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The Huron News-Record, 1897-05-05, Page 2
s• If N 10 .; «; t2thir ,ld�d+tl^ tat. wx�1R-stlilt> 13o.rkti.i�lpc� h"oan)e .%..t. + • , v 446 *'ygltx• 1.AQ to 404.0# , ,� GRI01,414 Important IJ a t / •� p k 7ralp ?+x A 1> gl<ve 7�arllalneilt lend ttia notl.tttry oo London 1.i'ra$1'r'ass. � otice YJ --I. �=• ====z •- •'=-'=- � - --- Wedn,esdiky lost ftp Iden of the sort of We speak. elsewhere of the slaughter W>�DNEsDAT. MpY 5th, 181}7. The Mount Forest Re .resentativere- conduct that Is to be ex eot d from of the Nail-matcing Industll g . • . �t� '��� Public _ _ P >l b yin London,t _ fees to two culla to hole a inquests be- Ghe present Grit Adnllnistration, Y the operration of the new tariff, We have scoured the services of Mlt. J. W. CHIDI.EY to sake obs 11 }ng "'ride to Dr. Junes, coroner for Atten }oft wits called un TuPsdsY, by Barb -fencing wire, the manuflieture our Furniture Warerooma arlcl Unde"takiq = De charge of AIRti•Rritl<sti raid-Air<Ll•taur:rdirtu' fila counties of Grey and Wellington, Mr- DtaVICI, to file dia,rtissal of lilyd, of which was oP b Department, and trust oil will coil11 tlul'lll • the )fist Week, but which, after Isabella R. IiZCillrLnU9, the postm}s- here, has shared the saute fatte'tttj};eH add examine pqr Goods before purollasiUj; elaearh@re, as we BILOw the The opect t the expressed t- Positions,'d Iuvest�'gation, was considered unue- tress at North Held, B. (i, lu reply,ftLctory hie closed down and guns out line ofFllrniture In the county. All Go is are vara Fineslt with respect t0 the tariff ii eve that cessarv. Tile first case wds that of Mr. Mulock stated that she hlid beof the business of nranufaetuliug, fu". tion, and aG lock bottom prices, GIVE � guaranteed to serve to make it over thap ever that Charlt,tto Itiwolden, all unmarried dismissed because of the overbearing the I."J"' US A TRIAL. there a mote joy over one y andtket that I wouitta (if about 2v ear's of ai e, who conduct of herself :and her husband. Lice �vhichghti n bHenhefollowing no. Undertaking D@ artnlen As Mr, Chidley has been ton and repenteth than over, ninety turd nine Y gi To tills Mr, Davin replied knowutothe ublicwecarreatel I dirt! at the res]deucP of Alra. lholuaS e(1 at the that all in rho 11'Itturtaklp Do artmout ¢ trusted to his car 8 Y fumrarltoe oat persons that need IlU 1'Ppellttisill) t M thfLt Mi'. I'C'ee Pl'eea counting tenni : - class st to anti satlsl;actlUn O shat\1 bo atWnded o hl first ! Pleasant it certainly must be to "lip• (%risi,ia, in Norulanby, iit,ar Nourl,t;h McManus is dead, but AI r. Mulock tt1G1811 guarau,teee. First-class Hearse in uttoudautsgatall tiros, l it)�.Et3. post ui'l ee. 1 he deceased it appears, •asset ted that he is rt{ive and well. (Cot ) claimed ae that the gentlemen who mica pro• {g Canada Feat lo, ((iruiWal). J. W. CHiDLEY, IVI"NOR. FOR clah'ed their desires to discriminate in cows Urigivally truui Mildwuy,he,'Mr. I)aviue read it teller stat["' thrit her rei'tives live, and are Said to be !llr. McManus died in February last, London, April 27th, 18iY1. �"� at. ast aced t British products have all's ""able. wall -to-do people, Her front the result of &tit acrideot in No- adfoot at• last faced about and iutrodurPti a first rappeau'ance in this section was at vember, 18W, He asked the Post- Free Press Pr]nting & Publi,:hiug ('t), ; 9 ® ' C11 �o�1 s proposal which lucks either like frac Dear Sire -Kind, ��' 1t ? trade al a disc•rlooks eat fila otb,,a, Holstein, %hare She gave birth to a master• -General to reconsider the case, Y cancel advertise- 1, 8dool•sSouth Fair's Mln. way. It seeurs probable, ht,%ve.vt-r, that c,uild iti February. Sho then found a 11id to give the reasons for the dis- meat in yOto• puper fur Barb Ware, us ; ' , N •ha and 6" '"lay calls attended to b ciallln at when the tr'u'th is ktiown ill EIlgi alul 1 lir with Mrs. Crispin, leaving her i sal, ]it reply Mr. Mattock spoke We cluse(l down tills depar'tlllent' last I t'fill) IlEt ay'.141 B our Funeral Director's residence -J. w there will be its much surprise there its child to the care of the township of sneeringly of Mr, Ditviu's zeu.l oil Friday, as it could not possibly be --_- ---_- p Bgremout. On Thursday she died behalf of "this widow Of Ills," "'anufilet ured ill UFurada, under the �R� --- ther't, is .icy to-cliay, fur view the pilo_ , and read new turi2i• New '�]�%a — - —". Fpposition as favourably as We may, it rather suddenly, and her past history as report shoWill that she had been Waggon, Carriage and Repair , out ill it a Y-al,lure which urakas being an Imfortutiate one, her physr suruewhstt overbP iriu},= ill her conduct Yours truly, p Shop. fur closer union between the various cut"', 1Jr• Brown, of Holstein, notified in a matter trivial in its nature. Till- CANADA FE'N , 1 have opened out on Rattenhury street, next door to Tedford's i C i' (,U, Ilack- sections of the Empire, Froin tiles aha coroner of Lbe facts. The coroner sneer of the Postmaster -General rat, the ;'lith shop, and an' prepared to Jill orders for Waggons, Carries es and all 'ilia ordeit•.} Dr. Brown to Intake a post widow wits characterized b Mr. I)tt_ The ►ueu employed in the Barb \Vire g , staudpu]ut of Lite British producer the Y industry, in getti,,� their nettce to vehicles' Repairingaand repainting prorlrptly attended to. Satisfaction luurteul exil,uiiuntion :as a rcluuinar vin as brutal fii >turc unworthy of a quit, will hardly bless the I►uthors of anteed it'd pr?ccs the to%vest. con9istent earl fly in Gfae Uintweut is the circumstance p " Y pi Y, that, the British preference alluded to Ill inquest, which was dune, The gentleman, Ur a Miuis�,el of Lhe Urowu, this hardship setlt u o pule with );°od work, Call and see me 41 in speeches delivered for spectacular post. uwrLew revealed that death was a view in which the Conservative side p n them ,alae] You order. dila to natural causes expressed cotJellrreuce. filen follow_ their employers alike by the Laurier �'+MARI-ES WALKER• effect is no preferenc•o at all. ed one of the extraurditla, levels- O°vtI•nment, if any of theca work - Sir Richard Cartwright argues that The second ease was cn Saturday Y ' ,,len had before any doubt as to the .�"" "'��� g g When a Barna rdu Pini r, ant b) tions ever heard in Parliaulent. Mr. ?•'t►' A L B p �� c w_��� e otic in fife lung run work its IL pre- t, , 6': t y, named ,Oster asked to see the report Which truths of what ►oteetiouir•ts have V Iii S fereuce, because tits UIIitPd State' Wall. a siert raged about to years, Who 1 '1 been Saying = p ++ has lived with Owen Gibson, con, 13, Mr. Mulock cited in support of the Ills- Y t, to them, if they had Leon i` docrine is that you may diserimivate, pl utting their faith in the theories of TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. Ceylon, Assam and Japans, 8 lbs, good Y Y „ West Luther, for the est four of fives missal. He read the clause from which ppi,. oun li e under L reciprocal nst (,Il c0l.ut with ears wits killed whilepcho )In in the the Minister had quoted aand the ver i Itiosit io to realgize they are now Y g 9 On for 61 or 15c per lb. a third power, against tie c reatry to Y chopping first, sentence declared that there w: s til a nth lilts be realize he which side ct bush, li being struck oil the head by a not sufl9c]ent , Su ars Sugars, Sugars. , which must favoured nation tr•r;ttu,e"t gtillin limb, ground ill evidence to the truth has been. 1f their industry g , has been aecurded. Great Britain, g support the charges. The coli' 'sioto hits been struck down just at the open. Just to hand one oar of Montreal Sugars, No 1 Granulated Cofye • ace` however, hits never accepted the Unit- It appears the boy and his em el' also gave it as his deliberate ud ing of suu•uter, when the hope Of bet in bbla. one hundred pound and dollar lots ed States ducts in-, but hits drstiuctl went to work ill a bush belungin = to• j ly tar times ttlwiays be fns t° bei hten, ' p e end Rawls �f d Y meat that the duties of the office had g g SPECIAL PRICES. antagonized it.. She objected to it in the hitter's brother, lvilli,inl, and had been satisfactorily carried out, with they %viii know %%belie LO rest the WE KEEP THE BEST ASSORTED STOCK F '. our interests, a few years ago, in order chopped down •t tree when it, heavy ❑„n'e atteutiou to detail thtatl is usual blame. No words of the Free Press O WEDDING PRESENTS iN THE to enable us to share ill the louver 1]mb which hadtilxukeu off and hunt; ill country cruces. a this l report, call add to their keen sense of whist COUNTY. -Dinner, Tea, and Bedroom Seta, Fancy China and Lamps, (, duties which, under leciproc•ity, the sust)ended to �n adjuininp; tree foil (,,,erat]ug thepoatrniatress MrlMulock has beftilleu thein. 25per cent. less than regular prices. Call and see our Goode and gat;. United States had secured ill Uubu, striking the bo un the head and hare- It does out rrlend ruatters to he told prices. But apart itltoge then from that, it will IY escaping hie, employer, who sllout- had dismissed her while hell husband wits actutilly On his death bad. It 1iY AIr. Fielding that a ]ower tarllf-Tirnoth be found that the favoured nation ad at hurl to get out of the %%uy, and wits shown that MI LieAl,trous head u'ay be letter in the leug run, WhrLt SEED'and new eeed•ed and Alaike, Cloper, Turnip and 11Iangold, All clause in United States treaties reacts who started to grab the limb to keep beers a British soldier, that he Il:tc1 tat; the ►nen see is their daily bread bei» _ differently to clauses similarly dasig- it from striking the boy. A doctor Itis life at rhes dis )osatl of Ualiltt to snatched a%viLy from thorn, 6I I'll mated in 13vitish treat ies. Tile United teas fit once summoned, but the poor I Cash Paid for Good Butter and Eggs.--------. laid was be p help to suppress the North-West re- --.-..- - .__-,• '��T 'p'�'�y'g�•'�� p States covenant is worded thus: -If beyond earthly help. billion, and that hp had lo.t it while Tlr'e Grit Free Trade policy. J. YV • �.ZOr VN '.L 1V , Clinton.• ie, either arty shall hereafter grant, to i'lle c(irnor'teas prwllptlqq notified by still in the service of the country its a s any utfLer nation, its citizens or soh- All'. Gibson, the lad's etupl, , lord its Inail carrier, In the face of tbest> forts Hamttton ipoctaator. __ _ -- -----_ __ _ jests, any particular favour in cavi• there were some i•un,ors, its is so a unwber' of the. member„ iue{udin��Y htera'a tanother one for our eslcetned - ` -�- gialiou or commerce, it shall iruuu'di- often the case in counertic>n tvilh thew, Mr. E. B. Osler of Torouto I•use It,ld but stupid euntewpornrY the Ham]\- __ 'In the m r - ately become common to the other t utigrrant boy;, that the boy had been denonuced the cruel and tyrannicaal foil Thai(,*, into whose head the ideal, THE TOP N OTO N Pickles ar been of p"i"ty, ft'eely, when freely granted to I,hused fron time to t]t:Is, the coroner, conduct of tiro Pu;truaster Generiil. has cl atvled .that Jill ad valOreul dot ickles has been raachrd such ot.hir nation, or oil yielding the after,lvising With County ('Iu%vn At L+'ren Iilr. Laurier was cuwptlled to is not so "pr„tectivts” in its nature. as -o i11 Salla(: CUII'})(•I1Satllltl when the t,=taut torn��y Peterson, ordered it 'post +loot- atdiLlit tlliit his collaa�=ue ,,light ]liavc is at Specific duty, Under the N. P, f1 is runditiouut.” Su that the United tern eanrnin,at]on, which w,as perforin• been hasty, but asserted that, at ,all the sheat music was imps ted underHeinz.s States doctrine l covered by the cr,n- cd by Dr. W. W. Junes, of Conn. events, there wa no politics in the a specific duty of IU cents per pound - l n venlh)ns. (ln trio other baud, the yy Sweet P1J1 bulkBritish treaties ntake. a strai ht ;agree_ lilt he,ul of .the deceased was fount] mutter. Some oPthe 1Veslern nterti ac sal to aboutHvcpercent. advaloiern. i g to be bad! fraetnred by the I]mb, but bens, relalizingr >1 talent that a favour given by (treat Y r, that the disulis,al was l acre" the tinkered tariff' the ditty is i. Britain to another cation ;)nail be there being no other marks and no not justified by the report Mr. Aluloc k 25 per cent, In consequence Of this ill_ Are not ordinary vinegar Pickles blit ,Ire Extra suspieious circul„stances )vhntever had read, undertook to supply hill, creased” tax Messrs. A. & S. Nord. and preserved ill a Pure Pickling •fip]eed s ggivtla to the other party to the treaty. suer°trading the sad accident, the cut- with fresh reasons for iuthering t.o his heiuu r "oaks this annqunceulent : manufacture, g Vinegar of their Uwi, i1l the erase cl' tit German and Brl- („ler decided an inquest was auneces. w th fr char their method of cLlrin the 1 Y position, Mr. Davis,Diaifor g+ pickle. Chin trei dP8 the provision is t}1•at arti- scary instance, declared Mr, McMantis Toronto, April 2;3.-Otyiitg til. the retain the ingest per centage of tmeir"naatural•color stud cies the produce and manufacture of had sold (lutitlg the rebellion illicit duty oil sheat nnlsic, „viler the new %'<'gt,tabls fiavot. these counlriea shall riot be subject to -- - - --- liquor, which the member fur Sus- tai'itf, being raised Froin the equivalent THESE HIGEI GRADE PICKLES are for sale at any higher or other unfair duties than A GRAND TRUNK BRAKEMAN, of five per cent. ed 'l,5 per cent, we are the produce of the United Kingdom of katchewan testified was very good t stuff. Mr, W. W. B. ilrinnes gavel corupelled to raise our rote 20 per cent. Ureal Britain suer Ireland. All the Im- ('ELL; TIIN STORY or HIS r,xr�oSL*III - informed the .House that the lady' i� °n all sheet music except tlutt which is THE UP-TO-DATE CASK GROCERY. pet statesmen who have given an rHFJN'AT1I THAT BFFLL HIM, AND HOW question citrrles to six-ShUUtel•, Bili: published in Canada. ,,, inuopist a qtr the eriun n agree. that: we IIM WAS Ri,:L1EVLn op ills ' yl' -'R- these were not the r Per•ha )s our esteeu,ed but Stupid Phone 03. O G.LIR COOPER R Q,�, 000 must extend to �i;errnany and Belgium INGs. - grounds on which i ' 1 L,% ,rj (w Mr. Mulock had acted and the content ora" • the same and. s that we extend t° the not strengthen Ills cane in the; slight, wiping out of that villianous) ]low tlit Mother Land. Lord Iiu.utsford }}nLY the W. Lavelle, 0. T. R. briakeman, est, There wits no conceallin the act Y pecifi<' tinge, my the barrel ,it close prices. case this way ,n 1892: "Che undoubted Allendale, Ont., says: "Through -x- g �} dot of lU cents a pound, and the sub - Y• g that both sides Of the House vele dis- stitution of the righteous 275 per cent. effect of these two clauses is to pre- assure 1 contracted that dread disease __ .- . _ __.._. ___ __. gusted,at the state of affairs rev, ale aid. valorem duty is "a steptoward free - - ---- -----_...._._ ..--_-- -.! _ vent lowered duties being charged in-eiltarrh. Aly case became chronic. paled trade �” British colonies ort the int orttaLion °f IYwI>y recommended t° tr Dr. A' new's `"'d "ever lied a Dlinister appeared in READY FOR B(�SINESS. p Y worse light before Ills friends and foes _ _ 'p goods the produce of the United good- after the first apple Ill feu u'reli es thal,n Mr, Alulock did. 'Beacom, The Clinton Family Grocery, dgni thitn are charged oil similar goods after the first application I heel relief, Political Points. 1 9 the produce of Belgium or Germany, and in an ahuost incredibly short Lime - Are now ready for business with a new and select stock of Famil GGrocery, Moreover, under fila most, favored ill sylnptotns had disappeared. I feel News Notes. , Flour, Feed, Provisions, &c. 11'e narantee our values to be they cr best in nation clailse container) ill most of the I MI' not speak too stron } to recce„ Hat'lilton CeuLpfar:-The new Got- g y Y Lord land Lady Warvl•ick will eI'llor-Ge,,erial of Canada is one cif the the market. Teas a specialty. Terms Crash or Produce. treaties in force bct.veel, (}rent Bri- tuendingthisremedy. ItlsaplPilsaut, given rich •, twin and foreign States, this privilege safe and quick cute." -Sold by wittts ],Ibilaa garden parc party ()it 'June 3rd, bin -makers in the world. -Corner SHEPPARD & BEACOM, ONTARIO ST., CLINTON. which is enjoyed by ibulgium land Ger- & Co. . kore than five thousand guests tare to `ULOne. Our esteemed contemporary man goods ill the British colonies is 1 be invited. ]s just A, little previous. Tho Duke of extended to til: roods of all the various -_ _ - __. Leeds, alias the "Gin Duke," is not yet CLINTON O `�` - -- — b News Notes. The Grand Jury of St. Thomas res- Governor-General (though his name is SASH, DOOR, and BLIND FACTORY countries parties to those treaties." turned no bill against Engineer Isdtvinc] ulerttioued for the oilicu), nc)r will he The cl+Lim therefore that the Ottawa Prince Louis William Augustus of button fur manslaughter. Duttcn was ever be if tilt, i'rollibitionists can Ila ' Government is offering a trade prefer- Baden, brother of the Grand Duke' of in charge of a.n agricultural hugine, heard at the Howeibtioffice. sts can —o once to Great Brittain oil behalf of Can- Badt;n, cried Tuesday. which exploded find killed A)(-bes. are as Indignant at the proposal a� - ads is ran assertion ;for which thee• is There were six degrees of frost in the Au'ericans are, sur )"iced. no foundation. We are not offering a yicit'ity of Ottawa un Alunda night, Judge Snider of Hamilton has con- i S. S. C����� PrD preference, but, on the contrary, we told it is feared Vegetation has collar- vic•ted the cigar deader:': Charged with 5onte of our esteemed conteuipor- V �•' � p�"�eij®'�•. tLra saying that Great ,13rit.:afi Nati all ed conducting ai lottery by 'e1li,,9 tickets ItI']es sP('Ilaytu think brat Britain may G Eurup� shall iliacs file same terms in for file 1 ronu,t{%'(, of Art, 1' uciation "also the etllbargo on Cauladian rattle elleral Builder and Contractor.'— > Canada, these terns being lower duties Fears are, entertained that the of ,1lontr•eal. All ;appeal will be taken. out of gratitude for the nlinilunill than heave hitherto prevailed, and we I''aenelL steainel Henri, bound from t,uitt schedule, and also to think This factory has boon under the personal supervision an r' Sw ausea to Alnrsailles, falls liven lost, Jamas A. Centile rS (.a, of Muntro,al that tbrt.t raising would hP a good eight years, We carry an extensive and reliable d ownership for ince a lidding that the United States nluy' %vich tli]rty of 1'ec cre%v, hove consented t,) assign oll defurlud of thiol," fur Canada. 13nt the fact !s that ave eetitnates for and b e bre stock and prepare plans and corns in also. the Batik of Aluntraal. \'lir ionise %via 6 build all. classes of buildings on short notice and on the Air, H. H. Bishop of Uxbrirli;e %circ wrecked b if Great Britain keeps up the embargo With the 'entiulent dictating the thrown out of his Carriage in it run- )' the dofalcatiuus of a con- until. such Liule : < Canadians clave ler_ closest price All work is supervised ill a mechanical Iva sl)eeches based upon the theorythat fidential' clerk, who embezzled $001x10 1 = y and satisfaction ttlere is a British jtlefeence tveaartl- aw,'Y alld it is feared fatally injured, q,• $7p000. • fee their plans for the shipment of guaranteed. 11 a sell all kinds of interior and exterior material. ! agree. But from the conte') )table Safe-crackers robbed Anderson's pri- • chilled beef froul this country, the old ]LAllllbel' Liltli Shingles, Lime, �' Blinds, posittion in which tite Government is flare bulk at Oakville of $7(A At Simon Lo%vr�y of Flantilton was co,,,_ mother ,,ill be doing• a veryy great > > 5 1 dSll, Doors, 2,1111(lS, ISiC. ' Placing us For its own party ends, fro,,, Snnt,hvillc the postoflice safe wits )cried by the I olice Alrigislrtake to pay kindness to the Cnnuclian ehil<l. 1.'ho , , b1mvii open and $100 stolen. 9.5 to bliss Jennie Cohen for tearing chilled beef scheme would put illtich Agent far rte CI'I,LLI,ATIJD G1tAYI3Itf, SCHOOL 171✓SI�, roanufactured the pretence that ave. urs doing some- her jacket in a street collision, Till-- 111°r'e Money into) the Canaians fill.- It Waterloo, Call and got prices and ealimates before placing our orders, thing when we know full welt that we Fire at Newpport News burned four !a y 'ire doing nothing, we vessels at the dock and destroyed 1 - Young f tyy presented him wiGfa the re of cattle et than the free admis'iun i, g, �ihny other Y °w + tn:tins of file garuleut, qt live cattle to Brituiu, ve would from comp}icit,y in any other 1100,000 worth of propert, Severral �pM-e-- ��__ __�`-_�`_---- --. _ - .. _---.__ ... �+ sailors were yy Several disasters are re Itching, Burning Skin Diseases CL•EARiNO rr�ALE.�'� .windle, '.Che danger is Chat tills Grit Y burned. ported its a t ails"' will rertct upon us; that it will At, the convocation of the faculty Of The big teouliile rw on dal St. Lawrence. rivi� "Our Lad of the Snows" in the theology rile bi{,= steauler Rosedale went on the -- We have decided to sell out aur entire Stock of Crockery and (�lar9aare Y yin Victoria University Thiers- rocks near Rock Island light and ILelieved in u day, 1;czeurl,, salt this mouth as %ve British mind a Yankee or wooden day All•. J . 1V. L, Forster's portrait knocked a holt: its her hit]]. The A1. T. t']reuu,, barbers' itch, and all eruptions propose giving up keeping those lines. Intending+ nutmeg repirtalirnl. 1f so it will injalre of the late :llr. Il. A. Massey was uu- C''ompony's barges also suffered heav- of the skin quickly relieved ,iud speedi- purchasers will find the prices very low as the goods roust be colli. G coli call'pa?gn for that thoroughly veiled. it Iy cured by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Br'Itt4h t'Ut111tlePL•ial IIndPPSCan(lin r of y' }t will give. instant comfort in cases of Groceries also at Close Cut Pricee, Terms, Ca911 or I'rodueP, }, The Grand Trunk railway oirials in Another Pioneer of Ashl]eld has de- itcIliu bleeding or blind - which;itOttawatleastweekthe British London do notfent, that the Unitr(1 g piles, and G. J. STEiQt/Ar�'T. Empire League spoke. Butapartfro'1' St:Ltas wi1l.retalirLtt, for the llominicliL p'at'ted this life, it bergg Gbitt of Mr. will cure in fl Ori' three to six nights, Ageu fat tdle ](crena Tea, that,, we are really, getting under the tariff by leuloving the bonding privi- 73 nl. John Hull, on tilt 18th in tt in his 35 cents, -Sold by 1'Vtatts kk()o, British disguise it ]°w tariff to the lege, year. Deceiased was a kind husband world. This low tariff necessarily find father. The bereaved widow and __ _ .__ ._ - ---.__ _ _ operates ;against our industry, and Alt•, Rudyavd Kipling had a, p°ein ill flintily hits the sympathy of all ill Guthlie, Oklabarna, %vas flooded in i g ves our farmers no addition to the Tuesday's London Tlines, entitled their sad loss, places up to the eaves of the houses h markets for their pro(luct,ti, A scheme "Our Lady ml the r opel it in which n. y Stock-Tak, mor- con,)letel praises C:mudt4 for o ani,, til- doors On Monday ot into) ItIl H (Juice cud Mlle sudden rising of thc> Cottonwood ����,,, JJJJ} yanti-British rand ant] e p g Juhn RaGzell got into an altercation at River, '.Che nu)nber of drowned is var- (lruliadiau it would be impossible to de- to Lnglish trades on preferential terms. vi+l-. it ]s again rnI",orcd that England Barry Bay, on the Ottawa, Ain riot, g and Parry Sound railway, whenpR;at- iably estimated at front 20 to 100. -_ _ has purchased DPIN ,OtL !lay, and that zell struck Cruse on the head with a In Lhe ;)Pn,Lte, which reassembled We are now Nicely Settled ill our ,Stores in the oltl she will at once proceed to fopt,ify til- coaldog, ca•ushing in his skull. He FELL DEAD," yak Island, to serve sit ,i prase of supply note lies in the Ottawa, hospital dying, Tuesday night after l:rLstcr vacation, Prick Block, ATl(1 pleased to see oil" olil CUStonlel'S llfi in the event of hostilities with the Ratzell has not been arrested. Air. Alclnnes gave notice that he will 5vell cls 1)e1V ones. We Lire now busy taking Transvaal. � StUCI�, lllltl WHATYOU MORE GCF.RY-DAY HEADING Do The Executive Contnlittee of the move that it is desirable and expedient in a great many lines are sellll] alt reduced 1)rius ill YOU READ IN THIS PAPER TITAN While plOughint-= oil A fill III aft:)and- Navy Lergtie waited Wednesday upon that the Government should at the THAT 1' --THEY ARE LEGION. %vich, Ont., oil Alunday Louis Leslser- Mr. Laurier,asking hill) to (11111 the earliest. order to cleat' out, once turned tap a3 smrill wooden box, attention othe imperial authorities p, for elate establish a,,ilgt Don't dally with heart disorders. which contained the fully developed to tile.. desirability of re.fut'ming and ex- in G,uladia for the purpose of coining -0 — forais but one cure. "I had been body of a female child. An investiga- tending the I•toynl Nrty reserve sal its call the gold, silver enc] copper coins e fora number of years sorely limicted tion is being held. 3' pl g to c admit of the ear ier a t a ed ii' iiul qnecessaryuirenien to meet tfaa Coil) re- � � • (� with hart disease. At ars h my life ByP-elections for t.Ile Dominion seamen. Mr, Laurier appeared inter'. quire,nenLs of the country. . . ,B'D nS. was b despaired oil. Dor•tors had ores- ffiiilv(loriae, ('onnwros %vc+,e h(q(I in Mac. est.ed, and Said he would give the sub• beArt, ,and i. had e, I every known donsda Winnipeg, lilt(] West Prince jest his bcst;Lttelltinn, A young man working for Abu(rr Stoves and Hardware heart remedy "nada, i had supposed, Tn®sdraY• The Liberal r:Lndirlatc's Fuller, of Woodham, left home over a enc] did not get any he,,efit. 1 read of were elected in the first two, but rile There tvaLs a debet" ill the Dominion , the wonderful cures wrought h Dr, result in \Vest Pr?ace Ia still in doubt. House of Gomtau)ns 1Vrduesday on Lhe week ago, le tving• n0 word tae t0 Where - - - - - --- Agnew's Cure for the Heart. pro_ dismissal of Mrs. Isabella AlcMan„s h<: %t as grnog. lip returned this uePk, __ cured a bottle, and in less time almost A inePting of the Lord's Day Alliance tyle postnlist•ress at Northfield 13, G, saving lie had gone to Stratford, but T than it taakes to tell it, the distress WAS wits held it, Ottawa Uel Tuesday night, Mr, Mulock, the Postmaster -General, COUM uoL tell why. The whole corn. Cheap . CheapCheapIreleived. I followed the; directions %%•hied passed ft resolution endorsingstated that, she lead beet] dismissed for ulunitwere excited, and a thorough Cc ruff u closely and to -day I ails,a well woman tlLe bill that llr. ('hn.rlton hiis ;lb pre• inefficiency and ovarbe;trirlg conduct, search' wits nl,ule of the nsrighborhood, BESTk WOVEN WIRE EENC�K '�-y again, and I shall do all ill illy }].,rover sent before Parliament, but the re}loet upon which he said he aid a river was about to ()e dragged 67EER l,1 h� p �_y Lei make known to every one sufFerina In, February, 1805, George Ballard, aeteri declared that• she find cliachargPtl when the young man returned, WIREE ROPE SELVAGE, �✓ as I did the wonderful curve it worked soil of Srhoul Inspector Ballard of liar dailies in a srttisfactor'y manner, Atr. Charles Schurtcr, t.hn ]ate mina Q for me. Mrs. Will. Burton, Dart- Hamilton, kicked a boy nauned Rich- land that the charges a.gatnst her were gar of the Garrick Pr]vatk Banking Co,, C! p� Q ©�Q�Q�QaQ Qom' ('�' mqw, Ont,” Sold by Watts & Co, and Neville, wbo, with same other n'1Fupppo"ted by evidence, ]syen Mr. of Allldn'a Ont., was arrested __ boys, was teasing him. Neville's fath- Laurihr had to apologize for his col- Wednesday Tin rhaiges of embezzle- _ - - er carricrl the case t0 t.hP courts, and league, staying that he had ,tpprarent:y ,Hent and Working false entries in his i FENCINGS, Mr. Blair is confined to his b -d in Ut• rias just secured a v -"dict of $•250 and 'acted %vich too much haste, hooks. ties was t.nken before the to va with can attack o. fever, eosGq a•g•ainst Mr. Ballard, on the Police Magistrate at Walkerton, and ground that his son is it cripple for Revolution in Greece play follow on �e•r�e�eoe�,mbec eodo� The Government relief steamer sent life, I P the defeat of her troops iii Thessal at the i d to bail. The arrest was made rip the Red River to relieve the Y• 'at the instance of the inspectors of til° dandHotdby people The populittion of Athens is ill a fer- 1 A queer mislindc�rstanding occurred inent, the Crown Prince, who was coil- insolvent estate. THS WfRB FtSnCINq CO„ t,Tq, i] al;'� '�yTt�l i i� at+� in the flooded districts found that one , W17 well GirA7 )00 man and lits family bird lived for at Dr. McCarthgs residence, Barrie. stantly prepcar•il,g fol retreat rather A. R. Berclua, station. and express outarlo. • • two days in their one story hrntst, with Burglars broke ]tato the h.: use, anti the than energetically advancing his '.gent at St..Iorite, Quebec, got up a i C'il"iQICE STEEL WIRE NETTINGS two feet of water on the floor. In res doctor, mistaking one of thee. for his troops, has been deprived of his cum- sensational story of the robmintr of the X ffi1lfljnS house in which three t,o five families Son, asked hien to -light a match. The rand, land there are threats of assassi- express office, He afterwards confess FOR 't" ELi,.1S, POULTRY YARDS, burglar complied, mistakin the voce nating the Kin There is sortie talk ex re were living Logethereickness had mink g R• ed that he had taken the money him- LAWN F�NCINGS, STC, en out among the children, and on k for that of his cam�anion. Unforturl- +amongst the members of the Bou{e of self and I,id it under the station plat. oftately the doctor failed to get a fair view ti: ithdrawing the Greek army from form. The money, $1,0(10, was found Ioafeed prow}slops" l�Ii.d run short curbs of hie visitor's facts, and the muralare Crete and making an appeal t0 the ,,'here he had put it. Berdua is now in ARE F' SOLD very MUCH LOWER this year, than ever before. left suddenly. I powers for interference. jail on charges of theft and forgery. THEY ARE THE BEST, ask your Hardware Merohant for them. + , V , __,� I F,,�-` � I I . . i •1 � 5•i 1; ,. , I T �,. fW fw..=, A t, I "77AM1 r(, • i .r.v t .im ...Y..•. %.�'r...:r. ,�t':..f .�",-,.. 'ILLI. - _..- 25.. e-,., r ' - - ..._...._,.c,i.,:: �,. +' ._.s'1 ."�.'1.:...�... ..ai1L.�.__,. _.:_s'{iC'i3:Y..p.,'. -4 .�.._.... _ - r ar