The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 8R
'Tor ' „ ► a '+ l nton New ;bra. will be sent to new,subscribers, to
1. of J'anuarv, 898, to ' env addax Ass in Am
OrxNxNeB.--The number of people i The, Stately lRulld<ing
who attend fixe Millinery Opening'e, - - i
AF V lig/ chow thw4 they appreclate, th a' attraC• � The Sttwely Committee met on Tues- ty-le
five exhibits. The Opening at the day nigh;; to open tenders for the
>Ep , 1taLlTQBBR 1, 18117 Paloce(Hodgens 13rca.)on Tueaday eve, building, the following being the ton.,
,sips, and that at Beealey & Cos show- dere received:—
2TOTIO1,rB, ed t e daintiest tr'spphings in this line. Prior&Gtuttridge,mason work..,.. 02718
nt,lail to sea am 8&tA I sarlso drHewliuygoodly nu nberSto Saturday,
Ooweny & ayui bei, buil, nk'e oinvleia... 4402
rq {iui1 - ir �►Ix—uxOAdtOOt t, to... the latest of les. g
klpW 1 >ri T H.
St enzie, building oZor to 4017 And
T M1oKenruie oarpeater work on ... "Di
�''p!�0�,,;,."{�p�l}aq@apgmbaroidubNoriberaan H. Stevens wilding complete............ 44U4
Glier,w q AW obn4altthairpwninturastsand AxxIIAI, PARTY.—On Tuesdayeven- H• Stevens, carppenter vtork only......... 1014
a at ones•—New 5. S. Cooper, buildingeomplete.,.......,.. 8506
raopvoalenoa b7 Agitling F Ing last the annual party of the model- Nohhe & 5on,.out atone work............ 142
' . iter was held in -the Farreeter's Hall. Jr. J. Ftaher, painting and glaizing........ 12s
Tt7)� ]LOST—On 1h0 road between Clinton riumr, Were besides the mOdelitea a John Grogo plautoring ...... . - • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • erCombined
rilcefleld, pn Saturday etening a ellt•er
sn fagi:'veat b *Ith chain attwhel Findur u eningof invited guests present. The Mr Cooper accgqmp"If the
his mi tier
Ib4 suitably reNilrded on leaping the same evening's amusement consisted of a with the proviso t!}at"if the committee
1B> ►orate. musical and literary piagraw, games, wished he would ask for no money till .
I i�p:Ffahcr, Goilmloh, is-re-olvantsin her otc., these being. supported by. an ex- the building was completed, and if not r'
asesju elocution and phyalcal culture�tere, cellent supper, made the event a bril- completed to the satisfaction of the are what you find in our fall and winter dress goods.
il4xpccts to start with them here about the liant sticcess. The party was obarac- committee he would not ask a dollar." ,
of October. Those who wish to Join can terized by the manner in which -all The committee very carefully con- There's �a better assortment of high class novelties and
}v¢ word with. Mr. H. B. Combe• seemed to enjoy themselves, The suc- sidered all the tenders, and all mat-
st lish medium- sited coda than we have ever had
iliozYii INST1rUOTIOA.—Mise lraura Aobe• tees nf the affair Is certainly worthy of tare pertaining to the carrying' out of y -priced g
ov.trc,(loder,oh, has arranged to.speod Sasur• the highest commendatioh,and reflects •the contract~ and on motion of Mr before. The variety we show in both plain and fancy
Yaf,040h veek in our town for the purpose reat`credit u on the managing com• Paisley, seconded by Mr Kennedy, it
ships igetruotion In yialin. Mies Acheson, E5 P g g y, goods is wide enough to suit almost ever taste, and
ie was decided to accept Mr Cooper's, of- g g y
�,o a,pppll ok 5i poi Dinelli, Toronto Con- mitten, Pt1
P.TO)p O Qiusle,�a well known as a soloist • fer, Messrs CoatsPlummersummer and Pais- values are the kind t at make it pay to buy dress goods
d teaober,�.and needs no further reoommen- HAPPILY MARRIED.—A couple of le were a ointetl a committee to See
,lion GP the people of Clinton as to her &bili- vy�eka since. we -mentioned the depar- p pp here. Twos specimen items that -will give you an idea
t.- ;+�iry,informationdesired regaalias house, p to the work of construction, with P g
tie gto.. aka be secured by addressing tore of Mise Lena Hamilton for the power to employ a competent inapec- of the Way We are selling dress goods.
(80,4:A,Ukt ACHESON, Box IK,Goderich. Northwest, intimating that she was for if necessary. At a special meeting
taking her wedding tour alone. She of the council on Wednesday nivht,
awn *#Pi o. arrived at Indian Tiead, N. W. T., on the resignation of Deputy Reeve Coop-
the morning of Sept. 10, and in the or was tendered and accepted. FancyBOI{C1e Cloth, black mixed With myrtle, light
,Q$ ICTIONB—The schedule of convic- 50
peis,by county magistrates for the afternoon, in company with Edwin — green, brown, blue and red, extra good value .....
tA_rfer ending in September, number- Jervis, teacher, proceeded to the reef- CRICKET. The Clinton C. C. finished
E . and the total •flues amounted to Bence of Rev. m, where they, the season of 18(n on Friday, b la
were happily married. They after- � y p play- Fancy Black Dress Goods, all WOOL, fine finish, a
X40 A feature of the list is that wards drove to the home of Mr Hal- ing a match between the married and
t violators of a Wingham by-law for d, Red Fox Valley (where Mr• ,Tar- single members of the club, resulting variety of small and medium patterns, 42 in. wide 60 C
Qin $ned five cents each. Four nth- via formerly boarded) where a reset- in favor of the latter by a score of I
caeca were violation of the license tion awaited them, the settlers is the to 83. The following is the score:—
l?, . Alf
section aion as present, and snaking KARRch—b D In
•A.'LITTLE OFF.—The Stratford Her- the occasion as pleasant as possible. L. Kennedy, o Couch—b MoMurchie ........ 4
d„co+t lea the name of M. U. Oamer- Mr Jarvis is teaching in Red Fox Val- Gl• Barge , ......... b Terry .. • . ............... 0
pp ley, the old Hurou friends Of both I. Agnew, o Torry—b Mc3durchie ....... .... e
Groderich, as one of those aspiring 9 J. Hoover ...... ... b Terry ................... 7
wish them all happiness and prosperity. q we Ca�
the judgeship of Perth; we are not pp P P y W. Htdglding♦...... bMerry .. ...... ...•.♦....,16
tl?1QrlZedd to contradict this, but feel CHORAL SOCIETY.—It la r0 need J. Chidley ........ b Terry .chic .............. 6
+gtty aura it is incorrect.; Mr Bolt, of P P Dr Bruce • . • • • • .... b Terry ... • • • • ......... , . s
kO. firm of Cameron, Holt & .Holmes, that a good chorus be formed this win- T. Southcombe.... not out ..................• 7
evidentl the art intended, and ter, to give two or three concerts, the W. Coats.......... b Terrp� 21
„ party net proceeds, after paying expenses, to F. Gilroy c Miller—b McMurchie ........... 5
hil wou d make a very good judge, P P y g. p H. Steep c Terry — McMurchie .. ........ 2 Milliner opening continues all this week. Thus far
be applied to some charitable object, ntras ,,,,,....... y 1 g
TAWL•ES.—Frosts are frequent now, such as supplying a chaplain for the ” ' it las been one of the most successful we ever held.
q oorhouse. The intention is to rely Total...♦••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:...,,,68
be equinox brought exceedingly cool p You are welcome to ,call any time.and and see just what • is
,gather. Canada's hour has struck— on home talent, instead of bringing in sixars ,
-pd times are here. Wheat i being outsiders, and to pay foe• music, prat- J. McMurchie ......b Kennedy...•............ 9 correct in Millinery for the corrin season. You'll not
arketed more freer this week. The- tise room, and other incidental expen- A. McGarva ....o Soutlloombe,,b Kennedy., 11
y F. W. Terry.... Coats.... b Kennedy.. ...87 be pressed to buy if you only win to look. On Satur-
;rYne"ra would appreciate a good rain; sen, out of the proceeds, so that the ac- M• 3 cTaggart•.....not out ............... ..60
v:Quld hel pp the fall grain and the five members will not be subject to as- E: out.::,.*.,::::,::::.::15
♦...15 day we will show some very nobby American Sailors
i?tures. If you contemplate having sessments of any kind. All interested J. Miller ...... c Coats ...b Ke nnedy.......... 0
in such work, especially members of Q Hanby ..............b Kennedy.... ........ 4 and Welkin„ Hats, the ver latest shapes Out.
giauction sale this fall remember the P y P. Couch..............b Steep................., s y p
FW ERA'S 'keellent class of sale post- choirs and good singers generally, are V. McPherson....,...b Kennedy....., ...... 0
they are always neat,l correct and requested to send their names to Mr D. Ross ... ... .......b Chidley...,,........... 5
tractive. W. Q. Phillips, (Salt Office,) "so that a W. Armstrong..c Kennedy .. b Barge.... • • 8 I A Mantle
may be called to perfectar- Extras .•.................................. u
'WHAT THEY ALL SAY.—The follow- rangements and begin practise at an To tel .......:............... 158
,:. •,,
ig is from the Wingham Journal:— early date. A general meeting of the Cricket, Before you buy your Mantle take a look through the
r@ Wandby, who was taken from Ulub will be held in the Council cham- the House of Refuge at Olin= LECTURE.—IE is seldom that our
g citizens are afforded an opportunity of het' on Thursday evebing, Oct. 7th, at largest stock Of nobby Mantles yon can find anywhere
was back to town this week, ,She 8♦15 m. in order to discuss matters
hearing so distiuguished an orator as p near here. People tell us that our rices are lower than
!as on ds shiap to Walkerton to have can with next season. All those p p
er•goode snipped to Clinton. The old Rev W. J. McCaughan, who will lac- •
hl delighted with her ture in the Presbyterian uchurch on interested in the welfare of the club thos0 of other stores.
dig home, a y g Tuesday evening, Oct. 12th. Mr Me- ate requested to attend.
taw home, and speaks great praise for , y -
(i and Mrs French. The old lad Gaughan enjoys the distinction of hav- T
y Ing been recied at Ma>sey Hall, Tor- Verdonal A MANTLE TO ORDER.
o.s i hard against going there, es onto b perhaps the largest audience
do. said she heard so many bad stories � y P p g Miss Ciorrell, ol.Toronto, is the guest of
that has ever greeted a lecturer in that Mies Boles. , The Dress and Mantle Makin department, in charge of
bout the place; but she says, "Don't g° h >
60 believe them. Its a good home. urge auditorium—no; excepting the Mise Overbery has been visiting friends Miss Mlckle is turnin out oarments that for style fit
e have all Bae want to eat and drink popular Ian Maclaren—and indeed in Goderioh. � g b �
""erything as it tonnes in season, wherever Mr McCaughan is announced Rev. W. Pocock was visiting in wing- and finish are unequalled. Charges moderate.•
qd everything is so clean and tidy to speak he is welcomed by large and- ham last week.
A the place," fences. Hence we predict for a Frank Bole® returne&to Detroit Dental CA$H AND 4N +' PR
him ICE
good reception when he comes to Clin- College on Monday.
]NUNDRUM SOCIAL.—The member ton. The highest tribute has been Miss Rose! Connell spent Sunday with
be Good Templars Lodge held a paidby eminent men to Mr McCaugh- friends in Wingham.
iundrum eccial on Friday evening en's eloquence and ability, and both in Bert Davis leaves next week for Chicago, efgpns#
Bros,;the Mayor in the chair, and a Ireland and in Canada he has gained a and may remain there;
& attendance of members. The foremost place in the pulpit and on W. Taylor, Insurance agent, Walkerton,
gram embraced a duet by Misses the platform. We hope to announce was in sown last Friday. D !feet Importers, Clinton.
im and Tebbutt, reading by Mise the subject of his letter. and further Will Millyard leaved this week for Via -
Id, solos by Miss F. Cuninghame particulars next week. torWtnivensity, Toronto.
T: Akam, instr umental by C.. Oook bliss $erkn, of Goderich, is visiting her
H. Follock, the latter combining NOTES.—J. C. Stevenson was re- uncle, James Stevens, of the base line.
tar, mouth or an and triangle. elected to the Executive of the On-
g, g Mies Nettie McCrea returned on Wed-
'4�!$ the intermission slips were iasis Undertakers' Association, at its needs from Houghton, Lake Superior
ribd'rka -on which were written meeting in Ottawa last week. Mr y g ,
-'ain questions and answers, and Brown, who has been working in town Mrs Cullum, of Goderich, is visiting at
Li party" getting a question had to for a short time, is about to move to the home of her father, Mr Andrew Stinson.
C far thha answer among some per- Kincardine. Mr Shyder, who has Mr R,' Porter, Postmaster, has been
in the audignce; refreshments were been living in Colborne for the sum- away from town a coatis of days on bnei-
mer, has returned to town. Potatoes
k served, and an enjoyable time nese.
st. are beingg delivered -in town, in gaunti-
ties, at 40c per bushel. The Cana- Mrs L<7eton Clark and eon, Freak, from The
AILWAY NoTEs. — Persons who than Order of Nome Circles has near Exeter, were visiting Mrs Jas. Young Q�� ��
e anxious to know the cause of a changed its night, of meeting to the last week.: latest
,W train running on the L.H. & B. lat Thursday of each month, and will H. M. Ponsette, the general and genial
Sunday, will not see much excuse hereafter meet in the Oddfellows Hail. agent of the Canada Life Assurance Co.,
it in the fact that it was simply a Mr Thos. Bell gives up possession of was in town lastmeek. P IN FINE
vel. train. C. J. Wallis shipped a , the Commercial Hotel this week; he Mr Duncan Stewart, general agent of the
of hogs to Ottawa on Monday, the has not yet decided what he will do, Ontario Mutual Life Co., 'was here looking
FU e paid was $5.35, but they have but -he basa hotel property in Toron- after the business of his company Iasi
!e dropped a little. D. Cantelon toinview;in the meantime he will seek.• -
ship two a G,T. . wiln5wood next likely spend some time with his sister,Mr Stewart Plummerleaves this week an ns hang
zday, The G,T.R. will issue return Mrs Lanham, at Londesboro; one thing
ursion tickets on Sept. 30, Oct, 1-2 is sure, he carries away the good will s visit to Mount Clemens, Mich., and is so- • -
?art Huron, Grand Rapide, Sagi- and respect of the many friends he companied by Mrs Sturdy, of Auburn.
I, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and has made during his sojourn here; Mr Enos Hall, of Goodrich, Michigan, Goods
or western points: the fare to De- Shrunk Bros., who succeed him, in- was shaking hands, with old,,, friends here 0 •
t or Port_Huron is $3; to Cleveland, tend to thoroughly. overhaul the pi e- this week; he reports times as improving.
A Chicago, $9. A very large ship- mises, and modernize it; if theyy keep and had splendid crops this year.
%6afcheese was made from Holmes- as good and orderly a house as Mr Bell W. J. Paisley has again the faalous
afactory, on Manday. S. Smith theyare assured a good patronage, and mare Wanetts in, his possession, bpving "
Sped a car of stock.on Wednesday. .there will be little room for complaint. made a trade with Beattie Bros., of i3rus-
'less than 180 packages of fruit were Several weddings are on the taprs and eels, whereby he becomes bar owner.
lived by freight, on the train, on as young men are looking for houses
ssday. we expect that before long some of Dr. Ben Tomlinson is only now able to
them will ''Joyner for better or for leave the house; in some unaccountable
Ut LATH MRS HISCox.—The funer- worse;" it is a nobly thing to do. The way he happened to poison one of his eyes,
if :tlie late Mrs George T. Hiscox Hanna Creamery case comes up at which became mach inflamed, and is. yet
k,place Thursday afternoon from Division Court on Saturday, Oct. 9th. very sore.
i fapaily residence, Queen's avenue, A.Rath, one of the Collegiate Institute Mr and Mrs. Culiytord, who have been in
odan, to Woodland cemetery. A students, has been engaged as teacher England for some time, returned this week;
ge number of beautiful floral offer- of a school in the vicinity of Blyth,for Mrs Cullylord remained in town for a few
�s were sent by friends of deceased, next year. James Steep has returned days visiting friends before proceeding to
I among the, relatives present were from the Nortbwest. Councillor Walk- her home at Houghton.
'J. Rattenbury, a brother, and Mrs er has the contract of buildingastable We understand that Edwin Millyard,
Oatlee, a sister of deceased, both of under the been of D. McIntosh, B ruce- now of the Aylmer district of the Metho-
hton. Owin �to theserians illness field. Walter Coats was a ':poultry — —
qqdiet church, will sn 1 the nl it at Niles • -
6be late Mrs Hiecox s mother Mee go a,t_S-eaforth.-sho_w,..and-DXante- pp y p p
tt"eirbury, OT -0 on, a num er of on judge of fruit and fl 3wers. The foe s soup a R.
� �So r . lbeilTest
iTelatives were unable to attend the baseball match on Saturday between can o! Rev, R. Millgerd, town.
el'al. The pall -bearers were four the Organ Factory Club and Clinton The many friends of MroRiobard Grnan-
ph,ows, H. Reid and I Reid. Clinton; Cricketers resulted in favor of the lat, sides, formerly Mies Lacy Shepherd, who
T. Mance, of Blytb, and Ww. Hod- ter by a score of 20 to 20. Thos. Walk- has been living at Fleming, N. W.T., will
lb, W. Wan gh and J, Spry, London. has recently received some thoro-bred be pleased to know that aloe has come back
ttheMemorialcbnrohservices,Lon- Minorca fowl; they are let prize win- to town again, and will spend the winter
ni; on Sunday, at the conclusion of vers. H.F.Sharp, a former Olin tonian, with bar sisters.
I sermon, Rev. Canon Richardson and father of Mr Sharp,of the Molson's John Crooks, formerly with the Palace,
!brr,od to the death of Mrs George T. Bank, was elected Mayor of St.Marys. and son of W. Crooks, Goderich township,
tl647t as follows:—"Since last we met on Tuesday; the late Mayor died a few has taken a position with Mars & Co.,
re one of our beloved members; a weeks is a.
Harland Bros, have re- London. The firm will find him an A 1
ne.tan- worshipper amore us, a kind cantly platted in furnaces for Mr Gaird- salesman, of sterling integrity,and a sung
getl member of the church, and ner, Bayfield, and H. Foster, Clinton; man whom the people of London it 0111
W a counsellor in our work, has been the same flrm has contracts for Mr use white.
kytl from our sigbt. By a sudden Huston, of Bayfield, and Messrs Jaa. Mr Will Cadmore, who has been in Liv-
il ynost painful digpeneation of Di- Smith, G.Carling and W.W. Farran,ot
qe Provdence, our friend andfellow- Clinton. A young fellow who was eye- noting, England, for the pkat two years,
y � y acting as seller lar>,he stook and grain sent Welsh. Margsston & CO., London, Eng.,
Ember has been brought down to ling on the London road, Saturday over by his lather, W. Cndmore, of Hippen, and Young& Rochester, London, Eil.g ,
nth; and to -day her place in the night, had the misfortune to lose a ail- returned home last week; a correspondent
jirch and in the home are vacant. ver watch ,ind chain. In the show win- Bays that while in England, Mr ud.More are the eatest manufacturers Of FINE
id Ttii+q to us and to heir friends and dow. of H. Foster, photographer, are 2
quaii�tances is a serious one; how 'largapotraits of one of Clinton's well- woe married to a obarmrng English belle, NECKWEAR in En land. We have , the
hell More to those who immediately know' citizens, that are literally true ba his relatives here deny knowledge of Enc
her in the family, and who to life, ftp$ if seen will be instantly re- ' an cash oiraamstanae, latest novelties.
6e','relatpd to her by the tender ties coggnizod as quaintly characteristic. Mr A branch of the Unian Bank has been
`,wif a abd sister and mother. Her J.P:Tisdall and Dr. Turnbull attended opened at Minnedoss, Man., and the
'#,has-been a pure and beautiful one, theexhibition of Miss Carlyale's pie- management was not only offered to Mr
1sh.o leaves behind In her departure tures in London on Satnedii + Mr W., Stephen Tayldr, but the officers were anx-
lo m'omory that is blesaed and thb' Dohertyy's tracing h rse'ibttl y is giv- ions that he should accept it, and pressed aCkson
othly couree that ig full of happiness ing exbibitions.atf) ktliawi dgetown him to do so, but other ginsiness nngkgs• Block,
yd g reetrleg$: Let us hope that to- and other fairA; Cv par it goes it is menta compelled him to deogino it. The
6&i feats in the peace of Christ's the centre of attfoot ..N(t W.Glenn, position is not only a rednonsible one, but Clinton.
Tere is nothing
About 'a Judge
Except a plug hat and a good coat; whin you come to,
know hi in, in most respects he is very much like other,
men, neither is there anything remarkable about r
price, Ten cents for your choice of a big assortm�
pf.artieles now cents,
in our south window, excep
that the goods offered are a little better than is often
offered you forAhe same amount. When you come to
buy you wilt find therice juste the same as that charg-
ed for oftentimea much inferior goods..
It is a popular window for careful buyers, and always
will be so lou as. weL .continue•to•-au '
g. pPly"it-'wrth-ench .•_ .. .
values as it now contains. SeveralGlaines, Dolls,Wall
Pockets, Knives, Purses, Mirrors, &c, All good value
for the price asked, some cases very^expaptional value.
It will be to ppour and our interest to have you view it.
A Cup and k3aucer is one of its specially. attractive
The W. D. FAIR Cd
T o e o Ve'r
Your Feet
In the best style is our aim.
We carry a stock of Shoes
that is unexcelled in the
County. We have Shoes
that fit all feet and all tastes.
A Shoe that wears is our
To sell you Shoes that are serviceable; at a low price, is our.
business. We have succeeded in pleasing a great number of
customers by selling them superior shoes at a small figure.
A narrow margin of profit is our motto.
Have you tried the Dia-
oy °ee
3 monds on your feet 2
They're all right,
Wm.'Taylor & S"onw
Our Millinery Opening was a big success, our large show room
was crowded to excess with delighted ladies viewing
our superb display of Hats and Bonnets in the newest
shapes and patterns, copies of Paris. and New York de-
signs. Our display shows the genius and skill of our
milliners in giving the finishing touches to their products
Public opinion awarded, us the palm; and that we fully sus-
tained our well earned former reputation for stylish,
wearable, up-to-date Millinery. Now is the time to
choose your Hat or Bonnet, while you have such a
choice assortment to pick from, or if yQu do not see one
trimmed to suit, we will let you do .the choosing and
trim it while you wait; offering you as an inducement
the newest shapes, the largest assortment, the smallest
prices. We would like to see all our old friends as
well as the new.
1 SNAPS r w
I32hi. 10c. Flannelette for
1 line Tweed Dress Goods at - 15e
Ladies' Blk. wool ribbed: Hose 35c for 25e-
Ladies' Plain Black. Hose 30c for - 25c
A 75c Corset for 50c. 90c. Corset forst
2 and 3 ply Factory Yarn - - 45c a The
Men's wool Sox., 2 pairs 25c, 15c, 20c & 2.
it 16 b thin out as a ' a lucrative one also, and it was a com- ��n�• I o
1>risdae; and as we remember in pray- Stanley, who, �a ' J �j �j Q.,. (�! /''"�
th@ bereaved and sorrow -stricken breeder of thtito�llpk 't 66 ,tack home Aliment to Mr Tayior's business ability, �� s • . �.L:1 Y 4X, t✓ t./
lot us listen, to the words; � 'I from town ilia' Yi1l� d',4' a good stook= that be should tendered a position of 0
laird a voice front heaven saying unto waggon buiib.'eiilite X ••£orhim by Greo. this sort, Mt ylor is a son o! W. Tsy-
d, biogsed are the dead which die in Trnwhill {bet tzz exon, Goderich, lar, Esq., of dlinton, and his old friends The Ladies Vavorite Establishment, Clinton ,
to Lem; dveti so with the Spirit, for has coimrbetided !1 place here In violin here will be glad to know that he stands so
s w.,sr fanrwr 01AXIri lrriittrit:"' Indtructidm s high in the baulnew community.