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The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 4
`eland Modest, ) N!!lNNN!!!!l1tA,tiQlN _41011. 70�� e halve decided t+) put those fltni- nus LD AIEDAL WHEELS in both our oderich and Clinton Livol•it+s and having purchased more than we will ire )aced a at close • are need it 1 to give soul! of our custouiert, the benefit. W'o will not quote prices here but,would act - vise intending customers who have tite Bash or negotiable paper to call and see us. N'e hale a number of second-hand wheels wlil••h wo are selling otr vol•v cheap. our Sundries and Ito - pall% will satl;Fy you, remember wo are laead- quarters for everything in Bicycles. M 0000000!00 EI�E.RSUN'S Bi to and Alusle Ilonse, Clinton, _ The Hum of our Paper �� 11 �, T�im-mer uaty he heard at rally hour of the day. trying to keep pace with the demand for our beitutiful new goods. Without it doubt our stock is larger and better than was ever shown in Cliutou before, iad we invite cow ptu•ison to prove our statenlonts. An experience kilts tanght us 'where, whait, and hots to buy, and we are sure we tau please you fitquality, style and price. We would like to sell you a few Win- dow Suades and Curtain Poles, its well as a good bill of Wall Paper. fln tl fi' CLINTON.. gets►�Yvel'tieuleut, Wanted—S. ]til. Pry. Dyes—Jas. H. Combe. Wanted—New Ideas Co. Agents—R. P. Glasgow. Bargains—H. C7. Btarlet•t. Sporting-Gonds—Jackson Bros. A free Bicycle—T. Jackson, Sr. I3icycle$---The onward Bicycle Co. Spiritio[is liquors—Jack Kennedy. Cultured Laches—Jabez Galloway. Surprise Sale—The IV. D. Fair Co. Goderich poultry ,yards—N't):A• Ross. Agents—The Bradloy-Garretsuil Co. Wanted—The Btadlrv-Garretson Co. Aching, tired eyes—Allen & Wilson. Waggon, Carriage and repair shop— Chavies Walker. Estate of George Hanley—W. Bry- dune. Carpets and Curtains—liodgens Bros. Tie Huron News -Record L.15 a Yoar--81.00 In Advance WEDNESDAY, APnTL 21st. 18M. UURREN P TOPICS. WEst Huronwill doubtless soon be in line as far its the Conservatives are concerned. In the meantime every available voter should see to it that his nitrile is oil the list. Those Who do not wary feel like kicking themselves fur their own neglect. The New Era claims that party ser- vice should have given the office of sheriff of Huron to some other person than Mr. Reynolds. If the statement means anything it means that the Grit party are not satisfied with the appointment or the mode of making it. All this ruay be true, hilt these people will swallow their professions when an election comes on. Ottawa! News Letter. From our own Correspondent. Ottawa, April 19th.—The adjourn- ment frorn Thursday until to -morrow, Over the Easter holidays, has caused a general exodus from Ottawa and mem- ere; of parliament are as scarce here as snow storms in July. Thanks to the unpreparedness of the Government to meet Parliament, and its insistence u on proceeding with the Franchise Bill because it bad nothing else with which to sake even a pretence of go- ing on, the tine of the House bats been literally wasted, and the real business Of the Session will not begin until Thursday when the Budget will be de- livered, Just four weeks from the meet- ing of Parliament ThO Government has been devoting most of Its time dur- ing the recess to tinkering up its Tariff policy, There was a long sitting of Uquncil on Thursday and another on Baturoity and it is believed that the measure is now pretty well agreed oq. It seems to be understood that all the aftoctfon for the United States which the Liberal party•h(Ls been professing iri opposition wilt. be thrown aside and the Tariff framed as "pro British" as possible. It Is generally believed that -there will he very considerable reduc- tions in the duty on woolens and some classes Iron#,tlat thefduty aon coal oil wit beares con- siderably lower and binder twine, and pet hapt.:tt fl! ut#ttlttllilt#lple►lllnpte,plttced list. On whailx tell accouub of tree split irk the > ',ylt, end a tt+roes, icpt set t un the see the other hued v that thea r 's believed ed t t t i -e will b shat ft l e e 11 e a p Coneoryoploo tanke a.tld tla�,fclrrtlatjQp tit t o •r f iX l.Y 1 n d a .1 � til t # o lie hltlh, seeable 021e, fl1 a MURRer WhIr b. 11tta shown trier) 9 1 In t, Ut . Cori s c advance the t ) lies n a a du .i!•B . .. , its. 1. wase expected d Tt i i) p 4 nl.l, caused the Gun• to whionseugur.alnullof his success tact which ttugues well of his spirits, beer, tobacco and wines, fold a correspondin increase in excise rates, servativas of the Capital to put their heads tel;ether and endeavor to once success as as it Parliamentarian. Captain Sincl:d is one of the "coining" while teat wilf be ropluced on the dut i- a we r d e list at 1 lower ate than it al able hal p more unite, !'here have beer, several ,' • r /Ills l H.• U Ill P , C Y Il t f ti J I then it, the Iw- penal House of Commons, and his hurt , •n ar .wt 1 t •' the ildcrthH L ( ht ai1tY ud u }, :L . l Com. vetl uliti.tles of the trvu orgrutisutions lately of ' lends t Uri/ It tuda c can 'd irtat ex. ha 1 Ilett to ales him attain high distincttuu duties on sugar rearritnged and itiereas- yield , toY ed so as to q (,l a larger (tint uu land the. result is th;q it ulv(gJIlg of "Thu Uunservativu Assusiatotl of Utta\vlt" ut his nets sphere of usefulness. � htire i also t ion ' Veti lie. T a a Lll impression Itl l I tut been Il a 1' al td for, A loud a V• . vecoi Mr. Tartu is likely to have at sea's in- � teles 'r tl , • • 1 it ' shalt 1H71P tUbt.c Cl iLl:d 1.2Lw CnttUll will tUl' the l'h•r'llUfl UP ufliC'el:`t. Tbf!1'H will 1 n"strU n !talc �' q ed in the 1{Ullsl•, ?although be taken front the free list and a spec•itic he Ito rival meet iu u ( g. u i it iunder• notice of it hits out beer) illlty plalred till tale fUl'111tl1' tlllll 1111 art stood that the leaallet's UP bUt.l1 tYlllgs llf given. It will he, "To wiaunl hits the rala•em duty un the latter. This opiu- had becollle kill- the party have e.uuutoau aMirable ur)If (•nU tl'a ('t P51' the IIeW ('lit' in refurnishing th the Viteintbloekihevn iota dU gelleral awongst porters, distillers, brewers and cigar,' dersta lit ing fol' relnlion, so that the party in Ottawa will be it ullit %vheneVer givers 7 What is (tit- killioullt of the and tobacco ►llanufacturers that error%. Ar. hardy gets ready to 1)a•iug un Tile contt•act. and were tenders asked fur„” It is Molls quantities of goods have been tnlceu out uP boost during the })7Ldt out.jU•iUC1t:Ct1Ul15alldheprtpau•edtoc•+tP• lure Lulh iu understood that the contract, which is for a large t4lnUullt, hold been week and still larger quantities are s('uts the Lural House, which are now, held by thu Liberals. gi•len to Mr. Joseph Robillard, of Mon - likely to be duty paid in. the next. two 11, s sr, that the immediate effect will sb'hil,• advtlrsity hats taught the Clan- servatives the \vt:•duul Dein treat ex (iIl iaet VgClve AI. Y. for Bt r- shier, and uncleuf no less distinguished be the rapienishuleut of Mr. Fielding'ti exhawsted entices to tire tlxteut of pro- of united, -tlecess itpptaars to have tul�rl('d the heads of the Liberals, and there is a };entltlman than the Hon. Joseph lash", `]'arts, Minister of Public �'t ovks. ' batbly $2,5W,WO or $3,000,()0. This Is said to tie strung probabilities of it serious There 15 said to be quite an simply Itioney borrowed from next year, and although it will prevent, by split in the Reforul ranks. At tiles arttnial ,leetiug of the Ottawa Reform vole;Lsaut- lives tuuuilgst Mr. Tarte's c 1,1L rues over the ag iii un se of Mr. hub - that awourt, sr, large a deficit un the 30th June next as in! ht otherwise have g Association held on last Thursday , Y evening for the vativ wind being a Conservative, and there will be souls Pon in ttltl House over been expected, it will Make the seven- election of officers, w there were uliLuy eyidences that every- the fact that Mr. Rubilhu•d is AL•. tie for'97''98 appear just that much less thing is out peace and harrllouy in the Tru•te's uncle, than its normal amount, and if the Lit), all Caurp, and unless something is ---_ tariff dues not have the expected effect of increasing the revenue Mr. Field- soon done to reconcile the conflicting elements now existing ill the Aesocia- West lluron Licenses. ing's deficit or, 30th June 1898, will be tiuil, its future can easily be predicted. On Monday of this week the License something phenomenal• It was it noticeable feature of the meet- Cumrilis�ioners — James Stevens, CROW'S NEST PAMS., ing that it large number of those pre- Samuel Sloan and Hugh McQuarrie There has been,aud still is,a good deal sent were not reguliar Members of the —suet at the office of Inspector Paisley of. trouble in the Government about Association, but were brought in ex. in Clintou and granted the following the ouildiug of the Crow's Nest Pass presets for the occasion, and were licenses for 1897 and 1898:—• Railway. On Wednesday last all the Liberal members front Mijilitoba, the largely imported front the Ci uldiete lu'is yards an(i the Public Warks CLINTON.—Joseph Rattenburyy, J. (1. Miller, Thos. Bell, Chas, Milue, Joiln F. Northwest and British Columbia had it Department. The friends of MI•, Spooner and Thortios Dowson. Shop couterence with the Premier and Dowlul, who wits defeated by Mr. liccuse—Lack Kennedy. Messrs. Blitir,Sifton and Tarte, and very strongly urged that the road should be C/1'ailliell for the Presidency, are high- ly dissatisifled with the t ('snit, ""d it GODERICH. — Martin & Robertson, Thos. 'Tilt Ed. SwArts Gen. Buxton built by Government and kept under seenis very probable that inside of Ian- Be, Saults, Wait. Critig, Will, Babb. Government control. The deputation wits strongly opposer.] to the r oad being ()tiler month the Reformers will try the experiment of having two Associa- Salop licence, Walter 8 -milts. built by the Canadian Pacific Hallway. tions, and the result Of that is cosy to 'The BLYTH.—J. Eoigh, John Mason, John McCaughy. The Ministers are understood to have see. strongest newspaper, ;snp- endeavored to throw, the blaule of the porting the party in Ott:twit is United Wmou.k I.—Alfred Roe, J. H. Dul- road being constructed ley the C. P. It. (?anrtda the Irish -Catholic organ. In Image, John Swarts, Neil McKenzie, un the late Government and to have this week's issue it is particularly Jno. Dinsloy. Shop license refused, told the deputation, as reported in the severe in its coiuluents on Thursday. Asti ri rml.). —Alex. Young, Kiut;til; Libcritl organ here, that "when the night's meeting which it. c•haracter'izeis Neil McDonald, Kintatil; Ml's. Joe. new Government took office they as Very, disorderly; tinct in the course Mallough, Dungannon; Mrs, Black, found thiol. the Tupper guveirrment of its article says:— Dar"ga anon; It. J. H. DeLosig, Punt had nearly pledged the country to giv- "Under Cunservaiii•e rule it. took Albert. ing the building of the road (o tit(-. 0. about sixteen years to create the nec- COLHORNE.—Berl A14"011, .KdLfovd; P. It. The Iuuo,nt which the Company essity for two Tory )tit -ties at the N. G• Beggs. Carlow; John Haultlton was to get for- the road would have Capital, the credit of w itch \vas latt•ge- for three wonthv at Saltfurd; %Von. been about $'25,000 per mile. This was Jy due to the skill and tact of Glazie.•r, Dunlop, to be reconsidered on ruade ill) of it subsidy land a guarantee Ali-, C. H. Macintosh, backed by ole the 2(1111. as well. The cost of construction the (xoVernfuent [puts at about $25,000 per great ster of political w+uutg('1•s' sit. JollallA. Mactionald. Uuder Lih- 1+1. WAWANOSH ---Thos. Atulstron r b+ Mile sea that the C. P. It. wit,; to get the oral rule, and largely through thestall- �Vhl techurch. road built for [hent •tad then handed borness, selfishness land stupidity of W. WAWANOSH. — A. McAllister, over to them by the Government its a Air. Bronson, blocked by the two Fed. Belfiist. presNrlt." eval lllelnbers—aft-er 10 months only, HULLET'r•—Jacob Kuntz, hotel 'and THE FACTS CF THE CASE. the die is tact for two Liberal par ties brewery, Auburn; Dix Hill, ],codes - With reference to the above it may tit the Capital. In the election for, hero. be said that if any members of the President on Thursday the majority of Brewery—Thos. Jarvis & Co., Salt - Government reality told theit' followers the recognized LibaraLls voted tp pre- ford. as stated that "tile C. P. R. wits to get built for therh% told thea hand- Lent patty dissentions, while to save himself and friends from defeat, Mr. The Cummissionr+rs adjourned until the road ed over to theta by • the Government its Crannell and his friends had to eosort Monday, April 26th, to rueet at the, office of Inspector Paisley here, when it resent," the \were nils of a veryto P Y guilty using the government employee., who were afraid to refuse, and also the final judgement will be rendered. grave misrepresentation of the facts of the case as it stood when the Tupper poor innocent French shal.ntynlen who - --- - - Administration went out of of ee., wi-re found in want of a dollar, around Blyth. There is no truth in the statement that the late Government lead !)ledged the the cheap hotels, and who know no ►Wore about poli tics than they du about astronomy, hilt -,,e BRiEFs.—Thos. Juynt sliriped F,-Otll this section six car loads of ashes for country to give the building of the road to the C. P. R. The late Govern- who votes elected Mr. Crannell. These tactics may .be Boston.—Divine service was held in ment had entered into negotiations atiowed, but the only question is if the Trinity church on Good Friday even - Leith the company, land had gone sr, price patid by the Liberal party for ing.—Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Were far its to subruit a proposition to Par- such victories is not dangerously high." visiting friends in Auburn, Sunday.— Monday wits almost its cold and stormy liaateut fn the shape of a notice of nlo= tion hilt the organized obstruction ofas BIR RICHARD'S WARLIKE TONE. tiny day in the \sinter. The citizens seem to feel it wore so.—Dr. J. Tunnel' the Opposition during the last session of the last Parliall}ept preganted any Darin the enforced absence of Hon. F. W. Borden, Sir Richard Cartwright of London is !pending aL few days holt- (lit with 11e1atiVe4 in town. We business being done, and Parliament was not asked to vote on the proposal has been acain Minister of Militia, incl g Y understand that he contemplates at•es - submitted. That proposal Par front in "present" ii f the to the the contact with guns trod drurus SCP.IrIS to tir•Ve reawakened the fighting spirit ficin his profession in StsaLChru oy. g p' Y•— AI1'. and 91rs. F,mi r 1 Of file (%(1111111e1'C'I;Lt vulViug a e road Company only involved a subsidy of of Sir Richard, Which has been rather dormant of Bite. At the Annual Meet- o ,a ; have returned from their J'!titer (pal 5 in Buffalo.—J. W. Beta spent y'' tot five thousand dollars per mile and a loan at three and ai half per ceut.for ing of the Dominion Rifle Association pen I Sunday in the; circular town.-1'heru twenty year's of an amount equal to Oil Wednesday, kit speaking of the tit,- cessit.y for practice in rifles shouting , is not oucprospect pros ect of our flax mills 1 P to flux this If twenty thousand dollars per mile. This the Ctovernotut eo lid he twiched on the possibility of toils• rel (Bran season. such is the case, it will be it },creat loss Morrow at threes per cent., fu:d lain to rat th the C. P. R. three half, that["Market ain this continent, in aL tuariner which shawed-thatSirRichard is gettingOver to faloili a of our citizen~; who have large families that used to earn at g many at. and a so the net result at the end of the his infatuation for that.uOf llin dollars during the season pulling it. T twenty pears, when the loan was re- 70,000,0(N)," and his atiiflaton with -the Continent to which we helong" Owing to ole stearrl valve bursting in Livillgstou's fltcto ry the hands have turned, would have been that the ac- tual sobsidy palld by the, Government, idea, Since President McKinley kickt•d been laid off for it Week. —Several cars would have been about $'J25.0A The bilil ,apt:at Washington. His speech g 1 on Wednesday way sr, different. trona of log's frau! 1<'tJpen have arrived at this stitt•ion rho past week for E. offer mauls to the U. P. R. by the pets- s+ lit Government, the and rejected was w the cringing, whining, appeals to the Livingston. --Good Friday Was observ- ten thousand dollars })/'I' table, it United States which fair Richard has been making for twenty years, tbati e(111er(1 as tL gellet'al holiday. tela] subsidy of over three Million dol- ]sari of it is wort t1 reproduction. Hutlett, tars ; but, of course, there was no guar- •well Here it is :— antee, so that the C. P. R. would pro- bably have.had to pay four or five per „tithe in C:Lnrada it. is im ossihle for p CoUNCIL.—Council met in Hill's Hall, Londesboro, or, Saturday the 10th. cent. for the money required to build I its to maintain it large regular torte, Members all present. By-law for ap- the road instead of three anal it half, its but 1 do not think it is utterly iolpus- pointingathrnastei:s, fence viewers propnse:d to the offer made to the late 91blo fors to maintain oi- to st-cure in li I alld pnlitld l:Cpec•s was CFiLd all(1 passed, Government. Canada, the services of probably twenty over one hundred of the former were or thirty thousand men, fill of whom appointed and the following are the A Goon REPORT• may be moderately skillful rifle shots, fence viewers for the current year viz: Tile report of Al r. -E. M. Daly, the ex- and If you can contribute to that, I be- Wait, Shipley, A. McDertnid, Thos. Minister of the Interior, who was sent lieve you will have rendered—as time C;arbert, sr., R, Carter, J. Fowler, Geo: to Great Britain by the late Govern- may. very soon prove—no insignificant Watt, Henry Allen, John Govier, 'talent to report on immigration has services, not merely to Canada, but' to Henry Farrow. The Poundkeepers been laic] before the Hou -.E. He ^overs the Empire at large. There are possi- are Daniel McGregor. Jas. Reynolds, the subject very Pully. He says that bilines ahead which no statesman can J. E. Taylor, Geo. Collison, Jos. Govier from the way sortie people discuss the afford to disregard. You know as well and Lexton Hill. Instead of meeting question of immigration one would as I do that the war clouds which have the Pathirmsters as usual the Clerk conclude that the people of Great Bri- hung over Europe for so long intly was authorized to sold all the road Lain, Ireland And continental Europe, burst at any moment. While it is very lists by email to their respective post Were simply awaiting with their trnpks improbable that you may be called up- offices and to notify the fenceviewers packed ready to sail forCanatda. This is on, or are likely to be called upon, to and poundkeepers of their appoint- allniaonshine. The people who havegot fight upon Clanadiaul soil, still to Cay client, The By-law for closing a pul•- to come will come anyway, and the the least of it, it is within the bounds of possibility. I may say, within cel`- tion of the original allowatnce, for tith- question arises, are those persons al- ways desirable settlers, and are they twin contingencies, it would be it prob- ableevent that the Dominion Canada' ways between lots 15 16, Con. 4, allot to acquire and optin a bighway in lieu of the dales we want to fill up our great of said portion to be closed up across N.E. Wester not. Again, lie says: "We and the militia of Canada, ruay have angle of Lot 16, will be read on Saltur- have splendid examples in old Canada an Oppportunity of {moving that their loyalty to the British Empire is not day the 22nd May,four weeks public lie to -day, and also in Manitoba and the Territories• of what the sturdy sons of mer" empty Words. Theyiitave proved notice thereof will previously posted itp in the neighborhood. The Council England, Scotland and Ireland can do that in the past, and I think they will adJ'ournecl untill May 221ld where it in Canada with nothing to rely a on not be found wonting in the future."-= will meet as a Court of Revision and for their success but their plunk, their (Cheers.) for other business, -JAMES CAMPBELL, sobriety, their industry and determinrt- NOTHS. Clerk, tion to succeed. There are not only The government has been officially -- ' • �— hundreds and thousands, but millions informed that only 2(16 men can be sent Belgrave. of just such men whom we could bring out to follow in the foot -steps of their - as the Military centinggeat from Canof ada to in tl'e Jubilee core- ORAS( g.•—The monthly meeting countrymen .if .we could only snake lip participate monies. The Idea of sending"+t regi- ee las Orange wine brethren here t•uok p lt.ce las Wednesday evening. our mttids to extend a litttle assistance to them." He suggests that the Gov- ment" hits therefore, been kocked on the head. NOTis.—R• J. Tufts has been a ern►nent make allowances to intending sufferer for the past week from spatial settlers upon theirholdingsofsufficient to pay pnssage money and railway fare, The announcement made in the House that pal,rt'of the military contin- for the Diamond Jubilee be disease.; he is now recovering. -T ns - Chisholul of Hornby spent Easter with here. and a further sura to enable the settler to purchase oxen and necessary imple- gent would taken from the NorthwestMountedPol- friends P. O. MAT• FrRs.---Inspector Hop- ments and material for house and icecanaedair outhurstof applause which kirk held an investigation here on stable. IIe adds that it is an indis• will be echoed throughoht Canada. Wednesday last on the complaint of pensable absolute first principle that The Northwest Mounted Police is one Robert Armstrong regarding the post the person who is to be assisted shall of the finest bodies of men to be found office here. The complainant failed to be found to be Worth in ever respect Y P in any part of the world, and both the or have a re Putin an jprosent. of such assistance. All who have men and the horses the will ride Y J ok senttLtivo present. J. M. Godfrey of been assisted so far, and haver P roved will prove the best Immigration Toronto appeared oil behalf of the failures, were failures before the left y Agents the Dominion can have, far pp9tfnlstt'ess, Mrs. Tufts. Some their own homes. The advances made [letter than some of the political tramps twenty or more witnesses were ex - should be repaid in installments, begin- the Government has been finding ermined and not one had any complaint nin three ears after settlement. If g Y place$ for by sending them to Great B i Britain as Immigration Agents. to make regarding the mina emont of h the thin were done on business rin- P the P. O. her" or m any of er way. Tufts ciples, r. Daly has no doubt of its Captain Sinclair, M. P., who has for We presume that Mrs. will now success, and is convinced that it the last two years filled the position of have peace and quiet for a short season would euftivate feelings of self-reliance Military Secretary to His Excellency and be allowed to continuo inposses- and independence. the Governor-General left for New sion unless the powers that be see fit SPLIT AMONGST OTTAWA LIBERALS. York on Friday en. route for England to assume his Parliamentary duties, to override public opinion as represent - led by all political parties here. We The result of the last general-elea- and will not, it is understood return connot clocie without referring to Mr. tion in -Ottawa, when two Conserwt- to Canada. Captain Sinclair has made Hopkhk, whose, courtesy pleased tives were replaced by, two Liberals, an ideal Secretary, and has filled a dif- everybody at -the trial. ee Induced by the use of coca, oP1YPDX r• ootid compounds is bad, decidedly bad, They undermine health. and shatter thv constitution and the patient is steadily growing into a worse condition—often resulting in the terrible slavery and misery of the cocaine and opium habit. Sleep induced by the use of Hood's Sarsa- parilla does not perhaps come as quickly, but it comes more surely and more per- manently through nature's great restor- ing and rejuvenating channel—purified, vitalized and enriched blood. This feeds the nerves with life-giving energy and builds up the system and constitution from the very foundation of all health ate—the bloc — and 1 are d p , rich, c , red blood, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 11. Hood's p���S easyUt000petate, 25c ntss. Varna[. NOTES.—Miss Smithlof Clinton is the guest of Miss Mc-Ash.—Mr. Hugh Cun- ning is in a very critical condition.—Dr Arulstroogof Fullartun passed through the village one day hast week. Dungannon. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE.—L O. L. No. 317, at their last meeting, passed the following resolution of con• dolenee to the widow and family of our late lamented Brother -William Wilson:— TO MRS, W1I, WILSON: DEAR MADA1r,—It is with feelinge of deepest regret that are e called upon to offer you our moat sineerestsym• pathy in your sad bereavement. Tho ,rote so as in your lose we also have 1Jat a most worthy brother, one who: was long a leading and useful member of our society. lie was just to all then and by his well-known goodness of heart eudeared himself to all with whom he becerne associtited. By in. dustry , honesty and perseverance he amissod ample me -ins, we rejoic.r in testifying that his liberality was char acterized by unusual discernm9ut and justness. He never turned a deaf oar to those in difficulty and distress. The unfortunate mendicant from hit door was. never turned empty away. Aud now,our esteemed brother is gone where we hope and believe he will re• ceive his reward. We now pray that the Divine Giver of all good will com- fort you assuaging your grief and its. meting you in becoming reconciled tc the behest of a great and all wise Pro vidence. Signed in behalf cf Duty .kannoa District L. O. L. by, CHARUS DURNix, D. AL, WILLIAM MO�I�NTYRF; IV. M , L. O. L. 317, Jou, COWERS, JAIIE.S JOIINSTON. Daugannou, April 8, 1897 A 11 idow Gets Damages. Judge Archibald rendered judgmenl at, Montreal in the etas(? of Airs. Josepl Gagcorl vs. Robert Neville. Ora Oct, 31, 1893, plaintill's husband was ern pluyo i in the service of defendant wit( had taken the contract for Ielairs Lc the building of the Canada Baal Not, Coll) kk tory, whore a fire had occurred - aoIlegitt.ion is that Gagnon and sone otter hien were sent to the roof of the building, which at once collapsed, whet: they went on it, and plaintiff s husbancl was instantly killed bystriking againsl the iron frame of the elevator below Mrs. Gagnon held the contractor re sponsible for the accident and claims $7,OL'0 damages I'm, herself and fon minor- children. The Court, while ted initting the defendt-.nt's responsibility held that there hard been contributor negligence oil the part of deceased an rendered judgment, granting li)inti personally $500 datuagc•s, and �I,5W her Minor children. Still ION Hnismess The arrangements tot• the sale of ray business halving fallen through; LVH purpose car tying on the eatnu and have secured the services of Mr. Dowdifi,g, who conies to us highly recnM- rnPnded ; having worked in some Of the best stores in London, Ont., as a Watch and Clock maker ami Jeweler. All work entrusted to our care we guarantee to give good sati, i ' ft c tion and to be execute! - with d and desplitch. A line of Silver Watches for $5. Estate . BidIc�umhc. 1,644 Packages, In tatting stock we found we bad 1,644 packages of Turkish Dye, every color. We offer these at 3 packaues for 25c. i Diamond DUBF 3 packages for 25c. 1 Magnetic Dye 6 packages for 25c. We are out of some of the colors in this Dye but in order to clear out our stock i we offer this 1()c package for 5c, Each package will dye 2 pounds of Wool or Cotton. o•c�•o•o-off©•� Jas. H. Combe, Chemist and Druggist. News Notes. At the annual meeting of the Can- adian Wheelmen's Association, held in Tot -onto Friday, it was decided to hold this year's 'Dominion chanipionstairy race meet at Chatham. It is expected that the lower floonx of the Western Department buildings in Ottawa, which w•erp injured by fire, will be ready for occupation by the first of May. One man %Vas killed, another will die, and a third was seriously injured, 1 the giving way of a ladder on whir ) they were standing while working at the bell of a Catholic church in Mont- cltlm county, Quo., T'uursday. The annual Meeting of the Dominion Artillery .Association was held Thur�- dav at Ottawa. Major-General Gas- coigue announced that the artillery equipment is to be improved, and thiel. six batteries of six guns each, 1'2 pound. ers, wifl shortly be shipped from Eng- land to Canada. a Cook's Cotton Root Compound r Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the y hour and time of need. d Is prepared in two degrees ff of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known -- —soldby druggists, one Dollar per box. Political. Points, No. 2 for special cases—ro degrees stronger—solei by druggists. One box, It has taken the Grits a, very long I Three Dollars; two boxes, alive Dollars. tiilhe to become aware of the fact that No. I, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of the late Alexander Mackenzie de• price and two 3 -cent stamps. served It monument. We recommend The Cook Company, the Grit statesmen, now tit Ottawa, to Windsor. Ontario. get their statues put up now, while they have command of the fonds. gw Snld In Clinton and bVoryw•horo Canada all responsible uggists. Close Buying .......and Close Selling. 141P The very best evidence we can give that our shoes are being worn more by the people around here is that our Business every month shows an increase, this is a positive fact, we account for it because we buy close and sell on very close margins. This is the now order of things, the old days of big profit is gone. We mean to give every customer of ours the very beet value possible. Listen to this Special Lot for close selling. Tyatdies' Dongola Kid Button Shoes, Men's black French Calf, good year neat new stvles, good wearers, welts, half -dollar toes, special regular price. $2............, ....$1.50 value............................$3.50 Ladies' Chrome Kid Button Shoes, Men'$ Chocolate Tan, good year half -dollar toes, the latest tip -to- welts, half -dollar toes, theknob. date style, solid leather, regular biest Goods ever shown here, price $2.255 ..................... $1.75 price • .................. • .......$3.56 Ch+ldren's Shoes in black ox blood Chocolate colors, 7 buttons, in all sizes, regular price $1.25... ....$1.00 Come to as if you want NEW NOBBY SHOES"' the very lowest price possible. We want your trade and we Will not be undersold. Aloney always back if not no we represent our floods, . JACKSON & JACKSON, Fine Shoe Dealers. CLINTON. I _,