The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-28, Page 4,
0101f.61000, l M �11�. A j�j' tQ)§_s a e.vaufin�r,, wilat� Cho, j�nqu t'y was
�I0�►400099000000 0900 -"� La.1� Dr ooucl.4tdod. Tho evideleco 4.tk9a oboes—
We have decided to tut those far1l• �-' Iter death through an illegal olQvnie eration
ous GOLD M19VAL WIIELLS in both g
Om Goderich and Clinton Liveries and The Grits Pursue the Tories cud that for life purpose of proouria
ltttvkug purchased more than we will u, a u,isearlvage she had Obtained front
need tit it very close price urft prepared ou the High Seas 1)r. J. G. Xeweu a dentist hero a
to give SOIIIV of our customers the '
beuetit. - bottle of" medicine And instruments,
we will not quote prices here but would ad- 1v111Ch Ifitte" Hire used to the knowl•
ein bio p pcustomers
i stome s who have
tth utt .h u A,nd If Possible 'IVill Bouure edge of her husband, fur that pur
4 11'Llwl• ruse,
numbot• of second-hand wheels wbit+h we are i
selling off veryy cheap. Out Sundrtosandlte-• " Dr. Deacon presented ilia report of
pairs will sati-ify you, routouibor wo are head- IN olinrat rO (41 %,1,- Put(YT1oNH To ufli'[' the post iuortow examination which
quartors for everything in Bicycles. PARTISANS. ,
0000000000 _-- showed that death was due to blood
poisoning, oaused by the introduction
EMERSON'S Bicycle and Alusic Owen Sound, Out., April 23 (Spe- of Heplle Ill Itter by the Elio a astir-
House, Clinton, c•iul.) All-. S. Seager Of Guderich Wits ter.
it, town to -clay Itutkinr prelinti"ar•v
_.__ _ Ia Runents for au enyufry into the The evidt'ucs was ell in At 10.30 p.
GAii(Ittt•t of Captains Dunn, McGregor to and alter f.,ur and a half hours
®4rI- }�� and Pearson, of the e'ruisers Petrel, deliberntiun tile ,
VV�:I U hayfield and Dolphin respectively. , le jury returned a vet•-
Uharges of offensive p taislutrhip and dict se follows :
��•--�� ��p of interference in the late elections "'chat the Haid Isalelle Buchanan
4.Ju have e have been Made against thes0 onlVials' tomo to her death b
To ,t Iepiesentatn'e c,f The A1ail au,} y reason of an
Your rooms nicely papered with Lmpire AL•. Seager strned that the abortion procured by herself throunh
charges uVainst Citpt. Alc(Iregor will the euiploymentof drugs and inst u -
our artistic WAIT Paper, with 1w heard at. Goderich, while: ill('le utents supplied to her fur that purpose
border and ceilin;s to match against Captains Duun and Pearson PI ,
will be heard here, by Dr. John G. Yemeu, of Stratford,
what about soave nice It is understood -that Mosses. M. (!, who Alio gave liar instrnotions how to
Catnerou and James Lister•, M. I:) use the stme, and that therobl the
are responsible for• the charges being said Juhn G Yemen did kill and mur-
Inid, Conning o" te heels of the re• der the saidIsabelle Buchanan," cent wholesale dismissal of se£tn cu
from the Petrel, the thr•entened inves- Yemen was im ediatoly arrested
ligation into the corfduc•t of the ofilcers and brought before he police magic•
hits created quite a sensation, and the trato at three o'clock this morning, and
su•ip r�l stir, i neeenceto are htti'fngacommitted to jail on remand,
denloraliziug influence on the whole
flsheny protection service, Yemen figured in ilia Police Court
here It" years ago ill another case In
And ,--�- I which ho was charged with procuring
Ff an abortion upon Alice Dunn of t1t,
I Futest., and formerly a dutnostic in one
of the a called
hotels of this city
yq Yemen eecaped upon o luta) techni•
* --- cality on that aeaasion, the Police
Magistrate holding the girl's evi.
Poles deuce was not corroborated. Airs
t has Brought Down Yarnell is very ill as A ro'Hult of liar
Iinshand's orreat, and it is feared that
y finance Brister owing to the wenk state of her heart
aha r11ay•not survive the aback. Ye.
A nice Cream Shade with . men himself takes the matter very
fringo or lace is the proper fielding
thing to hove and we cin give t coolly.
you your choice of 2.5 fjifreent
kinds of Pvlea. LAURIER AND HIS PARTY HAVE CMIllida's A1)peal to Britalu.
Come matin and see what we PURLOINED THE CONSER- The following lines aro front the pen
NATIVE NATIONAL Of it resident of Clinton an(1 have ap-
IIaVe. peered in thN Mrtil and Eulpire. Tutt,,
POLICY. NEWS -RECORD Inas pleasure in repro-
ducing thein :-
O Britain! what has conic to thee?
And Repudiate All Past Professions. Thy gartnentsssoiled uld withto
noth and lost,
- Thy glory trailing to the dust.
I thought thoe,great, I deemed thee mood,
O fool! with 'Furopo'o graspping brood,
THE GRITS AND THEIR PARTY MUST Than tvatchest(standing idlyby)
SWALLOW PAST UTTERANCES, The unequal strife for Liberty,
OLIN 1 ON. One thought of thine; one word from thee;
And Turkey would have bowed the knee;
The Tariff lilts been brow ht down. Have bout before the power unseen:
g Have bowed the knee to Britain's (ucen,
The new measure has n(.b given, much
XeIV I�111rI tl, Cluetc# , balm or relief to the followers of the When Abdul the accursed came,
Laurier party, who haft so many puli_ And swept the land with sword and flame,
Cies and n' o deCliLled Armenia looked for her release
Fartners-Allen & Wilson. protection to be To all to vain but little Greece.
Springy hats -A. J. Morrish, everything hat was badeven front hades
'the Bicycle -T. Jackson, Sr. to hades. Now Mr, Laurier and his whose w 1,' -blood, front ages past,
Cabinet and the rank . and file havO Ruahod down in torrents, hot and fast,
Wedding Rings -P. d Crews. As dwelt her wak'ninb soul upon
Just a rniuute-J. BiddlecamIle. been landed in the despicable, warm, Mntiades and Alaruthou.
Cup and saucer --Tire W. D. Fair Co, ho(, and burning atmosphere its pict-
Out weekiv bus et -Hod ens Bros. tried and depOut 'ed by themselves. And bounds her pulse at thought of thee;
g Thou glory -decd Thermopylae;
Window Shades' -.W. Cooper & Co. They have after due consideration, �t'h( c erfmsint mmn'rics yctbespoak
Boarders, vwnIo d -:firs. George Ilan- meditation, , months of reasoning
Unfading lustre for the Greet .
ley among their own choson household,
Read our advertisennents-Jackson belied almost evely past profession She sawagaain thirnarrow pass,
p NVhcre fell her brave Leonidas;
Bros. , and adopted very largely the (%onset'- And in her old-time sh•ength arose,
$2 • reward - TrTE Ni IVs -RECORD vative policy of protection for Canada. With fiery force to meet hor rocs:
office. True, some changes have been made, she heard the Crctana' crx Pur sid,
-_-. - - - _ __ _ . _— ®• but they will prove bootnet•ang$ tihe faced the polvers undismnyecI;
---- tgainst. Llne 01 -It put't'y at the ballot Her wa.r cry ran from shore to shore,
.Thl� �/ box. NO political party Can or will ••And Greece was hVlllg Greeg� onvo more.
ep Huron IV ews-Record be itllowved by the electorate to 'each
Fla Alone, opposed on every hand,
14ghteousness to thein for eighteen .Voce, she made a glorious stand;
t.15 a Year -81,00 in Advance lung year's, and aftel' gaining their con- Alone, to stem the de:ril's work:
fideuce so delibcra.te•1y deceive them. A one, le face the inslitiatc t urk,
1VEDNESDAX, APRIL 28th, 1891• ill the history of Canada there has Alone ! Alonc! o shautc to those
never' Leen "lure glaring deception or
1 1Vho stvcll the uuutbcr of her foes! ,
- - - -- _ - - -. fl•nud 0n tbu watt of an "'ell, 13rflatn! et!t;ht'st thou blush to.ce,
_��--`--'l ---- } Y politiCltl The climax to thy- infun,y.
party than may be found in the
(1URR1;A T 'I'OPIC3, new tariff'. The National Policy is When men lit power, with orders fell,
adopted ahnost in tato. The too Turned upon C rete their s
pool, elan but and �hc•11,
Henry Either is rapidly gaining and pilo" far'"ter-not.t: tic: difference- Howe'er, unwillingly, through thco,
strength in South 1ltit'on, is not. L. well They hurled their(tarts'gainst liberty.
„ protected; but elle rich
----- ------ .- - ... __ etre loirked after ill It manner thitt will w!Llidrop ting head I lowly stand,
What the Wittgham Advance does still further grind the labor.-ing classes. Insharne>'ortheethe "AfotherLiutd," I
The Laurier y 1 g Bring forth th;• force by hand and sea,
not know about the license lnwv and part were )led ed to 1•e- Break from thy teal noel,, and be frac!
flare the masses -instead they have in-
icense would make a very interesting c•rensed their, burden,. and will have It Rise! freonnan! rise and early door,,
ilnpter of reading. deficit of several millions of dollars, The bloody Abdul to the tomb.
--- Though all the powers cry for peace;
--- Free corn will not be of advantage to To armsl to arms for little Greece.
It is rumored •thin Air. J. T. Garrow the Canadian fart ner, neither will free
will be the next Dominion candidate wheat or flour, or, a duty on t.ea, or Xe men who love her classic lore; s
for West Huron and that. Mayor in every land on everyshore,
whiskey, or even barbed wire because Raise! raise! your banners lot them fly;
the price i4 as low is it is likely to he. And shout for Grecco and chivalry.
Holnnes' friends worn push Lhe condi- We rather confplinnc•nt the Grits oil
dature of the latter for tine Local their adoption n' CLARA F .
p n t the Nahvnnl folic I Alors•t•c.ta•rL+e.
House. Y, I '
but we £u•e +fisc compelled to denounce Clinton, out. s
_.._ _ ... tiny party that adopts It pulley they ------ -_ - 1
The New Ent wants the business have declared to be It legid system TO HELP GREECE. J
of organized robbery find thieving, a ___
men of Clinton to give their opinions system which Sir Richard Cartwright Speeiall Train of, lolln�a tGreeks w
on the new tariff. For yeAts our co. styled its such, and still the Grit party to Fight the Turks.
ar, ,.
tem. a Willi n
s den +t are ennead practically the g Y, t compelled—to take _ r
4-11110 tat•ifl' its robbery and a ff•,utd. the dose and continue the CUIIBer,aL- 'rIIEY OODTF. FROM 'r1IE ww•pr7LLX wPEr'iT
Whv now ask such nonsensical goes- tive policy. This is not hone,:t or AND HAVE THROW-,, UP THEIII, JOBH S
tions''e' The New Erit must title the legitimate. Mr. Davies w•itstoeli"tilllr
hitter medicine of its own making, Ill. ate every principle of protection stn(} To flllour.DER nttxH FOR TrTE MOTIt I
though the nostrum may he. labelled sit'(' that, protection was "accursed of LRLAND, i
sweet. God and f"an." Mr. Laurier denoun- - ji
ced protection its "a fritild it delusion, A speci+d train loud of young; Greeks e
and a I obherv." And still 'we have the 'Vent t.ltrOngh 1,01)(1011 frons Chicago at a
The "tip" given by the Gritz, on the ole} and tried National Policy --so long (3,1(1 o'clock over the G. T. R. Fri(iny, o
new Grit Tariff means a gain of rnntty accused find dainnod by the Grit They were hoe d for the foul Of their )
thousands of dollars to the favored pal- -adopted almost it)its entirety t+tthers, to hal ) in the fight again4t V
by Latimer and his p£u•ty• 1Ve feel Turkey, J� h
supporters of 'the Laurier party. for
out- matey Gritfriendswho are corn- The young neon were a tpar•entlyy ct
,While our cotem., the New Era, is ask- pelled to swallow the dose or rebel, well-educated; they were well dressed-
ing for opinions on the new tariff we At the vanle t ime we must confess and And their, enthusias"1 knew no hounds.
would suggest thea it also endeav0►• again kremind our readers that the They shouted themselves hoarse, itt the i
to Ascertain some particulars of the Grits have followed the course Tin,; stiction here, and it would have gone s(
doings of the Grit party in the way of Nr lvs-RECORD pl't'tlfeted. But while ill with any elusky Turk who might h
giving tips to favored friends on the doing so they have been proven (lis- have hove fu sight. st
tariff, There is plenty of scope to honest in their, professions --and we de- The train was nnnde up of four t
write tip spicy opinions. clar•ed this last June. "aches, +uul c£lrried probably 220 of G
the Greeks. All sorts of banners float- 1)
ed from tire cite windows, such as "Vic- r
Ne`l'S Notes. A Stratford Sensation. tory or death." The heroism of the lit
--- young fellows is inspiring; probably M
Mr. Charles W. Hellerns, one of the. DR. J. O, 1 MM11N A DENTIST 00MIA1t•i'- fool,(- so than is their good sense, They h
oldest re4idents of St, Catharines, Ont„ were nearly all snutll of stature, and
died Thnrsda a ed 89. TI:D Volt TRIAL ON A SERIO[i8 M
y' g not vet'Y strong looking.
Mayor Bingham of Ottawa has been rel<lRors. — S
appointed h the Pope Chevalier of Many intimations are made that the ah
the Holy Sepulchre. This confers Stratford, April 22, -Oil SAu'day execution of Theodore. Durrant of San fo
upon the Mayor the right t0 wear it morning last, Mrs. Roland Buchanan Frnncisc0, the convicted murderer of n
black cont and a pair of green breeches: died suddenly, after only s few hours' Blanche Larnont, will never take place. hi
In a few days a representative of the illnees,And the circumstances surround• Two of the state hoard of prison direr- ti
Canadian Post -Office Department will tors in interviews have said they think R
have an interview in Washington with Ing the case were such ne Co lead Durrant should not he hanged, two eb
the postal authorities regarding the Crown Attorney Idington to call for others favor his execution and the fifth L
transportation of mails in Alaska. an inquest, This was opened on Mon• is nun -committal. Governor Budd de- E
The workshops of the Canadian day before Coroner Devlin when an clines to say how he will act when the pit
Pnciflc railway itt Hochela a will be adjournment wls mads Ht:1 11, petition for clemency is presented to
the scene of great activity f�m several J y him, but many of his confldential
months to come on account of the ex- evening to allow for a post mortem friends state that the governor hits
tensive locomotive and car -construe- examination. It was found impossible privately expressed his belief in Dur -
tion operations which hnve been decid- to take all the evidence that evening, rant's guilt. They consider it impro-
ed upon by the management, and a 'further adjournment %vee made liable that there will be an yy executive
k interference with the death sentence.
a Goduir�41� ><ta � Sul1gA�!er ���o
p The other day a representative Tuic
NEws-B.E.coRu was lu Guderitth and re
r rnained fang enough to make a note u
g solve of the actual pt'ugress the comity
town is making. Che cit' Coln
inittee have haul► assiduous in pushing,
the old town tthe:td until to -day factor
les of various kiuds are nulueront,.
This of course. h,ts created a lot o
lauor and has cuusequenl,ly brongh
into circ•ullttiu" cunsiderablu oxUf
iuuney. The wide, clean streets shote
ev' euces of progress frutu the fart
thf It gre-tt u.ituy new and substitittial
pr' ate residences have and are tieing
erected. The electric light and wate
works syste"ns were put in sonne yelms
ago at it big expense and have sine(•
been greatly Improved. Nott/ the
tow" is itt work on the desile(1 sewage
work and in at short time will llave
it in operation.
As a suuuuer roses t G uderich has no
superiors and few equals. Nature has
gqive" the tuwu many advantages its to
lircatiou, scenery, ht+althfulness, &t.
find those looking for, health find re-
cr•eAtiun are realizing rile unuiy strung
claims of the county seat of .Huron Its
It sunu"er t'esort• Iii the past it hits
been difficult to acconlfnodate the.
ever- increasing summer, trade, ill.
though the hotels have froul tittle to
tinne been improved and rebuilt.
Anfctng the greatest in this line this
Year will be the remodeling and refm d-
ishing of the Ocean House at the hab ,r,
SO long and successfully conducted by
Capt. Will. Babb. lie has put initthor-
ough system for hot water and hot air,
heating,public and private wash roulus,
flush closets, and the plumbing is cer-
tainly Ot a superior- order. The house
contains twenty-two well appointed
bedrooms and parlor's and the whale
is being repainted and refurnished. A
roiling and verandah on the north and
west side of the building will rive a
beautiful leisul•e view of Lake Moron
Onn, summer evening as the sun with
all its richness and glory disnppear•s,
after which the mind and booty c•a"
find the greatest possible rest and corn-
furt within. The many improvements
will cost It lot -of money, but we trust
Capt. Babb will be well repaid for tit:
inrestulcnt, for while endeavoring tc
help himself he is at the same tiuu
helping the town.
While at the harbor THE NEws-RI•:-
cord noticed the„delapidated condition
of the bittbing house. This ne-
eessit•y has in the past proved
It great convenience and healthful
pleasure to visitors and rebid-
ents and should be maintatined. Last
Year, however, the Council of Goderich
wits dilatory. They neglected or refused
to utakean expenditure of a few dollars
for a malk across the desertsand to the
bathing hoose, but it is to be hoped the
Council will this year see to it that
such wanton neglect will not lie allow-
The following is a list of the successful
competitors at the Spring Show on
April 15: Horses. --Aged draught stal-
lions, 1st, C. E. Mason's "Lassader
Rover,,” 2nd, Thos. Colquhoun's I'Mc-
Tauper"; throe year old draught, 1st,
HOI'tOul & Innis' "Reid Hero," 2ud,
Peter McKay's "Stud Book"; sweep-
stakes for hest horee of any age in the
class, Mason's `•Lassader Rover'; Agr_i-
cultutal or Canadian draught, aged,
Will. Coleman's "ltykerfield"' three
year old Canadian draught, Thomas
Russell's "Premier Hardy'; aged car=
riage, 1st and sweepstakes, John Dur-
rance's "Maitland,' '2nd, Leevy & Co's
"Milburn", aged roadster stallion, Ist
and sweepstakes, Peter McGregOr's
"St. Blaze,"'2nd, Robert Buck's "fit.
Lynn"; three year, old roadster, Will.
Lucker's "Sid Tolstoi." Bulls. - Aged
Durltiv, 1st, Robert Charters' "Per-
fection Knight," 2nd,' Thomas Lane's
"Royal Alfred;" Durham, calved since
4epteniber 20th, 1,491, Thomas Russell's
,New Year's Gift," 2nd, Robt. B Me-
Lenn's `VOD Trump," 3rd, Doogaid
Fother'inghant's "('1,011) Crenugh•'-
••tived after Se!tteuther 2001, 1895, fns,
1lc•Intosh's-Riverside Stamp," '2nd,
"Vm. (.:hapma• 's "Ohninpion," :3rd,
Juhn Avery's "1'. tnh0e"; sweepstakes
for best. Durham hull, any age, Thos.
Russell's New dear's Gift"; aged Here-
ford, Alexander Monteith's "Chero.
kee." Judges, -heavy Draught, J. R.
Mut ray, Bennington ; Janicts Snell,
Iullett. Light horses, Viral. Grabill))
S1. Marys. Hulls, Joseph Atkinson,
BRIErq.-- Mt:q, Win. Doig is at pre-
ent on the sick list. -Miss Miu•y W.
ylutch was elected President of the
Gorrie Methodist Epworth League on
ruesday of last week. All.. Robt• Oope-
Ltnd, the former President having t•e-
igned.-It is the intention of this
Ash•iet to celehrotelhe comingl2th of
my in Gorrie, by having a Monster
Urangemens Parade -air. Jas, Roe
vho ',00k a car -load of horses to the
Prairie Province some time ago, hits
eturned horse after, a successful trip,
-A car of cattle and one of hogs
hipped from this place un Thursday
Lst by Mr. Will. Stinson. -Mr. Will.
>oig L'. O. F. Organizer is at present
n town. - Miss Turner, tencher
utior department, spent her, Lftst-
r holidays with friends fn and
round Clinton. -- Large numbers
f fish are being caught at
resent by all classes. -Air, fold Mrs,
V. G. Knowlson spent thele, Easter
olidays with friends in Chesley. --An-
ther consignment of hooka have been
pined in the Gorrie Public Library. -
Mr. H. Toting, who hits been working
n the Maitland Excelsior Factory far
n1letillie has gone to Roc'heste.l. where
e intends working during the coming
ttnnner.-Mr. J£ts. King has moved in -
tile the house recently occupied by Mr,
eo. Nash and family. -Mr, It. King
its hnd his bakery t;hop thoroughly
enovilted.-AIr. David Wittt.ers spent
at week with friends in Milverton. --
r. Chris. Hazen has moved into the
Ouse lately vacated by Mr. Jno.
Wright. ---Mr. Jno. Edgar has left for
anitoba,.:vhere he took n situation,---
chool re-contnle need on Alonday after
e Easter holidays, -Messrs, Jas. Be-
witherick and Rich. Ross are having
undations erected under their busi-
ess planes. -Miss Lizzie Wiggins, who
is been in Chatsworth for some time
ns returned home. -Mr. and Mrs,
opt. Mutch visited friends in Man -
ester• last week, -Miss .Tessie Me-
aughlin, school teacher, spent her
aster holidays in town under the
rental roof.
A woman named Mrs. Sutton, of
Hamilton, is in gnol in that city ori the
the charge of assaul ,. She cut leer hus.
band's throat with a knife Sunday
and the doctors had to put several
stitchela in it to close the wound.
-7 s"a- f : + '- �..,.;.- ...• _ �. „'*+Astr'f 4 *fir"' -
f ays
Of peverest trial and test prove
In regard to Hood's SarsaVullla
Ist, Greatest Merit
f Secured by a peculiar Colnbhta-
t tion, Proportion and Process
t unknown to others - which
naturally and actually produces
2d, Greatest Cures
Shown by thousands of honest,
voluntary tdstimoulals -whlch
naturally and actually produce
d, Greatest Sales
Aaeording to the statements of
druggists All over the country,
In these three points Hood's • ,
Sarsaparilla 1s peculiar to itself. ,
Is the beat- It Is the One True Blood Purider,
Hood's Pills awlthHood's9arnap rtLell`L
- - _ -- ---Mci<illop.
LEO BROKEN, -We regret to hear
that Air, John Rae had the misfortune
to get the snnall bone in one of his legs
broken. He will be laid tip for some
GET ON TIIE LIST. -It is now that
every one who admires Conservative
pprinciples should look after the lists.
Lr,t every young man hAve an oppur-
tunily to vote ;it the next Ontario
election. We believe it large
mi—(if the boys are Conservative at
�neart,. A gnin of half at dozen in each
polling sun) -division will give its tit
least two out of the three seats in
Ituron. Conservatives should know
their duty. Let them perform such
NOTES. -Seeding operations are in
full swing these days, and the result is
tired feet for it great many people in
country places. -Ott Monday the thee-
mon)etor fell to 15 degrees and on
Thursday it had gone up to 75; it is
seldom even in our variable climate
that there is such a great change its
Lltfs.-Mr. J. C. Kenny is in poor health
at present, -Air. James Campbell is
putting in his crops. -Elder Gregory
of St. Marys gave it course of lectures
here lgst week, his subjects being
"'rhe early Tribes of America" and
Joseph Smith's work entitled "The
Book of Mormon." -Mr. Hackwell, we
regret to say, is in very poor health at
present. We trust he will soon be all
right again. -Mises Tessie Glass, your -
est daughter of Air. Wm. Glass, who is
connected with the Salvation Army in
Toronto, spent Easter with her parents
here. -Fall wheat is looking well and
With favorable weather Is likely to be it
good crop.
WEDDING BELLS. -A pleasant and
interesting event took place Wednes-
day atternoon at two o'clock at the re-
sidence of Mr. find Mrs. Thomas Jdnes,
when their only daughter, Ruth, was
united in marriage to P. if. Murray, It
much respected and promising young
resident of Tuckerstilith. Rev. ,I, F,
Parke of Clinton tied the binding knot
in the presence of 75 guests. Miss Annie
Sage of Walton played the wedding
march. The bride wore It becoming
gown of crea,n serge and point, laco
and carried it beautiful boquet of flow-
ers. Miss Murray of Algoma, sister of
the grooni, Ivas bri(lesrnaid, and wore
•t gown of pink serk•e and point lace.
Little Corin White was maid of honor
and wore a. chess made of pale blue.
James Hinigh of Blyth assi.ged the
r n. After the close of the interest-
eremony a pleasant and happy
ctj Iner wits partaken of by the happy
cuuple and invited guests. A large
number of handsome and useful pres-
ents were received by the bride, which
went to shot, tile, high esteern in w-hich
she is held by her- many friends. A
reception wits held in the evening,
guests to the number of 80 being pres-
en t.
We will detain you, we are post.
ed oil Watches and are doing
you a kindness when we tell you
that the '
is the very best of its kind made.
We have there --only $2.50, also
great Bargains in
Clocks, etc.
All work entrusted to cur, care
repaired by a first class wurknvtn
and fully gtiaranteed.
J. BidalccomVc.
In taking stock we found we had
1,644 packages of Turkish Dye,
dkery color. We offer these at
3 packaves for 25c.
Diamond Dye; `
3 packages for 25c,
Maynetrc Dye
6 packagee for 25c. We are out
Of some of the colors in this Dye
but in order to clear out our stock
we bffer tit is IOe package for 5c.
Each package will dye 2 pounds
of Wool or Cotton.
o•ca.o•crA.1o•a oma•
Jas. H.. Combe,
Client istand Druggist
Porter's 111111NOTE$.- -Revs. Ford and Millyard 0t'
Clinton pt•eached to large congrega-
tions at Bethel last Sunday rnornirnl
and evening respectively. -Socket fl
ing is the order of the day. -The Ord
of Chosen Friends M gettingg very
strong here, a nunnber of ladies aro,
ioining.-Peter McDougall is going to
build it now house this summer. '.Che
next thing will he to get the laird.=
Mrs. Copeland has started house-keep-
ingg after having her house remodelled. IL
-Ic is keeping very wet and cold and
looks as though we' are goin.- to have it '
lute Spring. ----`-�--A `�
A peculiar accident, occurred on Vic-
toria'street, Winghitltl, one day Ia:•t
week. Melvin Kerr, who is employed
with A. R. McDonald, flour and feed
merchant, was (hiving his delivery
wagon -(]own the hill near the Cathu)fe
church, when the horse stumbled an it
fell rupturing a blood vessel fr0111
which it died in a few minutes.
Goderich T w --- -
o usilip.
DEATTI. --«' ith regret we chronicle
The Great English Remedy.
the death of Mrs. John Marshall, Bay -Six
PackagesG=ranteed to
field lima, oil Sunday, April 18th, The
promptly, and permanently
1 remains were. interred in Cl'int0n carne-
cure all forms of Nervous
telly on Tuesday.r'
Trcakrless.Emissions, Sperm.
NOTES.-Allss Retta Cook was the
atorrua,Impotencyand all
effects ofAbuorExcesses.
guest of her grandmother and other
y Mental worry, excessive use
friends on the 9th last week, --Master
Before and After. oJTobacco, opium or Stimu-
Lorne Todd spent Easter holidays with
tants, which soon lead to In -
his cousins, Harry and Milton 3tee -
p -
Larmity,Insanity, Consumption and an early grave.
Air. Ad. (iantelon IS ittl 1'OVin
p g. -Miss
Has been prescribed over 85 years in thousands of
Sarah Chronin is still very low.
cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest medicine
known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; if
NOTES, -Mi-39Lucy Stanley of Toledo
he offers some worthleas medicine In place of this,
is on a visit among friends here and is
Inclose price In letter, and we will send by return
at present the guettit of Mr. and 'Mrs,
mail. Price, one package, alt six, a6, on/ will
James 'i•i
e Graham. The lad fait fro -
leas slat wig cure. P 8 r Pamphlets free a to e0
P to fiddle//
sional trained nurse and in the course
The Wood Company,
(i it
of ft few weeks will return to her,
Windsor. Out., Canada.
d duties. (
PIP -Sold in Clinton and everywhore in Canaan
by all responsiblo Ilt•uggtsts,
Close Buying
Close Sellin. d,
The very beat evidauoo we can give that our ahoes ore being worn more
by the people around hero is that our Business every month shows an increase,
this is a positive fact, we account for it because wo buy close and sell on very
clpse margins. This is the now order of things, the old days of big profit is
gone. We mean to give every customer of ou-Is tile very best value posaiblo,
Listen to this Special Lot for close selling.
Lftdies' Dongola Kid Button Shoes, Men's black French Calf, good year
neat new 'Pt.yles, good wearers, welts, half -dollar toes, special
regular price $2 . ...............$1.00 value........... ,................
Lndfes' Chrome Kid Button Shoes, Men's Chocolate Tan, good year
half -dollar toes, the latest up -to- welts, half -dollar toes, the nob -
date style, solid leather, regular biest Goods ever shown here,
price $2.25 . .................... $1.751 price, ..................... , .....$3.;tf!
Ohaldren's Shoes in black ox blood n
Chocolate colors, 7 buttons, in all
sizes, regular price $1,25., , ....$1.00
Come to us if you want NEW NOBBY SHOES at the very '
lowest price posaiblo. We want your trade And we will not be undersold.
Money always back if not as we represent our Goods.
...Fine Shoe Dealers.
raw „ ., �-.�. �•�, �'