The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-08, Page 8ION
-.�. "rTWIRW yew o. per,�..--- •
, RUNAWAX.•—Yesterday morning Dr. • �
Prosperity Gttnn'a horse ran away and smaslyest " 4..
things generally. There mitts no one JACKSONri and no ono ryasHurt. �j j�;'';:in the g i �./ t - -
Talk• • • a # 0 • A DISTINGUItiSED ARRIVAL.--klar'I'y
A year aqO wheat sold far abOtit Knott was conducted to the Nouse of
Refuge yetorday It is tale best pplace
sixty cents, to -day it is hovering for the "poor old tua,n." He evil] be
sallout eighty cents -twenty cents well cared for and well fed at the
higher, Horne, Our • early Fall Millinery is here, ,and our Milliners BRO 9,9
What does it mean? SWEET Tulnvns.—The other night have returned from their holidays; and attending the -
thieves entered the residence of Mr. Milliner Opening at Toronto where the have been
It means business. W iltse on the London Road and car- � y p h y
vied off forty-two quart gems of pre- studying tip all that is new in Millinery for the t, com- Fine Merchant Tailors Do
From 188 to '92 most people made serves rind a couple of large stone ing' season at the leading Wholesale Millinery Houses
money. Since '92 the man who crocks of pickles. Only four• gems of r n
has held his own is to be congratu- preserves were left. The -sweet" and are now prepared to give their best attention to any
laced and those who have gained thieves will more than likely spend a earl orders that may be enstructed to their Care.
Lave good reason for- rejoicing. term at Castle Griffin in Goderich. 3r 3'
Leading bankers and merchants CLOSE CALL. -Mrs. Graelis was see- j
plrophesy that now there are to be ing her daughter off for Toronto the O �Ilen's Urnishers•
years of prosperity ahead Of us• other day and experienced a close call.
We are :Clive to the fact and While in the car she did not notice it
have put, forth every effort to moving out. At the London Road - � All Ready For a Busy Fall Trade. i
secure leading lines int popular crossing shejumped from the car when New Flannelettes
prices for the seasons trade. the train was moving rapidly. She +.�
In prosperity people, generally was nearly thrown tinder the c•at•, but oo �o� ar over
are disposed to buy reading fortunately escaped. She was badly No. 1 quality, 32 inches wide, at
matter. We solicit your sub- bruised and severely shook up. We beg to announce to aur very many customers that our big store now
serf tion for any of the dailies, contains our new fall and winter stoc which without A doubt =is far ahead
p TEISIPERANCE DEBATE. -Tho Good t7c and 8c a yard. �'`
weeklies or monthlies, or if you Tem lays, at their meeting on the eve- in every way, of anything we have yet shown to the buying public.
prefer variety come in and p
Ain of Sept. 10 will debate on the fir►
make a selection will
from aur news g �,a��ro � *o� 33 eyaZut 8Z1$c ��
table. You will Hud there all subject, "Resolved, that wrlltliLCi has Factory Yarns �=d✓ •
the leading magazines, jokes to make more influence for temperance than
man." Tile affirmative will be led by We are showing in this department all the ver newest.
you,• laugh, fiction to entertaindli you, W. Brownlee, r of the negative by In 2 and 3 ply in the leading shades and up-to-date Patterns in British importations -such as our
pictures to amuse yon ting literary Wesley Moore, each of whore will have
matter the more to educate you. A Y Local and Foreign trade calla tor -nowhere can such a range
recent patron, (not it Clintonian) kind- the assistance of a lady and gentleman of Fine Goods be seen -and we would advise an early selection
ly told its that be saw here it much debater, at 45e a pound• before they are all picked up.
better assortment than elsewhere. As
Our news -table is, so Are ailr Other de-
partments.Made We give you a good selec- Whitney will visit Clinton to -morrow '�A Cl.�ld 1(( ll 4NW\VJtLII� ll(Ll� t• :'•-
tion and you will fled us evening. The Town Baud will Scotch Fingering Yarns
Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. meet the Opposition leader and v v b
colleagues at the station, where car -
ages will 5c all ounce or 75c a pound. Y-
willngTAB continence
in waiting. Speal e in the town hull itt�£;' We show the biggest assortment in this department in this section of the
■ Fair 9 rm. The management of the Floral County -and for this sea -,on we have prod great attention to this important
Exhibition have kindly consented to ,
CLINTC�N. Allow the decorations to remain in the Dresden Saxony Yarns branch of our trade -fill the newest and nobbieat styles in Boy's and Mens Read}--
urade Clothing will be found at our- store.
.Agents Parker's Dye lVorks. hall for the occasion. Everybody }
should go and hear Mr. Whitney and At 15c a bunch.
his colleagnes' Our s'
The Huron News-Re]ora GOING TO COURT. -Odd subscribers, It -
1 E6 a Year -81.00 in Advance peobably induced by the unjust regi- Flock Saxony Yarns
lations of the Laurier Government at ^��_ e Furnishing
Ottawa, have, recently returned or re- 11
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1897. fused their papers without paying the At 20e a bunch.
amount or, An portion of it due this
yy Department =
office. Our only course in such cases is
place such accounts court for;col-
iOCAL NEWSJ lection and this we hava i
decided to do. � �Ve enjoy the reputation of doing the finest furniQhing trade to Western
_ Hereafter he who refuses his paper lV,ien s Heavy Wool Socks Ontario, and this season will Hud our reputation more than sustained. We will
without remitting the Amount clue at have the pleasure of showing it magnificent range of English Shirts, Ties, Col -
!n and Around the )flub,
the s:tune time will be placed in court. At 2 pairs for 2.5c ; 15e pair, 20c lar, of the most celebrated makers in England of which we are the sole agents.
Patrons are particularly requested to
lath. bear this important business fact ill We have given the most careful attention for many months to the buying
mind, and 25e. of Our fall stock -and we are proud to say that it is the largest and finest we
See our Bedroom u
Suites at $6.50, Grea have yet offered to the public -we will be pleased to have an early call fro,
�nap--BxoauraOT, Box & Co, THE FLOWER SHow.-All credit is you.
due the management of the floral ex-
��}" T—f� hihition for their splendid show. 00006041041110000041seti cx` -w
WORDS OF PRAISE. -We clip the Great work was performed in arrang-
ing from rly
The Weekly Times, tug and placing the exhibits. The
Ty 10 MU
attendance, however, wits not nea
Brandon, Manitoba :-"In this issue as large as the show deserved, only
of h1ou Times appears i poem by i sings
of $50.55 being taken at the door. On U0.
H. Alouncastle, in which she sings of, Thursday evening, the last night of � L� BEESLEY
her delightful country, it's glorious the show. Miss Mountcastle and Mie. 1p��
climate and changeful seasons. Clara Wall rendered valuable services and . H.
delightfully varied the programme•t Clothiers and. Furnishers,
H. llionncastle is one of Canada's many g
promising young poets and a contribu- It is a pity the flower,showcould no
for to the leading Canadian petioli- he combined with the Huron Central THE LADIES'FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT.
pals." We are pleased to notice that Exhibition. Clinton.
the talents of our e9teerned and highly BOWLING ON MONDAY. -Two "green" _
gifted towns woman are meeting some bowfin clubs had a friendly snatch ou -- "�- -- - __- . _ .-.._ ___ .__ �r•rw•nn•nnrrw
rn(lasnre of the appreciation due to -----—.-._.- _-_
the green here Monday. The skips FRUIT STEALING.—There has been Brief Town Topics.
her poetical powersin localities, dis- were JoeRattenbury and Jim Fair, who
tant from her native town. Miss mach annoyance caused in and one of p,ty your bills now. ltlountcastle's poetic taricings display succeeded in makings hat chase with town through loss of fruit. There AIr. Wm. Core is on thesick list.ImportIn
12 to 14 scores. Great stress was laid seems to he an organized or sy stcm:ttic
a purity of, taste and elevation of style on -the success of Fair's skip because mode of thieving. Gardens and arch- Mr. Frank Hodgins is at Toronto.
:Led tone, that cannot fail to win the Holloway's splendid draw shots ards are entered in all directions and M. and Mrs. J. H. McCool and Mrs.
attentive admiration of cultured and slaughtered the enemy. some of the
discriminating readers, everywhere. "youngst•era" declarin that he was an nature's re la carried off. The mill- A1Dr were in Toronto this week.
Many of her productions are deserving g „ fins of the law will bring to rjustiee Dr. Freeborn is ex rotted brick thisDirect.
"Ali wool and a yard wide ringer. the guilty if such work is not refrained 1of a, much more extended fame thanThe names and scores ex lain :- g y week. has yet been accorded to them, and we p Brom at '•riles• Rev. Parke was in Toronto Mondav
venture the confident hope that their J. S. Jaekson Goo. Haxby and Tuesday,
intrinsic merit will ultimately meet J. Townsend Flat McRae Lgi,r Dolt THE NORTHWEST. -Yes-
Bob Downs. Gal Holloway
with lite appreciation. J. ltattenbury—skip 12 Jim Fair—skip 14 terday Miss hinnie R:Lrnilton lett for Capt. Combe is in the (ween city >
Indian Head, N. W.T., where, she will this week. Whenever it is possible we go right to the fountain head in buying.
WHO TO VOTE Fon.-The License THE BICYCLE CRAzise.—The extent on Friday he married to Mr. E. Jarvis, Mr. W. J. Biggins left Monday 'for, Thi9 season we are importing a greatportion of our fall stock direct
Holders Protective Assn have issued to which the bicycle craze is formerly of Clinton. The young lady Toronto Fair, from Britain and Germany. Doing this we get the advantage of
khe report of their convention. It in being carried is wonderfully illus- was a. prominent and valued member Mrs. Geo. Hunt of Galt is the guest better assortment and better prices, for- buying tion the makers we
trated in the following from the of the Ontario street church choir, of Mrs. H. Hunt, Princess street east. pity no wholesale house a profit.
eludes a list of the members of the Wiarton Echo :-"Mrs; George Ruth- who presented her with a kindly
Legislature who license holders are to roan, of Beaver Falls, heard :L peculiar worded address and a beautiful silver Mr. Win. McKeown is in Toronto
work against, viz: -Messrs. Auld, Bax- raise on the back parch of her real- tray. For several years Miss i3. W.til- attending the Industrial FairGod �� the S. S.
deuce. She found her two sons, one ton was a faithful employe in J. W. 111, r. D. C. Strachan of Goderich was
ter, Burton, Charlton, Cleland, Craig, aged seven and the other- one year old, Irwin's grocery store and will alike be in tor, n Friday.
Crawford, Cutrie, Dana, Davis, Dry- in a corner. The babe. was on his hack. missed from church, business and
den, Farwell, Gamey,Harcourt, Hardy, Air. James Bell of Hensall was in the
AieDonald McLean of Huron, McPher- The elder brother had inserted the soeiaj, circles. While we regret her Hub of Huron on Thursday. y�
son,' Marter, Meacham, Middleton, wl)e Of a bicycle pump in the bribe's removal from town, the cannot but Mr. G. Bethune of Seaforth was in cireassia
Ross, Taylor-. The names of members rllouth and was filling hon full of wind predict it bright future for the I dy. Clinton on Thursday.
Of the House who stood by the liquor as fast As he could work the puunp Alt•. Jarvis is a school teacher-.
handle. The infant was unconscious Mr. C. Shannon was a Clinton cal- Which arrived in New Yotk last week, Wt -,;L big shipment of Dry
preen in their `extremity,' and whom, and its little stoillach was inflated like TIIE POLE NUISANCE. -This from ler last Friday. Goods, &c. for us. They should be in Clinton'this week, and as
Mr. James Haverson says, common a balloon. The mother pulled the tube the Mitchell Advccate a lies to Chn- r on a wheel soon as we can pass them through the enstours, they will be opened
gratitude as well as sound. policy die- I?r- Dr. Blackall wns, laborint, l g e
rates that we remember,' are published from the child's mouth, and the air ton --The town council should see Labor Day. up a.nd on our counters for your inspection. Among the lines tL•e
in the that
wreport, gild are the followingg - followed with a sliarp sound like the that the pole nuisance is removed• Mrs. Thos. Kearns of Stapleton, is in are importing direct this season are: --
Messrs. Barr, Beatty of Leeds, Beatty exhaust o£ an air brake on a railway They should not he. allowed in the TOi onto this weak visiting her brother, a
of Parry Sound, Blezard, Brower, train. The baby recovered cousciotis-
gutters Of. the streets, and their ap- Mr•. Will Cox.
Dress Goods Mantles
Bush, Campbell, Carnegie, German, ness," The cote s otherwise objectionable.patfew v
("prow and Gibsor. of Huron, Hobbs, Thecourts have, within tine past few As (; ing McNally of Tara, who
Hiscott, Howland, Kerns, Kidd, Lit- AUTUINrN WEDDING. --An Old saying weeks decided that, holes, wires and wits (;ailing on friends far a few day, Silks Shawls
tle, Lttugford, Loughrin, Aiacuish, Mc- is "Happy is the bride that the sun gas resines a'r'e ass"sable. The time left for hor home Tuesday.
Callum, McKay of Oxford, McKee, shines ou." Last Wednesday was it is opportune for Mitchell to y sh ad- Miss Everett, who wits on a visit to Velvets I�OSlery
McLaren, Magwood, Matheson Mis- day of sunshine and' rain, and the vantage of the situation. Why should Port Huron and London, returned un
Campbell, Moore, Mutrie, O'keefe, principals in a life partnerahip were the municipality not take steps fr)- Saturday. ('`1
Pardo, Paton, Pattullo, Preston, Reed blessed in this case with both in the mediately to inake inain street a Labor Day was extremely quiet in -Mantle Cloths
of Addington, Reid of Durham, Rich- happy marriage of one of Clinton's thoroughfrue to which all could paint, Clinton. The G. T. R. sola 63 tickets
ardson, Robertson, Robillard; Ryerson, popular business men in the person of with pride. We etre building for the for, Toronto in tine morning. {,
tet. John, Smith, Shore, Truax,Tnelcer, Mr. Jarues McClachert.y, when at high future. Let no ruistatke be made at ,t Guelph cricketers disappointed Clin- Tweed Flannelette ,
Whitney, W illougnby, Carpenter, noon on Wednesday he led to Hymen's point in the career of the town that ad- 1 in an appear -
is Miss Jennie Edith Nimens at Writs of wise work being done by those tonians in nut putting pp
Utiven, Chapple, Conniee•, Dickenson, rLnce last Friday.
Dynes, Fallis, Field. Flatt. her home on Maple street• Promptly in control. y And Out' fanicsu5 line of heavy,
at the appointed hour the principals Mr. I:dwttrfl Hinchle -' rind Miss `lV � 1V1ClC Shaker Flannel.
Mat Vanl:grnonci were married yes
DIED IN MICHIOAN.•--The following and some twenty-five invited guests ANOTHER FAtun.—Lost SatnrolAv You'll find that for Style, for assortrnellt, for Values, our
from the Alpena, Mich„ Pioneer of appeared on the lawn, nec•out retied by evening another liceneed oily -tongued terday. Rfall stock is away ahead Of all fortner season. You'll
August refers to rt brother -ill -law of Rev. . W. Millyard, assisted by Rev. fakir appeared on the ninrket And Messrs. Seale rind Hoover put tip _ y y
IIu A. Stewart, who performed the inter- roped in a lot. of good money}. He was Wesal tine nionurnents ill Clinton see the advantages Of direct buying In the prices we
Mr. George Gordon of Clinton ; the eating ceremony. The bride wasbeau- dealing in gitllibler•s' ,cards, electric cemetery yesterday. - ^ r,
deceased was favorably known in tif.sillyAnd becotninglyat.tired in ctepou belts, corn cures, &c., and claimed to Much sympathv is expressed for Mr. quote. ,\IOre than ever we al's ma{{Illrn, It worth y0111'
(Tinton and the numerous friends and and silk, crearn lace and pearl trim- Qextract teeth with :t lead pencil. It is and Mrs. John Ford in the death of while to do your dl'y goods buying here•
acquaintances here will much regret mings. The bridesmaid was Miss surprising how towns will license their youngestchild, Franklin Beacom.
thesad news: -Dr. A. L. Seaman, one Mary Twitchell, who appeared in cream these notorious characters to swindle
of Alpena's oldest and best known cashmere rind China silk with trim- the }people, anti it is surprising how Dr. Gunn lits returned from the
physicians, was found dead in his office Wrings to match. The groom tuns slip- Montreal.
p- people will allow themselves to itis British Medical Aasociittian ❑reefing Millinery.
at eleven o'clock ,yesterday, being dis- ported by Mr. Ed. Cantelon, who per- swindled with their eyes wide open. at
covered by Dr. Secrist. Dr. Seaman funned his important duties as Many people
paid their good money in Dr. Woods has opened an otlice in
was seen We•Inesday evening in his satisfactorily as though he had been bills to it stranger- without reasonable Dr. Trirnbull's old stand on Ratten-
nsual health. Mr. Ware, clerk in Mr. a prineipal in such it solemn event. value in return, while their legitimate bury street. Our Milliners have. spent the past tell days in
h"insel's drug store, logked into the AIr• Thos. Kearns, uncle i,l' the hills at home with honest business Air. Wesle Moore spent, Sunda
Doctor's office Thursday morning, and bride, gave the bride aw,L while men they know remain unpaid. The y p' y the workrooms of the leading Millinery houses,
yy with his cunt rtt. Walkerton rind re-
c:tw him lying on a lounge, apparently protecting her from the tlirc,tt.en- higg( the swindle the more likely turned home Monlfaty- copying Paris pattel'll Hats and 13011I1etS, all(1
asleep. Coroner Shannon ernpatielled ing rain. After the ceremony people snap at the deceitful bait.
w jury, ,which brought in a verdict of Mr. and Airs. iVIcCliLcherty were After pocketing a good wad of Clinton Mr. George Acheson of the county £;ettltlo,, posted aS to what al's the Correct Styles
•'death from natural causes, the• im- heartily congratulated by every one money the stranger remarked to the town was ill Clinton yesterday. He is for fall. The new Alillinery will be here this
mediate cause of death being heat present. A splendid wedding feast unwary crowd, "Tell t.hent that You its smart its ever.
frtvilure." Dr. Ami L. Seaman wad wits served) after which Mr. and Mrs. saw Ate." Miss Dolly Spooner is here on it week, and we are now ready to attend to early
born in Nova Scotia in 1841. 11= McClacherty left ort the 3 p. }in. ... - three weeks holiday from Albany,
tended college -where he was a particu- train for Toronto, Niagara Falls, Chi- Brief Town Topics- r N. Y• Orders in this department.
htriy bright student, and graduated ago, Detroit and other points before Miss Rosa Nimens is unable to go to
W. honors. He served as it surgeon takinguptheir permanent residence on Harvest Thanksgiving Services will her situation or. account of her
in the U. S. navy, practiced for Joseph street here. The presents wore be held next Sunday by the Rev. T. L. brother's illness, who is still very ill. MONK"
et time in Canada Is located in befitting the high esteem m which the Armstsong, tit Middleton, 11 it, M. ; St. Two young ladies had narrow escapes
Alpena in 1870. He had an extensive principals are held, consisting of a fine Johns', 1-loltnesyille, 3 p. m., and St. from serious injury while riding bicy-
prr etice, and was considered one of array of high-class fni•nituee, modern Peter's, Summerhill, it 7 p, in. Mr. cies On Albert, street Atonday.Mim A� DR
t.lie ablest physicians and surgeons in I silverware, cutlery, flne linens, lamps, Stont will take Mr. Armstrong's ,this is geueprilly the season of tile." 11ODGE r
northern Michigan if not in the state. &c., front Mnnitoba, Detroit, Toronto duties at Dungannon stud Port Albert.
year when a very heavy crop of libel ` ,
Re leaves a wife, and it family Of and other places. The ggrooms gift ritses come to maturity -or die a, nat- I t
grown children, one daughter and four' wits it henutiful gold watch and chain; Cornmevcing on Sunday next, ser- ural d�nth.
sons. Dr. Seaman had his faulf9, hut' Mr. and Mrs. McOlacharty return this vice will hP held in the popish Of Mid-N� , ,
lie sus a kind hearted man with it week. THE Nltws Ecom) extends dleton, Hohnesville and t9umtnerhill, Iirtve you paid your suI)srripticrn ?
noble nattire„ +ted few men in Alpena ( cOngratulations and ishes both every as follows: --Middleton at 11 a. ln., If not we scull d thispleafine
to see the I
nad� more Mends. May he rest in , possible fttttire h pinese and pros- Hohnesville at 3 p. m„ and Summer- color of your gold this fine autumn I weather. DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON.
hill, 7 . m. f
peace. I" perity. ! p