The Clinton New Era, 1897-10-01, Page 7V Q. r, , . ` ID *k, ° ' or 25 Cash, the Clinton New Bora will be sent to new subscribers, to BUTCHER SHOPS. 11 CENTRAL BUTCHER SRO .FORD a TKIIRPHY :are doing business on the cash prino +the b0 tdwill m pits atpthheylowest paying ars s ie P Y g P FORD & MURPHY, CLINTON :I Business Change. 11 , . derelpQd desires to intimate t '01 pie 'of Clinton that he has bough Oq nWhering basi2}.Qss lately conduct ed by'Reid Bros., and will continue th same in the old stand, Baron St,, Clinton ' where by strict attention to the wants o bis customers, he hopes to merit and receive a fair share of patronage. He will sell fo cash only, and at the lowest prices, Chap.J. Wallis, Clinton. CITY BUTCHER,.SHOP )_� I'wish to inform the public that I will not be undersold by any other person in the business. I am a practical butcher; and understand all the branches of the business. We keep the very beat meats, and a fall E 9stock always on band, and will sell at the � . Lowest Cash Prices. Bring along your money, and get the most at the cash price. We will give credit, but not at cash prices. 1Please come Qa'n' dd see what you can do for I r °Cash at �. t R. FITZSIMONS' �.. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. �, , Produce, E change e .6 1, � - - W� Headquarters for all kinds of FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS 9i-7:2-gF ;" W- eahave a choice stock of FEED CCRN [,�� OATS, BARLEY, PEAS, Lte Righest market prioe paid for coarse grain, x taken in exchange, Cash paid for Eggs HILL & JOYNER HURON i ST„ CLINTON. -.. --- . 1. C00KIS I , I Flour & Feed More ISRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. , OIL ASE and MEAL OF. -ALL HINDS. �, .11 I. pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of + Oats, 11 1 . D. COOS,. CLINTON. - BANKS. The 19olsons BaA Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1885 I3•--'-'' CAPITAL - $2,000,000 . REST FUND - $1,400,000 t"; p";HLrA.D OFFICE, MONTREAL. Wm. MonsoN MACPmrKsoN, President F. W°LMRSToN TnowAs. Glen Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts -issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on de- posits. SAvrNos BANK -Interest allowed on sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to harmers on their own note, with one or J more endorsers. No mortgage required H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton k �G. D. M cT AGGART. -� - ;„,r&m. BANKER ALBE ST., CLINTON, ,A. general Banking Business ` ' transacted. 1' NOTES DISCOUNTED V`Mh Drafts issued. Interest allowed on +, deposits. l FARRAN & TISDALL. _.­�, BANKERS, [•"':. CLINTON, ONT. '1 .- ..Advances made to farmers on their own k notes at low rates of interest. a -111R.` ' 4 A general Banking Businees transacted. .11 _111--11.,,, Interest -allowed on deposits, - E Sale Notes ,bought . J. P. TISDALL, Manager, WKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. WARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED orrIaEns. (leo. wptt�Prestddnt, U%rlock P. 4.; James :Zroadfoo loo -Pres„ Seaforth P, O ; W. J. Shannon. ccir.Trbag,k Seaforth P,O.; M. Mardis Inapeator of losses, Seaforth P. O. DrITMO aRS Jas. roadfoot,eaforth, M. Murdle, Son- 'iorth;G66.Dale, Scaforth•Groo. Watt, Harlook; T." Sar forth; Alex. Gardluer, Lead - bury; iY rbutt, Clinton; John McLean, r gippeml'; 11 A0131C e. Thos: Neflans, Harlook• Robt, McMillan, Sear -,,forth, and J. Cumings, Egmondville, Parties desirous to offeot Insurances or tmn- sactothor bnathessrvtll be promptly attended to on application to any of the above ofilcore • adren their respective ofilcos. � -__ * i ton Planing Mill r l' <--r�NA--- . DRY TULN. ' the suboariber, having the very 1aN "Im- :lsrbved machinery and employil the most skilled workmen is able to do wilt in Alis line in the most satisfactory manner, stat reasonable ratan anti on the aborteat no- fioe. A trial solicited. ,VA10TOUY XV,A1t 0. T. 11. STATION I '. CLINTON, s > . waca" 71' 1RcQt'�vX10it�lCl in °� e r ° A LULLASY, 1 Tho (}teat English Vte;uedy, I Six FktakWeeGuamntcodto promptly, and permanently Sleep, gimp 1lLtlepSgean, and fold your Fvi blue i ng% g goon with velvet eyes. to the CUM ala forms of lYcrvous' singing of mother bird swinging, 13wityging In the nest whore her littlnonalieee Werakaaee, Zmb and Indigestion -He Doctored for a Long Time Without Clotting Any Relief i. Worrhea, Impote,wyand an gaectsof Abuse orzvomsm. Away out yonder I see a star, Silvery star with tinkling song. h 3Xgntal Worry. exacasim use To the salt dew failing I hear it calling, Beforeand dJWr. ` ,1w"000, t�riumpr SUmw rants, Calling and tinkling the night along. which soon teed to Zn. 7trmtty, Infantry, OonsumpOon oad an carr, prove. In through a window a moonbeam eomes,. Has been prescribed over 85 years In thousands of Little gold moonbeam with misty wings, cases; is the only ,Reliable and Honest X6diofm kriotm,- Askdragglatfor Wood's Phosphodtnerit All silently cheeping, it asks: "I8 he stooping? Sleeping and dreaming while motheruingsP" hooa'eresome worthless medicine In place of this, a lactase price 1n leEter, and wq will Bond by return Up from the sea there floate the sob O[ LhA waves that are breaking upon the t Price, one package, $!; slz, $b, Ona "'M shore ytk"e` iia wAl 0wv6 Pamphlets frac to any address, Tho Wood Company, As though they are groaning in anguish and Windsor, Out, Oariada. moaning. Bemoaning the ship that shall come no mora, f Soldlin Clinton and everywhere in Can. But pleapp little pigeon, stud fold your Flings, Little bine ada by all responsible druggists. pigeon with puouurnful oyes Am I pot aing}ngi gee, I Inn swinging �������hot twinging the neat where my darling lige. For Twouty�seven Years -1ortland Oregonian. D' NN THE APACHES' HAIR. They Wore It long Because 'Rt Made Thorn Wild. - N CaAa3 Ala with Samson of cid, the Indiana' orably known at hcme but also abroad. In .Wadlay In their long hair, wbioh the rtftrtbV educeted Indiana because, POWDER enumerated some of his ailments and how anything in our line can rely on the very beet of service he was cared, About two years ago,he said, ware as blies hopeted, "it rnado ilrem wild," "my whole digestive apparatus seemed to Cholee'Wiants for spring Bedding. . become disordered. Some days I could move Floral Designs for Weddings or Fanerals , Al} onergies were bent to compel the adult THE COOK'S S BEST FRIEND nrAlge to out tioolr hair and adopt civilized atttr%AD vain, Even the police would not LARGEST SALE IN CANADA, Oscar Their h uniforms Apropositionrso to art their hair from a threatrnres � t ult- Ali orders promptly filled. ed in a mmt}ny. The duties of the poiioo MCLEOD'S we to arrest offenders and to herd the beef System cattle pu rebased for their own coneump- �' Fiationt were Increased REINOVATOR e A worth itwhile to tiro poi}oe to make ,it worth Chair while to think bwloe before leaving the force, AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES and they were informed tient when there SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE w(Re no police to herd the beeves the tribe would go without, That was a different and anti- cles of like nature. Work done ppromppt]T and at reasonable proposltlon. Two members wbo had been For Impure, Weak and Impoverished to school vrere discharged for wearing Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, •Palpata- lom9hair. One old fellow, as a special fa - tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neu- vor, out his hair, but it oast we $6. His ralgia, Lose of Memory, BronobiFis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney, wife made his life is burden, and he in tarn appealed to me to bastion with the and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female irregularities and General Debility rot• $y using rations and otber supplies as a Laboratory, Goderieb, 4�t,_ lever, I Induced a few more to cut, and then I directed the J. M. hl police bo cut theirs or leave the force. Tbey reluctantly Dom. Prop. and MaUoloLeeod, turor piled, but once a000mpllsbed they were Only too eager to oornpol the rest, and they Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON cheerfully under orders arrested and brought to me every educated Indian on the reservation. , There were 20 of Wiese, . Awww ,,-Mmficswm� gorgeous in paint, feathers, long hair, We are now offering our entire stock of Moate and Groceries at Cost. Compare onr prices Pills as effective as before. I had this ad - vantage, my knowledge and belief in the breeobolouts and blankets, educated at -an ills saved'me from coati and tedious ex - g Y perimenting such as I had undergone pre. rog. our reg. our pr/cc prion pAoo price .crnStarah,100.. ?o Coffee 10o..80o expense of thousands of dollars, living in, Laundry,, 100,, fie Lamp Ci}las mach benefit from the use of these pills,and i `100.. 8o loo..5o , 5o ,their brush shelters wilder than any un- �! who are s,affering similarly," 1 Dr William's Pink Pills care by going to i CeSTEYE'N�ONG , Tea ..... 25o..20c Seeds the root of the disease. They renew and 7 build up the blood, and strengthen the not- I Salmon.... i8c. , ilio educated Indian the reservation and yea, thus driving disease from the Bystom, canned CornlOc.. Go 8 lb Sodas..25o..20o 8J lb Onrrants..25o Avoid imitations by insisting that every I box you purchase is enoloped in a v>Irappe bearing the full trade mark, Dr William's. i JAS STEEP & CO.. Clinton Pink Pills for Palo People. i I in fully ae lazyand arnbitionloea Tbe "leav- i �A�� �,�A , i Of from $10,00 to $30,00, according to ability, for I canvassalon ",Qnoon Vioter)a : Her Life and Reign;" actor a trial month on our big 1 commis- Aion. The Diamond Jubilee Is booming this en" had failed to work. The mass ab- wonderful voluble, keeping all hands working early and late. The only Canadian Work accept- l Tho i sorbed tb in and compelled them to back- ale io 61i � Iter 7 lioltur/t���I GG1Gde' ' Ir very I � BRAnius•GAR Etffi'C90N Ca, Ltd, Toronto. Cut. slide: They soon bad a hair out and a suit -THE LEADING -of clothes put on them. The Indian office Issued a peremptory order for all to cut UNDERTAKER male their hair and adopt civilized attire, and In Ed= weeks from the start every In- dian bad been changed into the semblance -AND- of a deoent man, with the warning that confinement at hard labor awaited any EMB�LI�tER• blaaksliders. Thera has been none, and the task of moving tbom upward has been perceptibly easier from the time scissors oiipped oft their wildness, -Outlook. 4 WUGL GINE OF ,- GOODS KEPT in STOCK , Kidney Trouble Cured. - R Well Known Hotel -Keeper Re- Beet Embalming Fiuid used. lates His Experience. ;_:.y - He Suffered Greatly From Kidney Trouble Splendid Hearse and Indigestion -He Doctored for a Long Time Without Clotting Any Relief From the Standard, Cornwall. The march of the world's progress is for - Residence over store oed, protracted and continuous, the com- petition for supremacy is keen. The man of OPPOSITF TOWN HALL business must keep rank if he would secure any covetable measure of 'suceess. The watchfulness, vigilance and thought invol- ved in modern superintendency produces a severe strain on the mental and physical 01,011!.3v K 11t 13 L E„ W O tI powers of modern business men,and exposes _ them to the attacksof certain diseases. Con- 000PICR'S OLD STAND, sidering that much depends upon health in Nex to Commercial Hotel, this struggle, it behooves thosa:would bo vic- This establishment Is in full o• oration and a torious, to guard against the first approach of disease. Neglect of early adjustment of order filled in the most satieiaoto+yy wa tery and granite work a specialty, yis es a 'em" digestive and kidney disorders iv often dig Y reasonable as those of any establishment fraught with dire results, added to thighs 9RALS & 930VBU,Clinton. m the unpardonable trifling�with health by ex- perimenting with all manner of decoctions. ^ It is simplyinvaldable to make the acquaint - �������hot ante of a safe and effective remedy such as William's Pink Palle. J, f Lanc sten, hotel keeper in the village of Lancaster, Dr.BeRM1,11cp b. 1 Glengarry county, has done business for a number of years in Lancaster, and having successfully catered for the patronage of the Trees, Plants, Shrubs. travelling public therefore is not only fav- _ orably known at hcme but also abroad. In This 'old -established and reliable business is conversation with a newspaper reporter he being continued ac usual, and those who want enumerated some of his ailments and how anything in our line can rely on the very beet of service he was cared, About two years ago,he said, "my whole digestive apparatus seemed to Cholee'Wiants for spring Bedding. . become disordered. Some days I could move Floral Designs for Weddings or Fanerals , around, then again 1 would be obliged to go Frail and ornamental Trees SPruM scotch.a.Astraahnn I'tau to bed. I tried several things but with in- different success, Occasionally I felt re- Pr.00e of entire stock very low. , lieved, but in a day or 2 the old_symtoms would return with a more depressing effect - Ali orders promptly filled. This kind of thing went on until I became John Stewart Estate, troubled with my kidneys,which was a very .1 fi;caawlllor annoying addition to my aufierings. r was restless with a sensation of Bickne-se at the atomach,with intermittent pain in the small MAT STAMPING of myback. I was miserable enough when dw. 4 The undereigtoed to prepared to do all kinds of Stamping for Mats, Persian Rugs I oonaulted the doctor, who probably did me some good, because I felt relieved. The and anti- cles of like nature. Work done ppromppt]T and at reasonable doctor's medicine was taken and his direot- ions obeyed, but rates, MRS A.WORT73INc3TON Huron Street. I did not improve. I had heard of the fame of Dr. W illiam'e Pink Pills. Illy wife believed in them and urged me to try tbom. I glad I did so for atter takingono boa I feltIt better, andI ooatit:ned �� 011t taking the pills until I was completely onr- ed. -This year I had an attack of the same i FOR CASH.complaints and IfoundUDr. William's Pink We are now offering our entire stock of Moate and Groceries at Cost. Compare onr prices Pills as effective as before. I had this ad - vantage, my knowledge and belief in the with those you have been peying and see what You oan save by ordering from us. ills saved'me from coati and tedious ex - g Y perimenting such as I had undergone pre. rog. our reg. our pr/cc prion pAoo price .crnStarah,100.. ?o Coffee 10o..80o ( vioaaly. I might farther add that bath , myself and Mrs Macpherson have derived i Laundry,, 100,, fie Lamp Ci}las mach benefit from the use of these pills,and i `100.. 8o loo..5o , 5o I can cordially recommend them to those i Soap.... Soap,, , ... , Go, . , .4o Pickles , ...150, , Tem, .....600.. Teas a6c..25a BtueRlbbon85o. fGo who are s,affering similarly," 1 Dr William's Pink Pills care by going to i . 8a10o Eztraots....100..8o Yeast Cake 10 .8o , Tea ..... 25o..20c Seeds the root of the disease. They renew and 7 build up the blood, and strengthen the not- I Salmon.... i8c. , ilio per pkt.....8o 8,} Ib Raisins.... 260 yea, thus driving disease from the Bystom, canned CornlOc.. Go 8 lb Sodas..25o..20o 8J lb Onrrants..25o Avoid imitations by insisting that every I box you purchase is enoloped in a v>Irappe bearing the full trade mark, Dr William's. i JAS STEEP & CO.. Clinton Pink Pills for Palo People. i I We Will Pay Straight Weekly* Salaries i �A�� �,�A , i Of from $10,00 to $30,00, according to ability, for I canvassalon ",Qnoon Vioter)a : Her Life and Reign;" actor a trial month on our big 1 commis- Aion. The Diamond Jubilee Is booming this For Infants and Childrem l wonderful voluble, keeping all hands working early and late. The only Canadian Work accept- l Tho i ed by tier Mgjoaty.and endorsed by the Royal Fatally. A beautiful big book at a small price; hurry your application. Trim ale io 61i � Iter 7 lioltur/t���I GG1Gde' ' Ir very I � BRAnius•GAR Etffi'C90N Ca, Ltd, Toronto. Cut. � x.� l . ,, ' ` I + } + R:. i,'id i b , r r z 1:eirY` 7r. ,i �L._,..� r. �i�Yr+tr�'�L�t�..s�--•.wc,. r, X, _li. _...112,._; lA.e1��1, r ;; �` Y� - 4 .. .; ,.: y a ^ b. 1 , . . 11 1 ' of January 1898, to any adds ess in", Amer ��� ...........,.. �...,�._ �---- V , , . $ A JOY THAT ENDURES 1 .-- The I1Ia!00Aten%ed '1�Om�,,An. �� .1 A woman who was dissatisfied with herBEATS , ALL I , ' i husband loudly petitioned dove to send Cures Made by Paine's Celery her another. The god listened favorably to her petition acrd Bent her a demigod. In What ? Why the fine steak of Fal! Goode, that has arrived at the E nppr%gglj . Compound are Permanent lass than a week the woman was bewail- DRESS Gi OOLS that will pisses any one for both ! lug her lot again, saying she never oared Linen Towels, grand Mantle Cloth; Ladies' Mi seglandaa ldxn's :,ev0. ' --. for mixed up goods anyhow, and that Men's and Boys' Underclothing of extra good value, Men's Cardigan o.4 While the plod half of her present husband the best value ever shown in the village. One piece of English 'Cotta Tw Recent Testimony of a Lady might be all right the man half snored double fold, regular prise $1, ours ?50; who will'get the snap ? Is it Asp#tl and obewed tobacco. Jove, wearied by her Shoes you want, if 80 this is the place, we are in good shape to supply you,,.. Cured Years Ago SA htrlirored persistency, took back Lire quality and lowest price is our motto, Boys' Lon�p Boots for $1. Perli1.a s g demigod and sent bar a man out of the want eome good Timothy Seed -we can supply "yellow Book" for husband Instead. IIp thousand and one articles that you want. Sigl est prise few Batter and kl e also have a e -- tothe present writing the lady In question Terms Cash, lwR Some years ago Mrs D. O'Connor, of hasn't discovered where she is at, Im- Guelph,1 woral.-Hysterlos and art are only rola- • �,• indioest Ont., suffered from the tole, no se byes by marriage,ADAMS' EMPORIUM, ind he hes , Steeple heart despondency noise -"Fables For the Y'tmos T"., in the hoed, Sleeplessness, despoadeaoy A Wa Lt�NDESBOBtU o j^J and weakness. Her ossa was an axes �'e' y' p' George N o! England prided himea ' tionally serious one, as her troubles had lifbin hie hat to dv been dragging her down for over twent g er! one who 'etrlu t five years. At the time her case quite him pectis, but encs it was dbeerved baffled, the skill of the best declare. q that he bowed to every one on the street (letting wearied with modioai .treatment tali be came too man who- t no a grOBe_ � ��� �� ��� x that gave no promising results, she was mg' �vi1O9° he used without notice, F[a fortunately directed to that life saver, explained the matter afterward, when11 Palne's Celery Compound, and like thous- points °f °tiqueble caste under disousaion, Those who do not need not read this, but to those who do I would say that ands before her, she found s new life. Mrs by saying' I have jest received a fresh supply of goods for pickling purposes, such as, O'Connor was recently asked the question, To salutes beggar wttbout grlvapg hi'm Vinegar, from Wilson, of Toronto, who as the reputation of being one of ,. eoraethang would be a mvakko p - What is your present opinion of Paine's .top for Che purpose of be.0ow °�`' anti to the most reliable manufacturers in Canada, and Spices, as the sate bills say, . i ,'t' Celery Compound?" She answers as � eYapanoe too numerous to mention, but all of first quality and right prices. follows: LIQ weer ttie semblance of os/antafiou 'r, In reply to your communication re- to a ' "' °bad`%� Q ABOUT OTTrii �T,1 / garding Paina'a Celery Compound, would F up say that I cheerfully recommend it to any Have you tried us for that refreshing beverage? If not it will be to your :'�+we one afflicted as I was, I did for me all , advantage to do so, "SALADA," to be had fromwus only, you will find the �`- that was required. My advice to every Scrofula is a word you best value in town. 'Our sales of this tea increase monthly, ,l one I come in contact with is, Always dOn t ate understand, hilt if 11UGlAR-Redpath Granulated Sugar is the only kind we sell, and for that you keep a bottle of Paine'a Celery Compound will find our prices right. Fruit Gems as cheap as any. Our Motto: "Quality Fuet " in the house.' Several people have used it y011 talk with your doctor, y , +1. on my recommendation and have been ,� �i%11t5e r ` benefitted. You can use these lines in he will tell you that It IS • q Central Grocery. Phone 40. " ,i any way you desire." ,i generally believed to be due .t to the same cause which Mill[- 11dllk should always be sipped slowly, so gins rise t0 Consumption. that, on reach the stomach, 1t will be It appears mostly In those Iffun�� In the form of a sponge, through which the gastric juice can perform' fie suttee who are fat -starved and thin,°4` be11. bol ly. For dysf mils the milk of Me Man"s �eh �� �S+be boiled. Cason of inaarmmatian of Che usually In early 1110. AS.s, stomach have been oared by living on C011rSe Of treatment Of Scott's. . . . . `�'f�..,,, bread and milk alone for a time. The ad- dition of a little lime water makes it still Is something good to eat. If you occasionally feel that you �" better.-13ousewCliQ�� Is with the Hypo- would like some to appease your appetite, ` What �� phosites wherever Scrofula try some of the following . r+Y A young man once called upon Travers, manifests itself, will prevent `i k.easas va any G. = Heinz's Sweet Pickles, 35c a quart, ` , ttre veteran 1Va1f street operator, and said: the devel0 meat Of the diS- � kY' "Mr. Travers I have $80,000 in bank, P Heinz's Beans in Tomato Sauce, Blue Label Catsup,,. which I obtirined 6p mortgaging my ease, Let U5 send Cu a o." house. As you know all about steaks I 1.�� y Potted 1lleats� -Ham, Chicken; Partridge, .&c. p,: have called to ask what I shall buy.',book. Free. ,t Travers eyed him with that well known r F "` uizzical look of his and stuttered SCOTT & DOWA-F, edkvlll., oat- Every delicacy the market affords, at lowest possible prices, `�' q The up-to-date Grocery is � ��; "B -b -bay th-th' mortgage." �nj. +a } In the Game F>=- i' �'� VV co k`4 OGLE COOPED, ., Phone. 23, Typewriter -I am rtipld enough and Flt andoretand business forme all right, but I A. a - , o -J ,�, must admit that I cannot spell. l,¢t , a4s,, Business Man -You won't do, then, A /���+ It pays to advertise fame only. Anything that can be proven Idfpll �,, even at the price I can't spell either.- MV t7 fact, We substantiate and prove all we advertise. ' Indianapolis Journal. Q U A N T TY ° We have the largest stock or Furniture One of the ohemiSt. f• t Chi CURE in this county to choose from. .pJ" cage ani- ii+ r. varsity ease the oasentfa-food elements of BILIOUSi�ESS QUALITY Our goods cannot be surpassed for design, workmanship �1. a 1,200 pound steer can be placed in an flnish. Remember we do not handle any slop work. Exam ordinary,pSll baa; COIYJTII�HTID� ane other goods then see ogre and you will be convinced that what we tell you is right �`11 " If a strip of webbing two inches wide Is CONSTIPATION H PRICES Our prices are away down. We have the name of selling Furniture 4 t sewed tightly, on. the underside of a rug SICK HEADACHEcheaper than any other firm in this section, and we are bound to re p ,, �a to the edge, It wW prevent the curl tain our reputation. Don't buy furniture till you get our pricer li AND ALL LIVER TROUBLES UNDERTAKING. ; s. ,, AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, In this department we carry a complete Stock. We give a service that cannot +r be surpassed by any, and our charges are as low as the lowest, Our bza=ee ,1,s and if a stronger action is and outfit is undoubtedly the finest in the county. l`? 3OOD BLOOD AND SOUND MUS- -desired a cathartic effect is produced +- CLES. . by two pills. In obstinate cases, BROADFOOT BOX.&CO.J. w. Chidley Scott's Emulsion is a blood -making and where a purgative is necessary, three Manager Arength•producing food. It ramoves that pills will be found suffrcj6nt. These P S, -Night end Sunday calls attended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Funeral li' Director) residence. +., ;, ; 'eeling of utter helplessness which takes pills leave no unpleas,A: t after effect. j�:,, �osecsaion of one when suffering from gen- One 111 taken each night during , ..41 . wal debility. P g g 'j,; .''`"lr thirty days will cure constipation. s±±.,+,; .ayes sea. ea a fan .,.oq THE BEST ', NOW THEY DOft'T 8PtiAK. AGENTS SELL "KLONDIIiE GOLD FLELDS" I ` Likes whirlwind. Experienced canvassers ° A Lfttlo Mistake In Friendly Adtvme reaping the richest harvest of their lives now � Cavaed all the TronU6e. beginners doing wonders. Nearly everyiiody i-r� �-•1 •t- Y eabscribee. One young man on a farm at 812 nPH /`- jj j�-_J `Hj "Don't you and Agnes speak bo eaoh month is making alb. A lady type -writer at as . other nowt" asked the prettier girl of the a week is clearing $11. A mechanic who had .---- two as a third maiden swept lndlgnantly earned $1.50 a day is olearinq &5 a day. We ' „ want more agents. Canvassing .outfit 25cts., past them. And, by the.way, she wasn't worth $1. The BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., ARE , at the Waitell's dance, was sbei" Limited, Toronto, Ont. TAKEN BY The other girl smiled repressedly and ; Mrow a forgiving glance after the retreat- Wanted ` i aw In11 ,Mi g attars' Men and Women who can work hard talk- : RACE F CJ S rI' R No," she said demurely, "pad that's ing and writing six hours daily for six doss n why we don't Speak. She blames me for woek and will be content wit ton dollars . ,,. having to stay away. I never do a really woettiy. Address, kind action but somebody tartan against NEW IDEAS Go., Medical Blinding, Toronto + a; me." " ,11 i LR; "What did you do for Agnes?" inquired the pretty girl keenly.' "Did you land her ,`.'t that awful purple waist of yours, or"- "No,"was the quiet res�onee. "I didn't, rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrt rrr rrr Tri tri rrr rrr rrr rrr Tri Tri rrr r ' - but she had such a bad cold tits day of the rrrrrrrr dance that her noes was awfully red, and av [ was so sorry For her. I bold 'her that dlo-o -` . .11 "r grandma always cured me when I was db- a a Iikc tbat with a Sat footbath. It leaves �^-- A Bicycle Like a Friend, �... c1. } poor face just lovely and,whits, you know. � = w1 Bo I went home with Agnes and fixed the I"- -„4' ;!. bath ready for bar, and she said she eould r- x iust feel her Dose getting whiter. So she � •. % r , ,t t� 'i kept liar feet 1n the weber for an flour. It fir" did her lots of good, but thorol She ei1- d► - ways was ungrateful anyway. The neat _, fay she wouldn't speak to ma" r --+1 „Why?" queries %be pretty qkq otnions- '"w '� iy. "What did you do to her?" •1-- -�' '+j "Notb}ng," responded tbo other girl, � ," l more demurely than ever. "It was what j "�► [ didn't do that made her mad. You ase r_ ~'W , [ forgot to tell bar that ImueMrd water' al- 00 " i'l avays blisters tender feet i'f you keep them w n just a mite too long, and Abe didn't go r -'�` i ;o the dance because her foot were so sore �_ cy the time she took them out that she � ' : wuldn't get even liar bedroom slippers al -- m. And now she blames me bemuse bar 4- 1 .. t f akin Is eo son RIM ve "-1^7ew York Preee !-- Looss clothes and downy oushiona bring , �r r ' ,uly a negative sort of comfort to the wo- dl -- wan who is suffering with some disease, or �- V =" erangement of'ahe"argane diiitinotip fee- r- Should be well-chosen. Many people nine, Some clothes end some positions = choose the ='` risks the pain and tbo discomfort seem �-- ass. Perhaps the nerves are most affected r + �9., rad ^ibis in turn disturbs the digestion. r , nothing will over so completely relieve as - evelan to - �� � radical cure. The start of so-called 'female complaints" may be a Wry allt► hang' indeed. It may be that is the Co.'b` ;itliiilig some small hygienic measures v; Ula stop the trouble. Clortainly at this dW -,i:;.,' line a little bit of the right medicine would 40 A t 1top it; ,When the trouble becomes worse", � Because It is the most"reliable and the I' k' t #it harder to oare,bat still it can be otlred. . )rlxl cu a Favorite Prescription Ithion wilt poo. �►-� easiest running o£ al.l wheels t ': t%ve1;Y euro any trouble of phis 0hartoter, :t;msy be absolutely relied 'Upon. It affordsAm- . atins relief e t woman whose natural 'A - 1I. A. LOrZIER & Wig - W. COOPER & CO. nodesty has kept her from oonaalbing a y f thysioiap Send 81 Dents in one sent stamps �„-, Toronto,. Agents, Clinton o Wofrldfs Dispensary Medical Association ,NI...- . 3ttffa 'o, N, 3Z„ and resolve Dr Pieroe's 1008 �' age 'Common Sense Modiaal Adviser," �"'" 611W 1 ]111 +; 1.)roi dbl$r illustrated.��tit W���W�1W1W ���11���!!\������`it W��W,t A M �� ".:. ,. �� .rx _ 'ria l ♦i,1:Y illy,.- 'r. I » - - #i S ; ` r., , _ . _.w` a s , - .ur,1 1 stJl irsd a ri iyi3iitii t►..