The Huron News-Record, 1897-09-08, Page 6e
1 Removal of Night Soil, So1f°ttors for "Canada, An En-
ecyclepedit, of the County,' in
Over Thirty Yearn
DICTIONARY NAILS. — Five Royal Qua `'plumes. No delivorinStationery,
The undersigned will undertake the removal Commission paid woekly. Acanvasser reporThey Flrare In epaech •e Well ee *rade of Night Soil and thorough cleaning of closets. flLfirst week making over sovunty dollars pro•
W�• • ma'a Baildln . on short notice, and at reasonable renes. "All
�� y' refuse removed out of town. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto, �► �► �► �'� �'4 �'O �'�
ou �to Ile • To nail a thing le to fix er fasten with M t•f ROBT. MENNEL.
a nail or nulls; to drive nails into for the
ter citizen fWell-known, purpose p fastening or securing, snehhe - --- STAR RESTAURANT, 0ffiCa +'9tt 1 3k
enterprising citizen of Byron, 111., to -nail up a box, n nail a obeli t the poultry For Sale.
wall to nail down the hatches eta • to
writes: "Before I paid much atten•. stud' with nails; figuratively, to nail a BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS.'
tion to regulating the bowels, I thing is to pin it down and hold it fast,
iLudly knew a well day; but since I such as to nail a bargain or secure by I have for sale about fifty Barred Plymouth
learned the evil re prompt action. It was Burns who said: Rook chtu.k s, all bred from superior thor•-
oughbrod stook, The price will be reasonable.
sults of constipation. EIn oly meta they hn'e bean ken'd, LORNE C. TODD, Glltiton,
and the eli3cac of In holy rapture,Y ♦rousing wild at times to vend,
AYER' do nail 't wi' Scripture.
Passing Into the colloquial, to "nail to Thoroughbred Poultry.,
the counter" is to put a counterfeit ooln dA "0,.;,'"Pills, I have not had out of oiroulution b faetenln 1t with a I have for vela eome choice Black Minorcas,
y g Indian Game, Grey Dorkius. Male or female. Will
Oils dlty's sickness pail to the counter of a shop; hence, fig- be sold cheap as I have too many.
for over thirty years uratively, to expose as false. WALTER COATS, Clinton.
- not Orle attack Other definitions referring to the nail
that did not readily yield to this tae: Nailer, one who nails, who e LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND
nails or who sella them, while a female
remedy, My Wife had been, previ- nailmaker to referred to by Hugh Miller to our marriage, an invalid for as a naileress. A nailery is described as -WAGON FACTORY,
years. She had a prejudice against an establishment where nails are made. Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton.
,pathartics, but as Poon as site began A nail bond is the head of a nail, and any- First -Class Buggies on hand and made to
thing is said to be nail headed Whell so order. Prices to suit the times. Repairs and
to ulwAyer s Fills her health Wap shaped as to resemble the head of a nail. repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason-
ueatared." A nailing machine is one for forcing or able -
driving nails into place; in carpentry! a { t 7�
feeding tube for the nails, connected wmith WANT I' 1J -Agents for "Queen Vle-
a plunger or reciprocating hammer; in J toria, Her Reign and
EffSshoemaking, a power machine closely al- Diaotond Jubilee." Overflowing with latest
lied to the shoe pegger, used to drive small and richest pictures. Contains tine ondoraod
biography of Hex• Mnicsty with authonte His-
m9tollio nails or brads into the soles of tory of lnor remarkable reign, and full account
Cathartic Pe��S shoes. of the 111amond Jubilee. Only $1.50. Big book.
The nail macbine is a power machine tremendous demands. Bonanza for agontd.
ACommission 50 per cont. Credit given; Freight
Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. for ranking nails, spikes, brads or tacks. paid, OUTFIT FREE. Duty paid. Wrnto quick
To Restore Strength, take A en's Sarsaparilla A naihnaker is one who makes nails; a for outfit and torritorv. rHl, DOMINION
r ! P nailer, a person connected In any capacity COMPANY, Dept. 7,.W') Dearborn St., Chicago,
In the manufacture of nails.
A unit plate to a plate of metal rolled toDurham Bull For Service.
the proper thickness for Cutting Into nails.
The Huron News -/7 Pi nio%^a A nail rad is s strip split or out from 1 For service on lot 13, 1st eDuhconcession, Hallett,
iron late to be made into wrought nails. that splendid thoroughbred Elmhurst
P tl "Ct��mpiou," sired from Elmhurst Farm.
1 25 a Year --81.00 in Advance A nail selector is a machine, or an attach- Tort is. 81 cash. with privilege of returning.
ment to a nail machine, for automatically 977-4t 1-I, FREEMAN, Owner.
throwing out headless or otherwise Ill - _
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1897. formed nails and slivers.
A countersunk nail Is one having a sone Apples Wanted.
—�^ shaped bead like that of a screw; 0 out I want all the Marketable Apples I van buy
SEEKING ANOTHAR SNUBBING. nail, one made by a nail machine; as dis- and will pay the highest price commensurate
a with foreign quotat1"ors. Hold your apples un-
tinguished from a wrought or forged nail. til yox have ascerttu' ed from me what I can
Speaking of the proposal of the Grit "On the nail" means on the spot, at pay f,,r them. Do not make any mistake.
government to send John Charlton to once, immediately, without delay or post- 9i8 t -f D. CANTELON, Cdaton.
Washington to beg the United States ponement, as, to pay money on the nail.
This phrase is said to have originated
government to reduce the duty On from the oustom of making payments, in BETTI+]R BE A SHOEMAKER.
Canadian lumber to a dollar It thous- the exchange at Bristol, England, and
and, the Belleville Intelligencer enum- elsewhere, on the top of a, pillar called The chief ambition of the writer's
crates the many visits to Washington "the nail,"-Hardwnre. boyhood was to grow up and become
which have been made by Canadians, the captain of it pirate ship; the most
He May clot There Yet. rakish and dangerous that ever swept
hat in hand, asking for cold victuals „That man Bluffly is the busiest fellow the Spanish Main. Under compulsion
and gives the result of each visit as I ever knew," chuckled one who has w a merciless fate, 1 found myself
follows:— known him for years. "He married a lot willing to bt n blacksmith, but under
of money, and there is not the slightest 4h circumstances it either a tailor or a
1885 -As the, old reciprocity treaty shoenxaker, On searching ray mind
fhito work at allbut be
was about to expire, Sit, John Mitc- reason or m , for mylatent objections to the tinnier
wants to keep up the Impression that lie's
donsld and Hon. serge Brown whentwo farina of industry, considered as
in England urged the imperial govern- no deadhead in the enterprise and keeps fields for my own exertions, I seemed
ment to try and secure its renewal by going through the motions as if he had to. to fix on one fault common to both:
'd d
d once eo editorial
the British minister at Washington. "He concludethey were stuffy, monotonous, and
This was done, but the United States work on a paper. He fitted up an elegant liable to give one it backache.
declined. sanctum at his own expense, laid in fine
cigars for callers and then announced Lim- Alis for Niel Late[ observation
showed me that there was no public
1868 -Messrs. Galt, Howland, Smith self ready to bave bostilities begin. His
laid Henry were ambassadors from the first assignment was to give hillimpres- demand for any more pirates, and that
British provinces, to Washington to Bions of the European situation. He de- my early deductions were right as to
effect a renewal of the treaty. But the Blared himself at home on the subject, the calling of the tvilor and the shoe -
United States abrogated it. chatted and stacked all afternoon told his maker.. Two things more rnArk the
1867 -An offer was then made friends to look out for a'thunderer' and members of these useful trades; name -
through the British minister at the invited them out when be felt like warm- ly, all authors agree that they are, as it
time of Earl Russell's government, by ing up on the therne. In the evening he class, among the most thoughtful and
request of Canada. The Unites States was equally breezy and assured. When the intellectual of men, and apt to suffer
refused. managing editor dropped in about 10°and I from dyspepsia.
1868- In framing its first tariff, Unit- asked Bluffly if the article was ready, he I Whether the case of Mr. Charles
g answered with a wave of the hand and the Ingamells (who is it boot and shoemak-
ed Canada, at confederation put a announcement that it would take him at er) bears out these theories lir not, we
standing offer of reciprocity in its cus- least a week to get up such an editorial as can tell better after we have re•w what
toms laws. It met with no response was due himself and the paper. He could he has to say about himself.
from the United States. not be made to comprehend that the paper "Up to November, 1892," he writes,
1860 -Canada sent its finance minis- had to come out every day or that the "I was always strong and healthy.
ter, Hon. John Rose, to Washington shifting situation might be entirely At that time I began to feel somethingg
with otters which the Liberal leaders changed in a week. He was tried with was wrong with me. I had a, ball
of those days "said were too favorable. several other topics, but never had any taste in the mouth, and was heavy,
But Uncle Sam as usual turned a deaf copy prepared and was induced to resign.langciid, and tired; although I had
ear. ''He opened a broker's office that soon leen doing no more work than usual.
1871 -Sir John Macdonald, Rt the became a social clubroom where there was T\Jy appetite was poor, and such food
Washington treaty, offered reciprocity no suggestion of business. He bought a its I obliged myself to eat, went against
with Canada, its one basis of settle- patent rightthpt be threatened to push till tire. Immediately after eating 1 had it
ment. The United States represents- Ike had made a few millions, but in a, sense of dulness, torpor, and weight at
tives rejected the proposition with month forgot that be owned it. Now he the stomach, its if the process of diges-
tworn. las tackled electricity with a view to talk- t ion had been arrested, and the meal
183 -The national boards of trade of log with Mars." -Detroit Free Press. ►ay slug ish and unavailing within me.
C,W(iada and the States memorialised I hall a so that tormenting feeling I
their respective governmgnts in favor Truthful Advertlzina. have often read of in the cases of
of reciprocity. Canada reiterated her The half dozen transcontinental railroad others; I mean• the sense of `gn.awhig,'
former willingness to negotiate, but companies, says John Muir in The Atlan- its though a living animal were actual -
the United States authorities deigned tic, advertise the beauties of their lines in ly nibbling at the coats of the stomach.
no reply, gorgeous many oolorodfolders, each claim. This I understood to be due to the
1874 --Hon. George Brown, on behalf Ing its as the "scenic route." "The route inflammation of the parts, and the ter
of the Mackenzie government, went to of superior desolation" -the smoke, dust mentation b the food, giving tee rise t.
Washington and.a treaty was drawn and ashes route -would bo.0 more truth- acids which bite almost like teeth.
up. But the United States senate ful description. Every train rolls on "I was tlluch troubled with belching
threw it out. through dismal smoke and barbarous mel. up, the result of this—it sour fluff
1879 -In enacting protection, Canada ancholy ruins, and the companies might which at times half choked rue. I go
placed a standing offer of reciprocity well cry In their advertisements: "Come, no proper rest night or day, and was
on its statute books. It never met travel our wayl Oars is the blackest, It More thoroughly tagged and worn ou
with the slightest response. Is the only genuine Erebus route. The of a rnorningthnn when I went to bed
1888 -Sir Chatles Tupper, at the fish- sky is black, and the ground is black, and As I sat at n)V work I suffered (,treat
on either side there is a continuous border pain, wlli(.Ii, of course, made what I
eries convention at Washington, offer of black stumps and logaund blasted trees had u do doubly difficult and exhaust+
ed reciprocity as a basis of settlement. appealing to heaven for help as if still half ing.
The= States refused to pco,nsider- alive stud their mate elo uenceiemoet in-
tt.. 4„ "As time went on (nothing I had
terestiugly touching, The blackness to thus fat, used affording me tiny relief),
1891-Onrministers visited 'Washing- perfect. on account of the superior skill I grew stn weak and depressed that I
ton and offered reciprocity minus tariff of our workmen, advantages of climate had no mind or ambition for anything,
discrimination against Great Britain, and the kine; of trees, the chariing is gen- In this wiav, with various ups and
but the United States government de- erally deeper along our line, and the ashes downs, I continued for two years, and
clined. are deeper, and the confusion and desola- with every prospect," -so fltt• as I could
1894 -In the recent tariff revision tion displayed can never be rivaled. No forecast, of remaining so for the rest
offers of reciprocity were re-enacted, other route on this continent so fully il- of lily clays. � hen things are al
but without effect. lustrates the abomination of desolation." their worst they are sure to mend,
To which are to be added various Such a claim would be reasonable, as each says the proverb. I don't believe that
pilgrimages to Washington by Messrs, seems the worst, whatever route you altogether, but it came true :IraPeI
n rn3
Charlton, Farrer and other self -con- Chance to take- case.
stiluted Grit negotiators whilst their "In July, 189.1, Mr. Pidd, tine
party was in opposition, and Nearest to IR and grocer (and it good neighbor ai
1896-14on. Messrs. Cartwright and A boy of 6 years, who attends a private well), told are about Mother Seigel
Davies went to Washington, on behalf school where prizes aro given on every Curative Syrup and strongly adviser
of the Lauriergovernment, with it situ- sort of provocation, but as yet had never tue to try it.. it cures indigestion ilnl
ilar object, and the result is written in earned a prize, earno home one afternoon dyspepsia, he said, which at botton
the Dingley tariff. and exhibited proudlyonoof theserewurds was no doubt my trouble. ' Ai'tei
That experience ought to he quite of merit, laving used only one bottle I fel
P g q "Good!" said his mother. "Buthowdid wonderfully benefited. I could hardit
enough for any people w,ho, have the you gain it?" understand it. My appetite came bacl
slighteskt idea of self-respect. A tramp "I was first in Tint irf history." . sand my food gave me no pain. I fel
world tae to ask for a handout at "Natural history sour ogee How did lighter and brighter "than I had don
st house f om the door of which he had that "Oil,
the a for nearly two years, and 1 gufou
"Oh, tlioy asked me how many lege a strength, When I had oaken fou'
bern kicked thirteen times. horse had." bottles I was as well its ever I was it
"And what did you say?" my life. I tun heartily thankful that
"I said five." came t0 know of this great nems y
For Over Fifty Years 11 But a horso hasn't five legs, child." and stn willing that you should pub
A'I'RS. WINSLOW'S SOOTrrrNG SYRUP has been "I know, but all the other boys said lish this hasty statement of my cifse
used by millions of mothers for their childre.. six. "-Pearson's Weekly. I think my illness (chronic dyspepsin)
while teething. It disturbed t night and wits brought on by sitting over In'
broken of your rest by a ofpk mild suffering work. (SignAd) Chile. Ingamells, Nov
and crying with Pala of Ca4ttIng Teeth send at George W. Vanderbilt. Leake, Boston, Lines, May 16th. 1!395.
once and dot a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth. . A North Carolina man is quoted In. the
ing Syrup for Children Teething. It will re- Washington poet ae Raying that George W. Mr. Ingamells is right, in part, if no
neve the poor little sntreror immediately. Do- g y g g whop Lon conttnttt±d sedenbq'
rd upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about Vanderbilt !s one of the most popular mon Y• , g
i1G It euros Dharrhaea rt,sulatos the Stomach in that state. "And now," he adds, "he occltpations usually impair, the aetioi
and bowels, cures vf�Ind Colic, softens the has Increased bis popularity by proposing of the ston'xach, especially if mucl
(3ams,reducoeInflamuration,and givoetoneand thinking or wnrr goes with the et
anergy to tee whole aYstem Dir . Winelow's to build in Asheville a hospital for the R y .
Hoothing f3 rup" for children teething is plea• treatment of consumptives and persona forced lack of exercise. The only cpr'
sant to the taste and lathe prescription of one suffering with contagious diseases• He is Mother Seigel's S+y'rup,� assisted b,
of the oldest and best female physicians and cheerfulness and hope. W e trust oft
nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five will domate $100,000 as a starter for the inland may, many to air of ea
sante a bottle, Sold by all druggists through institution, which will be, when complet- Y y
out, the world." Be euro and ask for "MRs. ed, one of the finest in the iouth. Mr. cell@@nt shoes before he takes a stitc'
WINRLOW'SSOOTHING SYRUP, Vanderbilt is not selfish with his immense othbrwise than in comfort.
fortune, and if there weirs more wealRby ---
it cost Constable Creech of Exeter, lnen after his pattern the world world be Air. Paterson has decided that henct
nearly $100 to settle his case with better off." forth petroleum imported in tank car
Heideman, who charged the Constable may be stored in bond in hulk and th
Av'ntb false arrest. The council indent- duty pai3 on the oil that is sold.
ui8ed Mr. Creech's loss. ,
4uroq Street,
We are wide open for the hot onath- Job
er sensor. land are afteryourpatronitge.ICE CREAM, COOL DRINKS,
FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, �►1ti� v1lti�rvl�
Our parlor is cheery and comfortable.
Lunches , all hours. The News -Record
CHAS. WITTS, Huron 51., Clinton.
tP .—
WANTED-Farinerii' Sons or other indus Calls special attention
trioti persona of fair education to to our Stationery and
wham $t10 a month would be an induce.
ment. I could engage a few ladies at their own
homes. Office Supplies ,,. nd
T. II. LINSCOTT,'roronto, Out. i
---- — Job Printing De" it -
Farm For Sale. ment.
Lot number 10, con. 16, Goderich Township,
containing 80 ecru, ill or lass, the property 'ACTe are unsurpassed
of the late Arm Barr, will be offered for sale by
public action at the Commercial Illotel, Olin.
fou, ora Saturday, Sept. Ilth, at 2 o'clock p.
nn. Tornns-10 per cent of the purchase money
down on the day of stile, and tine balance in 30 By any town or city in the Goods we handle or the
days thereafter, without interest. Further
terms and icatulnt made known at the Nal. prices we quote for Stationery and Printing. and the
orapon app iuttion to the undersigned. D. A.
HO1titESTF.R. quality of both is always m
Administrator of the estate of deceased, q Y y bual'allteed. A perusal Of
Aug. 4, 18, Sept, 1st. 976-3t this announcement may suggest something you may be
in need of, and in such case we solicit your patronage,
W A 1\T�j�71�1- Agents for "Queen Vic -
Diamond Jubilee." /etaoria, Her Reigii and feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet
,ttad richest pictures. Contains the endorsed with the approval of our patrons.
biography of Har sty, with authentic His
tory of her remarkable reign, and full account
of the Diamond J ubileo, Onlv $1.50. Big book.
Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agents.
Conimission50per cont. C'redit. given. Freight
paid. OUTFIT irimm. Dutypaid NN'rite quick
Por outfll and territory. THF. DOMINION
Letter Heads
COMPANY, Dept. 7, 356boarborn St., Chicago,
In this line we have a very fine
stock of writing papers suitable for
every class business represented
in this locality, also for private use.
For Young Women.
Note Heads
A residential school.
This Useful size is kept in stock,
Collegiate and Pre-
qualities being in several
poratory Studies,
pit Music, Fnte Art,
Memo. Heads
andon. Esthetic
Moral and lEsth^tic
i Advantag,: Aaih•
These fill an impoi tantplacein com-
aht with Victoria
University. College stands m an eight acre park Low
mercial correspondence. See what
rates. For illus,ratedcatalogueandparticulars,audr.aa�
we have got.
llov. R. Werner, M. A., Principal, St. Themes, Ont.
Bill Heads
If the "pay -as -yon -go" plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
'C VASSERS-'•Qnecn Victoria: Her
Life and Reign," has captured the British
' sit great; but there are some men
who get so anany dunners that
Empire, Extraordinarytestimonialsfrom
they wonder if the stock will ever
the great men; send for copy free. Marquis
of Lorne says,'•'ncc best popular Life of the
run out. We don't intend it to,
Queen I have seen.' Her Majest sends a kind
letter of appreciation. Selling vby thousands;
And at resent our stack is cow -
plete in this line. Good paper and
gives enthusiastic satisfaction. Canvassers
neat ruling.
making $15 to $40 weekly. Prospectus fret, to
L,MITED, Toronto, Out.
Our stack is large. They come
---- -
cheaper than hill heads, and are
To Improvers of Stock-
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
The undersigned has on his promises, i6th
are sure, to fetch hint 'round -
concession, Goderich Township,
A Thoroughbred Jersey Bull. Ternik:-$1
and 82.
A Thoroughbred Chester White Boar, regis-
tered. Terms: -$1, with the privilego of return
We make specialty of Envelopes.
P p
You know it, would he hard to
A thoroughbred Tamworth Bear, registered.
get along without envelopes, and
Terms: -$1, with privilege of returning.
to keep up with the demand for
This is a rare chance to improve your stock
them we keep a large stock on
hand. Plain or Printed we are
Obi-tt. Owner.
offering some great snaps. One
line in particular is going off fast -
50 for 5c.
McKillop •Directory for 1897.
Commerical Printing
John Morrison, Winthrop
b Y. O,
A vast amount of work under this
head to enumerate would more
, Deputy it
Will. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, Leadbury
Daniel Manley, Cotutcillor, Beechwood P. O.
than take up the entire space oc-
Jos. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beech -wood P.O.
eupied by this adv t, but we do it
Win. McGavin, Councillor, Leadbury P. O.
Jno. C. Morrison, Clerk, Winthrop h.O.
William Evans, Assessor, Beechwood P. O.
David M. Ross, Treasurer, WinthropP. O.
Charles Dodds, Collector, Seafort.h P.
Richard Pollard, Sanitary inspector,Leadburv.
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in selec••
tion sometimes, but we make it
The Merchants Dispatch,
an easy matter by keeping in stock
latest best
tire. very and samples tc
be had. Call and seg.
I have purchased fronn Mr. Thomas Hillock
Itis draying plant and am prepared to execute
11 `1 tl at reasonable prices
We. excel in +111 the different kinds
of work we turn out, and particu-
larly in this, and keep in stock
plain and fancy papers suitable for
all requirements.
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain and neat to the most elegant.
Cards and Tickets
These covet, a large range of work,
from a bread and milk ticket to
It neat: calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to it tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Memoriam Folders
In this line THE NEws-RECORD
can supply every design, Q&1 ity
and price on the market, i
Our facilities for turning out J s
class of work are evidenced by cc5e
fact that we always do good work
and give stiper•ior satisfaction in
all respects.
'ire greatjy in demand. Our facili-
ties are superior for this class of
wol•k and the very reasonable
prices keep our presses busy.
Sale Bills
We make a specialty of them•
promptness being our airn in this
respect. A notice of sale will ap-
pear in THE Nrws-RECORD free of
charge when bills for sane are
secured here.
All Kinds of Work
in the typographical printing line
can be done in this establishment
in an expeditious and artistic
manner and
Our prices Will be
found very reason-
ti on+ end pro 1,
Special attention will be given to the delivery
of all elames of merchandise, the conveyance
of goods W all residential parts of the town, and
the removal of household goods and furniture. If you Want
ttE%•ery order entrusted to tine willRreecive my
ordonal and careful attention. csidenve on
Isaac street, one block loath of Oliver John- Mourning
o •I/�Y1 i g papers and
et.on s. dvi. 'lA.i it .Li
Trnnks and v+liens delivt 'ed to And from the eta-
tion to all parte of the town, And
left at Ma-
Clncherty's or Hill & Joyner's will receive ,prompt
attention . ^
977.21 JAatr.s Dvxrolm.
A g •
Fhe Canadian North -west
,00d to go on Angast 3t, return until October
A: good to go on September 14, return until
Qovetnber 13: from all stations in Ontario.
Moping, Sault Ste. Marie, Windsor and East.
or rates, maps, t(mo trebles, paraphlots, and
all Information, apply to any Canadian Pacific
tailway Agent, or write
For correspondence we can give you up-to-date goods.
also carry full lines of
Pens, Pencils,
Scribblers, Tablets,
Erasers, Inks,
Writing Paper,
I &c., &c.
it 1 King St. East, Toronto.
flood General Servant Wanted at In
In small family, no scrubbing must be good
aundress and plain cook, w llin�g to assist In
;are of yormg Child at, times. Wa os $7 por
nonth. Mast have references. Ngone but it
horoughly compatant person need apply.
Apply afternoons between 3 and $ o'clock.
MRS. W. FOSTER, Albert St., North.
Librarian Wanted•
A Librarian, ]ad q o ontlornan Is wanted
for the Clinton, Public Library ; duties to begin
about October lot. The salary to be paid will
doRend largelyy or wholly on membership fees
eoTleeted bytho Libmriap. Regarding duties,
hours, &c., apply to
J. HOUSTON, Secretary.
'""r e
thanking our, many patrons for the
very liberal support accorded us, in
the past, a continuation of the same
liberal support is solicited.
TI�e �le�vs-Record, I