The Huron News-Record, 1897-10-13, Page 1THE 11t RON •j; •irt ti� .. � v>y�.,. t V • _TP3RDILS-11.915 per Annuny 1.00 lit Advance. xNDZP3NDRN1'IN ALL TH1N0fi--1VRUXAAL IN NOTn ryo A. ffi TODD910d4tor and Owner VOL. XIX. 01INTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1897 WHOLE NO. 985 If Your Digest 0Brief Town Topics. 50 Yards Race -Girls of last Clinton Goderich, �! ""THE TWO A. J.'S.C1` - Mr. John Churchill and family leave Entrance Class. -1st, ` .Moases from an Ct MSTAIN ENDFAVORERS.-Quite a Thursday for Pilot Mound, Man,, Old Manse," "'.Pales from Shakespeare" number of Christain Endeavorers left ---- �` ------ •_-.Powers-r I where they intend to reside in the by W, R. Lough, B. Worthington, O, last Wednesday to attend the meeting y l i future. While ver much re ret CooPeP• . Are deficient you need some- their removal fro Y g in St. Thomas. Clinton, we wish Egg Race for Girls. -1st, ladies' plush THEY FAREWELLFD.-On Sunday THE GLO VE I FALL thing new to create and main- them every prosperity in their newdressing case by W. Cooper & Cu., Captain and Mrs. McLeod, Salvation train strength for the daily home• J. Cht"chii1; 2nd, sailur hat by W. atony, farewelled to Goderich and "It's Neal -est to Hand" round of duties. Last Wednesday the Rnttenbwy Beesley, F. Sturdy. leave during the week for their, new �TER Strictly pure Malt Beverages. House was well filled with travellers 75'ynrd Race -Model School Girls, district. And ought to be handy to get on. f 11 the popular Brands of Ales from Goshen, Ind., Montreal, Toron- 1st, silk handkerchief by Piumsteel & THE BREAKWATER. -The work on Not only so, but it should be PON to, Buffalo, Hamilton, London, Berlin, Gibbings, R. Paisley. the bre:Lkwater was Btu red last week handsome after it is on. Yeo le an Porters. don't ttt'e CLOTHING. Galt, and other points. In all there 50 Yard Race -Model School Girls- started a ain and oncelinore stn ed Jct so inuch to the troll lewere some twenty-five. 10 and under. -1st cu g PP of getting stoves on, tis to the p and saucer by un StaCurday wurnin The cvuse ofThe many friends of Mr. Coltman J. W, Irwin, E. Coo er. the sto a e was a worry about thorn after Chep art; Cooper. ppage ispute as to ttie on. If you at•e proud of your, hand Lack Kennedy (at one time pastor of the Baptist Steeple Chase. -1st. Mrs. Browning's depth •at which the foundation sills wear a The Season is new on and think - church here) will regret to learn he is Poems by W. Brydone, Martin; 2nd, should be placed, but how the matter The Clinton(.Liquor Store. very ill with inflammatory rheumtttistrr Tennis Shoes by Taylor &Sona, Bell, will end no one seems to know, ing people want the best at the at his home in Cumberland, Out. Perrin's ('Hove. Closest Prices. Phone 54. Hearn. THE SEWERS. -The contractors for Mr. W. Jackson, who has been at- Consolation Race for Girls. -14, the extension of the sewers, Messrs. We sell thein in all sizes :and colors, w e Can tending a meeting of the Ry. Ticket pair kid gloves by Hodgens Bros., O. Stevenson and Finane, are getting on lined and unlined. If you have little Elevated • Association at Windsor, has sent Brigham, 2nd, silver shirt waist set by with their contract, nearly one half reason to be proud of your hand you • home to friends nice printed samples p, B, Crews, D. Cantelon, of the work having been completed have greater reason to wear the c • of tetanilla paper and we do not doubt Consolation Race for Boys. -1st, by Monday. This week they are work- celebrated Perrin Glove. Stilt Youbut large orders will be the result.Ing on South and North Wellin card receiver by Mrs, Biddlecombe., F. I ton streets and it seems its if the oh The plates from which Jubilee Mulholla �1; 2nc1, Napkin Ring by E.M. , In any line you require in Ordered stamps enc} post, cards were printed McLean r� P g will be finished b the twiddle of next OUR HATS •�- R y W. Lennox. y or eady-Made Clothing -the have been destroyed and values will The Championship Cup was award- month. latter at yet low prices to clear. e greatest THE LITERARY SocIETY.-The fol- Are the beat in the market and now be on the rise. ed to the student taking th A mention to the London Fres Press number of points in events a 2, 3, 4, 5, lowing are the officers for the fall term: stylish too. An excellent range of Don't pits" us -come Pres., Miss Ma gie McClusky; 1st vice, Ties and Underclothing as well. and see what we have. from our Goderich correspondence 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, and 23. Miss Con, Lerouzel; 2nd vice, Will leads the reader believe that Clinton EVENING PROGRAMME -Part I.- Stoddart; areas., Miss Grace Strang; '� • � �' � � station had beenn broken into, Our Chairman's address, Mayor Holmes; secretary, Mr. Hog�rarth; editress, of • contemporary should have made it piano duet, Misses Irwin and Gibbin " the C. I. journal, Miss Ethel Rh nas; �� J. � Qrr�ie7h• J. 8�• HollozUa� read Goderich. song, Mr. Bert Kerr; recitation, Mr3a editor of the Model journal, Mr. Clark- • _ Lucy Andrews; piano soli, Miss Mary son; committee, Misses Mantie Dickson _t LINTUN. CLINTON. Lough; duet, Miss Couch and Air. and Lou Masson and Albert Carey, Clinton Collegiate. Harland; violin solo, William Tell- Isaac Kilpatrick secretary of earn- gomennoommaonewoona Rossini, Miss L. Acheson. mittee. N In 11 THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. + Part II. -Song, Miss McHardy ; reci- AFTER 2l) YEARS. - On Sunday Goderich. A The xer-I tation Miss Grace Shepherd ; ;violin the remains of Sara, daughter FOR THF, CENTRAL. -Central Prison ITEMS. -Judge Doyle was in town a.' cissa aurins turtsal Gf ClintonColleent eiafe solo, selected, Miss Acheson; reading of Wm. Sharman, were interred Bailiff, English, was in Goderich last last Tuesday on his Witty to Guri•te to -� p g of. prize essay, Medalist; song, Miss in Maitland in the presence of a large Tuesday, and took the Prisoner Cul- hold division court, -Mr. attd Mrs. H. Institute were held on Friday last. McMurray; Prize for Essay, number of relatives and friends, The bert to the Central to under Da have returned froin ata extended Good Sensible Clothing is an elevating inficenee to The weather was not very favorable deceased lad had been ill a loo ' Children. The Clothing should be good and bought programme In the evening the Commencee townmeat y g sentence o£ one year with hard lir or. is trip through h nitoof NVi the North in the afternoon, but the gtime, some twenty years it is said, y , at such a price that they may feel at ease in playing Of sports was followed through b a exercises were held in the town hall, THE MEDAL CONTEST -The Dem- West. -Mrs Ghent of V�ttlkerville is in them. we have Just made a Special Purchase o1 P g Y which was filled to over followin during which period she antlered con- the guest of her sister, Mrs. Rev. p large nuruber of interested spectators. g' L "ri bl from a painful malady. The morest medial contest under the sus- (Rev.) An excellent programme of vocal and y P y Lowe.• -John Moore has returned from The competition this year was keen and P g alt -bearers were all relatives namely pices of the W. C. T. U. was held in Children's and Youths Clothing good sport was the result. There were instrumental music and recitations had P y' the Victor[" hail last week, and was a the Old Country. -On Monday evening been prepared and wits well received four brothers, a nephew and a grand last Mr, Beattie lust a valuable horse. and our prices areas low as any in town. three aspirants for championship ll an appreciative P audience. During nephew. success. The audience was good, the The team wits 'rain to the station Boys' Knee, Pants, lined .........................sec. honors, but H. Switzer, who held the yg music excellent, and the recitations ug Boys', 2 piece, Tweed suites, single b'd..$2, $2.60. $3 Cnp last year, won rnOSt pOl[1LS ill the f the evening (.certificates were distribut- THE FIRST LITERARY. -On Friday were all rendered so as to reflect creel- with the 'bus when they Tall suety and do❑bleb'd.$2.50,$3,$3, 0 ed to the pupils, who had succeeded in evening there was a good attendance in turning at the gate, one horse rare Youths' 3 piece Tweeds and Berges, short panto championship games but owing to the it upon the contestants. The reciter's and passing the Mlidstnniner Ex:uninations. at the first open meeting this ter•tn of against a post with such Puree that it Men's Tweed Saitt.....:................. $b to $10 regulations for the cup barring any The number and character of the the Collegiate and Model School Lit- were the Misses Uwen Colborne. Mil- died in five minutes. one from winning it twice (be being lie Godwin, Cora Vivian, Elise rye, ourowrt make........$10and $12 champion for 18 ;) Ross and Mar- certificates obtained by pupils of the er'ary Society, and after the President, Ethel Rhynas, and Louie Colborne. - -- ° Nowhere will you find bettor value than we tin tied so both names will Institute this year speaks well for Miss McC�lusky, had delivered her go on The soloists were Miss Strachan, Miss Stapleton. show here. it costs you nothing to come and see those in charge. The certificates were inaugural address an excellent pro- Eva Acheson, and Mr. Stoddart, all of the goods -will leave the verdict to you. It'sa good the cup for 1897. David Ross forte presented by: - Commercial, Mr. gramme was presented. After a reci- Miss Francis Cockr•ane is on it visit time tc look Now, apparently is jumping, in which for Lough • Form II, Rev. Mr. Clement t tation, a solo and a reading, there whom acquitted themselves particu- to her uncle Mr. Thomas Ibrden at 4 y r r his age he•is a star. He is I5 years old Form Ill Rev. Mr, Stewart; Farm IV was a debate on resolved "that women lar well, and reflected great credit Chicago. Cheer a Torn she will soon .r. •rte ekSOn. 4SV.9 and can jump clear over a hurdle 5 ft. on Miss Wynn, who has been the must- g P 2 inches from the ground. Both Swit- and Matric., Rev. Mr. Pocock, can enter into the occupations of men cal instructor. Mr. Belcher also gave return. -Dick looks very lonesome Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, zer and Martin were too much for him Prizes were also- presented to the better than men can enter the occupa- a ca iftil bass solo in his Own cod since he has been left to keep bathe- Victoria Block. - - - - Established 1854. in the running, ho stepand umpp, successful competitors in the after- tions of women. A large number of st lee and was hearth applauded. Tors hall. Hurry tip and take to thy- ---- ----- Switzer's staying powerare remark- noon sports by Mrs. Parke. both sexes took part itr. there was a The judges were Messrs. ppH�eaton, self apartner.-Mrs. John Brown, who mixture, as a few of the toast uline Bevisited friends at the Nile for the last )Brief Town Topics• able for almost it novice at the sport. Strang and Grant, and their decision The following is a lis"t of the winners :- -- -� argued for the affirmative and anumber vya,a readily endorsed by the audience, inonth has returned hone. -Mrs. Thos. Rev. Rigsby of Blyth was in town of the fair ones for the negative. ( ouch of St. Thomas visited Mrs. For - yesterday. Run High Jump -1st, hair brush by PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. Through the debate there was consider- notwithstanding "the fact thrit the den last Setturda y y• g y. -Mrs, Thus. Kearns J.H. Combe, D. Ross; 2nd, silk tie by able fun as roan competition was a close one. Dr. Taylor of Goderich was in town y unique instances Mayor Shannon in resents visited friends in Tuckerstnith one day on Monday. T. Jackson, sr., H. Switzer, A. Martin. The regular monthly meeting of the trete advanced by either aide and P g last week. Run Broad Jump -1st, 1st lam b Mr. Clinton Public School Board was held some of them were so full of humor as the medal to Miss Louie Col - Mr. John McMann of Seaforth was n, z Y On Monday evening. Present, J. W. to cause the hartiest of laughter. To- borne, did so in a graceful manner Parkinson, London, H. Switzer; 2nd, gg that was highly appreciated b the Sunnuerhill. To- a Clinton caller on Monday. half dozen water glasses, by L. Ken- Irwin, chairman, and Trustees I: -Jack- wards the end a few of the Affirmatives g Y PP Y Mr. J. M. Best of Seaforth was in son, Dr. Agnew, J. Gibbins W. G. audience, and he and the fair SHOOL REPORT. -The standing of nedy, A. Martin, D. Ross. Gibbings, grew quite warm when a permit was g town last Saturday. I Smith and J. C. Stevenson. made against them, but all smiled at recipient were heartily applauded. the Public School for September is as Fatting 16 lb. Shut. -1st, pair kid g` Miss McCall and Miss Campaigne were p Mr. Politer of Blyth was a caller in gloves, by The Two A. J's, 13. Switzer ; The Principals report showed boys the end when the judge, A. J. follows :-.5th chtsa-]1I. Murphy. Sr. town on Monday. 2nd, New Era 1 enrolled 2�t5, girls 208, total 453; aver- Moore, decided in favor of the affrrma_ the accompanists and did excellent 4th class -Wm. Jordan, O. McIlveen. year, by Ma g Y. Jr. 4th class -E. Huck. J. Wright,Mr. Westacott was ticketed to Grand Holmes, Carlisle, Ross, age ttttendauce 400. Some one is using five. M. Forks; Ltak., b A. O. Patterson on to catapult on the windows of the '(CIRCULAR CITY BRrEI'S,--Dr. Free- - Kilty. 3rd class -A. Lovett, L. Butt, Y Kicking Foot Ball,--Ist, NEws-RE• school at n ht. All the teachers have born was in town this week shaking 1. Merrill. 2nd class -M. Garvie, C. Monday. CORD, 1 year, by A. M. Todd, D. Bell, Last Wawanosll• Colbourn, R. Colbourn. Sr. II Mrs. Strickland of Waterloo, who H. Switzer, D. Hearn. Expressed a wish k re-engage fore in I hands with many warm friends prior Part was the west of Mrs. Barlett, left for Three of them ask for an Increase in to his departure for Magnetawan, Ont. 'ITEMS. -The youngest child of Mr, class -P. Wright, R. Kitty, I+.. Lovett. g Run, Hop Step and Jnmp-1st, salary. Miss Mackay has her -lee formed in exposed laces Burin r and Mrs. W. Paten "vas taken serious- Jr. II part class -R. Neal, E. Hardy, her borne on Monday. "How Canada is Governed," by G. D. room in excellent shape and she asks Saturday night. -The breakwater con ly ill last week and death relieved its 1. Colbourn, Sr. I part -M. McLough- Mr. James Steep expected a car load McTaggart, Switzer; 20d, white shirt what you paid to the; previous teacher. tractor has it large quantity of stone sufferings on Mondaty morning. The lan, B. Ball, L. Jordan. Jr. I part -M. of young cattle to arrive here front by R. Coats & Son, Martin, Ross. Miss Doherty and Miss Shepherd also piled ap along the river, but whether funeral took place to Wingham ceme- Johnston, A. Miller, Manitoba last night. He will either 100 Yards Race -Open to School- have at -present lower salaries than be will use it before the freshet is a tory on Tuesday afternoon. -The en- NOTE.- Mr. and Mrs. Woodyard sell or fit them for the market. 1st, photo case by W.E. Rand, Switzer; previously paid for their rooms. The question. -Inspector of public schools tertainment in the Brick Church on of Collingwood have moved back to Mr, and Mrs. Peter Brown and child 2nd, fountain pen by Dig. Shaw, Martin; salaries for 1883 were $3,050 and the J, E. Tom has spent the past three Monday evening was a success in every Summerhill to reside. of Tiverton were the guests of Mr. and II. Steep. salaries asked for 1898 will amount to weeks in the southern portion of his sense of the word. The weather was Mrs. Arthur Cantelon on Monday and 100•Yard a Race, Under pi15--lst pocket $2'900• The increased grant re Model district. -Councillor Searle of Clinton all that could be desired, the crowd Holmesville. are now visiting friends in and around knife by Miss E. To ng, E. Archibald, more than meets the extra expense. wits in the county town last week.- immenseand theprogramme excellent. Brucefield, `Lnd, buy's cap by Gilroy & Wiseman, The average attendance in 1893 was Regular meeting of Huron Chapter, the proceeds which was simply a col- NATES. -Mr. H. Williams of Gode- Mrs. Trussler of Berlin and Mrs. W.Plumsteel, H. Barlett. 348, now it is 40, No. 39, R. A. M,. next Tuesday even- lection amounted to $10: -Mrs. Kar- rich spent a few days at the parson - Johnston of Jackson, Mich., -who were Fati ue Race-Ist The above is a condensation of the ing,-The Chosen Friends meet in que and children of Toronto and Mrs. Ve.-Miss W, Keys of Brockway, g pocket s it, principal's report. On motion of regular session to -morrow evening.- Auld of Wingham are visiting their Mich., spent a few days with her on a visit to their brother Mr. Wm. razor by Davis & Rowland, Ross ttnd North street Methodist church will as parents Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Itetd.- uncle, W. Stanley, -Mr. *and Mrs. El - P. Goderich township, passed P, Plurnsteel ; 2nd, water set by O, i Messrs. Sinith and Cxibbings the report through Clinton on Monday on their Cooper & Co., lernonacle, set by H. was received and filed. usual be the scene of a thanksgiving Mr, B. Anderson left on Friday last ford of Goderich spent a few days in way home, Wiltse, D. Bell and W. Turnbull, On motion of 1. Jackson and J. C. sapper. -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saults to attend the Dental College in Phile- our village. -Mrs. H, Graham of Mich. Rev. Mr. Mill and returned from their Detroit visit on andhelphia.-Misses Johnstone, Agnew and Mrs. J. Gr:Lham of Montana are y preached to Hearn and D. Allison, Stevenson the salary of Miss MacKay Friday. -Mr, Jas. McDonald of Bruce- and Irwin attended the Commence- visiting in this neighborhood. large congregations in Seaforth last Vaulting With Pole -1st, Tom was fixed at $300 instead of $275. field was in Goderich last Thursday,- went at the Collegiate Institute in ANNIVERSARY. -On Sunday morn - Sunday, Revs. Andrews of Holmes- Brown, 2, vols. by J. W. Treleaven, On motion of. Dr, Agnew and John Rev. A. McGillivray of the China Clinton last week. -Miss Lily John- in and eveningRev. W. 'Ayers ville and Finley of Tuckersmith sup- Ross; 2nd, Whisk by J. E, Hovey, Gibbings the salaries of Miss Dobertv mission arrived in town last week.- stone has been re-engaged by the trus- Preached two verable sermons,nd plied for the Rattenbury street church Hearn, U. Tebbutt. and Miss Shepherd were increased $25 Mrs. D. Cantelon has been spending tees of the S. S. No. 8, for the year 1898 in the afternoon Rev. B. Clement here and preached very acceptably. THE FOOT BALL MATCH, -The game each; making it $2"). the past two weeks with friends in at an increase of salary. -Mr. and Mrs. talked to the children. Monday even - We notice by Canadian Northwest of foot ball between the pupils and The salaries of the Principal and Cleveland, Ohio. -The schooner Youill J. Brooks visited friends in Elmo, last ing the tea -meeting was one of the papers .that Rev, A, Matheson, who ex -pupils was a "hot one," the score at other teachers, on motion of J. C. sailed for Thessalon last Friday with wPek• grandest successes we ever had. Ad - wits a welder of iron in this section the call of time being 2-2. In the Stevenson and I. Jackson, were fixed 5,(V) bushels of oatn5 and a quantity of dresses were delivered by Revs. W. some years ago, is actively r;ngaged in platy off the pupils scored one goal, same as last year, as follows: -Mr•, lumber camp supplies. -The Goderich Goderich Township. Ayers, ttlillyard, Edge and Godwin. welding humanity "for better, for making the score 3-2 in their favor. Lough, principal, $'825, Miss O'Neil brewery is now in full operation.- NoTI•:e,- Miss Zincurn, an evangelist, Miss Whitney of Goderich gave two worse." The ex -pupils are to be congratulated $375, Miss Wilson $325, Miss Taylor Township clerk Nixon Sturdy has is leading the revival services at Cole's vocal selections which were very much Rev. Millyard, son of Rev. R.W. Mill- on the way they played, having had $325. given the contract for building it aLlnpointrnent,-Mr. Lou Anderson, tax appreciated, and the Holmesville peo- yard, town, gave THE NEws-RFCORD a no practise whatever Since last spring, The account of N. Robson for dwelling on Elgin Ave.to Buchanan 1 y $3,C' collector, is starting on his 1•ounds, so p e thank her ver much far them. pleasant call one day last week. The while the pupils had been working was passed. & Rhynas.-Rev. D. Williams, M. A., be prepared. rhe church was handsomely decorated rev, gentleman was on his way to the hard all spring. The 'bid boys" took Mr. Lou h was instructed to secure rector of St. James, Stratford, preach- PROMISING TFnCHER.-One cf the with flowers, golden -rod and maple Nile to take charge of his new appoint- their trimming kindly at the hands of eel able harvest Thanksgiving services leaves. D1 r. Ayers' many friends will ment. the "young uns." Mr. Treleaven, in organ eke for . oriel students for some six in St. George's last• Sunday to large imost s Lorne J. s ng young then es knownf be glad to welcomu him to Holmesville Mrs. Geo. Cooper of Goderich town- "Old boy,' made it very efficient refer- congregations. There wits a special n Lorne J. son of Mr. James Lttendott, any time. The proceeds amounted to p It was decided to purchase fifteen 1 now of Goderich. He did not attend shi resented THE NEtyS-RECORD ee, while Cooper and Rakid performed 1 musics, programme and the chancel $110. p P cords Of dry hard wood. school until eight years of age, and with a basket of delicious grapes On the duties of umpires. was nicely decorated for the occasion. T - g P Moved by J. L. Stevenson, second- -Rev. Mitt* Turnbull prea. '1; in St. after nine years attendance secured is - -- - ---•--- Saturday last. Presentations of this I00 Yards Race -Open. -•-1st, picture ed by Isaac Jackson, that this second-class certificate. He went to ® �►t1Sf nature are always appreciated and b Broadfoot & Box, F. Willis; 2nd, James, Stratford, last Bunchy, story s. Y y PP yy Board otter a reward of five J. C, Harrison is building a two story school at Porters Hill for about flrc never more oro than when they come pphoto frame by W. D, Fair, Switzer, dollars for information that will dwelling on Elgin Ave. -The town vears when he passed for the leaving, from such good hearts as Mr. and Mrs. McQulloch. lead to the conviction of any person employees and was but five ,years in climbin to Cooper. gees were t upnd dit the water YO� P Sack Race. --1st, half dozen linen found maliciously breaking glans in Ina ns and putting up additional lights his Present enviable position. • 0 4 Miss Lillie Johnston, teacher of S. S. collars by Jackson'Bros., Switzer; 'Lnd, the Public Schools or otherwise gg young gentleman is very promising in damaging the school the past week. -Bank mtana�er Wil - No. 8, and Miss Millie Agnew of East pair gold cuff links by J. B. Rumball,, g g property. -Car- liarns has been taking a, boliday in leis chosen protession and has nurnerous Wawanosh, were in town a few day" Koss, Hearn. rigid• friends and acquaintances wish him "The proof of the pudding is in calling on friends, and attended the Chicago. -Uncle Toros Cabin will be Race -open The Secretary was authori9ed to presented in Victoria hall this even- the greatest possible future success. the stating." An inferior c;ual- Hurdle Race -O en to Collegiate He expects to engege in teaching ity of Rolled Oats may look all comtrlencement exercises. Institutes of County. -1st, dire( re- have 50 bills printed. ing.-Frank Yeigh will lecture on his p right, t, but app earances sume- Ha Hamilton Centenary Church h%s ceiver by Allen & Wilson, Willis; 2nd, On motion of Messrs. 1. Jackson and about the new year, b travels on Britain s lands around the times deceive the customer, called Rev. G. F. Salton of St. pair of gold cuff links by James Scott, W. G. Snaith the Secretary was in. world on the evening of Friday: the So we look to quality first - Thomas. The Revm. gentleman is well Switzer, Martin, strutted to procure eight copies of the 22nd Inst. The lecture will be illus- Stanley. cleanliness- freedom Prato hulls known toyin Clinton and Gode- 75 Yard Race -Boys of last Clinton Public and High School regulations trated by 100 lime views and as it is -rich nutty flavor. It is all Mich - success. ho true pleased to hear of his Entrance Class. -1st, Adana Bede and for use of Trustees at a total cost of $4. under the auspices of the Collegiate ANOTHER SAD DEATH. -We are this these little things that keep Last Days Of Pompeii by W.R. Lough, The Board then adjourned, Institute Literary Society it should be week called upon act record the death the permanent customer. The loss of a subscriber, which we W. Plumsteel, L. Paisley. well attended. -The steamer St. An. of a very highly esteemed resident of always regret, is like a man dipping drew after delivering 38,000 bushels of this township, in the person of Mr. Ed- Hence -We aim to keep permanent his finger into a pail of water and Houston, Race Switzer; alarm clock by J. et Seaforth. new wheat left for Port Arthur on round Westlake, which took place on customers, permanent by sell - afterwards looking for the hole. The g Friday. -The Goderich lumber and Friday Oct. 1. Mr. Westlake had in them the best on the vacant spot is closed as rapidly art the by Jackson &Jackson, D. Thompson, NEWS. -Nit. F. C. G. Minty of saw mill Co. abut down on Friday for been to for some time from nervous g P y Bell. Walkerville has been appointed grana- a week tL> clear the wit for a fresh market water moves. y prostration, He was aprogressiveand 100 Yards Race -Model School Boys, ger of the Bank of Commerce here and start on their logs. -A. M. Todd of prosperous farmer and dust in the r1rLLL80YEy8 Fan D)•fed Mrs. Jae. Knot, who was so seriously -1st, pocket book by J. P. Tindall, has entered on his duties. -Mr. Thos, this journal was in the circular town prime of life. He always took an ac- Rotted Oats. injured in a runaway at the London W, Armstrong; 2nd, butter knife by E. Hays has returned from Manitoba.- this week. -Mrs. Toni has returned Live part in public affairs and especial- e bridge last June, was in town last Harland Bros., L, Lavis. Mr. R. Mercier, who has been in the from her visit to London, Windsor 1 on agricultural linea. He leaves A full line of Pickling week for the first time. She is improv- 50 Yards Race-Mndel School Bova, ewelry business here for some time and Detroit. -Charles, youngest son of his family in comfortable cirenmstan- Spices and Vinegars. ing wnd can now manage to walk with -10 and tinder, -1st, late cu andAfl secured a situation in Liverpool James Reid, carpenter, died on Satur- ces. His.romains were interred in the 0000�000 the aid Of one crutch. saucer by Geo. Swallow O. Tindall, L. and intends residing in the old land.- day after an illness of four years dura- Bayfield cemetery on Sunday week Councillor Searle was right when he Manning. Mr. Jas. Fanson is seriously ill, -Mr. tion, the remains being interred in last. He was a member of the Can - advocated the taking of a vote of the and Mrs. Thos. Greig and children .of Maitland cemetery on Monday, -The adian Foresters, who turned out in 75 Yards -Girls race.-Ist glove And Picketing were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goderich amateurs played the drams, large numbers to do honor to their OGLE COOPER CO, people on the site for the library build- handkerchief set b Dr. Gunn M. J. C. Greig last week. -Mr. Thos, Ste Time and the Hour, in Blyth last late brother. The widow, one dangh- ing. The people would not decide las Huck; 2nd, pocket by by Dr, Turn. hens of Berlip was in town last week Wednesday and created a favorable ter and two sena have the sympathy Of the Mayors casting vote -has, buil, O. Cooper. shaking hands With old friends. impression. the communitjr, Phone ?«.