The Huron News-Record, 1897-05-12, Page 2e OAtigh.cure, the most prgmpt and effectiko retliedy for discuses of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Fectoral. As an emergency medi- cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever a n d Whooping Cougar, AYER'S C h e r r y Pectoral cannot be equaled. 11, J l E. Al. BItAWLEY, W1gUW,,, �j�' D. D. Dis. Sec. of the American Bap- tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Va., endorses it, its a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AVERTS PILLS Cure Liver and Stomaoh Trouble& Ae. Huron News -Record — — 1.25 a Year -31.00 in Advance ^ -_- WEDNESDAY, MAY loth, I897. More Liberal "1Puriti, HOW IT WORKS IN QUEBEC. Montreal, Que., May 2. -In it speech delivered at Terrebonneyesterday, Mr. Nantel, Quebec Commissioner of Crown Lands, made a number of serious char Ps against Mr. Achille Carriere, the is candidate. He charged that Mr. Carriere had secured 260,OW acres of crown lands which, had they been paid for, would have cost $53,000, when as a matter of fact, Ile only paid SM. Then he charged AIr. Carriere with having illegally drawn his indeni- nity for A session that had never taken place. But the most serious charge Mr, Mantel made against the ex-M.L.A. for Gaspe was in connection with s, -- curing fishery rights on the River St. John's in Gaspe county. Mr. Nantel stated that Mr. Carriere had given his cheque for $600, the amount of one year's rental, into the Department, and although he stated there were no funds in the bank upon which said a cheque was drawn, the then Collin) 's- sioner had kindly held the cheque un- til Carriere had sublet the river. As a niatter of fact, said Mr. Nantel, Mr. Carriere did sublet this river to Bir.' Fbotler, a rich Bostonian, and received from that gentleman $1,200, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands, hold- ing up the two cheques in question, said that not one cent of this money had found its way into the Depart- ment. These and other charges were hurled at Mr. Carriere's head-, and the latter was exceedingly indignant when he rose to reply. Mr. Carriere declared that he had been an honest mail in the fpist-and that he bad come to Terre - 0111,10 as an honest man. He denied Mr. Nantel's charges. Fruit culture is more profitable to the farmers now than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house in Canada,have a vacan- Whissection. Write them at Brown's Nurseries, Ont., for their terms.' What induced Mr. R. Kipling to write a poem for Canada entitled "Our Ladyy of the Snows," appropos of the tariff? The "snowing under" of some Canadian industries by Mr. Fielding's 'prentice efforts at tariff -tinkering i, hardly the subject of any form of panegyric that would be popular among Canadian workingmen just now. But that is not what the clever East Indian is driving at. The snow he means is the snow that is erron- e ously supposed by thousands of fhonest Britishers to afford our soil a fleecy covering all through the year. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned, having been restored to health by simple meatus, after suffering for several years with a, severe lung afteetion, and tbht dread disease Congioription, is anxious to make known , to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send J'(free of chargge) a copy of the prescrip- ion used. which they will find a sure cure for Crnrau)rtption, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and all throat and Lung A1ala.dies. lie hopes all sufferers Wfil try his remedy, as it is invalu- able. Those desiring the precription; which will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bless- ing, will please address. Rev. EDWARD A. VPILSON, Brooklyn, New York. Admiral Sir George Willis Watson formerly commander of the British North American fleet, is dead. He was seventy years of age. For Over Fifty Years used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by qq. sick child sufferingg and crying w lth pain of Catting Teeth send I once and pet a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about r It cures Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Qume, reduces Inflammation, andgives tone and anerrggyy to the whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" fdr children teething is plea. sant to the tasto and Is the prescription of one nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through - mut the world." Be sure and ask for Mae. WINSWW'a SOOTHING SYRUP Mr. Church, Liberal, was declared eivctea for Lunenburg, N. S., at the re- count held Thursday. In the bye -elec- tion in i0olcheAter N. S., for the Do- minion House. Vr McClure. Llberal, was elected by six majority. TESTING HIS,IIONESTY. Your druggist is honest if when you ask him for a bottle of Scott's Emul- sion he gives you just what you ask for. He knows this is the best form in wbich to take Cod Liver Oil. THE CUP OF TEARS. .1 The Co' i b nk "The •i GG V ,/,J;�, „�, cup which all, father hath given ale, }!hall I not drink it' Of Europe may blockade the I No letter lay beside It, no messeuger did Che fa�pecial Cuts Ave are offeri Buy SET13, GOLD l9TIPOLED Z Who sent the sombre token that on my PAINTED CHINAWARE. threshold lay. :1,cypresa wreath drooped from It, my soul chasing elsewhere. grew sick with fears, For well I knew Its meaning, It was the ©Ci GJ qa Q Q p ci cup of tetra. ! gated Into the chalice, N. Robson Grlips and slily, with of snow, I As In a prophet's vision, the sad years come and go; - i felt the thirst and longing, and the buru- Ing pain that sears talk a little all along, and I guals it The cy"llds of those mortals who drink the won't hurt me to say y:9 and leo now.,, cup of teals. "Oh, won't it?" I'm awfullp glad, for it was almost too much for my 1 stooped and read each symbol etched on gravity to see you lying there, blink - Its heavy brim; Ing like a sleepy owl. But I know you I scanned the thorny pattern that wreathed mustn't talk much, or the doctor the cruel rhu; 'I bere was the torch Inverted, and there the wouldn't have laid such fearful eom- lonely years mands on me. Well, what I wanted to Were carved In gloomy pletures upon wy say is this: I believe I've thought of cup of tears. something something I can do to help support the I'm going to be traveling sales - I pushed the goblet from me, and In uty woman for a grocery store." anguish said, Mr. Morris looked at his daughter In "I cannot drink the potion, ob, give we amazement and opened his mouth to back my dead! echo her las remarkable statement, but Thou art all coulpasslou, whose name a plump hand Instantly covered it and my soul reveres, Cave hick the eyes I long for, and take a merry laugh sounded in his ear. ills cup of tears!" papa, don't speak, r suspect I have spoiled everythingby Then spike a voice beside ate, '•,Nly child! giggling out in that way, but you did it may not be. look so funny! Actually, papa, you did Causl thou not trust thy Futher to pour it look too horrified for anything. Do you draught for thee? suppose anyone heard me laughing'' I Believe that all Is wisdom lvhleh ystery mI hope nut, for haven't got half through appears, Aud drink with lifted forehead thy sacred with you yet. Now be patient, and I'll explain. I cup of tears." was thinkimg how easily Mr. Batley made a living. You know And then the Presence vanished, withouti he is traveling salesman for a grocery , store; and I came wishing adieu or sign, To carry cups of sorrow to other lives like pretty near that I was a boy so that I could go mine, and do likewise. Guess I should have O Gbe vette pitiful to whom this Pres- od, wished it, if I hadn't been taken with I ettee nears the Idea that I could do it anyway, so And help its to be loving who drink the cup I called on Mr. Allen at once -your look of tears. of horror grows more intense, but T /-. GITiL 1v0I�TH HAVING.laid don't you dare utter a syllable -and the plan before him with manv misgivings, much trembling, and a "— few tears on my stubby eyelashes. "Your father is better nein', Miss Honestly, papa, I was pretty nearly 1&arcia, and I'm going to let you sit frightened to death; but Mr. Allen says with him a little while, so that your he will give me ten per cent. com- mother can rest. But be careful that mission on all the groceries I can sell, you don't let him talk too much, won't and I am to deliver everything but you?" flour and heavy things of that sort. "Yes, doctor. But do you think pap -1 I thought if I could make Dobbin use - will ever be well again, just as well as ful, then we shouldn't be obliged to he used to be?" sell him, and you will need him when "It will be a long time before he will you are able to ride out. There's a be, and he may never be, but I hope great many people In this city, and it he may be quite strong, and able to seeems as if I could persuade a few get much enjoyment out ,p•f life even of them to buy their groceries of roe, it he must spend the r!est of his days doesn't it? What do you think of the as a cripple." plan? Are You willing, I should try?" Marcia winced a little at that w'onl, Mr. Morris nodded his assenr. There and the tears filled her eyes, but she was .no need this time for his daughter bravely forced him bank. She did not to warn ,him not to speak, for he intend that the doctor should -,ee her couldn't have said a word had he tried. crying; she was afraid he w•oul'l think "All right, papa," answered Marcia, she was not womanly enough to help "I'll begin to -morrow, and, oh, how I take care of her father. do hope.I shall succeed! I might go "It will be hard for hi into be a Grip- out as a child -nurse or housework girl, Ph., and hard for us to see him hell,- but I couldn't earn much, and 1 don't less, but it is so much better than for want to go away from home. I want us not to have him at all., that I can't to earn just as much money as a boy feel an other way than thankful about would, and stay at home, too. Ani, it." liven as Marcia spoke, her voice you see, if I can work up in this, Ge'rtie trembled with suppressed feeling, but can help me after awhile." her lips smiled as pleasantly as usual, Mamma came in just then, and was and that was very pleasant. informed that papa was much botter, "Papa," she said, -,heerily, a minute for he had been receiving treatment later, 'I've beaten them all; they j_:st from an excellent mind -cure physician, ha_d to let me take care of you. Thyey whose services he wouldn't exchange couldn't hutch up another excuse to for a dozen Mr. Wilsons. prevent it. That's what comes of per- Marcia went at heT new work ener- sLstence. The doctor said you mustn't getically, just as she did everything talk, but he didn't say I mustn't; else: She found many disagreeable neither did he forbid my kissing you, things about It, and'met many impolite ,Just once. There!" people, and experienced net a few dh- "She'il do," said the doctor to himself, oouragements, but she would not give as he started off. He had been playing up, and she finally succeeded in wrn- eavesdropper, to find out 1f it were Ing a very good living for her family, really safe to leave a 16 -yeas -old girl Every forenoon Is spent in taking in charge of his very sick patient. orders for groceries; every afternoon Marcia had only seen her father once in delivering them. She is prompt, before since he had 'fallen from the businesslike and pleasant, and is wel- high building on which 'he was helping conned in many homes where a man to build a chimney, and she had been would not be tolerated. As fast as s•h(1 hastily summoned from school, be- got regular customers whose patronage cause they thought he was dying. The she was sure of, she put them on her old doctor had feared that she would list to be visited on certain days of the "make a scene," when she did see h!m. week, and gradually G•ertia eras But the wife was tired, the sick man brought to be of use in taking their would have no strange nurse, and he orders, while Marcia went Into new had been calling for Marcia, so it had quarters to "drum up new trade,"' as been thought best to try her. she delighted in calling it. If that bright-eyed girl ha4 only Mr. Morris is not able to work, and been a boy, there would be a little never will be again, but their pretty brighter outlook for poor Mori -is," mus- little home has not been mort.g. gid, ed the doctor, as he rode towards the as the r•eighbom said it would have to next patient's house, "for then there be; the horse and buggy have not been would be a prospect. of help it some I sold, the family is not in debt, nor do future time; but now it certainly looks they depend on their neighbors f)r very dark for him," help, and everyone is obliged to confess It surely did look dark, and the sick that they get along quite as weli as man In spite of the repealed injunction they could h&vr. had Marcia been a not to worry, could not help wonder- bol. In go -ver and over again what was to -- -- become of them all, and how they were T,_ to keep out of the poorhouse. A woi k - clothe , with a family to feed any clothe and educate, and who has only Life Was a Burden. his own hands to depend on, can gen- erally manage to lay up but little for the proverbial "rWny day." But when the rainy day has not only put in its appearance, but has rendered the head Four (Tears of Agony of the house forever unfit for labor, the outlook is far from pleasant. The Alm- and Misery. m ris family were fortunate in havi;i their little home all paid for, and -- enough money to help them through the first weeks of their great trouble; A Marvellous Cure by Paine's Cel - but, in the eyes of their nelghbors, they were unfortunate In having no ery Compound. boys In the wamily. "If Marcia harl only bken a boy, and, could go to work!" had been &'aid in her presea,*e _ over and over again, when sympatl)e- tic friends had droppe:l in with well - I,IIliEr noTTLEst SIfNhICP; TO'MAJiL MR.' meant advice and suggestions as to the F1NTF.R' WELL AND STRON(4, best way for the troubled family to earn their daily bread, "W7uy can't I work, if I'm not a boy?' demanded Marcia. "Why, you can, of course," was tYir, answer, "but what will it amount til? Girls get so little for their work; but with a boy it is different. A boy of 1G Is capable of earning very good wales. ' "Never mind, girls," Marcia woui.l say, turning to her three younger E1s- ters, "we won't cry because we're girls till we're very sure that girls are no good, will we? I believe we can hell) papa and mamma just as much as If we were boys." "So do I," answered each one of the sisters, who always believed everything Marcia said. But let us go back to the sick room and see how Marcia is getting along in her new role of nurse. "As I said before, papa,' you mustn't talk, but there is no reason why you shouldn't listen. At least the doctor didn't say you shouldn't, I've bef•n thinking of something for two or three days, and norw my mind .Is made up to try it, if you are willing. That is ore reason why I was so determined to take care of you all by myself, I haven't said a word about it to mamma yet, for she Is so perfectly distracted that she can't think of anything else but just you. But I'm ore heartlesa, thank fortune! I speculated on what you were thinking about, and was sure it was money; You've been worrying about how we were going to live, Laven't you? Wink your eyes fast, this way, If I've guessed right, There, I knew it all th•a time, Are you tired? Just shake our head, but don't speak. Oh, papa, don't laugh! don't, for a.ny- thdng! for that will excite you, and then I'll get scolded, and they won't let me see You ag•ain!" You're maQst too careful," esid the sick man. "I have been allowed to The hopeless, despah ink, and All w'ho iula•gine they Are lust, becanse the doc- tors have failed, shouldrejoi^e. to know that Paine's Celery Cotnpotind fully meets the worst cases, and never fails to restore lost health. It is no vain or idle boast when the declaration is made that Paine's Celery Compound cures when all other inwi.ns fail, To -clay a grand army of men And women in our own Canada can vouch for the truth of the statement made. As it proof that Paine's Celery Com- pound cures in the darkerst times of disease and misery we give the testi- mony of Mr. F. Finter, of Ottawa, Ont., who was saved at, almost the eleventh hour. I -Ie says! "I consider it a duty to acknowledge the great good that I derived from your valuable remedy, Paine's Celery Compound. For four years I endured terrible agony and misery owing to pains in my head and chest. Life was a burden to me, and no living mortal could describe my sufferings. I was treated by doctors, and used many patent medicines,,but nothing gave me reliet until I used your Patne's Celery Compound. I thank God for the day it was brought to my notice in the Ottawa papers. I have taken three bottles of the . medicine, and to -day 1 can truly say that I feel like. a new roan. I feel certain that if the suffer- ing people of Canada would only try Prune's Celery Compound they would he cured. I will recommend the re- medy whenever I have the opportun- ity, as it is the best ever given to suf- ferers." :tb L Powers... Irecia,n Ports but cannot interfere with ag in DECORATED DINNER and TEA OILET WARE, BEAUTIFUL HAND zwOull and get quotations before pur- ...-...Fresh Seeds just received. O'Gi.talq Q1QhQ4 ocer, Albert St., Clinton. IHouso for Sale Two story frame house in Clinton, ten rooms, stonecoller, hard and soft water. Good ground. Frame stable. For full pparticulars apply to the owner, JOSEPH ALLANSON, Cllntol. 939-tf Cultured Ladies hIth aralee f character, needing to earn moneyy eau learn how to do so in a good callsC. AQdgi 81 JABE2 GALLOWAY, Torolto,Ont, Farm For Sale, South half Lot No.25, 1711, concesslon, Gode rich Township, one mile north of clinton com- prised of 40 acres, more or less. The ,an is all cleared and in fair state of cultivation. Well fenced and plenty of cedar oh the pro erty. Frame barn 40x6o, stone stable 30x60. Will be sold reasonable and on terms to suit purchaser. For Particulars apply at Tin, NEWS-RscolcD office, Or to JAMES 11, COLCLOUGn, Heafryu AGEAGENTS. lf� 1�T IIA(, I nen just starting the bent .11 , thing for money makiub� yon have seen for many a day, Your nanie and address will bring the go)(1011 Information. It. 11. GLASGOW, Toronto, Ont. A Rare Opportunity, For Sale, 150 acres, A 1 grain or stock farm, l05aces cleared, balance unculled has(lwood. Solid brick house, &e.; fr:une barn 28x8o; stable 18x57; sheep honso 1.1x2}1; good water. l'on- veuicnL to ;J graill elevators, mills, &c. (loud roadv Dud froe frons all obnoxious weeds, &c. Will take resident property ill C'liulou punt pay. Inquire at'rnt•:Nsws-iticcoln)offlce, 940.3 m WANT ii 1 Cil1.1,CCd, Barristers, WA1V li/1J. 1'hyxieianv, aur, others of similar training, for high mass soliciting. Will pay forty dollar, weekly and railway fare oil demonstration of necessary ability. '1'ne BnArn,r:v-GAIMETSON Co., Utd., 'Toronto. Notice, All who have any chtitilssgaiudt the Estate of J. Biddlecombe are requested to 4,1111 nt ll° Store asci make settlement by the Iri'rrr oi.• Arne„ and ill lvho are iudubtcd will please settle by the 15•rir Ut•• Ai,im.. T v MRS. BIDDLI•;COIIRF WANT-E` ��j �7r l Dutuslrions persons of VY A 1 -E`D. CithCr sex with good eharacter and wnnnion school education, c'an obtain culployulanit fur two months in this coul- nnmil.>'. S. Al. FItY, Toronto, Ont. LESLIE'S CARRIACE AND WAGON FACTORY, ('01'111. Union fund Orange Streets, Clinton, Fjrst-Cl ss Buggies ml hand and made, to order. Prices to stilt the times. Repairs and repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason- able, AGENTS. "The Best Popular Life of Her A'laiesLy 1 have ever seen," writes Lord Lorne. nboul "Queen vic- toria." Sales unprecedented. Easy to make five dollar:sdaily. Big conutission. Outfit free to canvassers. THP: BRADLEY-GARRFTSON CO., Toronto. «'anted, Men and Women who can work hard talking and writingsix hoursdaily, for six clays itwcck, and will' be content with ten dollars weekly. Address. NEW IDEAS Co., -----_-�_ Brantford, Ont. t♦ YOUR SPARE TIME 0 ,ren, women, to conduct business at home. Work k simple writing anti copying lists oof addresses received from local ad vertjs- r tug, to be forwarded to us daily. No can- "ass !ng; no precious 0xpuriemco require(, but plain wilters preferred. Perivanent,' work to those content to Carn $(J or more weekly it)spare time. Apply !n AA AnrtrN 1't•tl. CO., LONDON, ONT. 0 McKillop Directory fot 1897.— lohu alorrison, Reeve. Winthrop P. O. Will, Archibald,i)opatu• Reeve, Lculbury P. 0 Danicl Manley, (oailt'illor, I eechwood P, O. Jos. C. .Morrison, Councillor. Beechwood 1'. l). Will. INeGavin, Councillor, Leadbnry 11. 0. ino. C. Morrison, (Teri}, Winthrop 1'. O. Wiliitanu Evans, Assessor, Beechwood 11. (1. David a1. Ross, Treasurer, Winthrop 1', (1, l'hurlcs Dodds, ('ullcch)r, tieaforl h P. /). Richard Pollord, Sanitiu•y inspector•, i,ca(l11tn•v. House and Lot for Sale by Tender, •'i'cuderd.will be rcccived by the undersigned I'll lu 4110 first day of 1Lty, Iti!17, fnr the pur- chn.se of the otic-hirev Ihvolling and Lot on Albert strect north. CIjnlun, r0cently o(cupicd 1>y the late ars. AA-nl. Ihlrla.nd. '1'urnls and vulidiliond will be titnde known on applicaLion, Ii.11ri.ANu Ulcer, Clfnton, April :ill. 1897. McLeod's System Renovator . __AND o'i•nr•It _- Tesfed Remedies, SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impovoridied Blood, Dyspepsia, sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heap, Livor Complaint, Neuralgia.. Loss of Monory, Broncfdtis, Consumption (.,allNton°s, I11undice, ICs 1, and Urinary NscnAes, St" Vitus' Mance, N'umale Irregulaiitics and Gcn- cral Debility. LABORATORY, CODERICH ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold in Clinton by J, IT, COMBN, and ALLAN & WILSON. Property For Sale, A CHANCE rOD GARDENERS. In consequence of my ago and lack of help, I have decided to offer for sale my splendld gardeningg pro- perty conelating cf five and a half ayes in 01 nton, some of the best land in tho county of Huron, Includ, Ing hot beds and other necesanry requirementa, There is on the promisea it frame house with cellars soft and hard water, barn and other outbuildings The DaVfiold river adjoins the property, will sell at a reasonable price for half cash and balance Secured by mortgage. Aa I desire to Sell, this is a chance aeldom nietwith, Apply personally or by letter to theproprietor, TOSEPH ALLAN80N, 894-t f ' - v-- ` Minton Dress Cutting School, The school of dress entting is open at the Waverly Iioh01, Clinton. A now tailor system, the leading systom of Lite world. Cover's t1,° entire range of work. Cuts every style of gar- ment on the goods, no refitting, no patterns, Dost)% no more than a chart. Lessons given at your own home without, extra charge. special rates to Dress makers and Siris Prom the teen• brq. Tlio t)linton ladies should not miss tails ehanco to Perfect themselves in this important branch of work. Open daily for one month. April 13. 960 44 Job Printing, 1-!,'x,1,1 ��1.'�1�'�1'��'r►'�►-'+�,'�, The News -Record Calls special attention tention to, our Stationery and Office Supplies and Job Printing Depart- ment. We are unsurpassed.... By any town or city in the Goods ave handle or the pricos we quote for Stationery and Printing and the quality pf both is always guaranteed. A perusal of this announcement may suggest something you mai' be in need of, ilnd in such case we solicit your patronatre feeling confident that our efforts to please will meet m ith the approval of our patrons, Letter Heads In this line we have a very flne stock of writing papers suitable for every class of business represented in this locality, also for private use, Note Heads This useful size is kept in stock, the qualities being in several grades, Memo. Heads These fill tin impor tant platcein com- mercial correspondence. See what we have got. Bill Heads If the "pay -as -yon -go" plan AA•as the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great ; but there ,,re some men who get so many dunner:s that they wonder if the stock will ever ►•un out. We don't intend it to, and at present our Wick is conl- ple(e in this line. Good paper and neat ruling. Statements Our stock is large. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch hint 'ronnd_- sometiule. Envelopes We slake a specialty or Envelopes. 'oil know it would be hard to get along without envelopes, tend to keep up with the demand for tk'eul Ave keep a large stock on hand. Plain or Printed we are offering some great snaps. One line ]u particular is going off fast - 50 for 5c. Commerical Printing k vast amount of work under this head to en(ulieratP would snore than take up the entire space oc- cupied by this adv t, but w'� do it all at TITS NEWS-IZFCORD. Invitations to an "At lionie" or A wedding lecjnire considerable taste in selee-' tine souretinles, but we make it alts easy ,natter by keeping in stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and see. Circulars We excel in all the different kinds of work we turn out, and pa'tic•u- ]arly in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitilllle t•(a all requirements. Programs of entertainments and ulec�linj promptly turned out, frons t ht plain and neat to the most elegitlti- Cards and Tickets These cover a large range of work, frons a bread and milk ticket, to a neat calling card, frons an or. dinary admissioll ticket to it tasty business card lir it handsonwly printed iiembgrship ticket. Memoriam Folders In this line THE NEWS-REcom, can supply every design, quality and price on the market. Posters Our facilities for turning out ,,his class of work are evidenced by tilt, fact that Ave always do gou(1 week and give superior satisfaction iu all 'refipects. Dodgers are greatly in demand, Our fact ties are superior for this class < Avork and the ver • l reason prices keep our presses busy, Sale Bills We make a specialty of theta promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will ap- pear in THE NL;WS-RECORD free of charge when bills for satne are secured here. All Kinds of Work in the typographical printing lice cay be clone in this establishuleut in An expeditious and artistic manner and Our prices will b found very reason- able. If you want Mourning Papers and. Envelopes For corrospoildence we cau give you 'up-to-date goods. Wo Aso carry full lines of Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Tablets, Erasers, Inks, Writing ,Paper, &c., &c. • In thanking our many patrons for the very libdral support accorded us in the past, a continuation of the sam liberal support is solicited. Tide XowsmRecUf6,. CLINTON. M