The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-21, Page 3�8ustan DIREOTORY Analog. TIB 101ISONS Ulf. tnoerporpted by Act of Parliament ton. 3 .Q. 74. 710t C1I.]fN�'Q�iT, Meet$ 63COND Monday of ovary month, Han 2nd flat, McKay block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. J. P. SHEPPARD. W. M. P. CANTELON, JR. Sao. TILOS. BEAOOM, D. )11. CAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, $1,400,000 I V1109"If. IQ Lodgo, No. 84, A. F. .k A, M. maute Head OiRoe, - MONT$EAL. every Friday, on or after the moon. Plait J. H. R. MOLSON, President. I ing brethren cordially lnvitad F. wOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS. RUMBALL, 8190, Clinton, Dec. 3, 1895. Notes discounted, Oollections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex• change bought and sold. I NTaR19aTL AL Ow19D ON D19PONITa SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. M'_ARMFdR8_ '1NpRey advanced to farmers on their own notes lth one or more endorsers. No mortgage re• qutred as security. December, 1$96. H. C' BREWER, Manag iNTON. G. D. NoTaggart BALKER ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GRiVERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Nodes Discouatted. Dra/'fe Issued. Clinton, JuneNtll, 1891 058y �adiclU. DR. W. DUNN, f R. C. P. sad L. It. C. S., Edinburgh. Office - Ontario etretI Clinton. Night calls at dont door of residence on Rsttunbury street, opposite Prohbyter- ian church, — DR. TURNBULL.. .1. L. Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ, ; M. D. ; o. M,'Victoria Univ. M. C. P. J: S. Out, ; t Ilow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office: -- Dr. Dowsley's stand, Batter,'.ury 3t. Nii. ht calls answered at Office. l--_- - — -- Dlifta SHA7{1c Ofh6c—Ontario streot, opposite English church, formerly occupied by lir. Appleton. Jas. l0n. Fire eb+ orn, M- B , L. Ir. & Q. e. P. I. M. C P & S. O. �o. k @ e. Gradmite of Iiir '' Jc � n' College n g s Queo d C l go of Physicians Dublin, Ireland, Liueutiato of the General Medtoal Council, Great Rritaia. Momber of College of rb eiela.a ace Sur cone Ontn .o. Formerly resi- dene ui19 Rotunda Hoaprtal (Lying -ill nucl Gyoto• :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of womanandehfle en. Of&e and real den ce, Re Use bury St., next door to Ontario St. Methodist parvonage. 839-1y Dr. Bruce, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE—Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth, N. B.—Will visit Blyth every :Monday, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. — -- R. Agnew, L. D. S., D. D. S. ,4 GDENTIST. raduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. Honor Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. B(3t Loer1 Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallolv's Stor% Night Bell at swered. Will visit Hensall e% :r.y Alonday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday cf each month MO. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 191 Conveyancer, &c. Office—coiner Hamilton and tit. Andrews-sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 8113 tf C. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, dee. Office, corner •North Streat and Square, near Registry oIDee, Goderich, Ont. e7, AW Money to lend at lowest :.tee of Interest. J. SCOTT, Barriater, circ., ELLIOTT'S DLOUK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan, E. CAMPION, Q. 0, -- HARRISTBR, '•- - • SOLICITOR. NOTARY, c c., Goderich, - Ont. Office—Over D.tvia' ^Drug Store. Money to loan. M --O- JOHNSTON, BARR18TBR, - - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, ETC, Goderiicl2, - . - Ont. Office—Cor. Hamilton and fit,. Andrew's Sts. W. BRYDONE., BARRISTER - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, 4e, , OFFtoti BEAVER BLOCK CLINTON. 817-tf ,&Ilauty to ?Xod. JOHN RiDOUT. (IONVEYANCEn, t O_XMiSSIONF.R, ETC. Fire Insurance. Real Estate. Money to lend. Office—FlURON STREET, CLINTON. i Carntelon Bros, %3ENERAL GROCERS & PROVIS- ION MCRC1ANTS. Gr'OcJ`eryp ' Class & Cl inaViare ALi>� R'C ST., CLINTON, 641r. Hfgh`Ietit,Cagh Price for Rotor and Eggs, M -1y B. 0, T. M. Hearne Tent No. 66, Knights of the Maccabees of the World. $1,000,$2,000 and $3,000 Policies. Mem- bership over 100,000, Assessment prinelple—hae never exceeded 19 assessments in it year. Cheapest and safest in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Clin- ton, first and third Friday of every month. COOK'S I'T OUR - & FEED STORE, Clxiutou. BRAN and SHORTS in Large or SmaD Quantities. OII. CAKE, LINSEED MEALS 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal for one Bushel Oats D. COOK, CLINTON. 762 it ----- ..PR•�DItOE°• EAG tt�klV-�-E- HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Gratins, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a specialty. headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden Seed... We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash, We pay Ctah for Eggs. Any kind of },rain taken in exchange for Goods, same its (;ash, HILL & JOYNER. Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subacribers d.eehe to notify thr public that they have bought out the butchering bnatness late'y con- ducted by Mr. Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the same andel• their personal supjrvis)on, "Orders will have prompt acid cmon:l attention. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, sold•at rilasonablo rated and delivered anywhere in town, ARTHUR COUCH. CHAS N. WILSON. _ -- CLINTON. X7.0\. CENTRAL AL BUT CHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Successors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, .vo intend to conduct it on the carp principle, snd will supply our customers with the best meats at the lowest pay. DR prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED, highest Market Price Paid. D. CANTELON, Clinton. X98-tt. J. E. BLACICALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Oftlee on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col - ego, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Principles. Day and Night Calls Promptly Answered. Residence—Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Out, Geo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card. of 'Thanks. TO MY 11ANY PATRONS I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patrounge accord- ed me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street, Goderich, naxt the Bicycle Factory, Personal and mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention. All classes of work a specialty, at the lowest pos Bible prices, and satisfaction guaran- teed. W. A. Ross, East street, GbD)fiRICIl. TO THE FARMERS. Study your owninterest and go where you can got Reliable "'k Harness, I manufacture none but the Beer or STooi. Beware of shops that aelt cheap, as they have pot to Live, W Call and get prices. Orden by mail promptyattended to eT4:>171-N HARNESS EMPORIUM. BLT'Pli, OMT CIO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-elaas Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opppostte Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. WVTED--F`armem' ESonR of Giber indite• ouR persons of fair education to whom $60 a month would be an inducement. I eou)d also ngago a few ladies at their own homes T. H. LINSCOTT. Toronto, Ont, 1.l •. •.° ° VY ..X -R• S Co., CHEMIM & DRURRiSTS Great Northwestern Telegraph office, Albert Street, - allutou. PUMPS! PUMPS! If Jon want a first•olasr, wall,made pump, one this will give you satisfaction, send your otder to th undersigned. He will dig and clean wells and do it a the closest prices. He also handles a first•olas FORCE PUMP. JAMES FERGUSON Oppoeit Queon'd Hotel High Street Clinton. ---.809-tt J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, dic. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, `Ont N OTICE. There being some misunderstanding withre. gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind Of wreckage and fails to report to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning I shall give. CAPT. Will. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. The Mcl(illon Mutual Fire Insurance Company. arm an�•"Isolaiedt'�Town �Yroper=" ty only Insured. O"Ic19Rs. George Watt, President, Harlock P. 0.; James Broadfoot, Vice -Pros„ Seek rtb P. 0.; W. J. Shan- non, Secy. Tress., Seafortb P. 0 : Michael Murdie, Inspector of losses, Seaforth P, O. DIRMTORe, James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Michael Mardis, Sea. lorth; George 1),,e, Seaforth; George Watt, Harlock Thomas E. Hsye,Scaforth; Alex Gardiner, Leadbury Thomas Garbutt, Cfinton; John McLean, Hipren. aONNTe. Thomas Neilans, Harlock; Robert McMillan, Saa• forth and James Cumntingr, Egmondvllle. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend• ed to on Application to any of the above officers ad - (tressed to their respective post otScee, FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS mus" U N N'S Eso'A K I N 0POW' DER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGESY SALE IN CANADA' Auburn. Too late for last week. MILLINERY OPENING,—There was a great 1-11911 of lady patrons at ltlrc. Hovson's millinery opening Saturday evening. It wits difficult to move atound on that account. Miss Moss, it lady of large experience, ]las charge of the millinery this season. The ladies were highly pleased with the display and say Witt it competes with any of the Neighboring towns for up-to-date styles. PERSONAL.—Bir. H. Milson was the guest of David Fell last Sunday.—Miss Stout Sundayed with Miss Ross. DEAT'H'S COLD SWEAT. stood out in Great Beads upon His Face—A Victim of Heart Disease Snatched from the Grave by the Prompt Use of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart— Relief in all Cases in 30 Min- utes. Dr. Agnetv'a Cure for the Heart positively gives relief within 30 min- utes after the first dose is taken. James J. Whitney, of Williamsport, Pa,, says:—"Cold sweat would stand )u¢ in great beads upon my face, and I indeed thought that my end had come, But relief was found in Dr. Agnew's Duro for the Heart. After using it ror a short time I feel now that the Trouble is altogethor removed." It effects are magical.—Sold by Watt: Iz Co., - Miss Grace Dinsmore, at present in Vew York, has sold her middle finger .o it wealthy Texas Lally for one ,hollsatDd dollars, to be grafted on in )lace of one she has lost. Never Forty fake Them and Go About Your Busi- ness—They do Their Work While You are Doing Yours ! ]r. 'Agnew's Liver Pills are Purely Vegetable and act upon the liver without disturcance to the Sys- tem, diet, or occupation. 20 cents a vial, They are system renovators, blood purifiers, and builders, every gland and tissue in the whole anatomy is benefitted and stimulated in the use of them. The barbers of Ontario are about to E the legislature to oblige all barbers to take out regular certificates after an adequate apprenticeshf and that all barb er shops be uhd ., the in- spection of the provincial health in- SpThe petitiohers state that ceap ahope are for the Moet part in iso filthy condition and the centres for skin diseases. Henry Weird Beecher once informed a man who come to him complaining of gloomy and despondent feelings, that what be most needed was a good eathartie, meaning, of course, such a medicine as Ayer's Cathartic Pills, every dose being et%ative. vi iousn Xs caused by torpld liver, which prevents lllges. Won and permits food to ferment laid putruy to the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, 6d's lnsomma, nervousness, and, It not relieved, bubas Levert or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, col.- sttpatlon, etc. 25 cents, Bold byy all druggists. The only Pills to tAke with Hoo 'a Sarsaparllla. Another Shade. Made by the Ontalio GnIsl Some Tricky Legislations Anything to Beet the Topics, More. Offices Created at the Pub - lie Expense—Iltlrou in the List. Mr. hardy has just furnished a bril. liaut example of trickery in legislation. In 1895 ire slid Sir Oliver noticed that applications were being made to the Federal Government, which was then Conservative, for the appointment of junior County Court judges. This, in their opinion, necessitated the exercise of patronage at Ottawa. In order to lop off the r e, to which they were, of c ill -se o po ed, except when conferred o them vas, they push- ed thtough the hem re an Act de -'I claring that no de- i judge should hereafter be appointed in any county or union of counties unless the popu lation exceeds 80,000, During the recess they discovered that the Act did not quite cover their purpose, iuoamuch as it did not pre- vent tile fl(lue upwhichof vacancies 9 by dealh or removal of junior judges might be created, They therefore add- ed to the law in the session of 1896 it clause saying that in any county or uuiun of counties with a population under 80,000 no vacancy eau�cd by the dea!h or removal of a junior county judge should be filled. There the case stood. Ontario, through its Legida- ture, had , declared by special Acts Practically that the junior or second 'judges in counties should disappear, The Liberals came to office at Ottawa, and Sir Oliver became their Minister Of Justice. In the closing days of the session of the Legislature prorogued yesterday, Mr. Hardy introduced a bill "to make certain amendments to the "statute late." It leas represented as a were explanation of a few trifling pointe which were not plain in the law as it stands. Clause 58 deals with County Court judges, and repeats, in strong terms, the will of the Legisla- ture that no more junior court judges be appointed. But there was added this interesting sub -section: "This section shall not apply to any county in which is situated .a city, and for witch coun- ty a junior judge leas been hitherto appointed, nor to the Counties of Grey, Renfrew Stor- mont, Dundas, and Glengarry Ontario, `Bruce, Simcoe, Huron, Victoria, and tIaliburton." The gbjectof this clause is to exempt twenty-seven counties from the opera- tion of the law. It makes the law as regards these counties precisely as it previously was. As regards other counties, the intent of the law, gamely, that to them junior judges—provided there is not a population of 801000— shall not be appointed, is apparently carried out. In operation, however, this is not the fact. A section is add- ed, which, in brief, reads thus: --- "If any commission issued to a junior judge recites that the population of such county or union of counties exceeds 80,000, the fact so stated shall be conclusively assulned, and shall not be controverted," In other words, the mere statement in a commission issued to a junior judge that the population exceeds 80,000 complies with the law and justifies tin appointment, even though the popular tion is under 80,000. So that by a sly and circumlocutory process the policy affirmed in the law, namely, that there shall be no junior judges, is entirely ylvept away. rho foot is, the geutletneb who want• ed to clip the patronage of the late Ottawa Government are extending that of the present Ottawa Govern• meat. By a proceedure that is sup- posed to be clever they are pretending to keep down the judicial staff and aro- providing places for Sir Oliver Mowat to fill. Dr. Chase Cares Backache. Kidney troubles generally begin with a single pain in the back, and in time devslopes into Bright's disease. People trouiled with strieture,impedi- mente, stoppage of water, or it frequent desire to urine at nigbt, will find Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills a blessioR. Read the wonderful cuter in another column- One pill is a does, and if taken every other night will positively pure kidney trouble. It is probable that the Dominion Government will shortlyp itgive instruc- tions to s agents in Eri�land to see that the children sen', out to this coun- try ara not the drugs of the criminal' clauses or otherwise nnAPa1rA.hlr.- Rive For za Ivew Aeftt. ----'- - • � �- "-` : " On Tuesday the Ontario £,egislatturIe One reason Why Scott's. pprorogned land the people of (Qnt+lriO One caress weak throats, have now to has the of the murk thathat hgeneral tenor Weak lungs, makes rich as been done during the session, and its etiect, together blood, and strengthens Pani with that of the Ministerial policy, up- on 0111. future, Ili recent years there and delicate children is be - has been it Inarked change in the con- duct of affairs, "'a began operations cause all its parts are mixed on it moderate scale, elnployeei a built,, body of ufileia)s, conducted Govern- in so scientific a manner that went on at business Method, recognized I the feeblest digestion can municipal rights, ke+)t partizanship out of utllcialdoM and salved money. deal with it. This experi- By a process of evolution Other ideas have crept into our lo:;111 politics. par- ence has only come by doing tizatnship is 411110st its much on top its It is in New York State, or, indeed any one thing for nearly 25 years. other $tate of the neighboring Union. This means, purest - in - The growth of the partizan system has produced an enorruous multiplication gredents, most evenly and of controllable offices and a very con- siderable increase in the expenditure, delicately mixed, best adapted A proportion Of the oft1e1a18, wheth- for those whose Stren th has er paid by the province or atppuiuted g by the 00ver111Lle11t to reap Iheir party failed or whosf, digeption rewards out of fees lir out of tile ttiulli- cipal taxes, have been required to du would repel an uneven pro- olitical service. They constitute, in a FFor r, to by measure, the active inilitia of the duct• y all druggists at pltrty, They receive the money of the 5-e. and$,. people and then sally forth to particip- ate"' alrticip-ateIn elt'if paigus, proyiuc'iitl and Fed - era], and to pi -event the voices of their A PERFECT TEA PAY rill's ters front being heard. The indecency oP the proceeding, whieh would be tolerated nowhere else, out- ride of the Uui(ad :;totes, has been recognized by the Ministers. Fbat these gentlemen would take measures ONSOON to restore us to the old position Was hoped by all tvho bold the spoils sys- THE tem to be lit, evil. But beyond achnitt- FINEST TEA ing the wrong and declaring by rasa 1N THE WORLD lotion that, the Legislature disapproves TkrE.r.EA.gLANT�ry'•rNe--rEil CIJr" TEA -Of4t,,-Dist-0n03 te1)-Avou•ld•-t-ht- Go ew tri SFRO, ER ' trent go, Bir. Ross, indeed, explained IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. that writhe condemning partizanship the Ministers, and they alone, would "Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea be the judges of pat'tl'LRII al( .lOn slid growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian Teas, Therefore they use the greatest care in the the awarder of the penalties. The selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why they fact is the system i6 to be continued- Put it up themselves and sell it only in the original packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. A result partlwy attributable to it is, us Put up in % lb., r lb, and 5 Ib. packages, and never already ulentned, the swelling of 0111• sold in bulk. expenditures. Two yea rs ago we sppam ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. $3KOW ntur•e than we received. List t year tile, figure was $I(N),000. For the. If your g,ecer does not keep it, tell him to write tv present year the outlays are to reach 4 STEEL, HAYTER & CO. • $3,871,000 while the revenue is no more 11 and 13 Front street East. Toronto than $3,215,000• Su that; the are gradu- allly getting worse. The Brea^b bu- tween incorue and outgo is wid ming, ltn(Il now we are $600,1100 it year be_ MA"50 YEAR ,o hind, To put the case in simple forin,q;,TFXPERIENCE. Mr. Hardy is spending $2,000 a clay more than Ile takes iu. New taxes have been devised in order to approach as nearas possible Loa balance.I3oL these are altogether' inadequate. The wore the province is taxed the more the Government expends. There isRADE MARKS,nothing fur it, unless, Indeed, we haveoEsloNs, a new desbutdi•••]tct.:x�: I•t t t,5 I t tL l PYRIGHTS dto )l! )11C 1 loan. If tVe Itlellt' tL t1e1V illtl°lest-bear_ Anyone sending sketch and des criptio n m a y quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention ising debt the 01)ly C0118NI lien ce will bea propacommunications strictly abl uttIn 01� the evil day. Bu tLbis cti1oonOldest .sgencY for securing patents win America. We have aWashington office.d, t , bring Patients GIIkOn through Munn &Co. receive heavier burdens ,thRU are now neces- special notice in the nary. There is reason to fear that if SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, the Government pulls through another" beautifullyy illustrated, largest circulation or election, if it receives all indot'Bation any�soientiflogurnal,weekly, terms $3.00alYear; V61.0'.11. ON be. Specltnlen eoplee andl3AND of US policy Of unchecked expenditure, BOOK -ON PATENTS sent free. address we shall reap its our reward a poll titx, MUNN 8t CO., or else a tax upuu business, or, pos- 361 Broadway, New York. sibly, a tax levied upon muniepalities, Which tux the local atlthoritiec will have to add to their own imposts and %111611111W1WUAUW/IiA"UU iAWW0 collect from the people. No measure has passed the Legislature ofn reassul- ReadA,.. Ing Cha racter, On the contrary, there has been a distinct tendericy towards the extention and development of the 410- THE e existing system and its centralizing idea. 'This is observable in the tenacity with which Ministers hold to their Great Offer lately acquired powers and the dispos- ition, more particularly on the part of OF -o* the Minister of Education as exhibited in his examination programme and his university pili o grasp more Tire London auth- ority and moree money to spend, and to reduce local or non-partistin control to the vanishing know The general free Press,policy as made known through Lhe sessional discussions, isnot a good one, nor are the exceptional feature of the# + t + + programme to be c•omntended. There can be no doubt thatthe determination The rice PreAA, desiring to greafdy to reserve mining territory from ex- :3increase its subscription list, makes the ploration is a mistake. A still! more following great otrer to the farmers and stockmen of ('anada whereby sub - serious error 'was the granting of the 9 s ribers to Weekly Free Press will get huge tract of land to one company, One Year's Paper Free. and that the company in which a poli- p tical friend is aL moving spirit. The The Free Press haA made arrange. Government promised to make it great mems with the Veterinary Science mining advance. It wit to promote Publishing Co. fora number of eopic," of their book "The Veterinary Sciences" the industry, to assist in developfug � the price tit which is $4,00. This book our latent resonrees. The policy ba.s Lreuts fully and in pla)n language Lhe been a policy of locking tipminis Anatomy, Xserses and Treatment of I It admits the South Aricans, Domestle Animals and Poultry. also cunt dining n [011 desarip! ion of Medicine tit e., Mr. J. K. Kerr and colleagues, to I and Receipts, so that every farmer call C promising districts, and turns the key be his own veterinary, upon everybody else. Then it takes R�1.�® c®nt2.®0 the power to drive the prospector from � �t FOR other rich portions of the plorince, nod even proposes to tine him if lie is The Weekly Free Frew and harm +2n discovered examining ;these precio us d Home for one ),oar (price $1.00) and u '()PV* of lir. V0,:rinary Science (price preserves. This is a strange wav of (.Ss trot. Huth %%I I he mailed to any ad- tssisting and promoting the mining dr supnn Leo roccipt of Two Dollars. in(htstry. :1 Ila not mise this chance. We cannot nlrord I n rant noun•, I his offer indeHn)tely. The Ministers, with their centraliza- n,irnb.i•t•t inninkingitnowistosecure tion, their official partisanship, their K illi ilitilleit)at,e response which a less multiplied offices, their large expendi_ lil-rnl otrev might• fail to attract. no- o- mbar, by sending $3.00 for the book tures, their deficit of $2,000 it day, and 7 %,,it gel. 160 Weekly Free Pross and their mining monopolies, redder p•LI II- Pnrot and Route ONE YEAR FREE. Pally evident the loss Of the ole} Par- =t t^o"L; "anted everywhere. Address 1 Iimentary hand, and equally clear the . connnuni,ations to the a now universally recognized filet (hat. Free Press Printing Co., it is time for a change. Ontario wants London, Out cleaner and better mot,hods of govern- p�iyRnnlTllrinPlRnnlfifnl►If11n1f11ii nlent ; she requires the at)andomtient of a cystenl which calls upon the peo- ple as a whole to pay for political work; she needs cheaper adininistra- tion that she may escape from the accumulating deficits and the impend- ing debt; she demands a progressive policy that will promote the interest's of her all but neglected farmers ; in short, she is tripe for a new deal. Illy Netabbor Told Me. About Hood's Sarsaparilla and advised me to try it.--rhis is the kind of ad• vertising which gives Hood's Sates parilla the largest sales 'in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood's Satea• parilla cures; that it gives etrengih, health, vitality and vigor, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medi- cine. HOOD'S PILLS 80t easily and prompt ly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache, The Ontario Legislature prorogued Tuesday afternoon. Sir Casimir Gozowskl, Acting Administrator, in the absence•of the Lieu tenant -Gover- nor, officiated. In the speech from the throne reference was rude to the loyal and patriotic resolution recently passed by the House In eonnecetion with -the approaching celebration of the long reign of her Majesty the Queen. A lVarning to Some. NEOLECT TO itHOISTER A DEATH C(MT AN INGERSOLL MAN $2). A case which may be a warning Lo some Clintoniam9 wits tried and dis- posed of at Ingersoll by James Ryan, J. P. The action m -as taken by Chief Skirving at the instance of the comity attorney, and was against, one Free- man B. Foster, for violating the act re registration of vital statistics, It ap- pears that, the defendant's child died, and that the formalities of the law in respect to the registration of the deni,h were not properly complied with. He was arraigned on the charge of violat- ing the ae in respect to registration, and lea ed guilty. The defendant said that 'he was entirely ignorant of the act, which he thought to be a nets one. The J. P. fined him $5 and costa on each charge, amounting in all tet $20:52. Foster's explanation of the: rest of the case was accepted by the ofllcers and the investigtMob was not proceeded with any further. Mr. Pow. ter thanked the magivtrati, for hie len- iency and sold the conviptinn would he a lesson to him and admitted that he baud before neglected to conform with the act. This case should he it warn- ing to many, who throngh carelessnesA or ignorancv of the law, neglect to re ester particulars as to hirths, death!; an marriages.