The Huron News-Record, 1897-07-14, Page 2.*,W
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t I Irsust be explort "o of talus, Why tLat was gaing on ror to years? I know
ly mus out Nehtar►iuh itskep under the cuv. !t to this way That was the first home HAD BEEN THERE HIMSELF. wh��V But �� hot.
era? Why was not his horsy- stubbed fu In Philadelphia where I was culled to �y �p
the miduigdrt'! Let the malice of the city comfort a great sorrow•. They had a The rain descended lit torrents. HIRE'S ROOT BEER
THE RUIN OF THE CITY AND ITS crest this midnight rider, Out un Houle splendid boy, •tad be had been drown- The sleeping mail moved r(,stit•ssly on ��:i�
ULTIMATE REDEMPTION. '.ischia'• Nu. Nehemiah is guiing to re- ed •Ott Lung Branph. The Citther and the bed uud turned over un his file • us ytitud's unrivalled ab st wholesunae delicious, sparkling build the city, and he is making flit- n.uther almost 4dultzed the• boy, uud the if to shield his cy(,H front the bluld,Ug (,iliiPtosed of the very ingredients that physicianskhing etret'veecent drink.
__. - I Pre iwinttry exploration. Ill this gat,,, sub and shriek of that father and mothier ttushhs of lightning. '1'hl•n there run,I, L y the blood, strengthen the nerves, and tone e e bt in all a( es fq
I.ut that gate, past, west, north, south. as they hung Over the colliu resound In It peal of thunder that shook the whelp eome8 out uDly a pleasant utealls of satls t Uc the stomach^ [t be -
A Weird Midnight E+'xperience and Nu- All through Phe ruins. The ruins utast' my ears to -day. There seeuled ,to be house. The tutus ulm•ned his eyes unit ttu fYlna the patched palate, but
& ox ,lured he
the work IIP rerun- uu use or counteracts the enervating acts of cxce8sive heat. A LsSe ttclt
he,nluh'm lildn to the 1tuL„r ui' Jeru- ! praying, for whoa I knelt Hut up In bed. Tieing aroused froul it make five gstllulls; ally P age will
mt uelion esus begin. The ren.a0u that so down to pray the eatery in the ruum dee, sleet) it was some time bel'uru kie ttge.-- Auld by Y persuo call tnatce it, full (Iiructiuns on each pack-
suiem-Moonlight Lnehantmunt suss mmly p(,ople ill this day, appurivstly cn:'. (11.Ow"I'd out till the prnyvr. But flip could realize what had happrdrd,
the 1'ruphut', ltesoive, vprted, du out stu,v eu'lverteci i+ hi•c•uuse Lr»d rumfurttvl that sorrow. 1'hry di4 The tutu descruit in lurr4 . ��(( •yy�� /� p
they did not first expiate the' rains uC not forget thrix trouble. It yutt Hhotthi It seemed nulsic to his ours, fur each+®�A7o.Ldro 1
])r. Ttihntugc ill ills Hermon un Suudny I tl�ir own Ac:ut. 1'ho reason that thyro go any afternoon into Laurel IIIII �•„it tittle the lightning flushed across the bed 9 VGr' A1b8I b IJtr U�IuLoI]
drew startling leruuua from the trot: (ire mo uta". u smile ) •
prul'es.•pd CI reit() would find It monument with flu• ward, played around the e0rue(s of -----
Neheinjuh it, 13, "'Then went 1 uo to ill this 4111,1• lie and Purge and steal, and "Walter," lrnccribetd ulic,st it, unit a his mouth, its if he litughed the fur • of �'®'
11 the eight by the brook and view•od tilt, er'lnnit abominations, cull Ju iter I'luvius to scorn. ) New Waggon ry _--
gu to the wreath r f fresh flowers amu'nd the I� ggon Carriage R
mull suit tw'u(+d buck and entered by penitrnHurY, is becatusp they first do nstt»p. i think then- watt not -in hall!. ” 1'he -oaf links Ilite u sieve!" he cried, 7 and Repair
the gate of the valley, And so retttrue•l." nut laaru tin• ruin of thpir awn heart. id 20 Years, wintv,r or sunsmer, when "=1Y, what runt! Its worse thltu %%•hitt 111}tee opened ottt a 1" Shop
A dead city is wore suggestive than a They hltve nut flrttllll out that "till, heart there tuns 'lilt a wreath of fresh flow era ive had u week ago, whpu I was lthnost p u itltltrnl,ury stfeet, next dour to Tedford's '
living city -•past Itanle thou [ire+.;put ].t Qtr-itPnl nbuvi all things, uu(1 de- :uonnQ �i'nttir's name. washed out of bed.' smith shop, and am pt'epttredto fill orders for AVu r ltutd a black-
1[uwp--ruin tiathrr than nplvly Pr(+se`a'd s1u-r•itle ' wicked." They had nit itha But the 0hristinn mother who sent The thought seomi,d to afford him vehicles. Repairing and repainting 990118, ('ut'riages and all othet
catheriral. But til- best fiver fu visit that tldw were almost right, and flit•} those ftotvers there, hnvtng tlao child left, great `pleasure, for he mus ehuekliug 1 ink, Iwotnptly attended to. Sattisfacti
wall dell ht as he u unteed,uul prictH the lowest consistent with rout a ghat•'
u tutus is by tndronli�;ht. The COlisensn built religion Its n snot of extension, as fitihbnfIl afternoons n»sthpjid 1(1 to 20 � got up, upoue/l she• i, 1 ivotk• Gall and se
is fur hurt fusvinuttug to the traveler till nrtutusrntul Cupola. Thp trouble with of the lost ones of the street. That is Iloor and poked his head Out !situ the fore you order.s. a the be -
after sundown than before. You maY n good deal or mad<'ru thenlug,l is that lt,nntiPal. '1'hnt is w'h'at I cull busy ant hall. As he listened he heard the putter CHARLES' WALKER.
mtusil by daylight aurid the utouust0 instead of hl,ilding wn the right founda. hi»luph'Int midi»'•`ts, Iler,' is n man who °P baro Pett hurrying through flip rooms `--•- -
ruinm of 91ph•usr ubiny and study shul't. tion, it builds un thy• dpbnis nY nu »tire- liras lust his property. lh• drx>s nal tin- uverhpud. A laugh burst Yruui hnu I --~- _ _-,---
rd urlel tint] rusnited atone and n11111iu❑ ge'lcraled nuturn. They attenipt t rn- st""Y his own lift-. IT(- votes and suvs: as he detected the sound of tin pans i �SPECIALo 13A
but they threw their strongest ttitchpry !'wild Jprusulew bofure, in the nudntght "Tlatnrss me for (iristian work. �Iy hastily deposited on ilio flour. IM .-� �,�_��
by u,00uligLi. ticudc ill' Sart reuavi,hrr uf'eoutirtir», they have. seen the ghusrli- money's goo-. T helve no treasure on I ]'m glad I moved Out of that top TEAS, TEA t "�'EA�`• Ceylon, Assam and what tilt- cal+hauler ill' Sputluud ill ness 0P the ruins. The- hill,(, such a I mirth. T want tr•etssnrps in heaven. I I slut before this storm cause,' hp nu,t- Yuubg }lyeoti fur 1 ur iii n Japan(,, f± lbs. good
the "T.0>' of the Lust Aiiustel" : pour Puunda.firnt for thrlr religion dust have a voted and a hent•t to serve GO+1." tered, as he drawled bark to bed 11114 I caper Ib.
1i'oultlst thou view fair \lelruse aright. the first northeast stone Of tell] 1'oil say tlut.t th9t naan has fulled, He rail asleep to the music oC the drop, drop, Sugars, Sugars, ►S'Lh
Gu visa[ it by the pule utuonligt,t. blows them dowel. I hav- no Pulth Inn has tint Pniled-hp h11R tri»mphcal. I drum OrcrLead' g , gars.
Washington Irving describes the Am- nunl's conversion if lip !s nut can- i Oh, I wish I could per,nnde 1111 till, Just to hand ane car Of 111OULreal Sugars. NO. 1 Granulated, Coffee an
1. voftl,d in the old-fnshi0tro(I WRY -10111 Pe(tPIP who Lal,0 tiny kind of trouble It Did That ('Dunt. In bbla., one 6undted po❑ud and dollar lots. d haw's
dalumiun n,uu11light opal the 11L;unbri1 Ttnnym,'s wnY, .lobo �''rsley's iyny, Julia 'never to I A cler SPECIAL P
ruins a� luuo0nliug to un p'lelrautnseul. give up. I wish they woulQ gyman whose piety has not les• PRICES.
Al,r text prrmt•nls you .lerus:dcm ill rui,ts. C:11v3'l's iany, Ttsittl's WaY. Christ s way, ; look at till nrldniplit rider err the text, se'ned his sense of humor' says that he WE KEEP -Th BEST
TheCod's waY. A de,tiimt sold to one. "1)11.'1 ,nod that the four hones tie that beast was one day called down into him parlor ASSORTED STOCK OF WEDDING PRESENTS IN 7
' walls
te,w v dntt, The gates down, Th-' COUNTY. Lienor, 'lea and liedroutn �E
walls duii'n. ldvrrythiug duivn. Rehr- that hart o Said I: "OC course it hurts, oil ivLieh Nehemiah rude might cut in to perform n marriage c'erg'ltouy fur a rJ ijets, Fall China a
ntiah -u lwrs(lwu k b^v nwunligllt la01<idg ]1 is in Your business as in my pruf-s- oieves ail YnIIr (IIscoitrago'lu'ntm and couple in middle life. �5 per cent. lava than regular prices. Call and Y and Lamps.
Sinn. We htivr t0 hurt before wp can hardships nod trials, Give Up! Who is "Have you ever been niarried hefoie?" prices. d see our Goode spit get
ttpuu the runs . While L'e tide( there are help." Yon will never nnd,^rsl,in(1 to- 90iu9 I
st.uw Pfir^ads un f0ut gniu• tiith him, to give il) when on the hosotu of asked the clergyJnun uY tho brld(,geut„u, SEEDS.-1'itnothy, Iiad unit Alsit
1 fur they do nut wadi til(, ru.liuv bursts to Ili udtil You understand ruin. i Goll hr taus 11111-- till his troubles hnsh- "No, sir.' 1 e, Clover, a
A m:,n talk me that sontg ane is n r(]? Give ,it)! Never think of giving up. .'” ii;tve You?" to the bride. fresh and new need. 11 and Mangold. All
i, disturb til- sus[)iciuuH of the [,<'opit.
"l'lu^so people Qo nut kuuw til- secret of member of the ehureh• Tt makes nn dot- Are You borne dolt -n with poverty? A "Well, yas, I have," replied the bride,
l ollenrioli's heart, but they are goi'l� its !,ressinn on n,y miuQ lit all. I simply L.ttlg child was Pnund holdim9 hl,- dead htconiuiily, hitt it wu., twenty Yc,trs Cash Paid for Good Butter and E s.—
a sort of bodyguard. I hear the ch('lc- Tat to know whether he was eont•erfe,l , I •other's hmld in the darkness of a ago, and he full off al barn and killvil his- ig -
ing hours of the horse on which Nph'._ in, the old-fashioned wad. or whether h(+ 1Mtetnerlt honso. and smote one eomin_• in self whoa we'd been married only It
11^0s eonverted tit the new -fashioned way. ; the ]!tit(, �• • +� y�► �1V , Clinton.
mlah ,•ides a4 he guides it this w�11y •sad girl lorrluti up, while holdio9 week, mo it really ain't worth uuutiuu-
gate unit out or that, If hp was eouvOrt(h] ill flit, old-fashion•'d ' her dead ninthor's hand, mid mild, •`('}h, ing."-IIarper's I?At ax.
1. that, into this -- •- --_..-.----
ivn,v. hr twill mf9nd. IP hp w+im Pontl,rtt'(I I do Wish that Gnd had mado morn light -
winding through t•htit gate un)id the Qt-- -_-._- -
in flu' now-rilshlonid wily, he will not frzr poor folks!' Aiv dear, 1,0+1 ic•il! he Li roh,•,nla. C - -_ -._..
brim ill once grw11 Jprumal('O1' ):khat. '!']tilt iR all there is arbour it, A YOnr light, (peel will ire vena shelter, Gn•1 READY F'iDl� �oSI�ESS. -
No•iv flu' horsy colnry, t0 ,Ile halt art mmt rmnrs to ml, to falls sbnut rnli_;ion. I will be Yonr honto. Art- sun borne clown She '�"�
the tunbled leu 1)1 ry w•ht're h- harrot '1'hl, first s(4f t li I ask him is; "nn }on ,with the bereavements of life? Is the ppard & Beaeo
ththilb Nfrif hp s1ePR off lit the uhar,'to Pr01 y0nrsrlf t0 Ix ;, sillnce?" If ho sa,v, boas(, IunilY now that the child ;. gone? n +++� The Clinton Family Grocery
e w1R. Nuts he Homes along tt•her'' (Pell. T --yrs," •1110 h:•sitn»ry makes au+ . Do nal• give tip. 'Think of what the old , Are acne ready for })usiness with a new anQ select, the iwatrt unrlPi the nx,rn,ligLt tbwh('s Awl that that mmi wants a ride nn tip- sexton said when the minister uwkeI 'rite �y b'l0ar, Feed, I'rovtsiuns Rt-, IN,e r stock (If Family UrOcerips,
from flim nxmth Of the. brazed deo 1V,v Len,luh's borsp by ntirlit•is:ht t.hroll4h till' ; why he pat so much cure oil the little tlitt market. " �• 1 ' V ktituante0 0111' values to be 4 he vcly hest in
a1•fitpr whir 1, the 9;, h• wa s uamrd. Ito 11 ell$ IVS )ecialt Terms (.,ash or Yl•oduce.
rains—in by the 9nM Of his affection, , g"Ivi's !n flip 0011 -tem -41 mueh mom l ,, SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST
}:cat^reit N(,hr(I Ilai hiding id and oat nut hY Ilii 9ntO of itis will _an•r] bpfnr� tatrl• th11al on tilt, tnrrgr graves -and ti:g •, CLINTON.
now• b�' his old home dmsOlntr4, now hY hr• hos Prot through with that nli.lnight old soxton said, "Sir, you know fluji ,or
ilio defm'(41 tpnlplr, now 1111,'41 the Sons ride he will drop the reins od ill(, har'w's Hath is the kingd(Irn of henven.' and I I f°r"---
Of the city that had gr,ne down u'ldr1' neck, nil(] will tilki, his tight hand nn1 th!'lk flip Snv!unr is leased when He r � � q
batteri'l9 rnln add on nagrl,tion• 'Ther snlite, 0n his heart and •soy, "(,'oil be j sees mo m»t•lr ithitp pdnver grc)tvin9 / CLINTON/Y TO t�/1 s� D Q ,/ �/ q n n r� �/
Psirlt !noon party lie ge not• lazy \min`- m( rt -+teal to nu' a sinnor." •nu] b0fore lip :11.0111111 these little r O0/l, ant! BL//VD Fh' V TVl7 J
ms unit•,. is he sorrows.
idpilY ]Inv,` gravis,'
his own p••Is mal sorrows, uiQed to tilt, has ofL ill his horse ho will Pak/• his foot Btut w•hon the minister p ,(hied the ohl ~/� /
ant nP ilia st.irrtps, and lie will kneel, ' "r'xton for n nrme satisfactory answer 1 11 / — o
a fello- s r,f the nal tion, 0it o idori his rt -}'infix "Ihal,e more on tire, O Go(], .le' ' the old soxto'l said. "Sit•, luhout these ; y
intell(<t:' Sfill Ihr mldniglit oxPlnrnt!"n purrl.lttg to Tlty loving klndnemm, I,P1'OI'(]- lilt`g,'1' gI',Irg4, T don't know tvltn are the
nn. 1. ti.,dtiga on .y the oak r!Q"s ing unto the multitude of 'thy tt-udpr Lord's saints aaud ivho err not. hilt -telt N \ S. S. COPE Proprietor.
through flit tisk gate, by rho tuw•ir of mercies• Blot out uty hn'ls9rt•ssion4, lrnow', sir, it is rlg;,n ditiirl,nt it.ith tLc 7 p or.
the fttr'larv•s, 1;> Phe Icid9'm lroul, by for I acknowledge my tr11nm9tps,ion,, listens," nil, if ,,oil have r !1nd tilt kr,(-n. ilia dragon well. id and out, in mil Ont. nod tnY sins are ever tx•foro Thew." Ah, tender. indoserihtifilg sorrow that conios General Builder and Contrac
until Thr midnight ride -is enmPlrted, and my friends, You spi• till 4 .i4 not a cum- I from alit lass of � tor.
Nebrmin.h disrnuunts from his hnrso. atilt pLuientary gospel. '.That is what whirrs :Thr Old srxtnn wti �3e(ht�oTt is allow li This factory has been under the personal s
to the anu,7rd anti ronfrmndswl and ni- Hume People so mad. It tunics to a nun, / eight yenta. \A'e Carry an extensive stip supervision and otrnership for
errc3nlnus bndygnand deeltips the d01rd ill' :t tuillsun (lullurs, and impenitent in his , ifityonlPhn�r�1°titnnrd sgrirvmtsly cinnl d d reliable .stock and prepare lana and
secret of his hnnrt when lir Rays, "Cmnn / ' ' give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short Duties ,
Holli ;old says: •'luf fe a pauper." It ' »ntil von hnvl, been Gnat out by the p
. _ s,• Int ns build Jgras'11i'•m." "�N" 1;,t, comes .to a wumnu of fairest cheek; relit, ' f+hnrl,h, Rion -I trmtil van have lore» enst closest prices. All work is supervised in a m antl fa .he
mechanical way and satisfaction
•'._-�ehr+n:`�"� hay;,::. ••, �i '•� �� has never re te'lipd, unit says, '.You're u � m,t h}• soeirh•-rin n, guaranteed. 1�'O sell all kinds of interior relive sort any kitier, n»thor + sinnt'r•" I,t ICornes to �a znan priding thitr mnY ho in this ho»s� give up.
o and exterior material.
"Piave Ym1 env rloduener?' "Nn,"�tiof hlnlself on his iltdepcudli'nc, and says, i trnfllfullY litter the harn(,ntntion 0E :ut- Lumber, Latll, Shingles; that migdnicht nmonliaht ride of Neh(" You're gle Lime, Sall, Doors, Blinds, Etc, -
ol,inh rns»ltrfl !r, :like 9loriunC ill- I Lli,i., uevil." ItrcOtnLsltolourtcatilee -flay, and Once I tuna mum its the snore, but Ifell-
gi the if II of, J, ,hi,, til. Thr prnplr` RtiYs to ,tip: o1Vhy do you reach that FellOnc lI1(g a snowflake, from hraveu to fell- p Agent far t}.e CELLI RATED GRAMLL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
knelt• not haw the thing tris to hr doll". tt•it111? NVhI don't* you preach .1 goo D Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing our order
1•nt +with 9rc•nt en-thnmiamm thaw prin'd with no r- l,ratc[tce in it: \�'L duu''t he'll to be traiupleQ as tllth lit the street - 3l, s,
ant. "Lot ns riw- no now nor) build Cllr p' ' y ' Fell to be scoffed lit, spit on and beat.
` Yo1, flutter n'Pn's hearts so that [•nit ' Pr 3'h1g, cursing, wishing to die, "Will yu•u lend me :, shilliu9s lit ,
oitv." Cr»rt- p••rrldp lattghrd an(] Rntr] nako thtvn P(,t4 ttll right? 11'hv don't Hp111dg n,y soul t0 tvbncver ivonld buy, Cha )? 1 -- _ W. -
it rnnld not l,r dnnP. Snn,g penplp w e!e you 1 w ant to tetul it to Junes." - - _ _ — - - -
5prnrintr4l 1110 offirr•rl ithvsirnl viulenc pre'a<h a hlUuatlit:uitin gospel, with ' Itpa11119 1n shnme for a rnorsei of bread,
I)<) r(eppntnrueSri it, mil}'tug nOtLin9 about i Ilutbtg the Ihb1g said fearing the dead. "Why lend it to Jones?" Cheap
"laying the thing shoald not be dont, t}te I•ttin, tndking till the time atbuut the IDo not git-c tit).. Ont- like tanto the lit AVeil, You sec -he awe's ml,• ;, shil- heap . !CheapIng flit, workn,on went rig.rt nn, Rhillil• Itedpmptiot;?" ergs and lie w•ai is to return it."• -•Lon- �I DC g� p •
Ong 0n tbm tra.11, trowel in one hand. 5011 of (i -oil comes to You to -day, saying, dou Sketch. BEST WOVEN WIRE /A1
sword in .t•hr other.-un�il the .w.orlt_w_ts, 1 ma., I;rt theo behind nu, Satan," 1 I "GO till(] titti no more," while hp cri(,s G fENCBHrj1 �q
would -ratter lelti Err Hauls into sa4,ty -, oat to Your assallu'lts, `•Let 11.1111 phut is I staking Serviceable Friends. STEEL WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. Th�^'
glau•1nttslt• pnn)plmlyd• �t Ihat trey time 'Wiui 2rath Into ,rfi i.' WIRE
to (.jell.••• 1:gnophnn leas writing a Lis_ I tlon. The redollip w•ithnut. sk, cast the first stunt ttt hot." Al r. Cormmutor-It's
tart, an,l Pluto was n,akinv ph'lnynphi•, tion oP tit-(" ,*,sprl is a perfect farce if Oil, there is no rpasatl trdry :tiiy Dnp in gr'tting atom; o o�otiG�O�
rn,d ltrnu,s+hrnis tuns nettling his rhe- thin is no rain. T.11- wh01i nl,r•I not I this house by reason of any trouble or pretty Hoar stuttmPr shay, 1Tatriet, and o�GJop�po ®® '
' to.,
I flnirtd0r. But Al of fhonl til• a ph}sieinn. but fhpy tl,clt err sick." "Tf , sin should give up! Are you a foTeignor ill,,, til nu ruelit for you to lx' cattiest- �
r get1wr ,lir! g,ir ,lo so mnph Poor rho tvorhl nay "n', though hr br aai tingrl from and 1n a stt'an9e hold? Nchcnniah ryas s ill,,, the :'afua,irnt= 0Y ihp frosts ally
I ,, preach nu) othir g0s , lunger \\ a t want tilrlT scow .
a< t1riR ttti,tni._ht, m0onli ht ride of pray. pPl till,,, ' 011 exile. Are you ppnnllr•ss: Nehowinh show! any inure.
Ilalg, rotlt")U(•q»H, homesick, elosp-art,»tit- t1;.iR,•' says rho np0Rt1•'. let hint he ae- ; ivas pour. Are You homesick? Nebemlah FENCINGS
ed NeLe-,lah. c'1»'seil." 'I'l,l,re Intimi he the midnight ; it•ns honlesick. Are You broken headed'? 11x,, Counnutor-But we trust have _
liY snbi(Tt f,rwt itnpressps nip with r (10 01-01- the t•ulns before •Terttsn)ont pan Nphpm,itih was btnlcru hpartgd. But . son,(, neighburs to pass the time oY day
! the ides, what an intonto thin . is phnl•(,1i i,i litttlf. Thorp mast hi the pliekin; of with.
1 F jest map him 4n ilia text, riding snug AL•. Cotmnutnr-CPrtuinly: what's till,
nif.'etiun.r'ize til( bridle 0f that horst ilii hoot's hpfum they eon hg the ring nP till, marrilrgrd gr11vP of his fat.h,'r and Manttfactnredandsotdbq
rind still) N,lu•n,iah. V4'h5' am Yon ri•:k the trv,welm. mutter %%.;tit the Dales? I ltotflecd that
{r A j by the dragon well and t.htv)ug}t flit fish till } hltvp ,M>t A new lawn motvef.-Iius THE ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO.. LTO. well
ing ,your lifo here in .thg night? Yoiir gni n. \TY ,snhipc•t aivos nip a sppei- gate and by the king's pool, in Wait oat. Fieton.Ontarlp, • • Q/V �11 i�SS
V , hors., will stud,blg over those ruins suit moll or busy and trinnrphirl,t sa(]npss. if in and out, till, moonlight fulling nn fill,
to Trnuscti[)t.
fall on ,villi. Stop this ttsgless expnsnrc^ thol-v ,ens line• man in th" world who i broken masonry, tvhi('lt thrnws n ton_ - �y��j�r1/�11�}J1,1,r 11p(� ('t1 OHoIDE STEEL WIRE PIETT
]Ind n tight to ni0le i (lis ( a"rul 1•remetit. ITI U IPI �11G \ �N�C
r,P your life. N0. \<^hpmi•:rh will not 1 tial ••ice n, l,ver}'• sh:uloti'. at tt'h.irh the h0rsl, mhi(w, nal ,. .ii 11 ..LLirrlll 1 it 0.J
-,top. He tit 19•Nf. tills ns the whale, filing ns 91st. it tuns NehemiaIl• Yna at tit(, same tinge that in Icindl- SympatLitic Woman -Are you the I p p}i,q p�®R TRELLIS, P(�UL`�'R�/ YARDS,
star}. IIe Ipts its know he it;ts un "xil sttY, "Ili was n cttpbpmet in the p11lneg , it,r tip the fgntutos of [.his man till you inurderpr whoa hate IuHt been sulteucud LfY1Yi F'EI�EcII dlp�� ETC. �St
t•n n far distant. land, and he. ivias n of ""1111811011, •,nd it tvils a grand place.•' ter not nal}• the rnnrk of sad maiia,iR_ to life imprisaruneut? FENCINGS, V
'.{ tetvnnf> a ctipbitirnr in flit palma of SO it tarts. 'l'hg hall of that 1>ltlncr was eonrl,, but 1110 emerge and hop(•, the hsuld`'rer (gjimly) YiHn1. ARE SOLD very MUCH LOWER this
i Arl"xl,rxp, T,ongintanus, till(] unp rl:ty. 200 fe0t square, and the roue hoverer] enthiminsnt of n. mnn tvhn knows t,hnt Symixtbielic tilt.:m: ii -\Veli, a few of year, than ever before,
w lith' hg was h:nxling the clip of w•in" To 0vor .',0 m:ft-hle pillars, eaph pillar ii` Jor»mloin will hp rt -+intuited. T )tele ,Von its tactics wish to prf:s(•ut you with a THEY ARE THE BEST ask our Hard
the king tbo Icing Anid to him: "1~'h:tt fcgt high, •rod, the iuton,p blue of the up t0•dnv. oat of vonr Ring and ottt oi' token of Our syutpathy. A\e heard you , y ware Merchant for thele.
flip � sl:
" mnt.tir yfM;,h you. ]'nn art, not S, and the doom grt^cu of the forest your snrroty. and T pat vo❑ n9tiinst the ( cm•td,nuthing fey fk,ivPrs, so L11(,y baro
_ _
sir•k. I knoll yni, uut�t lilt 1`01!090, and the white of the driven warm heart cif (,hri,t. "The oternal God delegated wt' b, pt^esedt you with this ---
` , Rnn, snow, nil- L»ug troubling its the up- , a, rhY refuge, 9-1141 tm,dernenth are the beautiful sliver-llundlvd umbra l;i.- QF
(r 01 trnikptl What Is the rg ho tilitl I tick. 1855"T � �lr Reliable �'ll�nit���er Store,...................1897 } t•onY" 'I'lu'n lin told the king how that h0l:ytnrv. But, my friends, you know ' everlasting ni•n)a." ��012i�'�_�UU�
Is'loved Jer"Kill to was hrokrn dow,I: very well that fine urehi,toeture will not U 1
t. how that Itis Pather's tomb h•nd boon Wit down hunisiekness. Yet Nellmliah I Georg; i'alni'a irerolnes. The fiueation.
,r.soeratid; how that the trmupi0 hn(t did not. give up. Then whc'It you sir George Eliot, since she was a woman, Ifni. Crinisonbenk-Bert- s uta itt•Trr
rrn'disbonored tLail defac(,d; hoiv th0t him going among those itpsolnted shoots, ;lead probably needed nto'lry hersolf at which s•,ys: "In a railway eoRisian ill Call in and sem n)y stock of IlunRehohl
Ito walls were seattered and hrohim and by these dismantled tow•rrR, and I)y times, and this may explain why she Nurth Carolina a 4 -year• -old child at au F,XTI:N510N TABLET RLI) r „1 urnitnri• tum- ];tie si0'I ?, in
"Well," says King Art;lxl,rxgR, "tvhstt tIlt, tarn tip Bravo of his father, you ;shows proper cousiderutiun Put "Ler hprO- aPpu car tviudow was thrown out of fire hA1\('1' }t( ` ' r• ROUi1T 'iL i� l,h to U1tk,,, Ash, ,)I; , R<'.
)( I�LRti, 1VIATTIi1r,S5ES, 5I 111NU T31^,i)S, I'ICTI-IZ1,,8 ('A(
yon want i "Weil," said the cap- world suppose that be would have havo !tic's, totting Pew of them suffer life -lung [via." LY the shuck and ttivcupe/l in- THIN PO1.L5, C+TllF:130r1Rll5, h:ASC.LB, (•(SNTIt1: TAI3
brn.rnr Nrbpmiali. "[ want to 90 home. dishiarh'lcvh, 1t.nd that he would hut- poierty. 1lomolu s income enables her jury." �. L1;5, fie•,
I want 1.o fix tip the grave of my fa.thrr, dismmrtut<•d from Ills harsr and gong to to care for Tessa and bring vello up ac- J-fr. Crsmsonbt-ok-TIow in the world Pictures Framed, glass used in picture frtin,es, s u'cha imported. 1 l ,Led', 3louldin#;s,
«tint to restore the hinntY of the his raom and s id: "«'tip .is ror! JTY cording to her own educat,onal theories: do you suppose they ever manilgcd to Aulwican and Uttnadiru,, Fine as8ortinent FrsuDPs for Photos.
tpmpll,. I want to rebuild tLf• maann:•y father's grave is torn up. Th(, temple is ,Ill net, having money, repents comfort• gl t the window optnl?-Yonkers SUstteH• frit rR right, nod value for your mono Grnul Far s
of the (lily wall. Bosidpa I wa1,t pass- dishon0md. The w�a11R tirp hrokrn down. , ably, beink pull bled to arrange a pleasant 3 ttht t. taken ill axch;trl{;e,
110114 so that I s11rtu not be hindi-md to i have no money will, which to rebuild. home for :lir. Tryan, to be near him in mart' I Some hood Panther, for Sale.
mY journey. Anal be:rides that," as you I wish I ,hall never been born. I wish his last moments, and to erect a stone to The Cause. d e sm ^n
will find in tilt, context, "I want ,,n T worn dead." 1�'0t an tatpvm Nghrminh, his memory, 11ardy's floor Tess, on the I
ardor 0n the man who keeps 1 -our forest Althn,gh hr had n r!P'f so intense ttr-it ' co nay t, is not even allowed euuugh Pen•rp PatPttic-ITP says to me [}tat he Albert. street_ —�
money to pay for the family monument. would dike to gi3nme a little help, but �• C, Stevens®'6'�
for just mo i din tiftil as I may need It esritgd the lew;. tory of his king, I Gwendolyn 1larleth hall been used to all his change was in ,his other pants, I I ( pposik. 'Paten Hill
`' for the rebuilding 0P the city." "If ),v yet thn.t 9xnnilrRy. pxas1wri,fed NO(" J ease: and it naturally followed that it felt like sonk,W him.
10119 shall You he gone?" said the king, m.iOL roli,t•s hinisrlf tip to rrbil4(1 rise vests only ivLcn George L+`I3°t injudiciously Wayworn Mattson -Iver lysin' ? Leading Undertaker and Embalmer.
The fitne of atbsrnce is arranged. In elty. Tip gets his PM s,sinii nr al>.srn.r. invested the fndtily's fortune with Urap- "Naw, It made me maid, th,angh, to Residence rarer Store.
hof haste this seeming ndvcntttrer tomos He gets Ills passports. He h•ampnR nw•op ' nell & Co., ,,Who failed for a million,' t'ink of n guy Navin' st other pair 0'f J. C. STF1>E\y0x.
(n Jirus:llrm. alai in my text wt' find to Jl,rnanl0m. Tie night an h0rsebaek LO . that the faults in her character of the pants, when hill can't wear morf•'n one _ _ _
Jilin 011 hor.ebaek in the midnight rift- rides through tilt, ruins. ITr overcOniO, better of tier. And Rosamond "-(`imcinnuti F.ncfuirpr. _.: .. _ _.. ___
rough— pair at a time. Goderieh Poultry Yards, House; for Sale •-
ing nronnd the rtrinv, It is t11Tu»gb the the Du,mt frrncio11s opposition. Iia i did she not make herself thoroughly _ J
spect9eles of thio, seene that we discover , aron:trs the Pint- nor] patriotism of flit, I pleilsant as soon as George Eliot per- Two Good Reasons. I breed s,n91 c Ib Brown Leghorns excln- I Two Story franc house brC'linto
flip ardent att'uhment of Nrhpniiah for i OPIP :,Till m le,s than two months- I mittl,d her Tertius to sivcly. 11} mto• i'l .snporior bred, the tt,ton rooms,
m Yard stoneccller, hard and sort ivttt(,r. (mod ground.
Provide his film- Minister -Don't your fa(3,er it ad being hc,idcd , n large, vi oroum r ockrul Franru mtstbla I or P01
anerrl JirnRnlem, which in all agog lin, r.(0mplt�fi2 dn�,y-,Tornsal/,n waR ooh„tit ily with n becoming income by writing n mother 9n to chnmL? which mcorpd!aT h Ji iti K tS (• 1 rnrUc•nlitt•s al,l,iy to
1+ecm the tvPl, of dile phare h ere Gad, •ror That'R what I pall htusy and t inmph:int treatise on gent and alternntin9 in prat-• . , 1t • , 111. o tens scoriag,ll the ownm, JOSF,YH ALh�X iU\, lainlun.
igr»sulrm, whiph ml, k,vl, just nH Imach sndrtrsy. Boy -They can't go ter -[lav, fitr mother to IN poidts. I'hcy tire• the beat egg producing 11311-tr
tice between London and a continental breed of iI,odltry. Slitisfact!on guaranteed or
tiR Nrhgmin.h loved .him .Ternsnhstr,. 'ohm Afy friends, the wha,ll, tgmpt:ltion is watering place? Who hit George T/lint sprtaned her Marek chuckin' father down- orders refilled. E, 9S persetting of 13
--__ - __— `
fact is thnrt ymr love .bile' church of Grrl with von when von have trouble to do is remponsible for the tragic Carter of slntrm, and top can't go fur hue Icg s eggs for $L7,i. Adrt,c.•s ' LOST• ^�
ao math tont fLPTg is no spot nn parch jut rho opl)0mih' .to t.hc h(rhnvior of 1laggie Tulliver? Dill slip not filil to broke, See? W. A. iIOHH, O0 or nbont Tucmrlay, •11uie Kt h, on the rant
so mered, unless it be vonr own firasidn. Nehemiah, 11nd that is to give »p, rill, j make suitable financial provision for - lied -tf Goderit,h, Ont. I botweon 1tayHeld and Varna, •• hag of 'roofl�
Till- eh»reh has ix rn to vmr so 11)11^h• Ray, "I have ins[ my child and ca.0 never I Alaggie s introduction into the Soicety of Train 11p a Child, iter•. - - - - - Foroeps• hinder will be rewarderi nn retunihi
onnrfort :Ind illnminat:ion that there is Mile n9lt-in.” YOU stay, ''T have fallpa , St Ogg's in the conventiontil fashion at BirUks-Yes, sir, I brr»ght my boy that Hie'h Class Poultry, them to Dr. Hhoppard, li,tyao,rl. f
nothing Ihnd'. mnkrR . Rn irtnti, nR to inin sin. till(] T never pan stnrt lignin for ihp pr(l ppr age, this precipitating the jig ,t w because I believe in children _
hnyi it ttilkt,d against. If thprp have n new tiro." Tf Satan enn make You form stffo!r teak Stephen? With Alrs. Tu]liver, learning Useful trades, EGGS FOR HATCHING. I LESLIE'S CARRIAGE AND
been. tlmeR when you have lx>en ear•riral tlrnt Tpsolnt.ion lined moko Yon keep it, I I bitterly regret those ••mpottod cloths" ,Talks -What has fie matte so far?
into eapfivit,r by Ricknp,a. yon lonel,d he has ruined vett, htit to mmnse' you, to I nn dthp chitin "with till, grrld springs all Iiinl(R-A h, Rgwd»arot momtlY. hngllsh Iced ('npm. Noted for their groat WAGON FACTORY,
for flip elunc.h. onr holy X(,nicaalrmt, j11Rt animtytr yap, f0 prrtpl,l ymt, The binrl(- I over em between the tlowerm, since the EggPrOdncing qualities (IIIc] having no super- I O Yt �'
nR mnr)t its Nlohominb banged for hiR dor, mot thrust the ,iron into tltp ' pause of their stilt necpssitnted Afaggie's ifiunble (:treuu,atancea. Tor, n1sO a good t.nbiP fowl. tom° of
Corner Huron and Orange 9trects, ('lhrton.
Jpruttnl((,m, and the first rimy ynil e:im(+ forge and then hlnw awny wItli the bel- I wearing Anut Pullet's made -over gowns "Mebbo nil de world's a theatre, its the above were winners at. Now York,
and lodging with Bob .Tnldik's wife after London, Toronto. Egg�sforsettingl3for$1.`i0, I'irsl>CiASa I3uggieS ori hand And mndp Io
ntlt van c'nanP le Q:hP h0»Rl, of -the Lard, laws air] then hrin9 the hot iron nut her trouble. (,gorge Eliot, however, at flip poet ways," mused Mr, T'pn•y Pntet- Cornish Indian ganre, king of table fowl, also order. f flees to .suit the lilies, itepail•,, 11nd
R'hpn tLr tpmnlr was to rtun,. like Nebo- on the anvil tinct bent with stroke after r+, tit,, "but the only box I have ever hard tit food layers. Roosfe,•a weighingloto it lbs.; repainting pron)irtlytittend 10, Prices renson-
mi•th. von wall(NI nround find iftokor] at stroke t0 ruin till, iron, hilt t0 i limn )Deaths Lythe- Lyon to pam ablt
prepare financial prosperity before p ihr rfurma.nre has IltPn A box car,"- enmitos xnu,ds. I%ggsperset•ting$S.fN).
P P Y giving lime Ix ---
it, nn(] in fbl, moonlight pan RtnrN] listen- it for n 1 -opt -ter nRr. Oh. that the Lord I T•'rlix Iiolt, mina, cravat and waistcoat, (lincinnati li'lqu.itrr, l,1 ill`,util•Hiitec(n,a 'it- htcht.' (:lilrtost• gat. - ---- -- - -
irng if votl could hear the voter of 1•hn God of Netbem'L^ih would nra»w' top all for a husband, tltnd then wisely drops g MoK1110p Directory for 189-7.-'
(]pad organ, 1hg ,Psalm of the gxpirerl brr)ltpn hearted People top robnlld! Whip- flit, eurtnin on Esther's struggles will, A Ne'w Relailon, - --- _..--__ ,_
Snhb11thy. �Vh.nt JrrU,nlem wnA t0 pod, betrayefl, shipwrrekl,rl, imprison -d. I Felix and poverty. -Eva A. Madden, in Dorn-Jttek, who wits that lady with iohnMarrison,Roeve.Winthro)1'.-),
Nchpaninh, -file ehurrh of Crcx} is to , To Improvers of Stook. I Wn). nrohibald, Deputy Itcevc, oA4�:), 1,.o,
year, T'nttl went right on. 'Thi Tt.alian martyr Lippincntt's• }oar father? I didn't know you had n Thr. undereignarl has mt hiR prnniscs, ltstli Daniel Manley, Councillor, Beechwood P. O.
SlcrwPtiry and infidels map scoff at the Algeritia sits In his du'ngenn writing*a sister. r Tilesalon, (titgnedl, To oil its ins. C. Morrison, Counlot-, , Beocllod P P. O•
1.phureh a, an obsolete affair, ahs a relic letter, and he datps it, "hrom �thp do- Rosettes ror the+ Iinta. )ark -011, that one i,n't. n saistcr, Win. McGavin,('•oinu•Qlor, LOa(bur • P. (r.
of the. dark rages, as n convention of Testable orchard of the LgOning priq•)n." Rosettes of frilled mousseline de s0ie I- , A Thoroughbrod Jersey Bull. Terms: -$I ino, C. Morrison, (,lork, Winthrop I . O,
tfi0od;t•-gaoexi p I lint's fa.thgr's ,tP[pwiRl, T lira h. Roel $2 William Xvana, Assessor, l3oophwood P. (r.
y People, but all the im rt-,- That Is tVdrat I call trinm,phant sadness. eM about [.Ile crown like flamer garlands
cion they .have. ever rondo on your mind I knew a mother who bunted her babe are tilt, craze of the moment do list Safe for th.• 'rl,rio Rein,•^ A Thoroughbrefl Chester White Boor, rogis• David M. Ross, Treasurer, Winthrop P. O,
Aga1•nst the church of Gori Is absolutely on Fridat and on Snfilutth a pwarpr3 in trimmingA. A tered. Terns: -$I, with the privilege of return. Charles Dodds, Collector, Heaforth P. 0,
P pretty hat, recently seolr, Enthusiast -Aren't you afraid to ven- Ing. P Ltichard Pollard, Sanitary LnRpector, Leadbn•y.
�111 nothing. You would make more naerl- the house of God and snid: "Give me was of pale -yellow rice straw lined with [pre out on the street alone this way? A thoroughbred Tatnivorth Boar, registered.
il�lHofs Prrr It to day than any other in- n cissa. (Give me a gnhhath t)chonl cissa. Tink atrnw. 7`hP brim was flat on the Baseball Limpitr-Oh, no. The hfmie Termor: --$i, with privilege of returning.
and if it were needful you I have no chill now left nip, and I would right side and in front and turned uP team won to--lay.-CIevehind TRader. This Is a rare chance to Improve Your stock Valuable Property for Sale'
world die in its defense. You can take like to have n eltiss of little children, on the left with a choux of ruby tinted T. C.EnMUtins, The undersigned otters for RAID his tlfteon
the w'ar& of the kingly pont as h'l, salol, Give me a ctnws off the hack Rtreet." mottsReline de soiP, frilled and fringed, Net. alom,ntt.cina tttp,ae,tr• Itflt-tP. Owuor, nOrhm Of land, in the erl; for p ll, Hallett, Ad•
"I I forgot thee, 0, Jerusalem, let, my l That, I ally, in beantifnl, That I, Thlat was followed by other rosette, 0f Margarpt-I think lona engagemeits ___ _ _ __ _ oinin the corporation of Clinton. The land
fig t hand forgot her cunning." ToU trh,mphant. solidness. At Z o'eIrrek every the same materin.l In five or (six ®hates, Are dptcatatblP, don't yon? - ' -' - s of O ay loam And in excellent condition, All
:" . »nderstnmd in Yost own experience the ' Snbhnth afternoon for years In n }oPauti_ from, riuby to pale pink, turnin+T We W{II Pay Straight Weekly Salaries seeded flown, except small onion for potatoes.
behind Isabel -Well, they're better than none, p
Parlor in Philndel hiA-n and three- uarters surrounds the -Detroit News. Of from $10 (Nt to $30.[10, arcordhpg to ability, for There is stone foundation And cellar for rOsi•
I41' pathos, the ho inFIM nPN the c0ttrn} n, fill p pnmtrar pie- q ng canvassers ffromM o $30- n Vintoria: Her Lity,andfodonee; framo barn, stable, cow stable, &c.;
thg hnlq l,nth»sinsm 0f Nehpminh in ilia tared and ,fAMnPttgrl-t.hern wrrg Pram crown. The brim was edged with black Ar n A t,110 month on our b! Life - there Aro a number of boating fruit treoR, good
midnight, moonlight rids nmutid til° 10 to 20 dPstitntP rhil(]mn of f,LP Atre't. I velvet ribbon. The crown was trimmed Iinmorn„a• g g wall wator, &o. Onlva Pew minutes walk from
I with Yellow cion. The Diamond Jubilee ,s booming this
ruins of bis boloved Jori niem. ThaAP destihrte Children r(,reivnd religl- y ow taffeta ribbotus, with a bow Npd-Ts it tine that (,holly started a wondorfutvotume konpingAll hands working post otlleo, There Is no more dosirable pro-
::', Agn;in, mV text irnprrRRrR mil wtfh thg Ona .inatrnptinn, prtnclnrlintr with cukaA on Ute left side, from which mprang a p0mie pa Per to -day? early And tat°• eth(, only Canadian work ao• party ad. olnfng Clinton. The price is reason.
€ -fact ilil before reconstruction thine and sandwiohps. Ho,w do I know that black ostrich 'feather falling forward. T(rl--Yes; it was A Y ceptod b Hor Mn t 0 And ondorsod by rho able Aitd Proems will be made to suit purohaaar.
(, J - his tailor. promissory Uelr to Royal Family, A III it
big book edat a small For particulars write or apply at Tirtt Nrws•
rico. Hut-rryy your App liOation. THE BRAn• RrtroRn office, or to the owner
V' . B�Y•OARRE'rAON CO., L'td., Toronto, Ont, WAt'. MURPHY
Clinton P O
,,.,.--.-_-.-.,._.V ..'. I