The Huron News-Record, 1897-04-07, Page 1'#?liiliM . t#1.Ab per Annum. 1.00 1u Advance. INDHPPNDIDNT IN ALI, THINGS—NBUTRAL IN NOTHING A. M TODD, E101lor sold Owner
Crouton Coattail. Mayor Holmes, Reeve Kennedy, W. Taylor wanted a broad view taken, % THE TWO A. .T.►t�J. �
Scotch-Whisky... hisky... C. Searle, W. 0oats-9. The report because what belped one helped the
The regular month] meeting took was signed by the first three named other. --- --- - - - — __._
This liquor seems to have been lace on Monde evening. There were and read as follows:-thoughtI T?T� Bespeak
e�1 ea I M�
born of the necessities iuherent to the p Y g' Plummer the demands of YY
present the Mayor, Reeve Kennedy, That we enquired into the working the F. U. A. very unreasonable.
huntidity and fogs of Highland sum- Deputy-Reeve Cou er and Councillors of the fire departments in some twelve
mer and the cold blast of winter, end Searle, Plummer, wallow, Gilroy rtiid ' The Committee of the Whole recom- r
Y or more towns that are rated like Your Inspection I Gent's ; {
.r a e0 well is it adapted to the re airs- Taylor• Clintonand find in all in this rating mended thin the Chief of the Fire
p Q Department lie ori duty all the time, n
menta of the climate that the'hardy race COMMUNICATIONS. they have better fire appliances than night watchman be appointed, two
who inhabit chase latitudes nes it fres FIOYYt Geo. Cook, who has paid taxes the have. About these now required babeock extinguishers be purchased, a Of our New Neckwear just I Furnishings t '
ly and thrive under it's influence, for 18 -years, asking Council to fix of us the would recommend very nearly heater for the engine secured, and received. We have the r
a fall compliance with the demand that a soli able hook and ladder a ar-
North street so that teams could stop PP fashionable colors, iu Bows, I have disposed of to Mr. A. J.
The finest is made from pure barley without tipping over - referred to trade upon us--that is to say:-a night acus be provided. The recommenda- Darby and Four-in-Hands Morrish, late of the Palace Dry
FY malt and when well matured in wood Street Committee. watchman, sleepwo n engiock ne
room, on tion was adopted. Y Goods Store. He will conduct
is a ver fine liquor. Our Stock com , one man to sleep in engine room, one they run in price Pram his business in m ,
y q lion) John Blevins, Toronto, re tax heater, and improve the present hook STREET WATERING, 15 cta. U y store, 3 doors
prises some choice linea. exemption, which was laid over. and lander and have a cheap hook and On motion of Taylor and Cooper the P• west on Huron St. He has not
From Mrs. K. Dodd, London, offering ladder company and promise an auto- same atnogy t as last year, $200, was '�E {� { only bought the stock, but has
LACE Kennedy to supply library to town-laid over. tnatic fire alarm as soon as it is prac- granted The .GI `ashiona ale also added greatly thereto, awl
9 ticable to procure same. We would is now s a position to give you d
From Mrs. McKee, Supt. Curfew P Adjourned. good aasortr�}ant in HATS and
The Clinton Liquor' store. Bell Dept., Ontario W. U. T. U., Barrie,
recommend your urging out, water
i r regard to ringing of curfew bell crud works system as a set, off against some �Y -.-� GENTS' FURNISHINGS gener-
- - - - - - protection of children-referred to Pro- minor improvements wanted and ex- Goderlelt. Shirt_ rt ' ally.
+r' - art committee, on motion of Searle plain that we purpose improving this TiiU Tatlorlag De�artn��nt .
1807 v P Y„ a stein so as to extend to.tha centre of TIIE WATER Is PURE,-The Medical Is one with colored boson+
.VRff�v 1887 and ILennedy, its to cost, etc., coinutit- F Health Officer states that all the anal- we throw in collar and cuffs
` .VvN. MatC 7Fie. IYsa ra %r, e%r, tee to report at next meeting, t e town. ysis made of the town water have will lee continued h myself in
` s.r. a,Ja.r id•.+ ado..... Searle said he refused to sign the re- shown it to be y, with Shirt for $1.25. same stand, Any entire tiuia
h, lou nn sm . rG a STREET REPORT. pure and health
'r port. In Seafoi`th they had a hook and
4 5f� 6 Z 8 9 Its Chairman S. G. Plummer recom• ladder crock which they were willing THEY WILL REPRESENT.—EX-presi_ being given to it.
11 IrG lc1 Ise 15 It6 12' mended the purchase of 300 feet of I0- to cell to Clinton. The F. U. A. hag dent D, McGillicuddy and local consul our Hams
p .I inch sewer pipe, '200 feet of 12-inch secured a night watch at Seitforth and W. W McVicar will represent the H. can now give you better, satisfaction
r8 19 ,�o , sewer pipe, and balance of car of 15 now the Association wanted another. B. C. at the C. W. A. weeting in To- Are looking for heads. than ever. Call and IDS. 7L look
�, `,�,8 ,�9 �Q inch ; that the road machine be started With Mr. Jas. Fair's appliances We bird ronto on Good Friday, Has yours been around ? at my SPRING GOObb, n
as soon as the weather permits; that good protection. He would move, he GivE NOTICE.-The chairman of the
James Young be granted the use of a said, that the report be placed on the Citizen's Committee, A. MCD; Allan, etoitl�o�tll eoelratfae•
Brief Town Topics• portion of Rattenbury street for star- table.
1 requests those who have houses or A. J. HOLLOWAY,
ing building material in accordance
Dr. Gibson of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., with by-law. The Mayor favored .going into Com- apartments to rent to Summer visitors A. J. 1VIORRISH
is in town renewing old acquainances. mittee of the Whole and not longer to kindly send him their names with CLINTON.
Mrs. R. (Data, who has been danger- Councillor Searle wanted to know delay the matter, as it had been stand- description of property to rent, as he CLINTON.
' coaly ill, is recovering and will Baan be about defective and new etwssings and ing since March 1895. is already receiving applications.
quoted by-law, knit there was no action, Kennedy did not see that the Council
out of danger. Y papers
Goderich Township.
Citizens should promptly observe the Plummer replying that C,urnrnrttea could reasonably comply. HE'S AN M. D.-The Bail
Boar;] Of Health letter issued b Health would see in clue season what was re The Mayor then left the chair and Published last Thursday contained the Goderich.
Y aired. Searle also wanted to know if y information that Robb Le Touzel, Of Mr. Peter A. Cook leaves this weak
q Searle opposed vigorous] the de- FAREWELL MAKES HIS ESCAPE.— with his family for Lucknow where lie
Officer Dr. Shaw. the Street committee would continue p Y Goderich, had passed the McGill Col- 37
Y The first of April—all foul's day— to allow placards to be posted on'poles, nrands of the Fire Underwriters' Asso- lege exam. for M. D., and that at a Last Tuesday evening while Bailiff will in the future reside. His m ally
etc. ciation. convocation to be held this week the friends here wish him a prosperous
was faithfully Observed by many old I , Swallow questioned as to whether degree would bek-onferred. We can- Gundry was bringing p' 1
:. and youthful residents. Plummer replied that it. was the duty q g Farewell from Goderich to Kingston future.
of the Inspector to look after that. itte whole town or the business men gratulate our young townsman on his CRITICAL OPERATION.-Two weeks
. The way the clouds of dust ascended I P only should pay the extra insurance. success, and feel assured that the in- penitentiary far three years for raisingago
last week one would almost think the The report was finally adopted. It would cost $1,600 to start on and domitable push that won the honor notes, Farewell leaped from the inid- ops ati Samuel Switzer underwent ss
watering` cart should have been on PROPERTY REPORT. probably $1,000 or $1,100 a year after. P Operation for the removal of an abscess
p y y will lead him to a lucrative practice. night express one mile west of Brfgh- from the abdomen ttnd hack, Drs.
duty. Gilroy objected GO going on in this Ile had been convince) that many Citi- ton. The express was running at the Gunn and Sheppard being' in atten-
iira. D. Stewart, who, for some time way, There were accounts from the zeas caeca in favor of water works, A VERNON FAREWELL.- Vernon, Speed of forty miles an horn. One of dance. As far as learned it has been
y`. past, has been visibing her sister Mrs. property committee which could not among there Mr, James Fair, B. C., Jany. `18- A farewell dance was the guards leaped after the prisoner in successful. This week the patient is
D. McDonald, left last Wednesday for be verified without a roo ort froin the iven lastevening at O Kanagan Land
P ABQUT WATER WORKS. trig by the friends of Mr. and Mrs. the darkness, but c could not finhe his
bN put in a plaster poi- jacket and
Galt oust other places. Committee, and a passage-at-arras oc- hiar. The train backed up and they his many friends hope for his ultimate
F The Clinton Orchestra gave acoucett carred with Denuby-Reeve Cooper, Mr. Gilroy said that Mr. Swallow Will. Evans, who are leaving to-day found 'Farewell's cont and vest. He complete recovery.
in Hensall on Thursday evening. The when the latter ntacle it highly satisfac- wits laboring under a delusion, as the for Kamloops. Mr. Evans has held was shackled when Ire juruped. The
bill-of-fare merited a tai explanation and made out the outside man who pard a premium on the position of engineer on the S. and guard was pretty bakl bruised. The ' REPORT OF S. S. NO. 9.--Revicrw ex-
superiority of the y if)0 insurance lid no more in to or- O. branch of the, C. P. R. for nearly g P Y • amination-5th class, maximum mark,
much larger attendance. report which was adopted its follows:. $• Pi P' P, country around is being thoroughly
ms, The firemen's room has bean kat- tion than the iron who paid on a policy four years. He is well liked and re- searched, but Farewell has not been re- 1212-H. Miller, 886; 011ie Conrtice., 517:
All black knot on cherry and plum far a larger amount'. Are we prepared spectecl and we shall meet with a 1 �ss captured, M. McBriarty, Govern- Willie. (%ourtice, 796. 4th class, MAX. u
' F trees must be removed. Inspector somined and floor svrul7lped, s ovepipes to fi ht a conflagration to-nr ht.? No, in the de acture of Mr. and M 8.50-Priscilla Cook, 586; Bertha Gra-
Wheatley has been instructed by the and stove repaired, hone tows cleaned We have not the protection t re airs Evans which ft will be very difficult to menti plumber, and H. Linall, co►n haul, 570; W. Miller, 513. Examination
` Council to see. that the law is obeyed, down, lock up kalsomtned and a bol- P q mercia traveller, both of Torout.o,
Y stared and the Clerk's room sc uhbed and are note at the mercy of the fl, overcome."-Vrtncottver World. The eame from the Qaeen City last night Jr, to Sr. Third, max. 705-Aphr:z
Rev. J. W. Holmes of Mitchell was out He would support an up-to-date system William Evans mentioned fs a Gode- on the train from. which the convict Steep, 454; Mabel Alexander, $95. Sr.
shaking hands with many old friends of writer works and bear lits share of rich boy, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. Farewell jumped in his attempt to re- 2nd to Jr. 3rd, max. 635-Lizzie Con-
here on Saturday evening. He preach- FINANCE REPORT, the burden. A by-law should be sub- George Evans. gain his freedom. Both were eye- sell, 436; Lorne Cantelon; 341; Victor
` ed in the Rattenbury street church on milted to the people,
Kincardine, Miller, 302.
Sunday. Adopted as follows:-Jacob Becker Winghn n, Seaforth and Mitchell, BLc., THEIR NEW RECTOR.-The Mail and witnesses of the oeettrance, and both NOTES.-Mise Agnes Cooper, who re-
here was a committee meeting on 1.50,19 meals for tramps $2,85,rent for C. state that to all who watched Farewell
T $ P' *are in ass C. ahead of Clinton. BeH® Empire of Marclt 31 says: The t. Uy- x Y Y pp cantly left for Manitoba reports liking
e ti. Mrs. Devine $•2, Mrs. Grealis $2, John thou and churchwardens of St. y- attentive] it was clearly apparent
.r Friday night to discuss a new site for Croll $3.50, N. Robson 49c., Assessor's woo not comply with the demands gr , are Yi that country well.-Weco congratulate
the proposed an Methodist of t. a F. U. A., but he would submit a prion' congratulated Christiestreet,
choice Of o esc Peg He firstwentthe toilet Mr, and Mrs. John Beacom on another ri
bodies, but as yet there is nothing for Guide $1.50, Geo. Rumball $1, electric' by- aw to the people for writer works, be eoa roost ;it one end- of the car. A fete dao ter.-We are sore to saythat
publication. light account $2.95, moving band stand rector to succeed the Rev. C. H. Mrs. lex. Welsh is confined o the
P $15. Receipts-weigh scales, $1'2.60, Swallow said if we had water works Shortt, who takes the place of Rev- J, minutes later he went to the other.
Mr. Alex. Cooper, Of Cooper Bros., livery license $20; market scales, hall the would have to comply the same as C Roper at St. Thomas'. The clergy He asked several times of passengers house through illness latest reports;
left last Thursday for Goderich, where and office rent $29.55, work in cemetery Seafurth to meet the demands of the man on whore the choice has fallen is "How far, are we from Kingston now?" are she is doing well.--Mrs. Ben. Swit-
• he will endeavor to make his mark. $9.50, sale of lot $3. Fire Underwriters Association. the Rev. C. A. Seager, B. A., of Gode- and at Coburg,. where he was given it, zer, who has been ill is much improved,
Many regret the removal of such a The Treasurer's statement showed Searle enlarged on the efficiency of rich, who has been connected with the lunch, he complained that the mans- being able to take short drives.--Mrs.
good citizen. receipts Of $3,820,83, and ex en owed our present system and defended our St. Thomas church, Huron street, for cies tbat bound his legs at the knees Kilpatrick is the guest of her daughter,
Afr. Hickey, the other da re l' P fire protection system. some time past. The new rector is an were hurting him, and induced the Mrs. John Beacom, Bayfield Line.-
Mr. Y of $427.41, leaving a balance of $3,393.- guard to remove them. He also re- The farmers of this township are busy
ceived $1,002 for 20 cents, was in town 22 The Mayor agreed with Gilroy. What able preacher and an earnest worker, moved an extra overcoat he was wear- plowing and making Maplesyrup.
on Monday and seems as jovial as ever. benefitted the centre of the town bene- and will doubtless rank high in the es- P g g P •,;t
The money, he thinks, will come in The item of $15 for removing band fitted the Outskirts. $2,000 spent in timation of his congre orlon. He is a ing on the round that he was too PETITION.-Mr. F. Tebbutt was-
stand was objected to b Kennedy. y ; gg g around last week asking a number of
handy for a rainy day. 7 y one year Ile thought tsvuld go a long graduate of Trinit end took his B. A. wart, though to the ocher passengers t
Gilroy said this was the people's way toward paying the interest on the degree in 1895. He also took several the temperature was comfortable. n the ratepayers to sin petition re-
Owing to' the continued illness of money, and the agricultural society investment fur a good system of water prizes in hie divinit class at Trinit tried to appear at ease and sang hymnsc ,
*' Rev. Stewart, Rev. W. Muir of Bruce- of their moue from the council• Y y' at intervals. Mr. McBriarty is confid- guesting the the 1l to change the _r
field preached in Willis church last g y works. The best way would be to road between the 14th and Maitland l;
CIRCULAR CITY BRIErs.—Next week ent that Farewell had accomplices on .
Sabbath morning and Rev. Mr. Sawyer Swallow could not see it in thislight, consider a system of water works. His concessions from the north side of lot
The money which built the stand was advice from other towns was on this is holy week.- The fishing tugs started the train. Two men got aboard at 79 to the south side, The change would
of Tuckersrnith in the evening. setting nets on March 31st• and lifted Toronto and repeatedly asked the con-
private money, and some of those who line. He discussed what the Com- doctor as the journey rogreased be a decided benefit as an expensive
The harbingers of spring have put in subscribed Objected to removing the mittee recommended and the expense the first nets this week. This is rather pp culvert is on the resent road and no.
their appearance and spring
general] fishing the -How far are we from [{ingston ?' P
pp people y stand.•' of same, and suggested as did Mr. Gil- on,QaTheregw it be n open meet•ingaof "How long will it be till we reach culverts or grading is needed an the
look for the new order of things. Gilroyagain defended the removal. coy, that a by-law be submitted to the
There will yet, however, be cold blasts people for water works. the COl e I ate literary society Kingston?" When the train backed new one.
and frost with possible flurries of Kennedy said Ile.. was a subscriberand P P on Friday evening.-Navigation was to the spot at which Farewell jumped -.
snow knew nothing of the removal. TO "SIT ON" THE F. U. A. opened on March 31st, three tugs hav- these men got off, and when te 'trip Blyth•
Searle said the Park Committee Taylor thought as municipalities we ing passed out on that and the three to Kingston was recommenced they
Clinton should have a great big, `relayed" a little on the Council, its should "sit on" the F. U. A. Let us following days.-The Kincardine stage were not on board. Mr. 14IcBriarty be- BRIEFS.-On Monday evening a
progressive bicycle. club this year, they were to pay half the expense. introduce a system of water works and leaves one hour after the arrival of the Heves they had arranged the plan with meeting of the ratepayers and fairoers
' 'those interested should without diffi- De ut. Reeve Cooper said the under- carr our own insurance. 1.30 train, and returns with the Kin the convict, and that after the train was held in Industry hall for the pur-
culty• organize it club worthy a pro- pp y" P y eardine bag about 9 1p. m. daily.-The started again they, by means of pre- Dae of taking into consideration the
gressive town the size of Clinton. Go standing was that the Council would Cooper thought the F. U. A. wanted McGillivray Mission Band had the an- arranged signals joined Farewell and p
to work at once. The tinge is Now.
pay half the expense. He let the con- too much. We paid thein for carry- anal entertainment in Knox church on assisted hien to escape. The .convict establishing of a canning factory in our
'. tract to Mr. Wheately for $15. ing fire insurance and then they want- Friday and it was a success in every ran a terrible risk in dumping off the midst. Mr. Moore of Perth addressed
} We re ret to learn of Miss Mc-
� The Council finally decided that $7,50 ed us to protect them. He favored a way.-Pridham &McCormack are sell- train, which was gain at the rate of the meeting and showed poem the ban-
Whinney s contemplated removal from be •ted h the Park Committee and
Clinton. The lady is popular with all P< y good system of water works. ing the balance of their Winghatn forty miles an hour. a was forced by efits to be derived by having such an
01 classes of people and a good musician $7.50 by Council, The Mayor said it was only a ques- bankrupt stock in the building former- the efforts of those who had seized establishment; owing to having been
and vocalist. Those interested should THE TOWN'S HEALTH, tion of time until the people would ly occupied by the Bank of Commerce. hien to detain him to jump straight g g
if possible secure the hull stage seen- A letter was read from W. S. Har- demand a water works system. i -The GF T. R. is doing a railroad husi from the car, and not in the direction called away we did not hear the result
cry the lady possesses. land, chairman of the local Board of Plummer said he did not know much rasa just now in the freight line. -The in which the train was going. It was of meeting.-The members of the I.
Every manly sporting organization Health asking the Council to prohibit about insurance and that be carried first haul of white fish and trout for t Kingston man who seized Farewell 0• F. held their regular meeting in
has the sympathy and support of THE privy pits, except water tight-laid on roue On his clan premises. It cost the 189? was made this week.-There seem- by his coat-tail, and had not the mater temperance hall, on Monday evening.
NEws-RECORD. And all organizations table. town of Goderich over $80,01)6, for ed be very little foaling last Thurs pal of which the garment wad made
'k for the ,,coRDfurthering of the welfare of STAVELY MONEY. water works and he carte not, much in- day.-Geo. BlacK returned from Wing- been shoddy he would not have got -Soma of the members of the C. 0.
Christianity and religion have our The Clerk said that he had not, re- terested. harp the past week.-Mrs.(Dr.)Cassady away. As it was quite a large portion J attended the funeral r the late day.
support as well. The citizen cannot o£ Kintttil was at the parental hcime of it was left in the hands of the King- john Huakinge in Auburn `on Tuesday.
well separate the two. port of Committee- signed, but stated, Swallow said there had been 43 fires the past week.-Miss Alabel McKenzie, stmiian, Thekeeper;whcipluckily jump -Regular meeting of our town
as previously reported in THE NEWS- in the last 10 years and they all would who suffered for so long a period from ed after Farewell was seriously hurt. daddies was held in Industry ball on
Lawn bowling promises to be more RECORD, whathad taken place, not amount to $10,000.., pneumonia, is now around again.- He was left at Belleville. Tuesday evening.-On On Wednesday
j popular than ever this year. The Taylor wanted to know when the The Clerk and several Councillors Last week Nerris Cox and Lewis Tayy _� `_ - �� Y g•-
' `• ggrounds are in fair shape and with a work would go on, explained that the sum paid in insur- for sold a car load of fine hogs to D. last the fire alarm was sounded, the
little enthusiasm worked in will be Searle also spoke and asked far Lillie., once would far exceed $10,000. Cantelon for shipment to C.otlingwood. Eginondville• chopping mill Of Alex. - ZVIoCreight
ONE of the most po ular games of the The Mayor explained that the Clerk -The Georgian Bay fleet of fishing was on fire, but before the engine and
Y' p RUBINE88 MEN SPEAR. g RETURNED.--Miss Archer of Hallett,
season. We would say for the en- y P togs and boats that wintered in Gode- apparatus of thole it bad been put
thusiasts to work in the enthusiasm. had reported everything, and as no R. Irwin was naked to say some rich is expected to leave for the North who was on a visit to Miss Ida McLeod, PP g
one had axes to grind he asked for the thing. He said that since other muni- to-day or to-morrow.-R. B. Smith's has returned home. out.-On Thursday the funeral of
An advertisement has been aptly co-operation of the Council. Mr. Gar- cipalities had granted the demanda of millinery windows were the best ever the late James CollotQD, one of the
Jz . defined .as a vehicle which carries in- row had written the Clerk that he' was the F. U. A., water works would not seen in Goderich.-The sewer contrac- REMOVED.-Mr. James Rath and oldest residenters, took place from his
formation to buyers and beings busi- misinformed and that it was difficult save the proposed expense, although tors have re-commenced work on their familyof Brucefield have removedhere.
ness to sellers. When a vehicle of this during the session to have an inter- the demands were in the interests of contract.-The Ocean House is being Mr. Rath has accepted a situation with late residence, the remains being tak-
description is hitched to the NEws- view with the Attorney-General• the insured. He was in sympathy fixed up in a style that will make it Mr. Colbert. an to the Roman Catholic cemetery ill
f; RECORD, regular trips may be safely A desultory discussion followed but with a system of water works. It one of the best summer resorts on the MARRIAGE.-One of those ]app Morris for interment. Tho bereaved
reckoned on. there was no action, although the feel- would be a great advantage in the lake shore.-It is said that the contrac
tore will start 'the Menestituag ark unions which always make the your arcs Have the entire sympathy of the.
There was considerable excitement Ing of Council seemed to be that it was wayof securing manufacturers, and p oyous took place at the residence of community.-Mr. &ibt. Colloton of.
at a ggame of checkers between Blyth time the work should be completed favored a .first-class water works syc- pier in a few days.-The bicycle is al- r1r• Clans Kruse on the 24th March, Walkerville Was here 'attendintg the•
and Qlinton last Thursday evening, without further delay. tam at the time 'our present mode of most on an equal footing with the it being the Occasion of the marriage of
over the telephone, this town being fire protection was adopted. bovines for the may o almost any- his son William to Miss Annie Spencer. fnn'eral of his father ; be left for home
p B Taylor wanted to know how it wits y y g
represented by Messrs. Bruce, Hoover, that the property committee report F. R. Hodgens thought the demands where except into gardens.-Tbere are The knot was securely tied in the pres- on Saturday.-Tha Canadian band+
I. Taylor, J. Cook and S. Davis. The was adopted, when all the accounts of the F.' U. A. should be complied rumors that a few weeks will witness ence of a large number of friends of the may be beard very distinctly every
first game was in favor of Clinton and should have been in on Friday night. with in order to keep. our rates down. the introduction of three or four new contractingparties by Rev. Rural Dean evening.-The The anniversary entertain-
i,`Y. the second a draw. Searle repllsd that several members James Scott bad not studied the business men.-Frost da Woods deliv- Hodgins. After the ceremony was over g• - s
' The April showers during the past of finance committee knew all about subject of water works, but did not cry dap, Friday, was a big mflaffair; the they all sat down to a sumptuous went u the nail on church, Blyth,
think we surfaced mare from fire than Goderich brass band and some flffy or spread. The bride was ablyy assisted by in Industry dell on Monday evening, ••i,
few days have brightened up spring the work. y g Miss Salle McLeod while Mr. Richard the 12th i�,et,
longings a bit. The consequent damp- neighboring towns that had water sixty wagons landed with machinery
px' UNFINISHED BUSINESS. works. There was great danger from formed a long procession. After afree Kruse, brother of the groom acted in a -
cess her► of course put moisture on the like manner. After all had satisfied
k'. ardour of bicyclists, but this will of Deputy-Reeve Cooper said that the our present supply of well water for dinner a xc was made in trout o t e Hitatsiilt
�y coarse he relieved in short order. electric light for Little England had household purposes and if a new water British Esehange and congratulatory the inner man the floor was cleared
A til showers will benefit the masses been located and put up, and triol works system was entered on it should speech made.-Every old blunderbuss and the youth tripped the light fanta a- Oo R 7cAILOIt. -hSr. W. A. IYlc�raynp,
and the roads as well. Take courage. everything was satisfactory. be gone on with, if at all, on this line- in the county is being cleaned u-p rte till the wee sma' hours of the morn- a P�aetical and thoroughly eomr�tent
FIRE AND WATER. slaughter birds and squirrels i n cod ing when all retired to their homes { trsilor, has opened a shop in 1{intait
EASY To INSURIC. Friday. -There was a rumor in town lQevitlg their best wishes for the newly 'dud is prepared to look after all Ilio
Thursday morning a young man Chairman Swallow, on ,l►ebalf of Cooper contended that there were on Saturday that Deputy-Sheriff Roy- married couple. The bride was made 'requirements of the general public ill
named George L. GregOry, of Odens- Committee, read the report on the lent Of mutual companies to insure nolda had been appointed to t•ha higher the recipient of numerous costlp an •d this line. His goods will he frniud.o!
r: Uurg, N. Y., was found dead, hanging FireUnderwritersAssociationdemands. p Office. If the re ort is true the governcouple-
to a Wooden bligde that crosses the The Committee was comprised F.
W. m, which took no stock in tits F. ax A. P useful resents ;The few
mi have 1t k the boat, his prices the very lowest,
to P. Tindall D. F ac meet has acted wiser as l was the P
St. Lawrence alto Ottawa railway W. Ferran, He did rat believe, either, in taxing best meta for the ositYoa by long up their iresidence a few miles sout;n Op i and in every case perfect eatisfnetiOr► 1j
j Vit- hereon, James Fair, Sr„ W. Manning,the poor,mau to relieve the rich mAn. P e here. guaranteed Do not pass Our tailor
track near Prescott, Ont. Po