The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-07, Page 4aMl
When you
A d
YOU[' Bicycle fi'Ulll ll: ')'Oil get
U ( e U Dille, Il ler'(- LN
nary u Our readers know
r, ---•-
UN nl(,tl oil Ally lnattel'tlUbmICCP•d lU tYlA
a but
-""K uown Ills tariff bill
IrefUle going on with franchise legis
■ ■ lig
it guarantee of good value. We
protest. nuw
that We were right, although it hits
ecturate; when the exercise of
that tight develops into
host and all the time Hood's Bare
are in the bicyclP and
cannot Afford Eo have a dissutisfled
taken over a calendar year fmt sorhe
violence, and
\\•hell that violence, in the name of the
Su' Oliver Mowat endorses Trickster
hes been advertised as a blood purifier.
customer, If our Goods do not
Of our rritictl.lo cunvincu theu)aelves,
- -
reli tun roes to 1110 extent of Tnakin
g ' 6
+L greviuus sill
• ifardyb duplicil�'. HA has sent a let-
ter to the Ontario teenier in he
Its great Dorsa have been accomplished
turn out as we representccnne lu us
and we will snake it right. We en-
!ll January, IM), Mr. Laurier said: -
out of it Purely political
act, there is an abets(: of authut it of
, which
stIPPorts the view of his own prohibi-
through blood—euresotsorotuhr,
neural -
Galt rheum, eczema, rheumnt}sm, neural -
deavul always to handle the best
buy the best
"W11011 I et into u,\\et I will settle
g I
Which tilt cUnRe( lienees rite
1 put but be
fatal, not only to con Wlitut Tonal liberty,
tion promise taken by Hardy, That
is an evidence of•sulnething,
gia, catarrh, nervousness, that tired feel-
The -arrangements for the sale of
goodsmoney and
h Y Y
rs the cheapest, call and see us fur
the Manitoba school question in the
but to religion ru, y'
a itself.
A labor union mass meeting was held
ing. It Dares when others tail, because It
Y g'
u, business haviu fallen through;
anything and everything in 13i-
suuu Way:, Che "noun
Y Y " Y \vaya" of
"IF, in IL country such as ours, with
ill St. Catharines WednesdayilAtght to
purpose cat eying on the some
and have secured the set -vices
Fluplicity arc nuw being e ywsed in
a population runsistiutr of persons of
various cree(is and wherein the Pro•
consider the pulp wood dueskiuIt. A
thousand people were
Mr. Dowding,
parliamentand the Iter reef-
present, and
after s
lite whel.t' til [ ' at --at the throne
are in the nun ur_
ity, Catholics did out en'oy in
souls speech•utere , was Lill-
after ort resolvedsech-to as t
Yk he
the disease
who comes to us highly recnni-
f Bicycle and Music
ut his huluu's j ,e
i natters relating
g to legis wtion the
ment to put a heavy
Y export duly oil
strike st root of the and
elimin�tee every germ of impurity.
mended ; hewing worked to some
of the best stores in Laudon,
EMERSON'S House, Clinton,Clinton•
— _ --_
Last May Mr. Laurier said in a
an10 political freedom as their Pro-
tPstallt fellow -countrymen, they would
pulp wood and trickle ore.
petition has been rued h
Thoaa�nde testify to absolute Dares o!
its a Watch aril Clock maker and
speech in Montreal that "tile Liberal
ipso facto be 1
1 paced in a >osttnon f
sl 838 of
the people of Be 't
blood diseases by Hoods sarsaparilla,
r u amsve a ane uwre- although discouraged b the failure of
party believed ill free trade oil broad inferiority, which wotild prevent them lista vicinity, protesting against the g g y All work entrusted to our care we
from taking I lie legitimate part which dismissal of Postmaster Fairbrother, other medicines. Rembmber that guarantee to give nod satin -
lines, such icy exists ill Great Britain; !'action, and i,o be executed
they are entitled to take in the govern- and demanding atr investigation. The
and upon that platful or exemplified as uient of the country, with the possibi petition has been sent to Ottawa, The with promptness and despatch.
1 have told you, the liberal party will fay, moreover
ofcoil'h- between the act that of the 338 men who signed ^O
fl lit its next battle." The btittl0 took various groups of the papulittiou, thA petition 130 are Reformers, shows A line of Silver
Pface the following inunth and nuw which history shows to be fraught how high Postmaster Fairbrother
Papers Mr, Laurier \will have nothing todu with danger. stood in the estimation of the peopleWatches fox $5with free trade as it exists in England. "ThenagRio an active and violent in• with whore he did business. Sarsaparilla '
t_rventiou of the clergy in the domain The London News says; Fora great
That have BORDER and 0E1LNG How thio s Chau enliL be estimated of political questions submitted to the many years past an oldmanbenand Is the best—In tact the One True Blood Purifier,
to rniytch are now to be had with all g g y People, must of necessity produce bowed, sent and worn, has carriedeasy to buy, easy to take, Nall Papers. when electors were offered a few short amongst the great mass of the Catho- the mails betweo;n London post- Hood is hills easy to operate• 25c. Estate
years ago right in the neighborhood of lic population a.degr•ee of irritation office and East London. Strap ars
Our Prices
For this season are LOVER Milli -
ever before, ASSORTMENT never
so large.
All Papers trimmed free of charge.
T'will ptty you to see our Stock before
WIC pf&C 11
gely �lciver#ieluen#.
Brooms—'O. Olson.
_ Furniture—H. C. Barlett.
The Palace—Hodgens Bros.
a' • Watch cleaning—P. B. Crews.
A few prices—Allen .& Wilson.
Business College—W. J. Elliott.
Ordered Clothing—Jackson Bros.
f: Wall Paler—The W. D. Fair Co.
The top notch --Ogle Cooper R Co.
f Bicycles—The Onward Bicycle Co.
Pashionable Shirt—A. J. ]]Morrish.
We were husv—Jackson R Jackson.
House and Lot for sale --Harland
A great success—W. H. Beesley &
t When you purchase—Geo. F. Emer-
Ap 111!ron Nevus-Recora
$1.25% Tear—$1.001n Adrance
It would he of interest to learn if Mr.
'd. O. Cameron, M. P. for Nest Huron,
signed the petition presented to the
Pope of Rome by the Liberals of Can.
Ada,, _ ..._
The Conservative party has always
Appealed direct to the people oil all
great questions. The Grits appeal dir-
ect to tine Pope of Rome. IIow delighted
most the McCarthyites be who assisted
Laurier to power.
The National Policy, which was de-
nounced on the hustings by Mr. Laurier
and his party as a fraud and an ivaposi-
tion on the taxpayer, seems to be good
enough now for the Reformers at
Overit year ago THE NEw•s-RrcortD
said Mr. Laurier was on all sides of the
school question except the right one.
Many of our opponents at that time
now agree with us.
Mr. Laurier and the forty-five Grit
members of the Dominion House evi-
dently conveyed, along with the peti-
tion to the Pope, the Goderich Signal's
famous Protestant nag.
The predictions made by THE NEWS -
RECORD last June are new being day
by day verified. The flrst public in-
stalment was from Manitoba and since
then many members of the Dominion
House have orally brushed the cobwebs
off what [night have been forgotten.
In the Weismiller election in )Pest
Huron in 1898 pictures of Sit -.Mackenzie
Bowell, past Orange grand master.
and Mr. Laurier, the good French
Roman Catholic, were exhibited side
by side in Ashfield in order to influence
the faithful for the Laurier party.
Through Newman Mr. Cameron was
elected, and again in June re-elected
through the third party over Robert
McLean. But we fancy there will
be no neeVesit of securing a papal del-
wgate direct from Rome in the next
election to convince the McCarthyites
where they are at.
n,anitestl re udical tet that respect its the cit
P y, paused to look at the '
Clinton $3an a�•remo•efor land to grow which religion and its ministers should old roan tri wonderment, but the County Currency.
flax if a change of Government took ever inspire and command. people of London had grown accus- The Wingham post office has been
taco. The • change took pli�ce .end ;' t vent eatsagi>„)Iia l4olinesa q �d 1 -=biln> ,and psLsaed-ens[ -• �enovated-&n(-Wtil;,"—buxea- -is m... �.
manufacturers throughout the Donin- 11
P}try 'y' your your illustrious and lament- concerned. The old man sat in a rain. put in. �-
Pi predecessor• of the Pontifical throne shackled rig ti'i%u ilia chin on hie
ion are alarmed. A double staff of ' knees Mr. Phomas 1\ic:Donald,, who spent
acting through the Sacred Congrega- , and a particularly small pony the winter at his horns in McKillop,
flax mill hands are put on Tat once to tion of the Propaganda, deemed it his between the shafts of his poor buggy. left wincfor Vancouver, ho ne i B. c
market the product }u order to save duty to Put"' stop to certain abuses of His hair was gray, his eyes were wat- Friday
the manufacturers train the iniquitious a sitniliar character, and forbade the ery, his hands trembled. The whips Mr. John Riukie has purchased front
tai. of their American friends, Instead intervention of the clergy in politics. and scorns of time had chiselled lines Mrs. Win. Chesney her farm situated DONT FOOL WITH
This prohibition was generally respect- across his brow and on his cheeks. 8011th of Egmutldville. Mrs. Chesney YOUR HEAD
of it, continuous ftee duty the Yankees ed so long as his Eminence Cardinal He wits old and feeble the sands of intends residing in Seaforth.
pat on $2U a ton AGAINST their Can- Tasc•hereau Was 'ible to guide the life were`q�running low it, his glass; the On Monday week last Mr. Harry
adianchange cif t frie Government this
used Church in Canada, but since old age Government paid him 40 cents a day Town of Seaforth received the slid It is too important a part of your
and infirmities have panflysed his for carrying the trails. It wits all he news of his eldest sou's dangerous ill- body to fool with.
burdens to those who assisted to elect guiding hand, the abuses to which had to live Od--(-"Quite recently the ness lit Oconowac, Wis. He and Mrs. ,
the Laurier party. your illustrious predecessor had put a contract for carrying the t nils has 'lawn left at Always keep on the safe aide
once for his son's home, when buying your
_--^__-•_ _.__ stop, have begun again Turd threaten been taken away from the old�mall by Mrs�t A, Corbett, of St, Marys, was
once more to create trouble anu,ng its the Laurier Government and trans -
Ottawa News Letter. kind to compromise, not only, Catholic ferred to the -London Street Railwa run over by the G. T. R, shunter it
Head he Remedies,
interests in this country, but the peace Company. Y the switch lvionday week. Both leas u'
1� rum our own C•orrcepondent and hiarmony which should exist be- were severed from t.lie body. She is Better let the a
Ottawa, 3rd April•—The debate u)) tween the various elements of our not likely to recover, Airs. Garbett pill run its courts
the Address in reply to the Speech Population. Y has since died. than talcs powerful opiates, Some
Hallett ��` 1 P P
from the Throne closed tet Half past ten "Again affirming ant' absolute levo- DEATHorMRs. ALirx. BARB.—An- Another old pioneer of Exeter passed + folks think that rum drowns sor.
to the great beyond in the person of rosy but that is no reason why it
an Friday night when the address wits tion to the faith of our fwthel and to other old and much respected resi- Will. Rodd. Deceased was 74 years of should be used immoderate) ,
declared "Carried on division" after It the Church of which you are the dent of this townshippassed to age and leaves it widow and three T y
debate lasting six days, which is the Supreme Head; ofiir'uling our respect tike great beyond on Friday last, at grown utilp children, to mourn his de- hen the effects have died away
'longest tilt(- An address has been debit, and attachment for the person of your one 1�, Ill., in tile porsen of Mrs. Jane the sorrow and blues, even bluer
ed since 1879, with one exception, the Holiness our attachment to the in- Ford Barr. Deceased had been ailin inise'
g Air. Adam Armstrong of Lucknow, blues are there still, the aame prin.
opening of the session of 1891, Sir aJobiide- te"ests of out country and to the for the past three years from parkLly or has been awarded the contract of ciple is true of Headache Modi• .
Thompson's last session, when the de- Crown of Great Britain, its a is and of the nerves and for the past two or
bate lasted six days. For manv years protector, we beg that Your Holiness three months wits helpless. Her carrying the mails daily between cines; the after effects are even
the custom obtained of adopting the will renew in our behalf the most wise death was a quiet and peaceful one Lucknow and Goderich and between worse- than the original pain.
address on the same day it was [novel, prescriptions and prohibitions of your and without any pain whatever. bits, Lucknow and St. linens,
generally before six o'clock kind it is predecessor; protect the consciences of Barr was born in Trafalgar townshi > After an illness of several months, U,ur Headache Powders cure headache
only dor ing the last four sessions that the Catholic electiors, and thus secure Halton county, in 1827, and was mar- death relieved Ichabod Bowerman of ight away, yet the re isn't a single
there have been protracted debates on peace in our country by the union of ried in 1852 at her home in Trafalgar hxeter from this world's troubles, rain of op iate in tb em; every in -
the Address. Thus, from 1879 to 1890 religion and liberty—a inion which to her now bereaved husband who Re was one of the loneers of that sec -
inclusive, twelve years, the address Your Holiness has many times extoll; three years previous, had come to tion. Mr. Bowerman was a member gradient is harmless, absolutely so
was adopted on the sane day it was ed in those immortal encyclicals,Canada from, County Tyrone, Ireland. of the Masonic order, tinder whose rites 15c. a box.
moved, only the mover and seconder, whose precions teachings we desire in Of this union there were born eight his remains was interred in McTag- oaov oho®
the leader of the Opposition and the all things to follow, and last grant to children ; of that number two, boys and gart's cemetery.
leader of the Government speaking, as the children of the Church now ad- five girls are still living, one child `Nord was received at Exeter last JAS. H COMBE
A. rule. In 181)1 a different course was dressing Your Holiness the Apostolic dying in infancy, George H. and Sarah �
Adopted and the debate lasted two benediction. week of the death of John Maly ar i- Chemist and Druggist.'
days. In 1892 and again in 189'3 the old O. reside at'houte, Isivac on the adjoin- Detroit. Deceased was formerly w resi• gg� t•
"Ottawa. October, 189(3." ing farm, Mrs. James Proctor in dent of Exeter, where he carried 'on
custom was i everted to and the address
was adopted the first dray. in .18D4 it The names attached to the petition Morris, Mrs. David Moffatt and Maggie hlacksmithing. He died of heart fail -
were not read 1) at Shoal Lake, Manitoba, and Airs.
1 Mr. Ti • ore althou h in apparent cod The Manitoba
(tasted two days, in 1895 three days, in Y Tarts but have g pp g obs relief fund amounts
since been published and •,enlbrace George King at ullett f Deceased health. to $17,5130.73 of which near)
the first session of 1898, has already P y $'2,000 is
stated, six days and tet the secodd'ses- pEractically every Liberal Rontan wits a resident of Hallett fa 4U years, from the school children.
G+Lthoca Senator and Member from corning to this township five years This week we are called upon to
sion Nat year live days. The debate, chronicle the death of Mr. Samuel A deliberate and premeditated at -
Quebec who wits in Parliament at the after her marriage. Mrs Barr wits a
it the whole, has been interesting; but Mitebell Sr., an old and highly re- tempt at suicide was made byrt fonr-
close of last. session. good, ebristtan woman, being amen-
}( was Prolonged unnecessarily to snit ber of the Presbyterian church for over spected resident of Colborne, gH shad teen year old Harpurhey boy on Wed -
the convenience of thii Government CHINESE AND JAYS, been ailing for some time ist, but nesday. The young lad went down
which is quite willing that Anything 40 teats, :awl while she was a resident g P' town ane "
q g Y g Thi• people of British Columbia seem of this township she was w con tint Passed away an Friday last from in- 1. purchased a box of Burr
and everything should he talked of nn- to be determined 'to keep out immi- worshipper at the Presbyterian cliirch fiatumation of the lungs, Death to rats," and a quantity of figs,
til the Nova Scotia elections are. over, gr,airls frorfi Eastern nations, and not in Londeshoro. Her funeral took Mr. tan(] Mrs. A. H, Musgrove, Win which he mixed up and then ate it
except the tariff which is not yet ready, content with asking that the capitation lace on Monday afternoon to t . ain, have our heart felt synlpxthy n 5ufincient quantity to cause death.
There were 38 speakers on the address, tax on Chinese tie raised from $50 Union cemetery and was lar ly their sad bereavement through the Before the poision had had time
2'2 Conservatives and 10 Liberals, all to to do its wok, however, he seetn-
P g $500, :ire now atter the Japanese attended by sorrowing eclat}ve and death of their little boy and only con, ed to repent of his rash act and
theYr utterances fit about 240 rc es of who are represented as corning into , friends. BI ace John William aged years load
the Official debates. Although the British Columbia in largo numbers. 1 month, which liatootn gedace 2 yearrly hurs- confessed what he had done to
Conservative speakers outnumber their Itev. Mr. Maxwell, M. P., has present- day firth, w some of the neighbors, who ilu-
g' iuediately :applied emetics. He wits
opponents there will not be a very ed petition on the subject. It slates ' Stanley. Least Wednesday afternoon Rev. Jno. then brought to a doctor's office, and
great de its the r the apace he by that the large influx of Japanese. is a PROMOTION,—The following is the Ross, B. A., tied the matrimonial bow and the stomach unnp used, thus
each side as the s}iheclnes from the (Tay- serious menance to the: pros )Agit and pp
eminent benches wereas it rule, longer 1 Y report for N) 3 Stanley for March, the between Jas. Wilkinson, of Vancouver, saving his life. What could have
g maternal dr veloptnent of tilts country, ❑allies are }it order of -unerit:-5th, B, C., and Miss Man daughter of soured eL bo of -that age of life is a
than those from the Opposition side; that the Japs are acetistowed to a low � Maggie d�u
and the Government end of file debate that the of living, and wee, therefore, Rachel Reid and Jonathan Peek ; Sr. Mrs. Robt. Walker, �urnberey street, mystery, butundoubtedlyhe will see
was so adroitly managed that the dis- willing to accept. a lower scale of 4th, ellbita Richardson, Josie Richard- Brussels, at 1113 home of the bride's how foolish he was, and since death
cuscion was continued front day to wages; that they are seriously compet- son' Olivet, Mc•: ween; Jr. 4th, SLPIJA n+other and in the presence of near was so near he \vill in all probability
clay without its being made glaringly ing with white labor, and, indeed, Rnthwell, lava 1,'id; Sr. 3rd, Lama relatives• prize, life the more.
apparent that the Government was in rnauy cases leading to the exclusion Richardson, Ida Reid, Get -tie Nichol- Mr. Jaynes MciCelvfe, of X1'ingham,
son; Jr. 3rd, James Sanderson, Affable received a message on Monday an-
taying quietly to lengthen the debate of white laborers, the petition goes Nicholson; Sr. `2nd, Edith Rathwell, pouncing lila death of Airs. AIcI{elvie's
so as to kill taupe, and make it last out on to say that there is danger of the lemma Peck, Willie Clark; Jr. 2n1, brother, Jas, Stevenson, aged 24
the whale week, province becoming Orientalized. It is George Reid, Lily Peck, Percy Tippet; g y3'ats• Cook's Cotton Root Compound
I'F.TITION' To ROME. t refore, urged that the terra of resi- 'the sad intelligence w•as such a severe.
e Ain Canada tot Ja nanese before r•• Pt. 2nd, &tin Bates, Maggie Clark; shock to Mrs. McKelvie that she was Is the only safe, reliable
The debate very nearly petered out ey c:Lu become naturalized should he r• pt. '2nd, Lundy McIlveeu, Charlie unable to attend the funeral. Mr. monthly medicine on which
on Monday night, but tan allusion to Rathwell, Mamie Reid; Sr. pt. 1st. Stevenson had been working at Nia. ladies can depend in the
Mt'. Fitzpatrick',
anti -election pledges I i i ed from three to five years, that, Lottie Peck; Jr. pt. 1st Allie Peck. gars and about a week ago wits afflict- hour and tinzepof need.
the a ence of residence in Canada
and his subsequent visit to Rome cans- shall given in o yen court and NOTES•—W. Smith of Brucefleld, ed with) inflammatory rheumatism, Is prepared in two degrees
ed that •gentleipan to move tine ad- that it s all be'verifled h the produc_ who spout the winter months with Air, which wells to his heart cruising his of strength.
jonrnrnent of the debate and on Tiles- tion of the passport which (+seph Richardson, is now engaged sudden death. No. 1 for ordinary cases
da Afternoon lie made all explanationJapaneseP P his issued 1 ry
Y P the 'y with Mr, L. Clark far the summer lea -
government to, all i The wife of Richard Neil, 2nd con- is by far the best dollar medicine known
to the effect that he had gone to Rome, subjects on leaving Japan for foreign son.—Ba field Road Congregation pur. cession McGillivray,. died on Monday, —sold by druggists, one Dollar per box.
as every Roman Catholic had a right countries. Counsel- General Nosse's pose )to]( ing int) anniversary tea meet- and the remains were interred at No. 2 for special cases—ro degrees
to do, to lay at, the feet, of the Po )e a visit to Ottawa has antiis:ipaded this Ing oil the evening of May 2lfli.—The -Neils cemetery, un Wednesday. De- stronger—sold by druggists. One box,
complaint of what he considerej inn- petition. Mr. Nosse says the state- choir of the Bayfield Road church are 'ceased eras aformer resident of Exeter, Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars.
fair treatment by his Bishop. Thisnnents About the influx of Japanese are doing nicely new and with very little and a sister of the Messrs. Thomats and No. 1r, or No. s, mailed on seceipt of
explanation, however, did not sm1<•Mr. exaggerated, there being only more practice will be able to compete John Willis and Mi•s.lGeor a Eacrett, of price and two 3 -cent stamps.
grossly exa g
Tarte and later on, in the evening, he 800 Ja anese in the whole of Canada, with tiny of the city churches.—We that town. Deceased had been ill but The Cook Company,
created a sensation by reading the now are leased to here of Mr, W. Clark's a short tin(', la ri a bein the cause
Mr. osse, who, is a highly educated I' PP f3 Windsor, Ontario.
famous petition to the Poe asking for and olished Japanese fatmiI all nicely recovering from their of death. The bereaved husband lies "
P P gentleman
the appointment of an A )legate W ex s (-akin English perfectly, also stated recent illness.—Miss Annie Beatty, ver ell at time of writing with filo
P g g p' y y ' g Il r,9nld in Clinton and everywhere in Canal,,
amine foto and repot upon the rola- in conversation with your correspon- who hits been visiting tat her home for same malady. by all responsibly druggists.
tions of the Roman Catholic clergy and dent that more than one-half of the spine tinfe has returned to resume her —
laity rile Canada towards each other. duties at Ethel.—Mrs. Dr. McAsh of
This is the petition referred to in the uritlJapanese in Canada had become nae- Belgrave visited her home recently.
g settling
interview with Senator Landrygiven settling
British subjects and proposed
in this country. We
in my last letter, and, as it is in many ways tL remarkable document 1 the it" NOTES t
g• of great value t0 he agricul-
in full as follows: A delegation of the Legislative Com- tural community and the owners of
"To His Holiness Leo XIII.: mittee of the Dominion Trades and live stock
' Labor Congress will arrive ill Ottawa ar Science." It treats comp pensive- ~
"Most Holy Father,—We, the under. on the ninth inst. to interview the
signed rn(.mbers of the Senate and lyancl in plain, every -day language on
Government• the anatomy, diseases land treatment
members of the House of Commons of y+ '
Canada, and representing therein the It is understood that Mr. Dobell's of domestic animals and poultry, be -
Liberal party, present ourselves before Present mission in Englunol. has to-do sides containing a complete description Busy....
Your Holiness has respectful and devot- with an arrangement, whereby a tem- of medicine, recipes, &c., enabling the
ed children of the HolyChureb,to tom- porary fast Atlantic serivee shall be in. farmer to be his own veterinary. (;on)-
plain of the existence of it state of augurated for the approaching season petent authorities regard "The Veter-
things which, if alloyed to continue, of navagation. inary Science" as a standard work, and Marking off a lot more New Goods
might be extremely dangerous to the The Committee on Internal "Econ- one whigh no owner of animals can
constitutional liberities of this country only, of the house of Commons, has afford tri be without. The book is sold hat took a good deal of time,
as well as to the interests of the Church confirmed the appointment of Mr. J. at $2, but the. London Free Press Com-
itaelf. B. Laplante, as clerk assistant, at $2, p+any has made arrangements whereby we were unable to say what
000 per annum. Mr. Harry A Mac- they will supply their mammoth 18 ,
"Year Holiness hoe already been donell, of the House of Commons'staff, Page edition (the Weekly Free Press We Wanted t0 In this week's issue
made aware of the conduct and roti- has been promoted to a second class and Farm and Home) for one year, to-
tude of certain prelates and of certain clerkship, gether with a copy of the book, at the _ of this paper, but we are busy and
of the secular clergy, who extremely few price of $2. This in an
t A deputation from the Montreal doing good business with a nobby
during rho general elections in this Chamber of Commerce will be here on opportunity of which everyone should
intervened in plantt manner in Monday to ask the government to e advantage. �
country, in the onth June last, takdtage. up-to-date Stock. You should
restraint of electoral freedom, taking continye the Federal subsidy to the - -- 'SO -pay us a visit and see what we are y
sides openly for the Conservative party French steamship line. A new cam- Harveyy, of Hay township, son ,
against the Liberal party, and going so Pany is being formed to take the place of Richard Harvey, Usbornne, was talking about
tar as to declare guilty of grevions sin of the Columbia-Franco-Belge, which married yesterday at Port Hope, to
has ceased operations. Miss Rundel, of the t neighborhood.
those of the electors wlio would vote g
for the candido a of the Liberal art They returned Thttr�a evening and
x party- At the close of the prayer meeting
took up their residence on Mr, Har- ��•1��.••�►^►•�
"Siticerely itttached to the institu- }T the Methodist -chuucb, Lucknow, vey'r flne farm, 2nd concession Hay.
tiotie of our country, which ensure to on Wednesday evening last, Mr. Ed. K�
us Catholics the'most eotto liberty Hamly who has been caretaker of the Wednesday morning the Conserve-
-we respectfully represent to Your I•Ioh, church for the past 15 years, and, five members of the Senate and House
ness that these democratic institutions who with his family is shortly to of Oommons held their flrat caucus in
under which we live and for which leave the village, was presented Ottawa. There was a strong expres-
Your Holiness has man times express- by the officials and members of cion of o in}orf btar•t'the Opposition . Fine Shoe Dealers.
ed sentiments of adm rr ration and con- the church with a well filled should exert itself to force the Govern- '
fldence, can only exist under perfectparse as a mark of esteem for his ment to bring down its Tariff bill as
electoral freedom. long services. early, as possible. CLINTON.