The Huron News-Record, 1897-05-26, Page 4r. •• m ,. W�S�' .f�tT.Rp�v � �� •• . ,..0 Muscusiuess, , *611 r � +�tir��l+r` In the sel,ectton"af Major Jose h' a.> h �r VQIri�itEsi.�.. dock' by aha f7a11serKlttxi3 of Weal 1314, y1 p'�•I w . ' Huron its their vapdidat@ fpr the Local lin gongs. And ainatrum.ental just re refuel. This is the lace to purchase House the choice htis been made of a Your Music as we have a Piano and elan who copnntauds the respect and T: 1 .,• every plece rasa be tried before buy, esteem of all classes of people. lie is inB• well known to the electors of the coon Do not forget us ty of Huron' its a gentleman of integri- i Far everythingg in Ricyclee, we fire ty-a man of Ti1E PF_,GPL9, In the ''Froin �tltlne tR1 Hilae THE XpwgT setting wheels ficin $35 to $100. eyes of some ,it may boa sic for a man M, • ,TiE 6RD has sent Qat A very.largQ, !!0!!!!!!! to how out of labor and hard work his AumNler oP,spnaXl ilf 44uuts. ggre, f Y own fortunes in this world, but Major 90 W_ s€�vts.t+al thQusaxids a.ciolr RSON S Bicycle and Music j ,� l•+iia; ,.Cite:>a4kptLlata wcro. >�ailb L'1WL'i House, Beck is that -,Iasi -of man. A tanner out because vvo require the„ AND--'- by calling, for yettra he has been in motley. We are not iri the bank - k Cleveland Bicycle I_rhery, ing blisinesa,•because we are not close touch with the .farming corn- wealthy onough to engage in Clinton and Goderich. munity and knows their many re- that line and therefore cannot quirements. As a business man and afford to carry your account, 4 mechanic, the interests of townspeo- Every_ subscription 13hotild be p pie could not be placed in more com- paid in advance. Our friends ''W'hat about petent hands. For many years he was and patrons will greatly assist us it trusted and faithful member of the in relieving pressing o4ligations SomeColborne township Council, a member in promptly paving up their in- • • of the County Council, and was honor- debtedness to this office. Look ed in being elected Warden of the at the label on your paper, figure Yr I County of HuronFor years he has your indebtedness, and remit by ndo YY been and is now alk active officer of the registered letter, P. O. or Express 33rd (Huron)Battalton. If the electors Order the amount.. of West Huron are true to themselves haa e ? and the best interests of the Riding, We Want the money. (,� Major Joseph Beck will be our next M. • {. P. P. We . hatle them at CURRENT' TOPICS. 25c, 35c, 40c and JD 50c, up' : t0 c 1,50 Major Beek is a defender at all times and under all circumstances. ' each. IP we mistake not, major Beck was e •� one of Canada's defenders in '06. CLINTON, CurtainMr. J. T. Garrovv wit$ nominated for Ay West Huron by the Refer were at Dun- TUESDAY, JUNE Poles r.= Bannon last Friday. West Huron has two candidates, one !!!!!!!!!!!! Are both Pretty and a defender with a bayonet, the other a Chea with us. defender with a fee. Our choice is the °A programmes of Sports tha ' p soldier good and true. will not be equalled iI Nice Pole With trilnminos b 1 The indication from the political this district, consistin complete for 25c, better ' barometer is that the Ontario elections Ones at 40c, 50c, 60C, sac, will take place the coming autumn or of 75c, $1 and $1,5 fall. Fancy Parades, wks'r HIVRON. Bicyclists, Horsemen, Boys' Br' A special nice line Ot wooden Matjor Joseph Beck is the titan gado, Societies, Firemen, &c. Setts. -- Bicycle Races, Drill Competition, At UNANIMOUSLY SELECTED FOR THE 1P.t1C Games, Acrobatic Perform LOCAL HOUSE. ante, Base Ball, Lacrosse, Foo Wall Paper Snaps Ball, Tugs to War, Band Concert, + °' v A convention of West Huron Con- ElectricEntertatinmeut,Firework �+ servatives as constituted for Local &C, &c. Now opeY, lir you. purposes was held at Smith's Hill on New and novel features will be give Wednesday last. The attendance was Elaborate Decorations, ��!!!!�t►+4 not as large . as usual, owing to the late season and the pressing work de Delightful Musi volving on many, but was in every respect representative. Sol seventy- we Wath you here t0 five delegates answered to the roll call Wo and all were unanimous that a candi- help u5 celebrate, in. a date should be p' laced in the field for fittin manner this mem - .pltfC f' the next Local election in. West Huron. g r There were eight nominees as fol- lows:— ol- Urable and joyous day. CLINTON. Nowa'— xoarrNE>x MOVER. SECONDER "When we do it -we do it well." E. Heaton M. Nicholson Chas. Naftel — - -- Jas. Connolly D. Cantelon Ed. Elliott R. McLean W C. Goode Dr. Freeborn a>tvilufktll'rlYerl#. Joseph Beck John Cornyn W, Cunningham Dr. Freeborn A. M. Todd J. Johnston Dr. Chisholm P. W. Scott P. Cantelon MAYOR HOLMES, Chairm,n. Ag•ente R 1', Glasgow. John Cox Jas. Connolly D. B. Kennedy Wanted -'New 16", Co. A. M. Todd Dr. Bruce Robt. Medd J. P. DOHERTY, Secretar Stra ,gv hates T."7apkson, Sr. After delivering short ted practical Parses . xli'e W. D. Fair Co. addresses. all retired except Major Pure drugs -Allyn &Wilson. Beck and Mr. Heaton. The ballot was Kaiser beer -Lack Kennedy. in favor of Ma'or Beck and on flow it Works. Queen's. jubilee -J. P. Doherty. motion of Messrs.eatou and Todd he We are closing -Jackson Bros. - was declareJ the unanimous choice of Here i a circular Issued by a Unit Queen's jubilee-Hodgetls Bros, the convention and accorded three States company to the Canadian tri Up-to-date .watches- -•P. B. Crews. hearty cheers and a tiger. dealintr in articles such as it pr Agenic -The Bradley-Garretson Co. On rising the candidate was well re- duces ;- Queen Victoria, her lite and reign'... ceived. He thanked one and all for '•Gentlemen, -In view of the recent red The Bradley Garretson Co. the honor done him and the hearty ex- tion in Canadian tariff duties Nye believe y Benmiller woollen mills -Jess Gled- ression of confidence. He pro- can now purchase your requirements of {too p • in our linea cheaper from us than from t hill. mired to do his snare of work Canadian manufacturers; in fact, we are qu Are you indebted -THE NTiws-RE- -and more if possible -to redeem sure this is the case, as we have already rece' CORD. 'Vest Harron, and asked for the hearty ed a number of heavy orders from Canada. co-operation Of every Conservative ,We have pleasure in enclosing you he P with our catalogue, and would say that if y - elector in the Riding as a moans to can use a full carload of not lose than 24,000 lb The Huron News -Record that end. of either barb wire or plain wire, we will The meeting closed with the usual very glad to quote you our best prices. cheers• "We are the largest manufacturer's in t 1.26 a Year -81.00 in Advancg _ _ world of barb wire, lain wire, and wire nai Our goods are standard, and guaranteed fir Ottawa News. class in every particular. Should you be in t WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th, 1897. -- market will be very glad to have you adv There were, no less than five previa- as fully as possible of your wants Por prom tial pr•erniers in Ottawa last week, shipment. t GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Greenway of Manitoba; Hardy, of On- The tariff, it would appear, is g tario; Murray, of Nova Scotia; Peters, ting its work in very promptly. t t May 24, 1819, was born the most illus. of Prince Edward Island, and March- of the free traders are saying that t and, the coming Premier of Quebec. manufacturers deserve atl they reap a ions sovereign the world has known the way of injury, But the manuf v: Does this foreshadow a raid on the r many centuries, daughter of Ed- Dominion treasury, by carrying out turers are not the only sufferers. Th ard, Duke of Kent, niece of 'William the "better terms" plank of the Ottawa workmen are severely hit. And, 1 V. and grand -daughter of George III. platform of the Liberal p%rty? it he borne in mind that it is inrposai g f; g to strike at the industrial masses Zvi Alexandrina Victoria, by the grace of Mr. P. J. Loughrin of Sault Ste, out also aiming'a blow at the farm God was, on the 20th day of June, 1837; Marie, was in Ottawa for some days, Mr. W. R. Tymms, a Western fr urging an export duty on pulpwood trader ind follower of Sir Richa in her 19th year, crowned Queen of and pickle ore. Previous to his de- Cartwright, makes the following Great Britain and Ireland, and Empress parture for home be had a protracted nouncement in the Moos3miu Spec of India;. On the 10th February, 1840, interview with Sir Richard Carttaright, for with reference to the tariff chang she was married to Prince Albert of Mr. Davies, Sir Henri oly and Mr. so far as made :- Saxe Coburg and Gotha. December Paterson, when he made\out a strong g case. He pointed out thrtt there were "rt is Parliament r that Western esfrome p Parliament have received assurances from 14, 1861, after nearly twenty-two years now 137 pulp and paper mills idle in Government that their present measure is o of happy married life, Albert, Prince the States, two-thirds of them for lack an instalment, only a slight advance along of material, which formed was abun- road that the Governmont has detormined Consort, died at Windsor of typhoid y follow. So a free trader like myself -o dant in their localities. These were while recognizing that the new tariff is v fever, leaving four sons and flue Baugh- now looking to Canada for r•aw mater- far indeed from satisfactory -may at least ters to console the royal widow. Al- ial, whereas the Caira.dian-manufac- come the changes as a step in the right di tion. The whining ratse by petty cast though it is a fitting tribute to her tured product. was met at the frontier manufacturers, whose puny industries have glorious reign to celebrate this year, with a duty of 35 per cent. long boon unfairly bolstered up at enorm + , expense to Canada 1897, its a jubilee, still it had been more The annual report of the Interior De- an taxpayers, is a welco P sound in the ears of free traders, said euro appropriate if her true jubilee year partment has been published and dis- ages them to hope that the Government J Y tributed. It includes two months of soon muster courage to remove the unduo p came in 1887. 1895 in addition to covering 1896. The ileges of the great combines.' Scarce a month after attaining to her total immigrants who arrived in 1896 So that the enthusiasm and r 18th year she became Queen, the age of were 25,478 as compared with 25,788 licking ollity with which the for 1895, a decrease of 310. The num- ronto G�obe records the closing up life's chiefhopeand most vivid emotion. her of homestead entries was 1,857, industrial establishments are not c At the age of 18 she became head of representing 5,E50 souls,fas compared fined to that organ. The "whinin earth's greatest, most intelligent, with 2,394, representing 7,054 souls in of petty manufacturers is "a welco strofigest, richest empire; the stair of 1895, a falling off in entries of 537 and sound" in the ears of free traders the world. Three score years has she in settlers of 1,496. The Canadians general. It is a fact, however, that worn the crown, last Monday, its lustre who returned frorn the United States whine has escaped from the Li> e ever increasing as English territory numbered 48, as against 106 in 1895. paper in Peterborough, the Ex expanded. , Salisbury, her present Min- There were 142 Americans wlio took finer, with reference to "the par isteri has added ,an area equal to . up land during the year, as against 452 industry" of a "petty manufact the .Whole United States. The unpre- in 1895. or" there, the Initialing machinery cedobted, unparalleled elevation has The bill to amend the Criminal Code, dustry. The treatment accorded never dazzled her. When 20 years old which Sir Oliver Mowat introduced in that industry has been shocking. she married him she loved, who was a the senate the other day, occupies 10 raw material is taxed; the finished p few: weeks lief junior. Thirty-six printed pages -quite a formidable duct which comes from the Uni yeao.Vretoria has mourned her lover, document. Some of the proposed States is admitted free. But, yet maintained her regal integrity. amendments are pretty wide in their course, the whine from the Exami She is a woman, mother and widow, scope. For instance, in addition to is merely theatrical. In earnest has no peer in history; looks down oil the raising of the age of consent, etc., cannot be, because it is altogether on the pinnacle of fame. Has never already treated of,, it is proposed to variance with the free trade printf had a rival. In dress, she has ever include a section of the Post -office Act for which the paper worked, been plain, dominated no fashion, led so as to prohibit the distribution of which it has secured; although only not the ton. Relegated style to Miss "scurrilous" as well as seditious and part. What we are all learning j Montejo, proud consort of Louis Napo- immoral publications. Then, again, now from tbe• tariff as it stands, loon. Poor Eughnia I A recluse at that exhibition of kinetoscope pictures from the promise of something w CliNelhurst, protected bV our beloved, of the. big prize fight are prohibited, which the Ministers have undoubte NodQueen. Rue Britannia I and severe 'penalties aro provided for given to the North-West memb Cod Save the Queen. disregard of strict marriage laws of is a serious and impo'rtatrrt less the country.. The procedure of magis- namely. that if we want Canadian trates' courts is also altered in some dustry to flourish, we must not A train conveying a detachment of important particulars. • And the free traders in office to look after it reservists from Westphalia to Metz lottery clause of the Act is so ammend- --- - was wrecked Wednesday. Twenty- ed as to shut up the so-called "Art So- Mr. W. H. Hutchins, ex -M. P., eight men wore killed, and lalany oth- cieties" which distribute money prizes, North Middlesex, is reported Serio ers were seriously injured. in lieu of pictures. ill at Port Frank. 'SHUT 0,�', ANOTHER,Just ' i- Atli Concerts Fireworks n, Unite uc- qui Iv- ise et- Son ac- The ble wMs it er. an- ta- the von wet- nriv To• on- am- Ales and and orse usly , A., Slln r ij lael' alt N at�;ealUnto* Foreed GIGS@. ' Witti ilaiorl s sareapa- and Taw. a We `will tletalti ;you, w.o �: rifle,";3etiee Taik," that this mod"ed" are ppAst- oft Watcbos 'arid are THE NEW TA�IkF Pg>;T aaeAE�l - Fl v� show Id clue 1314Q egJoYed .Pubij? Fonfidi ace and. Mat- �klQpdness when FPB tell yon `#TNL1ls7B'al1"1}:RV TIRROWN:OUT OF patronage to A greater extegtthanaccord- . ; EMPLOMMENT.-.ea. PAD STATE ed any other proprietitryMediclue. This «����•�,» OF AF1`Ailid. is sintllly, because it poss@sees greater JJ, ^- --- merit and produces &renter euros than • iAnother industry faits been, 4truck any other, � It is not what we say, but Bicycle Hoods Sarsaparilla does, that tell9 by ,elle Dominion. Aoverngient'e new tariff is The,St- Lawreucasu ar....'1'hfl what ,/,. etotyjy An advertisements of Hood's a1Jit±h _ refine;y ofy,Montreal, one of the lead- Ing refineries of the Dominion, has Sarsaparilla, like Hood's siiespdrilla it- self, are honest. We have never deceived is tile very best of its kind made. been. closed down, owing to the pro- the public, and this with its superlative We have them—only $2.60, also have Bargains in visions of the new tariff, which, while medicinal merit, is why .the people great retaining the old duty on the law ar. ticle, reduced the duty on the refined. Over five hundred abiding confidence In it, and buy Watches, t Jewelry, men, it is understood, will be thrown out of employment. _Silverware, Hood -'s Canadian Clocks, etc. Poetrd' ` The following is fmmthe editorial Sarsaparilla All work entrusted toourcare repaired by a first class workman columns Saturday of the Mail and Empire of last and refers to a son of Almost to the exclusion of sit others, Try It. and fully gparanteed. Mr. Win. Cooper, town. Prepared only by C. I. Hood do Co., Lowell, Mass. So comparatively few people read , are the only pills to take Estate Hoods Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla. poetry or care about it in these days e of that devotion to business and amusement we may be grateful when a writer - - up. his en, as Mr. John A. ' ween Vtctorla'e National Dia - niond Jubilee bong. t.00per, Cooper, the editor of the Canadian Magazine, has done in the pages of the National yteview a London publication Am. -"Natio -ml March;' by Eloise A. Skiminga. t I of some Influence, to draw attention to On this, our belov'd Queen's Jubilee day, the claims' of Canadian poetry. As Oat Canada's sons and daughters pray Mr. Cooper's strong point is political economy,• of which he is a valued ex- That long may our Queen her sceptre sway, •� „ 41 ; pouent, it was. scarcely to be expected her H Let Scotia from her Highland glen cotta from And from Lowland forest, Geld and ten, 1, V44 that he should write on this subject with wideness of compprehension Tune her pibroch for the gallant men, At her Queen's command. Packages. ythrp ands math which It would seem to Lot Erin's harp with its hcartetrings torn Rejoice like the "Sunburat" on this happy demand. He has probably succeeded far hotter than u poet would who should presume to write on the 'lis- And the brow of Erin's Queen adorn, With Faith's diadem. In taking stook we found we had t t mal science." While therefore it is to be regretted that the quotations from Let Albion's halls with mirth resound, And ••India's coral strand abound" 1,644 packages of Turkish Dye, s 1 Canadian ports he bus presented to With love that in loyal hearts is found, The Christian's gem. every color. We offer these at gBritish readers are not by tiny meaus the best or the most characteristic, it • ' And now in this year of Jubilee, 3 packages for 250. May God His daces on thee, r, is highly interestin ► to see such a topic g Y i, P• as the of a colony treated from Inspirestow May my Hoav n born inepimtfon be A nation's paean, i a j� p D�BIIIOIld Die a poetry the political economist's point of view. May the sunset of the life be calm, It is only by the help of such friends as And the mcm'ry of thy works &Psalm When the nation's heart will need a 0m, � arks ee for 26c. P g Mr. Cooper that poetry of tiny kind can hope to gain introduction to peo- g God Save our Queen. Magnetic Dye pie's attention, when mini" shares Goderich. Ont., Canada IB& A. SKI�lrxris, } i_ and polities are so undoubtedly attrac- _ �_- 6 paokages for 25c. We are out t tive. The world will perhaps listen when a main of figures and facts tells Seaforth. of some of the colors in this Dye their that there is such a thing its Can- ACCIDuNT,-While coasting down a but in ordep to clear out our stock adian poetry. 'Frank hill on Wednesday evening last Master Logan fell from his bicycle and we eller thio loo -package for 5c. P $ Mr. Cooper thinks that Canada can- had the misfortune to breaa his arm. Each package will dye 2 pounds not be expected to have a poetry dis- tinctively her own, because she is not OBITUARY. -We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Keating. of Wool or Cotton. C. old enougb,and thatherbirth, for poetic purposes, dates from the building of relict of the late Stephen Keating of Hibbert, the, advanced age of 78 o 0 o vow o� the Canadian Pacific railway. Till this connecting nexus united the east and west, it was not to be expected c x - years. Deceased wasit native of country ford, Ireland, and came this country it T �' H Combewhen Jas. g that they could feel that oneanother- was yet a wilderness and set- wilderness 11 . ship which is so necessary for literary tled with her husband on a farm in Ribbert township. .She was a devout ` purposes of a distinctively national character. Accordingly he finds that Roman Catholic and was fortified with f •i)henflarand Druggist. "whatever poetry Canada has to -day the hast rites of her church. She was a kind and affectionate mother and be - Yarns. in the year of grace 1897, is a product of the past tenor fifteen ears." This p Y loved by all her acquaintances. Three of her children reside in Seaforth and We want: you tri Clinton Juno 22nd, Jubilee view is a distinctly original and Barin one, since it has been usually g Y are Mr. Patrick Keating, Mr. Joseph Keating, contractors, and Mrs. John Day,-tBie,tlrnd".I "Welljust dome." ACCIDENT --Mr. Jacob Diehl of the thought that the childhood of a nation Kline. 5th concession, Stanley, met with a Y• is the period in-.vbic11 poetic sentiment MISCEGENATION. very painful accident on Monday eve-_ is facet prolific. and that its earlier atmosphere Alil3• of a day, ping last. While driving near Clinton " days afford that peculiar Is fairer frir in May, the horse took fright, turned around which is best suited to the poet's effort. And thus the poet mused on the theme quickly, and threw him out of the cart It will be consolatory to those who -love, which probably inspired two against; a post, cutting quite a gash in have been haunted by the fear that hearts to beat as one, in the marriage his forehead, and bruising. his arm and railways are destructive of rhythm to of Mr. Thompson, a gentleman of de- shaking him up, considerably. know that their is it direct connection tided color, and his fair bride, Mrs. hope to see him around again soon. O: `.:Ctivicen the Iron road and the produc- Abbott of Goderich. The marriage DEATH. -On Monday evening, b tion of verse. This should animate ceremony took place at the residence 10th, Mr. Hugh Cunningham, anod.. r railway promoters with fresh resolve. of Mr. Cunningbame,Main street north, Rev. Neil Shaw of Egmondville of ici- old resident of Varna, departed this ou ds Few will be inclined to grudge the honor that Mr. Cooper does the author P ating. The bride was attired in cream life at the ripe old age of 75 years. He had been shoemaking in Varna for a he of -The Maple Leaf Forever b lac p Y P silk slashed echelon en traline, carrying number of years, but owing to tailing •; ing that popu!ai lyric first in his samp- Jacquemot roses and fragrant carnes- health, was unable to continue his re- le quotations of Canadian poetry. As he says, it "is thoroughly familiar to at tions, and was given away by Mr. Wright of Goderich. The groom was business. His remains were interred in Baird's cemetery on Wednesday. On be least 75 per cent. of the English -speak- ing Canadians," That alone is, natur•- ably supported by Mr. Charles Alger - non White of Mitchell. At exactly NOTES. -Baseball will be the order of the day far the'L41h.-.Firs. R.DIcUool he all a teat recommendation. Pitt- Y: g riotic selections by John Reade, by 3.09 p. m. the contracting parties took their places under the mistletoe boagh and son of Harrington are spending a few days visiting friends and'relatives la. ,;t-, he Chas. G. D. Roberts, and by Louis Frechette, are also given, the ardour and immense floral bell, and. Miss Juliette Brown, presidia at the rand g g in our midst. -Miss Anna Weeks re- turned from London on Monday. s z Pt of whose sentiments is sufficiently ap- Examples are chosen also diffused the rvthisi of the soul -inspiring Mendelsohn wedding march accelerat- -:firs, G T. Turnbull of McKillop was ^isituig !+ parent. which show that love of nrtture which in the movements of t:he racefirl R g' friends here last week. tig is a distinctive mark of Canadian bride and devoted lover. After the poetry, and in this branch of the sub- urarriage knot was securely bound the WOOD't3 ]eHOt0PHODINE. ` ie jest Roberts, W. W. Campbell, Lanip_ contracting parties and their numerous The Great English Remedy. in man, Duncan Campbell Scott, Alexan- friends partook of a recherche dinner, the cuisine being in detail. sf„paokapeaeivaranteedto promptly. and permanently 1 der McLachlan, and W. E. Hunt find perfect The Ifappy couple left on their wedding cure Ni forms of Nan'"I et honorable places. Nor are the poets for otters who have touched on er- trip aruid showers of rice, old boots a Weakriraa.Emtaaio+rssperm atorrhea,zmpoteneyandaa F tela of stirring history, such its George Murray, Lawson, Mrs. S. A. Curzon. y 'Ind the good wishes of their host of friends. The wedding presents were ,, aQectaoJdbueeorEzceaUN Mesta! Worry, excessive nae ` ee Amon women poets also slight men- tion isaccordedP Jean Blewegtt, Ethel- costly and numerous. a might just `V 83Y; as a passing mention, that both Before and After. leant; �� n WAto In - ' rd wyn Weatherall. S. Francis Harrison, bride and groom have on several pre- gantry, Immnity,commnwtionand anearly vmve. and Pauline Johnson. Many other vious occasions been the principals in Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of es, names of verse writers are given, and the thanks of the community are dire connubial bliss. Mr. Thompson is the Happy farther of 21 children, while his eases; is the only Rallabre and Honeat ifedidne ktowm Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine;If of to a writer who like Mr. Cooper, de- parts somewhat from his accustomed spouse enjoys a similar happiness of berm the mother of 19 children, nu heofterssome worthlees medicine in place of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send byretara on+ will the metier to uphold the claims of a class of literary workers who, while they erically summing up this "double ha� pines," they• are now the happy pos- mail. Price. one package. Ar; sic, $5. Vk41`4 i'O�AotOlu Pamphletsfree MPILo any ddreaa. COmpany, to give of their best, are too often allowed g lessors of a family of around forty.May The Wood wladaor, oat'~, Canada. cry to languish in obscurit g Y• their darkest troubles be little ones.- Seaforth Sun. I W -Sold in Clinton and everywhere in Canada by all responsible druggist s. Co. Anburn. cue mo The event of 1897, Jubilee Day, June 22nd, in Clinton. Patriotic programme.ur- JackonJaekson NoTES.-Mr. Thomas Anderson and ® ay Mrs. R. Cullis intend leaving for tine 7 J ol- Soo Mayy�24;they will be greatly missed. -Miss L. Nicholson visited friends in Hensall this -Where was Mr. Fine Boots and Shoes, ? of week. John Nicholson going to Saturday ? Perhaps to Dashwood, -Miss Eliza J. her Mrs. T. Ciiiiton• l g" Clark is visiting sister, me Turnbull at Zurich this week. -We are in glad to bear that William Symington is o a able, to movearound, a in.•�•-Mr. Carsh ral Cullis was offered $150 for his driver We Want to make the month of May a big one for Shoe y nv last week, but refused it.; he says $175 will buyit. She is a ood one.—Mr. selling, -with such a fine, up-to-date Shoes as we now hale eve ur- in- James Young is rushin�qr the staves out. Mr, F. Sharp being tie stave cutter are prepared for a busy month. to cut 21 thousand 400 staves in five hours If you buy our Shoes from us you will be sure to get y y S' Its ro. Saturday. -Mr. G. Yungbint is hav- Ing his house and butcher shop ppainted. the right styles. ted of Mr. E. Rowd having the Job -Mr. William Yungblut made a short visit Our Prices this season are less than any previous season. ner home Monday; he intends goin to in with T. The man Nob. Shoes that are seen on the streets of y y it at Manitoba about a month Acheson of Goderich.-Mr. John Clinton are nearly all from our store and the wearers ha Stalker of Kincardine visited his cis- ter, Mrs. Win. Sturdy, Sunday.—It not paid too much for them. in is rumored that a pleasant event will We study the Shoe Ttrade, we study your interests. not take glace June 3rd, at one of our neighbor's homes when a couple of friends will launch outon the .,A pall is always appreciated. dly youg matrimony. --Mr. Wm. Pollock ors, sea of and wife are visiting the home of Mr.��� on, put put John Willard.—.Quite a number visited Mon - the district lodge in Londesboro Mon- day. , JAOKSON & JA0KISON5 A man in South Africa claims to be Duke �''me Shoe ]dealers. for the youngest brother of the late therefore heir to the ... of Hamilton, and CLINTON. title and estates. a i