The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-28, Page 80 F. 0 he meant SPECIAL a MEETING. -There will be 7 another sp ecial tueeting of the Town Just Now It's Council Ghls (Wednesday) evening to stPlperanee a night wt th rate for the Saturday, 1897 C►� Money balance of the year tit the rate of $2170uther b u in and fur the branoactioa ofBARGAIN TIME 31st, other business. Is the root of our Bargain Window, LEGAL NOTE—STANLEY VS GRUM- we want money and you want to METT.--Judgment has been given in s the day. set for our save it, for us Its now what's Coll"this for plaintiff with costs, including ----IN monly called the "dull" season. In coat of examination for discov y and {' the busy season weexpecttodo hues- professional witness fee. E. Ca P ori, t ness but in the dull days we must Q C., for Plaintiff ; W. Proudfoot for be satisfied to `push it along. Defendants. _ We've still got something n sell MUST ADVERTISE t,RYOSem Annual and see want to push business a Aman may bet, little harder just because it needs a And a many a sweat, little harder pushing. We are And a man way puff and blow; doing this by placing goods in our But he can't get trade window with prices attached in 13y sitting in the shade, The reason for it is we don't want to carry one Hat over to most cases much reduced, in some Waiting for business to grow. cities the price is just cutintwo. another season, because when a hat is out of style we cannot We would like you to inspect them, WANTS To KNOW WHERE HER Sort those of you who possess econoini- Is. -Mrs. Poumelek, wife of the de- Sell it at any price, so that we are willing to lose a little on cal tendencies. The goods range ceased Joseph Pournelek, of Berlin, BARGIIN SILE from it Baby Carriage too a Pen who was last week asphyxiated in a the coat of one now. A Knite all are big values at little Galt hotel, continuesl in great distress AND t0 all shrewd buyers this day prices. and is anxious to learn' something Do you want a Dress Hat or a Nobby Sailor, you will find S of the whereabouts of her son, Thos. Our logic is that every dollu,e w1 Ret Pournelek, a lad of about seventeen what you want here. We have the best of assortments, will be an interesting one. Wewill now will be working for its during Arabian), who is from hone on a offer without doubt the greatest slaw h - the next six months instead of (Arabian), tour and presumablyunaware correct styles, and at prices that are a great saving to you. g g lying idle eating its head off in of the death of hifather. *ter in prices that has ever been quoted, interest and shop room stud delpre--pain Ciation, that's frons our view -point Ctv1c HOLIDAY. -The excursion on nobody, injustice to themselves, should of the question, speaking from above date to Pt. Stanley promises to your view -point we Say it is an ex- he a great Success. The Chilton Brass I miss this great chance. We do not b lieve ceptiou%I chance to bay goods at Band, 15 players Strong, accompany rices. In most the excursion, and two rinks of the in carrying our goods to another seasof and greatly reduced p Bowling Chib also go to play a match Parasols and cases Cost price is as good to it as the goods, r❑ allCases the goods ore with St. Thomas. S. D. Perry, well- I if prices will do It everything in Summer as good to you as the price we oak, known to a great many people lit this Goods will go out on the above date. if of course they tare such as are section, will skip arink for St. Thomas• Sunshades The members of the Bowling Club are ' useful to you, looking forward to a good time. We sell all Goods for Cash. '. 000000000000 LACROssE MATCH -A very interest- ,� We have to many Parasols No Goods sent out on Approval. ` ,jig game was played here on Recrea- tion n tion Park last Saturday morning be- left, and in order to clear No Goods Exchanged. Thb 11 ■ D. Farr Cal tween Stratford and Clinton, the latter thorn out quickly we have 1 team winning by 3 goals to The q Y Study the following list and see if these CLINTON- Stratford boys played a very good / made the prices more in-?� game throughout, but were unable to tV teresting to you. Prices do not interest you. Agents Parker's Dye Works- cope with Clinton's strong defence. Often the cheapest -Always the Best. The feature of the game wits Larry's , ddm $1.0 )\•TEN'S SUITS, We shote a � mix up with Light -foot, (Stratford'p goal keeper,) who played it fine game tremendous range of fine for them and utateriallyllelped to keep goods, well made and trim - down the score. The Clinton team ex- med and goods we can guar- r' ri1e Huron News-Re,ora pects to have Several more games be- antes. Sale price ............ $7 95 1 25 a Year—$1.00 in Advance fore the sdason closes. FLOUR MILL o has \so sties.—Mr, jn a S, iallt ..........,.lo 6 75 WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1891. Jalnes Fail-, who lots so sUCCeSsftlly $9 SUITS, ID all the new COIOr• t` owned and conducted the big roller g , price --_---------- = flour mills here for so many years, has corslmua-�t rurchase i' let the contract to the Goldie & Mc- LOCAL NEWS. Culloch Co., of Galt for several thous- The other day we were offered a bar- $7 SLIT, all our reliable line, and dollars worth of flour dressing sale price ........................ 5 95 machinery and the extensive altera- gain in Summer Corsets ;% they are In and Around the Bub, tions will he proceeded with in a few days. In order to secure to customers now here on sale, regular 175e, for - 50e $5 BLUE SERGE SUITS, Sala the staff of life the mill has been running night and day. It is ex- Ladies' Hygiene Corset Waist in Cream price ............................. 3 50 ��'tv�� See our Bedroom Suites at 56.50. Great pected the mill will again be in full Siiap.—BROADFOOT, Box & Co. running order on lir about the first of regular $1.25, for - - " $1 $34PA P S, all our own make, ` THE LIBBY GLASS BLOWERS EXIIIBIT ALL September. ,sale rice ........................ 2 25 � 'Gins WEEK IN CLINTON.—The Libby Glass WANTON DESTRUCTION..—One of the � Children's Flowers, Spinners and weavers from the most miserable acts of vandalism com-' Ladies and (children s Hose in all new Tan Shades. world's Fair arrived in town from Berlin Mon- mit,ted in Clinton forconsiderable time $2.50 PANTS, all our own make. Qs day evening in their private ear and pitched Ladies' and Children's fast I3laClc Hose, Herins(loi'f dye, extra their two large motor proof tents on the Mar- took place on Sunday eight or early sale price....., .. 175 ketSquare, where they will be constantly at Monday morning. The ropes on the Value. work every afternoon and evening this week, ens i awnngs of Hodg'Bros., J. ' J Pinning Olass finer than Silk, Blow Birds of JMe- 0— �2 PANTE, colo price .............. 1 50 ' t IP�radiee, make Glass Neckties, wine (classes, Claeherty and Plumst•eel & Gihbings Pipes and other fancy ornaments and appara- were deliberately cut. We can hardly tui for the free charge. which are given away to realize that any resident a Clinton W. J.J. • BEESLEY 0 ■ $1.50 PANTS, Bale price......... 100 visitors free of charge. This is a educational would be guilt of such wanton de- 1 exhibition and should interest all scholars in g Y the Chemistry and Physics class. The aclmis- struction to private or public property, .,ion will 'be only t0 cents. Open from 2 to 5 and we hope the guilty may be found 200 pairs of Boys Knee 14 Children's fancy Blouses, and 7 to to p. m. The tents will . lighted up and prosecuted. A night watchman Pants, all our own make, 50c; h,y Acyetene Gass, making it as brillie.nt as the regular li , 7c a[ . 85C noonday sun, might have captured the vandals or THE LADIES'FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT. r goads, sale price........ .4a prevented such destruction to private �- - -`- - 60c and 7oc. We sell hundreds • ---- - property. of pair's of this line and the 8 Children's fancy Cotton WALKING STICK LOST.—An Old lady ANOTHER ACCIDENT. -14r. S. Law above fiances are epactal for Suits, regular $1.ic and lost a valuable walking stick on July rence, who sliced his thumb on a saw Bargain Day only. $L75 Roods, sale prict��'.. .95 12th somewhere in the neighborhood at the Doherty organ factory the otherhe 7 Men's light hot weather of North and Church streets. The day, looked on Monday as though lie n d50 Children's Suits, all regu- Coats, regular $1.40, sale stick, a blackthorn, was a valuable one had gone through a duel. His left eye lar lines which have been price ........... . ... . ..... .95 selling for $3.50, $4 and $5, and had been handed down from one and cheek were plastered and swoolen generation to another. The finder its though he had been engaged in a sizes Z? to 25, sale price..$2 95 4 Fine Silk Coats, regular f would do a favor by leaving it at THE Corbett-Fitzsimon4 conflict. How- 40 Children's Suits 3 pieces, $ sale price, , ...... v .. . 3 00 NEws-RECORD office. ever, it is well-known that the gentle- 28 to 3l., regular• prices $4, 4 gala Brown 2.50, sal Loots, regular $.. a0, sale price.. 1 50 man does not engage in that line of $5 and $6, sale price ...... 3 60 Buys' Tweed Suits son @LIR TREES. -Mr. Editor, -One of the business. He was simply laboring to wire men passed through Clinton the Up* 0 Bo i.' Summer Coats, re u- ants fill the wants of supply and demand at Y' g p . regular $6, sale other day, mutilating the sbade tree his calling in the factory and a piece of lar price 75c, ;ale price... .49 price ......... . ........... 4 00 limbs. He knew he had no right to du timber from the checker machine gave it. The Council should protect our him what- he got. Therm was no dis-ave We wind Up our spring and summer business on the > trees and thin citizens. Out by-laws ate as to who had the hest; of it. should either be enfoiced or abandon- p 31St Of July. Of course there's Summer Goods sold Mens and Boys ed. Yours, W. C. SEARLE. [ED. NO'T'E We're glad its not more serious. r. , y t� -If we are correctly informed instar TIIF LATE JoF R. -Word has in August but early fall goods are,Comigng a1011g right Furnishing Department. ) valuable shade trees In the country been received re this, the late isle• after the first and we do not like t0 et the seasons have also been butchered^by the wire Riter died on Saturday awning or y men, Such wanton destruction Should night week from apoplexy it his own mixed any more than we can help; we enter Stock A small quantity men's ,white be stopped by the authorities. horse. It was supposed that he was and balance up spring the ria and summer business the end of _ Ishii ts, sale price .............. .30 METHODIST PICNICS.—Lash Tuesday away with an excursion party and con- , Men's Flannelette Shirts, sale sequently the remains were not discov- this month. There are some goods we wont carry into next price ............. ..... . .... .20 the Ontario street S. S. picnic d at ered until Monday. Mrs. Riter and t) A Bayfield and had a most delightful Mr. Miller arrived at the Soo on Thurs_ Season. It pays us to sell t►. em now at a sacrifice. iV ill get Boys Flannelette Shirts, sale time. On Wednesday a ver large price.... anib ....... s, reg.. .20 y y • (lay last, and the funeral took place Fri- as mUCi] for them as we moults next season and <rAt the read number of the Rattenbury S. S. child-r� y IVIen's fine l)sunbric Shirts, regu- ren and parents journeyed to Elliott's day. The deceased carriers $2,C ;1 lel- Cash now besides keeping Our Stock bright and fresh. You lar $1.25. sale price... , ......$1 M woods on the Bayfield Road. Almost sttrance in the Sun Life and owned me 1) b t� Men's Linen Collars, regular acres of 1 Lnd in 11lanitohst.. Ashort time et a chance to save a little •mons . Here are d few of the year after relic, no matter where they since he .:isposed of hi, business at the �' , y $}.75 per dozen, ;elm price. .. 1 t ) go, the heavens seem to open and Soo surd had intended leaving for the lines We won't carry OVel' and the prices you Call have them Men's fine Neckwear, regulai shower its blessings on them. Jubilee. r 35c and Me lines, side price.... 25 exception. The rain came Northwest in a short time. Mrs. for. Men's Fine Hosier year was no P tionRiter and Mr. Miller were expected to y. All our fine and continued a good portion of the arrive here yesterday. The sympathy sunnier Hosiery, regulrtr 40c and day. The day's enjoyment was great- of the whole community is extended ��'���������� :50l goods will be offered at 25c it k ly dampened, but the country gained Mrs. Riter and children in their very pair. This makes the greatest Sale Y' titch from the downpour. sad bereavement. we had too roach of Hosiery ever given in town and Parasols. i•ioudy,rrLiny nal.. V�STS. An odd Ilncof Ladics' good buyers should fill np. Regu- How CONSISTENT ?—The New Era A QursEN sEscouT VISITOR. --Among Cher early in the season for parasol FS C7 Hibbed (-ndercents � lar LOC and 2ciC goods will go at,luc. says --"A medicine fakir found it num- the Callers on THE NFws-RF-(!OltD last selling thnt's why we are selling It fine we want to clear. There are only a her of purchasers for his rernedy, on Friday was Sergeant Wm. Joslin, a glorla silk parasol with 23 inch frame. few of them and they have been Men's Braces, tic Dods for.. .. , .. 1c5c ur .35c Wednesday ; why not patronize the native of Clinton, now Vird1 , Man �ugul.Lr $i, only 5 of than left 79e, ulc but now they're only , ...... 6C' � den's Swesiters, our regular 7 C - Mand 40c shirt I and drawv othing, all Ago for local dr ugg grists, who invariably offer He took Fart in the Jubilee more rel an a medicines than these do." as Squadron Sergeant-Major of the Roods go for ..... ........ • ...... o0c L c. Our:)Oc goods for .......... 40c And still the writer of the above is Manitoba Dragoons, and was one of Ma or, Chief Magistrate of Clinton, eight selected from the Canadian re- Hats and Caps • stnd a licence was granted the "fakir" presentatives for Queen Victoria's es - to swindle the people of this good town curt. He was presented by H. R. H. Too many good if we are to believe what the New Era the Prince of Wales with it beautiful Parasols. oocs. Yonrohancc Ytntn unci &lacy to got tho best for very little money. M1t1s11tif3, linens and muslins, prints. Ft>k}rs should be looked after, encased bronze medal with the follow- All our $2.26 and $2.: I parasols nobby, the best lines wo had, goods thnt were and the Mayor should not be a party to ,ng inscription :-"In commemoration natty handles, tops that 25c and 30c•, They're not to 15c encouraging them. of the 60th year of the reign of (,ween will not cut............ i .55 be carried over, go at. • ...... SPECIAL COUNCIL MCETING.—All Victoria, 20 June, 1897•" Sergeant - the members of the Council were pre- Major Joplin is a son of John Joslin, a sent at the special meeting of the gentleman well and favorably known Council last Tuesday evening to con- to many of our readers. The distin- guished military visitor h s lenlid We carr, one of the finest ranges in the West and we i ill .a Sider the report of the Fire and Water g y p y e g a ed about 32 years, he is Thor'll be lots of CommittAe (Geo, Swallow, chairman) physique, g Blouses Fine Japanese Art give some wonderful bargains in Straw Hats. regarding the fire equipment and 5 feet 11 inches in height and weighs • Shirtwaist weather Drapery. Drapery, 218 pounds. We are pleased to have yet and you can't go astray boring o e 26 inches a. probable cost of same demanded by such honors corse to Clinton. While these, 10 fine print blonaos, the right wide, neo patterns to select from, We will place all our 3:ie, 40e and JUC goods at lac the Canadian Fire Underwriters Asso- styles and fast colors, our 75c regular price 25c, 1 21 , elation. Before the report wits taken here he was the guest of his aunt and goods, choice ................ 49e I nqw .... . ....... • . . • • • • A great range of Boys Caps at 20c, worth 30c and 3�c. up Mr. A. J. Grigg a9ked the Council family, Mrs. Thos. Cooper, Albert St. to put a plate front in the town THE MARKET DECIDhI) ON.—on Wonderful reductions in Men's light colored soft Felt Hato. hall office, stating that he would agree Monday evening the StaveleyCommit- to lease it for a term of years at $6 a tee, comprised of Mayor Holmes, We have odds and ends in a hundred and Month -referred to Property Commit- Reeve Kennedy*, Councillors G►iroy i' tee. The F. and W. report recom- and Plummer, Clew k Coats, and Messrs. Blouses. Our good ones those that have been $1, Men's Hats Men's and one lines of goods which we cannot anomer mended the purchase of two Babcock McTaggart and Scott met in the Colin- $1,15 and $I.2G. There's not very many • boys' Straw extinguishers at $25 each, It heater at cis Chamber. W. J. Paisley was the of them,but perhaps .lust the one you Hats, all gl,od shapes, the ba'25c ate but it will pay good buyers to make an $114, an extension ladder at $2 per only absent member. The matter of a want. Your choice of any of 1y11� Naos that have been ....40c, b... 25 foot, $5 for changes to the hook and site was again threshed out and on a these ......................... ! a7 750, your choice inspection of our establishment on the above' a ladder wagon, and the appointment vote be..tween two sites on the Market, 1 of a right watchman Ott $200 per next Farran's or Rattenbury and Albert date. annum, his duties to he from 11 p. m. street corner there was a tie: for Far- You'll be money in pocket if you do your to fi a. m. The report was long diS- can's, McTaggggstet, Scott and Coats; for •��lo�n�000�u000000• cussed, its adoption moved and second- the corner, Gilroy, Kennedy and Plum- D` -Goods buying here• ed as a whole, but an amendment to mer. The Mayor gave the casting vote consider it'clause by clause was carried. in favor of the building being erected .After a lengthy and at times heated on the eastern part of the market next discussion the report wits adopted, the Mr. Farran's. It is expected the Court- � ? night, watchman to be engaged for the cil will confirm or reject the proposal ■ ■ ` " biLlance of the municipal year at theto-night. Our Council Should act cant-JACA130N BROS a..l Iate of $200 per year, when the duties fonsly in disposing of such a seriolie t of Chief Wheatly and wei ht -master matter. We believe the electors of Clothiers and Furnishers, covermay be rearranged so as to Clinton tore opposed to the market be. the whole. The Council meets ing used for such purposes, but if the sLgain to -night to appoint a night building must be placed there, tire back ' ' The Dry -Goods Palace, I'll and for• the trstnsactibn of shoal the road meet with greater favor CLIN T(�N. �—C�.1ntom., other business.