The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-07, Page 8. xMess
Artful• • •
Which way will you have your I
paper hangings. We have the
Stook to please the artistic eye.
Their popularity is attested not
only by opr big sales but by
the frequently expressed eatis-
faction of those who have
bought them. Never ,before
have we shown so many new
and beautiful patterns designed
by artists of reputation and
selected by us with the utmost
care to have a wide range of
effective and harmonious color
ings embracing all the newest
and most popular shades. In
brief we have a well assorted
and up -to date Stock offered at
prices which like the goods are
HONEST, We show them to
you on the ground floor there
is not even a step up from
the sidewalk to the extreme
rear of our new and thoroughly
modern store. We tritn all
1Vall Paper and further, we
trim it right. The favor of
your inspection is respectfully
- Agents Parker's Dye 11'011 -8 -
The Huron Dews-Re;ora
w 1 25 a Year—$1.00 in Advance.
1 In and Around the flub,
901VII 941k.
highest price for butter atld eggs--CANTELON
SE.TTINO HENS WANTED,—A good numbor.
Must be good hatchors and good mothers. For
information, price, &c., apply at Tim NEws-
See our Bedroom Suites at $6.50. Great
Miss ANNIE FREERORN, puppil of Prof. Tor-
rington, Toronto College of Music, is pre fared
to accept pupils in Vocal, Guitar and piano.
Will accept Concert Engagements.
SOCIAL.—The Las}es' Christian Asso-
ciation of Ontario street Methodist
church intend holding a social in the
limsement, of the church Good Friday
FARM BOLD.—The Joh11 McDonald
farm near Porter's Hill, comprised of
til) acres, was on Saturday sold by auc-
tion to S. McPhail for $4,100. The
pries is a good one, and particularly so
when the sale was a forced one.
FRUIT BLOSSOMS.—Two weeds ago
last Thursday Frank McDonald placed
in water sprigs of plum, pear and
apple trees. The Baldwins on Monday
showed only the leaf, while the winter-
interpear and the egg plum were profuse
with blossoms. This may be an indi-
cation of the yield of these varieties in
1897, barring possible frosts and other
Bir. JOSEPH'S CHURCH.—Passion Sun-
day was celebrated in St. Joseph's (R.
C.yehurch last Sunday. There was a
memorial service last Monday morning
for the late Mr. Henry O'Brien, Rev.
Fr. West preaching on Sunday morn-
ing and evening, and celebrating High
Mass on Monday. The choir from here
will take charge of St. Peter's church
service at Goderich on Easter Sunda,
the Easter celebration taking place in
Clinton a week later.
MINING MA1ITF.RS.—Considerable in-
terest has been manifested in Clinton
in gold mining in British Columbia
and the Rainy River district. In fact
we learn on good authority that a
number of citizens have invested at
least $1,500, John bicMurray and Jas.
Steep being principally interested.
`Phos. Brown has about 3,00) shares.
'there is sorne talk of forming it coin -
pony here, and it is expected that Mr.
Steep will leave for the Rainy River
District.this week to view the vanous
raining locations on which will depend
action on this line.
ILz,- rata t>tutuerQurw t'riunds w[11 res
gret to learn that (7.ouncillar l?'nrci is
confined to the house through 1119ess.
DISSOLVED.—Messrs. McMurray &
Wiltse, grocers, have dissolved part-
nership. Mr. Wiltse will continue the
MASONIC.—Dr. Shaw, Messrs. A. J.
Holloway, J. B. Hoover and W. D.
Fair were in St. Marys Monday on
Masonic business.
SAD NEws.—Councillor Walker re-
ceived a message from Bolton, near
Toronto, that his uncle Mr. Thos. Tay-
lor was dead. He and Mrs. Walker
left Monday to attend the funeral.
Holmes of Mitchell filled the Ratten-
bury street Methodist church pulpit on
Sabbath morning and evening and ad-
vanced the claims of the Educational
Fund in a very clear and persuasive
manner. Rev. Mr. Millyard took Mr.
Holmes' work in Mitchell.
VETERANS OF'66.—Mr. W. R. Lough
has received from the Toronto "
Veterans Association it letter with
blank forms for the nacres of volun-
teers in this section who served daring
the Fenian troubles in 1806 The ob-
ject is to secure medals for our defen-
THE S. A.—Ensign Wiggins, district
officer- of Stratford, italf-Capt. Turner,
of London, and Seaforth officers of the
Salvation Artily, will he in Clinton on
Friday, on the evening of which a
musical melody will take; place, follow-
ed by a half night of prayer, to which
all Christians are invited.
LEAv1NCi TowN.—Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Cole, Mary street, have decided
to take up their, residence at Rapid
IRiver Mich„ about the 1st of May.
ltiey ti's"iiiiib7ig itlfr' ti?ilesr,' residsrrts
and we are sort v to hear of their re-
ruoval, Mr. Ed. Routledge has rented
the premises being vrtcated by Mr.
HOUSE OF REreap --The ]louse of
Refuge 0'onitnittee inet here last Fri-
day and awarded the contract for it,
concrete hog and lien house, 2Ox5O, to
Guttridge & Mustard for $3395. It was
decided to procure from John Stewart
of Betimiller 75 apple trees and a nrrm-
her of evergreens. Afterother routine
business the committee adjourned.
Dr. Jackson of Galt, who won many
friends while occupying the Presbyter-
ian pulpit in Clinton a few weeks ago,
has accepted it call to Cleveland and on
the occasion of his farewell last week
the members of his congregation Show-
ed their esteem and appreciation of the
rev. gentleman and Mrs. Jackson by
presenting each with :t purse of money
and other tokens. Dr. Jackson left for
his new field of labor on Saturday.
I. O. G. T.—The mernhership of the
Good Templars lodge is increasing,
there being one or more initiated -every
meeting. The programmes of each
meeting, which consist of debates,
music and literature, •are decidedly in-
teresting as well as instructive. Last
Friday was an evening with Robert
Burns. Owing to the Local Union
meeting of the Leagues next Friday,
which deals with Citizenship and Tem-
perance, there will be no programme
in the Lodge. Good Friday evening
the Lodge purposes having a public
meeting and a. good time is looked for.
Meeting each Friday evening in Odd -
fellow's hall. Members of the Order
always welcome.
-RECORD has received from The Dornin-
4m Brewing Company of Toronto
(Robert Davies, manager) a very handy
and useful liocket memorandum book.
The size is 4Jx2# inches. It contains a
isumber of ruled pages for notes and
thirtypages of turf records, Canadian
and United States fastest running
times, trotting and pacing, the Stan-
dards, athletic records, bicycle records,
yawing championships, yachting, can-
oeing, cricket, curling, trap shooting
records, the prize ring, ten pins, la-
crosse, baseball, rugby, quoiting, Skat-
ing, miscellaneous matters, lawn bowl -
int hammer throwing, game laws,
flaking laws, iceboat sailing, postage
rates, money orders, P. . savings
banks, banks of Canada, bank boli -
days, value of foreign coins, and it lot
of other useful information, it is one
of the most comprehensive and useful
Bale books to be found:
A REFORMER SPE AKS,—A subscriber
Rt Wingham, who is a Relormer, ill
rernitting his subscription- for, THE
Nnws-REcORD, says :—"Although I
ain it Grit, there is much in your edi-
torials I greatly admire. Very often
they ocularly demonstrate the fact
that tire Ottawa Grits are not alto-
gether so 'Godly' as bbey "might be.
Sir, it will do me no good to give what
is termed 'taffy,' but .if every editor
emphasized his articles in the way you
do, I believe it would be for the good
and welfare of the whole community."
REMovrNO FROM To wN.—,Arlon;
with their many friends THE NEwS-
RNWOR.D regrets very Rnuch the con-
templated removal of 411% Dufton and
family from Chntem. 'A woollen mill
store should be a paying concern here
and their, removal will be a decided loss
to neighboring producers and Clinton
as well. Through her active and jovial
disposition and business aptitude bliss
Dufton has made a host of friends who
will very much regret the change.
However,. THE NRws-RECORD wishes
theworthy departing residents every
possible seiccess in whatever sphere
their Int may be cast. In a short time
Mr. Dufton and family remove from
here to London.
LACROSSE.—A large and enth usiatic
meeting was held at'the Rattenbu.y
House for the purpose of reorganizing
for the season of 1897, and elected the
following officers :—President, Capt.
Morrish ; Sec.-Treas., 1. R. Read ; Cap-
tain, Larry J. Hanlon; Executive Com-
mittee, Shorty Cantelon, B. Potts and
G. Haxby. It was decided to enter a
team in the C. L. A., as there are it
number of the old boys back and soma
new blood springing tip it is thought
that the prospects are brighter than
ever before for putting a winning
team in the field. If the boys get the
support which they deserve there is
no doubt but that they will make a
very creditable showing. They will
start practice as soon as the grounds
are fit.
years I•HE NEws-RECORD has contend-
ed that Clinton would from force of
circumstances be compelled to adopt a
differ ent System for fire protection and
of se,.-uring pure water for household
purposes. At the Council meeting on
Monday the matter was discussed in
Committeeofthe Wholeatsomelength,
the majority of the mcinhers favoring
water works. The Council should
without delay appoint it committee to
ascertain where a pure supply of water
can be procured from for all purposes
and to make an estimate of the prob-
able cost of a thorough system. To
comply with the demands of the Fire
Underwriters Association an expendi-
ture of some $1,600 will be required,
and afterward 1,000 to $1,200 annually.
This would pay interest on debentures
amounting to considerable money,
which would go rt long way toward
putting in a water works system. We
hope the matter will he a mated by
the Council and serioasly taken up by
the people of Clinton.
33,33..-. ..: •._. :3333,,
Miss Freeborn is this week visiting
in l ayfleld the guest of Rev. Smith.
Rev. Mr. Stoat is improving in health ,
and occupied his pulpit on Sabbath.
Emerson's bicycle school in the•town t
hall has been well patronized this
The first dust of the seasion was fly -
in Albert street last Wednesday Jill 't
Mrs. Jus. Steep was called to Sea- },
forth last week owing to the illness of
her mother. ,p
Provincial Inspector Beath visited J
the Collegiate Institute last Tuesday t 1
and Wednesday.
Miss Amelia Harland will return a
from Chatham Business College on r
)✓ilea Lillie Hunt is spending a few
days in Kip an the guest of hot- friend,
Miss Katie Acheson. •�eti���9 E
The "little Gnghrnd" electric light is
the delightof the "long suffering resi-
dents We have all the new things in
of that locality. We
we always had the name of
The read -breasted robin is already
busy makng the nest. Is this not a keeping just the right thing in
ante sign spring? Hats. A man owning and wear-
Contractor Cooper, has a gang of ing one of our Hats, makes pre- Ready -Made
workmen at work un the new Doherty Ordered sent(tbly neat and tidy the tous-
organ factory works, led and unmanageable labrynth
Get ready for a visit from the In-
spector of the Board of Health. He• of tufted moss which crowns the Clothing
ylOt�iYfii g 111
will soon be en his rounds, Clothing ° • • craninum of the quarter back. A V • • •
The Cricket Club has made an ex- Jackson Hat slakes a weak mind- We are always talking ahotrt our
cellent start—over one hundred mem- We only occasionally mention this ed man feel strong, and an ugly Ready-made Clothing, we hardly
hers and a good cash deposit. department in our advertisements
that'sbecausowethinkitisunnecessa,r clan conscious that he has no miss a week. There is such a
Mr r. Ed. Jervis left yesterday for A Good Suit of Clothes, well cut pro- rival; a J>ickson Hat is just as ne- change in the Cut, Style and a . 3l
Assinaboia, N. W. T., where he ex- P pearance to whist there used to •_
pects to engage in school teaching. perky made and trimmed is sure to cessary to a Clinton rash's peace be, every season it is getting bet
bring people hack again, it also brings of mind as a first-class piece of ter, more people are buying them
Mr. W. Foster, Albert street north, other people by seeing a good Suit. Hemp is to a strong pisco of rope. ton. We are carrying such a big ,
returned on Saturday from a business It is pretty well known all over the Stock this season in soman new +,
tri through the
eastern provinces. country that
They cannot talk through aJack- Y 1";�
Pt t we males good d c hes
P to
Y .- ' . .rs.. t . .
_. ... .. d. N.ubb. .(sok, iha people.
g a.n a �..
_..., .ls 3.333. Y p
_.<. ,"_ . - .. " 3333 .. ,. _ , ... _. 3333,;.. 3333_ ... ,... _ . , .. ,. ,
Snot hu Obfi bot ..o
n 1'Iat thf' .tie to strop and'
Mr: � C.. MZrif' bus behii appointed y' g G tstoo, aricl our prices . y g who never, wore a rea�d��yy-made J
Dominion express agent at Winnipeg, are so low. considering the work we stout a material to talk through. � before are this season, We have "%
He is a son of Mrs. Win, Muir, town. Put on our Ordered Clothes. them trom
The business men who have s eat �t'e don't allow a Suit out of the 6,
p We guarantee our Hats against every- $3.50 to c$14.
most money in THE NE\VEi-I2EcoRu House unless it is right in every way. thing except abuse, one may he c
have the most money }n their pockets. This season we are busier than ever,; soiled b dropping it in the ditch OUR CHILDREN'S
The Young People's Union meet in
we told you some time ago we were Y P} &
Willis chu, ch on Friday evening whe,du Preparing for a big business this season or twisted out of shape if thrown
able addresses and good C11u51C W111 be and bought accordingly, Ne did right, in the way of a cyclone, but if CLOTHING��"�'''
of those nice Over- heck Scotch Suit- �
for, we re not coin to have to roan
give°' r aCt worn on the head where it be. is sure to lease all who�bu
Mr. Tim Carbert of Teeswater was in s that are all the >r e, longs to it will last longer than P Y,
visitingrelatives in Hallett last week g �lg t,hey start in price from $1,50.
You should not delay ordering any other Hat in the world. Boy's 3 e, Suits start in r
and called on a number of friends yer(n• Springy Suit, we are noted for Y' P P ice, ,
Saturday. carrying a eyass of Goods that is certain- from $3.
Alen's Pants from $l 00
Mr. John Wright of Summerlu will ly not seen in this section and nowhere BUY Boy's Knee Pants 50 ;
leave this week for British Uolumbia, will you find so big a store and Stock
We predict success for such a well read as ours. It is never so much it dollar, 'I
gentleman. on a Suit as to get a good fit :tad well Special
The Onward Bicycle Company start made. A •••••• • •
this year with it very large business Our 1Jlg range of Tweeds $18 JACKSON
and mine t nipped store and machinery c, ,. cc 22 The Blue Serge Suits we mention- '.
ctepartrrien,. $�� !
�p " " Worsteds $25 ed last week to clear at $3.85 is
Mr. S. S. Lon e�• has bought a nice worth Seeing. Some area left yet
vacant lot on Wellington street and Are Standard lines and pi ices, and are and they are the biggest snap
will likely build on it—if not for him -guaranteed to be good value.
self • ° ° • • yet offered.
self for some one els$
The lines in another colunm', "The y�1�d�eOr�ms®ivOOSO®o��v1��1 "
Soldier's Return," were written in con- t
sequence of the recent discussion on
the Canadian Militia.
Rev. Smith and Miss Kathleen Smith
of Bayfield were guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Freeborn last Monday. Miss Smith IT :0
remains here for it week.
Mr. C. Consigney who recently sold ngl'k�
his la°ndry business here to Mr. R.
Twitchell, has started a laundry in The Famous Clothiers Clinton.
Listowel. We. wish him every success,
Brief Town Topics.
The Cricket Club is in the lead this
Mrs. West returne3 to Port Huron
on Friday.
Mr. A. J. Holloway was in Hensall
last Thursday.
Mumps are all the fashion for the little
ones just now.
Mrs. McKee of Ridgetown is visit-
ing relatives in town.
Mr. T. Jackson, of Jackson Bros., is
in Toronto this week.
The boys of the flax mill are organ-
izing a base ball club.
There was Iota of snow on the roads
last year on the 13th of April.
How about base ball, lacrosse, tennis,
quoitibg and other sports ?
A Great
Success. —
The popular verdict woe that our display of Millinery was superb;
that it reaches the pinnacle of excellence in every particular, showing
the largest assortment of handsome, wearable Hats and Bonnets that for
style and variety of patterns could not be excelled. Our Stock will be
fully assorted every week during the busy season with New Style and
Novelties as they appear i'Whion centre. If you have not Been our
attractive display come in, you will be welcome at anytime. Popular
Prices prevail, special discount of 5 per cent. to cash purchasers of
Millinery, Last season's Straw Hats made over into new.
Ladies' and Children's
We are the pioneers in WHITE GOODS TRADE, we
have been long enough in it to know what to buy and what not to buy,
we give you the beuifit of our experience and place before you the
largest assortment ever shown in town, that for style; work, quality and
price cannot be equalled or made up for the money. This is not paper
talk we have seen all the samples shown by the other factories in Carl,
ads so that we are not in the dark, we have the goods and they speak for
themselves. Space will allow us to only mention a few lines.
Ladies' White Aprons, full size,
quick sellers, price 25e, 30e, 45e, b0c
Ladies White Skirts, wide width,
with 5 tuck@ and frill, 3 tucks
above, prite..........................65c
Ladies' White Skirts, full size, 7
inch frill embroidery, 4 tucks
above, price ..........................75c
Ladies' Night Gowns, full size, 1
frill embroidery down front, 12
tucks each side, price .............50c
Lines we do well... •
I3[id Gloves,
Cashmere Bose, all sizes.
Prices the Lowest,
Beesley's Great Millinery Emporium.
A Grand Display
Of 1011& 0
Choice Novelties
In Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Blouses
Millinery, Laces, Parasols, Gloves, &0.
Stock in all departments now complete.
Black and Colored
Dress Materials.
We desire especially to direct attention to oar High
Class Novelties in Black and Colored
Dress Goods as well as the big range we show of ;
Staple Lines. This is our leading department, a.
anti the business it is doing this spring shows that the '
very fine range of new and pretty materials we have
gathered together for the present season is meeting
with popular approval. Our designs are choice and
exclusive, and out prices are as low as is consistent
with good dualities.
New Spring
The extensive range of styles in Sp 'ng Millinery call
best be understood by a persondl inspection of our
display of Hats and Bonnets. Millinery Opening will
be continued all next week, and you are welcome to
come and look at any time, whether you wish to buy r
or not. The prettiest collection of Hats in the county
is to be seen in our bright and roomy upstairs show-
S TPv • • 9�,k)��.