The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-07, Page 2J
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X"St bo V04411.
!er�'hirty les_
Without Sickness. Rat Portage Mi Minor.
1 b 6 1177 The ]tat Portage Miner is in no sense
Mr. H. WETT13TL,IN, awell-known, the political Organ of ''riny party.
Aside from being a business enterprise
elnterprising citizen of Myron,,111., its sole ailn is to promote the best %_
vm*tes: "Before I paid much atten• terests of West Algoma, and assist its
tion to regulating the bowels, I inhabitants, present and prospective
bardjy knew a well (lay; but since I in developingour untold wealth of u,in-
learned the evil re- er•al, as well its bringing our rich agri-
cultural resources into abundant pro -
sults of constipation, duction. W[th this aim continually in
and the eflichey of view, we have unceasingly advocated
every means which would aid in mak-
jag rich [nines of our wonderful gold
prospects. This paper has not and
Pills, I have not had never will knowingly snake extrtava-
one day's sickness gant statements for boom purposes.
�� for over thirty years N hat actually shows on the surface
fo not Dire -for
and juts been brought to light by de -
11, �' velopument is Sufficient to prove that
that did not readily yield to this we have exceedingly rich gold fields,
remedy. My wife had been, previ- and our endeavor is to publish to'the
aur to our marriage, all invalid for world the actual facts, stated iu it bus -
ars. She hada prejudice a afnst iness-like and convincing manner.
ye P ) g When the Rat Purtage Miner makes a
Cathartics, but as Poon as she began statement it is reliable. This being
to use Ayer's Pills her health was our axon the avoid politics because when
restored." . prospective investors are seeking for
information, they will turn away in
disgust if they have to dig it out Of a
lot of pulitieat rubbish. Thp provincial
administration of out, intnir ,,�aws and
lands should he entirely sepiaeiited frmtj
politics, and carried ottt on strictly hair
• and legitiutate principles, but there is
thartic Pins it very strongpi evailinglopinion that the
present•government is either incapable
hied and Diploma at World's Fair. or unwilling front motives of peri(36111
1*111kore Mixeayth, take Alexa iarsapariik gain to so do their part of the kiusines_-
its will tend to the speediest develop-
ment of opt, rich natural tesutirces.
— -- Take a look at the personnel of the al.
�{1 leged South African syndicate, headed
The Huron /ll ews-Re%eora by Col. Engledue, to whom it is pro-
f 25 a Year -$1.00 in Advance. posed to give 100 square miles of tem•
tory in the heart of our gold fields. on
better terms than have been conceded
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7TH, 1807. to anybody else. Besides- the Colonel,
the two other gentlemen nauted are
— " - - nothing if they are Hot ppartizausof the
4)a9.,ther C;Lse of Grit Persectt- rankest type. One is Mr. James Reid,
. °tion. � now a residegt-of London, England,
blit. formerly it resident of Brantford,
Miss Margaret Kelly, who went to and later of Toronto. This gentleman
the city of Windsor front Blyth in for a time resided in the constituency
West Huron about It year ago to till a I of Hon, A. S. Hardy, the present pre•
position on the ppostoffice stall, and inier of Ontario, and formerly head of
who has faithfully discharged her the Croton Lands Department. Mr.
duties up to the present time, has been Hardy and Mr. Reid arebosom friends,
notified that she has been removed Has the Premier It "silent" interest ir
from the list of Civil Service employes. that deal? The other gentleman whose
No reason was given for the dismissal, name is put forward is a pi illinenl
but it is presumed that it was in full I legal light of Torotltu, 111x. J. K. Kerr.
accord with the policy •and sentiments Q. C%I'also an ardent supporter of th(
which the Laurier Gni: ernment is now present government. He it wits whc
seeking to inculcate among its adher- so conveniently held back Mr. Jas
entrs. Miss Kelly wasappointeclthrough Cournee's resignation as meinber fol
the influencf, of Mr. J. C. Patterson West Algoma when he tvasacandidatt
shortly after he contested the bye -else- for the representation of Nippissing it
tionin WestHuron successfully against the house of Coninions. Is hr, also.
the Liberal candidate,' solicitor fbr Mr. C ouulee. in the Engle•
due deal? Who can answer the ques
For every variety and phase of the tions which so awkwardly suggesl
in"y diseases which attack the air- thetnsell." in association with the
passages of the throat and longs, ]tattles connected with Col. Engleduei
The Miner will not try.
7-A!er's Cherry Pectoral will be luund The worst, hale of this infattou!
a specific. Its anodyne and expecto deal calls forth strong language. Out
rani qualities are promptly realized, pioneea's, the prospectors and minor:
and it is always ready for use. who have forced the Lake of the
Woods Gold Fields into their present
prominence will suffer incalculable in
At the assizes in Woodstock, Out., fury if the Legislature sanction thI
Thursday the grand jury brought in it deal. They will not resp the just re
true bill against Mos. Hattie Gardner, ward of their toil and privation, Iheit
and Win. McComas for the nnurder of weary halting of years fol' the Gov
the former's husband. After hearing' ernnnent to do something to hell
the evidenr;e for the prosecution his them. Now when, without Such aid
Lordship took the case for the jury they have bought our hidden weals]
and dismissed the prisoners, stetting before the world, the Governuleul
that there was no evidence against stops in after years of indifference
them. They were accordingly given and places it in the poaver, of Cul. En
their liberty. glodue and his associates to hear dowi
un the docent prices which locat-ml
- owners might obtain for their pro
For Over Fifty Years spects. They must have the veils:
tfRs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been stripped and shafts 20 to 30 feet deet
uNed by millions of mothers for their children to prove their proper•t.ies, he Pays. L
while teething. If disturbed at night :and other words the poor men who nets
broken of your rest by a sick chill suftriilµ Own If, .ilii - loca•tiou9 in th'
and crying with pain of Cuttht Tecth eend at 6 - t+tSirtC1
once and Set a bottle of "Mrs. I hislow's Booth- are 1) accO of the nierey of Stich fit
fngSyrup' for Children Teething, It will re- tt outflt ns the alleged Smith African
sievethepoorlittlesuflerer immediately, De- I syndicate. That letter from Coh Rol
pend upon it mothers, there Is no Hit-,
ecLte indicates lecmnl.q t*hen rear
>1~ 7t euros biarrheea, r, gulates the Stomach g p +
And bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the between the lines, just What they in
%ktue,reduceslnfiamtnation,and ivestoneand tend to do. They will strip their
energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's veins; they will sink shafts ou theii
SootLin Syrup" for children teething is plea-
to the taste and [A the prescription of one locations laid out in their concession
of the oldest and best female physicians and They have such terms and such I
nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five monopoly that they can command UII
cents a bottle. Sold by all druggist,-; through capital to do the work to show u
wit the world." Be sure and ask for MRcas. P I
WINSLOW%SOOTHING SYRUP. their properties and'obtain the ` fancl
prices." Nobody else can get them
The liquor men are tip in arms against The., poor roan cannot get the nnonel
the amendments. They think they to develop unless he gives away rnon
are worse than the original bill. "It is than half the value of his hard etarne(
outrageous," said a pr(Aninent member property. Col. Engledrie paid what h.
of the License Holders' Protective As- calls a fancy price for the Mikado, ani
sociation Friday, "for the Government it has proven to be worth ten time
to sift the responsibility on the muni. what ' he paid for it; but thea
v;pal councils andive them the poaver are to he no more "fancy prices;
to reduce the number of licenses and his syndicate are to have th,
fix the hours of closing. It just means monopoly of that kind of thing
that we will have to make a fight Will the prospectors, miner
every year to control the Council." and location owners of the district 1)
thus borne on? Will the LegiAlativ'
Assembly sanction such a deal? It
The autograph letters testify to cures the name of the honor of our fair pre
trade by Ayer's Sareapaiilla and other vince this deal must be vetoed. Cat
,preparations are kept on fileat J. C. the province afford to do this thing
Ayer Co.'s office, Lowell, Mass. They andrnoth ngtsh should It bet] ft undone 4b
are from all over the world and are stop such infamous alienation of on
cheerfully shown to anyone desirous rich domain.
of seeing them.
A Notable Event.
Montreal was again rudely shaken
up by an earthghake. This time it (From the ottawn. Free Press, 25th Marc]), 1897
Operated at midnight. The tremor The+ Famine Fund sent to the Mont
tasted about 18 seconds, while the renal Star has turned fifty thousaw
rumbling sound Which accompanied it dollars, representing Subscriptionsfron
was audible for soinu seconds longer, upward of two hundred thousand per
Reports to hand indicate that this sous, one hundred thousand schoo
vmve moved in a southerly direction, children, And. nearly one hundre(
that it passed St. 14' sprit, Maskinonge thousand church members of all faith
county, on the north-east, St. An- besides great and sniall subscription
drew's and Carrillon Hill (but not from thousands of private citizens.
Carrillon,) to the north-west, Napier- We do not remember ever to have
Title town to the south, abut strange ,seen so extraordinary a subscriptiol
to say Hemmingford and others rn anywhere. For many years to coati
the same county did not feel it; Ma -the ro+n►arkablespontaneitywithwhici
lone, N. Y., on the south-west, and St. this subscription was supported, its al
Alban s, Vt., on the south-east. most universal characterand the righ
good will with which the subscription:
40 RED-CO,A.�'S were bestowed for the cause, will Ile
looked back t,d by all Canadians wit[
genuine pride.
Put to route an Army of Formid- Besides the relief that this fund pro
able Tres risers. vides tot India, it provides a "lWarif
1? tial evidence that Canadinns have r
reAl interest in the whlile Hmpire'anc
Const' aiton, Dittin4s, Pain under it thus servos the double purpose of
the Shoulder Blades, dick Headache, philantrophy and patriotism,
Depressed Feeling, Bloating after We do not believe that any person
eating, Debility and Insomnia, result ever imagined that it was possible fo,
from an Inactive Liver. any one agency to raise so large a
Lr. Agnew's Liver Pills, 40 little Red sum and to enlist the sympatbies of
as oll
floats at a cost of 20 cents will set archh an enormous number lleoplc
Y as leen done by the f3tar.r.
right in short Order. Piles of testi- ,
Inony to prove it. -Sold by Wafts 8t
Co. Mr. J. if. McDduj;tall, who has leased
the Gibbings farm on the Huron road,
The economical Crit government still will shorty move onto it from the
'keeps the jumping hack Black Rod on fartrl lit present occupied by him in
the pay -roll. Tuckersmith,
� Y
Ill.."•. .
S. S. COOPER, Proprietor.
General Builder and Coiitractor.�
This factory has been under the personal supervision and ownership for
eight years. We curry an extensive and reliable stock and prepare plane and
give estimates for and build all classes of buildings on short notice and on the
closest prices. All work is yupervise4 in a mechanical way and satisfaction
guaranteed. We sell all kinds of intertor and exterior material,
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc.
Agent for 0e CELEBRATED GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufactured
at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your orders.
We have decided to sell out our entire Stock of Creckery and Glarsware
this month as the propose giving up keeping those lilies. Intending
Purchasers will find the prices very low as the goods must he sold.
Groceries also at Close Cut Prices. - • . . - • Torms, Cash or Produce.
Agent for the Kolonit Tea,
We are now nicely settled in our Stores in the old
Brien: Block, and pleased to see our old customers as
well as new ones, ' We are now busy taking stock and
in a great many lines are selling at reduced Prices in
order to clear out.
St ��on r
Ofr, flP
Jab Printin1g,
The News -Record"
Calls special attention
to our Stationery and
Office Supplies and
Job Printing Depart-
I We are unsurpassed..
By any town or city in the Goods we h;lll?c11(rtYlre
prices we quote for Stationery, and Printing and the
duality of both is always guaranteed, A perusal of
lis announcement may
suggest something you may be
•". BROS09
in need of, and in such case
we solicit your patronage,
feeling confident that
our efforts to please will meet
Stoves and
Houso for Sale. �~~
with the approval of our
patrons, P
Two Atony frame house to Clinton,r.Gten roan .
Atnneeeller, hard and soft water. Cioocl ground.
Letter Heads
Corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cltmton•
Frame stable. For full particulars apply to
the owner, JOSEI'll ALLANSON, (Sinton.
In this line we have a ver flee
Y '
excel all the different kind,
First -Class Buggies on hand and made to I
order. P rices to suit the tithes. Repairs and
stock of writing papers suitable for
every class of business represented
f a
of work we turn out, and particn•
repainting promptly attend to. Prices reason
r�� _ IRtenigetet• ltreu
in this locality, also for private lase,
larly in this, and keep in stock
plain and fancy papers Suitable for
1 tt r their aposi good ednu wind
Who Wtlht t0 b(.'ttCr posit goo and would
be content for a with $600 and
Note Heads
an I'egl11I'P.Ille ntS.
More Ontario Officials.
year expenses.
Write it.,;. with description and occupation,
This useful size is kept in stock,
The Mail -ria ire Of March 17 con-
and we will make it proposition for now or
the future. Aho needed, reliable men for
Australia. Write
the qualities being in several
of entertainments and rneetin
tains the following:- e
to -day, for we Ili•e in a
Memo. Heads
promptly turned out, from the
"Dr. Ryerson has dune well in bring-
ing to the fore one branch of the reward
Tim Malinger,
49ltichmond St. woes Toronto, oft.,
These fill an iI of p
p tant lae`in com-
plain and neat to file most elegant.
system as conducted by the provincial
nlercial correspondence. flee what
Cards and Tickets
administration -that Of creating jus-
Farm For Sale.
we have got.
These cover a large range of work,
tires of the care. It a 1pi-ars that the
P 1
magistracy passes to Liberals. The
South half Lot No. 25,17th COr1CCAAlOt1, Gedc
Bill Heads
from it bread and milk ticket to
overtutent, in appointing what Mr.
rich Township, one mile north of Clinton, eum•
prised of 40 acres, more or IesK. The laud is all
cleared in flair of Well
If the -pay-as-you-go" plan was
the the da
iiheat calling card from in or-
g '
dinar y admission ticket to ti tasty
moss designates the local judiciary,
torus its a es to one side of olitics,Iuhd
and state cultivation.
fenced and plenty of collar on the property
order of y the demand
for account paper would not be
business card or it handsomel y
fills the Seats on the bench with its
Frame barn 4Oxr,0, stone stable 30x50. Will be
fiord reasonable and ole terms to Knit purchaser,
so great ; but there are soros men
printed membership ticket.
friends. There is something besides
For particulars apply at Tux Nrwh-ltr•.coxr,
who get so many dunnevs that
1Viemoriam Folders
hotlol' In the appointments. Fees go
OH]ee, or to JAlIES n, Q01.CL00011, Hettfryn
P. u'
they wonder if the stock will ever
with them. The rates vary, so much
cull ont. We' don't intend it to,
In this line THE NEWS -RECORD
for all affidavit, so in Lich forts trial,and
and at present our stick is cote-
can supply every design, quality
so oil. In the county of York there
A Rara Opportunity,
plete in this line. Good paper and
and price on the market.
are 268 justic•e's of the peace. Allowing
100 for each of the reinaining cOUntieS,
For Sale, 150 acres, A 1 grain or stock fe.rm,
105aces cleared, balance uuculled hard Wood.
neat ruling.
+ osters
and fifty for each of the districts, the
staff is 4,6:38. The qualifications are
Solid brick house, &a; frame barn 28x80; stable
18x57 ; sheen hope 121x23; good water. Con.
Our stock is large. They come
Our facilities for turning out this
not invariably insisted upon with that
vement to s
i rdads and free froin m] alltobnoxionts wccd , Sre
cheaper than bill heads, and airs
class of work are evidenced by lite
act that we always do
degree of strictness that, is necessary•
Thus it happens that the parties are
will take resident property in Clinton part
,pay. InquireatTrrr\Ews-IIECOItDeftiCC.
the proper thing to send after It
delingnent once •t month. Irlley
good work
and give superior satisfaction in
not always the best men available. Mr.
940.3 m
are ;urs to fetch hilt) 'round--
all respects.
Ross ought to establis,tlall examination
system for the judiciary. At all events
fairly dib'-
Wanted—An Idea arba Can think
the government should More
thingtoepa ent7
are greatly ill demand. Our facih �,
tribute the honor,,,,"
goo w DDERBQRN y bring
yy y gPyou
i vveaico°•
We wake a specialty of En velupes.
ties are superior for this class Of
Add to these the coroner, marriage
license issuers, other officials land the
ueye Washington, D. C., for their sl,Eo) prize offer
and list of two hundred laventicas wanted.
1 +,n know it would be hard to
rpt aloll g without envelopes, and
work, and the very reasonable
prices keep our presses busy.
total is surprising, A summary shows
the following ;--
keep tip with the demand for
them the keep a large stock of
Sale Bills
"` -' --
MoKilldp Directory for 1897.
i •, „a ,, 608
Jl.Atltta.0 cue Pence 4, -
Issuers of marriage license. , , 210
John Morrison, Rcct o. WinthropwlhI , O,
hand. Plain or Printed we art
.some r t
g g eat snf1,13. One
line in
We milks a Specialty 'of thent-
rota tness belin,
Corcters 43i1
1 \Vin. Archibald, Deputy Reeve, eadbury P. O,
particular is going off fast-
p p g our aim this
Other and higher officials, ...,3,4`x)
Daniel Manley, Councillor, Beechwood 11. o.
I .los. C. Morrison, Councillor, Beechwood P, 0•
Won. 1. Loadbury11• Y. �.
50 for 5c,
respect. A notice'of sale will ap-
pear in THE NEWS -RECORD free of
orri o , Clerk,
i X1 ll am or $Beechwood
charge when bills for same Sri'
Grand total .... . ..........8,758
And this number does not include
Evans Asses P. O:
M. Rasodds, Winthrop.
A vast. amount of work under this
head to
secured here.
issuers of other licenses such :a for
i Charles Dodds, CDlleeter, Seafnl•ih
Chart Collector, o.
Richard Pollard, SanitarvInspector,Leadbury.
enumerate would more
than take up the entire space oc-
All Kinds of Work
hunting and fishingwho all lite more
or less on the pulpier.
cupled by this adv t, but we do it
all at THE NEws-RECORD.
in the typographical printin lr, line
be done in
Dr. Ryerson has done the country a
service in making the exposure.
McLeod s
Can this establishnit�nt
in an expeditious. and 'artisticgreat
System Renovator
to an "At Home" or It wedding
manner .and
Canada's Apple Trade.
Irquire considerable taste in selec-
Our prices will be
tion souiedine's, but we make it
tali easy matter by keepisamples
, found very reason -
In the fiscal year ending 30th June
Tested Remedies
ng stock
last our apple exports did not come
the very latest and best to
If(,, had. Caul and see
up to those of the previous year, the SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE
reason being that the crop was shorter. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood,
Our shipments of apples in the natur- Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpatation of the
al state aggregated 567,182 barrels, Hcart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Loss of
Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption• aa115tones,
valued at $11,416,470. Of this quell. Jauudie.e, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St.
tity Great Britain took 504,680 barrels Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and (sen- If you want
worth $1,303,451. The year before
oral Debility.J
we sent out of the country 853,268 LABORATORY, CODERICN ONT, Mourning Papers and
barrels worth $1,8`21,463, Great Britain .1. M. McL1COD,
getting 751,232 barrels of thein, and Prop. and Manufacturer.
paying for them $11,659,441. OfSold in Clinton b p M1
course the shipment of wither of these
f. H. "OSIBE, tinct ALLAN & WILSON. Y1ve� o es
years will be distanced by those of the Property For Sale, For C01'rCSpOndence 'Ne Catl give you up -to -(late goods. Wt'
current year, fie the last crop was still. A CHANCE FOnGARDF.NERS. ,
ply prodigious. For that reason the aISU Cal'1'y full lint s of
in eonAequenre of my ago and lock of help, I bare
returns to the piodueerg have been at decided toufier fur eale my splendid gardaning pro -
r pony consisting o! ave and n hal! a•'rca In Clinton, P�� cls �'
the best but nominal. When priers yo,no of the hest land in the county of iluron, includ. Pens' L/
are low freights oat terribly into the ing hot beds mud other necessary rcquirementr, '
gross proceeds. The Cost of ahitlpi rig There is on the promisor n framo honse with cellars
soft and hard water, born and other ontbReign Scribblers Tablets
a barrel of apples from rho Caosdian The nal'ficldri+•eradjoins the pr+.pmaeerty. wint
port Of exit t0 the British port Of Ontty
a reawnablo price for half cash and bmlanco secured 9
by mortgage, Ar I desire to sell, this ig a chanes
Ia $1.06 to $1.07. To prepare the ap- soldommetvith, Apply peranni ly or by letter to proprietor, , Erasers,
pie for shipment in good condition to the pJOAEP1IALi.ANSON, -
quires no sinal! outlay. Each barrel 8944 f, - Clinton
costs 29 to 30 cents. Packing is a most Wanted --Canl'rlsser5' Writing Paper,
matter, and cannot be done l "Queen Victoria: Her Life and Reign,"
for nothing. Wages now are low, but l Has captured tho British Empire. Extraordin-
ackers et $1,25 cents a day, board ary teRtinionialA Prom the Rrcat naen; Rend for ��rT �•�• /'�
P g copy free. Mar
illis of Lorne says, "The beat Wc. W V•
included, and sorters get $1 • por day, popular Lifeoftlhe Q.»eon 1 have soon,' Ifor
slid sometimes their board. If the nttyiesty sends akind letter of appreciation.
Selling by thousands; gives enthusiastic satlA-
fruit is of superior quality, and well (action. Cost a mint of money, bort, large eir•
laced foul' mon will ]sell 50 barrels n oulntion Justifies low rotail. 93.00, Lots of
placed, i historic IllustaationA. i.argo)ook ocm all
day. More could be done And thus 0111WN Inchon, Men and %morn of standing g y patrons for the
y ' in the community making $15 to $40 a week. 4 r n thanking our man
the cost of packing coneiaerably to. Exclusiveterritory Prospectus free toftq�oats+.
duced, if the hands were regardless of Books on time. THE BRADLEY.OARE(ET- very liberal support accorded us in
'how the fruit left them or how it airiv- the past, a continuation of the same
ed in the British market, But careful o w e a► e►� ���1 lib�`�a
shippers require the fruit to bo handled ��%�-*-Y;R
R SPARE TIME l support 1S .solicited.
t9nderly, properly selected, and placed Men, wo»c», LO eend net bt1R111efiA athome.
67 as t0 avoid injury In transit. Work iA Abnplo writing and copying lists
of nddresses reeoived from local advertis-
ing, to be forwarded to its daily. No ban-
v+u9sing; no provious experience required,
Aslc your grocer for but plain writers preferred. Peaa»anont
work to those content to earl` s0 or morn
,tom weeltl,v III are time. Apply iP WARIMN
fkd � 9
The annual convoca.tinn for the con- CL
ferring of degrees at McGill University ('1T_`j•'js'f TON
For Table and Dairy, Purest and Best Montreal, took place Friday. �+•s.•s�ra.rt.� + ,Lr a
4.. ., ... .. .. •... ..cru,:., e, eL... .:n �: .. . , -. .�. �: -•.:. ..... . •..... .... .... .. ..... .. .. . ..1... .. �.. ... ...._. ..._ _.. .. .. �. ,. . r).. I. .. ...,