The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-13, Page 7w u.. ... , . . 4 I L —AN may still unite in supporting an in- � � — taxation is upon us if the present gov-- I. Sick Headache dependent overument at Toronto �.� arawetlt is continued in power. The under Mr.Whitney'sleaiderahip. And • � - � - y Y P 500* 0� � � ' you will find that such an ad• only way to escape a increased taxation GOL Permanently Cured further _ , ministration will serve Ontario's best a' � �� � `; � ��.♦ is by cutting down expenses and run- � I - interests at this time in a manner ning the province on a more economr- 7."I Was troubled, a long time, with t;►'Natlyy superior government under ��,, -��� cul plan. Thele is not a dollar of cash ����,,,• sick headache. It wits usual] ae• Mr. Hardy dependent upon and in , • - : 04 y r , surplus fu the treasury. the millioua tIJ com waled with severe <iit)s ill the cru. (: ialliiulce with ai2Ch Ir1eA t1S Tarte, P p' b u Ic1in Blair and the tvot;t elements, ' �' lai(t tip 11y•�1nn8eld Macdonald were all g, s a - spent years ago fwd the rxuvetllmeut 18t PI'iZh ) pp temples and sickness at the etulu- of ilia Liberal part at Ottawa. When J��ii g • • • • • • • . 200.00 f 1 / � hits been borruwiu on the credit of • • • • ' QQ. QQ ach, I tried,a good many reuledios Sir Oliver leaves ttawa heaven help 0 f/' the province for t'eat's past. ` fid Prize ,,; recommondod for Ontario should Tarte and Hardy re I • • • • 100.00 100.00 Iuaitl in office. Foa Ara, The Vilest, deception has been pro(- Seel Pt'1Z8 • . this complaint; but tired upon the people in respect to • • • . 50.00 50.00 it was not until I be- - - Itching, Torturing, alleged surpluses. All that now re- •J Prizes of . � ' gan taking }VIlITNL'Y )VILL !VIN. r Distressing, Disfigur- m Lias to the province is certain trust 5.00 each .... 50,00 feuds held by the Dominion Govern- 5 Prizes Of X0,00 each s -- ing Skin Diseases,' meat, not one dollar of Which can be ' ' ' ' .... 50,00 �, AYES Canadians love an honest statesman there is nothing gives "oh taken or used by the provincial gov- 10 Prizes of 5.00 each .. t .' e ` and despise a deceitful one. When uiek relief and romotessuch ernment. These trust funds were in ' • • • • " Pills that I received 4 P 50.00 anything like permit- the tricky politician is found out he rapid healing as this wonder- existence at confederation and have _ `° aa{` is deserted by the honest electors fu} Ointment, remained there ever since. Even what .41 1 Hent Uelletit. A sill- 4Ep, LEE, hiAN9FIliLb, ONT., is paid by the Dowiuiun to Ontario $500.00 ' box of these pills did the work Otlico seekers and parasites still cling eayhhewaItroubledwithEczema and set down as "interest" is not in- To the Twenty people ' +� e, and I am nowa well man." to him in the hope of reward. The on �hohaudaeobadthatheaoald tet'est:Lt:ill but subsidy filo annual] y P P e who solve Ibis Puzzle, if there aro deo many correct, Ci, 11. NuTeximms, EastAUbltrli,.Afe, Ontario government has deceived the not work. d t had looters treat- 3' P Y we will "tVa tire above Prizes Ii17 CASH. :, ing him, andtrtadall the remedles ander retina of confederation or subs@• o "°f For the rapid cure of Consti p`L people of the.province for years. The he hoard of, but of no avail. At quent adjustments. :u•, P ] < - night the itching was so havers ® /y MONEY 11 tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nan. leaders declared that then@ was a cash he could not sleep. Dr. Ohaea's fVN WITH YOUR `'j, sur lus in the treasur to the aniou hintutatr tieing recommended to (� ANSWER, ::'„ salt, and ail disorders of Stomach, P Y tit him ho tried rt and one bo (com- KingstonrVhant I Liver, and Bowels take of millions while they knew well that _ pletoly our.d him. He wouldn't s+, A If more than Twentyshould be correct, every correct one will (in addition t,. + e udRe $50 for the benefit he ,. �g there was not a dollar. They culled ,too vow. to the Money Prizes) be awarded our famous "Faithful Timekeeper Silver i. y the Trust funds held by the Dominion Prlca,60Nurnnnton, i,ahq<a&c,i., r"or' TELLS OF HIS RELEASE FROM Watch," of r Toronto, One. i ' t trod which belonged to Lhe province . � ----- 1 since Confederation, surplus, though THE PAINS OF RHEUMATISM, which the net A word horn The gnallEiae 11� ° not one dollar of it is now, or ever baa factory price • •TH O UL "Tree tolgthe of our "> It had Afflicted Him for Upwards of Timo:' AYCatharflc been, available to draw upon for cur- Ten Years and man is $10. If F'i' roil$ P ANOTHER OTHER )VAPt NIN(,r NOTE. y remedies Were watches Y;; rent expenditures. Instead of having Tried in vain—Dr. Williams' Pink prefeted, -the which are y ydeda} and Diploma at World's Fair. surplus mons to draw upon when For several ears TIIE NEws-RE- pills Effected His Release. Our Proud ,i P Y P Y winner can 0 A position acknowledged `�`Ask Your druggist for Ayer's SarsaparllltL c�eficita stared them in the face because CORD has rept•atedly called attention ahoosea gams• JR STin he watch of reckless expenditures the have to the care and feed In or hos Trado, bo be the 1 P Y g g From rho Freeman, Kingston, Out. ins Gold• p been compelled year by year• for ,L for the British market. We have con- Fifteen years n o Mr. Alexander, cased Watch ----� foremost The Huron News—/] e.,ora long period to borrow money to curry tended thin corn is not the proper feed O'Brien, the 'popular Princess street A word which in the English or) "blic affairs. The province now for the British bade, and tat th@ time 1 25 a Yoar-81.00 in Advance P P tailor, was one of the lticst athletic of Ehe same {{„ o o here means they will last and American a owes about 8,000,UUU annuities and deprecated the uuwarrauted action of young men in Kingston, both its a foot value. a lifetime. railway certificates all of which has the Liturier Government in admitting "aver and otherwise. Eleven years ago Markets. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER l6th, 1S0,. he commenced business and shortly As thio l_....... '� -_- __ _ been borrowed and mast U@ paid back freecurti from the. United States which P afterwards wits stricken with rheuwa: wonderful offer is only made to advertise our far-famed Silver Watches, every 4� with interestiu the years ahead. Each will lessen the vitlue of our coarse tisui, which caused him much pain ?'HB SCHOOL BOOK R013BEH1', year finds the provincefurther in debt. grains and tend to destroy our British loss of rest, and neglect of business, Competitor tuner read the following conditions and comply with them, Ile states that he reface many doctors, rhe deficit In I89I tVa9 Over $400,Wo; trade. It hits taken years to build 1. Send our answer on an "International Post• largest amount, and deo on. It not more than twenty If parents knew the enOrillOI1S 817!115 in I895 over $310,000; 172 1896 over $446,- and lllany medicines, a]1 t0 n0 avail, Curd" which can be bought at the oat -office (price + wui and receive rho watch and Chpih that are charged 'as royalties on school 000, find according to Treasurer Har- tip our pork trade in Britain, and the Over a year ago a friend advised ' hi») Scents). Tliero is noentraace tee or chatgo what.- do not buy anything from the catalogue, uthef whole I. books used in the various Public and cout•t's statement during the last ses- success of the Canadian farmer is due to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and eVdC• of theprize money will be equally ivied among High schools of the rovince the Sion 0f rho le lslature it will be over though he had but little contidenee in S• In addition to the Cash Prizes, everyone who them, giving $35 each. All amounts in this g tU the L'act tllitt be ]]aS eXerClBed CtLI'e sande the correct answer will thereby win one of our 1 P Y $600,0(3 'for the present year, A re- them, or advertised medicine of any advertisamont aro taken at the exchange of $5 to t1. would feel still iluore indignant at the cenr, sale of timber limits and the pro- , "P'altghlal Titnehieeper" $liver lyatuhee which we loll 5. A firm will be sent free to you which meet be u; g in the class of feed. Mr. D. CIL' Cle�Ct'i}itipn, ,at the urgent I'egileSt Of in En laud for 10 each, and which could be sold filled up ani forwarded to reach us by Dececa fith ,1 government that allows such a state ceeds of the mining bourn ill north- who is buying all the hogs he Can get retail in America for $15 to fi'lg each, of all Goods ordered on account of these Prizes. 'I; 0f things. In a recent speech tile, western Ontario may lesson the deficit for export, and 7vho has made n slut 8• Every winner of the Watch in required to per• 8• The namesand addressees of the cash price Y chars one of our 9r1.> gain wALL•I: inexpensive Solid wince will be printed in the Ting, Daikv Tete - '1• Matheson pointed out that on the al e- somewhat for 1597. Hardy, Ross and of Bvitnin'4 re( uirements has handed Silver Albert Chains to wear with the watch, as per graph and Standard, of London, on Dec. filet next, _% g Iliu'cotirt have played the role of polio } oua anpreaodented,,ffer which we will send. Theao and subsequently in Ehe Neta fork fiearld. Drafts bras alone ,$15,000 per year, is collected (;ill mountebanks for many year's. .Phey its the following circul;Lr froul the Col- 6batns are Hallmarked on every link by the for the Prizos wfll be posted same day in the way of royalties• Last year have grossly deceived the people and 1 your name and address in full every f three publishing firms of Tot onto aid g Y P P linglvond bleiLt Coiupstny, limited, a + �' Z tlli Gold-filled caepinst ad of Solid silver, u ui a n time you writ, to us Gu avoid mistakes. P covered tip their misdeeds by inscrut- thoroughly to match mn $9,(x}0 for the valuable privileges Of g fly reliable firm, which it will y, if desired, be chosen. 8. Orderp for these Prizes may be sent in hepar. iasuin fra, led -wit mystified tiC'CUULlt6, re- ` I 4. With our Watch and Chain you will receive oui ately from time to time, and you will be credited the retLdera alone required in iL farmers to read and study care- *., Ontario schools for ten y ears, and now fractoty witnesses, and false state f Y mammoth Catalogue quoting R>holosafe 1?actory with the total of a'1 when you send in the report `'�'. rake in near] fifty metYl and speeches everywhere £ally :— j Prices for Jewellery, Plate, etc, 'I'ha First Prize tv Il form as above, Y per cent, profit on ,h given to the Otte who wolves the Rebus, receive S, When sending Orders please remember that the the sale of the hooks. They have a throughout the province. NOW that CANADIAN Ii<1CON AND THE ENGLISH �� I � rho Watch and Cbafh, and orders Altogether the ]attar postage En Laglhnd ie 5 conte, e 1 theft' doubt(: dealing and deceptive �f AItKL'r. 1111 I largest amount of Uouds from Lha Catp o ue l' rho p' per half ounce, gantic monopoly granted thein b 1 I - g and if insntticient postage is used the letter Is liable >; r. Ross and the people Y deeds are being exposed they grow I; j'. \� Second Prize to the winner who orders thtl •second P P pa.y dearly wrath and belittle the leader• of the As is well known, Canadian Bacon 1 i � t++ go astray. for it. tf the government owned O Opposition ion and his colica nes in :L has within thN past few years attained 11 r- Sand k", the royalty and competition were pP �111a vet high position in the English t' \ you Gnawer at once 4 You ore sure to win a Prize if correct while further attempt to make t o people Y g d g /, I , permined among publishers, school }relieve that they are the only men Market, which success can only be at- ��' tl�� �' even if not correct it costa you nothing. books would be sold for about tributed to its su pevior quality, the / .\ ADDRESS who have Drains to run a government 1 g Y+ one-half the price now paid and conduct the afflLirs of the country, result of the system of feeding that - 9 for theca, thereby saving thousands 0f Y' ting for some tiara past been Ill The t1 �tehIDek(lrS' Alliance Ernest Good's StQreS dollars to arenas ever Hr. Hardy's turgid speeches, his ridi- Y P pursued P y year. No culeofmen more.honestand'quiteasable by our Canadian farmers and feeders. �/ , ,� greater injustice was ever perpetrated as himself will riot go down with the CIL Indian Hogs have been fed "Min- his friend Ile decided to give the ills a .. In Ontario and in nn way have the pea- eo le. He can never atone for the 1 o" Peas and Iiarle with the ver g P ) LIMITED, Ale been So systematically robbed. It P P Y Y Y trial, and according to Mr. O'Brien it Incorporated arcordirrg to Act of Parliament—Captial x'00,000 ($•4.x0,000). ,.i has 9};+1gpe on for nelirly t Wenty years deception ho has practised on the desirable addition of 5kiru Milk, was n lucky venture. After the fir; t LARGEST ENGLISH WATCHMAKERS, and'whl continue until there is a corn- country, He lived on the f:une of E'xverie"ce has shown that a mixed box had heen taken, customers noticed - plete change in educational affairs :End Sir Oliver Alowat but now that Mr. diet of this kind produces the finest the change, rind When three boxes had a�4 t1�X'id)r•d �tY'� et LOndon a new minister in charge whose policy Mowat is rat) longer at the helul the quality of Bacon, acid to this fact— been finished the result was marvel- , ■ . i w�, be very different from that of people have no lunger any confidence and this al(mu—rinlst be ascribed the }ons, liis strength had returned, , Map. G. IV, Rosa• in the government and demand t unequalled success of Canadian Bacon impoverished blood renewed, plusek's Cable Address: CLOCKLIKE, LONDON.' Business Established 1886. change. + in the English market,, where it far developed, rheurnatisni almost • dis. ,.,.,.�,� E"`; : `--- _ . _ .. _ ----'— ____—._.. __ excels the American article and is now appc:Lred, barring a slight stiffness inFINE r., A CHA NGE.1) 7'ONL'. quite on rL par with the hest English knee joints, which is gradually going, is not always the wit(: with the larp•e staff of professors, instructors, lectur- '-'w SIH 0LI VLLt S ADVIt.E. and Irish Cubed meats. The inferiority and ill the last six months he bus dune dowry thiLt will bring you riches. A +ars tic. drawing over $17,800 more per <17! -- of Atllerician its cou,patred to Canadian mono, work in' his tailoring establish- snutlt annuity is sunletinies bett..r than year; inefpiciencyatnd incompetence ]re - The Montreal Witness has always Sir Oliver nlowat always advised the Recon is entirely Qua to the fact that :vent, than he had riccoll )fished in the a considerable sten of mono . The vails and there is ", 1 • p' I tile diPt the WNstcrn American Hors 1 Y i iunperatrve need of .' rabidbeen Grit ,regarded n Ontario readers go a elertnts of Toronto d pn d a of the C ,h t, ,!-Levied, four years. A Freeland re- girl who can be contented with what reorgimizatfon"anda"business rof6ss- ?' rabid Grit organ and never bird a good rncnt at Toruutn independent of the 0n5i, t rLlnlost lvhuljy of corn. presentatit a noticing the change in Ye»t can earn, null can assist you in I ur," Sea says this practical farmer, le is p., Mr. O'Bvien's condition, asked him to saving is little each ,Year, tun reason- lator and friend of the Ontario govern- :i; word to say of the Conservative party government at Ottawa. At no tithe (torn feeding produces acnrcass with y or its leaders. It asSu111ed that the was that advice in ore needed than now. ,L very small propol•t.ion of lean pent {what Ilex attributed his apparent good ably be said to bring you annuity. I nu'nt. $23,000 per atnnum— the price Lnd an excessive attnount of flit, sand health after such it long sele;v of illness. 1'he girl whn is accustomed to spend- � of four or five good hundred acre farms V. Grits were all heavenbor", statesluen Tame and 1 -lardy are a bad pair in this of a Coarse 0r soft oil texture, a Without hesitation ho replied, •'We11 ing contfdetahle money and who in the ill - ,p, and pure honest rbit(] Y I have taken no Illedicine ill the trust i to !provinceister nd pro up rn and I� I pll]ltiCl,LnB. It 17LL7d- UfliCc'. They hair. each tL })a () p0litiCal (•liLaa of 11)Nalt IIUt •IwaLt7 ted Irl England, brings }'nn n frnptl I'cit117(l SnICI (1£ ai'I(':a of the lilinlatNt'an(l professors and .f e(1 the Grit government of Ontario re putntton. Their ova friends cannot whereas Peas <Lnd 13ar1Ny feeding pro year other th:Ln Dr. «'illinins' Pfuk wa»Ny, way spend for you cath yearn st,ill the affairs of the college are in- underSirOliverMowat,tild neverfound trust thein and ft would bean evil day duces Bacon with about an equal Pills, therefore I attribute my present little wore than you can earn. III efficiently managed. is it tiny wonder (]uatutity 0f fat and lean lneslt nicely condi(ion solely to' their use. .They twl'nt.y-fire year; the ditierence he- that there is a c0ntinuoas Watery fault with any of itis nefarious trans- for Ontario were Ilardy to get It fresh ]nixed, the fat firm and white and had such ,it good elTect in driving twee" a small annual dividend rine} it against the reckless, incapable wit in actions. But the Witness now, be- lease of power. Tarte visits certaiii Possessing a Sweet. flavor, and this be- rheumatism out of illy system and small animal deficit may amount to a which thing., are conducted. inythe Ileves that it is time for a chltuge sections of the province where Hardy Ing just what the l�nglishnDul requires, building ill) illy shattered constitution, larger, surn of tnonev than, any girl Agriculture Department? Is it any and looks upon Mr. Hardy as is weak and discredited and proposes be is ready and willing to take it all that my wife whose health was not whoa] you can get would bring you, wonder, that the college costs about P P mid pay a good prie• for it while any too good also tried the pills. A$27,10) per year mare than its revenue but a miserable makeshift to succeed to build bridges, wharfs, post offices, American corn feel stufT goes abegging fNw boxes remedied her Illness and alto, - — to run it; and the farm including the Sir Oliver, just as the electors improve harbors and spend money or is worked off at many shillings per too, is as loud in her praise of thein its Aintother Study For Oiitario dairy, poultry, experimental plotsand throughout the province regard him, lavishly to help carry the elections. cwL. less. I stn. Many of Illy customers find )Harmers. feeding, garden, orchard, lawn, etc., r.. He has a bad. odor and honest Liberals In view of these facto and realirin friends who Witnessed the effect of the about $25,0W more than its yearly rev - He of this money will. have to the danger that threatens the welfare. g Villa on my constitution cornmence:l to Mr. D. M. McPherson the Grit Pat- eutie to keep it going? Surely the r„ dislike hfm. There is too mach of rho be paid by the provinc@ as well its a use thein, and they relate the same eon rneruber in the lErgiala.t.tue for Glen- t.ii»@ hits at -rived ivhcln ,j' ,J. Israel Tau to flavor about him to of the Canadian Bacon trade since the Story as I have told you, I ain as well Barry found considerable fault with Y P like share 0f the mi]]inas that were rewissi0n of the. duty (-)'it corn, and the now its ever I wits in my life." the tnanstgemcnL of the Ontario Agri• Ontario's beet i)Lterest4 demand a cha,lge, 7 #lit the sturdy, independent and itP promised by the Ottawa Ministers to consequent tendency in the direction cultural College and Fat tli tatrioduring grit �� right people of Ontario, and they will carry the recent elections in Nora1 of substituting it for Peas and Burley i Dr. Williams Pink Pills cure by session of the House, His remarks - -.__- - - - s lot him know It at next elections. The fn feeding hogs, we desire innst earn- 901119 to the root of the di,sease. They • Witness has this to say of the O"t,trio Scotia arid PH nee Island. The estly to warn our tartners and feeders renew and build up the blood, and land those f others called forth a AN OLD FRIEND OBJECTS TO � government and Mr. Hardy its taxi,avers of Ontario will pity the piper that s"ch n course can only result in Strengthen the mWrves, thea driving reply from I resident Mills in which he BEING CUT OFF. ?� leader:— while Hardy and Tarte dance together. disaster and serious loss to all concern- disease from thesyste I. Avoid unrta_ says:—" tions b i g y "I hope it cines not follow from this John Dougall &Son : + "Unquestionably the liberal government does Sir Oliver advised Conservatives and eel. Canadian Bacon bringinga (tlueh y nslstln that ever box yc:q I not now hold the stronr,, position it did fn public Higher price in England than Arneri- }7iirchase is enclosed in a lvritPPing that our bookl(eeping is defective or,Gent.lelnen,—Please find enclosed opinion in Ontario and for vory obvious reations. Reformers to unite in supporting an can h 2 eason of its stt erior c uir, Dearing the full trade mark, Dr. on(- dollar' Y P I Y that we have need . f a special accoun- ($I. O0) for renewal of the .;xIn the drat place, it iii by en means the same independent government for Ontario. enables the Canadian pticker to pay Will, Pink Pills for Pale People. tant to put things in proper shape." `Weekly Witness' for the current '<'Sovernment which for twenty8ve years has Administered, and fora real part of the time He declared it to be an "absolute neves- the farmers in Canada from I,j c. to lie. To this special pleading 11L . lvll Pher_ year. I stn awfully Iliad at you for ++ per Ib. more for his hos _. -_�—" 'acceptably adrpinistere the affair,; or the pro• city in the interests of the rovince. p g. than is enjoy- stopping wv paper, as I told yrnl never `r wince. The Mowat govera•nlent has beon 4uc• P son in a letter to the Globe of recent to oto I ceeded h the Hard .'his advice was given its late as ed by the American fitrmer. This ad- Rl:irriu;e iA a guessing. date says — p it until gave You notice to do y file same a place lit, Hardy vantage the Canadian farmer can only so. If yrn] ever do it again I will not has never hold at 8,11 the 4amc place to the re- L)ecet"her, 1856, when addressing a 11 Bard and esteom even of the Arty not, tos leak hope to retain so long as the Keeps his Young marl, et married. We have "My contention in the House and I take it any more; and than what will ► Political meetfug in Torontc) ten Lys g g shall now endcilvtir to substantiate he the result Why you will have to iittllq public, that file Oliver . UP Over 1'lwag before the general elections, In that hog ration clear of corn, for just as said this before, but we want t0 say it s s A is questionable whether a rs whorl t waw soon its tie commences its use the again. Particnlarl does this advice that, contention, was that the hook but up shop, discontinue pnblish- yr,p,ppopularleader; whether he was wholly trust• contest there was no dispute between g Y edorori by his own party. HO always rogtod the two parties along the tine of "pro_ quality of our Bacon will immediate- apply if you are away from bottle and keeping of the Ontario Agricultural ing the 'Witness.' That wottld be a ,,'tinder the suspicion, perhaps not altogether the t i rights" bat fin Oliver held that ly decline to the level of the American your parents. Yea Will be in every College is defective and inadequate to dreadful calamity. So he warned. afairly of befog the sagl{c4tor or all of the artacl(- in the English rush ltltlrk@t find meet a) the requirements of a govern JOAN STi:PHENSON. .'quostionablo foature4 19 policy anct act4 of yir there were. the strongest reasons why , + wan Ulat@r off mottled than single. "011ver's government, and ]vas gpolaen t by hie the g0vernrnelat Rt Toronto should be Canadian packers will be very reluc- In Mar do s of health and ros er- meat N perimentiLl sLatiun. I take Clinton,Sept. 1•tth, 1897. tanty compelled to lower the price of y • Y P p this puaitioil alter a careful examina- _ ppononts as being rho 'wicked partner of the Controlled by inen having no close ity a wife and a home will be to you a , im."' political connection and no entangling hogs to the same level in order to corn- restraining influence and it balance tion of the s}stem by whic'.h the cul- We regret to have to cut off Borne 1; `' allian( N, as Mr. Blake enlled it with Pete, so that no benefit can possibly lege and rho Patrm ncc0ant.s,ue kept, navies from our subscription wheel. You will be much less apt to prion flats ouch ' follow the use of corn, while on the P especially as they relate to the practr- ea.r. The fact that we it(ld Innn —� -`- the leaders at Ottawa. Let Liberals et into the ordinary vices and diasi- Y y new §• MR - N01VAT IN 188(1, now act and vote its Sit- Oliver advised other hand its use in feeding flogs will get so common with young men. Mal xnnd experimental (li'iprt that nth. names does not console us for the 10SS them for the reasons are stronger than surely civ irreparable injury to what pp I sincerely contend that the g hfLS , If ycu atnoke. you will not smoke as of some who either for lack of time .kit them at a meeting in Toronto oil ever,. Ontario's interests, as it pro- grown to he one of Canada s most much. If you drink you be more apt system of bookkeering is not commen" oil thought do not, send in their sub- vince were zeaaloual i important industries, and result in Y y P surate With the pit clic requirements of �(,I,i timis in tinge. With re of December 188 just 1•for to + y guarded against to decrease our allowance of liquor, an institution existing P giLrd to P encroach merit financial] or otherwise, veryy serious Diss to producers and Y g pill f01• prate- our old friend at Clinton, Ont., he is ;acini elections 0f that year y ackers alikN as well as to the county When you come to use your dimes acid tical and experimental Aur pus( S, ' from Ottawawhile Sir Oliver was in P Y quarters for beefsteak and milk tick- blind who cannot rend between the Jliver Mowat is quoted in the power beca"se the two governments at large, ets they will go less easily for frivo• Further on in hes tetter Mr. 1VicPher• iineS of his good-natured note loyalty lobe of the 20111 Its follows: ►vere opposed to each other and it paid THE COLr.INGWOOD MEAT CO. lities. If you sand your wife are even son slays.— to the 'Witness' which be has read for "The occasion is one In which Congervativos the Ontario prernfer well to keep up Limited. fairly good managers your living will "I flrrnly tuaintnin that there is an so rushy years. `hd Reformers should all unite in order that the opposition. But with a pair of as- Colling•wood, Sept. 1st, IW7. Cost you less than you think. imperative need of reorganization with po may of hero In Ontario a government in- sociates of the political Calibre of Tarte _ _ _ __ In your days of sickness and ndver. a special btlsirtess departr"ent un,r}et• T— ependont of the government at Ottawa. tion- and (lard each one looking for ervatives may prefer, I know a Rteat many o1 y' g — T Sity you will he more comfortable alar- the direction of a t111aIr]es4 prole: mr, "FISLI. DEAD" hem do, Sir John Macdonald and big pollc to favors from the other and interested WE ARE RIGHT 80 HARDY ried than single and the world will not one who is thoroughly conversant with dward Blake and his policy. I am sorry they in each others success, it is high time ADMI %'S. look dark. Nothing like a small, neat the economic value 0f the facts and o, If they had more light I 8,111 sure they that Ontario had ,L government wholly / WHAT A10RE. ETFRY-DAY IFEADIN(7 DO ould•not; and a great many Conaervativog aro g Y inexpensive home gwhere you may laws of the science of a.grictllture, not YOU READ iN THIS PAPER THAN d0owerin that and aro acting accorrlingly, independent of the Liberal adminia- Mr. Hardy in' his address at Mark. have thingv as you like there, and only of their individual nature, but THAT ?—T11F•Y ARF i.runoN, Levan tphose 6onservatives whn beltavo 4n trattion at Ottawa. In all the contests ham nn the 3rd September admitted Where your wife Witita upon you in also their value in all possible corn - id policy of Sir John Macdonald and prefer in which Mr Meredith was en a ed he P y , a�,}rzosllunite atthscrisismonttoanyothor, f g(r that the expenditures of his sickness eta c%refu}ly and attentively hinationS. Heshalldevise andel@Sign Dont (tally with heart disorders. ay. Still units at this crisis in supporting an ever had any ,issistnnce from ttawn P govern- as you could, wish. the hest methods of work, the hest There is but one cure. "I had been dependent Government here, because there y the wiry of bribes to eonstituences merit exceeded the receipts ,but thin Of course all the shove depends, in a s stem of keeping farm accounts; in for it number of years sorely afflicted titi.�teat matters with which eshave to Boal to return Conservatives, nor did he the excesses are charged up against ver large measure upon short, he shall he the architect of the with heart disease. At times m life n absolutely require, for the gako a Ontar- expect or look for an But the Con- Y g , your aelec- Y pie - interests that the Prowtnefal Glorornment y the surplus. He therefore admits tion of a wife. Three-fourths of this farm for practical and commercial Aur- wits despaired of. Doctors had pie- buld be entirely independent of the govern- servative leader was a politican with - )Al; at Ottawa. Now there are a variety of out spot or blemish, a man of unsullied what Conservative members and news- question is dependent upon the individ. posed Berthed, and i had taken every known MIA by which I might illugtrato the manner reuptation, just as his successor Mr. papers have charged against the gov- ual and is not subject to any rules. If Such is tha criticism of a farmer heart remedy ninde. I had supposes}, ti4hth the Dominion Government have dealt we were to offer any suggestion in friend] to the government. He con- and (lid not get any benefit. [ read El) the Provtncoa, and show the absolute Whitney is io-day before the electors of ernment for man ears but which y of the wonderful cures wrought of slty in the intorests of this Province that the province. In those days the Hardys Y Y general ft would he that, other things deme the management in one of the g etc should be an independent Government and the Tartes were not leaders, the the ministers as stoutly denied. If being equal, you will usually do bet- chief features or departments of the Dr. Agnew's' Core for the Heart. i oil ,undcd no obligations to Sir entirely Mae. Y with all the proceeds of timber sales ter to marry a girl who is nectrstetmed institution and asks for the appoint- procured a bottle, and in less time al- ntitd, and who have 8, policy entirety Provtn- were the wire pullers and worked it) P the dark:. to lean than you can provide rather merit of a capable man to take charge most than it. takes to tell it, the diS- ii£ih regard to the territory and Provincial mineral locational, royalties, succession If a Conservative member had spoken tress was relieved. I followed the than one who is accustomed to more. h '" Ontario's beat interexts demand a change. tax, annuity Sales and the various We would also suggest that a quiet in like manner he would have been directions closely and today I am a ljoW does the above advice suit On other schemes to raise money, the wedding may Ile deshable for the same well woman again. and I shall do all g �' charged with factions opposition and a R to Li6brals to -day? We commend A• special cable Bays that the names Hardy govern etrcannot make ends reason, your pride will be less injured desire to injure the institution and de• in my power to make known to every t&t�hem and sayfurther if you of Lord Ashbnurne and the Duke of b dual] rising from IL amall start stroy its usefulness. Notwithstanding one suffering as I did the wonderful y pre- ineet but are fn in behind to the ex- Y gt q yy gg cure it wotketi for me. Mrs. Wm. government Abercorn are both mentioned in con- g than It will be gradually coming down the fact that there is a Minister of Ont."—Sold b Sir Wilfrid Laurler's nection with the succession to the tent of over half a million dollars per front a heavystart. Burton, Dartruow, ti?'ab of the Conservative party you Governor -Generalship of Canada. year how long will it be until direct If you are amhitious, financially, It ! dent drsLwingt$2,000 per year,napndaa Watts & Co. Y r • - . e t u _'1--j., . . i ...4.y. .1..ra<.,n. a...,i a `;....aaia. e" 4 (