were lost Bight Of. mhs,Manitoba for the past couple of �
an extra Nile line, each. .. $1
day morning. Mr. Birss has been in say that a choirleader should have at g months, returned borne last week. skilled mantle makers are to be
Watchman McRae is now well pre- Men's Fine soft Woollen Sox,
business here since March, 1877. Only fair, and if possible a broad musical Mrs. Clarridge, who has been the
pared to meet characters of this class. fawns and greys, seamless....... 20c found here. There's no better as,
e left of those who were in education, together ;
three arther with sufficient tact guest of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. aortment of Mantles, and no better;;
business when he started, namely C. and administrative ability to manage STREET WATERING.—Clinton should Clarridge, VictoriaSt. left on Friday _- values in the county, and there';
Fox, F. Guggieburg and Jos. Reichert a mixed -sometimes very mixed -body have a more modern watering cart and for St. Thomas to visit her son there. no time like now to buy. There's
flack. The new proprietors' are broth of singers. The fact that he is also an the street to the station should he Mrs. C. Redmond and .Mrs. McIiiin A Collar Special
ors of Wm. Taylor, general agent for organist will not prove any hindrance sprinkled before the arrival of every ley and Mrs. J. E, Dingnan were in E]. always some better thtin others''
the Confederation Life, and come to if he is really qualified as a choirleader. train.-News•Record. If it could he Clinton on Monday. last attending the and the best go first. Easiest
Walkerton with the reputation. of There is sa class, however, who are apt done, the circuit to be Covered should funeral of Wm. Langford's onlydaugh- Men's four fold Linen Collura, hook, easiest to unhook "Th
pushing and honorable bupiness men. to bring the double office into diare- he from Mrs. Butt's corner on Albert ter -Exeter Times. stand a or tarn down, new
Of Mr. Birss it is scarcely necessary to pose, I refer to mere instrumenta- street to the station, and from Leslie's ,ylr. Wilson Turner of Berlin, whose shapt�s, heavy quality, two for.. 25c Rapid" hook and eye.
speak. His long business career, his lists who in many cases are simply coiner school. -New
Huron street to the wife., died recently and was buried at
wide connection and his general popu- pianists with a top -dressing of organ Public school. -New Era. [With Zurich, was among friends in this —o
testify to the upright merchant technique, who consider themselves Pepsi appliances, similar to Gode- section for a couple of weeks and re-
that he is. Mr. Biras has not decided thereby qualified to take frill charge of rich and Seaforth, the ground I turned home Monday.
what be will do. It is likely that be- the music of a church. These are on a named could easily be covered.
fore settling down into anything he par with some-phenomenial" vocal• The Town Council should broaden Those pr learned scientists who have
and Mrs. Birss may visit Scotland and Ists who are sometimes appointed to their views as little and consider the been proclaiming the dander of tom -
her sniff of its heather clad the office df choirleader chiefly on ac- purchase of a new machine and more .►nunicaating diseases it kissing have Bros.'
set snot Ho hills. While sorry to see Mr. Biras count of their ability to sing solos, extensiveatrcetwateringforrextyear. met °counter -authority at list. A
step out of business circles in Walker- As a matter of fact:, good choir leaders At present the impression made on certain Prof. Bridger declares that 9
ton we are glad LO know that his snot are very, very scarce, visitors on entering nd dys-
Clinton from the kissing will cure dyspepsia. A
reasors are Wren of the 'stamp of Taylor Yours truly, station is doing the town considerable pcpsia is a mighty easy disease to get r Direct Importers, Clinton.
Bros. We welcome them to the town. Sept. 20, '87. SECOND BASS. injury. too.