The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-28, Page 1THE
TER.1118-91.26 per Annum, 1.00 in Advance.
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,vN�' RECOR:D6
e A- M TODD, Edlter wr,d Owner
D� .'; ULY 28.1897 WHOLE NO. 975
a u Town Topic. JD
�B'eerS� butt,who haslooked after I bull's horse for some time, had
close call on Thursday. He was
00000000000000000000 ing thespirited animal from thehlaa
smith shop and unthinkingly gave sE BALL. -A team from the Doh -
A Malt bevera e, too much line, when it playfully efe- city organ factory, Clinton, played
g vated its hindquarters. The young the a ball with Bayfield on Thursday. There
Perfectly prepared, man was struck on the right cheek, the rig being ; gu- were nine innings and Bayfield catne
,Free from drugs, bone being broken, He was rendered son ; Mrs' a rig. out on top, the score being 29 to 2 in
Much recommended for its unconscious, but we are pleased to There was a };. _ a,.,, uup, but we our favor. Notwithstanding the score,
stimulating and highly nutri- note that he is recovering. pleased to say no person was ser- the organ factory team put up it very
Iiously injured. good ganiP.
tions properties. n plots, A QUESTION OF VERACITY. -Dear COLLISION. -Reeve Burne happened )PICKED BY A HORSE. -Pete, the af-
Mr, Editor, -I notice the New Era witha. mishap near Syrnond's farm ori fable River Hotel hostler, while attend -
has charged me with lying in my let- the Bayfield Line the day of the Metho- ing to his duties the other dity, was
ter to your paper last week in regard to dist picnic from Clinton to Bayfield. kicked by a horse and har
s since caried
Lack Kennedy Mr. Dinsley being invited over here re The Reeve was returning homeaccoul- an invalid wrist and hand. No person
the site for the Stavely memorial hall. I tanied by his daughter, while Dir, woull like to see Pete seriously injuv-
Editor Holmes at times appears ,t Richard Irwin, wife and son were ed and his numerous friends will be
The Clinton Liquor Store. little smart and on several occasions travelling towards Clin ton. In passing I gratified to learn that he is attending
has distinguished himself this warm the front and hind wheel of the two to business its usual.
month of July for his untruthfulness.ri s locked and the horses jumped, MAMMOTH BASS. --There is few, if
What I said in my letter of last week 7rr. Irwin's vehicle was overturned any, better fishing grounds in Canada
is true, and I can give him the names and the top and seat smashed off, but than in this neighborhood: Perch,
Saturday of at least snme of the committee who fortunately the occupants were not herring,trout, black bass and nun)er-
'y invited Mr. Dinsle to come to Clinton. y t `
Y seriously injured and the horse did ons other varieties are plentiful. One
There is no back water to be taken in not escape. Mr. Burns' rig escaped of the best catches of the season of
July 31st what Isaid last week. -Again, very fortunately, only the cross -bar black bass fell tot a lot of Messrs. J.
ELECTOR. of the shafts being broken. All's well T. Harland and Runlball lust
Ira OUR that ends well. Thursday. With ok and line they
Brief Town Topics. A HEALTHFUL REsoRT.-People landed sixteen, rte'en of which
Dr. Woods was here from Bayfield who come to Bayfield for health and weighed thirteen pounds. The largest
B�RG�IXDAYIon Monday. strength are not its a agledisappoiuted. one was three pounds. Some good
Dir. Percy T. Carrol of London was Heaven's pure air, wt�tdt t is from hauls have since b-aen recorded, the
in town yesterday. the cry"staF�waters.of. 4 , l t' Huron, editor of THE NEws-RECORD landing a
The values we have to offer are ex -
I=' ceptionally good and the best
means of knowing this is a visit to
our store on the alcove date. If
you think the goods we offer you
are bargains and you need them-'
buy --if not we'll not ask you to do
Men's Suits, odd lines, at....... price
Boys, „ „ rice
Men's Pantc, $3 rand $4, for ....... f1L 00
Straw Hats................. .. off
" Men's knot Ties ................... 15c
l Washable four-in-hands ....... 4 for 25c
;? Linen Collars .......... ........... 5c
These arejust it few of the many
tai lines we have. On the above date you
have an opportunity of buying bar-
gains in every department. The prices
are for July 31st only. Sbop• early.
T. Jackson, Sr.
Cl thier, Furnisher and Hatter.
Agency London Laundry.
w s,
Town Topics.
'ry COMPLIMENTARY. - hiss Nettie
lr '' Combe, B. A., has received a letter of
? • congratulation from the Minister of
Education, Hon. G. W. Ross of Ontario,
"complinienting her on her high stand-
in in English. French and German,'iD
'j all of which subjects -she is now an
,tt honor graduate and specialist.
PAssrD AWAY. -At her late resi-
dence, Bellevue Farm, U Drain road.Hull-
ett, on Wednesday, the spirit of Mrs.
Brown, relict of the late Jas. Brown,
took its flight. She was a great stiff-
'., urer, her ailment being dropsy and
heart disease. Most of the time she
had to sit in a chair, as she could not
rest lying down. She was aged 79 years
and leaves a family of four sons and
two daughters, wbo have the sym-
pathy of all.
DEATH. -Another of our old rest -
dents was called home in the person of
Mrs. Helyar, wife of Mr. Chas. Helvar,
Sr., on Tuesday evening last. She was
suddenly stricken with apoplexy Sun-
day about five o'clock. She was a
native of Armagh, Ireland, and came
to Canada when, young and settled in
Hamilton, where she was married to
+a her now bereft par•tner,andfrom there
came to what was then the village of
Clinton. She leaves • besides her hus-
band three daughters and one son who
' . mourn the loss of it kind and affection-
ate wife and mother. The funeral ser-
vice was conducted by Mi-. Major of
Groderich; she being connected with
the Brethern.
terday THE Nsws-Racoan, was favor-
ed with it look through the tents of
the Libby Glass Blowers, who will be
on the Clinton Market Square for a
few days this week. They are front
y the great World's Fair at Chicago and
in every respect original. To say the
least, the glass blowers are one of the
very best educational concerns that,
has ever visited Clinton. This journal
,. is not in the habit of saying much
about the merits of travelling con -
corns, but in this case our personal
-nowledge and visit leads us to advise
r people who have never seen the
e -and not, more than one out of a
'xndred have -to go and see the mar -
)}ons natural things and curiosities
made from glass while you witness the
manufacture with your own eyes. A
ladies dress made from glass, the labor
on which cost $1,500, was shown the
writer and we have a piece of it; hun-
dreds of yards of glass thread were
spare on a wheel, and it is like silk on•
statin and will wash. In all Brittain
.and the United States there are 30,000
registered glass blowers, but out of
a:. this great number tbere are but 22 who
perform this kind of work and out of
the latter small number eight are now
in Clinton. We have personally wit-
nessed their wonderful work and would
unhesitatingly advise our readers who
want to see something really good
to play a visit to the Libby Glass
Blowers front the World's Fair, now
in Clinton. It is not very often one
can see Mlle. Addeo spin it thousand
yards of glass thread in a minute, the
woI•k of Prof. Myers, the Mosaic De-
signer, Prof. Oraven, the world's chain -
pion glass blower, or Prof. Evans, the
groat Venetian glass worker. The
party have a car of their own.
Additional locals on editorial page,
Mr. Phelix Hanlon is here from Strict- stinnTl rtes th,,�- ,gaw
Aly. tl�t that two pound one.
ford on a visit. the hu h %,YI n alat-
°� k`b., ., HEAvY RAINS. --Mr, IlLnry Dutuitrt,
About '275 cheese boxes in one load able vane Ie^�ppj.fresli,! i fi :c p the Zurich !;tuner, was in the village
passed to Sumttterhill yestetday. turgid Wil' ''�'`Ilnok 1 e i y- fftTe Friday delivering leather to his son, the
The Misses Forbes of Toronto are visitors cannot be r l ted. There are shoemaker, Herelated it little chapter,
guests of Mrs. T. Cooper, Albert St. a good 1?uinben of ' lintouims here of interest about the recent rivers of
The Baptists held service on the tvitl. their• far.Ji4 es apt) all etre enjoying rain when fell in the township of Hay.
Cher a - i -
• n nsely S m. $ . J B. Ru u
c, n. e
� p
+3 1. ,.
market. square lust Sunda a from Parkhill horse
even i � While returning q Y n
Mrs. Thos. Keachie and children re. hull his ctnly, be9wbeve i ,•„$Mort time oil the 14th concession he found the
turned to their horse in Galt on Satui rand he has l>1 d>. Itte6,, ,+u rids in first bridge washed out and later on
day. weight. BagYf'61 f is t�,esp pr health four more. In order to reach Zurich
Mrs. Robt. Coats and bar mother, I seeker9y -w¢` A m , yd µ. 11I.. Durorart was compelled to travel
Mrs. Stanbury of Detroit are visiting I BaLwips :'7'uettffslJ@ $�dt to talk of six and a half miles to go two and a
friends in town. I electing +' bl}n fi tk K,,'' or of Bay half. The ricin was probably the
Miss Lovett of Summerhill has re- held, ptar iGi lAy t i4o* the fact that heaviest ever experienced in that sec
turned home after a pleasant visit to this is Jubll �" Occasionally the tion.
London township. es off and leaves JOY AND SORROW. -Last Friday eve -
Rev. Air. Burton of Varna preached ouTr' tush �ndws ants in darkness. Hing to select party of visitors were en -
in Rattenbury St, church morning Th rvieF' hc►" .eco r•, is giving very joyiug themselves in the Queen's par -
and evening last Sunday. gold stkttf ere 'were a very lors. Miss Fentress of Dritroit, who is
Mrs. Biggins and Miss Dlounteastle large nitro ` ` ton visitors here holidaying here, was entertaining her
are expected to be on the briny deep on Saz livery and bicycle friends. The oung lady isa dramatist
on the hamewitrd journey. being en-tlnlong the recent of no mean order and undertook to pre -
Rev. R. J. Richardson preached in visitors was eputy-Postmaster Porter sent "The Crazy Womitn." Thedrama
Willis Presbyterian church last Sun- and lady. he post office is it very was most interesting. The rendition
day morning and evening. busy spot during snail delivery. We as far as it went caused great merri-
A meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be should have two daily mails or more went ivid seriousness until Miss
held at the home of Miss White this assistants to wait on our visitors and Fentress swooned, Water and stimu-
afternoon (Wednesday). citizens during the heated term. -Gen- lants had to be resorted to to
Dir. and Mrs. McKee left on Saturd-ty eral satisfaction is expressed at the bring the lady to consciousness.
to spend the remainder of the holidays contemplated harbor improvements. She was apparently in good spirits
with Mr. McKee's parents. If at all possible the work should, he an.a fully recovered next day.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper-willf•occcdl .d with this year,--Theeitizona L"1 2ER.1ENCl. TEAcHEs.-Many peo-
be partaken of next Sunday in Ratten- here should take prompt and vigorous pie contend that apples will not make
bury street Methodist church. action and if at all possible secure go cdd manure, that their use on land
The Fire and Water Committee bave telephone connection.-Ainong the will prove disastrous to anything that
awarded the contract to Hiram Hill visitors here last Saturday and Sunday may be sown. Last year Mr. James
for the brick work of the new tank for was Mr. Eggleson of Clinton. -Rev. Sturgeor► wits so advised, but persisted
$63. Dr. McDonald of Seaforth is much en- in testing the truthfulness of the con -
Mr. Youill of Winghann wasa, Clin- joying Bayfield breezes at the Queen's. tention. Consequently he secured the
ton caller last Friday. While in town -Tennis is again popular this year. -apple peelings and cores from the eva-
he gave THE NEWS -RECORD at friendly The court on the beautiful grounds at porator here and spread them on an
call. the Queen's is in excellent shape and acre of ground, even to the depth of
Mrs. J. Forden and two children have many friendly names have been play- two feet in some places. The past
returned from a two weeks trip to Flint, ed. -Our broad, clean streets never spring the ground was plowed•and oats
Mich. Mrs. Rimas, her daughter, re- looked better.-Jowett's natural grove sown. Just now there is every prom -
turned with her. is the most delightful spot to be found ise of it big yield and the result will be
Miss Cooper and Miss Leslie returned in this section. -If you want to row, looked forward for with great interest.
home Friday evening from their sail, or steam over Lake Huron, fish, LIGHTNINGS FREAKS. -.Last week
Mackinaw trip and report having a play tennis or base ball, this the only the house of Daniel McDonald was
pleasant: time. picturesque village is the spot to conic struck by lightning. The fluid passed
Word has been received from Mr. to. down the chimney, tore off bricks, tore
and Mrs. R. J. Cluff stating they landed BAyrIELD ATTRACTIONa,--Under this the stove pipes, went into cellar and
safely and at tittle of writing were in heading it Bayfield correspondent passed out the front door. Some of
Londonderry. writes your contemporary it creditable the joist were splintered, but no one
Mrs Emerson and baby who have Mention of this picturesque summer in the house was injured. The family
been guests at the residence of Air. R. resort, but unfortunately seriously re- had been sitting near the stove, but
J. Cluff have returned to their )ionic fleets on our civic authorities. They just before the, great death stroke
near Ripley. have peen instrumental in seeming came, Mr. McDonald warned the in -
Drs. Shaw and Bruce represented every improvement we have, and I aro mates to move from the store. Thus
-Clinton Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A. M., glad to know the correspondent re- several lives were saved. -The shed of
in Brantford last week at the Grand I, fer•r•ed to mentions these its being a Wm. Bates had a narrow escape, a
Lodge of Masons held in that city. I credit to the village and it convenience post being struck and splintered, -A
The proposed tennis at-home, which to our citizens and visitors, even if he locus tree at Mr. Jowett's was ,struck,
Wits to have been held on the Rectory does give our representatives a black where the lightnin,- divided andspr•ead
grounds yesterday, has been postponed eye. -He says: -"The many tonrists in 2t) rods on either side, splitting posts
until Thursday on acconntof the rain. ;hotel, cottage and camip -are enjoying and splias'iing into the water.
Mrs. Jas. Moore of St.. Afarys was in ' themselves immensely. They httvo the A PRETTY PROPERTY. -Of the sev-
town 'Thursday and Friday calling freedom of the village, nut while using eral pretty residential locations in Bay•
on friends. While here she was the the liberty from fashion and form of field that of Mr. T. J. Moorehouse is
guest of herannt, Mrs. Thos. Cooper. every kind, they maintain in other res- greatly admired, and justly so, by our
The Misses Freeborn left Monday forpacts the quiet of a peacefal summer tourist visitors. The grounds tare situ-
Seaforth, where they will remain for a flemie. Thev tyre here for rest, and no ate on a beautiful and attractive eleva-
week with friends, and from there more suitable place could he found in tion, while the comfortable brick resi•
will go to their horse its invermay for I Western Ontario than this }pretty vil- dence and surroundings present a most
the holidays. lige on the shores c,f Lake Huron, by pleasing appearance for the weary eye
Ex -jailor Dixon and Miss Dixon, of the meandering River Bayfleld. Raised to feast upon. Nature has not favored
Goderich, who have been visiting the high above the malaria, which infects many districts as pretty Bayfield, and
gentlemian's brother at Win bar other less favored watering places, the Mr. Moorehouse is the fortunate poss-
spent a few hours in Clinton on their visitors to this resort find health by it essor of one of Nature's most lovely
ret,irn Thursday• few weeks' sojourn here, and return to spots. Just now no less than thirteen
Rev. W. T. Cliff and Mrs Cluff of their city homes feeling refreshed and of Mr. Moorehouse's children and
Thorndale are visiting friends and invigorated by the famous breezes offrand children from Michigan are
relatives in Clinton And•Goderich town- Lake Huron. Bayfleld has been grow- holidaying with the gentleman and
ship. The Rev. gentleman officiated ing in popularity year by year. We his good lady -- Mr. and Mrs.
in St. Thomas church last Sunday. are Dot blessed with having many cit- Grahame Moorehouse and child.
Misses Lizzie Graham and Joan izens of wealth and enterprise com- ren, Mrs. Colwell and children, and
Hamilton, teachers, leave next week bined, not• with civic officials who en- Mr. Perce Moorehouse and family. All
on their wheels for their vacation deavor to advance the place, but the are having it most delight f it outingq.
among friendsat Senforth, Londeshoro, visitor of a few years ago will see many THE HARBOR REPAIRS. -The run.
Clinton, and Bayfield. -Atwood Bee. marked changes now. Our streets have deeds of NEWS -RECORD readers tr
Mrs. Geo. Cottle has received through been beautified by many young shade Bayfield will doubtless be gratified to
the death of a wealthy aunt at Barn- trees, and our hotels made more com- learn that steps have already beer
stable, Devonshire, England, £60. We modious and attractive; but perhaps taken towards making the long needed
are glad to hear of such good luck the one advantage which draws forth improvements to Bayfleld harbor,
falling to the lot of Clintonians. the admiration of visitors is the elii- On Friday Mr. John McMillan, M. P.,
Miss Blanche McPherson, who is cient electric light sy-stem which was a geared to the village and shortly
visiting Shirley Parke, took the high- introduced this spring. It gives the after Uhie Engineer Gray of the Pub -
est marks in the county of Grey en- village an up-to-date appearance. The lic Works Department joined him,
trance examinations and won the brass band, which owes its inception to Reeve Burns and John Morgan, along
medal by so doing. She is only 13 the enterprise and courage of a Yew with h teetthe distinguished visitors, in.
years old. young men, has done muco make sped the harbor, and afterwards
The young man who used so much Bayfield a more pleasant spot to live with Mr. M. Ross and other residents
profane language in front of the S. A. in. We have made large advances of met in the Queen's parlors and discuss -
barracks should prove Himself it better I late, and we hope to continue advanc- ed the proposed improvements. Iu
citizen. An interview with the Mayor ing. Nature has given us a healthful it short time a surveyor will be here to
will be his portion if such disgraceful location and picturei,que scenery, high further prosecute preliminaries. It
conduct is repeated. banks that are fanned by cool breezes is to be hoped the work will not he de -
The funeral of the late (:has. W. in the most sultry weather, and ver. layed, but rather pushed ahead with
Biggins took place to Clinton cemetery dant valleys that furnish shady walks all possible speed, There is in the es -
last Sunday afternoon. Through miss- and canopied retreats. Our pavement- tirnates $7,500, the amount which was
ing train connection the body was con- like roads tare the delight of the wheel- to have been spent by the late Govern-
veyed from Winkbam Sunday main- men who pass through long avenues of ment. The state of the Bayfleld har-
ing by vehicleevergreens, down entle grades bar. bor has for yearn been a disgrace.
At the Council meeting Tuesday dered by maples an elms, or through Passengers cannot be landed by water
evening the Mayor wits very unhappy deep -shadowed vistas where the sun •id mail steamers cannot approach
in the Bible quotation of the retm•ned pierces through only in narrow betuns our shores. Now, what we want is a
sinner, applied to Mr. Searle. Mr. of light. Bayfield is an ideal location good, permanentjob, a lasting im-
Seat le repudiated the statement that for a summer resort, and those who provement that will be a credit to the
he was it sinner or that he had return- conic here year after'year become more rowers that rule and of permanent
ed, because he had never wandered and more attached to this charming neneflt to the.ppretty and healthful
away little village," village of Bayfleld,
'The Top
From rain, and made very com
fortable in spite of the wet
weather by one of our
$1.25 Fast Blk.
Of Style � ==
Umbrellas` mw-
Isn't always the most tasty after
There's one here waiting for you.
all. A man's build and shape niust be
Other kinds of umbrellas. We
have then).
A tailor isn't a good tailor unless
Our Famous Water-
he knows what eor•t of cut will look
proof Ulsters��
the more stylish on the tall ntan tad
the short man, the fat and the can.
Are away up in quality and low
And the pattern of the goods Chem.
in price.
selves is another important thing to
We are perfectly firuiliar with all
A new line of Ties have just been
the technical points in tailoring.
received in several varieties -if
Our experience and knowledge of
you want one, come nowl;
clothes is at the public's service.
we can suit you in style,
quality and price.
Our garments are inado and sold
on honor.
BATHING AT GODEmcH.-As the re.
sult of another meeting of the public
tween 3 a. n), and 4 it. in. Tuesday,
works committee, held since the last
Goldthorpe's hlacksurith shop at Salt -
council meeting, that long wished for
ford was discovered to be on fire and
and much'debated sidewalk has at lust
when discovered it had such c•onuna.nd
been laid across the sand on the beach
of the building that it was impossible
to the batbing house, and bathingean
to save it. All hands were therefore
now be indulged in once more, with
employed in nnoving furniture and
the usual attendance by Capt. Babb
stock front the attached store and
and his assistants. The bathing house
dwelling, but before much progress .
has been restored to its foundation and
had boon rnade the flatues reached it
ever thing is being put in ship shape
and it was soon one mass of fire. On
therewainderofthe season. When
the outbreak of the fire the alaru, up
you see the sidewalk you will wonder
town was rang and though the engine
what was the idea of economy that
was drawn out and the horses were
prevented its being laid before this.
harnessed no inove was rade for the
BEAUTIFUL SuNsEtrs.-Goderich has
village across the river, the reason
being that permission had. not been
a reputation as the, place where the
obtained from the mayor, The fire
most magnificent sunsets can be seen,
burnt itself out, the blackstnith shop
and the setting of the sun the past
and store being levelled to the ground
week upheld its reputation, for each
And had it not been for the rain of the
evening during this peroid they rivall-
day previous, we should have had to
ed those of sunny Italy in brilliancy.
record much greater destruction of
From the Harbor Park the scene any
property. We understand the insur-
evening the past week was worth it
thousand mile journey, for no rainbow
ante all the store and dwelling, thc-
shop, dry goods, groceries
could bu mg a variegated or be formed
of prettier colors. The better way pre-
and furniture amounts to $1,100 it sum
that will npb pay half•tlxe loss.
haps, to view a Goderich sunset, is
from. the botton of the park steps, and
then when old Sol has apparently sank
The following are the marks obtained
into Lake Huron, it hurried climb to
by the pupils of the two divisions of
the park will again bring hits to v;ew,
Form I, at the ,Tune terminal examinia-
thus giving the observer two glorious
tions: -Division A. -Vesta Watson 82
sunsets in one evening.per
cent., Paul Turnbull 82, Olive
Bucharlan 75, Florence Turner 74, Geof-
fray Holt Ethel Williams 69, Edith
Mr. Macgillivray, pastor of an interest-
in}; church in the presbytery of Saw-
Turner 855,, Urs Stewart, 64, Reuben
anah, Gia., is horse on a visit after an
Snell 62, Alice Craigie 57, John Craigie
57, William McCreath 57, Minnie
absence of some eight years in the
Sunny South. Mr. Maegillivray was
Keefe 56, J. P. Brown 52, Wilfred Mc -
graduatect in the Presbyterian Theo-
Lean 48, Albert Carey 45, Kavvett
Naftel 45, Jean Dickson 44 Atinie Me -
logical N,minary at Columbia, S.
C., in the class of 1895. He was
Ilwain 43, Jessie Miller 42, Annie Mc -
licensed its it probationer for
Donald 40. Division B. -Harold Mas -
the Gospel ministry in the spring of
son 79 per cent., James Masson 78, May
Spence 69, Ethel Farrow 68, Retta
1893 by the Presbytery of Carleton, S.
C. ; thereafter he wits ordained by the
Elliott 08, Lexie Sutherland (3, James
Presbytery of Savannah, Georgia.
Morris 62, May Tighe 61, William
Elliott 61, May Newton 59, Estella
Some two years ago he resigned his
charge at Mt. Vernon, Ga., and took it
Acheson 57, Coral Vivian 57, .Jethro
post graduate course at that great
Knights 57, Edith Acheson fib, Evelyn
Craigie 55, Mary McDonald 55, (icor ge
Presbyterian school, Davidson College,
North Carolina. Mr. Maegillivray will
Salkeld 55, Harry Wiggins 5.5, Flies
spend his vacation between his father's
Tye 54, Sibyl Knox .52, Edmund Carn-
pion 52, Everett Feagan 51, Lizzie Ate -
home here and that of his sister-in-law,
in Toronto.
Lean 50, 'Frederick Afunr•o 50, Edith
Million 47, Frances .Johnston 4:5, Etta
• 'U
Hood 43, Reggie Harris -on 43, Arthur
R. Fire Brigade excursion on Saturday
Carrie 40, May Price tit), Ethel Shar-
was in every way a success, the atten_
mail 37.
dance being large and the aniuwments
excellent. At the ball game there was
some good play but the Stratfordites
had the first of it. throughout, winning
BRIEFS• -Mies R. Taylor of Detroit•
by 13 to 5. -The Stv. Cambria was
is spending her summer vacation at
in port on Sunday. -The town has a
the home of her sister, Mrs. Rathwell
fair number of surnrner visitors. -An-
of Bayfield Roacl.-Mrs. Win. Clarke
drews Bros. & Co. shipped 150 sheep to
Sr. is at present visiting friends in Sea -
forth. b7. Reid has
Old Countt'y last phursday.-Holy.
-Miss returned
Communion at St. George's next Sun-
front visiting in Stratford.-Mrs.R. Me -
day morning. -Chrystal is building the
Ilveen has gone on a trip to Manitoba.
boiler for the new grist mill. -The
-The Litdirs'ForeignMissionAnxillaT
Ogilvie mill has got it new lay -Some
of Bayfield Road have sent their annual
very fine bass were caught off the
box to the Indian Miscion. R. Reid, B.
breakwater the past ten days, the Iitr-
A., is one of the examiners at Toronto
gestlanded weighing over four pounds,
Gaut left least busi-
at the present time. Mrs. Monteith of
Stratford is visiting friends in this
-Mr. J. week on a
ness trip to the Pacific coast, -Mr.
Wm. Proudfoot was in the Queen City
last }veek.-Miss Winnifrede Ball is
visitingg in Waterloo. -Mrs. Miss and
Whew e
and Mr. D. Forbes of Toronto, who
are visiting the old home, are the
a--� s`
uests of Mr. andMrs. J. 0. Martin. -H.
But 1 hot
J. D. Cooke, barrister, Hensall, was in
V1,7 •
town the past week. -E. L. Dickenson,
barrister of Wimgham, was in the Co.
Very few people are looking for
bargains in stores this kind of
town FI-iday.-There was a large Still-
day School excursion from Hensall in
weather, they would sooner buy
town on Tuesday of last week. -The
something that is already cook -
steamer Carmona was in port on Sat-
ed. We would suggest the fol-
urday. She was delayed here rep�it ing
few that togsened in the
lowing goods for hot weather.
Canned Duck,.,
a planks were
Canned Chicken,
blow that morning. -The Chosen
Canned Turkey, Noble's Lobsters in.
Friends will meet to -morrow evening
in Horton's Hall. Sab-
flat and tall tins, Kippered Herrings,
-Knox church
bath school had its annnal outing on
Potted Ham, Potted Turkey,
Chicken Pate, Potted Ham and Veal,
Tuesday afternoon of last week.-
Potted Tongue, "Thistle" Haddie,
Sturdy Bros. rare selling tons of sugar
Lunch Tongue in 1 and 2 ib. tins, &c.
for preserving purposes. -We had a
decent share of moisture last week,-
All are first-class Foods ands
inspector Tom was in Exeter the past
ready for immediate use. .
week. -Rev. J. LeGear of Chicago lee-
We carry a fine line of
Lured in Victoria street church on Mon-
day evening, his subject being "A
Pansy Groeerieg'
Model Wife." -Point Edward and
Godetich will play brill on August lith ;
For Callipers and Picnicers
the game will take place on the Agri
cultural park. -Victoria street ch'nrch
Sunday school held the annualpicnic
yesterday afternoon. -Thee new sn-
rner resort was opened last Thursday,
There: was it, large attendance ,and base
ball and dancing were the principal
amusements. I
'Phone 23
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