The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-29, Page 8.
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— __1__ I thrill cf pain from head to foot, me, I'd like to go outwith a gun, of -a There Are Others,
• I TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK. ,,tom. Dyepepsia may make the sulierer fano batter of guns. and take off every
uVor I uIrty 1eurs
Without Sickness.
111!ia`. H. WETTSTEIN, a well-known,
+.Interprising citizen of Byron, Ill.,
writes: "Before I paid much atten.
tion to regulating the bowels, I
hardly knew a well da,y; but since I
learned the evil re-
. sults of constipation,
Some funny Inventions found
in the U.S. Patent Office.
and the efficacy of Washington, U. S.--Psychologistsel
.. assert that civilized human beings are u
.4 AYERr S 'rowini; more absent-minded. The ARTHUR P. THORNE, CsenLoTrs;- t
Pills, I have not had average man of intelligence to -day is TOWN, P.E.I., eaye: I have used Dr.
not so alert, not so conscious of his C6aeo'sCatarrh Cure, and itnot only gave c
one day's sickness immediate environments, its he was relief but wride a permanent care,' so
\ for over thirty years a century ago. He does more think- Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure e
11 .. y — not one attack ing than he did then, and a greater NEVER PAILS TO CURB , ac
the t did not readily yield to this part of his business in life is left to a
the purely mechanical brain functions, Cold in the dead, Hay Fever, tt
reaaedy, lily wife had been, previ-
ous to our mai'ria a an invalid for The inventors, always it step ahead Rose Cold, Catarrhal Deafness, !
ears. She had a prejudice against of the requirements of the times, are Foul Breath, Loss of Taste and h
y 1 j g already at work devising contrivances Smell, and Catarrh In all Its
ca,*rtics, but as Poon as she began• to summon absent attention. One of W
to fixe Ayer's Pills her health was the latest of these is a bracelet that forms. r Contains no Cnenrne, F
restored." has an alarm watch attached to it. Price, 25 cents, complete with blower. a
The wearer, having an engagement at Sold by ell dearer,, or AA C
a certain hllU l', sets the watch, and nam.0 .., 11.104 k co..40ronto, Ont.
when the time arrives it little needle al
ER %9 Qricks ber arm and reminds her of the m
duty to he performed. This is only d
one of many devices for like parpos- —
. es. Peo-ple want to be relieved of the clock. The bucket falls rind by its
AYCathartic PANS trouble of calling things to mind, and weight pulls up the clock weighC, thus
that is one reason why there are so winding the clock. Finally the bucket s
Iifetial and Diploma at World's Fair. matny inventions employing clock. reaches the floor, where a valve In tst
To Restore Strength, take Ayees Sarsaparilla work. bottom opens and the water runs vat..
At the Patent office a huge class of Then it ascends and resumes its ovigi-
inventions is comprised under the head nal position, so as to he ready to wind st
[� of "alarms"—these being machines by the clock up again after a while. Ano- a,
The Nuron News�ll e �io%�Q? which persons who otherwise would Cher lazy method of winding a clock has
not think are made to think. The been patented by it Sanfransiscv man. II
1 E6 a Year -81.00 in Advance average individual is obliged, how- The opening of it door pulls up the p
-- -- ever unwillingly, to get up aL a certain weight, and so there is never any 11
tinge in the uun•ning. To provide for- necessity for keeping in mind the busi- to
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29tH, 1897, this requirement many ingenious per- ness of making the time piece go.
__ .._._-_ __.. _- _ _.::=- sons have applied then- talents to the
production of contrivances fur awa.k- y
Adieu. ening people and compelling them to ALL MEAN THE SA141I'.', THING, cc
Child of my heart, adieu, arise. There is a kind of bedstead, for a
God keep thee in His caro, example, which holds its ma tress in You have probably heard some ti
Receive this parting sigh— a frame that is retained in the normal ea aaI have such Orange wine ca
Believe this parting prayer position by a catch. At the proper people Y, 0 1
And do not quite forgot the few noun the catch, operated b a clock- going about m body that I don't c
Bright hopes we've known. P Y g �' y y c'
Adieu! Adieu! work mechanists, loses its grip, and know what to make of them. Some- t
Remember vanished hours, f, the mattress frame becomes vertical times it will be a pain in the forehead, tr
instead of horizontal, throwing Sleepy -
Let memory softly dwell, : not like an ordinary headache, and g
On one who thinks of thee, head out upon the floor.
With thoughts too deep to tell— then it will go to the breast over the t)
One whose love more steadfast grow, There is another sort of bed.which heart then to the left side then to the f
Mid clouds suet tears. lets the head of the sleepy person chop ' ' N
Adieu Adieu 1 when getting -up time arrives, one end lower part of the back. The pain i
Let gentle dreams arise, of the Mattress frame collapsing. But may stay a whole day or part of a day 1(
when thou art far from tee, one of the queerest. of the patented in one place, and then move—after the 8
Of all the "ooansel sweet," methods of waking people up involves S
That I have shared with thee. ,a ashion of a travelling exhibition or
Think ofqi c still, as when we two the employment it a tin pan and a , I
Mingled%weetthoughts. weight hung I 111 cocci. When the circus.
Adieus Adieu t hands of a clock reach a certain point, Now a pain is objectionable beeauae 0
the weight is released and falls u+xni n
Think of the heart of love, the pan, making it direful racket. it is a pain, and often because it wor•
at slightespraingst
wish, tomeetdei Another oddity Is a frame from which ries us in trying to account for it. ,If d
The slightest wish, and deemed Y Y e
No earthly boy so atyeet, are suspended a number of corks., it stays too long in one place we begin s
As when on spirit's wings it flew During the night it is lowered gradu- to think it is the sign of Rome serious c
To speak with thine. h
Adieu! Adieus ally, by a clockwork mechanism, mitis h
at the proper hour and minute the local trouble there. And we always
�i1nk of the heart of faith, dangling corks begin to bob against fancy that trouble to be the worst one r
watched with anxious pain, the nose and face of the sleeper', Of we ever heard, of or read about in the 1•
tidings of shy love, course he wakes tip. The most obious
Thatnovor,nevcrcamo.hooka. The welter 11118 on his left i
Think of the loving heart, and true advantage of these sleep r1arrus is that eyelid a little encysted tumour, not f
I-- That wriths with tears.. 1 , they render anxiety on the part of the t
Adieu 1 Adieu. sleeper unnecessary, so far as rising is half ,ao rig as a pea, It has been
Though dark -4311 many a fault, concerned He can snooze undisturb- there more than forty years, and I t
The selfsame heart may be, ed by the necessity of wabchiug him- have ceased long ago to taste any notice e
It hath one spot unstaiued—
It never erred to thee. self. of it. Yet once I suffered intense men
Those are no idle words, nor uetl•— Hayseed visitors to the city will in-
n- tel sexier because various doctors I
b k we h •ir truth.
T ou no st t c t 1
Adieu! Adieu! silt on blowing out the gas, nvttvith- (
standing all the newspaper jokes on told me it was bound to develop into t,
the subject. To proviot. against such a maligant cancer. I d like to be in a
A )Ranker's Exlperience. accidents, a citizen of Ashland, Wis., condition to pay then] back some time t
has invented a litte apparatus that is for all the mental suffering their errors
"I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's intended to he attached toevery gas ca used' o
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for fixture in a hotel. The breath of it
a troublesome affection of the throat " person who attempts to blow out the 4 What I want you to understand f
' gas tilts a delicately balanced •elec- from this talk is that these shiltin
writes 1Lanager Thomas Deweon, of trode and closes a circuit, giving Sul g
the Standard Bank, now of 14 allarur in the office. Another kind of spots of pain spoken of do not mean I
Melbourne Avenue, Toronto. "It alarin, patented by it Chicago man, as many distinct local diseases. You t
proved effective, I regard the remedy notifies the householder of escaping have seen a single thunder cloud in a
a8 simple, thea and exceedingly good. gas. If you titre afraid of pickpockets, summer dart its oloctric streaks all over
P , P 6 y g you can obtain protection by wearing the sky; and then. is one Ailment
It has hitherto been my habit to con• a small machine than makes a big dis y, a
sult a physician in trouble of this turhatnce in case anybody tries to put which I will name presently, that has
pature. Hereafter, however, 1 intend his hand into your pocket. the power to imitate that operation in
to be my doctor." Even after death you may find the body. First we will lend an ear
alarms a service. If a grave robber to what Mr. Frank Windle has to say
comes along, a torpedo placed in the and then try to s,um u the abject in
Mr. John Torrance says that if the coffin for that purpose will blow him y P
Canadian Government withdraws the to sulithereens. Supposing that the such a way, I hupe, as to make it in -
subsidy from the Atlantic steamers the disturbance wakes you to life again, a teresting and instructive.
Dominion line boats will cease to make clock -work rnechanisrn will start a
Halifax a port of call. bell to ringing, while it red flag runs "In November of 1890," he says, I.
While William H. Sprentatll, aged up to the top of the tomb -stone, giving fell into a low weak state of health.
28, was attempting to ad,lust a belt in notice that a prompt resurrection is I felt languid, tired and weary having
a planing mill at Brighton, Ont., Tues- desired. Speaking of waking up, no energy. My appetite was poor, and
day, he was hurled against the ceiling suggrests mention of souitl odd cont) iv- after what little I ate I had sin at the
by the belt, and instantly killed• ances for doing neceseatry things be- P
_____.. fore getting out of bed in the morning. chest and aide . I gradually got so
One of these, patented by a lazy Ver- weak that I could scarcely get about,
Jay That Endures, montes, enables one to turn on the and was wretchedly nervous. I had
draught, of a stove or furnace and then also palpitation and ,pain around the"
turn over for a supplementary snooze. P P
This, however, is a primitive contri- heart.
f ranee compared with the invention of "I consulted a local doctor, but get -
Cures Made By Paine's Celery a resident of Providence, R. I., which ti» no better, went to a specialist at
provides for the feeding of a whole g
Compound Are Permanent stableful Of live stock at daybreak. Derby, who said that my heart was
Mr. Sleepyhead Pimply turns on his weak. I took all kinds of medicine,
pillow and jerks a cord, which opens a but nothing did- me any good.
valve in the stable and lets down the "I continued to suffer for over a
requisite quantity of feed into a
RECENT TFSTiMONY ()F A LADY CURED trough. year, when a friend recommended me
YEARS AGO. There are quite a number of inverr to try Mother Seigel's Curative 'Syrup.
tionsfor lighting firellthe in the morning I got a bottle of this medicine from
Without getting out of bed, They are Boot's Drug Stores, Chesterfield, and
all operated by clockwork. The new-
Some years ago Mrs. D. O'Connor, est and best of them is credited to an after taking it for a short time, I felt it
` of Guelph, Out,, Buffered from the Illinois genius. A clock is set for a was doing me good,
P to tures of indigestion, neuralgia, certain time, and, when the proper "My appetite improved and the food
art trouble, noise in the head, sleep• minute is reached, the inachanlsm
a weak "tlu'ows" a lever, which draws agreed with me. I continued with
]eeenesP, despondency nd ness, the medicine and of stronger and
fir- Her case was an exceptionally serious a rnattch across a piece of sand ]I S
P y paper and ignites the kindling, stronger, the pain leaving me altogeth-
one, as her troubles had been dragging One of the latest, patents is for a street er. By' taking an occasional dose
her down for over twenty-five years. lamp which has it clockwork apparatus when needed, I keep in good health.
At the time her case quite baffled the •attached to it. At the correct moment
q for which the machine is set it closes You can publish this statement as you
skill of the best doctors, sin electric circuit, tit the same time line. (Signed), Frank Windle, New
Getting wearied with medical treat. 0 citing the gats pipe. Immediately bold, Chesterfield, April let, 1.897."
11, 11
meat that gave no promising results, the gas is ignited, and it burns until Mr. Windle mentions having had
'_ she was fortunately direoted to that life shut off by the clockwork at daybreak
in the morning. In this way the street pain in the chest, side and around the
11 saver, Paine e Celery Compound, and l,tmps all over a city may be made to heart. Probably, if he had expected
`',, , like thousands before her, she found a light themselves simultaneously with- you and I would have taken an inter -
now life. Mrs. O'Connor was recent out the intervention of human hands, est in the subject, he could have ex-
ly asked the question, "What is your Somethingquite new is acontrivance tended this short list and told us of
present opinion of Paine's Celery by which eggs are made to time their pains, more or less frequent and in-
-, Co ound V She answered as fel- own boiling. A little wire basket P ,
. P containing the eggs is put into the pot, tense, in other parts of his body. For
i Iowa : and a clockwork mechanism is set for indigestion or dyspepsia (the disease
r "In reply to your communication three minutes' stay. At the end of the he suffered from) nearly always stirs
regarding Paine's Celery Compound, three minutes the machine pullp the up these scattered disturbances, , often
basket out of the pot. Parenthetically
would say that I cheerfully-reeom' itmay be retnarked that there are a making tho sufferer think he is afflict•
mend it to soy one aflieted as I was, great many interesting inventions ed with not leas than a dozen kinds of
It did for me all that was required. than have to do with eggs. complaints.
My advice to every one I come in con- A citizen of Austin, Texas, is the This it does by first weakening, and
tact with is, 'Always keep a bottle of author of a sort of water clock that then poisoning the nerves. And as
Paine's Celery Compound in the is wound by rain. On the roof of it P 13
hones.' Several people have used it house is a trough that catches the it takes but an instant for an electric
P P rain water, which flows into a tank. flash to loop clear across the Heaven
oil my recommendation and have been. When the tank is filled to a certain from east to west, so the baneful in
benefitted. You can use these lines point, it empties the water into a fluence created in the torpid and die
.in any way you desire." bucket which is connected by a cord eased stomach will sometimes send
with the winding dram of an ordinary ,
) has organic heart trouble, as -in Mr.
if I'd there is between the shores of
If ever you make a little joke that's roally
rindle's case; organic kidney trouble,
the Gulf of Mexico and the estuaries of
Hudson Bayl So
y you see I'm honest.
something worth,
So thatppoople when they hoar it will explode
in litany instances; local diseases of
'That 3,000,Coo,Ou0 figure I1%Ubt stand,
hulpless urlrth;
Don't think that you're the only wit that over
s nerves of the brain; organic ail.
along with the 3,0O0,0CI,CA of its pro-
walked the earth,
ents of the lungs and so on, when, as
genitors, which are left to be clutched
There are others!
?natter of fact, all thee. pains and
after the other 3,000,6.;1),CJJ are
It you ever make a fearfullbroak that covers
aorders are merely results and symp
"Now, look! There, we have O,CCJ,-
you with shame,
You really need not mind it, though your
obeeks begin to flame,
RIB of the infiau)nlation in the stotn•
(„0,000 as the population of our cowl-
You're not the only idiot that ever did tho
It and the general upset of the assuei-
I try in birds. I have shown you how,
ed digestive machinery.
, out of the 10,0;J,000 of out- fair sex that
There are others t
When the loaded and livid thunder
Will have birds on their hats, whether
If she says she'll be a sister, but oan no further
oud has shot away all its arrows, and
or not. only 5,000,000 ,ire such pail-
pered pets ut fortune as to have an av-
Don'tgetso moiancholy, with yourspir•its Lou
iburdened 'itself of its surplus water,
erage of one new herd eveyy year.
she's not the only female in this weary world
atmosphere clears and nature be-
the wailers figure? if the can
6 y
of woo,
balanced and serene. Even
theta grab their slates and take
aro .theist
when Alother Seigel'e. Syrup has
from B,C.A1,C;;J,C;:J1 Wily, says
throw in South Auierica, Mex-
Are you o'ma compelled to listen to a singer
who will roar
and strengthened the atom-
the Nest Indies and Canada. I've '
A song of moldy chestnuts and old jukes ort
h the seemingly unaccount•ible
g y
theta dutvu, too, and know
],card before,
Tlll you hope ouch rani. will be the lust, ariII
alarming pains in various parte of
uniny birds their fair sex de-
every year and how touch it
fondly eye thcdoor'?
But diene are others!
body ,die away and vanish, and
Never mind bow ulauy it
on Monday accompanied by
Hudson of the Queen cit On ed
wonderful arrangement, the
It gets 5,0J0,( 00. 80
A youth wlth parted locks and lofty collar you
will find,
uman system, works in harmony
the wailers throw in that,
with it coat. that's tightly buttoned and a very
ith itself as nature ment it el,ould,
then wipe all the hirci family off
slate but the 3,(r.,),C ),UOJ increase.
Vacant mind,
Alas he's not the only silly creature of Um
or as a mighty ship is controlled by
let'eul figure that out of that in-
kind, There are others)
very small helm, eo is that mightier
I%C:;J,OC) ale ruthlessly Nagged
ick . Epworth League of the
called man operated to
year. Theo what will Lhcv see?
Now, if you do not like this song, and say it
fullm flat
or failure by his body's own
will see that the slaw hter has
And the uroonstrueft man who wrote it, was st
ane +ement of what he eats and
off one bird Out of every 3CJ,
pianittc, and all that,
story, he, in company with another
enforced death rate of 31 3 iu 1,(_'J1
Why, your not compolled to sing It, though
great dodOl The fair ones
Tboro are others!
---- - --�.-�-----
vanity denutnds this sacrifice
—Philadelphia Press.
Birds Killed For Women.
peg out ovcry year at, the
and family are at.nxions as to his where-
time, but soon left him, and hits since
of 20 in. the 1,0.)J, doesu't
Let- by trade, and left his home on .1 my
One i ase tip his voice and howl
Stratford to work for the Grand
ty to her. The roan who poisoned hits
Trunk Railway. Since July 25 Mr.
career of a
"I've been figuring a little on the
rbject of women's hats and bonnets
s persistent destroyers of our bird
opulation," said a man whose man-
er seemed to denote that he had t
lenty of tima of his hands. "and I L
atve reached it conclusion that ught r'
) make me popular with the: fair sex. w
"How Many of our American women
f bird wearing age and proclivity do h
on think there are? Silly question, of e
xu'se, fit• you halve sever thought 11
nything about it. I o one has but s
le. Well, I'll tell you. As near as I
til cipher it up—and I base my cal
ulatiuu on data collected at theatre,;, a
trip meetings, churches, horse traces, it
vomer dress reforin conventions, corns- w
'y fairs, and every other sort of t
gathering where wou)eu go with their J
est and moat fashionable clothes on— ti
here are not fewer than IO,00'C J. 1
ow, you might hold up your, hands,
n pious aniazement and cry, `What!
),000,0J0 birds slaughtered annually to
atisfy the demands of female vanity I
ha)ne upon the sex 1' If you should,
would instantly remark :—'Pause 1
Not so fast! Because there are 10,-
00,OOJ wearers of birds, it does not r
ecessarily follow that, it requires 10,-
Y4C00 birds a year to supply their r
euland!' Naturally, then, you would a
ay, ,Why?' au -1 I would at once pee- o
eed to tell you why, as I shall, any- d
"There are 10,),0:)0,CJ0 worne n in this N,
ountry who are bird -wearers. I have
igared them up, and I know. Now,
f that aggregation of beauty and t.
ashion could only halve its own sweet o
vay, the offering tip of even 10,0:]0,000
I) at the sacrifice would not sittisty c
heir deuiands, I have intimate and ;
xact knowledge of the own sweet
wav of the fashionable fair sex, for t
am it husband myself, and the father
)f five grown daughters, nolle alar- )
red. So I know whatt I all, talkint
tbout. No, sir. NOL even l0,000,C.J i
iirds a year would meet the demand.
But there is, the little matter Of hus-
bands who scrutinize milliners' bills
with a hard and unrelenting eye, and
ethers -who clutch the purse strings
tight. Then there ,.is- than large por-
tion of the fair sex, hushandless and
atherless, w)tose taste and inc•lina- c
ion are all right, but whose incomes 1
11•4 all wrong—and fine feather come
high. Taus we have tile lit". oil that
,or. els at least one-half of c bird -
wearers of our country to be what I
call the 'hula-overs'—those who roust
snake this season's bird do for the
I season, holding it over front one
to the other, perhaps two or three
years in succession. So I have•tigurecl
it (town that out of IOX33,0,0 women
to whose hats cling the effigies, or
part; of effigies, of birds, not 'more
than 5,000,OOJ of them average, at new
one every year,
"Two-thirds or more of the birds
that f,tvor any one North Auterican
locality are migrants passing. from I
North to South America and vice
versa, its their instincts prompt. Take
theist all over the continent, and they
will be found mostly to be exotic,
chiefly terms, gulls, grebes, shorebirds,
grovebirds, jays, blackbirds, wood-
peckers, doves and thelike. You know,
of course, that there ate 15,uu5,0 J
square miles on the American con-
tinent, What do you think, then, of
my estimate of 200 birds—take them ars
they rtin, of as they fly, rather—to the
square mile? I can't help what you
thank. I have figured on it and know.
The estimate is small. Well, then.
that would make the bird popula-
tion of those I5,000,(m squatre
miles not a pinfeather fewer than
3,000,003,005. That doesn't take
into account wild pigeons. Why?
Because there are no wild pigeons.
Well, 3,0)0,000,033 birds without the
wild pigeon. What etre these birds
therefor? To increase and multiply,
gorge grain, catch fish, dig grubs, pull
tip corn, kill off bees, steal fruit, chaise
butterflies, holler nights, and do its
they please generally. I have nothing
to do with any of these missions of
the bird .family except the one of in-
creasing and multiplying, and, to give
carping criticism and maudlin dispu-
uttion not a leg to stand on, see how
lightly I tax the birds in that respect.
I don't ask it thing more of thein than
that they stand the demands of my
figuring, that each pair Of 'em will be
responsible for an increase of two.
Only twol Why, the tiny song sparr-
r•ow would regard itself but lightly if
its cozy nett in the wayside bush did
not hold live fledglings. But the song
sparrow doesn't come into my calcula-
tion either, for it is a song bird, and
song birds—but I'll see you about than
"Two, then, for each pair of those
3,050,000,030 birds. It is only the tri-
fling task, then, oft• two into 3,C50,( )D,
000, how many? and twice tbat how
many? to show what the increase will
be, and we have it right down In black
and white — 3,C33,030 000. There you
are. There's what tie ruthless hand
of female vanity must clutch to keep
Heavens down even the natural increase of the
bird it dotes on. That's the figure its
I've ciphered it down. It must stand.
I wont take off one single bird, not
a even a jay -bird, and, between you and
To late fur last week' Connived
at the Poisoning of
ITEMS.—Mrs. Wilson of Toronto is
guest of her cousins Misses Me-
ellau.—Mrs. J. L. Geddes and children
Saturday after spending a
eek with friends lit London.—Itev. HER
T. .Haul entertained it number of
is friends at the manse Monday
veIiing.—Miss Annie Hall returned to
er• home this week after a month's
with friends here.—Great pre-
are being Inade for the an -
tial fair to be held here on Thursday
Cleveland, Ohio. — Several days
id Friday of this Week. A special ago
a woman giving her name as
ttracJon this yeat• will he a tug -of- Georgina
Baker, and her glume as To-
between, Morris and Wawanuah ronto,
Ont., was arrested on an insan-
he captains being R. McMurray and ity
warrant. Her inquest wast
Coultes, Sr. A concert will begin held
on Monday, when she made some
le first evening of the fair by out, hest statements
which were of a sensation -
cal talent. Admission 10 cts.—J. L. al
nature, but which were suppressed
has purchased it lot, from Alex. for
obvious reasons. At the close of
for $30. the
insanity inquest, Probate Judge
-__-_._ .,.,.______--_
White declared that in his 'opinion the
was not insane, but for some
East Wawanosh• reason,
or other ordered her to be re -
Too late for last heck turned
to gaol. This afternoon the wis-
of his action was made apparent
Du been
BRILrt;.—sir, Louis Duff has been
when Mrs. Baker confessed to having
eB ted to teach in fl fur
gag been
a party to the murder of her hus-
J.,Br•ooks visited friends in Car- band
which critue took place on Octo-
ick last: week.—Mr. Jos. Arm rqpttrr�s ber
11, at St. Paul, 11limr.
t present visiting Rev. Fathr'VVest
f Ghteri :ted !
A deputy sheritf, whususpected that
Al issitis. e, eturned the
aughter bliss Alice, returned from
woman bad it histo- and who was
y' •
to know the details of it, visit-
on Monday accompanied by
Hudson of the Queen cit On ed
the woman in hisr cell thin afternoon
Wednesday the 8th inst., Mr. Andrew and
engaged in conversation with
At first she refused to talk,
took unto himself a life partner in
he person of Miss .lemtie Philips now,
but upon being subjected to a rigorous
broke down,
t Goderich but formerly of Wawa-
cross-fire of questions,
and confessed to the crime. Her
The tuany friends of the young
Duple. join in wishing them a lung story,
as told by Iter, is as follows:—
happy life.—Mr, Thornes Powell
About the year 1885, when yet a young
girl, she ruet and became infatuated
purchased a sham in' the Ford-
rich saw -mill left thiv week to take up
With it pian in Chatham, Ont., by
residence there. WC are sorry to
);tit with such, a 'uviol mato as
whom she had it child. Shortly after
the child was born t man gserted
but feel that what y our loss will
her. Because of he disgra she atm a
out able to face he people of her
r•ti to the people of 1 Ida cl t
v it n 1 p o i•land
wish him every success in his under-
• t,'v town and ant to TAI'O[lt0 slid
native e . ����� >
ick . Epworth League of the
afterwards to St. Paul, Minn., where
she stet Amel Bakw-, and married hire,
3t mr-c
Stick ch n S will hold its first aOct
on Sunday and Monday Oct.
in December, 1£•'37. Baker owned a,
Icer- Brussels
and 4th. Rae Kerr
d and
considerable an117ttnt of property, con -
sisting of about $11,CJ3 in money and
will conduct the services on Sunday. be
On Alonday evening addresses will be
"large amount of real estate in Clyde,
lelivered by several able speakers and
Mich. About the year 189`2 the father
of her first child again appeared on
uuch served during the evening. A
the scene. According to Mrs. Baket's
invitation is extended to all.
story, he, in company with another
woman, who wits the wife of his bro-
A Missing__._ Man.
ther, •tdurinistered a( close of poison to
her husband, from the effects
Tuesday's Toronto World contained
of which he died, on October
she following -tern:
11, 1893, at St. Paul. She then
David Yokum is missing from his
went to live with the man who
home at 309 George -street, and his wife
poisoned her husband for a short
and family are at.nxions as to his where-
time, but soon left him, and hits since
abouts. The missing man is a catrnen-
been wandering front plaice to place,
Let- by trade, and left his home on .1 my
unable to live in peace. Before her
5 with it uiatn named Grafton to go to
husband died he willed all his proper -
Stratford to work for the Grand
ty to her. The roan who poisoned hits
Trunk Railway. Since July 25 Mr.
succeeded in getting her to delegate
Yokum has not been heard of by his
him to act as agent over her property,
family. They had a letter front him
and is supplying her with money froth
on that date saying he was going to
time to time. The gaol authorities
Brussels and London. He was em-
are inclined to believe that the story
ployed by the Toronto Railway Cont-
told by Mrs. Baker is true. Mrs.
paany for over, twelve years and is tem-
Baker says that three children by, her
perate in habits and wits highly
first husband at present live in To -
thought of by his fellow -workmen,
ionto, but she declines to give their
He is 49 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches in
address, fearing she will.disgrace them.
in Cleveland
height, dark, hut. turning grey, and
The authorities will make
walks with a lini�, there being about
t thorough investigation of the mur-
an inch difference )etween the left and
right leg. Any information as to his
__._ ___ __-_.--_
whereabouts will be, thankfully receiv-
A Difficult Operation
ea at his home.
Sickness generally follows in the
liath of neglect. bon't be reckless)
Quebec, Sept.21—A ver interesl-
out prudently taake a few (loses of
ing operation, and one which ex -
ceptionally rare, was performed at the
Scott's Emulsion immediately follow-
ing exposure to cold. It will save you
Hotel Dieu by Dr. Coote, with the
lnany painful days and sleepless
most gratifying results, in the re- -
tnoval of it congenetal cataract flout
the eyes of Miss .Insephlne Rossigno),
Shortly after ?nide? ht, Sept. 21, fire
y. g
22 years of age, incl (laughter of Mr.
Eli Rossignol, of River Du Loup, who
now for the first time in all her life
Gattieu, Sturgeon Frills. The fire had
sees the light of day. The possibility
gwined such headway before being
discovered and the flames spread so
of giving sight to one born blind did
not occur to either the girl or her
rapidly that the parents and five of
parents till an account in an American
their eight children barely escaped
their lives, it was in ipossible
p.aper of a boy who had been cored in
with and
Ncw York under similar circumstan-
to save three daughters, aged thirteen,
ccs inspired the young lady's friends
ten and eight, who were asleep up
with hope, and she was brought up to
stairs, and they were burned to death.
The fire originated on the upper flat
the floral Dieu, of this city, for exam -
ination by Dr. Coote. That gentle -
and is believed to have been caused by
man, after it careful and minute, inspec•
a defective flue. The loss is estimated
at $1,00, waich is pitrtially covered by
tion, }�wonounced a favorable opinion,
and Miss Rossignol accordingly under -
went a difficult operation, by which
. Wm. Gidden, a farm laborer, living
the cataracts were removed and she
neat• North Williamsburg, died under
was enabled to see clearly.
somewhat peculiar circumstances on
Thursday night last. 111 company
A serious stabbing affray took place
with his brother-in-law, Cliatles Mar-
at Berlin late Saturday night, Sept,
kelt, he went to North Williamsburg
20, on Elgin street. An altercation
andpurebased a bottle of whiskey, of
both imbibed freely. On the
took place between Air. and Mrs. Jes-
in which the latter seized a
way home, becoming drowsy,, they
butcher knife and stabbed her husband
entered the barn of U. C. M'erkley,
in the side near the heart. As soon na
remaining there all night. Giddenppossible
was found dead in the morning, and
he made his way to the resi-
clence of Dr. Hett, who examined and
Markell was with great difficulty re-
attended to the wound. The instru-
stored to life. Drs. Blacklock of
ment used is an ordinary
Morrisburg and Lane of North Wil-
knife. It is yet uncertain as to the
liarnsburg, coroners, held tin investi-
outcome of this raigh act, The couple
gation, taking evidence, which has
have not got along very well to-gether.
been submitted to Crown Attorney
The woman, it is claimed is the: cause
Dingwall at Cornwall for instructions
of the disagreement; the man, so the
as to the advisability of holding an
neighbors claim, is a hard -work ing and
steady man,
ba.r .
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