The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-07, Page 7J DIRECTORY �►x >x ice-_� WATTS & CO, 0. L, No. 710, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS asy t0 Take QI,IhTTON, Great Northwestern Telegraph office, a$y to Operate OWNS lfeety siacoirD Monday of every Albert SitroeL, Clinton.�p restores peaullst to Hood's Pltlp, flln9t11 1a �month. Hall and fiat, McKay �� �- brook. Visiting brethren always 'r'-"'-` � ---- size, taeteleafs, efficient, ihotougd. As alta moa 1gpq. 0tg6ed made welcome. PIMPS! PUMPS! Cp y 4ctof Pgrllament 1856. J. P. SUEPPARD, W. Ill, P.CANTELON,JR.Soo, THOS.BEAOOM,D.M,Il you Want a atis uotioWenmade rump, one iliaHood's Cilltal'fA'Ti,J $2,000,000 - - will give you satislaotlon sonfl your order to th tudIEiB' $'l.". $1,900 000 N the closest is will dig loo charm webs and do !t a �, the closest prices. Ho also handles a tarot -clan I FORCE PUMP. tiLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. moots said: "Yotrnever knewyou " Road Oreo, - MONTREAL. every Friday, on or after ilia moon. Visit JAMESFI:IRGUSON have takeri.tpllltill ltisallPills E lug brethren cordlanr tnvltad „ M, wOL �8LT,AN �11OSIAB,Qoneral Manager. , Sso• Oppoeit over. 260. C. I. Hood dr Co., A. J. HOLLOWAY, W. M. THOS, RUMIIALL Queon'a Hotel High Street Clinton. Proprietors, Lowell, Masa. Clinton, Dec. 0, 1895. 809•tI rile only pills to tyke With Hood'a pniisaparllii Notes discounted, _clloctions made; Drafts-_-_�-__ lastled, Sterlrr)g -and American ex- K. 0, T. M. J- C. STEVENSON, change bought and sold. - Vlooming up, though not officially men- -INTsr,;esr AttoweD oil Darostirs Hearna Tent No. 00, Knights of the Maccabees of Furniture Dealer, (lt i`i. tioued, the million dollars pVQAi)ised the World. t$1.000, $3,000 and $8,000 Pelioiee. Mom- by Mr. Dobell tJ the Quebec bridge, SAVINGS BANK. bership over 100,000. Assessment priaolple—huethe haie des Chaleurs extension, which ,over oxoeoded 12 assessments in a year. Cheapest THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND ti lrit est allowed on sums of $1 and up. and safest in existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Cnn- covers the cost of carrying BOnaven- .r ton, first and third Friday of every mouth. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. tune, the Crow's Nest PaSs road, which F'gRMLRs_ for some peculiar reason receives the neyadvanaed to farmers on their own notes '------ - _. ______.____ __' Opposite Town hall, Clinton, Ont heated advocacy of Ube Governments Mo with one or more endorsers. Ne mortgage re• COOK'S FLOUR ' organ. There is an enormous ex endi- gnirod ae security. H. C. BREWER, Manager, O'1'ICE. Lure in view, and all this is to be in - December, 1886. OLINTON. & FEED STORE, carred while the Ministers are coul- ... plaining of a deficit and arepledged Clinton. There being some misunderstanding with re- to make taxes lower. The otter, fea- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood tures of the speech Are frills, as, for Gia De NoTaggarrt BRAN and SHORTS in Large or that if any porno° takes possession of any (find example, the reference to the jubilee of wreckage and falls to report to me I shall at and the Indian famine. BANKER Small Quantities, once take proceedings. Remember this Is the last warer n • I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. But there is one point outside of the &LBERT STREET, CLINTON, OIL CAKE, LINSEED MEALS ILQadoricl� Supt 176h 1891r(Lh' frills which conies under the classili- 10 lbs. Choice Oatmeal forone Bushel cation io humbug, The plebiscite is it e repetition of the Hardy fraud upon Leis A GENERALBANKING BUSINESS Oats temperance people. It is to u]ake TRANSA 0T -0D. The McKillop Mutual Fire them fight and vote for nothing, for a -:. -w� vote has nothing at all to do with �y�SCI1"ance'orylpany lei'slxtrll : - rhe altllsitli ill M�t�r1 Notes Diswunted, Drafts Issued. 7Rv.}r Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Junesth, 1391 058y DR. W. GUNN,. 3' B. C. P, t nd L. It. C. S., Edinburgh, Office — Ontario stro t Clinton. Night calls at tient door o1 '' ,` residence on Rattenbury street, opposite Presbyter- t lan chureb. DR. TURNBULL. I. L. Turnbull, 11. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D ; 0.M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. & S. Out, ; F flow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late •if London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals Office:— Dr. Dowsley s stand, Ratters'wry 3t. Night calls F answered at OtHce. DR. SHAW. Office -Ontario street, oVOSUo l: ah h chnrch, formerly occupied by Dr. Appleton. Jain. S. Freeborn, M -]D , L. H. A Q C. P., I., M. 0 P. & S. 0., &c., &o. ;4 Graduate of E ina's & Qdson's College of Physicians, Dublin, Ireland. Licentiate of the Oeoeral Medical Council, Great Brit tin. lfember of College of rhyslola-ta acd Surgeons, Ontario. Formerly resi- demo the Rotunda Hospital (Lying-in and Gyuro• :ological), Dublin. Special attention to diseases of womsn and dhlWren. 09iao and residence, Rattenbury t St.,nextdoor to, Out%tin St. Me' hodtstpar,ionago. 829-1y J Dr. Druce, Surgeon Dentist. k= OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to pre- servation of natural teeth. .'? N. B. -Will visit Dlyth every \londay, and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. 11ftow, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST.. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario. .Hono•- Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. Bt st Local Anaesthetic for painless extraction. Office opposite Town Hall, over Swallovi('s Stora. Night Bell answered. Will visit Hensall ev ,ry blonday, and Zurich the 2nd Thursday c each month MG. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , Conveyrtnoer, &c. Office—corner namittou and St. Andrews -Sts., opposite Colborne Hotel, Goderich. 883.tf RC. HAYS, Barristor, Solicitor, &c. Olflee, corner - North Street and Square, near Registry Office, Goderich, Out, 87. , SW Money to lend at lowest ztes of Interest. J. SCOTT, Barrister, 4c., PLLIOTT's BLOCK, - CLINTON, (Money to Loan, E. CAMPION, Q. C, BARRISTER, - - - SOLICITOR. NOTARY, tic., Goderieh, - Ont, Office—Ovor Davis' Drug Store. Money to loan. M • 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - - SOLICITOR COMMISSIONER, ETC, Goderiel-ii, - - - Ont Oaleo—Cor. Hatilton and St. Andrew's Ste. W BRYDONE PRODUCE EXCHANGE HILL & JOYNER, Corner Store, Albert St., Clinton. Dealers in Grains, Flour, Feed, Seeds, etc. Teas a, specialty. Headquarters for all kinds of Field and Garden liceds. We carry the largest Stock and the largest variety of Seeds. All Goods will be sold at lowest prices for Cash. Woa Caeh for Eggs. An • kind of grain taken Ii exchange for Goods, same as Cash. HILL & JOYNER. Central Butcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON Subperibers desire to notify the public that (hey have bought out the butchering business lately Con- ducted by Mr, Jas. A. Ford, and will continue the same ander their personal supervision. Orders will bare prompt and atretul attention. Fresh mcate of all kinds will be kept in season, sold at roasouable rates and delivered nnywbore in town. ARTiIUR COUCII, CHAS N. WILSON. r"IS TOS. CENTRAL BUTCHER SHOP FORD & MURPHY, (Suaceseors to J. W. Langford.) Having bought out the above business, wo intend to conduct it on the cash principle, and will sapply our customers with the beet meats at the lowest pay ng prices. FORD & MURPHY. LIVE HOGS WANTED, Highest Market Price Pard. D. CANTELON, Clinton. v93-tf. J. E. BLACIICALL, Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Inspector. Office on Isaac street next New Era office. Residence, Albert St., Clinton. B. THOMLINSON, VETERINERY SURGEON, Honorary Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col. lege, Toronto. Treats all diseases of Domestic Animals on the most modern and Scientific Priaciplcs. Day and Night Calle Promptly Answered. Rosidence—Rattenbury Street, West, Clinton Ont. Goo. Trowhill, Horseshoer and General Black- smith, Albert Street, North, - Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first class material and work guaranteed ; farm implements and machines rebuilt and repaired. Card of Thanks. TO MY MANY PATRONS: I desire to tender my sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage accord- ed me in the past and to inform the public that I am still in the Carpet Weaving Business on East Street, Goderich, next the Bicycle Factory. Personal and mail orders will as usual receive prompt attention. All classes of work a specialty, ut the lowest pos Bible prices, find satisfaction guaran- teed. W. A, Ross, East street, GODERICII. RA IWISTEI R - - ,SOLICITOR. „: Tit E _ Y... „.„-........ ..,._ .... w...._.,...... ,..... ., .,_._..__.. _..__.._..:.,. News Notes. NOTAiiY PUBLIC, tyc, TO THE FARMERS. OFFICE DVAVER •BLOCK - CLINTON.Study your own interest and go whore you can gat 8174_ Reliable 04 Harness, - - a' �r ' attivv to wtod. I manufacture none but the BR81019TOCR. conditions of wasting. Nc%k Bewart of shops that,ell cheap, a, they have got to live QUI Cnll and get prices. Orders O E'T-� JOHN RIDV0/ Vf7 by mail propiyattended to mJrk>14_N ,. v 1B1EILI1L, Q;ONVN;YANC1 R, C,OMMiSSIO\F.H, p;'I'('' HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLVTII, ON'@ A pirr jiPurance. steal Estate, \Toney tolend. -- - O(Apees EIV.fiON STREET, CLINTON, (407'0 THE must rest. When it is scien- Union Shaving Parlor F 9atel®n Bros, For fnrst•clase Hair -Cutting �.. 1tAL GROCERS & PROVIS- and Shaving, g { . ION MERCHANTS. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton ,1. EMERTON, PrnprietOr. Grodeerl GlaSS ik Cli na2lvve J� ANTE D-FarmcrH' Sons or other Indus. W trionH persons of fair education to whom CLINTON, ONT. �EBEIIt'1' ST., � • '" tfi80 a month would be an indnroment. I Ilighest Cash Price for Futter and Ea p np could also ngage a few ladieR at their own homes. K2+iy T, H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont., Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS. George Watt, President, Ilarlock P. O.; James Broadfoot, Vice-Pree., Scafarth P. 0.; W. J. Shan- non, Sooy. Treas., Seaforth P. 0.: Michael Murdie, Inspector of losses, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. James Broadfoot, Seaforth; Miehael Murd ie, Sea. forth; George Dole, Senfonth; George Watt, Ilarloek Thomas E, Ilaya,Seµforth; Alex Oardiner,Lead bury Thomas Garbutt, Clinton; dchn MrLcan, Hipl (n, eoRtims. ' Thomas Neaars, Harlock; Robert MCMillnn, Sea - forth and James Cummings, Egmondville. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend- ed to on hpplicatiou to any of Clic above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offices, FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS D" U N N "S &.0 903h A KIN ODER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGES'r SALE IN CANADA• Tile Bill of Fare. Not at all startling or dashing is the � speech from the throne. Still there are Sonne features of it, that call for consideration. One which is especial- ly prominent is, paradoxically enough, an omission. The country is not con- gratulated upon its prosperity or upon the outlook for the future, near or remote. As a matter of fact, the Ad- ministration, with its constant wrig- gling on the important question, has rested like a burden a )on industry. Its influence has been destructive, al• though, happily, the courage and en- terprise of our people have done much to avert the evils which the pro- longed, threat is calculated to produce. There is, we believe, just one thing for khtmula to do in the presence of a free trade Administration, and that is, while awaiting more hopeful condi- tions, to press home continuously the argument for an adequate protection to our people. It is possible to force the Ministers to withhold or to weaken the blow which, under a mistaken view of our situation, they have declared them- selves ready to a.hn. Already there is a fear among the leaders that their ppanacea would kill instead of cure. We hear no more at the present mo- ment of "Joined together heart and hand Liberals for free trade stand." On the contrary, there arises from the office -holding camp an ill -concealed jeer at the free traders. who are plain- ly told that perhaps they will get it, and perhaps they will not; it depends upon whether it will pay. The coun- try, let it be repeated, though it. may not absolutely nullify the effect which the free trade leadership exercises, even where it floes not carry its prin- ciples fully into operation upon busi- ness in general, can compel the Gov- ernment, if only its :a measure ofper- sonal safety, to go slowly. It will be the work, the patriotic duty, of the Conservative Opposition to keep on the bi Akes and to save to out, people Its much as possible of the business and industry that properly belongs to them. While in the speech there is nothing of a congratulatory character, there is rising above every other utterance a distinct moan. the com- plaint has reference to out, financial condition. It is the sheerest non- sense to say that this Government has nothing to do with the failure of the receipts to cover the expenditures. For every cent it is answernole ; it voted and distributed the money. For the fall in revenue it must carry the responsibility; its presence at Ottawa, is it cloud upon progress. There is to Ile an effort to restore the equilibrium. It ought to be successfully made. But the speech tells us how the attempt is to he effected. In the first place, the tariff is to be cut down under the re- vision now in progress. At all events, it is assumed that there is to be a cut, for a reduction of taxes the Ministers promised to give. In the second place, there is evidently to be a wild rush into capital expenditures and into new outlays. Some of the enterprises which will cost money are mentioned in the speech. We have the comple- tion of the St. Lawrence canals to a fourteen -foot depth within a year dis- tinctly promised. This means manyy millions to be expetrded in that period, We lmve also,An Intercoloz�ial lailwliy extension to Montreal by the ptire Ilse or lease of one existing line and the egnstruction of others. What it costs to run Government railways we all know fairly well. The, expense of a third line between two Points will not be small. Blit, in addition, we have I to it question is of a like character. Surely Mr. Laurier must have suliled cynically to himself when he prououn- ed the agitation he has raised on that subject as ;tit impediment to the devel- opment of the country, and when he Added the lines hoping that the gener- ous treatment of one another which 'his party danied, and of which he was the enemy until he secured place, would characterize the new era. TORTURED AND HELPLESS. Rheumatism has Hordes of Vic• tims, and is no Respecter of Per- sone—Soath American Rheuma- tic Cure Resists his Cruel Grasp and Heals the Wounds he Inflict s, —Relief in Sig Hours. Geo. W. Platt, Manager "World's Newspaper Agency, Toronto, stays; "I am tit a loss for words to express my feelings of sincere gratitude and thankfulness for what South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cut has dune for me. As it result of exposure I was taken with a severe attack of rheumatic c fever which affected both my knees. I suffered pain almost beyond hurnalt endurance. Having heard of marvel- lous cures by Sonth American Rheu- ulatic Cure, I gave ita trial. After ticking three doses th-e pain entirely left me, and in three days I left my bed. Now ever•v trace of my rheu- matism hats disappeatied.".-Sold by' There is no uncertainty about the clause in the Speech from tine Throne which declares it to he the intention of the Government to repeal the Fran- chise Act and adopt "for the election of members of tine House of Commons the franchises of the several provinces." Unless there is it revolt of true Liberal- ism among the private members elect- ed to the Commons by Liberal votes and under the Liberal name, this re- actionary measure will apparently be carried through and a step taken away from the ideal Liberalism of manhood suffrage. More than that, a systenk of artificial Injustice will be set up by which the high right of suffrage will he conferred upon men fn one province to whom it would be denied in another. A stride will be made away from Fed- eral unity and toward the dangerous doctrine of "state sovereignty" -a move directly against the whole current of events since the crowning suceeas of '67, A Banker's Experience. "I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine for it troublesome affection of the throat," writes Manager Thomas Dewson of the Standard Bank, now of 14 Melbourne Aven,joe, Toronto. "It proved effective. I regard the remedy as simple, cheap and exceedingly good. It has hitherto been my habit to consult a phyeican in troubles of this nature. Hereafter, however, I intend to be my own fam- ily doctor." United States Marshal .Baldwin has received the mandate ordering him to deliver Butler, tho Australian murder- er, to the agents of the BritishGovern- ment. Two men will watch the mur- derer clay and ,sight until he sails on the Mariposa on April 1 for Australia. The Australian detectives fear suicide. Piles Cured In to 6 Nights- Itch- ing, Burning Skin Diseases Re- lieved in One day. Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases of Itching piles in from three t,o six nights. One application brings comfort, For blind and bleeding piles it is peerless. Also cures tetter, salt rheum, vezema, barber's itch and all eruptions of the skin. Relieves in a day, 35 cents. -Sold by Watts & Co. Mr. Howe of New York Wednesday introduced a resolution to the House of Representatives providing that the United States constitution beso amend- ed that Congress shall have exclusive power to regulate mart lage and di- vorce, The Suptimw (''nurt in Ottawa gave judgment Wednesday in seven election cases, The result is that three Conser- vative members are declared to Be un- seated, one is confirmed in his sefat,and three who raised preliminary objections have had them quashed. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The underkigned, having been restored to health by simple income, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disoase Consumption, is anxious to make known to hes follow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire It. he will cheerfu y send ffree of charge) a cop y of the Vescrip- ioh used, which Choy rJYll find it sure cure for Conatimptimt, Asthma, Catarrh Bronchitis and all throat rpid Lung .Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will tryy his remedy, as it is invalu- able. Those dosiring the precilptfon, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a Bloss- ing, will please address, Rov. MWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York, F . e rawer Of a ray>it- cious Bureau, turns the kev, and leaves 'lift'-•b11CC•e-IHC`-11Hiit-bitt`:t"t`ClIIP:""."'•.._,..._............... „: Tit E _ Y... „.„-........ ..,._ .... w...._.,...... ,..... ., .,_._..__.. _..__.._..:.,. News Notes. No other oil and no other Jaynes Scott of Dundas hanged him- self in ',he cells at the Brautfurd Police medicine has ever been diS- station using his coitt for u noose. i covered which can take the There will he it congress of Greek wouren in Atheus this Inonth'to discuss lace Of Cod-liver Oil in a'.1 the reform of the Oreek dress, conditions of wasting. Nc%k Mrs. Wedgewood, the sister-in-law of I,ord Farrer of Abingen, has started remedies come, live their in Piccadilly its a clairvoyant and Fsy-I little day and die, but Cod- chonletrist. liver Oil remains the rock A special loan exhibition of paintings I on will soon be upeneu in Londun, to illus- trate which all hope for recovery the progress of art daring the Victorian Ielgn• must rest. When it is scien- Within the li st few days fourteen Official Of the Public Works Deprt• tifically prepared, as in Scott's ment have been notified of thaeir Emulsion, it checks the pro - dismissal I gress of the disease, the con-' It is stated that the Duke of Fife, in America. we have a Washington oaiee. I son-in-law of the Prince of Wales, will gestion and inflammation sub - ire made a Prince upon the occasion of the jubilee celebration. I side and theprocessof healing C, Ireland, the Temple school which C, begins.. There is the whale attended and Tmzle church at which he worshipped when a boy. I truth. Book about it free, William T. Adams, better- known as MUNN tilt CO., Oliver Optic, he writer of stories for SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville, ont. boys, died last week in Boston, in his -_ seventy-fifth year, --- - - '.Phe Rev, lloin it N. Dunning, one of A Pr E_RFECT TEA the best known Uongveg}ttiuual d1inis- Philippe Lecours was found guilt te1:5 in the Sttte of Connecticut, died of manslangl]ter at, Father Point, the recently. Iie was seventy-two years iftlainsoalhN Leeds to succeed the. Marquis of Aber- of age. (leen, says that he is as popular as his I fence was six years in penitentiary. John Vito Der Stadt has adopted a While George Froq and b;phraim siderable portion of his we:tlt,h from novel melhod of punishing his wife. Iie !•ices her in tll d distilleries and is married to the grand- F . e rawer Of a ray>it- cious Bureau, turns the kev, and leaves 'lift'-•b11CC•e-IHC`-11Hiit-bitt`:t"t`ClIIP:""."'•.._,..._............... „: Tit E _ Y... „.„-........ ..,._ .... w...._.,...... ,..... ., .,_._..__.. _..__.._..:.,. It is understood that the official (sir- FINEST YEA iN THE WORLD ganizers of the diamond jubilee cele- FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP oration will he instructed to give Spec- EXPERIENCE. ial distinct iota to Mr. Laurier, its the IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Premier of England's only confederated colony. „Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian Tea 'At Cumber a boy named David Wesr growers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian 'r ocs. Therefore they use the greatest care in the ley WaS :?hut stud SeriouslyWounded b eY selection of the Tea and its blend, that is why thgy put it up themselves and sell it only in the origimd It eompaufou Who was shooting spar- VOWS. packages, thereby securing its purity and excellence. Put up in S6 lb., i Ib, and S 1b. packages, and never A Meeting cf the Legislative Cow- .old inbu mittee of the Dominion wu Alliance a: ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. held last week in Ottawa, when it sub- If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to write tv comiuittee was appointed to exarnine I the Plebiscite bill when introduced by o STEEL, HAYTER tit CO. e the Government 11 and 13 Front 8trewt East. Toront#*. The trustees of the first i\Iet.hodisl. - -�- church, London, have contracted for, it I and hostof others competent, to judge new $8,000 organ. The case of the so YEARS' organ will cost about $2,(H)O extra. EXPERIENCE. When placed in )ositioh it will be the banishment of all the troubles that finest organ in the west, leftci to sleeplessness Or inse mnia• Mr. Fitzpatrick, Solicitor -General. � made the starting statement in the restless, Fretful, nervous, despondent Commons Wedngsday that the Mani- and gloomy. They find it impos- toba school-comprotyyNrrse is not to be atbl tto obtain restful and aneet sleep, considered tiff fiuftl,Aut only a first in -4 TRADE MARKSi stalment to the Catholic rninof ity. I DESIGNS, r. Merry del Val, the Papal Bele- I GOPYRICHTS &c.I Anyone sending a sketch and description may gate to Canada, arr' ed ill Montreal quickly ascertatn, free, whether mn invention is N froln New York last veek, itncl r}fter- probably patentable. ^omrnunications strictly P,",, 1P.a Oldestageney for securing patenta wards proceeded to Quebec, where he in America. we have a Washington oaiee. I wits given a great t ece )tion, and, escort- 1 Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in the ed to the C}u(lival's palace. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, It was decided in Ottawa by a ineet- ing of Illilit.itl"y aUthOritiCS that the beautifullyy illustrated, largest circulation of I e° sclenttfia.lournal,weekly,terms$100gyyear; jubilee regiment will he made tip of E1.50 siir mon he. specimen copies and HAND I $0011 ON PATENTS sent free. Addresa volunteers from the different corps. MUNN tilt CO., They will leave Montreal on June 1 by 361 Broadway, New York. a troopship for liverpool,whencea train -_ will convoy thein to Aldershot. Two weeks will he spent thele, and one in News Notes-+ London. Philippe Lecours was found guilt The London \Vorld, referring to the of manslangl]ter at, Father Point, the rmnoured appointment of the Duke of victim being his brother, whore he Leeds to succeed the. Marquis of Aber- stabbed with a pocket-knife. The set) - (leen, says that he is as popular as his I fence was six years in penitentiary. gin is palatable. He derives a con- While George Froq and b;phraim siderable portion of his we:tlt,h from Convey were working together in a, distilleries and is married to the grand- baro neau• Princeton troiil]le arose be - daughter of the Ettrl of Durham, a tween theta, and Convey hit Frost on fornier Governor-General of Canada• the head with a shovel, killing the Therevolver with which GeorgeFrost young man. was killed near Princeton, Ont., a The Lord Mayor of Dublin has iswtietl few days ago, was found. It is the invitations to a illectingat the Mansion s-ure calibre as the bullet which house, to start ft Pitruell f;uuily full(], IAerced .Frost's heart. When told of %Its. Parnell and Mr. John Pa} nell be - the discovery, Convey who is charged ing both in needy circumstances. with the inurder•, said to the Governor Dr. Bouvinot of Ol,tawa has been ap- Of Woodstock gaol, where he is confin- pointed honorary follow of the Itoy;�l ed, "Yes, that's just where 1 threw Colonial Institute, "in recognition of it.,,his usefuhnoss as a writer on Canadian A newly married couple from the ' and colonial subjects." country recently went into a Boston Mr. Hugh Allan of the Allan line l restaurant, and the bridegroom; wish- sloes not believe that, the contract, will ing to show that he was something of 1 be signed with Mr. Peterson for it fait, a high-rollet•, haugbt.ilycalled for wine. {{{{ Atlantic line without giving hisline an He was ;asked what kind, and replied ; opportunity of tendering. want that kind wine where thecork bursts out andd the stuff be - the The steainer Orthia, which was totT- gins to bile itnd keeps on bilin' till you ed into Halifax port on Tuesday by the get the worth of your money." steamer Indrata.ma, has been libeled by At two o'clock Monday morning the the latter steamer for salvage, the amount claimed being £i,000 ster]- stablts of Wm- Cunningham, hotel- g ing' keeper of Clandebuye; were blu•ned to the ground. It is not known how the The movement for the forination of fire originated, but suspicion attaches tit Canadian club it) New York has to a tramp, who the clay previous bad taken definite shape. There Was,he been refused quarters in the hotel by dinner on Monday evening at the the proprietor, and who, though mut- Hotel Majestic to celebrate th^ in- terinK. threats, hind appeared to leave uguration of the Dr. J, A. the village. 1V. J. club. it re The report was revived in Windsor n leadispirits in the movement. g Saturday on apparently good authority The Department of education at To - that Will. McGregor, M. P. for Nortel] ronto has sent, a circular warning Essex, is to he appointed Collector of school trustees all over, the Province Customs at Windsor, and that a, by- that some fakirs are selling maps by election will be held in July or August pretending - that they have been approv- to flit his seat in Parliament. In that ed by the department. In some cases case Gaspard Pacaud would almost they have forced trustees to buy by undoubtedly be a candidate. He is threatening to withdraw the Govern - License Corti missioner. ment grant. A Paine's Celery Compound. a Saves Sleepless, Nervous and Despondent People From Insanity. THE GREAT MEDICINE: HAS NO EQUAL. Medical ni6n of the highest standing, I the only inedreine that. ncti in a t.I illy and hostof others competent, to judge natural «•fry to produce sleep And per - declare that Paine's Celery Compound feet rest.. is the only effective u]edicine for the This wondrous; voinedy of Mature banishment of all the troubles that should be used at once if sEttisfatc•to; 1- leftci to sleeplessness Or inse mnia• and innnediRte r esults are desired. D'(" In the spring season thousands are not allow your run -clown, nervous restless, Fretful, nervous, despondent systern to lead ,you to the very brink and gloomy. They find it impos- of the grave in spring time. atbl tto obtain restful and aneet sleep, Putting off will only complicate find sfilbecome physicltlly exhaastf•d; your troubles, and deeper misery will .sofne al6ady Etre mere wrecks of be yours. ITse Paine's Celery Corn - humanity. pound and your are assured of perfect Such sufferers cannot with safety action of the heart, stomach, kianeys trifle with sleeplessness and continue and liver, and sweet sleep will be yoirr `life unrest. All in such a -- condition d blessing. mand immediate succor.• and aid befo1e i Get "Paine," the kind that cur f S. nature becomes too Oveaxed. The 1 rt Remember that there are miserable weakened, exhausted and irritated I frnitntious- celery preparations that system must be strengthened. are wortMess aid dangerous its well. For every form of sleeplessness or Ask your dealer for "Partle's" and take insomnia there is but one remedy, one no other, if you seek for life and healer; it is Paine's Celery Compound, health. � 1 , / '�'�irl+drtiiy�+•:=_