The Huron News-Record, 1897-05-19, Page 4our Music 13-xsiness. The very Latest,... In songs and instruutental jut+t re- ceived. This is the place tri iturc•haso your Music as we have A Ptauo and every piece can be tried before buy- ing. Do not forget us For everything in Bicycles, we are selling wheels from $35 to Oil). j�j *00000000*EMERSUN'S Bicycle and Mitsie House, --AND -- Cleveland Bicycle Liver', Clinton and Goderich, "What about Some . .. . W_ _ in .ow Shades? We have them at 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c, up to $1.50 each. curtain Poles Are both Pretty and Cheap with us. Nice Pole with trimmings oomplete for 25c, better ones at 40c, 50c, 60e, 65c, 75c, $1. and, 81..50. A special nice line of Wooden ,Setts. • Wall Paper Snaps Now open for you. WV \' CLINTON. Rl'llft�UCI'flCI1Xt'ttt. ('•ounly C'oune l—W. Lane. Belts—The W. D. Fair Co. Headache—Allen & Wilson. Queen's Jubilee—Jackson Bros, Washboard—Ogle Cooper k Co. Furniture—Bi mid foot, Box &ion. r Rounoval of night soil—R. Mennel. Window shades --W, Coopbr & Uo. b Agents wanted—J.W. ,NVeat ierald, May n l:iner•y—W, •I3. Beesley & Co. Improvers of stock—T. C. F)dinands, Optical departtuent—Wm, Cooper, & Co. Ae Huron Ne ws Record 1.26 a Year --91.00 in Advance WEDNESDAY. MAY 19th, 1897. CURRE?' TOPICS. Deter reader has the. "Reform" National Policy made you rich ? L Toronto the Good will now have Sun - (lily stri.et cars: ban—`w "Children and fools should not Ile. edge tools." Nor should parish ;F politicians monkey with tariffs. Rev. J. If. Fairlie's persecutors and defeifders will flrd a reasonable space in next week's NEws-RECORD. Iu jubilating over the Reform success III Quebec it good local Grit declares they have now the Tories corraled from Dan to Beersheba. - 'Kttlg�� 8 6f�, t4 @' . Reillop shows h8 ,�.sses llowi; Roll for 19101'.-1�r. d Cok.en)an, l t easO- NOTif8.—Mr. s, Real w�11st �, McKillop shows the following votes trlaker�pk &If e,faetklltyela,.11a Ile.�n 1 ,uf Hat -look, has 879, population 2,1)30, rassesstuent $1,- confine to -had at his uottler!� iggi- rented his binekstnith shop and resi- 13$0.70(1, acres of tali wheat 8,499, cattle ddtiGoltr. puGkeVsrmth fel{.@9rne tit�&c Is deuce to Mr.. Shiel, Of Michigan, fora • 5,010, sheep 2,329, hogs 1,720, horses We,I-091iet tp say, seriously 111 -nnd btlt period of years. Mr. Reid intends Ie- Cures �9 1,625, slight h0Ve of itis recovery is enter tnuviug to Tuckersniit.h :old taking 66 Cures talk 111 lavor Minute � "" J. U. MORRISON, Clerk. turned. ( the 1'ar'►rl recently vacated by Mr, of Flood's Barsapgrllla,Talk We will detgip You, vve are oat Alexander Grey, un the Mlll ltoad,- p NU'CLH.—Mr. William Holmes, of DRATH.—Mr. George FActt tiled Uat Mr. llah has rented the fd- se for no other medi- ed on Wenches and are doing the 12th concession, recently pug Tuesday last at the age of 59 years. HenryY nu IL kindness when we tel} u of M r. lI ear I otne. Its great oures recorded in truthful, y you chased it cow and calf of the lar•, Fitch lead heart ill too.severry! fraclock, for $ll:,lu� yerLttic'i'llet fai n convincing language o! gratQtul rpertweud Lhat the r)urhaut breed from Mr. William atolaths ficin same im}ternu! d[seitse, contains 60 acre^s, womon, oonstitnte its most effective ad- tt�Y•uw�h�� Oranger, of Hulletr,, paying a large and wits it severe sltiferer. Mr' p ell tigure for there. This Cow is of acme four or five years ako, }})urcjlased --- --- vertieing. Many of these cures are mar- tlle saute btraiu as those exhibited by the -t'ur'ner hotel property. lie eularg- Bayfield. velour. They have won the confidence of • >v1r.Graitger at the great centennial ex- ed slid vtsry materittliv improved the I the people; have given Hood's Sarsolpa- Bicycle Now Hubsuripts wI to Tun 011 Oki 1tlie0AU. rills the largest salsa in the world, and hihitiuu at Ubicago find which were so hotel' when he leased it and removed i for which receipts aa•11l be alt�guu,buu eco• author• Watch successful its prize winners. They will to the property of the late Rev John ityc well be recolvoe at the Bayltelct t'ust (Jnleo. have made necessary for its manufacture stave a valuable addition to Mr. Boss, which he pnrehitsed and on --kd•NEWS-RicootL, the greatest laboratory on earth. Flood's Holmes' herd and we hope his enter- which he lived until his death. He Jow141•63 PIC -NIC GROUNDS. —There Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has is the very beat of its kind made. prise will be abundantly awarded, was an obliging litudluc'd, tin indus- is nit more pretty sight for pic-nit made—oures o! scrofula, salt rheum and We have thein --only $2.50, also trious enterprizing' citizen anti wits gruunarly or better adapted than the ' great Bargains in - kind hearted and respected. Ile leaves property owned by Mr. JuweLt and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia . 1Vittthlt•Op' it widow but no fanlllV. the great improvements he hats Ronde and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver Watches, R. S. MswrING.—A very successful CALLED HOME, --- Mrs. Alexander to the twomises doubly cornmends the troubles, catarrh —cum which prove aTewelr niceting of the Royal Scarlet Uhatpter Niven died oil Saturday mornin last already pretty place. Situated over- y, of the .District of Hullet was held in at the age of ?9 years. Her Itgiitideri looking the lake, well shaded by Silverware, the Orange hal} McKillop, on Friday natlle way M,rrgaiet Niven. She wars heatthyand strudynittura.l trees, alongHood's eveuiog ast, nearly alt thhe lodges in a native of Perthshire, Scotcuid, but with the many necessary conveniences Clocks, etc. the District being represented and a after her marriage she lived in Oban supplied by the affable owner, there is number of visiting companions from until 1881, when with her husband and "1111y nothing further to be desired or ( Al} work entrusted to cur carr the District of Stratford. Atter going fatality she came to Canada and settled the part of pleasure seekers. Sarsaparw is repaired by it first class workinatt through the routine of business, the in Brucefield. She had a family of nine, How ABouI' TttLEPHUNE'I—Utitlet and fully guaranteed. election of offCers was proceeded with but all are dead except four• daughters. past and particularly under- present Is the beat—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. which resulted as .follows:—Comp. in She was the mother of Mrs. James municipal title Bayfield hilts• been in the cure liver ills; easy to Com., John Bullard, Winthrop; Ex- Logan, of Stanley, and Mrs. Makins, progressive march. Not only have our Hood's P11113 take, easy to operate.JGer, Estate cellent Com., Wan. Dynes, Seaforth; of Exeter. She wits a CUnst.Lllt anent- I fuess risen and citizens assisted in Cornp. chap., G. M- Iitlty, ,Summer- ber 'of the Pt•esbyteruau church, and advertising the many advantages of — bill; Comp., Scribe, R. Scarlett, Win- was wuch and deserved! respected by Bayfield as a summer resurt, but tour- Exeter, throp; Comp. Sit, Kt. Herald at Arms, those who knew her. Her aged part- ists have materially assisted from the COMMITTED TO JAIL.—A man named J. Scarlett, Leadburv; Inside Herald, net still survives her. Wm: Kenny, Winthrop; Outside filet that they have been convinced Heideritttut was arrested in town on Herald, J. S. Welsh, Seaforth; Comp. - that our town and people are in the Friday night, ons chtargeof ill-treating treasurer, W. G. Smith, Clinton. At Stanley, progressive march, 1L�etthe good work his wife. He was taken before magis- 1i \ the close of the meeting A supper wilts go on. We cannot now afford to miss trate Snell, and being unable to secure served to the roulpanions which added IMPROVEMENT. — Beaty Brga, of the golden chance. Bayffeld requires sureties binding hire over to keepthe -- much to the enjoyment of those pr'ca- Varna are remodeling their house, telephoue connection with the outside peace, he wits committed to Goerich ent. CF1IrRCII.•—VV. G. Richardson B, A world and action should be taken at jail, to which place he was taken Sat- 1 ��� + , once on this kine by our worthy Reeve urdav morning. He is prone to such _. occupied the pulpit on Sunday in the and Council. Let BiLytfeld haven first- conduct, and a Learn in Castle Dixon absence of the pastor. class telephone plant and service. Packages, \Vtutrh11n1. p p clay improve his temper. MARRIED,—Rev. Mr. MacDonald of ORANGE. CELFBRATION.—Last Sat- ACCIDFNT AND DEATH,—John Pop- NOTES.—Mrw. Jas. Campbell of Mon- Vat -nit and bliss Annie J. Allen of urday the brethren of L. O. L. No. lestoite, aft elderly gentleman, and an tana and the Misses Campbell of Tor- Blake were married on Wednesday, 24 met kis their hall aril unapiously cue onto old resident of this lace, rust with a In taking stock we found we had are visiting Mr. David Campb}}, 12th instTile he bride was supported by tided to celeklrate tine coming 12th of serious accident on b�unday, He was —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber weraitt Miss Jeanie Allen, and theroom by July in Bayfield. They tante to Lhe visiting' tit John Sanders' in Stephen 1,644 packages of Turkish Dye, the Nile Inst Wednesday.attending the W. G. Ric•hardion, B. A. Rev. Mr. conclusion that rmilway connection to town hip, and while standing upon every color. We offer these at ularviiage of Miss, Minnie Kirkpatrick Grahame tied the nuptial knot. We, outside points could not be satisfacto!'- steps talking to the members of the and Mr. John Hackett, wish them happiness. ily Arranged, and will therefore cele• fiuukly, he stepped backward off the 3 packages for 25c. MARRIFD.--At the residence of the ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. —Ann iver- brag at home. A conmmnittee of enet'- steps And fell heavily it it pile of j n bride's brother-in-law, Robert Dreaver, sar•y service is to he held in Bayfield retic brethren has been appointed and stones on the ground. He was picked Diar�ond Dye Wednesday morning at six o'clock, Road church on Sunday May 23rd, itivitations have been issued to neigh- tip in tin unconscious condition and , Miss Bunston was united in the holy conducted by Rev, J. S. Henderson of boring lodges. In it short time poster's brought to his home in Exeter, where 3 packages for 25c. bonds of matrimony to Jdwes Cum- Hensall. Service at 11 m, m., and 7 p. will be issued and a big time will be itis he lily kis A comatose starts, unt•11 Alon- miugs ; Rev. Dr. Gifford tving the knot in, The anniversary tearneeting will store for everybody. The progrtut,tile day morning, when he died. Wfr. Pop- Ma net%e Dye that made them one ife for l. The hap- be held on the evening of May 2401, will bn ' t Ile worthy time occiisiomidhe lestone wits oils of the pioneers of this g' (� py couple left on the early train for a Every person welcome. Queen's Jubilee year, Tile Oiangetneti section, and for years had lived alone trip to Toronto, Oakville and other of Bitylleld never do Anything by in lilts cottage on Andrew street, De- 6 ,packages for 35c. We' are out places; and on their return will settle OLD, YL'T YOUNG.—Few men are its balves. ceased leaves one sou, Amos who lives down to the stern realities of married old 'In dYet soyour,gus Al r.Raiateytlriit- OUR BtTSINEHS 319N.—The business ill Detroit. His wife (lying some eight of some of the colors in this Dye strop He is about 80age.men of Bityfieid are in the progressive years ago. but in order to clear out our stock life. g• yE+at•s of THE PUi3LIC LIBRARY,—The Anrutal The other day he met THE NEws- march. It docs not matter the t•e- RECORD and read this pipet' without l 1 rerl)entY of Ilse consuwer, fur itll NOTRB.—Nliss 1diL Snell is Very ill.— 5Ye etfe: title lOC package for 5c, meeting of the members of the Wing lasses. Ile is one of the earl no- 1 The DeLion piano case has been filially Each package will dye 2 pounds hail Public library was held in the g Y t can be supplied here at its low prices settled b a compromise. — Alex. p e y veers and can make many a younger Y p ' reading room on Monday evening hist.as anywhere. In the bakery and bill- Wri ht late ba a eman at the Exet- of Wool or Cotton. man feel old. He is a great lover of cherin g ' The reports, of the secretary, treasurer g lines, dry -goods, groceries, sa de Ot, hits been oi. J. a the Orange principles and is one of the p PP and the librarian were read and adopt- most practical kind thorough fifers in stoves And titivate, furniture ;incl un- same at Windsor.—illi. W. J. Carling papvpopp ed. The following were appointed the Dominion. The coming 12th of dertaking, waggon and carriage paint- returned hone Wednesday from the directors for the ensuing year: J, A. Jill he ex eels to celebrate in Ba ing, blacksmit ling, &c., ,ire all speciAli• London hospital where he recently nn - Morton, A. H. Musgrove, R A. Gra- Y , p y'' ties in Bay Held. And the wants of the derwent xis operation far the renanral Jas �ombe ham, Thos. Bell, W, Uorbould,Auditnr field along with -many brethren when p sick tare well attended to by the medi- Uta growth from his cheek,—The La- •He the welkin will ring. There are very g Dr. Towler. There are now over 3000 cal profession, whilean economical and crosse match to be played here on the Y few, if any, Alen of his age in Huron 2.4th of May will bepbetween the Clin Chemist and Druggist. books in the library ane► the free read- careful local government look after ing room has thirty weeklies and two h e he as Mr. Armstrong :vnd we the very best interests of the masses. ton and Exeter tc'aLms. An Interesting' gg st. daily newspapers and twenty seven hope he may continue bo for many Bayflelii businessrisen are quite! tom• erneula be looked loa,—Dr.N.R.Kips- year's to come. gr Y periodicals. potent to look after all the trade• coal)- man. graduate of the R.C.D.S. and of PIONEER PASSED AWAY.—The follow. ing this way and snore too, g News Notes. A BOLD BURGLAR.—A bold burglar 1(,ronto University, (with first-class entered the residence of D. Sutherland ink reference to the life tend death- rtf NO'PFS;--Mr•. -arid Mrs. W. W. F'ar_ honors); will practice dentistry ivith , ' An umbrella mender named James last Wednesday night and secured JAmes Armstrong has been coinimmi- ran of Clinton were in the village last; his father in town.=The annual Still Lennard -drowned himself by jumping - about fifteen dollars to cash. litec the sated THE NEWS-RECORD:—The death Stnnday.—Airs. Green is doiilg a large day school convention of the Deanery into the canal at Welland. arse from which the money was take °f James Armstrong, of the Bronson amount of weaving, And readers of THF of Huron will be held in Exeter on the p The story of a combination of Ger- liue, which took pisco on the 3rd inst., NEWS -RECORD wlto have work of this 26th and 27th of this month. Repre- en were it number of value le papers inany, Fritnce and Russia against at the age of years and erne nnonthe, kind would do well to the the worth sc>ut•atives from all .arts of the county but these were left untouched. En- g Y p' Y Great Britain is revived again, trance was gained by the back kitchen removes another pioneer of this sec- lady scall.—One of our c•Uuncillors has arEr expected to attend. Linn. He emigrated in the spring of appealed {against, his assessment; the BRiLrs. --The committee for the It is announced that Mr. Hague, the door which had not been securely fas- '39 front Belfast•, having been born and court of revision will donbtless reveal g toned. Burnt matches in "the kitchen, Queen's birthday eeleY�rAtirnm which General Manager of the Merchant's brought up a short distance from that all the particulars.• --There is not aclenu- will be helm here on the Bank, is to retire In June. and dining room marked the course gapef r al PI landing at Quebec after a six erne more orderly villa eor.tnivn in the R g. } Mr. James Shannon ostina r taken by the burglar in his search for Y g park are i�g'ettin thing in shape for a plunder, A number of burnt matches weeks voyage run boned the "[.ord Dominion than is I3ayfield.—Dur fish grand clays sport. --Our detectives liirtgston, received word that he haus ,it Mr. Sutherland's bedroom door Saten," without, relatives and itlrnost ermen are making sonic very good have been kept buffy the past few drays beer, superannuated. Mr. A. Gunn, would indicate that the noctorntil vis no money. Having reached Cornwall catches and new uuttE?riml is being lookin ill) horse -thieves.—Mr'. Thos. ex -M. P., is his successor. he engaged with a farrier (iut•ing hay- worked mp to improve the plant. IMr• Acott J , iter had reconnoitered his ground fruru y, . r., lot 17, con. 9th, Ste then the dining roorn door and their had en- 1° int $]0 per, month, afterwards be- M. Boss is busy, and he generally is liar{ a valutahle bay burse and road The prohibition plebiscite hill and the tered the room within a few feet of cr ing it volunteer under Colonel At this sca5on of the year, --Mr. NVmr• cart, stolen from his stable on Thurs- report of the penitentiary investigat- Mr. Sutherland's head, and secured the ancuitghnet and served fur ileum ly Jowett returned frou the Forest City dAy morning last.—Mr. L+ d. Christie ing commission will be brought in ill latter's panty, coat And vest, which nine months, receiving an honorable Business College last, 5nturday even- moved into his property on train the House of Ccmtnons this week, discharge, the ex meted war, between ing.—Asa poultryman NVnr. King, hiss st.leet, the titio brick residence of the Capt. VVm. O'Mara, a well-known were carried to the kitchen for exam -England and ale United States being few at rut sit periors in this section. + ivation, It is clear that the burglar Y } late Richard Manning.—Mr. ' T. W. resident of Sruith's Frills Out., who settled by the liberation of the prisou- was after money nnlq, as other viilu_ RFADx t••oR TR.U)P,- -1,nst creek a Ilawkshaw And family visited rola- had sailed the lakes for wary year's, able articles in the house were }eft nn- ers by latter for the "'llaid of Lilo , Np,ti.y_1tECrtlru I•ep,.eseut;ttivo had the tives at Lucan last Sabbath.—Our was frntnd dead in his room in touched. - 141is1 affair. In the following year Ile, pleasure of spei.,iing n day or so in the vill ge council meets for business on a hotel in Brockville Thursday niorn- with three other discharged couu•ades, picturescine villa; ;'• of Bayfield, and we hrtrlry evening next.—Mr. . Wesley ing, death being due to sisphyxi:ation, Gowelie, Iiehough, and Devoy; all ,oust say we were much pleased and Snell shipped two carloads of cattle to gins having escaped from a 'jet in the l:otleriCll Township. Irishmen although tire last name •impress^:d with the go-ahead spirit of Waterloo county frorn this station on room he occupied. Is 11z CRAzr.—On Friday morning sounds Frenehq, made their way to the people and business mea. Pol- Tuesday last.—Messrs. Prior and Arm- Y B this township with the object of seeur- lock's, blclntash's and Elliott's hotels strong are busilyy engaged shipping last on the 16th con. south the school ing land in the newly surveyed but -'are well appointed mud prepared to hogs this week to Ingersol, London and, � children found strewn on the road a trackless forest., ,"blazing their way in ll,eet all rcrosotabledernan( s. Mr. Pol- .ether points.— Mr, John Morsehead, Cook'S Cotton Root Compound mall's underclothing,loves era pe oil the Bronson line its far as lot 10. luck is preparing to put Another story Sr., who has been visiting friends at Is the only,safe, reliable gloves, 1 ' After crossing the great '"Sully" there &c, It is surmised they way bslong they decided to return and sale cL their Cn the Queen's to tweet his increasing London the past few weeks returned monthly medicine on which to acne stranger who is out of his land north of it, as the supposed no trade. Mr. T. J. Dli!r•ks hats •six cot- home on Saturday evening last --The ladies can depend in the Y pP togesfor tile Accommodation ofsununcr cows had their flrst outing of our hour and time of need, wind, but diligent search has failed to one would ever settle south of such a visitors and will erect and fit upothers; streets on Saturday morning last Is prepared in two degrees locate the person. chasm. The subject of this sketch Mr. Masks is it progressive citizen and which has already becorue a nuisance of strength, chose lot 19 on the 12th concession. ;will do all he can to make Bayfield to pedestrians.—The Bicycle Club bad No. 1 for ordinary cases Iloiv[E.—Mr. All Switzer is hotne (the others though they took neighbor- I,Uoru during the season. In the mean- a run to Iiensall oil Monday night is b far the best dollar medicine known from Detroit. Wecongratnlate Ab on ing lots, had in a few years ]eft and time every one may be said to be ready lust. —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. having passed his final exanirnation in have long since disappeared from the fol. trade._----___�_� No. 2 for s ecial cases—Io degrees the Detroit School of Medicine, He scene.) Having hewn out it home and p expects to locate in Grand Rapids, erected it comfortable log house he THE HARBOR, --For ruany years .the A young lady nanied Clifford was stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Mich. ---Mr. and Mrs. John Wigging- married the ehlect daughter of tike Bayfield harbor has been it hone of found in an unconscious condition in Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. ton were called to Glandebove last late M. Campbell, who had settled on contention ainong the political parties, her rooin in the Brunswick Hotel, No. ir, or No. z, mailed on receipt of week owingto the death of 1W. Thos. the lot south. Fortune smiled on TIIE NEws-Retort is aware: that the Berlin, on Wednesday morning. She price and two 3 -cent stamps. Hodgens, fther of Mr. Sidney G. Hod- most of his undertAkings, so that in it Conservittive Government promised to had retired without turning out the The Cook Companyp gens. Deceased was in his 56 year few years the son of it broken down itrake a number of needed improve- gas, and narrowly escaped with her Wiodsor,ontada- •Laid highly resppected.--Mrs. J. G. Irish linea manufacturer soon became Ane nts and this journal advocated the life. She had only been in Berlin I. Steep is we are pleased to say able to possessed of a handsome competency. carrying out, of the same. We are of day or- two, having gone there from dnt"Sold in Clinton land Every•where in t•,u,,,d,E be tip Again after her severe illness, p P q' course also Aware that on one or two St. Mary,, to work, by all responsible druggists. 4 g The widow and a family of five sena y MARRIAGE.—Last Wednesdayland seven daughters survive him; two occasions the then Reform Opposition + even- of the sons are mnedicial doctors and blocked tike passitge of the supplement- ing at seven o'clock there was merri- one a. V.S.; four of the daughters are ary estimates to improve the Bayfleld mint and ,joy at the home cf M'r• married to well-to-do husbands, one harbor. To avoid this the Uonserva- Richard Baker, 15th concession, when a doctor-, tives should have placed tho inonory acs®Jackson,the rest of the fAmil� sire ,his eldest daughter, Emma, a moat eo• still on the old homestead. In religion grant for Bayfield harbor in THP% l4:nTl- mable out lady, was united in the he wits a staunch Preibytertan, having tirATFs. But it is too late to talk of and p o 3' conga member of the Bayfield road this now. The harbor mould he Qre Fine Boots and Shoes, Foly bonds of matrimony to 11Ir, G@o. congregation ever since its organiz,L_ haired :End put in proper shape, and DIair,a well -to do young farmer of this tion, and held the deed of the church the present Refortmi partysbould see township. Promptly at the appointed property, in trust, up to the present to it that the work is performed. It Clinton hour Rev, Joseph Edge of Goderich time. He wits Conservative in politics, Was, to be plain, an outrage to have • The funeral took place on the 5th inst., the Bayfield harbor neglected as it has appeared, The bride ivae assisted ver been, and the outrage will onlybe Y to the BrLyfield Cemetery, and was doubled b o becomingly by Mise Annie, her sister, very largely attended by his friends y continued neglect. while the gloom was ably snpuorted and acquaintances, who all held him. THF, ELF(:TRIC LIGHT.—The. intro- We want to make the month of May a bin one for Shoe, by Mr. Wm, Jenkins. A beautiful in their highest esteem. The cortege duction of the modern, convenient And y a arch of green cedar shielded the happy was over a mile in length and must acceptable system of electricity into Selling, with such a title, ut)-to date Shoes as we now have we have contained full two hundred Bayfield was a step in the right direc- eouple during the solemn and inn res are prepared for a bus 'month. P carriages. The five sons and one son. tion, lit fact the great majority of p p y Siva caremony. After being pronouns• in law acted as pal{ -bearers, taxpayers would not now be without If you buy your Shoes from us you will be sure to (yet ed man and wife the severity -five of - -- -- -- ----- --• it. There sure ten street lights which a more guests extended the most hearty The Conservatives of East Kent cost Only about a quarter what Clin• the right styles. congratulations to bur, and Mrs. Mair, nominated Mr. Alex. Mason, of Wa- ton pays and they ate giving universal bash, to contest the county in their satisfaction. A few more Street lights, Our Prices this season are less tban any previous season. The dinner was a ro riate hi hl however, are re wired, and the cost pp• p ' g y interest At the next Provincial alae• q The man Not -by Shoes that are seen on the street Of befitting the happy oeeseion. The tion. will be so s•l,all that they should he y y high esteem in which the bride ivas The Geo. E. Tnrkett And Son Com- pelt in. The electric plant is owned Clinton are nearly all from our store and the wearers have and managed by the Messrs. James held was testified to in the very large ppany'stobacco factory, Hamilton, Out. not aid too much for them. number of valuable and useful rsa• utas closed down and will remain close({ Donaldson, gentlemen who are in p p until it is known what the Govern- every way qualified to render superior We Stud the Shoe Ttrade, we stud. our interests. outs. Mr, and Mrs, 11lair have taken service and they are doing so. A new y y y a their residence on the Huron Road ment proposes to (to about the to- engine has this week been put in and p + bncco tnriff. Five hundred employes placed in positron, so that the already A call is always appreciated. end along with their many friends are thus thrown out of work, for a time good service may be even further im- TaH :NEws-RECORD wishes them long at }east. }proved. A good part of the work is in life and abundant prosperity. Premier r. McMullen, Ml. Robert ani- charge of enggineer John Patterson- JACKSON — son, and rn McMullen, of the Mani- and the people of Bayfield recdgnng JAOKSON tuba Government, met Mr. Laurier on in hien an eillcient and painstaking The Queen delighted the hearts of Wednesdayy evening last and discussed servant. The village is to be congrat►t ' Mr. and Mrs. Gla3stdne on Thursday certain outstanding claims which the lated on the service and its manage - last when she summoned their grand- province has against the Dominion, ment. It will add greatly to the nee Shoe Dealers. daughter, Dortby Drew, to Windsor which in all amount . to about four cessary comfort and pleasure of sum- CLINTON.�.LV castle. hundred thousand dollars. tier visitors. { When the prohi bitiot ists approached Sir John 1lncdonald and ,Sir John Thompson they got No for an answer, ". and that settled it. Statesman Lau - Her was too cowardly to say either i'. No or Yrs• and he promised it plebis• rite, which will cost the liquor people a tremendous lot of money. The Commissioners report on the ruamagenient of the Kingston Peniten• tiary shows gross mismanagement. '• It also recommends the dismissal of public servants who have faithfully anti honestly filled their positions, Servitnts who have committed awrong should be discharged. Those who hitye not should retain their positions. But the I,resent party in power are de. termined to make the innocetnts ane• ' swer—by dismissal—for the sins of the guilty. I; Tile P. M, G's, ilen>to. Kincardine Review. Postal] is tress Me Manus, Northfield. B, C, Tried. Report favorable. Dis- m i ssed. Postmaster Fairbrother, Bea►nsville. No trial. Dismissed. '« Postmaster Campbell, Goderich. Tried. Report unfavorable. Order for dismissal. "If you're tried or you're not, 1f your sinner or saint, You'll be fired if you are, You'll be fired tf you aint." Mrs. Langtry ash been granted a di- in fi ..., vorce California. - 'Kttlg�� 8 6f�, t4 @' . Reillop shows h8 ,�.sses llowi; Roll for 19101'.-1�r. d Cok.en)an, l t easO- NOTif8.—Mr. s, Real w�11st �, McKillop shows the following votes trlaker�pk &If e,faetklltyela,.11a Ile.�n 1 ,uf Hat -look, has 879, population 2,1)30, rassesstuent $1,- confine to -had at his uottler!� iggi- rented his binekstnith shop and resi- 13$0.70(1, acres of tali wheat 8,499, cattle ddtiGoltr. puGkeVsrmth fel{.@9rne tit�&c Is deuce to Mr.. Shiel, Of Michigan, fora • 5,010, sheep 2,329, hogs 1,720, horses We,I-091iet tp say, seriously 111 -nnd btlt period of years. Mr. Reid intends Ie- Cures �9 1,625, slight h0Ve of itis recovery is enter tnuviug to Tuckersniit.h :old taking 66 Cures talk 111 lavor Minute � "" J. U. MORRISON, Clerk. turned. ( the 1'ar'►rl recently vacated by Mr, of Flood's Barsapgrllla,Talk We will detgip You, vve are oat Alexander Grey, un the Mlll ltoad,- p NU'CLH.—Mr. William Holmes, of DRATH.—Mr. George FActt tiled Uat Mr. llah has rented the fd- se for no other medi- ed on Wenches and are doing the 12th concession, recently pug Tuesday last at the age of 59 years. HenryY nu IL kindness when we tel} u of M r. lI ear I otne. Its great oures recorded in truthful, y you chased it cow and calf of the lar•, Fitch lead heart ill too.severry! fraclock, for $ll:,lu� yerLttic'i'llet fai n convincing language o! gratQtul rpertweud Lhat the r)urhaut breed from Mr. William atolaths ficin same im}ternu! d[seitse, contains 60 acre^s, womon, oonstitnte its most effective ad- tt�Y•uw�h�� Oranger, of Hulletr,, paying a large and wits it severe sltiferer. Mr' p ell tigure for there. This Cow is of acme four or five years ako, }})urcjlased --- --- vertieing. Many of these cures are mar- tlle saute btraiu as those exhibited by the -t'ur'ner hotel property. lie eularg- Bayfield. velour. They have won the confidence of • >v1r.Graitger at the great centennial ex- ed slid vtsry materittliv improved the I the people; have given Hood's Sarsolpa- Bicycle Now Hubsuripts wI to Tun 011 Oki 1tlie0AU. rills the largest salsa in the world, and hihitiuu at Ubicago find which were so hotel' when he leased it and removed i for which receipts aa•11l be alt�guu,buu eco• author• Watch successful its prize winners. They will to the property of the late Rev John ityc well be recolvoe at the Bayltelct t'ust (Jnleo. have made necessary for its manufacture stave a valuable addition to Mr. Boss, which he pnrehitsed and on --kd•NEWS-RicootL, the greatest laboratory on earth. Flood's Holmes' herd and we hope his enter- which he lived until his death. He Jow141•63 PIC -NIC GROUNDS. —There Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has is the very beat of its kind made. prise will be abundantly awarded, was an obliging litudluc'd, tin indus- is nit more pretty sight for pic-nit made—oures o! scrofula, salt rheum and We have thein --only $2.50, also trious enterprizing' citizen anti wits gruunarly or better adapted than the ' great Bargains in - kind hearted and respected. Ile leaves property owned by Mr. JuweLt and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia . 1Vittthlt•Op' it widow but no fanlllV. the great improvements he hats Ronde and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver Watches, R. S. MswrING.—A very successful CALLED HOME, --- Mrs. Alexander to the twomises doubly cornmends the troubles, catarrh —cum which prove aTewelr niceting of the Royal Scarlet Uhatpter Niven died oil Saturday mornin last already pretty place. Situated over- y, of the .District of Hullet was held in at the age of ?9 years. Her Itgiitideri looking the lake, well shaded by Silverware, the Orange hal} McKillop, on Friday natlle way M,rrgaiet Niven. She wars heatthyand strudynittura.l trees, alongHood's eveuiog ast, nearly alt thhe lodges in a native of Perthshire, Scotcuid, but with the many necessary conveniences Clocks, etc. the District being represented and a after her marriage she lived in Oban supplied by the affable owner, there is number of visiting companions from until 1881, when with her husband and "1111y nothing further to be desired or ( Al} work entrusted to cur carr the District of Stratford. Atter going fatality she came to Canada and settled the part of pleasure seekers. Sarsaparw is repaired by it first class workinatt through the routine of business, the in Brucefield. She had a family of nine, How ABouI' TttLEPHUNE'I—Utitlet and fully guaranteed. election of offCers was proceeded with but all are dead except four• daughters. past and particularly under- present Is the beat—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. which resulted as .follows:—Comp. in She was the mother of Mrs. James municipal title Bayfield hilts• been in the cure liver ills; easy to Com., John Bullard, Winthrop; Ex- Logan, of Stanley, and Mrs. Makins, progressive march. Not only have our Hood's P11113 take, easy to operate.JGer, Estate cellent Com., Wan. Dynes, Seaforth; of Exeter. She wits a CUnst.Lllt anent- I fuess risen and citizens assisted in Cornp. chap., G. M- Iitlty, ,Summer- ber 'of the Pt•esbyteruau church, and advertising the many advantages of — bill; Comp., Scribe, R. Scarlett, Win- was wuch and deserved! respected by Bayfield as a summer resurt, but tour- Exeter, throp; Comp. Sit, Kt. Herald at Arms, those who knew her. Her aged part- ists have materially assisted from the COMMITTED TO JAIL.—A man named J. Scarlett, Leadburv; Inside Herald, net still survives her. Wm: Kenny, Winthrop; Outside filet that they have been convinced Heideritttut was arrested in town on Herald, J. S. Welsh, Seaforth; Comp. - that our town and people are in the Friday night, ons chtargeof ill-treating treasurer, W. G. Smith, Clinton. At Stanley, progressive march, 1L�etthe good work his wife. He was taken before magis- 1i \ the close of the meeting A supper wilts go on. We cannot now afford to miss trate Snell, and being unable to secure served to the roulpanions which added IMPROVEMENT. — Beaty Brga, of the golden chance. Bayffeld requires sureties binding hire over to keepthe -- much to the enjoyment of those pr'ca- Varna are remodeling their house, telephoue connection with the outside peace, he wits committed to Goerich ent. CF1IrRCII.•—VV. G. Richardson B, A world and action should be taken at jail, to which place he was taken Sat- 1 ��� + , once on this kine by our worthy Reeve urdav morning. He is prone to such _. occupied the pulpit on Sunday in the and Council. Let BiLytfeld haven first- conduct, and a Learn in Castle Dixon absence of the pastor. class telephone plant and service. Packages, \Vtutrh11n1. p p clay improve his temper. MARRIED,—Rev. Mr. MacDonald of ORANGE. CELFBRATION.—Last Sat- ACCIDFNT AND DEATH,—John Pop- NOTES.—Mrw. Jas. Campbell of Mon- Vat -nit and bliss Annie J. Allen of urday the brethren of L. O. L. No. lestoite, aft elderly gentleman, and an tana and the Misses Campbell of Tor- Blake were married on Wednesday, 24 met kis their hall aril unapiously cue onto old resident of this lace, rust with a In taking stock we found we had are visiting Mr. David Campb}}, 12th instTile he bride was supported by tided to celeklrate tine coming 12th of serious accident on b�unday, He was —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber weraitt Miss Jeanie Allen, and theroom by July in Bayfield. They tante to Lhe visiting' tit John Sanders' in Stephen 1,644 packages of Turkish Dye, the Nile Inst Wednesday.attending the W. G. Ric•hardion, B. A. Rev. Mr. conclusion that rmilway connection to town hip, and while standing upon every color. We offer these at ularviiage of Miss, Minnie Kirkpatrick Grahame tied the nuptial knot. We, outside points could not be satisfacto!'- steps talking to the members of the and Mr. John Hackett, wish them happiness. ily Arranged, and will therefore cele• fiuukly, he stepped backward off the 3 packages for 25c. MARRIFD.--At the residence of the ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. —Ann iver- brag at home. A conmmnittee of enet'- steps And fell heavily it it pile of j n bride's brother-in-law, Robert Dreaver, sar•y service is to he held in Bayfield retic brethren has been appointed and stones on the ground. He was picked Diar�ond Dye Wednesday morning at six o'clock, Road church on Sunday May 23rd, itivitations have been issued to neigh- tip in tin unconscious condition and , Miss Bunston was united in the holy conducted by Rev, J. S. Henderson of boring lodges. In it short time poster's brought to his home in Exeter, where 3 packages for 25c. bonds of matrimony to Jdwes Cum- Hensall. Service at 11 m, m., and 7 p. will be issued and a big time will be itis he lily kis A comatose starts, unt•11 Alon- miugs ; Rev. Dr. Gifford tving the knot in, The anniversary tearneeting will store for everybody. The progrtut,tile day morning, when he died. Wfr. Pop- Ma net%e Dye that made them one ife for l. The hap- be held on the evening of May 2401, will bn ' t Ile worthy time occiisiomidhe lestone wits oils of the pioneers of this g' (� py couple left on the early train for a Every person welcome. Queen's Jubilee year, Tile Oiangetneti section, and for years had lived alone trip to Toronto, Oakville and other of Bitylleld never do Anything by in lilts cottage on Andrew street, De- 6 ,packages for 35c. We' are out places; and on their return will settle OLD, YL'T YOUNG.—Few men are its balves. ceased leaves one sou, Amos who lives down to the stern realities of married old 'In dYet soyour,gus Al r.Raiateytlriit- OUR BtTSINEHS 319N.—The business ill Detroit. His wife (lying some eight of some of the colors in this Dye strop He is about 80age.men of Bityfieid are in the progressive years ago. but in order to clear out our stock life. g• yE+at•s of THE PUi3LIC LIBRARY,—The Anrutal The other day he met THE NEws- march. It docs not matter the t•e- RECORD and read this pipet' without l 1 rerl)entY of Ilse consuwer, fur itll NOTRB.—Nliss 1diL Snell is Very ill.— 5Ye etfe: title lOC package for 5c, meeting of the members of the Wing lasses. Ile is one of the earl no- 1 The DeLion piano case has been filially Each package will dye 2 pounds hail Public library was held in the g Y t can be supplied here at its low prices settled b a compromise. — Alex. p e y veers and can make many a younger Y p ' reading room on Monday evening hist.as anywhere. In the bakery and bill- Wri ht late ba a eman at the Exet- of Wool or Cotton. man feel old. He is a great lover of cherin g ' The reports, of the secretary, treasurer g lines, dry -goods, groceries, sa de Ot, hits been oi. J. a the Orange principles and is one of the p PP and the librarian were read and adopt- most practical kind thorough fifers in stoves And titivate, furniture ;incl un- same at Windsor.—illi. W. J. Carling papvpopp ed. The following were appointed the Dominion. The coming 12th of dertaking, waggon and carriage paint- returned hone Wednesday from the directors for the ensuing year: J, A. Jill he ex eels to celebrate in Ba ing, blacksmit ling, &c., ,ire all speciAli• London hospital where he recently nn - Morton, A. H. Musgrove, R A. Gra- Y , p y'' ties in Bay Held. And the wants of the derwent xis operation far the renanral Jas �ombe ham, Thos. Bell, W, Uorbould,Auditnr field along with -many brethren when p sick tare well attended to by the medi- Uta growth from his cheek,—The La- •He the welkin will ring. There are very g Dr. Towler. There are now over 3000 cal profession, whilean economical and crosse match to be played here on the Y few, if any, Alen of his age in Huron 2.4th of May will bepbetween the Clin Chemist and Druggist. books in the library ane► the free read- careful local government look after ing room has thirty weeklies and two h e he as Mr. Armstrong :vnd we the very best interests of the masses. ton and Exeter tc'aLms. An Interesting' gg st. daily newspapers and twenty seven hope he may continue bo for many Bayflelii businessrisen are quite! tom• erneula be looked loa,—Dr.N.R.Kips- year's to come. gr Y periodicals. potent to look after all the trade• coal)- man. graduate of the R.C.D.S. and of PIONEER PASSED AWAY.—The follow. ing this way and snore too, g News Notes. A BOLD BURGLAR.—A bold burglar 1(,ronto University, (with first-class entered the residence of D. Sutherland ink reference to the life tend death- rtf NO'PFS;--Mr•. -arid Mrs. W. W. F'ar_ honors); will practice dentistry ivith , ' An umbrella mender named James last Wednesday night and secured JAmes Armstrong has been coinimmi- ran of Clinton were in the village last; his father in town.=The annual Still Lennard -drowned himself by jumping - about fifteen dollars to cash. litec the sated THE NEWS-RECORD:—The death Stnnday.—Airs. Green is doiilg a large day school convention of the Deanery into the canal at Welland. arse from which the money was take °f James Armstrong, of the Bronson amount of weaving, And readers of THF of Huron will be held in Exeter on the p The story of a combination of Ger- liue, which took pisco on the 3rd inst., NEWS -RECORD wlto have work of this 26th and 27th of this month. Repre- en were it number of value le papers inany, Fritnce and Russia against at the age of years and erne nnonthe, kind would do well to the the worth sc>ut•atives from all .arts of the county but these were left untouched. En- g Y p' Y Great Britain is revived again, trance was gained by the back kitchen removes another pioneer of this sec- lady scall.—One of our c•Uuncillors has arEr expected to attend. Linn. He emigrated in the spring of appealed {against, his assessment; the BRiLrs. --The committee for the It is announced that Mr. Hague, the door which had not been securely fas- '39 front Belfast•, having been born and court of revision will donbtless reveal g toned. Burnt matches in "the kitchen, Queen's birthday eeleY�rAtirnm which General Manager of the Merchant's brought up a short distance from that all the particulars.• --There is not aclenu- will be helm here on the Bank, is to retire In June. and dining room marked the course gapef r al PI landing at Quebec after a six erne more orderly villa eor.tnivn in the R g. } Mr. James Shannon ostina r taken by the burglar in his search for Y g park are i�g'ettin thing in shape for a plunder, A number of burnt matches weeks voyage run boned the "[.ord Dominion than is I3ayfield.—Dur fish grand clays sport. --Our detectives liirtgston, received word that he haus ,it Mr. Sutherland's bedroom door Saten," without, relatives and itlrnost ermen are making sonic very good have been kept buffy the past few drays beer, superannuated. Mr. A. Gunn, would indicate that the noctorntil vis no money. Having reached Cornwall catches and new uuttE?riml is being lookin ill) horse -thieves.—Mr'. Thos. ex -M. P., is his successor. he engaged with a farrier (iut•ing hay- worked mp to improve the plant. IMr• Acott J , iter had reconnoitered his ground fruru y, . r., lot 17, con. 9th, Ste then the dining roorn door and their had en- 1° int $]0 per, month, afterwards be- M. Boss is busy, and he generally is liar{ a valutahle bay burse and road The prohibition plebiscite hill and the tered the room within a few feet of cr ing it volunteer under Colonel At this sca5on of the year, --Mr. NVmr• cart, stolen from his stable on Thurs- report of the penitentiary investigat- Mr. Sutherland's head, and secured the ancuitghnet and served fur ileum ly Jowett returned frou the Forest City dAy morning last.—Mr. L+ d. Christie ing commission will be brought in ill latter's panty, coat And vest, which nine months, receiving an honorable Business College last, 5nturday even- moved into his property on train the House of Ccmtnons this week, discharge, the ex meted war, between ing.—Asa poultryman NVnr. King, hiss st.leet, the titio brick residence of the Capt. VVm. O'Mara, a well-known were carried to the kitchen for exam -England and ale United States being few at rut sit periors in this section. + ivation, It is clear that the burglar Y } late Richard Manning.—Mr. ' T. W. resident of Sruith's Frills Out., who settled by the liberation of the prisou- was after money nnlq, as other viilu_ RFADx t••oR TR.U)P,- -1,nst creek a Ilawkshaw And family visited rola- had sailed the lakes for wary year's, able articles in the house were }eft nn- ers by latter for the "'llaid of Lilo , Np,ti.y_1tECrtlru I•ep,.eseut;ttivo had the tives at Lucan last Sabbath.—Our was frntnd dead in his room in touched. - 141is1 affair. In the following year Ile, pleasure of spei.,iing n day or so in the vill ge council meets for business on a hotel in Brockville Thursday niorn- with three other discharged couu•ades, picturescine villa; ;'• of Bayfield, and we hrtrlry evening next.—Mr. . Wesley ing, death being due to sisphyxi:ation, Gowelie, Iiehough, and Devoy; all ,oust say we were much pleased and Snell shipped two carloads of cattle to gins having escaped from a 'jet in the l:otleriCll Township. Irishmen although tire last name •impress^:d with the go-ahead spirit of Waterloo county frorn this station on room he occupied. Is 11z CRAzr.—On Friday morning sounds Frenehq, made their way to the people and business mea. Pol- Tuesday last.—Messrs. Prior and Arm- Y B this township with the object of seeur- lock's, blclntash's and Elliott's hotels strong are busilyy engaged shipping last on the 16th con. south the school ing land in the newly surveyed but -'are well appointed mud prepared to hogs this week to Ingersol, London and, � children found strewn on the road a trackless forest., ,"blazing their way in ll,eet all rcrosotabledernan( s. Mr. Pol- .ether points.— Mr, John Morsehead, Cook'S Cotton Root Compound mall's underclothing,loves era pe oil the Bronson line its far as lot 10. luck is preparing to put Another story Sr., who has been visiting friends at Is the only,safe, reliable gloves, 1 ' After crossing the great '"Sully" there &c, It is surmised they way bslong they decided to return and sale cL their Cn the Queen's to tweet his increasing London the past few weeks returned monthly medicine on which to acne stranger who is out of his land north of it, as the supposed no trade. Mr. T. J. Dli!r•ks hats •six cot- home on Saturday evening last --The ladies can depend in the Y pP togesfor tile Accommodation ofsununcr cows had their flrst outing of our hour and time of need, wind, but diligent search has failed to one would ever settle south of such a visitors and will erect and fit upothers; streets on Saturday morning last Is prepared in two degrees locate the person. chasm. The subject of this sketch Mr. Masks is it progressive citizen and which has already becorue a nuisance of strength, chose lot 19 on the 12th concession. ;will do all he can to make Bayfield to pedestrians.—The Bicycle Club bad No. 1 for ordinary cases Iloiv[E.—Mr. All Switzer is hotne (the others though they took neighbor- I,Uoru during the season. In the mean- a run to Iiensall oil Monday night is b far the best dollar medicine known from Detroit. Wecongratnlate Ab on ing lots, had in a few years ]eft and time every one may be said to be ready lust. —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. having passed his final exanirnation in have long since disappeared from the fol. trade._----___�_� No. 2 for s ecial cases—Io degrees the Detroit School of Medicine, He scene.) Having hewn out it home and p expects to locate in Grand Rapids, erected it comfortable log house he THE HARBOR, --For ruany years .the A young lady nanied Clifford was stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Mich. ---Mr. and Mrs. John Wigging- married the ehlect daughter of tike Bayfield harbor has been it hone of found in an unconscious condition in Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. ton were called to Glandebove last late M. Campbell, who had settled on contention ainong the political parties, her rooin in the Brunswick Hotel, No. ir, or No. z, mailed on receipt of week owingto the death of 1W. Thos. the lot south. Fortune smiled on TIIE NEws-Retort is aware: that the Berlin, on Wednesday morning. She price and two 3 -cent stamps. Hodgens, fther of Mr. Sidney G. Hod- most of his undertAkings, so that in it Conservittive Government promised to had retired without turning out the The Cook Companyp gens. Deceased was in his 56 year few years the son of it broken down itrake a number of needed improve- gas, and narrowly escaped with her Wiodsor,ontada- •Laid highly resppected.--Mrs. J. G. Irish linea manufacturer soon became Ane nts and this journal advocated the life. She had only been in Berlin I. Steep is we are pleased to say able to possessed of a handsome competency. carrying out, of the same. We are of day or- two, having gone there from dnt"Sold in Clinton land Every•where in t•,u,,,d,E be tip Again after her severe illness, p P q' course also Aware that on one or two St. Mary,, to work, by all responsible druggists. 4 g The widow and a family of five sena y MARRIAGE.—Last Wednesdayland seven daughters survive him; two occasions the then Reform Opposition + even- of the sons are mnedicial doctors and blocked tike passitge of the supplement- ing at seven o'clock there was merri- one a. V.S.; four of the daughters are ary estimates to improve the Bayfleld mint and ,joy at the home cf M'r• married to well-to-do husbands, one harbor. To avoid this the Uonserva- Richard Baker, 15th concession, when a doctor-, tives should have placed tho inonory acs®Jackson,the rest of the fAmil� sire ,his eldest daughter, Emma, a moat eo• still on the old homestead. In religion grant for Bayfield harbor in THP% l4:nTl- mable out lady, was united in the he wits a staunch Preibytertan, having tirATFs. But it is too late to talk of and p o 3' conga member of the Bayfield road this now. The harbor mould he Qre Fine Boots and Shoes, Foly bonds of matrimony to 11Ir, G@o. congregation ever since its organiz,L_ haired :End put in proper shape, and DIair,a well -to do young farmer of this tion, and held the deed of the church the present Refortmi partysbould see township. Promptly at the appointed property, in trust, up to the present to it that the work is performed. It Clinton hour Rev, Joseph Edge of Goderich time. He wits Conservative in politics, Was, to be plain, an outrage to have • The funeral took place on the 5th inst., the Bayfield harbor neglected as it has appeared, The bride ivae assisted ver been, and the outrage will onlybe Y to the BrLyfield Cemetery, and was doubled b o becomingly by Mise Annie, her sister, very largely attended by his friends y continued neglect. while the gloom was ably snpuorted and acquaintances, who all held him. THF, ELF(:TRIC LIGHT.—The. intro- We want to make the month of May a bin one for Shoe, by Mr. Wm, Jenkins. A beautiful in their highest esteem. The cortege duction of the modern, convenient And y a arch of green cedar shielded the happy was over a mile in length and must acceptable system of electricity into Selling, with such a title, ut)-to date Shoes as we now have we have contained full two hundred Bayfield was a step in the right direc- eouple during the solemn and inn res are prepared for a bus 'month. P carriages. The five sons and one son. tion, lit fact the great majority of p p y Siva caremony. After being pronouns• in law acted as pal{ -bearers, taxpayers would not now be without If you buy your Shoes from us you will be sure to (yet ed man and wife the severity -five of - -- -- -- ----- --• it. There sure ten street lights which a more guests extended the most hearty The Conservatives of East Kent cost Only about a quarter what Clin• the right styles. congratulations to bur, and Mrs. Mair, nominated Mr. Alex. Mason, of Wa- ton pays and they ate giving universal bash, to contest the county in their satisfaction. A few more Street lights, Our Prices this season are less tban any previous season. The dinner was a ro riate hi hl however, are re wired, and the cost pp• p ' g y interest At the next Provincial alae• q The man Not -by Shoes that are seen on the street Of befitting the happy oeeseion. The tion. will be so s•l,all that they should he y y high esteem in which the bride ivas The Geo. E. Tnrkett And Son Com- pelt in. The electric plant is owned Clinton are nearly all from our store and the wearers have and managed by the Messrs. James held was testified to in the very large ppany'stobacco factory, Hamilton, Out. not aid too much for them. number of valuable and useful rsa• utas closed down and will remain close({ Donaldson, gentlemen who are in p p until it is known what the Govern- every way qualified to render superior We Stud the Shoe Ttrade, we stud. our interests. outs. Mr, and Mrs, 11lair have taken service and they are doing so. A new y y y a their residence on the Huron Road ment proposes to (to about the to- engine has this week been put in and p + bncco tnriff. Five hundred employes placed in positron, so that the already A call is always appreciated. end along with their many friends are thus thrown out of work, for a time good service may be even further im- TaH :NEws-RECORD wishes them long at }east. }proved. A good part of the work is in life and abundant prosperity. Premier r. McMullen, Ml. Robert ani- charge of enggineer John Patterson- JACKSON — son, and rn McMullen, of the Mani- and the people of Bayfield recdgnng JAOKSON tuba Government, met Mr. Laurier on in hien an eillcient and painstaking The Queen delighted the hearts of Wednesdayy evening last and discussed servant. The village is to be congrat►t ' Mr. and Mrs. Gla3stdne on Thursday certain outstanding claims which the lated on the service and its manage - last when she summoned their grand- province has against the Dominion, ment. It will add greatly to the nee Shoe Dealers. daughter, Dortby Drew, to Windsor which in all amount . to about four cessary comfort and pleasure of sum- CLINTON.�.LV castle. hundred thousand dollars. tier visitors. {